Why Create Lucifer & Tree of Sin When God Knew What'll Happen? - Dr. Gene Kim

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in Genesis chapter 2 and verse 17 the sink is kind of light so I apologize to the viewers the Bible says that the Lord he created what the tree of knowledge of good and evil so four times say I'm just gonna stay tree of kay right here in verse 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die now there's no doubt that the Lord he created that tree in the Garden of Eden because you're gonna notice at verse eight and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground made the Lord to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food so this tree of the knowledge of good and evil the Lord God created it and one of the common arguments from atheists you're gonna see is this is that if God truly loves his creation then why in the world did God create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if God is all-knowing why did God create this tree knowing that mankind would eat out of it and that mankind would face disease famine and starvation so that's not truly a loving God if God created this then he should not be loved now the answer is this is that your Lord God when he created this thing he did not do it so that he can get a kick out of it and he was jumping up and joy hoping that mankind would sin what we're going to look is that the Lord God himself he's the type that searches the things of the heart that's the type of God that you serve we're also going to look at Isaiah chapter 14 I'm gonna give another problem right here and then I'll explain the sir I'll continue with my answer about God searching the heart but we're going to look at another problem I hear right here we're going to look at Isaiah chapter 14 Isaiah chapter 14 what we're going to notice right here is that we see Lucifer now Lucifer in Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 12 he was created by God as well if God is truly a God of love why did he create Lucifer knowing that Lucifer would fall Lucifer would be Satan and Lucifer what's he going to do tent mankind Lucifer is the one that's going to make Adam and Eve sin against God Lucifer the one that messes up your life and mind isn't he that's the thing that that's the thing that bottles are mine about God creating Lucifer to tempt us to bother us to hurt us if this person didn't exist then we wouldn't face all this mess point is this God is not a God of love because why he created Lucifer knowing that he would be the one to tempt Adam and Eve to partake in the fruit the forbidden fruit and thus he cannot be loved again now the answer is this continuing where I left off God is a type of God that searches the deep things of the heart if God did not create these two beings you got to realize this Adam and Eve had everything perfect in their world all the mankind would live perfectly in their world and in such a perfect world you can't honestly say that mankind truly loves God what do you mean by that preacher here's an easy example it's easy to say I love Jesus when Jesus Christ is good to you when Jesus Christ he blessed your life taking care of you with money people to meet in your life a roof over your head and extra things in this world right especially when God makes you prosperous it's easy to love Jesus and thank him but man when you go through hard times and tears and death and sorrow and pain and health problems and financial problems can you really say I love Jesus no you can't do that so the thing is this the Lord God set these two things in place to see if man truly loves God you can't honestly say that Adam and Eve truly love God without these two things to really show what's in their heart and God you got to realize this God's that type of God because if you were God think about this this is so simple if you are God who lived all eternity would you be happy living all eternity with robots loving you see you wouldn't be happy like that you would prefer a real kind of person that has free will and free choice who chooses to love you I mean think about it all eternity you live like that I'm with robots loving you you can't really enjoy that kind of a life for all eternity forever think about it he had no beginning or end so that's why you can't blame him for creating man with a free will that's why we are definitely against Calvinists if you're a Calvinist you have a problem here how do you explain this problem huh if you're a Calvinist have fun debating with atheist for us it's easy because man has free will now the thing is this is that a theist what they like to argue is this what they like to argue is that okay man has free will to truly love God but why does it have to be through creating Lucifer why do you have to have a person tempting you to do it not only that why do you have to create the tree of knowledge of good and evil like deliberately right in front of their face I mean why would you do that to see if man truly loves God he could have done other means why does it have to be something like this here's a simple question would you would you in your right mind to test if a person truly loved you deliberately send a person to tempt that person to put deliberately a thing that would damage mankind for all of his life and even in his eternity risk the soul to burn in hell forever no you and I would never do that but why would God do that see God he must be a very mean sadistic strange person twisted kind of love that's what the AC is thinking but here's a simple answer to that one it's not really difficult God is not the same thing as man if man did it then you have a strange messed up kind of love do you know why because man he is imperfect now this is absolutely important for you to understand that way you can debate with the atheist successfully as an imperfect man you have no right whatsoever to put a Lucifer tree of knowledge of good and evil or anything drastic and dramatic like that to see if the person truly loves you because you're man you're imperfect you might be doing that out of the selfish kind of way be dictatorial doing it for the wrong kind of purposes but will God ever do that absolutely not do you know why because he's perfect I mean is he 100% not 99% is he 100% perfect yes or no yes otherwise there's no such thing as God period God would not be God unless he's 100% perfect now here's the thing as a 100 percent perfect God are not all his ways perfect absolutely will he make a 90 percent or 99 percent or will he make it 100 percent he will make it 100 percent so in all his doings he has to be 100 percent perfect and it's without sin if God is going to really show if you really love God you know how he's gonna do it he's gonna do it in a perfect manner that's 100 percent you see that the best way that can truly expose the heart of man that where he 100% loves God is that you bear it all open you bear it all open find the thing that causes man not to love God and go through all of that mess go through all of those things to see if mankind truly love God or not that's