Who's Going to REPLACE KANG In the MCU?

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cuz I really I've had enough of this [Music] D hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and it looks like we may have seen the last of Kang the Conqueror Oh you mean cuz he got killed by ants for the last time no he was not killed by ants but he may have been killed by a clause in Jonathan Major's contract so I'm going to catch you guys up on what's Happening Here why Kang is likely out as the big bat of the Multiverse Saga and tell you who I think should be the new big bat and it's not Dr Doom and a little bit later I'm going to talk to Whitney van landingham and Dave Gonzalez for their takes but first let me explain the chaos surrounding the Conqueror so I'm sure a lot of you already know that Jonathan major was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend the wheels of Justice move very slowly I'm not a lawyer I have no idea if he's guilty or Innocent but a lot of other people have also come forward to talk about how he has been an abusive person in the past so you could actually see Marvel wanting to dump the guy just for that reason alone but there are also rumors that Marvel wanted to transition away from Kang after Quantum Mania underperformed at the box office oh I don't know much about things but that sounds like something a pretty toxic person would demand a having their contract I hate this thing I know you do buddy but if any of you want your own Doug plush please buy one and help fund our campaign by visiting our merch store link below and you know what the Doug plushy does have a good point Majors was great as Kang and it's not the actor's fault that Marvel had him get beaten up by Ant-Man but there are also other rumors the ringers Joanna Robinson told an unconfirmed rumor that she heard Jeff lovess was being moved off of Avengers the Kang Dynasty because Marvel was quote going in another Direction and the director of that movie Dustin Daniel keton is now focusing on a shanqi sequel and his Wonderman TV series plus the ending of Loki made it seem like the army of Kang variants are now under control and being watched by the TVA they even literally make the Kang from Quantum Mania a footnote and Mobius file I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent realm but they handled it plus there were the rumors swirling around in a recent Variety article that Marvel might be dumping Kang in favor of Dr Doom now look last week we did a whole video explaining why we hate that idea Doom is my favorite comic book villain and he needs to be introduced right in that video we said that they should just recap cast K but then the weekly Planet which is a great podcast heard from a source that majors has a clause in his contract that says only he can play K but why would he do that well apparently because the character exists in multiple timelines he wanted to make sure he was never playing the character like alongside another actor oh that also sounds like something a toxic person would demand to have in their contract yes it does and look normally I don't pay attention to rumors but this one makes so much sense like Loki season 2 headwriter Eric Martin told script magazine that Marvel nuked his script for Loki episode 5 because they want it to go in a different way and that's the episode where suddenly we don't see Jonathan Majors anymore I could also see them rewriting the ending of the series to diminish Kang's role in the future of the Multiverse Saga now look Major's contract probably has a good faith Clause that states that if he is convicted of a crime then the contract is not on void but like until a trial happens Marvel's just in limbo so it would make sense that they would want to Pivot pivot Pat so I want to go over a few options on who could be the new big bad and I want to hear from David Whitney before telling you who I absolutely think should be the new Big Bad of the Multiverse Saga oh hey do you guys rent movies here yeah yeah we do we weent movies movies you you so you actually want to rent a movie here yeah well you know my internet's out so I thought you know sure it could be kind of fun you know retro oh my God Doug we actually have a customer breathe person we have trained for this yeah so I thought I could oh my gosh what's that smell it's like it's like Jaba the Hut did an upper decker in your bathroom oh that's just that's just like how the store smells right like all the time yeah all the time all the time oh well I can't stay here I got to go hey wait wait wait wait wait is that better oh yeah that's much better that smells amazing what is that my friend this is my new air freshener and when I opened it I actually couldn't believe how good this smells it's made by drift our partner for this video now drift is the sister company to scentbird and you guys know we talk about scentbird Cologne all the time here on the channel but drift is an air freshener for your home or your car like this one is made specifically for for a car and it even comes with this metal 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seasons now the subscription is flexible you can change your scent Choice frequency or cancel at any time so make sure to use my coupon code screen for 55% off your first month at drift that's less than $5 for your first month just check out our links below now back to what I was saying first of all just to revisit the Dr Doom thing like Doom is the main villain in both versions of Secret Wars in the