Helicopter Parents Need to Chill 😅😅

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what is the worst example of helicopter parenting you've ever seen i've been in and worked at a university for the past 10 years or so to me the worst examples aren't the incredibly hyper controlling parents around lower middle or high school age those parents can be absolutely ridiculous but when the kid is still living under their roof i can understand being involved for me the absurd ones are the ones that continue helicoptering once the kid gets to college a few things i've seen in my years here parents calling professors to complain about their kids grades or how their kid was graded i've seen this all the way up to gradual students parents demanding our registrar change their kids schedule at their request because they're paying tuition a parent demanding our registrar change their kids major at their request because again they are paying tuition this mother demanded that her son be a biomedical engineering major instead of a computer science major parents sitting in on their kids classes on the first day with their kids and going up to talk to the professor afterward i mean i can understand sitting in the back of one of your kids first really big classes just to get a feeling for what they are going to be doing but sitting with them and actually participating oh my god fortunately the law and our school are adamant about this administrators and professionals are to reply by law we cannot discuss this with anyone except the student to everything but half the time that just takes the parent off even more because after all i'm paying tuition he'll take what i want him to take my parents were pretty bad crap crazy about parenting as i got older they got more and more crazy wouldn't let me move out to go to uni at 18 so i ended up living at home they wouldn't let me date would have crazy arguments and occasionally get physical with me if they discovered i had spoken to a boy limited my time on the internet confiscated my phone even after i was an adult and paying for it myself last year i left home and they called the police reporting me missing and wasted a lot of police time then turned up at my bfs house four hours away where i was staying we had to call the police who escorted away somewhere safer they constantly hounded me with calls and texts i went to see them two months later and they locked me into my old bedroom and my bf had to call the police again so i could leave without them hurting me i went back in february to collect clothes and some belongings and had to have police escort me there glad i did because they decided to have a huge family gathering and wanted to ambush me when i got there i saw them one since then in june when they came to see me didn't let them know where i lived and met them for half an hour in the park and crap got serious so i left again kid on my youth hockey team wasn't allowed to get dressed in the locker room his parents made him dress in gear at home and then ride in the back seat only to the game more deets my parents were friendly with his parents so every once in a while i would have to catch a ride with them if my parents couldn't take me and i was not allowed to dress in the locker room either this was not a case of embarrassment or transgender stuff as i remembered him asking to be allowed in the locker room just a case of overprotection from being the only child i guess this continued into middle school so they beat their kid and don't want you to see the bruises i work for the help desk at a university and i get disgusted with some of the parents that call in most of the time they want me to give them junior's password so that they can see his homework grades classes etc we have a separate login type system for financial aid related stuff but these parents want to have the full password some things that i have heard but i am paying for him to be there so i should have access i am his mother and i need to know what he is up to i just want to make sure he is taking the right classes unfortunately i am not allowed to tell these people to cut the umbilical cord but i can't give them the password either i've been yelled at a few times just to make a point i have never had a father call in and ask for this i have had hundreds of mothers though to be totally honest when i worked in i.t these were my absolute favorite kinds of cause walk-ins ordinarily i spent my whole day bending over backwards for unbelievably entitled users but these were some of the few situations where i got to refuse a request there's nothing more satisfying than smiling and saying no to someone as they get progressively more angry at you over the phone [Music] i once got a phone call from a parent screaming at me asking why her daughter wasn't allowed to swim in a competition coming up that weekend she wouldn't let me get a word in to explain that i was not in fact her daughter's swim coach i am not a swim coach at all her coach had the same name as me and was even the same age but still lived with his parents so mine was the only phone number in the phone book with my name this was over 10 years ago she went on for about five minutes explaining that she watches all the kids swimming and her daughter was definitely the strongest in her group i was so mad i simply agreed and told her that her daughter would definitely be swimming this weekend she congratulated me on making the right decision and hung up i really wish i could see what happened just a few months ago while i was working my custodian job at my school's student union a worried mom approached she told me she lost her daughter and that she was lost she tried calling her and she didn't answer i took it very serious and asked her where she was supposed to be she said at one of the dorms eventuality the daughter calls and says she is separated and the mom tells me she is scared and alone we leave the union building and search for her daughter and we arrive at the dorm i then begin to notice that it's full of group leaders and new students it clicks that her daughter is 18 years old and the mom was overreacting i just wasted 20 minutes