The MARVELS Review - Was it Actually Kinda Great?

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Annihilation I don't like that name hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and let's talk about the Marvels is it the worst superhero ever made is Marvel Studios doomed to fail or is it the Triumph of a studio and a harbinger of a new wave of Heroes well I got to say neither people are lining up to either dunk on this movie or overpraise it I fall somewhere in between I would say that this movie is like better than mid well okay well what's a mid movie The Flash The Flash was perfectly okay now this is not an MCU movie that I want to rewatch over and over but there are certain scenes that I thought were perfect that I would want to watch again and again this movie had a few scenes that I just thought were delightful and nothing in this film like hit me as outright bad like a little later I'm going to talk to Colton Ogburn and Matt singer about this now Matt is the editor-in-chief of screenr and right now I'm reading his terrific book he wrote called opposable thumbs how Cisco and Ebert Chang movies forever and inside of it there's this great quote from the filmmaker Howard Hawks a good movie should have three great scenes and no bad ones and by that metric I think the Marvel's was a success like I'm not going to spoil anything that's not in the trailers but for me the great scenes were the one with the flerkens the one with the musical planet and every scene with kamala's family in fact the cons inject this picture with most of its heart I recently went back and rewatched M Marvel for a recap and I saw that this family is something that we just don't ever get to see in superhero families a family support network that supports the hero like Blue Beetle has that and I love that movie too and I think regardless of how you feel about this movie everyone is going to love a mom bani she is a real life fan girl living out her dream and that Joy bleeds through in every single frame hey hi um is this an Avengers test I loved how her opening sequence brought us into her animated reality like the opening of her TV show okay person I am ready for the holiday party we're having a holiday party yeah look I got snacks and everything Doug these aren't snacks these are my socks and I told you enough with my socks please well we would have had snacks but you never had time to go to the grocery I know because I am always here always watching yeah how about instead of serving my socks we eat this human food that I got for the holiday party well you never have time to go to the grocery store oh no dude these snacks are not from the grocery they are from they're the sponsor of this video has hundreds of varieties of snacks that you just cannot find in the grocery store like these bourbon peans or the milk chocolate gummy bears now I love this variety because I can try things I would never try before like crystallized ginger but they've also got my old favorites like root beer barrels now has everything from freshly roasted nuts dried fruit sweets specialty flowers and more there is literally something for everyone and they have gluten-free options organic and other diet friendly choices but most importantly everything here is high quality they roast their nuts and pop their corn on the same day it ships so everything is fresh and satisfaction is guaranteed like I really like the Harvest trail mix and the bourbon pecans and I'm actually not even kidding I love these things they're the best pecans I've ever had I've never tasted anything like these and I actually had to put them at the top of the cabinet so I would still have some free so I could shoot the ad with them so at you can auto ship your favorites to your house every month or shop all card at any time so right now is offering new customers a free gift with purchases and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at screencrush that is screencrush and click our link below now back to what I was saying and Bri Larsson is just like a tremendous actor she won an Academy Award and I thought that this movie was way better for her than Captain Marvel like I've made videos on this before but I thought Captain Marvel was hindered due to her memory loss we never got to actually know who Carol is so we never had somebody to root for and the movie tried to add all that in with a montage where she gets up all throughout her life but without context it seemed pointless but in this movie we actually get to see you know Carol she's grappling with her mistakes and actually more on that in a bit because I do think that's one thing that's a bit of a weakness Brie Larsson is more settled and relaxed in this role and the script lets her take advantage of her comedy chops while also hitting some dramatic moments like I definitely think she is an actor and a character who could lead this franchise if her first movie and her appearance in endgame would have set her up just a bit better and the cat sequence again like a real winner for me like I know it's playing to the cheap seats and the cats are like an easy clickbait way to get likes but compare that to the really unimaginative needle drop of I'm just a girl from Captain Marvel and you can really see how this is a stronger film for Carol Danvers I am pretty biased though because I love cats and