Forgive Us Our Debts | Pr. Randy Skeete | Stockholm International SDA church, Sweden (Day 4)

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the man who attempts to keep the commandments of god from a sense of obligation merely because he's required to do so will never enter into the joy of obedience he does not obey when the requirements of god are accounted a burden because they cut across human inclination we may know that a life is not a christian life true obedience is the outworking of a principle within it springs from the love of righteousness the love of the law of god the essence of all righteousness is loyalty to our redeemer this will lead us to do right because it is right because right doing is pleasing to god christ object lessons page 97 paragraph three it is my holy pleasure again to welcome you to this presentation this series god has answers and indeed he has regardless of the questions we may put to god god has answers and his answers without variation are found in his holy word if the word is studied and obeyed i welcome you wherever you are i began with the host church in stockholm sweden and i extended my welcome to all those listening wherever you are on god's world i thank the lovely duet for singing the first hands of the theme song and all those who participated the good doctor who gave such valuable information i particularly welcome any non set of the adventist who is watching thank you for giving time to god and fellowshipping with us i say that very seriously we are delighted with your presence and may the lord bless you in a way that will change your life i welcome also in a special way little boys and little girls who are watching thank you very much for loving jesus and i hope i see something that will change your life and draw you closer to your savior our subject for today forgive us our debts again forgive us our debts before i begin remember the call for reverence wherever you are preserve reverence because we are worshiping through the spoken word the god of heaven and earth or as melchizedek called him in genesis 14 19 and 28 the possessor of heaven and earth so preserve reverence where you are monitor your children favor number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth i need that spiritual support ask god to put his words in my mouth jeremiah 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth i want to speak god's words favor number three think as you listen apply your mind shut out distractions and concentrate on the word of god isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together said the lord let us pray father in heaven we come into your presence at the invitation of jesus christ come unto me only that labor and a heavy lid and i will give you a rest we come because we need rest from trials and tribulations we need rest from the challenges of modern society above all we need rest from the burden of sin as we come to you today god in the name of jesus wrap your arms around us draw us into the safety of your divine bosom day god and forgive us reassure us of your undying love for us dear god and let the knowledge of that love inspire us to god and give us energy to live i humble myself before you de god it is my burden my task is a heavy task to speak for you come to my aid come to my assistance father and help me by filling me with your spirit not from my shape but for the sake of the clear transmission of the words of truth humble me i pray i humble myself before you father and i ask you to bless all those listening particularly our guests and our little boys and girls have mercy upon anyone who has contracted coffee 19 heal that person father i say again heal that person or those persons i pray and for those with a variety of ailments give them relief their god and at the end of this presentation may i say something from you that will draw listeners closer to you yes all the countries represented bless the leaders i pray in jesus name amen forgive us our debts let us learn something about god in john chapter 19 pilate asked jesus where's art thou that's in verse 9 but jesus gave him no answer first step here's what pilate said to jesus speak islam not unto me nor still not that i have power to crucify thee and i have power to release thee verse 11 of john 19 jesus answered thou could have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin those words that end that verse let them attract your attention he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin and who did that it was judas who betrayed jesus now pilate was wrong to hand over jesus to be crucified but judas deliberately planned to betray jesus christ and to do that for a sum of money and so while pilate was wrong and judas was wrong jesus said judas who delivered me to you has the greater sin which means some sins are more severe than others let me be very clear and say very quickly every sin regardless of size will get you lost if it remains unconfessed but some sins are greater than others some have more severe consequences than others and so we have degrees of severity in sin let's look at authority let's look at authority john 14 let's read from versailles our subject forgive our debts philip said unto him lord show us the fatherless suffice of us jesus said unto him have i been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me philip he that have seen me have seen the father and how says thou then sure was the father verse 10 believers thou not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me hid with the words what did jesus say i do not speak of my own i say what the father tells