Living in The Last Days | Pr. Randy Skeete | Houston International SDA Church (Part 6)

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many are inquiring how am i to make the surrender of myself to god you desire to give yourself to him but you are weak in moral power in slavery to doubt and controlled by the habits of your life of sin your promises and resolutions are like ropes of sand you cannot control your thoughts your impulses your affections the knowledge of your broken promises and forfeited pledges weakens your confidence in your own sincerity and causes you to feel that god cannot accept you but you need not despair what you need to understand is the true force of the will this is the governing power in the nature of man the power of decision or of choice everything depends on the right action of the will the power of choice god has given to men it is theirs to exercise you cannot change your heart you cannot of yourself give to god its affections but you can choose to serve him you can give him your will he will then work in you to will and to do according to his good pleasure thus your whole nature will be brought under the control of the spirit of christ your affections will be centered on him your thoughts will be in harmony with him desires for goodness and holiness are right as far as they go but if you stop here they will avail nothing many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be christians they do not come to the point of yielding the will to god they do not now choose to serve him through the right exercise of the will an entire change may be made in your life by yielding up the will to christ you ally yourself with the power that is above all principalities and powers you will have strength from above to hold you steadfast and thus through constant surrender to christ you will be unable to live the new life even the life of faith steps to christ page 47 paragraphs one and two page 48 paragraph one i thank god for the gift of life and for the tremendous honor of being asked to speak for him it would be an honor to speak for your head of state if you're in england boris johnson if you're in japan prime minister suga if you're united states joe biden but to be asked to speak for god is a tremendous honor and i recognize that and i thank god and i will try with my limited abilities but mingled with the power of god to represent him a right by presenting to you thus saith the lord it may not be what you want to hear but it will certainly be what you need you know sometimes when i go to the dentist and he needs to do something he hides the needle from me because the needle is this long you understand some people they try to hide from the word of god but that's exactly what you need because this will set you free john 8 32 john 8 36 and the only thing it will free you from is bondage to sin and bondage to error wherever you are thank you for joining us we are almost at the end of two weeks of revival here at the houston international sda church or seventh day adventist church in houston texas our first week was by pastor cerns who is elsewhere serving the lord now and i am your humble servant randy ski the visiting evangelist with responsibility for the second week and we end tomorrow so we hope after god blesses you tonight you will come back for more of a spiritual feast may god bless whatever country you're in i don't know what they are but god knows and god is right where you are with you please don't doubt that if your children are with you may the lord specially bless those little boys and little girls let me address any visitors who may be watching we're grateful for your presence and may the lord bless you i say that with great sincerity may the lord bless you we're always honoring the seventh of the adventists to have guests among us in the building or via this format of worshiping god so thank you very much for joining us i have some significant information to give you tonight but also quite simple the gospel of god is as simple as abc it really really is but for some reason or reasons best known to god people try to make it difficult but the gospel of god is as simple as abc after the service tonight there will be a zoom meeting during which i will be able to interact with you you can ask questions then tomorrow we hope you will come if you've made up your mind to follow christ perhaps you're at the point where you need to be baptized you'll come tomorrow if you're in the area so that we can interact face to face but remember tonight immediately after the sermon there will be a zoom interaction and i hope you will stay for that tomorrow for those in this area i'll be here to meet with you either before or after the service so that we can talk and perhaps answer any questions or address any concerns you may have the devil will try to present you with all kinds of reasons why you should not give your life to jesus ignore all of them and concentrate your mind on surrendering your life to god your life belongs to god on two basis one creation two the redemption of jesus christ so i hope to see you tonight and tomorrow our subject for this evening steps to christ very simple steps to christ before i get into that message as always i ask you to do three little favors for me they are not burdensome one wherever you are try to preserve reverence god does not change because of physical location or electronic format god is god under all circumstances let's give him the reference that he deserves favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth i need that help the more you pray the more power the bible says you know ten or five will put a hundred to flight ten will put ten thousand to fly so if you pray for me god will answer your prayer and i will benefit from that answered prayer and that request is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9. then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth i will keep my words to myself and give you insofar as i can thus saith the lord favor number three think as you listen don't just sit there mechanically or stand wherever you are think be active interact as you listen to the words from god let's borrow heads now and pray father in heaven in heaven means the place of universal control and power our father which art in heaven not the white house father not the kremlin not number 10 downing street or wherever the earthly centers of power exist our father which art in heaven we come to you because you've invited us to come boldly to the throne of grace we come we ask immediately god accept our thanks for life and forgive our sins our only problem their god is sin forgive us father it's your joy to forgive that's why jesus died i present myself to you god my burden it's a heavy burden to preach the words of life and i am a sinner i'm weak you be my strength you'll be my voice you'll be my power to god don't just give me power father you be my power touch everyone listening father because you love them and you want them saved be particularly close to that man who has been struggling with the decision to come to you or that woman that boy that girl unleash your spirit upon them in love that the spirit will bring them to the point of surrender because rendering to god is a life-saving act now father we thank you for the restoration of electricity in houston and other parts of texas fix the water problem they got through human agents father that is suffering may come to an end but we thank you for life now god i commit this service to your glory speak through me take all the glory to god but give us what we need so urgently and that is the blessings in jesus name we pray amen our subject for this evening steps to christ go with me to nehemiah the book of nehemiah we shall focus on chapter two reading from verse one the book nehemiah and i read from the king james version of the bible nehemiah chapter 2 reading from verse 1 and it came to pass in the month nissan in the 20th year of artaxerxes the king that wine was before him and i took up the wine and gave it unto the king now i had not been before time sad in his presence wherefore the king said unto me why are those sad now nehemiah wants xerxes wants to know why is nehemiah looking so sad because the verse one ends with i had not been before time sad in his presence at arthur xerxes had never seen nehemiah looking unhappy and he concludes this is nothing else but sorrow of heart are the xerxes conclude and correctly something is wrong on the inside that's why you look like that let me give you a principle that you and i cannot break whatever's on the inside invariably and inevitably comes out now we may try with all our carnal skills to disguise it it comes out in some form or fashion this happens in art a painter may paint a picture his style comes out even if he tries to stop it a writer writes a book his style comes out a musician writes a piece his or her style comes out what's inside cannot be prevented from coming out eventually and nehemiah sadness i'm sure he tried to disguise it because his work required him to look happy why do i say that he was the king's cup bearer on occasion he would taste the wine in case it was poisoned he would die not the king now if he looked unhappy the king may suspect well something is wrong with the food or the wine it was not to his advantage to look unhappy in the presence of the king and so the king said why are those sad seeing thou art not sick this is nothing else but sorrow of heart something is happening in here let me come right to the point why have you stopped coming to church that's outward something is going on in here why have you stopped returning a tithe something is happening in here why have you cut back on your study of the word of god and your prayer time something is happening in here now you can go through all the rigmarole of trying to deny it and cover it with fig leaves but it comes out because when something happens in here it comes out negative or positive if the love of god is in your heart it comes out if the spirit of sadness in the heart it comes out our subject steps to christ let me boldly say our theme for the two weeks has been and remains until tomorrow living in the last days the greatest problem of living in the last days or the first days is not earthquakes or floods it is sin and the most intelligent choice you and i can make in order to live safely in these last days is to live a life of victory over sin day by day moment by moment through constant surrender and dependence on jesus christ who walk the path you and i walk and conquered in our behalf and so tonight i want to discuss steps to christ because for someone listening to me something is happening in here and it's taking you away from god perhaps you have never come to god something is happening in here that is disturbing you it's trying to tell you you ought to come to god and for the person who has a left you ought to come back in the book great controversy page 467 paragraph three ella white writes these words the first step in reconciliation to god is the conviction of sin we see this in the publican who stood at the back of the church he did not feel worthy to stand in the front as the hypocritical pharisee did and he said god be merciful to me finish the words a sinner he understood he was a sinner we're discussing the first step in coming to god whether for the first time or coming back i acknowledge i am a sinner the word sin is negative but god loves sinners let me say it again god loves sinners