that is why we designed these new shirts for our merch store there is the Flur and Hannibal mask Doug is a Flur and type monster which somehow manages to be both cute and terrifying and my personal favorite is the higher further faster and all of these cats are cats that are actually owned by the screen Crush team see shopping our merch store is the best way for you to directly support our Channel we also have our very first live show coming up in Brooklyn New York the link for the tickets is below and you can also become a member of our Channel and get your very own custom Doug Emoji now we're new to the membership thing we're adding new perks all the time so let us know which ones you would like to see down in the comments and there's also been a lot of criticism of Dar Ben people calling her a phase one villain and I think that she's far better than that like villains like Malik or the Red Skull wanted power for the sake of power or to make the universe dark and shoot shoot Kool-Aid into the sky holes or whatever darb Ben though saw her entire civilization destroyed like now she's their new leader She Wants Revenge and she wants to restore her Empire in a movie with three leads I didn't need a lot of nuance from the villain I mean it would have been nice if it was in there and when a movie's 100 minutes long I'm sure there's plenty of space for her to be a bit more fleshed out but I thought she was fine as is and I will say that like looking at the MCU this movie really highlights how bad and unnecessary secret invasion was like I'm going to dive really deep into this in another video but they really should have like backg that show and given the tax rebate to the cast and crew of the studio jerked around for several months making them do re-shoot now not that this movie's perfect there were some aspects of the picture that I don't think work and the continuity with the larger MCU and especially Nick Fury is kind of all over the place well that's all the nice things that I have to say about the Marvels but I've got a guest here who I'm pretty sure is not going to say many nice things about it we have screen Crush editor-in-chief Matt singer author of the new book opposable thumbs how Cisco and eert change movies forever and of course our own Colton Ogburn and just a reminder Colton is the guy who lives inside of our television but he does not know it so please don't tell him so guys I want to get right into it Matt what were your thoughts on the Marvels oh the Marvels um it mostly felt to me like um you know there's this quote that I sometimes think about from um Mystery Science Theater 3000 where one of the guys is looking at someone and says something along the lines of boy that is 40 lb of Bud in 20 lb butt capacity pants and that's kind of what I feel about the Marvels it feels like a movie this big was crammed into a movie this big and they're just kind of shoving it in and this doesn't fit let's take it out the explanation for this character we don't have room for it get rid of it the things that would motivate these people to do the weird things that they're doing it's gone and what you're left with is like a skeleton of a movie it felt like to me with some very charming and charismatic actors who I enjoy watching and I I felt like I was just watching them like trapped in this really convoluted chaotic mess of a story where they're just running all over the Galaxy and the reasons why are often unclear and opaque and it doesn't really matter cuz we're just going to go go go and it felt like at some point in the process it was decided by someone somewhere that we can't turn this movie into to you know the Avengers or Iron Man or one of our great things but what we could do is just make it move really fast if we cut out a lot of stuff we could make a zippy you know quick a movie that moves so fast you might not even notice that it doesn't make sense and it's kind of frustrating in that way and that's mostly how I felt about it I felt like I was watching a a lot of movie that had been trimmed down into a really little movie and the stuff that had come out been cut out felt to me like maybe if that had been left in it might have made it for a more satisfying more logical experience well you know your review is up on screenr and it it's as always a lot of fun to read I recommend everybody check it out even if I don't necessarily agree with everything you just said but we'll get into that in a second um in the review and also you have a really great uh like plot holes or unexplained questions it's really funny that's up on the site too in the review you do call them out for Nick Fury and I want to like focus on that just for a second because I think with an cuu movie we can judge it on two levels right we can judge it as just as what it is a movie does it work then the movie didn't work for you but you can also look at it like oh this is cool this sets like Captain America Civil War was a good movie and it also set up the next Avengers movie or tied in good to the last movie this movie takes Nick Fury and secret Invasion and I think makes that show even worse what did you think about how Nick Fury was incorporated into this film well in a vacuum I mean he's fine he's it's Samuel L Jackson and he actually looks like he's he's having fun you know he's he's joking around he's making a