helping away to worried mom find her college-age daughter i really thought a little kid was lost i blame working retail prior to this job tldr mom told me kid was lost but kid was a freshman my mom is the definition of a helicopter parent or at least was up until i was the age of 23 she would call and email any friends of mine whose info she had if i didn't return her call at once she would constantly convince herself something terrible happened to me and would ask anyone i knew if they had heard from me recently one particular time when i was 21 i didn't pay attention to my phone for about two hours i then looked at it to see a series of escalating text messages and phone calls threatening to call the police if i didn't call her back immediately because obviously i was dead in a ditch somewhere i tried setting up a rule where i would call her once a day at a time of my choosing and she would stop her hysterics she agreed and then about two days later at around 7pm it was back to threatening to call the cops as i had not yet called her and obviously something terrible happened to me no matter how much i called her in a week she would still freak out so eventually i just stopped calling her so that she would understand that i didn't want to talk to her if she was going to keep treating me like a seven-year-old she seems to have gotten better and hasn't called any of my friends within the past two years boy scouts i really enjoyed scouting when i was a kid and the best part about it was doing cool stuff camping hiking carving fishing etc with boys my own age and without my parents around so naturally when my own son got to the right age i encouraged him to join a scout troop and he was interested so i signed him up i think our involvement lasted about two months i'm sure all scout troops are different but this one in a relatively wealthy suburban area had pretty much institutionalized helicopter parenting in the meeting rooms every chair for a scout had one or two behind it specifically for the parents every activity was planned to include one scout and one or two parents when they went on camping trips the adults outnumbered the kids oh and anytime your kid was going to handle a knife or start a fire you had to sign a release form in the boy scouts it was the lamest thing i've ever seen worked in the goth store at the mall a mom would come every week with her daughter started when she was 15 and blow a ton of money on her her daughter was always so sweet but very shy her mom would go on and on telling us about her daughter's angelic voice and how she was going to be a superstar someday the very day her daughter turned 16 she came in the store with her and asked for an application then she filled it out for her at my counter while telling me how amazing her daughter is how she would be a hard worker etc all this while her daughter stood awkwardly to the side her mom always spent a ton of money and the girl was always nice so i said frickit and hired her for the holiday season i gave her 10 hours a week never worked her alone and just gave her stop to do her mom would come in every shift for at least 30 minutes take her to lunch on break and would still spend big bucks every week on her i slowly weaned her off of visiting and the girl eventually started to blossom a little i didn't keep her on after holiday because i didn't have the hours but she was a good kid with a well-meaning but very overprotective mom today that girl is a very sweet girl has gotten a lot of confidence and is doing all right it was such a surprise to read one of these stories where the kid isn't completely messed up i once arrested an 18 year old for dwi she called her mother from the car as the stop was happening and mom showed up on the side of the road at the same time i was starting my sfsts mom insisted that there was no way her darling was drunk while she's bombing the tests and then when the cuffs went on she insisted that there was no way i could arrest her it would keep her from going to college follow her forever etc long story short mom ended up getting cuffed up for attempted bribery and obstructing and she and her daughter ended up sharing a jail cell that night helicoptering her kid all the way to jail should have found a way to give her a different cell just to rob her of that a neighbor of mine has always been a rich spoiled brat as a only child to parents who are each worth millions she always got whatever she wanted regardless of how expensive or frivolous it was when she was 15 she always came home crying because the other girls made fun of her breast size within a month she had undergone plastic surgery to reduce their size she is a chunky monkey her first car was a g35 coupe which she drove into a light pole while leaving the dealership a few months later she was driving a bmw m3 because her 2013 g35 was junk when she went to college she got depressed from being away from home the university was an hour and a half from her house regardless her mom had to buy a house next to the university so she could stay with her daughter her mom left her husband to be with her daughter through college the husband could not move due to work and is now filing for divorce i fear for what kind of worthless person this child will become once she is forced to enter the real world if the parents have enough money this may never even happen sadly had a mom of an athlete make up a fake facebook account to befriend her daughter's teammate arch rival in the mom's mind as a young handsome boy admirer she posing as the boy began sending the girl gifts and chatting with her nightly for weeks the victim girl was stoked on her internet boyfriend witch as her coach was alarming enough to say the least well right before a major competition the boy sent her a gift basket with candies and whatnot her parents thankfully at this time caught on to her relationship and intercepted the package thinking that she was being groomed for some kind of future physical relationship with the boy when they opened the package to examine its contents they noticed a strange odor couldn't tell you what it was the long story short the mom tried to