i did not say god loves sin god loves sinners more than sinners will ever understand the bible says while we were yet enemies while we were yet weak while we were yet without strength christ died for us not when we become friends because you cannot become a friend of god without the help of god while we were yet enemies weak and without strength christ died for us god loves you you may be a drunkard god loves you you may be uh whatever god really loves you listen to what the bible says about god but let me pray again first father this is serious as it is simple speak through me i pray in jesus name amen for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son now if he had three of them three begotten sons we could understand he had one if someone came to you and said listen um i like a shirt i don't have any shirts can you give me a shirt you saw you give him a shirt because you have several left but if you only had one you'd say sorry i just have one shirt and you'll keep your shirt god would take that shirt off and put it on you for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life listen to the words again of that verse for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so we have the son and we have the world god loved the world so much and that includes you he gave up his son what does that tell you about god's attitude toward us god was willing to lose jesus in order to save us which one of you will give up your child for stranger i i have i i carefully say not one listen again to uh the words of the bible my god my god why hast thou forsaken me listen carefully god had to temporarily turn away from jesus because he had a choice i either forsake my son or i forsake them or you because the gospel is personal god forsake his son that he might not forsake you listen again to the words of god luke 22 verse 41 and he was withdrawn from them a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed saying father if thou be willing remove this cup from me nevertheless not my will but thing be done now the father clearly was not willing to do that because if he had removed that bitter cup from jesus he would have had to have given it to the world i don't think you understand what i'm trying to say let me try this way go to philippians chapter 2. let's read from verse 3 and verse 4 of philippians 2 3 and 4 our subject steps to christ you have philippians 2 3 and 4. now this verse is astonishing but we must learn to trust a plane thus set the lord because we were made in god's image originally we're supposed to behave like god now listen to the bible philippians 2 from verse 3 i mean the god of heaven and earth speak through me as i read his word in the name of jesus i pray let nothing be done through strife of in glory but in loneliness of mind let each esteem other how better than themselves okay let's pause no rush what does that require loneliness of mind let each you must be more valuable to me than i am to myself that's christ's likeness let each estee let me just digress briefly if that's the way we thought there couldn't be crime there could not be racism because you are more important to me than i am to myself and so i protect you when we value something we protect it and god is saying we must value others above ourselves this is no joke if this is the way god is and he requires this of us because it is still god's desire that we live according to his image verse 4 look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others and so three and four tell us that we are to value others above ourselves now listen to verse five let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus what mind is that the mind described in verses three and four the mind of jesus was to value others above himself the mind of the father was identical and the bible tells us that's the mind we must have why because that's the mind jesus had when you think of that now you begin to understand why god was willing to lose christ in order to save us this is the god who tells you come to me and confess your sin god is so good that it is he through his spirit that puts upon the heart of a person the urge to confess because the carnal mind does not confess the carnal mind does not repent if someone listening to me has felt the urge to come to christ that urge is a gift from god to you act on it because the natural condition of a person is not to come to god to avoid god but here's what god says he will do a new heart also i give you i don't know a new spirit will i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of out of your heart i'll give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk there are some people who want to improve themselves before they come to god you are taking on god's work you're trying to put god on the unemployment line if you could improve yourself there would have been no need for christ to come it is god that changes you but you come to him as his spirit puts that conviction on you and i believe someone listening to me is under that conviction being man woman boy or girl that conviction has been with you for a while it will not stay forever act on it the conviction is god's way of drawing you to him but you have to respond in the book jeremiah chapter 3 a beautiful passage to show the simplicity of being saved and the goodness of god jeremiah 3 we'll read verses 12 and 13 our subject steps to christ the surface the safest way to live in the last days is to live a life of victory over sin and that's the safest way to live in any age of the world's history a life of victory over sin here is what god tells backsliding israel go and proclaim these words toward the north return the backsliding israel saith the lord and i will what i will not cause my anger to fall upon you for i am merciful saith the lord and will not keep anger forever so god says tell those backsliders or those perhaps who have never come to him come i will not pour out my anger upon you there are people who are afraid of god they think god stays up in heaven with a high-powered rifle aiming at them trying to destroy people god is trying to save and so god says come now listen to verse 13 how simple it is only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou has transgressed against the law of thy god and has scattered thy ways to the stranger under every green tree and he have not obeyed my voice god said look all i want you to do is confess your sin come to me and tell me i was wrong god says people he doesn't say of sin let me say it again god save god has one response to sin that's death are you following me he has one ideal response to sinners that's life the tragedy is if someone persists in living with sin the person becomes the certain puts him or herself in the line of fire what do i mean by that in my state of michigan every fall there's hunting season and other states i believe and almost every year someone is shot accidentally the person looked like a deer or a moose or black bear the person got into the line of fire god hates sin hebrews 1 verse 9 the house love righteousness and hated iniquity god hates sin and he will destroy sin but the person who is determined to continue in sin puts himself or herself in the line of fire and when god fires at sin that person has to be destroyed but that's not god's desire god sent calvary to get you out of the line of fire and god says to us tonight only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the lord thy god how difficult is it to admit and it is the power of god that allows us to do that second timothy chapter 2 verse 24 if god per adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth it is god that gives us repentance at every step it is god working but we have to cooperate at every step and so through the spirit of god god convicts us you're wrong that publican said god be merciful to me a sinner what does he mean by being merciful to me if someone is asking for mercy the person is in a helpless condition and the one to whom the appeal is made has the answer to his or her helplessness if someone ambushes you in a dark alley at night with a son of shotgun and all you have in your hand is a himbu that person can show mercy to you you can't tell the person listen you better leave me i'm going to show you some mercy that person shows mercy to you and may decide not to blow your head off now we come to god the wages of sin is death and god cannot change that but he wants to spare you from that you realize i cannot save myself i have tried to give up gambling for 15 years i've tried to give up smoking for 20 years i've tried to stop lying and cheating for 25. i've tried to give up laziness for 50. i can't do it god help me god will do for you what you have not been able to do for yourself perhaps all the days of your life your awareness of right and wrong god can do for you what you cannot do for yourself and the reason i say that as long as there's a place called calvary it means that god must do for us what we cannot do for ourselves and that is essentially you cannot save yourself you can destroy yourself you cannot save yourself conviction of sin i'm wrong is the spirit of god that leads us to say i am wrong recognition that i need help not just coming to christ you speak to any counselor in rehabilitation programs there must be the acknowledgement i need help whether it's to conquer alcohol smoking cigarettes sex addiction whatever it is i need help that admission must be made i was invited to uh uh i went i worked with an agency many years ago and young boys who were deemed to be encourageable and placed in these residential homes by the courts one was in alcohol anonymous or al-anon something for teenagers and they had to say i'm an alcoholic i need help this confession is required for salvation i need help i need to be saved god tells us in matthew 11 28 go there with me matthew 11 28. do you have that come unto me only that labor and a heavy laden and i will give you rest that man or that woman listening to me with a troubled conscience or sitting in this building jesus says come to me now that is essential that's a condition you must come remember i told you is the spirit of god who gently pushes you but you can resist i hope you don't jesus has come to me but jesus also said no man can come to me except they were given unto him of my father in other words it is the father sending the spirit that moves you to go to jesus so you see heaven involved in every step it is the spirit of god that convicts you of sin it is the spirit of god that leads you to confess is the spirit of god that tries to jesus but you can resist and i hope you don't and so jesus says come unto me only that labor and a heavy laden i will give you rest in the book faith and works page 111 paragraph one ellen white writes god saves us under a law not by a law the law doesn't save under a law she goes on to say that we must ask if we will receive seek if we will find knock if we will have the door opened unto us now this is clearly expressed in john 3 16 for god soul of the world that's god's part that he gave that's god's part whosoever believes that's the asking that's a requesting that's acknowledging i need help whosoever believeth in him but what does believe in him mean when in the book of romans chapter 10 verse 9 paul wrote that if thou shalt confess with believe in thine heart the lord jesus and confess with my mouth that god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved you confess with your mouth you believe with your heart but