lot of quips he's Charming he's Sam Jackson and unto itself I I wouldn't have a problem with it but as you said this comes right on the heels of this TV show secret Invasion where Nick Fury suffers these terrible losses and has like a crisis of faith and is very dark and grim and I don't know in terms of like literal like time like how much time has passed between that movie and that show show but it it it's almost like it it did not happen and I honestly I asked you I mean this is true when we came out of the movie I asked you Ryan was was this movie supposed to happen before secret Invasion because I feel like both of them would make a lot more sense if the orders of them were reversed for like 10 different reasons and that was I genuinely was confused by why the Nick Fury of secret invasion was suddenly this wise cracking comic relief character who again is amusing and Charming but it's like I cannot in my mind reconcile those they're like two totally different people if well he ends the show Happy Matt happy that scrolls are being persecuted but he gets to go back to the space station with his wife who's not in the movie The are on the space station but his wife isn't who's never mentioned in the movie it doesn't come up the space station is falling out of the sky he doesn't think to check on her ask about her make sure she okay which is another it is another reason why it would make more sense if they were swapped if we're not supposed to know about his wife existing then it wouldn't be weird that he's never asking about her or talking to her or thinking about her or looking after her ever um yeah she's a secret wife though he took his wedding ring off when he went home I don't know if you remember that little detail in SEC but she's a secret wife and that explains why she's not appearing in the MCU before uh you know me I'm always willing to uh to Aly oop and dunk on secret Invasion I do before I get over to you Colton Matt I want to follow up on one thing you you talked about how the movie was too much stuffed into like too short of a time and I agree with something you mentioned in your review that there were no subplots there was just very much like everybody had a one like Carol wants to be redeemed Monica wants to uh like her whole thing is making up with Carol Kamala Khan just happy to be there and God am I glad that she was Cala is like I've never heard anybody give a bad review of this movie and not praise Aman V's performance I thought though that the movie needed more I thought that it was a little too simple I'll talk about this later on but I thought like okay yeah I get it it's Space Balls they're pulling the atmosphere and the water and the natural resources it's an imperialism metaphor great and I wanted to see like some more like you know fleshed out around the edges of that I I was able to follow the plot just fine but we we don't disagree I'm saying that I want to see the longer version of this movie where everything that happens is more motivated by character details and and backstory and we understand why uh people are doing the things they're doing like Nick Fury bringing the con family into outer space uh I I have to believe at some point in the process that made sense in the movie it does not in the final film it is one of the most baffling things I've ever seen happen in a Marvel movie I cannot and i' I've sat and I've tried to think of a reason and I cannot do get a no prize I tried to get the no prize on that and it is just because they capture the cre it's not like the cre if would have had a line oh po po you're the the cre signatures on this house they're going to come after you we got to get you up to sa something like that could have could have worked but they they just ignored it Colton you've been very patient uh please tell us what you thought of the Marvel and we haven't actually talked about this yet I have no idea I'm excited to hear your your raw opinion here right well I I liked it I I thought it was fun I every Point Matt made is a very valid point Fury went from having trouble getting around and being very angry and secret Invasion and now all of a sudden he's back to traditional Fury I I that was odd I I hadn't thought about switching the releases or watching them in that direction I I think that would probably be better um but to your point about it needing to be longer I think this tighter edit might have been what saved it because I'm afraid that like all of the great stuff you're pointing out that wasn't great about the movie I don't think having more of that would have made it any better like I I'm fearful that had they kept maybe another half hour of this movie in it may have suffered because maybe that stuff just wasn't good I mean yeah to your point it would have been nice to see like kamala's Mom like say to Fury you you take me to my daughter or something that explain little stuff like that but overall I think the tighter fast funny edit of the movie may have been what made this like watchable um I it it did feel generic it felt like a little bit of a generic Marvel movie but I'm kind of okay with that I'd rather generic than bad and like stuff like secret Invasion I felt was bad but yeah like Ryan mentioned Miss Marvel definitely the best part of this movie every time she would scream whether it be at a Flur in or falling through