comics and if you get somebody like Killian Murphy and introduce him right in phase six then Doom could work but I would rather see a slow Evolution for that character toward him having his own storyline I'm also not even sure he's in the new Fantastic 4 movie though rers are that it centers on Galactus and the Silver Surfer which I love because Doom has like taken center stage in every single f Fantastic Four movie kind of like how every X-Men movie found a way to squeeze in Magneto now the FF have some great villains so I say they should step back and take their time I mean come on Marvel act like you've been here before you don't need to cram Doom into every single fantastic for movie you've been here before so I think it's likely that Marvel might bring back a previous villain to be the big bad of Secret Wars oh okay like a sports ball team bringing in an old veteran to booler a lineup seriously does this thing get all my lines now easy you to now one obvious choice is Thanos but a Thanos from a different part of the Multiverse like Thanos is scary we all know him but he's already been defeated by The Avengers twice there's also another great villain who was actually introduced in The Saga the high evolutionary how dare you think you are more 8 9 P 1 3 Chuck Woody woi gave an electric performance as this Perfection obsessed splicer and I could see him wanting to expand his goal of perfection to the entire Multiverse like what if he decides that instead of making a perfect Planet he wants to create a perfect Universe instead and cathon would also make sense cathon is the god of chaos magic that Wanda got her powers from stupid idiot that's right Doug exactly Wanda used the power of cathon to dreamwalk and cathon dark hold exists in multiple universes so cathon is already a multiversal villain but we do have to do something about that name right cathon doesn't really roll off the tongue maybe they could take cathon and say oh sometimes he goes by his other name doramu you can call me Damu and then making doramu the villain would make strange the main focus of the Saga and brain his story back around to the first movie Marvel and feige also have this thing where recently they've been fixing their old mistakes like how they reuse characters from The Incredible Hulk to make that movie count more like Thunderbolt Ross becoming an important character or how the leader is finally appearing in Captain America Brave New World so we might see Marvel revisit some characters that have already appeared but you know like we're kind of M for instance Ultron so much of Ultron was perfect in Avengers 2 but Jos Weeden turned him into this like snarky sarcastic robot and that is not who Ultron is but he has to break anything clearly you've never made an omelet you beat me by 1 second we also saw a version of Ultron try to take over the Multiverse and what if so maybe that means that he's less likely to appear though because that version of his story has already been told now if fige really wants to fix a past mistake he could bring back malth from Thor the Dark World what did you just say in the comics malakith is kind of more of a JW Sweden style villain he's sarcastic he's Savage and since we're talking about the Multiverse you could actually bring back Christopher eklin but make him a different version of the character who can inject a bit more of his doctor into the character I'm the doctor by the way what's your name Rose nice to meet you Rose run for your life but like there's also a huge list of great villains we haven't even seen yet like the Phoenix is this incredibly powerful Cosmic force that devour star systems and in the movies it's been confined to stories that take place on Earth so turning the Multiverse Saga into the Phoenix Saga would work really well it would also connect the X-Men Universe to the main MCU universe and there's also null the god of the Symbiotes there's the Bug Guy anilist from the Negative Zone and of course Mesto and I have a villain that I think would be the perfect choice but first I want to talk to my guests and we are blessed we have a the 27 Yankees of lineups here with us today we have from the G Guardians of the paly podcast we have Whitney van landingham and of course we have Dave Gonzalez co-author of the extremely great the reain of Marvel Studios book which is on sale now I have read it some chapters I've read many times I highly recommend it to you so Dave I want to start uh just before we get into your guys' picks right I want to hear who you think should replace uh Kang the character not Kang the actor but before I get into that I want to talk about this actual situation real quick Dave you're obviously somebody like your co-host of the trial by content podcast you're you're you're a guy with sources in Hollywood right what are we to make of this rumor uh propagated by the weekly planet that majors has this clause in his contract that says he can't be recast uh I don't have any Insider information specifically about that Clause but it would be a very interesting thing for them to have rolled up obviously the fact that they knew that they were going into the Multiverse Saga uh would make something like this Clause possible because obviously it would be easy to recast any hero uh once you're dealing with the Multiverse so it it seems strange to me to give an actor that much power usually Disney and Marvel Studios is much more like we'll cast you for a certain number of appearances but those appearances can Flex based on what