believe what the story in acts chapter 8 helps us the enoch the eunuch said what does hinder me be baptized peter said if thou believers will all thy heart what does he say i believe that jesus is the son of god so when the bible says whosoever believeth in him the question believe what you believe that jesus is what you need he is the savior he is the son of god he came he lived conquered sin died raised himself and that's the only means by which you can be saved so you see jesus as an effective savior and his sacrifice satisfies the father you believe that jesus can save you that's what you're believing so we read this beautiful statement steps to christ page 62 paragraph two if you give yourself to him and accept him as your savior then sinful as your life may have been for his sake you're counted righteous but what does that mean see the gospel is so good that sometimes we say it's too good to be true listen again steps to christ 62 paragraph two if you give yourself to him that's an active step you have to take give your life to christ and accept him as your savior the only thing he saves you from is sin then sinful as your life may have been for his sake you're counted righteous let me show you how that happens go to galatians 5. let me pray again father as i look at a very serious passage of scripture be with me god help me to make it simple i pray in jesus name amen galatians 5 let's read from verse 19 our subject steps to christ you have galatians 5 but the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variants emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkenness revelers and such like in other words on and on and on those are the works of the flesh now let's go to verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance now we have two different characters are you with me we have two different characters two different natures the nature that produces adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness and that horrible list and the nature that produces love joy peace long suffering when you come to christ genuinely christ takes that love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance character which is his and gives it to you looking at me as though i need medication i don't need medication except the love of god and the gospel jesus takes that character when you give yourself to him now and gives it to you then from that point by staying with him you learn to live out what he's given to you you take a rough man rough you know he's uh you know pants halfway down or whatever else and he rough rough rough you put him in a suit now he has to learn how to what behave like a gentleman wearing a suit are you with me you don't crouch on the ground throwing dice in a suit you don't want a basketball court in a suit when god gives you the character of jesus you have genuinely come to him now and you stay with him you begin to learn how to behave like someone wearing the suit of the character of jesus christ but you've got to stay in it you can't do that for yourself you can't give yourself that character god gives it to you this is the gift it comes down to one word the righteousness of christ now but what happens to the adultery fornication and cleanness the serious that list the father takes that a long time ago and puts it on jesus he did he's still on him your probation is not yet closed he takes that so we have a great are swap listening to me god takes your murder i was doing a crusade in a certain city a fellow came to me he said he said i killed a man can god forgive me yes that was another city somewhere this lady came to me and for counseling i'm a sex worker i want to follow christ oh yes there were some sex workers who followed jesus in the new testament jesus said the prostitutes get to heaven before you christ takes your prostitution the father he takes your armed robbery are you listening to me he takes your spousal abuse with his wife on husband husband and wife he takes your tax cheating off you he puts it on jesus here's how i demonstrate that you go on a farm with a cows and sheep and horses you walking through the field do you have to be careful where you step yeah because you may step in it are you following me let's say you stepped into it what do you do on the grass you start to do what you wiping it off that stuff you step in is sin the whole world is a dumb field how can i where do i wipe it off the father says on him on him wipe it on him behold the lamb of god which taketh wipe it on him so you can step into my house without contamination and i will deal with him the way i should have dealt with you in the feast of the burnt offering in leviticus chapter one from verses one and three if his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd let him offer a male without blemish he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the lord verse 4 of leviticus 1 and he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him listen again verse 3 says he shall bring it a mill without blemish that's the count of christ there was no sin it shall be accepted for him in other words and he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering and it shall be accepted for him put in your hands man confession symbolizes confession and the bible tells us in the birth offering details when the senator that the the unblemished nature of that lamb symbolizing the character of christ is accepted for him so he walks away with the unblemished character of christ and the lamb has his sins some things need to be said over and over again let's go to second corinthians 5 21 our subject steps to christ nothing is easy in the world than coming to christ if you're willing easy abc you have second corinthians 5 verse 21 listen carefully for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that's christ you know sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him now observe the text microscopically and i want you to tell me who is he and who is him you have to think for he have made him to be seen who is he the father who is him jesus very good god bless you for he the father hath made him jesus to be what sin why for us so we have he him sin and us now here's the father here's sinless jesus here's sinful sinners god makes jesus sin let me say that differently i don't mean to say god made jesus commit a sin he treated him as if he was a sinner that we might be made what the righteousness of god finished that verse in him because i told you you must stay in jesus yeah you're not following me it's my fault let me try again okay i want you to observe the word made you see the word made in that verse how many times do you see it come on how many times do you see the word made in second corinthians 5 21 ah read the verse completely microscopically read the verse how many times do you see the word made if you're reading the king james version twice listen to the verse for he hath made him to be sin for us whom you know sin that we might be may the righteous now this is heavily significant now let's stay with jesus let me pray again father help me to put it simple there god please in jesus name i pray amen listen listen god hath made him to be sin you know why god made him to be sin because he didn't make himself a sinner someone else had to do it ah god had to make him like a sinner he never sinned let me say that quickly jesus never said but he was treated as one he was numbered with the transgressors but since he never sinned someone else had to do that now that we might be made the righteousness someone has to make us righteous because we never did it do you see the balanced equation as much as you see why do people die once according to the bible what's the cause of death sin did jesus die why sin nothing he did but something he took something he was made jesus died because of sin he took our sins as his therefore he paid our penalty now we are made his righteousness that we may have a right to the tree of life and may enter into the gates into the city the question is can you believe that let's say someone listening to me is half drunk but still listening you can smell the alcohol sleeps on the tree steals to get by and he just heard me say god wants to give him the character of jesus and he may say that's impossible no that's not impossible that's what god has arranged so come to jesus if you come in sincerity god will take your sins put them on jesus take the righteousness of god himself and through jesus put it on you because you can't make yourself righteous someone has to do it jesus never sinned someone had to treat him like a sinner is the father on both sides there is no need to continue a life of defeat you can break that habit you can develop a hatred for the things of the world and a restless a restless love for the things of god you can come to the place where you love to see the sabbath come and you're sorry to see the sunset the next day you can come to the place where the bible means more to you than sports illustrated transformation that transformation fits you and me for a place in god's coming kingdom am i saying you become a saint overnight i never said that i said when you give the life to christ completely it cannot be 99.9 you only become a very nice person going to hell the surrender to god must be complete and so jesus told the scribe in mark 12 from verse 28 and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all and jesus answered him the first of all the commandments is here or israel the lord our god is one lord and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy mind with all thy soul with all thy strength and might and understanding with everything this is the surrender required for god to give you the righteousness of christ because there's no sin in the righteousness of christ and there's no righteousness in the sinner and there's exchange and as we stay in christ we are protected by that righteousness as we stay in christ listen to the words of christ and i will end abide in me now the word for by the greek word means to stay or to remain and it's used almost 10 times in verse 1 to 10 in the book of uh john chapter 15 abide in me and i in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine that's christ no more can he except he abide in me that's why i kept saying stay in him when you come to him i am the fine verse five hear the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringing forth much fruit for without me he can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they burn symbol of hell if he abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit so shall he be my disciples as the father hath lived loved me so have i loved you continue ye in my love the word continue is the same greek word for abide verse 10 if he abide stay in me if you keep my commandments he shall abide in my love even as i have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love jesus had to abide in the father he's not requiring of us what he didn't do if jesus had drifted out of the father you can finish that story he had to abide and he tells us as i abode in the father you stay in me and so god sends the holy spirit to convict me i'm a sinner and i acknowledge i need help and i come to god i say father i'm a sinner i'm helpless every sinner is helpless but for calvary i cannot change my life save me you pray that prayer from your heart what did peter say when he was drowning lord save me what did the republicans say god be merciful to me a sinner and if that's all you can say tonight you cannot