Map Directions to the Portal of Hell - Dr. Gene Kim

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so as we're going through our series on end times and demons the Bible says in the last days there shall be doctrines of devils and 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 says we are not to be ignorant of Satan's devices so in these last days it's going to be important to see what the devil is planning and what he's preparing to do and that what's going to happen in the last days so one of the things that's pretty interesting about to be aware of in the last days is one of the portals or gates of Hell so didn't you know that no there is none yes there is didn't you know that there's a gate there's a portal and a gateway to hell no a sir yes sir there is look at Matthew 16 Matthew chapter 16 what did Jesus Christ say about the church that they're going to have to resist against see hell has entrances hell has gates there is a gate to hell look at Matthew chapter 16 please Matthew chapter 16 and I guess the Pope he has the entrance to the gate of hell right Matthew chapter 16 and we will read verse 18 notice what the church the church is supposed to be aware of this didn't you know that so people churches who don't believe in this it shows that they are not aware of this the Bible says know that the church is to be aware of it because look at Matthew chapter 16 and we will read verse 18 the Bible says and I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the what gates of hell shall not prevail against it so notice right here that the gate of hell will not prevail against the church so the church is to be aware of the gate of hell but it's very interesting did it say gate of hell or gates of hell gays so there are different entrances portals and entrances to hell now there are some things through word of mouth legends and this where they talk about correct me if I'm wrong is to 12 portals to hell is that right well perhaps though but they are there the same whether there are twelve portals and gates to hell it's pretty interesting when you study this kind of stuff some circumstances and instances that people went through so some interesting places which are good prospectors one in Antarctica another one in the Tibetan mountain where they hear weird noises and they communicate with spirits with the Buddhist monks but those things I am Not sure I am not sure another one could be the Bermuda Triangle there's a lot of crazy stuff going on in here but there is one gate and portal that I can guarantee to you that is seen throughout the Bible and it would be no surprise it is the heart of biblical action Israel Israel the heart of biblical action the gates of hell one of the gates of hell is located in this spot and guess what it will happen in the future where people will literally see it look at Jonah 2 though but go to Jonah chapter 2 Jonah chapter 2 here's one person who actually saw he'll go to Jonah - Jonah chapter 2 so for some of you who don't know where Jonah is it's it's after the Book of Daniel and then Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Jonah all right open your Bibles to the Book of Jonah chapter 2 please notice in Jonah chapter 2 verse 2 that below the earth below the earth hell has what Jase Mars it has entranceway go to Jonah chapter 2 verse 2 instead I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of notice what he'll cry die now some people might think this is Jonah in side a whale's belly but to be quite honest when you're the pre days and three nights inside a whale's belly you're not going to live that long you will die so right here Bible believers believe that this is actually hell but how we know this is definitely hell is to keep reading keep reading we will read verse five the waters come past me about even to where the soul so see this is something even more extreme than just outward the body but look at verse 6 I went down to where the bottoms of the mountains see that right below the bottom of the mountains the earth with her what bars was about me for ever see that he was underneath the earth he was underneath the earth what's underneath the earth Church hell hell so Jonah where did he go he realized that Earth had what it had gates it had bars there is an entranceway to hell let's also keep reading we will read verse 7 when my soul fainted within me so notice right here that it's the soul again so you see right here that in Jonah chapter 2 there's an entranceway there's a gateway portal to Hell let's also look at the Book of Numbers chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 now the obvious answer is if you don't think that there are entranceway to hell then why in the world would hell have gates and bars is to prevent something to go in and something to go out seeing it's a gateway entrance let's look at numbers chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 now that we know that there are gateways and entrances to hell guess what we're going to see now now we're going to see actual cases and examples where this game opened up we're going to look at numbers chapter 16 and we will look at verse 28 verse 28 and Moses said hereby ye shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these work if I have not done them of mine own mind if these men dive in common depth of all men where a baby visited after the visitation of all men then the Lord hath not sent me but at the Lord now look at this make a new thing and the earth what open her mouth and swallow them up remember what's below the earth church what is below the earth it's hell right so if the earth opens up and opens up her mouth where are these people going to drop into hell but let's keep reading right here with all that appertain unto them and they go down they go down quick into where the past remember the book of Revelation who is the king of the bottomless pit see did you look at verses in your Bible that talk about the pit hell let's keep reading then you shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord and it came to pass as he had men made an end of speaking all these words that the ground claimed asunder that was under them and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses and all the men that a pertain unto Korah and all their goods they and all their a pertain to them went down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon them and they perished from among the congregation and all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them of course they said lest the earth swallows swallow us up also and there came out of fire from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense so notice right here that when the earth opened up its mouth there was a pit there that had Korah Dathan and abiram fell in - so we don't know exactly the location but so his name is Cora but Korah Dathan and abiram when they sinned against God and rebelled against Moses you know I got you want the price was the price was they dropped into hell the earth opened up it snuff and there was a pit there some sort of entrance there and they went down in there and did they burn in hell yes they did go to the book of Jude go to the book of Jude they went to hell go to the book of Jude Korah is right now burning in everlasting darkness we will look at the book of Jude and we will read verse 11 verse 11 notice the Bible says woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of who Korah so this is Cora but where is Cora read verse 13 13 raging waves of the