TF2: 101 Facts You (Maybe) Didn't Know!

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Did you know that TF2 was one of the first games  ever with official virtual reality support? Valve added VR mode to the game  all the way back in 2013 to work   with the then still in development Oculus Rift. The most expensive TF2 item ever sold is around   $30,000. This includes $28,000  real dollars direct via Paypal. In the extremely early second trailer released  for the game, most of the classes are given what   appear to be official catchphrases or mottos,  with Engie's being: "I like to make things",  Sniper's being "Pink clouds of death", and Scout's "Too. Much. Caffeine". In the early stages of TF2's design the art  style was at one point planned to be claymation,   with characters exploding into  clumps of clay upon death,   before these plans were scrapped and the  so-called painterly look was settled on. Despite their visual sizes characters do NOT  have different weights, although Heavy does   have a personal hidden stat of 50% knockback  resistance. But otherwise Scout, Soldier and   everyone else are all influenced by knockback  sources like airblast the exact same amount. In the Meet the Heavy video we see writing  on Heavy's bullets that says "Super Caliber   Fragile Ballistic", an apparent reference to Mary  Poppins's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. And   yes I can say that really long Welsh  town name, which I will at the end. You might know that TF2 originally released as  part of a game collection called The Orange Box on   PC, but did you know that it also simultaneously  launched on Xbox 360 and a month later on PS3? And believe it or not the game  remains in the top five highest   rated Xbox 360 games of all time on  review aggregation site Metacritic. Sniper's voice actor is married to  Administrator's voice actor in real life. "Fortress" is actually a code name for  our particular group of mercenaries.   "Team Fortress" in effect means "a team  whose name is Fortress". In the comics   we also hear about a Team Vanguard,  a Team Echelon and A Team Citadel. All bullet based weapons can  destroy laid stickies but so   can Pyro's secondary weapons like  the Detonator and The Scorch Shot. TF2 has experienced many bizarre glitches over the  years, like for a couple of hours it was possible   to paint a certain weapon: The Cow Mangler. At  least six painted Cow Manglers still exist today. There's another glitch, albeit  more of an exploit, that allowed   a player to create for themselves  a completely one-of-a-kind weapon:   The Deflector. Whilst this is visually identical  to the Heavy's minigun it is actually a weapon   with its entirely own stats otherwise  only available to the robots in MVM mode. The weirdest glitched item however that  I've ever seen is the "Team Fortress   2 - Upgrade to Premium". Now this is not  the regular premium upgrade which looks   like this. It doesn't even have the  same name, it's not the same picture,   and only one of this particular thing is known  to exist, and no one quite knows how it happened. TF2 wasn't always free to  play and it actually cost   $20 on Steam for the first four years of its life. When the game went free to play in 2011 its  players increased by a factor of five. In   other words: if TF2 had 20,000 players, that  grew to 100,000 players practically overnight. You definitely know that TF2 is a bot problem,   but did you know that this problem is so  extreme that it actually significantly   skews TF2's data that we literally don't  know how many real players the game has? With that said TF2's peak player account  is over 250,000 concurrent players,   which was reached in July 2023 - over 15 years  after its initial release. Regardless of the   debate about exactly how many of those players  might be bots, TF2 remains incredibly popular   despite its advanced age in a landscape of  otherwise regularly dying live service games. Sniper is not Australian, he's  actually from New Zealand,   which in the Team Fortress Universe exists at  the bottom of the ocean in a giant glass dome. MVM Uber canteens effect Engineer's sentry  gun. Whilst they don't make it invincible,   they do grant 90% damage reduction. The space age Dr Grordbort weapons were actually  created in partnership with WETA Workshop, perhaps   best known for their special effects work on the  Lord of the Rings films, who in turn partnered   with concept designer Greg Broadmore who created  the Dr Grordort universe. As a result, many   of the Dr Grordbort guns exist physically in real  life as incredibly high quality replica models. The most viewed TF2 video ever is Rise of the Epic  Scout by crash Maul with over 91 million views. Canonically, Spy is all but  confirmed as Scout's father,   even going so far as to address him  as "son" in a near-death experience. You can technically detonate stickies one by  one. Lay