go wrong because jesus says that man went down to his house justified in other words made right with god and the republicans back then were considered the scum of the earth god be merciful i need help to me a sinner that man was saved peter told the eunuch if you believe with all your heart the eunuch said i believe that jesus is the son of god he was saved tonight how many of you listening to me right now will say i believe that jesus is the son of god and he is my savior can i see your right hand god bless you for those of you watching online i hope someone will say father this message has answered my questions i cannot save myself i surrender my life to jesus as far as i can 100 save me the god come into me and save me if you will say that with all of your heart god will save you i'll tell you something else about god and how nice he is even if you're unable to say that you simply say lord i do not know how to surrender my life take it did you hear me you can say to god father i'm not sure how to surrender my life you come and take it by taking you don't mean to ask him to kill you come and take control of my life you do it and god will do it because he's not willing that any should perish let me close by telling you what you know but perhaps have forgotten this world is coming to an end it's not often preached this world is coming to an end your degrees are good they won't save you they'll burn the only thing that will escape the fiery end of the world is the character that christ gives to us is the thing that receives the least attention jesus christ is coming back not to save people when probation closes that's done right now he's a priest you can pray to him when he comes back according to revelation 14 14 he's wearing a crown not a mitre the priests were a mitre a conquering king or a crown he has in his hand a sickle not a sensor the sickle is to rape i say again as your brother in christ someone who needs jesus as much as you do this world is coming to an end give your life to jesus just say with me father i need help i am a sinner i need christ forgive me and come into my life right now as i surrender completely to you you pray that prayer and god will do what he wants to do so much he will save you if you drop dead one second after that prayer you will be safe in god's kingdom some of you listening to me need to make a decision to be baptized one of the tricks the devil uses is to tell you you need to know everything first that's not true you don't need to know everything you know enough that god wants you to obey him he wants you to follow him he wants you to give up that life of sin and you're willing to do that when i say obey him all ten commandments including the fourth the seventh-day sabbath if you know that and you're willing to follow christ make a decision to be baptized i hope you'll stay online for interaction during the zoom section which will be in a few minutes but for now let's bow our heads and pray father in heaven we thank you for steps to christ we thank you to god that you're so over eager to save that we do not understand you have paid the ultimate price and someone who pays such a price surely wants the thing for which he paid the price that's us dear god i present to you anyone listening who needs to surrender to your son surrender to you let your spirit father work overtime to bring the person to the point of surrender because the best time for that is now not tomorrow father please if you're serious about not willing that any should perish do everything in your limitless power to bring that man that woman to surrender may the word spoken tonight remain in the minds of those who heard and do a work of transformation winning some and strengthening others and as we enter into the zoom bless that section of the program also i pray in jesus name amen do i stay here pastor okay we will be going into zoom in a minute as our experts set us up we thank god for technology the bible says knowledge shall be increased and that knowledge is merely about daniel revelation but also includes other forms of knowledge like this yes so i think we're ready yes pastor can you hear me and yes yes we can we can perfect thank you pastor uh we are excited to get started we do have a few participants uh who have their questions so uh for those on zoom and for those watching online um we do have a few um a few uh favors we've got three of them here in order to in order for this to work number one for those on zoom please raise your hand and wait to be called on when you are called on you will be asked to unmute yourself then you will turn on your camera and you will ask your question uh if uh you're if you're having troubles with uh your sound um or your speakers you can also type your question on the chat box and your question will be shared to pastor randy steats through me as he can hear me in the sanctuary make sure that your sound is clear make sure that no others are on the same zoom in the same room so we can go ahead and get started in the sanctuary pastor uh skeet if you can take any questions in the sanctuary and i will collect to the questions here or for those who have questions on the zoom razor all right if i take questions let's ask for wisdom father in heaven james 1 chapter 5 verse 1 verse 5 says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god first father i certainly like it and i ask you for wisdom that i may answer your people according to your will for them in jesus name i pray amen any questions from those live before we go to zoom any questions from those right here in the building i should say because we're live in the building and enzo any questions well not yet not yet from the building do we have any on zoom okay they can also hear you as well so questions do we have any questions here on zoom is that a hand i see going up i see a hand my good brother there's a hand live where oh yes over here can i take this question all right yes my dear sister maha what's happening in heaven that's one of the biggest uh questions you can ask is the very foundation of the adventist church it is called christ is interceding on our behalf he's our representative our high priest before the father it doesn't mean the father is hostile but because christ took human form he understood what we went through he was con he conquered he rose he now applies the merits of his victorious life to us when we come to him in faith and surrender according to revelation 3 verse 5 he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raymond and i will not blot out his name out of the book of light but i will confess his name before my father and before his angels christ speaks for us before the father that's what he's doing he represents us and he's blotting out our sins as we have surrendered to him when this act of removing the blotting out is done that's when probation closes and he comes back and that's again a big subject i'm trying to give you in a couple of minutes but christ is now our intercessor our high priest who makes intercession for us that's why it's important to be one with christ and anyone who is one with christ is fine with the father anyone for whom christ speaks the father accepts because the father also loves us but christ's work right now is intercessor and also the work of cleansing the sanctuaries going on because our sins must never come back to haunt us the devil must never be able to bring them back so when this examination goes on in our lives our records christ compares our profession with our practice you said you're my child let me look at your life this is part of what is going on but the life that's given to christ that person is safe it's not a terrifying event if your life is in the hands of christ you have nothing to worry about because the judgment will be in your favor yes pastor why do i think so many men well one is cultural men are considered the tough you know the big strong men and church is sometimes seen you know surrender to jesus is sometimes seen as an act of weakness that's why united states most church attendance is about 70 to 80 women not men but i'll say something else men are more heavily attacked in this area than are women you see god arranged for men to be in charge when i say that meant to be leaders i should say because the lead is a servant adam was the leader in his home the priests were the leaders god chose men to be the leaders of the family society the church god's arrangement always works best when men take the lead the benefit of the family is almost incalculable the devil knows that most men in prison came out of homes with no fathers especially the black men they came out of homes with no fathers about almost 80 85 percent of them did not have a father figure in the home i was talking to the pastor yesterday before i read this study a few years ago it was a study done among christians if the very first person in a family to accept christ is a child there's a 14 chance the whole family will follow if the very first person in a family to accept christ is the mother there's the 23 chance the whole family will follow you can almost finish what i'm about to say if the very first person in a family to accept christ is the father there's a 96 percent chance the whole family will follow because that's god's arrangement and his arrangement always works best and the only reason why it isn't 100 we're living in a world of sin the devil knows that because the devil has gone after men most inmates are men in any country most inmates are men and satan has done a tremendous job in removing men from the positions of responsibility in the church and in the home and the result is a deterioration of society at every level many many years ago i used to listen to a program called the world tomorrow fella called herbert w armstrong and some of you may be old enough to remember him he died in 86. he had this principle to solve the problems in society put daddy back at the head of the home the devil has targeted men and of course men cooperate in our society mother not motherhood um stay-at-home moms are considered a career woman is are you following me in the eyes of god a stay-at-home mother is the world sees the opposite same with men the toughest man who ever lived was jesus but compare him to modern tough men you have two different people all together the devil has targeted men with great success the bible say you smite the shepherd you scatter the sheep and satan has attacked the shepherds and that's men and as young boys observe they grow up the same way that's the question number two do it immediately do it immediately even if you're on defense you say lord come into my life and bring me to the point of total surrender do it immediately you don't have to be perfect in your thinking all you need to say is lord i need help come take my life save me ask god to save you it's not complicated you're on defense father i'm on defense save me so i fall on the right side because if you don't sin will push you to the wrong side ask god to save you god will save you whether you're on the right on the fence or you're off the fence he wants to save you you ask him they god save me and god will save you but ask him to do that day by day so you stay saved there's being saved and they're staying saved that's why christ says abide in me remain stay continue yes my dear brother of pastor randy we have one question on the floor can you hear us brother zombrano if you can please repeat the questions oh yes yes yes i will okay yes my brother what's