the sky I I felt like I could relate to her character and that was another thing I really liked about her character is how we're living in this very lived in superhero world so it was nice to get to experience like through new fresh eyes all of the like extravagant stuff we're seeing through Cala I thought that was cool um the exposition I I've talked before in other discussions how I'm not a fan of exposition really even when it's done well I'd rather you show me than tell me but I thought that this movie did the exposition okay I really liked how when they addressed um Monica having powers she's like I walked through a witch X and then yeah that would have been dumb I think that would have been a dumb line if not for kamala's Mom coming in and saying of course you did good for you I thought that was a great followup and I think that the family and Cala did a great job of of grounding the universe in a way like in the MCU now we're dealing with like you know Immortal robot gods and you know Carol Danver who has all these powers and there's very few people who are like just flat out relatable to us and that's what I loved about Kamala Khan in this movie I did have a question for for both of you though Matt you can answer this first you know the Marvels was pushed back several times I've heard rumors that it swap places with quantam Mania because they thought the visual effects in Quantum Mania were further along there's you know other reasons at play maybe at one point it was delayed because of the strikes who remembers the timeline at this point but if it was if it was delayed to give the visual effects people more time then what do you think the result was how were the visual effects in this movie I I thought they were mostly uh fine it was not I certainly wasn't sitting there going the problem with this movie are are the visual effects um there are other problems with this movie in my opinion but but I think visually it looks okay I mean there's some fun like fight sequences and stuff um to me the larger issue um on that side of the movie was you know they give the the film this this gimmick where they are switching Powers constantly and they're uh you know the three main heroes are constantly switching places and you know the the rules of how exactly it works are eventually explained but they to me like they didn't seem to really entirely match up with what we were seeing and I think in a larger sense that idea I think really could have lent itself to some truly like clever inventive interesting action sequences and what we really got were was basically likea again CA chaos is a word that I think of a lot for this movie it like what was what they did instead was a lot of like crazy chaotic kind of Comedy sequences where you know everyone's jumping around and it's and and Kamala com is screaming and it's amusing but it felt to me like the idea of people switching places could have resulted in a really like Dynamic and unusual like action sequence that we hadn't seen in a movie like this before and I thought the the the finished result was just kind of there it was just it was more to be kind of quirky and funny than it was to be wow look at this amazing complex action sequence that they made out of this so it looked it looked fine but that was sort of that was kind of to me it felt like a lot of this movie it felt like a little bit of a missed opportunity and you raise a good point there's that Trope of like the two Escape convicts who hate each other but they're chained together like forcing people into a situation together and the movie kind of took advantage of that with you know Carol being forced to be with her fan girl and Monica forced to being with this person that she resented but yeah I agree they could have done more with that Colton I'm sorry I cut you off what were you going to say no no you're fine I was just going to say speaking of the twitching I I think there was a huge missed opportunity um with what they could have done with that whole concept I would have liked to have seen a Freaky Friday with Miss Marvel and Captain Marvel no disrespect to Monica but I feel like that would have been a fun movie seeing Miss Marvel it in the body of her you know icon and then having you know the the famous immortal like God type creature that Captain Marvel is now in a high school you know new superhero body I think there could have been a lot of fun stuff you could have done and to Matt's point they introduced this concept that's the whole concept of the trailer and then it did just kind of come off a little gimmicky I mean I appreciated it to the extent that like the look on Carol's face when she finds out that they're not switching anymore and she's kind of disappointed by it that was good for like to show us where she's at in her life but yeah I would agree with Matt that there was so much more they could have done with that the switching scenario uh Matt a little bit earlier I talked about how in your book you brought up this this famous quote from Howard Hawks that a good movie needs three great scenes and no bad ones right U and I know Cisco and Ebert the subject of your book would quote at least Ebert would quote this a lot when he would talk about different films in his reviews and for me this movie has at least two great scenes and I don't think everybody who is is