we need you for very famously Chris Evans burned off a whole bunch of his cameos but that kept Captain America consistent over 10 years um as like a person who appeared in just random Marvel movies so I'm skeptical but I'm going to believe that it is possible in this one case just because of the fictional world that we're dealing in you know Whitney we did hear that rumor too um I I I don't remember where I first heard this sorry if I'm not crediting the source but there were sources that said that you know marvel when they saw Jonathan Major's performance in Loki said oh my god well this is this is the guy this is the key to the Saga we shape our Saga around this guy oh for sure that that like the reason I tend to believe this rumor and I'm actually talking about it is because it really does make sense like Whitney do you do you think it lines up with what we've seen or is there anything that makes you go Marvel wouldn't do that I mean it does make sense that they would want to just make him their end all be all because his performance was so good in Loki he's so terrifying like the way that Jonathan major plays that car character is also super spe specific so I can also see like why and how cuz even I don't know I was kind of a sorry in advance to anyone listening who's going to hate me after I say this but I was not a big fan of Victor timley I did not like his Victor timley performance personally pumpkins I wanted him to be weirder I just wanted him to be weirder and he wasn't as weird as I wanted him to be maybe he felt like a guy a normal guy who is pretending I'm talking about like Jonathan major is a guy who was pretending to be a weird guy instead of just being a weird guy yeah that that is kind of what it felt like to me yeah he was one of he was one of them and not one of us yeah exactly yes yes yes so you know I mean the only time that I thought he was weird enough was when he freaked out over a hot chocolate machine I was like yeah buddy i' do that too I have the same feelings about about hot chocolate as you do um anyways that got way off of yeah I think you bring up a good point because back in his era all chocolate would have had cocaine in it too yeah coming from cow Cal Le so there might there might be something to there I think I got to look that up real quick uh just had a casual cocaine connection you knew think so Doug can you look that up for me yeah I look it up no problem thanks buddy we'll check back in with Doug to see if chocolate used to have cocaine in it at the the 20th century all right um so yeah to me it seems like it lines up so if we are forced into this corner where Majors is in legal limbo for years where his lawyers are fighting things off it makes sense Marvel would want to look another Direction and if you're looking for a big bad and Secret Wars as much as I said last week we didn't you know I didn't necessarily want Doom it makes sense for Doom to be the guy or or whoever so looking at this landscape before us who is who would be a great choice to kind of uh Sub in for our our boy Kang Dave you want to go first sure uh I was trying to look at what you were saying about having not necessarily introducing a new villain because I think there's a lot lot of people that you could pull from and Marvel's shown to be really Adept at yanking a character that we maybe had underestimated in the comic book run and making it a big bad but if we're looking for things that uh have to go back to the beginning and feel like they're part of a whole uh I think there are way too many multiversal versions of Ultron for him not to be a serious player potenti going forward Ultron yeah great choice Whitney what do you think about that oh dude I I think that would be a great way to uh to get some more robits get more robits back into the MCU we've lost so many good robots we got to get more in there and so many te's that are out there and like white Vision didn't come back for Multiverse manness for some reason so as as I was talk white Vision to come back like so badly top vill or not character I want to see come back like that was teased cuz again this is one of those guys who like okay Star Fox I read the comments I I'm jazzed about seeing Star Fox I get it if not everybody's jazzed about Star Fox everybody wants to see white Vision what the hell's going on with that thing you know what I mean like is it a thing is it a guy ship of thesis like there's so many things that I want to see him come back for and we get rumors about this Vision Quest show and it seems like Young Avengers would be the perfect time to bring him in we did a video on that but real quick just to Circle back to Ultron before I get into random ass MCU robots you know I was talking earlier about this like Ultron in the MCU was always a disappointment for me especially that first trailer how dark it seemed and Ultron is this like really like emotionless for for boing presence in the comics and then in the movie he like is cracking jokes he's cracking wise he's a little too weedy Dave are you saying you think Ultron should come back because you weren't happy with him the first time round uh I think Ultron as a character in Avengers Age of Ultron was there to shore up a lot of different characters that ended up became very usable early became usable later on so uh Avengers Age of Ultron is basically Ultron versus Tony Stark which is excellent and necessary and then helps us establish uh the vision but the possibility of Ultron especially in this you know AI future that