the question okay the question is the heaven to which we're going everyone's going black white pink blue whatever why do we have black and white conferences in the united states um that grew out of the racial condition of united states bank in the 30s and 20s and going back and ellen white council the brethren until conditions changed it may be better to worship separately and that was good counsel let me say it again that was good council and so the first black conference which is my conference lake region conference was formed in 1944 and then several followed we have nine but she said until a better way is found so the original purpose for establishing black conferences was not an expression of racism it was to find a way to do god's work in a hostile environment but when god is ready he'll remove that because we must practice heavenly behavior when we must practice heaven society on this earth before we get over there but black conferences were not established to express racism it was a form of how can we advance god's work if we do it with our own people given the conditions of the time all right next question do we have any online questions i don't see my brother oh do we have any from the zoom yes we do the first one in line is brother edwin's uh rem stuff and ask her questions sir hello pasta thank you so much for the someone have a question which is about this the sinful of listening to secular music i am not sure whether listening the secular music is is his sin and if it's in how do we pull away from it because it is something that is drawing us but every now and then thank you the bible says in first let me pray again father continue to speak through me that my answer intelligently when i say intelligently i mean biblically in jesus name amen when nebuchadnezzar wanted the three boys to bow he gave him a second chance he said daniel 3 15 now if he be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sac but saltery delsum and all kinds of music he fall down and worship the images i have made he wanted music to affect their emotion and their response which means music can powerfully affect behavior first corinthians 10 31 says whether whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever you do or play music or listen to music do all to the glory of god my brother there is no exception to that so you the individual must ask himself or herself is this true is this honest is this pure is this a good report you see does this bless me spiritually in some cultures someone may say yes but when it comes to heaven it's not individual culture it is the conviction of the spirit of god someone who grew up in nashville they say well country music is good music the spirit may say no someone who grows up in a group in new orleans may decide well jazz is good spiritual music the spirit of god may say no someone who grew up in west indies may say calypso is good music to glorify god the spirit may say no because the spirit has one culture the culture of heaven and so when it comes to music the question is does this glorify god are the words biblical do they teach a message that's sound and what's the reaction on me physically because music affects you at the level of the cell let me place this for your consideration almost every rap concert fights breakout are you with me never heard of a fight at a classical concert are you following me now i'm not saying all i'm saying is fights break out riots break out at rock concerts and rap concerts and these you don't hear of a fight at a gospel council or a classical concert i'm just saying that for us to think music has a tremendous effect on the emotions that's why every movie has a musical soundtrack because it affects the emotions and most of our decisions are made emotionally even major decisions are made emotionally so you have to ask god and god will guide you psalm 32 verse 8 i will instructly unteach thee in the way which thou shalt go how does this music draw me closer to god because the devil has his and it sounds just like god's thank you my good brother for that question god bless you another question yes we have someone we have one in the sanctuary yes we do right over here yes my good sister um after sabbath i believe that saturday's the day of worship is the day of sabbath but i have not been able to explain to some people who have been asking me how do you call me by saturday why not thursday why not friday please i need my explanations please would you give me that question again i know and i believe that saturday is the day of sabbath saturday is what is the day of sabbath it's god's sabbath yes okay the seventh day yes sir um but i've not been able to explain to people that because people are they ask me why do you have to go to church on saturday why not friday okay all right okay i got it the question is why go to church on the seventh day sabbath and not on tuesday or wednesday because any day is a day that's not true if any day or a day god would not say this is my day the sabbath was chosen because of a historical act god rested on a particular day let me explain about the sabbath the reason why the sabbath was blessed is because god rested on that day are you following me he did not rest on the first or the fifth or the second in order to change the sabbath you must go back and rewrite history listen to the fourth commandment genesis 20 from verse 10 in it thou shalt not do any work thou not thy son nor thy daughter thy man's servant nor thy maidservant not thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore or for this reason god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it the reason the sabbath is the seventh is that god rested on that day listen to sabbath language even before the ten commandments were given on sinai genesis 2 1-3 thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which god created and made before sin entered the world we're introduced to the sabbath and i want you to see something how god wants to hammer even before sin his day is the seventh listen again to genesis two two and three five times god mentions the seventh day if you read the king james version and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it what's the pronoun it stands in place of a noun because that in it he had wrestled from all his work which god created and made five times we're told in those two little verses the holy day is the seventh day the reason why we worship on the seventh day my sister and for all listening that's the day on which god rested he did not rest on sunday he did not rest on tuesday or wednesday or friday he rested on the seventh the rest of god is the reason for the blessing i'll tell you something else it was only after god rested that he blessed today so eloise tells us he rested blessed it then gave it to us as a sabbath let me say it again he rested first when the rest was over he blessed the day which means when he blessed the seventh day it was sunday you missed what i just said you missed what i just said my fault he rested all of the seventh day are you with me when that was done the seventh day was over then he blessed it when the seventh day is over what's the next day sunday so god was standing on sunday when he blessed the seventh day god shows and he also calls it my day if it's his day we have to respect what's his the bible says over and over my day my day my day to change it to another day you have to show from the bible that god rested on another day thank you someone else is anything online my brother we have someone online okay let's take online yes here's your next question this is from a seven-year-old his member named ade a seven-year-old he's asking how can god love us so much when we are just made from dust okay good question from that little prophet okay how can god love us so much we're made from dust god is love are you following me that's the way god is now let me ask that little seven-year-old boy do you disobey your parents sometimes the answer is yes do they still love you yes do you make them angry sometimes yes do they still love you yes why because you belong to them you came from them god made us we're his and so he loves and he made us in his image and so he loves us he doesn't he doesn't love us because we're made he loves us because that's the way god is he just loves and the fact you're made of dirt does not change the love of god you're made of dirt but god treats you like gold let me uh should i tell you this all right if you read genesis 2 from verse 10 and a river went out of eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into two heads the name of the first was paisan that is it which composites the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land was good there's dellium and the onyx stone we have gold dellium on a stone there must have been other precious stones now the dry land was made on day three which means when god came to make adam there was gold available are you listening to me but he chose dirt because he had to show the universe what he can do with dirt are you following me i can take dirt and elevate dirt above gold because that dirt was made in my image the gold wasn't are you following me and so my little brother god loves you because he made you in his image and he wants you to live according to his image and god bless you i'm very glad you asked that question god bless that little boy is next please unmute yourself and state your question good night happy saturday everyone happy sabbath so i'm asking the question for someone who's been grew up in the message as a sabbath keeper some of the adventists for 56 years okay and they continue to behave in a way that is not spiritual right yet they they do spiritual things they speak they as they love jesus but they continue to do their behavior it has been the same way what's really going on with such what's going on is that the person is not fully converted the person is not fully converted a fully converted person behaves like jesus the person makes mistake but that kind of life you describe cannot describe the life of a fully converted otherwise said the true conversion is very rare in the church that's why there's so many perplexities in the church it's not very common that person i'm not saying the person doesn't think that he or she is sincere the person is not fully converted but god is very patient along suffering and he's trying to arrange circumstances to bring that person to the place of total surrender and full conversion because god deals with us individually we have different experiences someone who's been drinking for 60 years the person comes to christ genuinely he still have a struggle and so without judging that person yes that lifestyle does not suggest total conversion or surrender but god deals with us individually and the person may somewhere down the line finally come to the place of total surrender to god but the lifestyle you described suggests the person is not fully converted and that's why spreading the church the tears grow with the wheat remember paul was not converted jesus converted him nebuchadnezzar was converted and he was a bloodthirsty man so yes it might have been 56 years but at some point the person will finally get it whenever he or she gets it god will be happy but remember the sooner you get it the better someone else yes we have someone in the back we have someone in the church my dear brother yes sister so one of the question is a continuation to the question that she asked if i claim that sunday is my sabbath how