me to say clearly christ is saying the father has authority over me yes even in the godhead there are levels of authority there is equality in divinity but there is difference in authority the father is highest then the son and the holy spirit even though all three are fully divine it was the father that sent the son it was the father that sends the holy spirit the son also sends the holy spirit from time to time but the holy spirit does not send the father anywhere nor does the holy spirit send the divine son there are levels of authority in the godhead there are levels of authority among the priests or they were in the days of the israelites aaron in the wilderness was the high priest he had privileges the levites did not have there were differences in authority only aaron could enter the most holy place on the day of atonement no leaflet could go in there only aaron only aaron can lead out in the services there were levels of privilege and authority among the angels the highest angel before sin was lucifer no other angel came as close to god to receive instruction than lucifer another light informs us lucifer would go to god receive instructions then he would pass commands to the angels when he pronounced gabriel took that position there are levels of authority there are also differences in relationships if you read matthew 17 verse one our subject is forgive our debts matthew 17 verse one read very very microscopically and after eight days jesus taketh peter and james and john his brother and bring them up into a high mountain apart and was transfigured before them for still we know the story of the transfiguration of jesus christ christ knew it would happen he went up to the mountain for that event and he had 12 disciples he only took three peter james and john because christ was closer to peter james and john than he was to the other nine now let me be very clear in revelation 21 verse 14 the foundations of the city will carry the names of the twelve disciples not uh judas is not included but i just took his place the this the foundations of the holy city the twelve of them will each have the name of the disciples so even though jesus was closer to three than to the other nine they will all be in the kingdom but there are degrees of closeness to god there are degrees of relationships so jesus took only peter james and john left the other nine at the base of the mountain when christ was going to gethsemane to suffer and pray in matthew 26 verse 36 and verse 37 but let me pray again father continue to direct my mind as i speak for you in jesus name i pray amen then jesus taketh peter and he taketh them and cometh with them unto a place called gethsemane and he taketh peter and the two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy now he told the the nine in verse 36 sitting here while i go younger and pray and worship that's what he told him but in 37 he only took peter james and john and went further into the garden so he took those three men again with him when he raised jairus's thought in mark chapter 5 he took only peter james and john into the house and left the other disciples outside and i do not question why jesus did that he was closer to the three than he was to the other nine there are degrees of relationships in the desire of ages page 524 paragraph one the desire of ages 5 24 paragraph one ella white writes the savior bless all who sought his help let me repeat all who sought his help he loves all the human family but to some he's bound by peculiarly tender associations let me say that again the savior blessed all who sought his help for god so loved the world okay now but to some he is bound by peculiarly tender associations his heart was knit by a strong bond of affection to the family at bethany mary martin lazarus and for one of them his most wonderful work was wrought christ reserved his most powerful miracle for the family closest to him mary martha and lazarus so we have seen there are degrees in sin some sins are worse than others but let me say again all will get you lost if they are not confessed two we see there are differences in authority gabriel is the highest angel the high priest had more privileges than the levites we see even jesus is subject to the father even though they're both fully divine as is the holy spirit there are differences in authority levels of authority and we also see their differences in relationship the degrees and the closeness in relationships of the twelve disciples peter james and john were closer to christ than the other nine were but all 12 minus judas of course matthias took his place all 12 will have the names on the foundations of the holy city according to revelation 21 14 now having hopefully established the biblical fact that there are differences let's look at the sanctuary exodus 25 we read from verse 8 exodus 25 reading verse 8 our subject forgive us our debts in that passage we know it very well unless them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell among them the purpose of the sanctuary and all its furnishings and all its services were to demonstrate to the israelites how god dealt with sin his hatred for sin and that sin has to be removed in order for him to have the most intimate relationship with those whom he loves sin interferes it gets between us on a closer walk with our savior and so let them make me a sanctuary that i may do well among them now i'm sure you know the basic details of the sanctuary we have two compartments to the tent the most holy place and the holy place and we have what is called the outer court in the outer court we have the