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Is it it just me or does Jesus's reign sound like the rise of the Roman Empire? He's going to re institute animal sacrifices and force people to worship him? The people in heaven are going to come back down to Earth to rule over it??? You mean like an alien invasion...?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Oblique9043 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] but go to second Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 10 for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that yet done whether it be good or bad so saved Christians you understand that one day we're gonna go before the judgment seat of Christ so while we're here on earth one day we're gonna be raptured up to heaven we believe in a rapture amen and we believe it's before the tribulation amen because if you're if you don't believe that you're gonna if you believe you're gonna go through the tribulation then you're not gonna go through the judgment seat of Christ which we fully deny you have to go to the judgment seat of Christ why do you have to go look at verse 10 for we must all isn't that what it said yeah so that's why all of us saved Christians have to go to this judgement seat of Christ so when we go to this judgement seat of Christ the verse says according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad so every good or bad thing that you've done will be judged very good or bad every good or a bad thing that you've done has to be openly exposed and judged to to the very thought the very thought life that you have yeah how about that all right how many of you have thought ill how many of you thought some negative thing about the person sitting next to you and then how would you like that played and openly expose that the judgment seat of Christ and the person sitting next to you is like brother or sister what you thought of me that way well how could you think that way I thought that you told me that was the greatest thing in life you know so the thing is that's the reason why the judgment seat of Christ is going to expose everything and you're all gonna be in terror you're all gonna be in terror so Danielle and Natalie I'm sure there's a lot of bad things they thought about each other be shown at the judgment seat of Christ you know and maybe Danielle is gonna say to Natalie yeah I know you thought of me that way that's no surprise to me and then when it's my turn at the judgement seat of Christ Danielle would probably say yeah I know pastor you thought of me that way that I stink that I stink at ping pong and that I'm a loser Irene oh you thought of me that way pastor okay now now we have just to let online people know there are several Danielle's in this room so we just don't know which Danielle we're talking about right here all right now anyway the point is is that it's good or bad that we're judged for it okay now I'm not happy about this okay okay now the thing is is that this has always been the question but I think I discovered the answer it says right here in verse 11 knowing therefore the what terror of the Lord we persuade men now the question is what is the terror so let's put red ink here that way you can look terrible enough okay so the question that Bible believers have always wondered was what is the terror some have claimed that they figured it out and then some claim that they don't know okay so there is terror at the judgment seat of Christ before you think you can get away with your sin you got to realize this you can't get away with your sin because you're gonna face some kind of Terror which we don't know what it is now I do know this is that go to Psalms chapter 88 let's just first understand that the word terror is not a good word let's all establish that fact some people think the judgment seat of Christ is not that much terrible as the word of God might say it to be just because the Bible says terror it may not be as terrible as I think no it is worse than you think I'm gonna show you that it's gonna be worse than you think alright let's go to Psalms chapter 88 see y'all thick see y'all think y'all think that as long as I you know preach against homosexuals that leaves you out of the loop no look no come on man you know everyone has sinned no one is perfect no one comes out unscathed and God's judgment sometimes we all go amen we all get happy when someone else's sin is preached against accept your sin and then when your sin is pointed out you all walk off huffing and puffing out of the room folding out your hands say I don't worry what the preacher said and you put up a stiff upper lip after that ok look at Psalms chapter 88 okay now look at this okay verse 16 thy fierce wrath goeth over me thy terrors have cut me off but whose wrath whose terror look at verse 14 Lord why cast us now off my soul why hide us now that I face from me okay so let's establish the fact right here one by one so that I can build up the tear correctly within you is that psalms chapter 88 now what verse did I read 14 and 16 is that right okay 14 and 16 this is referring to God's wrath and God's Terror now notice he says wrath and terror right so it's like they're simultaneous to each other they're in the same boat of horror level so to speak now go to John chapter 3 okay let's build this up a little more let's go to John 3 let's first establish the fact how how bad wrath really is okay wrath you got to understand is Hellfire so that's burning in hell forever that's how bad wrath is go to John chapter 3 and verse 36 notice what the Word of God says right here Jesus said concerning about salvation he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life okay so if you don't believe on Jesus Christ you don't have life in heaven right but where do you go but the wrath of God abideth on him you go to hell see so think about this God calls wrath Hellfire now the thing is this is that Christians don't burn in hell forever we know that for a fact but he's putting this at a same line right here so whatever this thing is it's gonna be very terrible now there's a heretic indoctrinate the m's three first corinthians three there is a heretic indoctrinates temporarily burned in hell for some kind of purgatory there's a heresy that's spreading about that teaching that is totally not true that is totally not true you might say I never heard that teaching before pastor that's right it's very rare only very weird oddballs teach that I don't know how mainstream Christian groups that teach something like that this is a very strange weird group that teaches that but to establish the fact that you're not burning okay so the point is you're not going to burn in some kind of hell so let's clear away that fact first Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 15 if any man's work shall be burned okay your work is burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be what saved yet so as by fire okay now the point is is that Christians are not gonna faith God's wrath based on first Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 15 so you're in the same so because you're in the safe this does not apply to you okay so if you're not not only that you're not gonna get any kind of burning see that is that what the verse said you're not gonna get a flame touch you so there's no such thing as temporary burning or something like that okay that leaves me out of the loop