would you explain that to me very simple you can't have a sabbath the sabbath belongs to god are you with me it belongs to god verily my sabbath you shall keep exodus 31 13 you cannot have a sabbath you can recognize god's sabbath the sabbath of god is the seventh day you choose to obey or not but you cannot have your sabbath the sabbath is the day on which god rested and blessed that's why it is so i understand what you mean but you cannot technically have a sabbath it belongs to god you can have the six days those are for us the sabbath belongs to god let me rephrase it okay all right so the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord yes uh and the calendar was changed right by human beings so what if what if who said that okay what if i claim the seventh day of the lord even on monday and not on a saturday would i be wrong yes you'd be very wrong the calendar was changed yes but the order of the days was never changed are you following me it has always been sunday to saturday that has never changed now let's be honest with god when is easter celebrated everywhere around the world easter is celebrated on a sunday you check your calendar at home you'll never see east on monday why because the christian world knows jesus rose on the first day east to celebrate the resurrection of jesus so a christian telling me sunday's my sabbath is not thinking the seventh day is the sabbath the first is the day of easter which is a sunday amen okay my next question is i know that um so we're told that in this age and in this era 95 uh no if the if the holy spirit was withdrawn from the church 95 of the church members would not realize that why is it well i don't have a statistical figure to give you but i do know jesus said the wrong to perdition many go the road to salvation very few go so that's consistent with what you just said we will not be aware because our eyes are not enlightened by constant study of the word of god when christ came the first time you know who knew he was coming the three wise men the entire jewish nation as far as we know didn't know and they were supposed to know to tell the world he's coming they didn't know why they didn't study as they should in the right perspective they were looking for a military commander to overthrow the romans not someone born in a manger with cows and horses and sheep they didn't know when christ comes the second time why he'll come as a thief in the night because those of us who need to spread the message perhaps we don't and so my sister when we're not educated in the word of god he will come as a thief so the holy spirit may be withdrawn and most of us don't know because we're not and educated in god's word and the counsel of god's servant elon white yes pastor okay all right okay all right okay yes yes okay all right pastor all right okay pastor zombrano do you have one for us online we have next in line zoom user robert jackson uh he will say his question go ahead and meet yourself robert jackson brother robert jackson thank you pastor skeets you're welcome good seeing you uh i'm here with my wife from new jersey oh jersey okay uh part of the allegheny east conference uh my question to you uh is the difference between sins covered and sins blotted out and what that means uh for us and for the saints of god in the future what is the difference okay since covered in sins but that's a heavy question if you go back to the sanctuary because his ways in the sanctuary since when leviticus 1 4 and he shall put his hand upon the head of the offering and it shall be accepted to him to make atonement for him when he does that he transfers his sins to the animal but then the sin has to be applied either to the altar or to the veil on the inside separating the holy from the most holy sins were placed in the sanctuary or some area of the sanctuary which means that they still existed there was still an ongoing record of sins since forgiven there's still a record now what christ is doing is blotting that out in the lives of those who've truly given themselves to him he is blotting out that record of sin a still existed it didn't count against the sinner but it still existed now you commit a crime there's a criminal record but you're out of jail you're running around you're working you're free now but there's a record god wants to wipe that out so sins blotted out can never be brought back against you but when a righteous man death turn from his righteousness and commit iniquity and i lay a stumbling block before him he shall die the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered in other words and the same goes for the wicked man sins can come back if they're not blotted out and so a forgiven sin is one that's removed from your life but it is stored somewhere blotting out means it is nowhere in existence anymore that's what christ is doing so the devil can never bring back sins because he is an accuser when that work of blotting out is done that's when jesus but he can only blot out what has been confessed are you following me we have to confess our sins send them up so christ can blot them out that's a very heavy question god bless you my good brother jackson thank you thank you god bless you and the family all right anyone else that was a very important question very very important i hope you study that that's it can we take one more pastor yes my pastor here we go uh from uh zoom user iphone revelation chapter 7 verse 4 talks about 144 000 who are the or how can you know them the 144 000 are described in revelation 14 5 and in their mouth was found no guile for they are without fault before the throne of god they pop it in revelation 7 revelation 14 they have the character of god god's name written in their forehead meaning the character of god they are without fault they represent those who at the end of time would have come to the place of total victory surrender to christ and the character of christ fully represented in them so he can come and claim them as his own christ object lesson space 69 paragraph one now some in the church believe the number is symbolic some believe it's literal so i'm not giving one way or the other what i'm saying is what's important is the character of the hundred and forty four thousand they are without fault before the throne of god in their mouth was found no guile which is how christ is described in first peter chapter two verse 21 22 who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth we will come to the place those of us who are in that number where we reflect the character of jesus that he may come you see god must be able to say to the universe here at last it's an entire group of people who kept my law give me the word perfectly because satan's original charge against god was his law is unfair and cannot be kept he he tried to demonstrate that in the lives of adam and eve by causing him to sin see your law cannot be kept jesus came and he kept it but the bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses jesus is only one witness are you with me god needs another witness and that is the church before christ comes the church must come to the place we will reflect his character through faithful obedience then god's satan's charge would have been finally overthrown and god vindicated and he can come some believe the number is literal some symbolic what i want to leave with you is the character of the members of that group in their mouth was found no guile they are without fault before the throne of god before the throne of god they may be faulty in the eyes of people they are without fault before the throne of god if you look at daniel when uh darius went to the lion's den oh daniel did god save him he said king live forever my god have sent his angel and i've shut the lion's mouth that they have done they have not hurt me because before thee before thee meaning the king i have done no hurt and also before god innocence was found in me i am innocent before god and man 144 000 will be in that condition let's have another question ah we have one in the building i don't know who uh can i see the person all right yes my dear brother what's the question everybody i'm just saying good night oh yes good evening good evening um i'm having a problem with while you were preaching to understand um what it means to be saved because i listened to a pastor many years ago and um i tried it and i realized that it wasn't true that i cannot save myself right no you can't um well if i cannot save myself and then it's only jesus then after i get saved why did i leave the church you know if jesus already saved me but you can leave him you see the question is if i'm saved why do i leave the church if i'm saved jesus chose 12 disciples my brother he chose them himself john chapter 6 verse 70 have i not chosen you twelve one of you is a devil now one decided to go his own way his name was judas jesus in praying to the father said in john 17 12 while i was with him in the world let me pray again father continue to be with me please as i answer these very intelligent questions in jesus name i pray amen john 17 verse 12 while i was with them in the world i kept them in thy name those that thou givest me i have kept none of them as lost but the son of perdition but this was the same disciple to whom jesus gave power to cast out demons in mark chapter 6 verse 6 and 7. judas chose to leave a saved person can give up that salvation in second second peter chapter 4 verse 10 paul says demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world demas used to work with paul he was a follower he decided to leave it doesn't happen overnight perhaps he started he stopped praying whatever these things happen over a period of time and so my brother yes you can be fully saved and decide not to continue you can decide that but it's never god's fault it's because at some point you slacked up in praying you slapped him in bible study you placed yourself on satan's ground and the thing occurred and you find yourself no longer in love with god but a genuinely saved person can leave god that's why there's freedom in god you can't leave the devil someone has to get you out you can just leave god and you ask what do you say from you're saved from sin let me explain what i mean by that sin is a power it's all not just an act it's a power that you and i cannot resist in our own strength that's why the bible says can the ethiopian change his skin the answer is no so salvation is god is salvation from that penalty that power of sin also from the penalty attached to it and of course also from the presence of sin but initially from the penalty and the power of sin sin is a power that a sinner cannot resist in his own power you may not kill anyone you may not curse but you have pride you see we sin up here a sinner must sin a converted person comes to the place where he doesn't have to anymore okay so we're safe from the power of sin yes yes um i i understand that but what i'm trying to say is the way we promote it as christians when you say remember everybody is not on the same level of understanding that's true that's right at that time when i i really wanted to give my life to christ all i was thinking about is once i come to him then i will be saved i wouldn't think it's just like marriage you know you think the first time dude that day when you'll get married it's going to be like that right right i realized that it was not true with christianity you know once you get saved then the work just begun yes then every day you have to try