lever where the priest washed we have the altar of sacrifice when the animals were burned in the holy place we have the table of schumann to the north we have the candlestick to the south we have the uh the altar of incense to the west in the holy place we have the ark which contained the ten commandments now follow me closely we will examine degrees of holiness degrees of holiness an israelite could not just walk into the outer court unless he is coming or he came with a sacrifice this was off-limits just casual interaction as a matter of fact uh jewish tradition informs us that between the tabernacle and the closest 10 pitch they had to be two-thirds of a mile no animals could graze in that that area it was all holy let me say it again they were supposed to be two-thirds of a mile of empty space between the tabernacle and the closest tents of the israelites when they were encamped that's jewish tradition giving us that information no animals could raise in that area it was holy but it was not as holy as the outer court which contained the alt of sacrifice and the liver now the altar of sacrifice represented calvary the sacrifice of christ where he gave his life on that cross that's where the animal was burned and the animal represented jesus christ in the outer court the outer court was holy and israelite only came when he came to bring a sacrifice to atone for his sins we go from unholy area two-thirds of a mile between the tent of the israelites and the tabernacle it had to be empty space all around we have the outer court that was holy then we move into the holy place that was holier than the outer court it was holier than the open space of two-thirds of a mile that's why it's called a holy place in that holy place we have table of shubert alt of incense and we have the seven branch candelabra in the holy place now we move to the most holy place follow me closely the the article of furniture in the most holy place where the priest could only go once a year on the day of atonement the tenth day of the seventh month in that most holy place the only article of furniture was the ark now let us learn something about the ark great controversy page 433 paragraph two great controversy 433 paragraph two ella white right the ark was merely a receptacle for the tables of the law the presence of these divine precepts gave to it its value and sacredness now why was it that god said do not touch the ark because the law was in the earth not for the ark itself the law was in the ark and so the reason why other was struck dead when he touched the ark with good intentions he put his hand on god's law by touching that ark let me say again the ark that box had no value other than the fact it contained the ten commandments and so the sacredness of the ark was the fact that it contained not the ark itself made of shitty wood but the presence of the ten commandments what am i trying to get through here in the outer court was the table that the off the altar of sacrifice representing calvary where christ gave his life that was the other court it was not in the holy place so it was situated in a place not as holy as the holy place in the holy place we had the table of shoebre we have the candlestick and we have the other vincents they were in the holy place they were not in the most holy place let me repeat the holy place was not as holy as the most holy the priesthood come into the holy place every single day of course he was in the outer court every single day all the time he could only enter the most holy ones now that must tell us something about the absolute sacredness of the most holy place where god's presence was represented by the shekinah that hovered just above the mercy seat between the covering cherubim you read about that in exodus 25 from 10 to 22. why am i stressing this why is the subject forgive our debts the holiest compartment contain the ark we have discovered the ark as a box had no value other than it contained the ten commandments what am i trying to tell you the holiest thing in the israelite society were the ten commandments of god the most sacred thing in that tabernacle wasn't the table of shoebread or the altar or the candlestick or the or the the lever it was the ten commandments placed in a place so holy that the priest could only enter once a year and if he had one sin on his life he dropped dead he could not enter the presence of the law of god he could not enter the presence of god with sin on his life what am i trying to tell you again i'm trying to tell you that the law of god is as sacred as god himself let me say it again this time a little slowly with less passion but no less sincerity the law of god is as sacred as god himself and the throne of god according to the details of the construction of the tabernacle and all his furnishings the throne of god is symbolized by that box containing the ten commandments and the reason for the sacredness of the box was the presence of the law and so god's throne is really based upon his law his sacred law and since the law expresses the righteousness of god it stands to reason that the law of god is as sacred as god himself let me pray again dear god restrain me restrain my carnal nature speak through me freely i pray in jesus name amen listen to the wisest man who ever lived solomon the son of david also called ecclesiastes nicknamed the preacher ecclesiastes 12 13. let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man the whole duty of man but let me individualize that your duty as described and prescribed by god is to live in harmony with god's law let me reword that your duty and