all 8, and then simply fire! Your   first laid sticky will now explode - not get  deleted - but actually detonate doing damage,   just as if you had manually selected  that one and only that one to blow up. There are over 3,000 unique items in Team  Fortress 2 and this number is constantly   growing as tens of new community contributed  items are still added multiple times a year. Of those items, at least 1,400 are community  contributed, meaning that they were made by   a TF2 fan like you or me and then they were  officially selected to be added to the game. The original Team Fortress game was  a mod for Quake all the way back in   1996. Valve saw the mod and liked it so  much that they employed the entirety of   the then Australian development team  and moved them over to America to work   on a version of Team Fortress in the  then in development Life-Life engine. This means that Team Fortress 2 is actually  the fourth official Team Fortress game. There   was the Quake mod, then there was Team  Fortress on the Life-Life engine which   is today known as Team Fortress Classic, but  then the original TF2 was a game called TF2:   Brotherhood of Arms which never released.  They went back to the drawing board and   then finally in 2007 they released  the version of TF2 that we know today. Despite no direct esports support from Valve,  TF2 has always had - and continues to have - a   thriving competitive scene run by the community,  with multiple leagues and divisions running in   every region, still actively, such as Oz Fortress,  RGL and ETF2L which alone is in its 47th season! The Administrator, the omnipresent  commanding voice in game and the   old woman pulling the strings in the  official story, is at least 150 years old. The reason demo man's default grenade launcher  has six chambers is because it originally held   six grenades in a clip before being reduced to  four. The model was never updated to reflect this. The Team Fortress developers once created  a one one-of-a-kind hat for Notch,   the creator of Minecraf,t after  what was essentially a joke on   Twitter about no one believing who  he was when he was playing the game. There are actually multiple one-of a  kind items in addition to the Top Notch:   three of these were rewards for a contest in  2010, three of them are special temporary hats   with a very unique mechanic of automatically  changing player every single day, and there's   even a set of hats awarded to winners of a DotA  2 Beta tournament in 2011 which may technically   be zero-of-a-kind as these players never  appear to have opened their TF2 backpacks. Robin Walker, one of TF2's original lead  developers shipped over from Australia,   has gone on to have a very successful career   at Valve and he was one of the  project leads on Half-Life: Alyx. Many former top TF2 players and competitive  commentators have gone on to lead successful   careers often in the professional esports  world, such as Bren and Sideshow in VALORANT,   and super in Overwatch who won both the World Cup  and the yearly Championship twice with his team. Some of TF2's most in-depth character lore  comes from two unlikely places: a never released   set of official trading cards and the back  of their official NECA action figure boxes. It's in these sources that we learn that Medic  apparently has no formal medical training,   however in the Meet in the Medic short he  talks about losing his medical license...   This has led to some confusion over whether  he really is a doctor or simply just a "Mr."   as he is referred to by the Devil  when he meets him in the comics. What's even more confusing however is the truth  about Demoman's parents, whose trading card,   action figure box and website blurb  all directly contradict how they died.   And on top of this, his very much alive  mother features prominently in the comics,   so it remains unclear just exactly which  version of the story is the realest. Random crits are not actually random: the  more damage you do, the more likely you   are to deal a crit. And melee weapons have an  even higher chance to deal random crits again,   with the max damage multiplier taking  your melee crit percentage up to 60%! In addition to critical hits there are also  critical heals, although these aren't random   at all. Instead heals get exponentially faster  the more time has passed since the heal target   has received damage, with heal rate actually  being three times faster after 25 seconds. The wave on the rescue Ranger will grow and shrink  relative to how much metal the player is carrying. We know about a lot of in-development and  cut game content from simply looking at the   game files. For example, MVM at one point  had a blimp or an airship in development,   there was an entire major update called  the Engie vs Spy update that never ended   up getting released, and there was  even an additional building for the   Engineer called