we're navigating in the real world would provide a sort of uh really interesting villain uh also a villain that I think really important uh can get more complex after he's seen how he's actually defeated uh so the knowledge of how he was defeated the first time can help him become uh something more the second time I like the idea that they had planted in Age of Ultron about constant iterations and how that sort of links to Ultron in the comic and I think that means especially with the Multiverse thing like we saw in what if uh that there's a possibility that there is another version of Ultron that gets it right in infinite multiverses and after he conquers his Universe where else would he go uh but to spread in the Multiverse and I think you could do that in a way uh that brings back you know a very excellent James Bader voice performance I don't necessarily know that we need to do motion capture again because I think he was a little wasted in that but uh I was just watching his uh Halloween office monologue on YouTube the other night and I'm like this guy could talk absolute gobleg at me and be threatening so I think Ultron and James Spader by extension is uh an excellent thing to have in your back pocket as a potential villain well one of my favorite things on the Internet is when uh some brilliant YouTuber took Robert California's monologues from the office and then put them in ultron's voice and splice them into the Age of Ultron scene where he first comes out and shows himself it's amazing that's amazing yeah it's so good let's show a clip right now I am so tired of the blackeyed peas it's rock and roll for people who don't like rock and roll it's rap for people who don't like rap I'm going to throw you guys a curveball right now right okay if I thought of this before I would have made this the end of the V it's talked about this the end of the video but you get it now instead of Ultron what about white vision because there's a great story line in the comics where Vision decides he's going to conquer the world take it over to run things better we know this Vision has talked about the Multiverse before he got tied into Wanda uh her memories like the when he absorbed the the mindstone energy from other Vision he saw things and we've seen the Infinity Stones can give people whatever Visions they need for the plot to happen seriously what if all what if white vision sees the Multiverse and says no no no there's there's a thing here I can do I can make this better can control it like would he work as a heel turn and then maybe Wanda gets you know isn't dead and Recon is that a story we want to see like where do we want to see white Vision go there Dave I mean I would love that I think a heel turn is uh another possibility to bring a new villain into uh the MCU that we also have like from some familiarity with white vision's great I think it's kind of important that uh in this current Marvel Cinematic timeline in this uh sacred timeline that all the movies are coming out on uh the Infinity Stones have been destroyed we're one of the few universes that exist in Marvel continuity that we know about without Infinity Stones and we learned that those Powers you know are very singular to keeping the flow of time uh useful in the way that we could perceive it so I would say that like white vision is just one touch of one of those like um Ultron bot heads that we've seen in various series he touches it he absorbs a little bit of it and he just has like that without the mindstone to sort of keep him focused and without uh the Infinity Stones that made the what if Ultron so powerful uh Ultron could find another way by sort of absorbing what exists a vision that's also true and one thing too about Ultron is connecting him with AI is like what if Ultron didn't conquer the world what if he was invited into it because that's the strange thing we're seeing with AI now it's like you know our jobs but literally we're letting AI take our job stop inviting it in this is the scariest thing ever I am so angry I'm just like has nobody watched Terminator has nobody seen ter like it is it blows my mind that we are allowing Ready Player one I mean that's really what we're going to look at it's more like literally just where we all go on universal base income but hey I for one welcome our robot overlords because if the worst that happens here is that AI is able to take over and I get an easy stiping from the government I'm I'm sounding like such a communist I get a stien from the government so I can work on my novel then great no you're right I should probably on this podcast yes I support the robots please don't kill me later please please don't kill me later uh so let's let's transition away from robots Whitney I'm sorry we I really got into talking about Ultron it's good who's your pick who who who is your like KS out the door and we get to have in from the vast Marvel Cannon thousands of potential villains who is your choice to be the my gosh well I'm the most boring Choice there is after after you're like hyping it all up out of all of them in the world I just really like Dr Doom because and I know that I'm like I'm a basic [ __ ] I'm a basic Dr Doom [ __ ] I know had this figure for over 20 years he is my favorite there's Dr Doom figures right here I can't believe how close you had that to be able to like whip it out that was incredible you have that like close to your heart at all times I always carry him with me I think his armor comes off too he always stays in the box so he