sea foaming out of their own shame wandering stars to whom is what reserved the blackness of Darkness forever hell you know what that verse said reservation reserved oh he had a reservation all right God made a reservation and that was that kid right at that spot that what that's why why did God tell Moses and the children of Israel to get away from that spot get away from that particular spot make sure Korah Dathan our bottom stays in that particular spot why because there's a pit right under them and that's their reservation and they go down they go down let's also look at Jude 1 verse 7 verse 7 but not just Korah you know what who else burned in the fire Sodom and Gomorrah the what did God say about the city they were burned to the ground right they were burned to the ground but when they were burned to the ground you got understand this it's not some kind of normal fire as well if you read the book of Genesis what did the what did God rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah fire and brimstone don't believe you read the book of Genesis what did God rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah fire and brimstone what is fire and brimstone in the Bible revelation 21 verse 8 right what did revelation 21 verse 8 said is said that hell is what the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death so if you compare Genesis revelation 21 verse 8 you'll see right here that sodom and gomorrah they had quite a fire it's a special fire not an ordinary fire it's Hellfire how do you know that it's Hellfire forget you 1 verse 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner so it's talking about the cities right the locations of Sodom and Gomorrah what happened giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth an example suffering what the Vengeance see God avenge himself of Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities what happened to these cities is that what the verse says cities where happened to these cities suffering the Vengeance of not just fire and brimstone it's what eternal fire they sunk into hell man they sunk into hell now it is true Sodom and Gomorrah if you go to their locations the Bible says that turned into ashes you can see that but it's more than just ashes when God burned them - when God burned them to ash he burned them lower than Ash man - the ashes all the way down to hell but you know it's very interesting about these locations where is it close to you know what's considered to be the lowest elevation the lowest elevation in the world Dead Sea it's about 1,300 people OC on the lowest elevations in the world if not the lowest elevation why the lowest coincident what is the lowest place that a soul will go to for eternity hell interesting is it not but where do the Dead go look at the book of Revelation 20 Dead Sea dead see what Dad sees with a revelation Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 now this is very very interesting look at right here Revelation chapter 20 we will read verse 13 revelation 20 verse 13 an interesting name they give this place revelation 20 verse 13 and the sea gave up the Dead Sea dead and what's connected to that which were in it and what death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them where do the Dead go the Dead go into hell and it's interesting the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death and he'll delivered up the Dead which were in them now the question is people are questioning wondering what that see is it could be that sea is this location the Dead Sea why because it would make sense that what there's hell underneath that's delivering up the lost souls and it would go through what the entrance of the Dead Sea right here another explanation is referring to that sea of glass so there are several theories out there but one of them could be this one this could be one of the theories out there but even if it's not let's assume that this is not true we have to admit it is very interesting about the name they this location that is the closest to hell which is very interesting that name is very interesting because where do the dead go the dead go into hell and this is a lowest location that's closest to the earth okay let's go to Isaiah 66 Isaiah 66 let's look at one more all right one more here's the most fascinating part guess what God's going to do at Jerusalem when God comes down and he's going to reign a king of kings and Lord of lords and when he sets up his throne in Jerusalem you know what's going to happen on the outskirts of Jerusalem the Jehovah Witnesses they call it what Gehenna Gehenna oh it's not referring to literal Hellfires called Gehenna Gehenna guess what they're going to be surprised to see that location on the outskirts of Jerusalem which is called Gehenna you can look it up on your map today so there's a literal place called Gehenna but you know what God said that Gehenna on the outskirts of Jerusalem when people start to visit and see God and visit him in Jerusalem you know what God is going to do he's going to show them a Gehenna fire he's going to show them literal Hellfire he's going to open up the portal on the Gate of Hell and you will be seeing that live when you visit God and worship Him at Jerusalem and you will see that Gate of Hell opened up why will God do that because to put the fear of God on the people and say don't mess with me since I'm the king and ruler of the world you don't want to rebel against me and he's going to and when that those people see those souls burning you think that they're going to be dumb enough to go against God at the Millennium that's why they have to wait for what a powerful being who comes up out of hell and this powerful being who comes up out of hell he's going to what he's going to deceive the whole world and give them the strength and the courage to rebel against God why because this guy got out of hell so if he got out hey guess what get out - let's follow this guy who and you tell me that book is born you tell me that Bible is born let's look at Isaiah 66 Isaiah 66 we will read verse 23 alright you will guess what you don't believe in hell I don't care if you Jehovah Witness you will you will one day you're an atheist oh you will one day I guarantee you this everyone watching me online you will believe in hell and you will believe in this doctrine to a gate of hell on earth because why because it will happen go to Isaiah 66 it will happen you're all going to see it verse 23 and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the Lord so they're all going to come to worship God now if you know your Bible you know where they're going to worship God at Jerusalem right so we're not going to look at those verses so when they come to worship God at Jerusalem what are they going to see on the way and they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me look at this for their worm shall not die neither shall their fire be quenched and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh I told you so when all these people come to worship God at Jerusalem they're going to be seeing those the dead burning everlasting you don't believe it now that's fine you will believe me once this happens you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 182,396
Rating: 4.8367767 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL
Id: t_iFXHM2xLM
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Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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