going to buy into these scenes the way I did but I loved uh aladana you know the musical planet and I loved the memory sequence and I'm curious where you guys cuz I feel like this is going to be pretty too divisive sequences but I I I kind of think the studio went okay these are great and if these work then the picture Works Matt what do you think well again I think those scenes are are fine it's it's the way that they're stitched together into the story it's like why did we go to this planet and why is Carol is married to this guy and everyone but him is singing but he can't he can he's bilingual which I guess is a cute line but you know and suddenly they uh you know he he'll like walk up to her wearing this really elaborate head piece and helmet or whatever and necklaces and then all of a sudden a second later they're all like magically gone and I just magic they have the 2D thing they they just honestly what it felt to me like again it felt like that was like a much longer sequence that had been trimmed down to the absolute bare minimum of a a a you know a Whimsical s song and a dance scene and and then it's back to the action and me the film left you wanting more well but I've said that repeatedly I wanted the movie to be longer I'm the that's what I was saying I mean that's that's the thing it's like it's a it seems like a really interesting setting for a movie like this that we don't understand we don't get to explore it seems to just be like this one Plaza a set basically that they built and you don't get you don't really get to understand the place whereas you know a great science fiction movie you'll you know you might actually get to like learn about this culture in this world and explore it a little bit and in this movie it's just it's moving way too fast to do anything like that and so like yeah again individual uh moments there's funny moments Charming moments the actors are great but it's just you you barely get accustomed to where you are before we're already done here and we're going to the next location for the next big fight scene and it just it just felt to me like it was it was um you know I guess if you want a a movie that's just paced to the gills and never stops for a moment's breath you you might like this movie but to me it was like again because I was you have these three really uh good actors interesting characters in here and like the number of times they get to just talk to one another without screaming or without flerkens or without fighting or without having to figure out how to use their powers together there's not that many moments and you know again like two or three for sure to what Colton was saying about like the you know maybe the movie would be stronger even though Monica is lovely and wonderful like maybe the movie would have been stronger as a two-hander I mean I had that thought too because it already is overloaded you know the if the fighting was going back and forth between two people instead of three who are just kind of jumbled around you know it might have been clearer it might have been easier to make um sequences that were kind of more clear and easier to follow and make more Dynamic if you didn't have to constantly cut between like three locations or three people doing three things and then just the idea that yeah that that these characters we don't there's so little time for them to interact that adding a third one into the mix who of course has a relationship with Carol and is you know like is important in that sense but it's just like space is at a premium here guys and and we don't have a ton of time to to service anybody really yeah sorry to cut you off I I think you're right Tiana Paris is great I love Tiana Paris she was great in W division she's great in madman um and she got the least to do out of this apart from like her already established relationship with Carol which again that's all she wants in the movie but like I said I'll get into things I didn't like a little bit later um Colton what about you did did the the memory sequence and the the dance sequence work or did it take you out of the film I thought the memory sequence was fun I I do want to complain about the musical planet um I'm a musical guy okay I I love musicals I could not stand it the when the second it stopped I I I was so grateful that it was over because I was like I don't think I could have taken one more second of singing but kind of a contrary point to that it I would have enjoyed it had had they given more reason for us to even be on that planet what is the relationship between uh Carol in this Prince I I I thought personally I thought we were going to like get to spin like the second act of the movie on this planet and we were going to get to slow down and kind of digest everything maybe we'd learn that like I I thought the prince was going to be gay and like Carol was like you know filling in for him and then we could you know cuz maybe this planet is like you know they have some uh bigotry on this planet where they're not so accepting and we could have some social commentary there and it it'd be a nice you know story to just kind of sit back relax and give this planet some meaning give this character some meaning show what Carol's been up to I thought that would have been fun but instead it's just to go back to the word gimmick it's just like oh okay