the Repair Node which allowed  engineer to repair his buildings remotely. Valve have released, completely for free,  the movie making software used to create   the Meet the Team shorts called Source  Filmmaker. The community has used this   software to create a near endless  amount of incredible short films. Pyro's gender, race, or even species has  never been officially revealed and is often   teased as female, and sometimes  teased as not even being human. You probably know that some characters  are slow walkers and some are fast,   but did you know that there are actually five  different move speeds? Pyro, Engineer and Sniper   all move at standard speed: 100%. Spy and Medic  move slightly faster at 107%. Demoan slightly   slower at 93%. Soldier slower again at 80%,  and Heavy of course the slowest of all at 77%. Medic can actually assist his own  death by healing an enemy Spy. The Box Trot for spy has Japanese writing on it.   This text roughly translates  to "the Spy is in this box." There have been over 750  individual TF2 updates released. Many of the playable characters voice actors  have been, and remain, active in the community,   collaborating with YouTubers like Shork,   and have even recreated many famous  SFM videos in real life skits. Abraham Lincoln is a surprisingly frequent  Team Fortress Universe side character: implied   as being the original RED team Pyro, and even  credited with inventing the staircase in 1857. Disguising a Spy does NOT change your  hitbox to the class your disguised as,   but you can use that to your advantage as  certain classes like the Scout and Heavy's   heads are in completely different position  to Spy's; where your hit boxes actually are. Including all taunt, weapon and  cosmetic unusuals there are now   over 400 different unusual effects in the game. TF2 was one of the first ever Steam  games with official Mac OS support,   releasing just one month  after Steam itself on Mac. There is an officially endorsed TF2 mod  for the virtual reality game Hot Dogs,   Horseshoes and Hand Grenades called Meat  Fortress which is active to this day,   in which you can play a relatively  accurate full Recreation of TF2 in VR. A wet spy is a visible Spy. This includes  Jarate, Mad Milk and even bleed effects   such as those applied by the Tribalman's Shiv,  but it also includes water. Regular old water.   So if you're on a water map as Spy and go  swimming, just remember to dry off first. Unlike in a lot of modern shooter games,  reloads are 100% interruptable by shooting   in Team Fortress 2; no matter what stage of the  reload you are at, meaning that there's almost   no reason to not enable the auto reload  setting unless you find it distracting. There are 12 different item qualities in the game;   that's the technical name for why certain items  have different colours. You all know Normal,   Strange and Unusual but did you know about  Haunted, Community and even Valve quality? Valve quality weapons are very special  developer weapons which only Valve   staff can use in game, such as the Valve  Rocket Launcher whose stats are this. Yep,   that isn't edited! And Valve  devs even occasionally pull   out these items in charity tournaments  to show that yes, they really are real. TF2 developers officially cite  Studio Ghibli's Miyazaki as a   source of inspiration for certain techniques  used when creating the in-game textures. In the past, TF2 community members  made ENTIRE updates themselves,   not just the in-game content submitted  to the workshop. But fully organized and   coordinated all the content, and even  created the elaborate website update   pages. Such updates include the Robot  Boogaloo, End of the Line and Invasion. Despite being one of the main characters  in the comics, there's almost zero lore   ever revealed about Miss Pauling. No first  name, no age; basically nothing. We know   even more about the super mysterious  Administrator than we do Miss Pauling. An enemy Spy disguised as a Spy  will always be wearing a disguise,   so if you see an undisguised friendly Spy  they are 100% guaranteed to be a friendly. And similarly, if an enemy Spy is disguised as a  class who no one on your team is actively playing,   the game will pick a random player's name  to copy but that Spy will have no load out;   so always be especially careful around  teammates with fully default items equipped. A game with as many items as TF2 obviously has  plenty of pop culture references, such as the Dr   Whoa representing Matt Smith's Doctor Who bowtie;  the Starboard Crusader a nod to Jojo's Bizarre   Adventure; and the Plumber's Cap definitely  not related to any lawsuit happy Japanese   video game giant. My personal favorite however  is Your Eternal Reward being a reference to   Disney's Aladdin. Yes, the one and only Disney's  Aladdin I don't know what you're talking about. TF2 can be credited with popularizing a lot  of now extremely common game mechanics such   as cosmetic items in non-cosmetic based  games like shooters, the general idea of   substantially different classes in shooters, and  - as much as it pains me to admit it - loot boxes.   