rarely he rarely comes out for oh my goodness and this one has a Glock I love Dr Doom so much so look it's not it's not u i don't agree with the choice because just because I love Dr Doom and like I said I want to see him done you know with more time and care but what what makes Dr Doom your choice uh well he's also my choice if they do it with time and care because I firmly believe that all Marvel movies need a little more time and Care these days I think that uh that's something that these days has been slacking just a little you know just a little little tiny bit maybe a little bit more TLC for these movies before they come out but um I like Dr Doom because I think that it would be a great tie in to the Young Avengers with like the Children's Crusade storyline from the comics I think that it would be a great way to bring Wanda back um and then obviously we've got the Fantastic 4 coming on up um so there was like a storyline in the comics where he like secretly buil built a machine that could like form a bridge between worlds and Reed Richards tried to stop him and he blew up the machine and looked like an idiot and I think that that would be like a cool story to base a like an incursion on so like not necessarily like Bridge like bridge between worlds but more of like maybe he tries to help build a like you know like in the in the world that Monica Rambo got sent to maybe he's there maybe he's trying to build a machine that will fix incursions um and Reed Richards finds a flaw in his incursion fixing machine maybe you know and and it I think that I think that that could be tied in and yeah I I really I just really want him to bring Wanda back y'all that's kind of my main motivation here you're right I mean Children's Crusade is a great place to to put him in like in the comics when he is you know Wanda's had her her memory erased following the events that are similar to Wanda Vision he's going to marry her etc etc uh read comics comics comics are great um another way they could tie him in though is is with wakanda and you know we all was a big fan the if you're going to look at somebody who say that too I forgot um the character I think number one from stranger things season 4 his number was one right the the big bad uh yeah yeah yeah and there's a lot of like Battle Star gatka a lot of these shows had a secret bad guy who was revealed at the end to have been pulling a lot of strings could have been doomed Doom could have been the guy who was ruling from the Shadows could have been in on that if they can find a way to tie him in and do that great I just don't want Dr Doom to like come in out at theend a post credit scene of Fantastic 4 and then you know I Avengers rise of Doom followed by Avengers Secret Wars is that what we're looking at well what do you think oh dude you know what else I was I was totally going to say and I blanked on it while I was talking okay he could also be a really good way to freaking figure out the tiamut situation because he's like he's the Perfect combo of Science and Magic babies like if Iron Man and doct strange got together and had a little baby boy and his name was Dr Doom instead of Doctor Strange or Iron Man and you know like he's so good and I I also yeah the two things that I want most in this lifetime are moranda and to figure out what that giant Earth baby is doing sticky out of the ocean so I think that he could solve that for me rumor is though that's Captain America Brave New World uh I think they that's the rumors I've heard Dave have you heard that I have heard that yeah I've heard lots of different rumors about how they're going to deal with it uh but yes it's usually attached to Captain America it's very weird just to again touch on it's very weird they did it in the first place without a plan for it because look I I feel like a lot of the eternals we have a video coming out on this soon I feel like a lot of the eternals is like the eternals should have taken place on a different Universe right if you're doing the Multiverse Saga I think the eternals would have worked a lot better in its own thing because then Khloe xia would have really had free reign to make a stupid three and a half hour Marvel epic that would have done Justice because the visual of that thing coming out of like you know like you really get this image of like the heavens and you know seeing how small we are compared to the might of this thing but it's still weird yeah I mean going back to Doom one of the things that makes me excited about Doom as a possibility is uh something that made Thanos an actual threat a threat that was big enough for all the Avengers is in his first movie where he got out of his chair and did something uh post credit scenes not counting um he won and so if you're going to have a big bad like Dr Doom when he shows up just have him be like I hear you're having a God's problem and just stomp everybody maybe it seems like Doom is actually our Ally at the beginning but um eventually he rises to like the villain threat I think it's really important that if it is like a new new character like Doom or a nihilist or any of the Fantastic Four villains that are great and right on the edge of the Multiverse uh the important step to make us feel that he's a threat if he's new is to let him win his first timeout instead of something like uh you know the problem that they might be having with Kang which is in all he's defeated in all of his appearances so how hard can it be yeah how hard could it be that's why I wanted I wanted him