poison the girl police were able to trace the account and the package back to the mom yup helicopter parent and complete insanity these are friends of my parents or i think it's just the sister of my dad's college friend and her husband their son's probably in fourth or fifth grade and every time we've visited their place or they've visited ours it's scary to see how they micromanage the kid he has a to the minute schedule of how to utilize his playtime it's so weird whenever they visit they bring along a bag with a few sets of toys i've heard them say stuff like it's time to start putting your legos away you have five minutes before it's time to watch your dvd you have 30 minutes for the dvd then you can decide whether you want to play with toy cars or read your book i remember a time where i swung by their place to drop something off and i stayed 40 they told their son to show me all of the stuff he's been building with legos so he took me to the playroom and showed me these really great looking houses and skyscrapers some were from kits and others were all his own creativity more than that though he arranged all of these structures to look like an actual living town i was impressed and i listened to him describe how he laid it all out he just gave random names to different areas this is chicago where all the buildings are this is california and these are all the shops just as he was describing the last section this is new york where everyone lives his dad walks into the room and says no that's wrong they don't have houses like that in new york that can be queens closely monitored playtime and undermining a child's creativity they aren't mean parents as far as i know but it's so weird even the way the kid talks makes it sound like he's reciting lines for a tv advert whenever they visit there's always this our son has something to say go ahead greet everyone and thank them for inviting us into their house and we get this sakuraine hello mister and mrs aldarian thank you for calling us to your lovely home i work at a university and see all manner of helicopter parenting the worst i ever saw was a family from china who had decided that their daughter was going to do an mba and a law degree they had her scheduled down dropped her off knew when she'd eat would have her study at the library from x to y hours then be picked up to eat and study wash rinse repeat she started to falter mid-session i was teaching the class and she was going to probably average a c or a d-plus in the course it was a required course and she needed it to be fully accepted into her chosen major well all heck broke loose her father came to my office and through his daughter demanded to know why she was doing so poorly i explained as best i could but he was not pleased and left suddenly either mother or father would come to class this is strictly against policy so they'd have to wait outside i would tell them and all i would get was a dismissive no no i stay well she came to my office when she should have been in another class and basically told me that her parents had been like this all her life her poor command of english was because they had homeschooled her under some crazy loophole and she had a tough time with english by the end of the semester both parents whom i gather owned a business were waiting for me she hadn't been to class and they explained that she had gone missing they wanted to know if i knew where she was i emailed her but never heard back always wondered where she went i see overly protective parents but that was the worst i had ever seen in my entire life i had a friend in high school who had a pretty disturbing version of helicopter parents she had the normal no job no cell phone no after school activities come right home no car no driver's license crap going on but get this her mom was a psychiatrist and her dad was a doctor her dad was her doctor he diagnosed her with depression and then her mom was a psychiatrist her mom diagnosed her with severe depression and had her temporarily committed to an institution when she got out two weeks later and i asked about it she broke down crying and said she couldn't remember anything because they'd kept her so drugged up on her mother's orders she ran away to california when she was 17. i think she's going for her doctorate in some science field now so fortunately she managed to get out okay anyone's asking if this is illegal and it definitely is i didn't know at the time and i know that sounds ridiculous but it's the truth to be honest most of our group of friends were in fairly abusive family home lives hers was only a little above some of the others comparatively i guess it just didn't seem that unlikely a thing for parents to be able to do and get away with to us i have no idea how her parents pulled it off or didn't lose their licenses i certainly have no intention of contacting those people to see if they're still practicing she ran away two weeks after she got out of the institution i assume she didn't want any of her friends to have to keep secrets for her when the police came around questioning us because she didn't tell any of us anything one day she was just gone the only reason i know she's okay now is that she made a facebook and friended us all about three years later ro her parents would definitely have lost their medical licenses if anyone found out about that that's crazy there's a decent chance there would be criminal charges too first day of college i noticed a couple sitting next to a student the room is slowly filling up and we are about to start the orientation i chat them up and sure enough they're the kids parents i not so subtly mention the parent etc orientation happening in another room no bites i go back over and say we will be starting in a few minutes and this orientation is for students only we'd like to stay there are only enough chairs for the students and we still have people coming in they can stand they should have been on time i finally had to ask my boss to get them to leave and they weren't happy about it wtf this kid is going to do great in a post-secondary environment i'm one of those free-range-free thinking moms when my