TF2 was even one of the earliest shooter  games to feature regular collaborations   with other developers' games in the form  of crossover items, so take that Fortnite! Over the years the TF2 Community  has raised hundreds of thousands of   dollars for charities and continues  to do so, with the long running but   now retired Tip of the Hats charity  event alone raising over $1.3 million. Valve themselves have also contributed to charity  directly, such as by granting many cancer patients   Make a Wish wishes over the years, including  creating a special 101st Golden Wrench, and   even creating one-of-a-kind impossible unusuals  like the DOUBLE unusual Spine Chilling Skull. And many community charity events continue to  run to this day, such as the TF2Maps 72-hour   Jam. PineappleTF's custom MVM operations,  and the TFConnect charity variety show. There's a hidden portrait in the  Mann Manor which appears to show   the Administrator or a relative in a  somewhat amorous pose. The portrait   being hidden away suggests it might have  belonged to the house's previous owner:   Zephaniah Mann. What this means or doesn't mean  for their relationship is open to interpretation. The Sentry Gun's beeps actually  represent its current level. Moby Francke, the original  art lead on Team Fortress 2,   went on to be art director  on Riot Games' VALORANT. The Original is called the Original because  it is based on the rocket launcher from Quake,   the original game upon which  Team Fortress is based. Similarly, the Classic is called the  Classic because it is mechanically   similar to the Sniper's primary  weapon in Team Fortress Classic. Teufort is the name of the town  where TF2's events actually play out. You can extinguish teammates on  fire with the Sydney Sleeper. All of Heavy's miniguns have official  names. The default minigun is named Sasha,   the Brass Beast is named Oksana the Hulong  Heater is named Sheil, and the Tomislav's   name is Svetlana. Interestingly Natasha has a  different Slavic name in the game files: Ludmila. A form of cheating called idling was once so  rampant in TF2 that Valve actually decided it   was easier to reward players who DIDN'T cheat  than it was to punish all the players who were. There are near countless TF2 cameos in other  completely independent games and franchises,   like Heavy playing poker in Poker Night,   the Scout in Fall Guys, and Pyro  in SEGA's answer to Mario Kart. TF2's very first lore release included this  torn-up family photo. Despite 15 years having   passed, the person cut off in the picture has  still never been officially revealed. While   some people think it must be Gray Mann,  this would directly contradict Redmond   and Blutarch not knowing who Gray is in  The Blood Brothers comic. Either way,   Valve has only ever revealed two sides of  the photo, but the middle remains a mystery. The payload moves increasingly faster  with 1, 2 or 3 players pushing it,   but not any more. So if there are 3 or 33  players pushing; it's still going the same speed. Valve once accidentally released a bug to the  game that gave unusuals a 100% unbox rate,   completely crushing the in-game  market for a weekend. For context,   the intended unusual unbox rate is less than 1%. How the community have voted or played the game  has directly influenced what updates later got   released to the game. For example, the Gunboats  were given to the winner of the Soldier vs Demoman   War, meaning there's a reality where Demoman  was the one with the improved blast jumping   tools all these years. There's also the Heavy vs  Pyro War dictating an entire future update which   ended up being Jungle Inferno. Meaning there  is another reality where Heavy wins and we're   all here playing with the hypothetical Siberian  Jungle update as our latest Valve-made memory. The coordinates Administrator tells  Pauling to meet her at in the comic   Old Wounds are real and lead to a spot  in the New Mexico mountains known as   the Organ Needle. New Mexico  is the state where TF2 is set. Blast jumping as Soldier or Demoman mechanics  are so complex that they are effectively a game   in their own right, with thousands of community  created assault course maps specifically designed   for jumping through. There's even a bunch  of hidden mechanics uniquely useful for jump   courses like c-tapping, pogos, synncing,  speed shots, edge bugging and even more. Despite a lack of updates, no official end  to development has ever been announced. There's a special non-obtainable-from-unboxing  unusual effect called Community Sparkle reserved   only for a small handful of niche use cases,   most commonly by creating an item  which Valve select to add to the game. One