to save yourself well if you don't um it's every deci like i was expecting that jesus would come and help me literally but i found out that when i had to make decisions not to sin that was me not jesus wait okay let me let me deal with that let me deal with that the power my brother is right here this is the power that works in a person this you know jesus told the disciples in john 15 3 now you clean through the word psalm 119 verse 11 thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee psalm 119 verse 9 how can a young man cleanse his life by obeying god's word ephesians 5 26 that he might presented himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing and how does that happen by the washing of water by the word what did jesus tell the father sanctify them through thy truth sanctification is a cleansing and so you you have to make a decision to do what's right the power to carry it out is the power of christ let me also say this i don't need christ to decide i won't kill someone you understand i don't need christ to decide i'm not robbing a bank there are a lot of good actions we can do without god the fundamental thing we cannot change is our nature we cannot change that god alone can do that there are a lot of atheists i believe most atheists are law-abiding people they don't go to jail they you know they live good lives they don't break into the neighbor's houses they're nice people in quotation marks but they're not saved because only god can save you from the condemnation of sin and that power that without help you can't resist so you decide you know the bible says in james chapter 4 verse 7 submit yourself therefore to god resist the devil you have to resist but the submission is absolutely essential peter writing in first peter chapter 5 verse 12 he says fight the good fight of faith but the weapon is the word of god in revelation 12 verse 26 but that which thou hast hold fast hold it and so there's something you and i do but the power to do it successfully is the power of god through the word this word created the universe are you with me and god said and god said but listen to ellen white christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one the scriptures are the primary agency in the transformation of character jesus prayed sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth then she goes on to say if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing what does that mean subdue control every unholy attribute gambling smoking pornography the word of god studied and obeyed works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute and so jesus told satan and he told us man shall not live by bread alone finish it for me but by every word can you make a mistake yes but mistakes will not characterize your life thank you my brother when you come to christ you have declared war on the devil you see coming to christ is a declaration of war and the devil will not let you go without a fight but you stay in christ and you'll conquer because your baby you're learning making a mistake doesn't mean you're not converting you're learning someone else we do have a uh online question all right from a youtube viewer should i leave my wife if she believes the sabbath is on sunday what's the person's name or the person wants to remain unnamed well that's okay that's all right go ahead should i leave my wife if what she believes the sabbath is uncertain oh no no no no no you can't do that no what god have joined together let not man put asunder you pray for your wife you give a bible studies but you pray most you pray let her hear you pray for her and you pray quietly because god loves your wife and once you're saved you don't leave her because she eats meat no no no no i believe son is the sabbath she's your wife let her see your faithful life to god and that will bring her that's the counsel peter gives women in first peter three verse one to three women married to unsaved men he says your life your upright life plus respect for that man as your husband that will bring him to god so if your wife doesn't keep the seventh-day sabbath you love her your love at marriage is unconditional like the love of god that love for her and your fifthness to god will come by my um my mother-in-law she's resting in her grave god bless her my father-in-law became an adventist first and my mother-in-law was not the happiest person alive she's a she was a sweet child of god don't misunderstand me but she had not yet seen the truth and she was angry and went to the bible to find reasons why he shouldn't keep the sabbath and she studied themselves right into the church she went to the bible to find reason and got baptized so you don't leave the spouse you offer yourself to god as an instrument of evangelism all right pastor zombrano anybody else yes and pastor remember you tell me when okay let's take two or three more and then uh we'll close okay here's another youtube question yes uh question from trinidad my name is shaun my name is what shanna can an sda work in the military and if yes can we work on the sabbath please i need an answer for all right let me pray again father in heaven we're dealing with the most important commandment of the ten the sabbath tell me precisely what to say in jesus name amen let me read the text of the fourth commandment exodus 28-11 now you listen to the words carefully remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter the man's servant not i made servant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates for in six days the lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and holiday everything god had to do he did in six he tells us follow that pattern now jesus says it is lawful to do good on the servant he did not say it is lawful to work ella white gives us council on medical ministry page 216 paragraph two when a doctor or nurse has to go into the hospital on sabbath the money given must be given to the church because you're not supposed to work are you with me that amen is too weak are you with me you're not supposed to work but you can do good and so yes adventists are in the military as far back as the 1800s adventists had a position of non-combatant status you can enter the military but the bible says thou shalt not kill so you're you're a medic or you're a chaplain or something but you must represent your faith i'll also give you this caution avoid work environments where your relationship with god is brought under threat are you following me avoid work environments where your spiritual life will be under constant threat and that's all i'll say ella white writes avoid putting your children in educations where the sabbath will be compromised so that person tell that person if possible avoid the military if possible because you don't run your own life in the military someone else oh yes person brandon we have someone in the building yes sister um no let me let me explain read medical ministry page 216 paragraph two that chapter deals with the the the the sanctuary the the the people who work in the the health sanctuary eloise says the doctor and the nurse must let the patients know they are sabbath keepers people are not to be allowed to suffer on sabbath she says when they go they go and do only that was necessary to relieve suffering anything else can be left for another day that's what she specifically writes but if they're still paid for that give the money to the church so when jesus healed on sabbath that was medical work but it was not work it was doing good if you do what yes precisely she's coming to give a charitable work where she normally works yes in your mind you see it's uh it's volunteer work yes in your mind it's charitable work yes if they put the money on you give it to the church and you will never lose the sabbath cannot be negotiated if you negotiate the sabbath you have to negotiate the adultery one you cannot negotiate god's law the reason why we're not blessed because we we we negotiate disobedience and obedience you know you get double pay on saturdays so you say well i'm a nurse let me go work no no no no no christ object lessons page 316 paragraph to every act is judged by the motive that prompts it every act is judged by the motives that prompt it let me tell you something elmite writes in a patreon prophets page 479 paragraph two listen carefully god shut moses out of canaan to teach a lesson that must never be forgotten that he requires exact obedience and until we practice exact obedience we will never be witness to the full blessings of god pastor zumbrano is there anyone online with a question yes there is yes pastor okay there is one on youtube youtube okay what's the question edward george is edward george pastor the title of tonight's message was steps to christ can you go a bit deeper and explain what christ was really saying when he told peter come when he's taught you to come where you must be referring to walking on the water in matthew chapter 14 when god peter said in verse 29 lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee under water and he said come peter made a request to christ christ under the direction of the father told peter come now it was it was an opportunity to test peter which was a lesson for the other disciples when christ said come and peter stepped out he began to walk then he took his eyes off the christ and he began to sing christ told him to come all the reasons why we're not sure but christ told him come and he did that at the direction of the father because jesus said i only say what the father tells me to say john 7 john 8 john 10 john 12 john i only say what the father tells me to say so when peter said can i come jesus said come and in that experience the disciples got an opportunity of faith and lack of faith as an example of faith unlike when he walked it was by faith when he sank it was lack of faith they also saw that they walked that peter walked the same way christ was walking did you understand what i just said peter and christ were doing this same thing walking on the water by the same power if christ had lost faith in his father in his human condition he would have begun to sink so we see an example of what human beings can do through faith in god the same water on which jesus walked peter walked and jesus only grabbed him when he started to sink so yes jesus said come and peter came had he focused on christ he would never have sunk many of us we take our eyes of jesus we start to sink then we blame jesus anyone else in the building yes we have one pastor zombrano in the building yes sister yes okay all right thank you very much good question the question is who was ellen white what's her role in the adventist church the seventh-day adventist church officially accepts ellen white as someone who exercised the prophetic gift the way isaiah did or jeremiah or micah but her writings are not at the same level as the bible are you following me and she herself said that we believe the lord called her and through her he provided wisdom and counsel to guide this church from its early roots in the early 40s that it was officially organized in 1863 right up to this very point she began her service at the church in 18 she was born in 1827 she died in 1915 she served about 70 years she is the most translated author in the history united states and the third most in the entire world and her counsel her wisdom has been one of the reasons why this church has flourished as it has from its small beginnings up to now with about 21 million members her