son was about 10 or so i let him ride his bike around the neighborhood one of the moms called me to let me know my son was out riding his bike alone she was shocked when i said yes i know she couldn't believe i let him out alone another time i was taken to task by another mom because i'll let him take public transportation alone he was 15. i take great pride that he's independent and doesn't need me and when he leaves for college i'm having a huge party to celebrate my freedom huh our high school salutatorian's parents literally made her go crazy she was your typical smart asian straight a's top of the class got into barkley her parents who were proud but extremely unhappy that she would be 600 miles away so they decide to set up a phone in her room and call every two three hours to ask her where she is what she's doing in addition her mom goes through her school emails looks at the event and tells her what she can and can't go to surprise she can't go to anything about two years into college she just snaps the stress from school her bf leaving her and her parents was too much she started dating this drug dealer and doing pcp all day every day most of us just recently graduated from college but no one really knows what happened to her god this is really awful a new high school grad worked at my bakery over the summer one night after closing shift they all decided to go out and grab some photos he told his mom both through text and call but she didn't believe it not only did she call my manager she even called me a college-aged shift leader demanding to know where her son is i wasn't even scheduled to work so i had no idea what was going on so i hung up the phone i wake up the next morning to see an email in my inbox sent at around 3am comma i want you to know that although little zack has returned home safely he could have easily been kidnapped and forced to say those things as a mother i'm appalled that you would even let him leave the store without his parent supervision think long and hard about this before the next case turns into a missing child's case poor poor zach i knew this girl who was a couple grades younger than me her mom was the worst helicopter parent i knew she'd go on dates with her daughter she'd never let her daughter leave her site when she was with a boy when they were on dates and her daughter went to the restroom she'd go with her daughter and apparently guard the door to the restroom to make sure the guy didn't follow her she'd pick out the daughter's clothes every day to make sure her daughter wouldn't get too much attention from guys all of these things might describe your typical parent of a helicopter parent when the girl went to high school the mom decided she was old enough to have her freedom she stopped being a helicopter parent completely one day the daughter comes crying to her mom and tells her mom that her boyfriend just dumped her mom tried to calm her down and says that it was just a boy there will be more boys but mom you don't understand i lost my virginity to him mom then proceeds to drive over to boyfriend's house and asks the parents to see their son she confronts the son and proceeds to punt the sun's balls sun is on floor crying and his parents end up coming into the room mum turns to the boy's parents and say if you charge me with assault on him i'll charge him with debitry on my daughter and that was that sorry about my english i'm a terrible writer just a couple days ago actually me and my bandmates just returned from a competition around 11 30 or 12 o'clock now on the itinerary it says the time that's up on the paper is not exact so this one freshman is putting up his uniform and his clarinet when some fat bee walks through the door she then starts screaming about how he is late and if he doesn't come right now she'll make him drop out of band the kid looks scared and embarrassed and walks out of room it's nothing but silence that woman makes me want to slap her or worse follow her around with my sousaphone making the fat person walking in cartoons song poor kid this is my legacy a story of a freshman and his fat b mother sweet i learned to play that song on trombone it's entertaining every school morning i dropped two kids off early at one school after dropping the oldest offered high school we have to sit and wait 10 minutes before the door opens so we chat listen to the radio etc there is a woman who must be front in line of all three of us waiting so instead of pulling up into the existing line she will pull ahead then back in front even if it means sitting on the crosswalk then when the door opens she jumps out runs around the car opens the back door gets out backpacks multiple opens the front door puts out a hand to get her fifth grade daughter out of the seat then puts her little backpack on her back unfolds the pull arm for her roller backpack then kisses her on the cheek and sends her off i asked my kids if she was special or anything and they just rolled their eyes and said yeah special sure for those wondering are rituals one fist bump two have a good day three love you four get out [Music] parents calling to ask how their child's job application is going or if they are hiring so they can apply for their child and so on i should add that we don't hire anyone below 18 at my job so yay once had a parent call to ask why we fired their child since the employee was saying he didn't know why we did it she quickly apologized when we let i know her child was terminated for gender biased harassment no i won't say what it was yes it was deserved it sounds like the kid lied to his parents obviously i would probably call in too since people don't get fired for no reason at all even if that reason is resizing or other unrelated reasons to the person if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video do bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 75,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, helicopter parents, reddit helicopter parents, helicopter parents of reddit, helicopter partens stories
Id: 86KSPT-fS5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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