item that can still be obtained with the  Community Sparkle effect is the Wiki Cap:   a unique hat awarded to dedicated contributors   of the game's official wiki. I  think that's pretty damn cool! There are official concept designs of  female mercs released by Valve artist   Drew Wolf. These as of yet have not been  developed into official playable characters. We know many of the names of the  mercs themselves: Scout is Jeremy,   Demo is Tavish Finnegan DeGroot, Heavy is Mikhail,  Engineer is Dell Conagher, Medic is Mr Ludwig,   Sniper is Mun-dee Mundy, and Soldier appears  to be legally named Sergeant Jane Doe. An Engineer's Sentry will damage him. This can  be used by a crafty Spy to lure an Engineer into   suicide. But a skilled Engineer with the Wrangler  can use this to his advantage and actually shoot   himself in a similar way to a Soldier or  Demoman, pulling off some insane tricks. There was a time where certain hats actually  changed your stats. There was even a couple   of combos where a hat - which could be bought  on the in-game - store would purely buff your   stats with no downsides, making their use arguably  pay-to-win. This mechanic was eventually removed. The official PASS Time game mode wasn't  originally developed by Valve but by   Bad Robot; the production company of  filmmaker JJ Abrams. Abrams and Valve   originally talked about developing both  Portal and Half-Life movies all the way   back in 2013. At the time of recording,  we're still waiting on those projects. Demoman only has one eye because his eye socket is  haunted after an incident featuring the Halloween   book the Bombinomicon. Medic has actually  healed and returned the Demoman's eye to full   health multiple times, but due to the haunting  of the eye socket, something always goes awry. Source Engine bunnyhopping does exist in TF2  but requires extremely precise timing. And   it's not just for fun; it does have some  genuinely practical applications. Like,   perfect b-hops after landing with a  Market Gardener allow you to crit any   time after you land... as long as you  continue pulling off perfect b-hops. TF2 used to have a public beta version of the  game alongside the live game between 2010 and   2013. Some updates tested in this public beta  before making it to the real game were the   splitting of The Equalizer into two weapons, and  some brand new weapons were even revealed there   such as the Overdose or the Solemn Vow. There  are of course some weapons that were tested   in the beta that never made it to the real  game, such as the idea of "pocket" weapons:   items which got a crit boost when  the Medic healing you was killed. Due to rules around showing blood in media  in Germany, all the German Meet the Team   videos are edited to show the characters  exploding into scraps of metal instead. There is a lore based explanation  for why the teams are fighting:   they are both employed by Redmond and Blutarch  Mann to try and beat the other brother,   and consequently win the gravel contained within  the land they're fighting on. The lore doesn't   try to explain respawns or how there are  apparently multiple clones on both sides. The promotional hat from buying  the TF2 official chess set - The   Grandmaster - has a unique built-in  killstreak mechanic added to the game   before regular killstreak kits even  existed. The chess piece hologram it   displays on top will react and increase in rank  depending on the player's current killstreak. Reloading a Spy will actually reload your  disguise's weapon. You can even use the "reuse   last disguise" bind to switch your disguise's  weapon to your current weapon slot. For example,   when you disguise as Engineer you'll be holding  his shotgun, but if you then switch to your knife   and press your "last disguise" bind ("b" by  default) your Engineer disguise will now be   holding out his wrench... A potentially very  useful tool for really selling your disguise. There are official maps and even game modes which   have been completely retired with no  apparent explanation. For example,   the Robot Destruction and Arena modes - the  latter of which was added all the way back   in 2008 - are no longer available in official  playlists outside of seasonal community maps. There are several unused conditions still  in the game which you can easily apply to   yourself in a server with sv_cheats enabled,  such as literally transforming into a dispenser   when you crouch... I wonder what exactly  was being tested when they added this! Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch [Music] [Music]
Channel: Casperr
Views: 174,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2 gameplay, team fortress 2 gameplay, let's play team fortress 2, tf2 facts, tf2 trivia, gaming facts, gaming trivia, tf2 tips, tf2 funny, tf2 edit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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