why you notice we have trials and sufferings in our lives and Christians become holding more holy and love God more and more through the trials do you know why it's because that's the best thing to expose 100% that you love Jesus Christ but if you had everything perfect in your life and blessing that's not the way that exposes 100 percent perfect that you love God see God he's such a brilliant God but not only that he's a perfect God if man did that it would be totally intolerable and unreliable but God can do that no that's not fair God can't do that yes he can you know why because he's perfect he will never do wrong he knows past present and future how it's going to turn out for the betterment he's holy without sin not only that if he never did this kind of test in love if he diminished it lowered the standards in this test he cannot be God because everything he does has to be 100% perfect see you just disprove the existence of God if he doesn't do that but you prove that God truly exists even more when he does this kind of test let's look at first Corinthians chapter 2 your God is a type that exposes what's in your heart searches the deep things in your heart and life that's the kind of God you serve he's going to dig deep what you think what you feel in your heart and even though you might think that oh you know I actually love Jesus Christ but God he's going to dig that heart deeper and deeper and say well it's not you don't really love me as much as you should actually let me show you this thing right here let this situation happen right there and let me show you what's in your heart that's something Christians understand and not atheists do you know why because Christians have been through the Christian walk not atheists you guys will understand what I'm talking about in your life have you ever wondered and thought you know well you know I'm not gonna commit that sin you know and then what did God do he puts you through a situation in your life or you ever thought hey you know I can handle that problem not a problem or you might think oh I'm not that prideful I'm humble and you know what God does god he actually puts you what does he do he says oh really let's see and doesn't he put you through that walk we're situations and circumstances happen in your life and you realize hey I'm not that great of a Christian that I thought I was hey I'm actually more wicked than I thought I was I thought I was a pretty good Christian oh man you know I'm actually not smart like I thought I was I'm not rich and powerful and talented like I thought I was but I'm sorry mr. and mrs. atheist out there you don't think that way you think mankind is so good you're so proud of your action you think you're so smart you're so rich you're so capable and see because of that that's why you don't understand what we Christians go through because God never puts you through that test why because you never wanted that test to begin with see that let's look at first Corinthians chapter two and we're gonna look at verse 10 but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches what because he's perfect he's not gonna stop Midway and say no I'm not gonna do that because it's too mean no he's gonna start to everything his work is perfect yeah the what deep things of God he's going to expose everything in man that's why verse 16 for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him that's why you have no right whatsoever to tell god what to do and question what he does things why because you don't search the deep things of the heart but God does you yourself don't even know your own heart you know that even you who's the one person who should know yourself perfectly than any other person there's a being that knows you more than you that's God so God has the right God has a perfect right to do this kind of method to see if you truly love him that's the best way to expose 100% love is that he does this method and guess what when he did this method in your personal life didn't you notice that how much you fail in loving Jesus Christ as much as you should so that's the reason why God does this why because is he satisfied with the eighty percent love or a hundred percent 100% love he wants you to be holy like him he wants you to love him 100% he what he has a perfect high standard that's how God is but guess what mankind fails that's why we all go to hell that's why God what does he do he lets Jesus Christ pay for mankind and then he says your salvation is taken care of my son Jesus Christ paid it for you but now the rest of your life I want you to strive to be like this and so that's what we're all trying to strive to be like Jesus Christ that's the kind of God you serve he wants you to be like him that's also look at Revelation chapter 20 revelation 20 here's another thing right here notice that God exposes what's really in the heart of man when he lets Satan loose when he lets Satan loose mankind for a thousand years in this earthly Kingdom live perfectly happily nothing can go wrong so mankind must be very good and God exposes mankind's heart once more no you're actually not that good after all you're actually very evil even though we have a thousand years of peace and prosperity and sinlessness because look at right here verse seven and when the thousand years that thousand-year Kingdom a perfection are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth encompassed the camp of the Saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them look at verse 7 through 9 Satan is loosed and that that's why God created Satan and Lucifer to expose mankind's heart once more and when God did that he did actually expose what's really in mankind's heart and he finally did it once and for all mankind at his very best they do not love God they are not holy they are wicked people and that's the greatest evidence that he did was crew the tree of knowledge of good and evil and Lucifer and by doing that he exposed mankind once more that you actually are not really good as you think you are and when he lets Lucifer out mankind what do they do out of their madness they follow Satan and go up against God couldn't their right mind would do that who would be so foolish to do that but see that's what's in the heart of man that's how wicked mankind is that's how wicked and deceptive and foolish mankind is but proud a theist never see that do they so that's why God will do these things with you to show what's really in your heart
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 169,826
Rating: 4.862452 out of 5
Keywords: Trump, Obama, conspiracy, end times, prophecy, revelation, Rob Skiba, apologetics, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Charles Lawson, Robert Breaker, Steve Cioccolanti, King James Bible, Peter Ruckman, Mark Dice, tribulation, flat earth, Steven Anderson, antichrist, mark of the beast, vigilant christian, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind, bible believer
Id: wZA0ESR6geU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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