this is a planet where people sing uh the bad guys show up almost instantly blow it up they leave and we never even find out what happened to the planet I I don't think they even mentioned what went down where they destroyed did Carol go back and check on them none of that so it just felt it felt not needed I I guess so I I I'm kind of going all over the place here like I'm saying maybe tightening it was better that's my opinion just from a post- production standpoint like maybe they had what they had they had to release it but yes from a say he lik the movie it sounds like you didn't like the movie yeah he compliment your compliment was that it was generic that was the that was when you said it was good well because secret invasion was so awful Marvel has seemed just all over the place and I I can say that I genuinely did enjoy the movie I laughed I I gasped I I had a good time it's not Citizen Kane it it's not a great film but I to be fair and look at what has come before it it was refreshing to just be able to sit in a Marvel movie and not do this the entire time like uh God what are they doing it it was fine I wasn't offended by this movie I guess is what I'm saying put it on the poster I was not offended exclamation point and I I like the flash I just I just wanted to know why did Monica have to save close the hole in reality from the other side just stay on this side Monica don't go over there you're just closing it up with your magic laser you know uh sewing kit what is doing Matt because she had to meet Beast she had to go meet healthy grar I mean that is the reason but you're sitting there going she and she even says like I always knew I'd have to stay I'm I'm going what why just come come over here come on anyway and you can read about that plot hole and many more on Matt's piece on screen again Matt is the author of the brand new book opposable thumbs how Cisco and Ebert change movies forever it is great I highly recommend you get your copy uh hot off the presses where while you still can Matt Colton thanks guys for joining me and now I want to tell you guys what I did not like about the movie movie so like Matt said earlier and in his review on screen you can see how this movie was edited to pieces and you know what I get on board with that there were all these rumors about the usual Marvel massive re-shoot and I think the studio probably overnel needs to watch that because they used to be a studio that was known for giving big budgets to lowbudget voices and now they're getting a rep for curving creativity to follow their house style so like we said earlier the movie is only about 100 minutes long which is kind of refreshing because these movies especially team ups have tended to swell like well above 2 hours but I agree with Matt and Colton that we needed more in those missing 20 minutes like the film barely has any subplots it's very zip Zippy from one thing to the next now I think that Tiana Paris is great she's terrific at Mad Men And W division but we don't really know anything about her except that she's mad at Carol and she's sad about her mom dying in fact most of the main problems with this movie were just how it tied into the MCU I thought that the backstory of Carol killing the Supreme intelligence would have been a much more natural sequel to the first Captain Marvel movie and secret Invasion really muddied the water with the Scrolls on that show looking for a home when the home that we see in this movie seemed quite nice and the Multiverse Saga probably should have been more front and center in this movie like I think the studio realized that at the last minute as the final trailer had a mention of the Multiverse and even a clip from the post credit scene that teased the X-Men but also you know going back to M Marvel the weakest part of that show was like everything that had to do with the gym and I heard rumors that some of the creatives on the show wanted to remove them entirely and make damage control the antagonist which would have been way better but now we see why that was not an option they needed the gy to set up the bangal for this movie like sometimes interconnected storytelling can really bolster the films and sometimes it can really hinder the stories that creators are trying to tell in the Here and Now hey there I heard you were having a holiday party with bourbon peans from there were oh man but I ate them all but actually I auto ship them on so they should be here now great thank you so much just a reminder click our link below to shop today overall though I liked what was in the Marvels I just wanted to see a bit more of it that's just my thoughts on the movie what were your thoughts let me know in comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] AR
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 210,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvels review, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, emergecny awesome, jefferfry jahns, critical drinker, marvels reveiw, marvels review ign, marvels review spoilers, marvels review no spoilers, marvels review beyond the trailer, marvels review blackout, marvels reveiw ign, marvels review marvel review ideology, marvels movie, mcu, screencrush marvel
Id: Snrno3-lePM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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