to kill Ant-Man so bad not because or be rid of Paul rud but that would have that would have been so B it worked in the comics it would I guarantee you that was in a draft I guarantee you they made I guarantee you they forced poor Justice for Jeff lovess to change that ending that's what I'm gonna by the way that's his nickname on the show from now on um yeah okay just to kind of bring it all back around full circle uh before I tell you guys my pick for who I think this this new big bad should be and Whitney I'll be honest you've made me come around on Doom because I think if if it's Avengers the rise of Doom or so imagine if it's not Nick Fury who gets together the new Avengers but Dr Doom if Dr Doom is the one going around and telling people hey you know because he does this in the comics he's a good guy for a little bit um he's going around he's telling people there is a huge multiversal threat from incursions we have to do something about it um he stops by the he stops by team gets what he needs from there he can revisit all these things that maybe didn't make sense or felt disconnected and slowly pull them together only to you know turn on everybody in the end and then reveal he a villain and then remake the world as God Emperor Doom that might be fun yeah I agree I think it'd be fun but I also agree with you that if they're going to do this they need to take their time and do it right because I also don't want them to don't mess with Dr Doom man do do right by him say that again it's fantastic well guys thanks very much for joining me uh Dave and Whitney socials are listed below go check out everything they do they are both amazing we have a trial by content podcast Whitney's Channel subscribe like all the stuff plus Guardians of the pxy now here is my choice for who should be the new Big Bad of the MCU Multiverse Saga so guys my number one choice to take over is the big bad of the Multiverse Saga is the Red Skull oh but he never even did anything in the movies exactly the Red Skull is Captain America's number one villain the J Jer to his Batman and we barely saw him in the MCU like he was perfect in First Avenger Hugo weaving was perfect casting even though he hated the makeup and he didn't want to return and that movie does end with Red Skull being teleported away but then cap story moved on from there now in the comics The Red Skull is one of the big bads of Marvel in terms of earth-based villains I would say he second only to Dr Doom the guy has brought down the Avengers and the X-Men he believes in this perfect Aryan ideal that his enemy Captain America ironically personifies like this guy has untapped potential to movies never even approached now in the MCU he's been serving penants for 70 years but it cast me out banished me here guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess now presumably after Thanos or Hawkeye took the Soul Stone The Red Skull is now free from his service on vormir so now what though is he reformed he was definitely humbled by the power of the Infinity Stones but maybe he would now seek out a greater power than the stones maybe the Red Skull through his Cosmic Exile would learn of the TVA and the Multiverse I could see the Red Skull escaping from vormir how can he escape vormir simple Natasha's body was left on vormir and it had that time space GPS so the Red Skull could now use it to escape his prison and be Unleashed on the Multiverse bringing back the Red Skull would be a perfect way to do justice to the character while also tying back into the early days of the MCU like Marvel right now is at a Crossroads a lot of their new villains and heroes aren't really capturing our imagination like they did in Phase One and also they have all these threads dangling from when things that weren't resolved like Steve Rogers returning the Soul Stone to vormir does that mean he was sentencing The Red Skull to stay there forever we we just don't know there's all these like gaps in the story that I think bringing back the Red Skull could fill in plus I mean look The Red Skull you could have a guy like raise an army of Space Nazis and space pirates to challenge the Multiverse there's a million ways they could go with this story he's a character we all know he's a villain we all love and he's somebody who frankly deserves to be the big bad of an entire Saga if only it were that easy and thanks again to drift for sponsoring this video and don't forget to check out our link below well guys that's just my thoughts special thanks to our guests you can find all of our socials in the description below and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary okay I LIF it up and chocolate comes from a cow cow plant which sounds like Mo but it smell different and cocaine comes from cocoa plant and it's it's they all come from like like the same place but it's different and did you know that that cocaine was originally in Coca-Cola so all these people used to walk around like I love this soda and they were high on cocaine
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 212,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, Kang the conqueror, kang replacement, who Is replacing kang, kang dr doom, dr doom mcu, majrors recast, kang recast, marvel, mcu, new rockstars kang, kang Is done, dr doom kang, marvel cinematic universe, multiverse saga, marvel phase 5, marvel done, superhero fatigue, kang the conqueror
Id: M6Ovv18aKwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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