mine which must accept voluntarily it cannot be forced upon us it simply reflects god's standard for us your duty and mine is to live a life that expresses the holiness of god because the law is the whole duty of man it is not 99 the duty of mankind god's standard for us is the reflection of his holiness is the reflection of his uh character that's our duty on this earth the reflection of the very character of god a reflection of the holiness of god and so in the sanctuary in this most sacred compartment we find the law of god god did not put the table of shoe bread in the most holy place he knows why he did he did not put the candlestick in the most holy place he did not put the artificers in the most holy place because if they had never been sinned there would be no need for the table of shoe bread the candlestick or the art of incense let me say it again if there had been no sin there would have been no need for those saints or for the altar of sacrifice in the outer court but before sin there was god's law the law of god has always existed it exists now it will exist forever and so it stands by itself with a sacred uniqueness that is not granted to the shoe bread the incense or the candlestick or the also sacrifice or the believer as a uniqueness is different to the the law of god that all of the furnishings in the tabernacle did not enjoy because god's law is not only as sacred as god himself but since it reflects his character it is as eternal as god himself let me elaborate on something i said time is moving very quickly i see if adam had never sinned there would be no need for christ to die no need for counseling no need for praying no need for a priest to conduct intercessory activities no need for all that stuff in the sanctuary of god if there had been no sin sin made those things necessary sin did not make the law necessary sin existed because the law pre-existed that everything else in the sanctuary was the result of sin except the law of god and so it occupies a position all by itself it has no competition for holiness let me say it again let me explain it this way in the outer court there was the liver and the altar sacrifice well one had competition i am not the only person in the outer court the laser is there competing with me for attention there was the place where the animals were tied and were killed so we you have various articles in the article in the holy place table of shoe brain candlestick although vince said well no one attracts attention above the other but in the most holy place it is only the ark containing the ten commandments no competition for attention whatever i say again god's law placed by god in the most sacred compartment of the tabernacle what's the lesson for you and me as the whole world disregards god's law as the whole world lives in open rebellion against god's law god still tells the world and he wants to tell the world through this church that he raised up to elevate the law as a reflection of jesus christ he has raised us up to remind the world that the law is still the lifestyle god has required of us and that has not changed forgive our debts when we sin we transgress not the altered sacrifice not the table of shoe bread not the candlestick not the odds of incense not the liver we transdress the law which occupies the place in the most holy place let me say it again when we sing we transdress the law not the table of shoe breath and since the law is as sacred as god himself when we sin we sin against god when we sin we violate the highest expression of sacredness when we sin we throw human feces on the standard of righteousness that's why sin is so hated by god yet he's willing to forgive he's willing to forgive our sins even though sin is an attack upon the highest expression of sacredness and holiness the law of god as a reflection of god's character itself despite our constantly violating and insulting and undermining and abusing that standard of sacredness god is so good he's willing to forgive and that proof is in the sacrifice of jesus christ what have you done that you consider so large so bad that god cannot forgive you let me remind you god in the most holy place where the ark was the ten commandments the ten commandments were in the box above the box was something called the mercy calvary is an expression of mercy mercy does not remove the law mercy allows someone else to take the blame for your sin and mind let me say that again let me define mercy in a different way mercy is god's arrangement for someone else to take the blame for this universal crime of violating this high standard of sacredness that's mercy and the highest expression of that mercy is the sacrifice of jesus christ on calvary he died for our sins god put on him what we deserve god is willing to forgive our deaths even though the smallest sin even though there's degrees and sincerity the smallest sin still constitutes an attack against the highest expression of sacredness if you or i tell a white lie as we put colors on lies it is not an undermining of the table of shoe the order of indians or the candlestick or believer it is an attempt to undermine the very foundation of the universal kingdom of god and god is willing to forgive if the sin is a huge and humongous sin which the bible calls an abomination god is similarly ready to forgive and i told you even though a sin is big or small all sins will get us lost that is proven by the fact that the same cross of christ atones for any sin regardless of signs so while different sins may have different consequences if they remain unconfessed any sin large or small will