prophecies which she has given have all come to pass so far and the test of a true prophet is everything you say must come to pass not 99.9 everything you say and so far eloise prophetic statements have come to pass also when she was envisioned she was examined by medical people and she did not breathe and if you read the story of daniel when diana was in vision he didn't breathe either there was no breath in him she didn't breathe and she would be envisioned for hours she didn't breathe one very very famous event she was in a vision and she held out a bible which weighed almost 14 15 pounds for a few hours which mr universe couldn't do she held it out for hours in one vision she was uneducated in one vision she saw heavenly bodies and described him in detail a man listening to her was a former sea captain who navigated by the stars and when he listened to her he realized this must have been shown to her by god because she knew nothing about astronomy and that's how he came to christ or to accept her her writings his name was joseph bates one of the great pioneers of this church so elo white is regarded by the church as having exercised a prophetic gift her writings are not under the level of the bible she calls them the lesser light but as you read her words they help you to understand the bible more but she herself writes if people had studied the bible as they ought they would not have needed her testimonies but i recommend read something she's written and you will see your life change start with steps to christ that book is non-dino national steps to christ and feel the power of the spirit god bless you yes anyone else pastor zombrano anyone online oh okay we have uh 10 minutes and then we're done thank you pastor i'm leaving on sunday so i'm just giving you as much time as possible yes yes pastor anyone else online yes yes sir um here is here's a question uh ruth's from zoom user uh i have a question can it be asked okay is marriage a covenant or a contract in the eyes of god is marriage a covenant or a contract well a contract is a sign of is a kind of covenant it's a it's a con we call it a marriage contract it's an agreement between two people and it has conditions which both must fulfill so yes it's a contract a spiritual one and that's the kind of contract god has with the church because he uses the bond between man and wife to represent the bond between christ and his church so yes it's a contract we can call it the covenant yes that's fine but the covenant of god in god's covenant he he supplies all the details we just have to decide to obey or disobey in a mario's contract there's contribution from both sides thank you so yes it's a covenant and a contract and it's for life you can't divorce your wife because she doesn't know how to cook it's a decision for life if people would think of that there would be fewer marriages it is for life so you better choose wisely and carefully if you want to know what a living hell is marry the wrong person you're stuck for life god have mercy all right yes my good sister i'm glad you lowered that thing for a while yes i'm listening to you pastor we have one in the building yes okay oh so um this is a question on diet so when you're talking about clean and unclean foods if someone brings up um first um timothy chapter four yes press four how do you handle it ah i'm glad okay let's pray father here's a common question i get tell me how to respond so that you are glorified and people are enlightened in jesus name i pray amen let's go to first timothy chapter four verse four well let's read from verse let's read for verse one now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats now read within which god hath what created to be received with thanksgiving of whom of them which believe come on and know the truth now this is very important paul is distinguishing whom he's referring to those who believe and know the truth and the truth is some meats are clean and some are unclean now within the context of those who believe and know the truth everything is clean he's not referring to the whole world listen to the text commanding to abstain from meat which god hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them that believe and know the truth he's referring to believers who know some aren't clean some are clean so within the believer context every clean thing is fine he's not referring to the whole world where people eat snakes and slugs and cockroaches no no no no he's referring to believers believers who know the truth and the truth is submits are unclean so it's a restricted area that paul is dealing with not the whole world but when people want to do what they want to do they twist the bible to suit themselves that's why i always say read the bible microscopically thank you we have five minutes left yes my dear sister so my question is about recognition recognition yes we have in the bible where there were people who recognized christ's divinity and it was accorded as you know them having faith or insight or that it had been revealed to them so my question is why when the demons recognize christ through whoever was shouting or whatever christ asked them to keep quiet if you read the book of john thank you sister you'll find regen for instance in john chapter 2 when john's mother when christ's mother at the marriage of canaan said they have no wine jesus said woman what has doubted with me my hour is not yet come are you with me and this theme is in john the other time for instance john 17 verse 1 these words spake jesus and said father the hour is come christ did things at the right time it was not yet time to make it publicly known who he was because he did not want to be followed by thrill seekers he wanted people who wanted the truth and so he said don't tell anyone he he silenced some demons he told some people don't say anything it's not the time and if we would live that way we'd have a minimum of problems you know you're 16 you want to get married your hour has not yet come are you following me your hour has not yet come you don't have a job you don't live anywhere your hour has not yet come there's a time for everything christ's life was laid out by his father and he followed it without variation god bless you all right our time is okay pastor zambrano the final one from online saint okay we do have a zoom question here is sister marsh is asking could you please explain more about the investigative judgment what are the clear signs that it started in 1844 how should we explain this con concept to non-believer well that's a big subject which i can't deal with right now with all is known as a big subject it is the very foundation of adventist theology ellen white writes in the great controversy page four or nine paragraph one the scripture which above all others have been both the foundation and the central pillar of the advent movement was the declaration under 2 300 days then shall the sanctuary be claimed it is from that that all our present truth springs including the health message and so when i say you can't deal with that now i'm very very serious you have to study luke not luke leviticus 16 and parts of 23 to study the details of the day of atonement in the old testament because to study the gospel you have to know how the sanctuary system worked in the study of leviticus then we get an understanding as to when the day of atonement began antitypically what do i mean by that a lamb is typical christ is antitypical are you following me the passover feast was typical calvary is antitypical the day of atonement which took place on the tenth day of the seventh month in in in the fall that was fulfilled october 23 1844. now you would have to look at uh as i said leviticus 16 leviticus 23 and parts of ezra to see exactly when to date daniel chapter 9 to finally show a person from 457 bc to 1844 all the events and all the bible support so i just can't do that now that's a big big study but it is an important study very important i just can't do that now how do you show that assembly out of this that takes days and days of study when i came to the church many years ago before any of you were born you had to know how to explain the 2300 day prophecy you were taught you had to be able to explain it and we were young people but it's a big subject my dear sister who was and we can't help that now but all the information is right in the bible leviticus ezra daniel right in the bible it's amazing okay we have to close god is good and all the time let me say god bless you those of you online thank you for your questions let me urge you as your brother in christ make the bible the most important thing you eat jesus said in john 6 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth gives life the flesh prophet is nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and their life this is what terrifies the devil when we study it and obey it may the word of god be the love of your life until he comes to take you home let's stand for prayer oh yes we invite you join us tomorrow when does the first service begin eleven tomorrow morning when i speak to you and again at seven o'clock and remember if you're in the area come tomorrow we can talk face-to-face if that's possible i hope you will do that tomorrow morning 11 and in the evening at 7 that's when we end father in heaven we thank you for the joy of studying your word without interference from the authorities we thank you for freedom of worship thank you for those who listen to god for the questions and you go behind me father ahead of me and take my weak responses and clarify them to those who listened bless every listener they god a special blessing on that little boy seven years old who asked that question and all other children a special blessing on visitors who tuned in touch their lives father help us to love you put that love in us for you put in us a love for your worthy god and a love for spiritual decency watch over us as we sleep bring us back tomorrow according to your will in jesus name we pray [Music] amen [Music] below guide my fears [Music] i shall be free [Music] someday [Music] jesus leads me [Music] be gone [Music] [Music] the streets of glory i shall be [Music] but this is jesus leads me [Music] disappointed [Music] [Music] what is [Applause] [Music] is glory i want to love [Music] someday [Music] jesus leads me [Music] day [Music] welcome friend to 2cbn television network here we want to preach the uplifted savior we want to have quality bible seminars to help you dig deeper we want to have interviews with shakers and movers we want to have family life marriage and youth programs we want to have quality music we're providing religious news happenings religious world and health issues that face the moderate east african today god bless you as you continue to watch 2cb [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 62,423
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church (Religion), East-central Africa Division of SDA, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Saddleback Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, TB Joshua SERMON, Priscilla Shirer, Grace For Purpose, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Dr. Ben Carson, Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN), Doug Batchelor, Mark Finlay Sermons, Randy Skeet, Berry Black
Id: pWpEmt5OydA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 11sec (7751 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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