pastor no it may be worse than you think you're scaring me pastor good then you're gonna start living for God more often and be more careful of your sin ready for this okay this is what I think okay so let's first establish the context okay go to 2nd Corinthians 5 now most of the Christians I talked to believe this most of the Christians I talked to believe that the terror is referring to when God judges you for your sin so because of that utmost shame for your sin that's why you receive terror I'm starting to believe in that now what the majority of those Christians are saying but I'm gonna explain why a little more okay look at verse 11 which we read before knowing what the next word therefore the terror of the Lord therefore mean its explaining you why there's terror so why is there terror because of the context of verse 10 C 10 everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad everything that you've done in your life that's why you receive terror but why should that be more scary than this pastor I'm gonna show you go to Philippians Philippians out of all the teachings okay that you've heard this might be the number one teaching that you might be grateful for that you've heard so that you'd be more careful ready for this folks okay let's look at the book of Philippians and then we're going to look at chapter 3 and verse 21 chapter 3 and verse 21 okay and then now when you when you have your hand over there I like for you to jump to Matthew chapter 24 okay Matthew chapter 24 actually because I kept turning to Matthew 24 throughout all my videos it became a habit that I said chapter 24 I meant chapter xxvii you know what I mean folks so look at chapter 26 26 as the last time I'm going to say chapter 26 okay we're gonna look at Matthew chapter 26 I kept saying Matthew 24 Matthew 24 Matthew 24 and so many teachings different heresy that it became a habit so I apologize okay so we're gonna look at Matthew 26 Philippians chapter 3 and then the book of Hebrews now I'm gonna collide these three verses together that way you can get it okay so we're going to look at turn to Hebrews 2 okay Hebrews now I'm gonna show you something here chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 we're going to look at one by one by one on what the Bible says right here we're going to look at first of all let's start off with Philippians chapter 3 verse 21 mmm no I want to use that last let's look at Matthew chapter 26 I'm trying to set up the the best okay that's why I'm trying to set the of the best look at verse 39 and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying O my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt so notice there was something right here verse 38 then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me now this is an important point right here the important point right here is what was Jesus afraid of the most Jesus what he feared the most was taking the cup of sin upon himself he was going to bear the sin of all a mankind upon himself and that's what Jesus feared the most you don't understand it wasn't that torture of the nails being pierced in his hands the whip that went down in his back and tore up his flesh his beard getting plucked out that was not what he feared the most because look at Hebrews 12 okay Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 notice what Jesus is the pain the cross the pain was not what Jesus feared and cried Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the what joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God see he wasn't sorrowful unto death and Matthew 26 he was in joy and he despised that shame he put it aside who cared about that but look at Hebrews chapter 5 chapter 5 he was chapter 5 verse 7 who in the days of his flesh chapter 5 or 7 who in the days of his flesh when he had hmm offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared so notice right here that Jesus Christ concerning about his death on the cross he was afraid he was afraid of something in this cross it was strong crying in tears the holy God the great I am that I am there was something that he feared the most and it wasn't bloody torture which we saw at Hebrews 12 well what part of the cross was it that he feared Matthew 26 told you the cup right let this cup pass from me that cup was the dregs of the wrath of God upon sin that was that cup he had to drink the bitter cup of sin upon himself taking all of sin of mankind upon himself for you and I now I want you to go to Philippians 3 you ready for this let's add all these things together now okay let's add all these things together he was 5 Hebrews 11 ready for this verse 21 who shall change our vile body amen aren't you all glad that God's gonna change her sinful body daddy may be fashioned like unto whose body Jesus's body man imagine becoming like Jesus Christ what an honor what a privilege that God has given to you and I according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself that is the most blessed thing that you and I are gonna have a body that never no sin that never wants to sin again that will hate sin and it will always serve Jesus Christ okay you're already adding okay then oh man this is why I don't like Bible believers to know too much of the Bible amen oh it's a blessed thing amen it's a good thing you know that book so you can add 1 plus 1 equals n plus 1 plus 1 plus 1 and then add the thing together quickly for those of you who don't know yet here's an idea your body will be changed like Jesus Christ what did he hate them most sin it wasn't pain blood torture it was sin what will God judge you at the judgment seat of Christ you're gonna get his own righteous holy body and that holy body which has the transformation of senses and desires concerning sin is going to taste that at the judgment seat of Christ and that's what Jesus hated the most think about it God who never sinned from beginning to end what do you think he'll hate the most that's why you have Hellfire for that just for that you'll have Hellfire because he hates that the most what is it Jim trust me the thing that you're gonna hate the most at the judgement seat of Christ is not burning in hell it's not torture and bleeding and pain it's actually the sin that you've committed so basically all the torture and pain that you'll ever feel or that you'll ever sense all at once at the judgment seat of Christ and perhaps all of you would prefer the cross perhaps some you would prefer the cross and the torture rather rather than some of you would perhaps prefer the torture and the bleeding and the suffering more than having your sin judge think about that for a while so I gave a theory that the terror of the Lord might be might be a whipping post because the Bible says that the Book of Luke he the servant who didn't do right he received stripes on his back and Hebrews chapter 12 said that Father will scourge his children when he chases them but trust me some of you would love a whipping post and having this now you think that you think that the judgment seat of Christ is whoop did he do da dandy and you can get away with it with that horrible thought let's close in prayer you
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Views: 146,597
Rating: 4.7781091 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: ioAeLHB6BF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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