get you lost today we're talking about a god who's very sacredness is expressed in his law my listening friend it is not the little thing to sin against god for you or for me it is not a little thing to sin against god we attacked there is no higher expression of sacredness than the law of god why because the law of god is as sacred as god himself and so today i remind you with great respect god stands ready now to give us to forgive us our debts he stands ready right now not only to give us our debts but to enable us to forgive others who have sinned against us because the behavior of god in making forgiveness available must be reflected in us who are made in his image we must be as willing to forgive as god has forgiven but today i want to stress the willingness of god to forgive the only crime in the universe and that is sin against god which is a violation of the highest expression of sacredness holiness and that expression is god's holy law placed in the most holy compartment of the sanctuary where there were no other furnishings it was the center of attention and attraction but with holiness came solemnity because if that high priest entered the presence of that law the presence of god with any unconfessed sins he dropped dead he could not enter the holy place in that condition and so today i present to you god's willingness to forgive the holiest expression of sacredness and that is the law of god answer first john 1 9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness the word all does not admit of exceptions anything you do that is confessed god forgives of course you don't confess from the spleen or liver you confess from the heart anything you and i confess from stealing a banana to genocide is forgiven by god and so while i have stressed the sacredness of god's law which is as sacred as god himself the fact that god can forgive a violation of that law is the ultimate expression of the love of god that he would allow that he would provide a way to cleanse the sinner from violating something that expresses the essence of his sacredness and holiness confess your sins to god big and small there are no advantages to holding on to sin let me say that again there are no advantages to holding onto sin sin in any form in any expression is destructive and all it brings is death whether immediate or over a period of time anything cursed by sin touched by sin contaminated by sin eventually has to come to an end that's why god cannot save a sinner into his eternal kingdom because anything touched by sin must come to an end we must get sin out of us through the blood of christ let me close by inviting you again god is willing to confess us to forgive our sins he will forgive our deaths what is that death sin what is sin of violation an insult against the highest expression of sacredness a sacredness that is god's very sacredness that is a violation of the law of god and god is willing to forgive that over and over and over you cannot separate the love of god from his law truly it is a law of love and that love is seen in god's willingness to forgive any violation of his standard of absolute sacredness forgive our debts and god stands ready to forgive you right now regardless of how you feel god's word isn't active based on feeling it is active based on the fact that he said it and so listen again microscopically if we confess our sins if you or i he is faithful you can depend on it to forgive our sins and to cleanse us he's faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteous won't you now bow your head with me and confess that sin god is standing he's ready he's eager he's willing he's waiting and wanting to cleanse you of that destructive sin head bowed eyes closed father in heaven we thank you for your love the highest expression the cross of christ the death of christ father we understand a little more now how sacred is your law you deliberately placed it in the holiest compartment of the sanctuary in an area holier than the outer court with the altar of sacrifice in the living world in an area holier than the holy place where all the vincent and the table is shoe brained and the seven branched candle and them were located can the labrum was located he you placed it in a compartment where no other articles of furniture work because it is not to have competition your law you are willing to forgive us when we transdress that law which means sin is a personal attack against god and you're willing to forgive father we know how we hurt when we're insulted when we're made to feel bad when people disrespect us because we are hurt personally let's multiply that a trillion times god and try to understand how you were hurt when sin violates your law forgive us dear god as your people pray and ask for forgiveness forgive them father because micah 7 verse 18 says he delighteth in mercy and there is no higher expression of mercy than the forgiveness of sins dear god receive us into your bosom grant us a fresh outpouring of your spirit because the blessings you gave us yesterday were for yesterday we need a new infilling of your spirit today bless every family every person every little boy and girl a sweet blessing on every guest who tuned in their father and let the words they heard today encourage them to return to borrow to listen to your words again oh father forgive our debts we thank you for that assurance and we offer this prayer for love in jesus name amen
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 7,047
Rating: 4.9431281 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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