Who is the CRUELEST Race? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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Tamriel is a land of contradictions in the language of old marys it translates to Dawn's beauty a name that signifies tranquility a land where many diverse cultures and races intermingle sharing discoveries and living in peace it is the heart of nirn where all living things yearn to be the natives will make martyrs of themselves to protect its sacred soil and the scattered peoples of the other continents envy its inhabitants but while many call Tamriel Dawn's beauty others call it the arena for it is both the setting and the prize of every major conflict in the mortal realm of Mundus a land as valuable as Tamriel breeds mortals who are willing to go to any lengths to defend it or perhaps to take more of it an optimist may expect the races of Tamriel to share it benevolently but a realist will argue that is much more expedient to take what you want conflict greed and ambition as staples of mortal existence and they always lead to bloodshed what's more mortals can reconcile their savage tendencies as they kill to protect their homelands and their families you could debate the nuances of war and peace until Saturday the first serpent eats the world and the cycle begins anew but there is one of a disposition that seems to rear its head startlingly often where mortals are concerned and that's cruelty inflicting suffering on others is never a virtuous thing to do but you can at least rationalize it in most instances perhaps your life is in danger maybe you're starving and need to raid our lands you could be driven by a desire for vengeance you may have little choice in the matter as you follow your Lord or king or Emperor's orders but all honest mortals abhor cruelty taking pleasure in inflicting suffering hurting another for entertainment or personal gratification unfortunately cruelty is rife on Tamriel and it has been throughout history hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet I'm sure most of you listening to this are stuck in quarantine or self-isolation lucky for me I've been training for this day for years if isolating were a professional sport I wouldn't need to make youtube videos what better way to lighten the mood in these turbulent times than by comparing the races of Tamriel to determine who is the most cruel and sadistic of the bunch with the apocalypse on our doorstep why not take our minds off it by going over the most atrocious things to happen to the people of Tamriel so let's get started by listing off our honorable mentions the races who've dabbled in the dastardly but a far from the worst offenders when known was formed the Elna Fae the ancestors to men and elves were scattered the old LFA remained in Tamriel while the wandering LFA found themselves on the continents of a curvy yo CUDA and atmora eventually these Rovers would return and when they did they came to a realm that was already populated the needed migrations from atmora settled with varying degrees of success but the major documented migration was by is grimore and his followers at first they lived harmoniously alongside the Falmer but after the night of tears when the snow elves slaughtered almost every one of these human settlers is grimore and his sons returned with vengeance on their minds together with the 500 companions is grimore captured the northern province of skyrim and systematically wiped out every snow elf he could find by the time the conflict came to a close at the Battle of the most ring the slopes of the mountains ran red with elf blood it was a brutal an absolute revenge for the knight of Tears systematically wiping out a race is obviously cruel I'm definitely not trying to justify it but the context turns to the story of is grimore attorne from a sadistic genocide to one of vengeance and conquest it's an example of the brutality of war as opposed to cold-hearted sadistic cruelty the same can be said for the Yakunin warrior waves they came to Hammerfell and claim the region for themselves they saw the giant goblins of the flint tooth tribe who inhabited the alak here at the time as a threat to their ability to exist in safety so they removed the goblins from Hammerfell they also wiped out all of the needs and elves they encountered those they did not kill were conscripted as laborers it is said they treated the morose specially brutally for they had a deep-seated hatred for elves after their thousand-year war with the left-handed elves of you CUDA once again the cruelty of war is on full display and once again it's not so uncommon for the races of Tamriel to treat each other like this the MAL mercy elves of Pi and Ania are led by a deathless wizard named King orga gnam who is driven by one goal and one goal alone his only ambition is to conquer the Summerset Isles and it is said that this is practically all the entire race lives for considering the fact that organ Amis are mortal that goal was unlikely to ever change the pocket guide to the empire third edition says the maou mer of Pi and Ania were relentless in their drive to conquer Somerset the chronicler can scarcely find a year throughout the first and second errors when the malmö did not ravage the coastlines of the altima there are villages in the central valleys of Somerset that have never seen battle but so much blood has been spilled along the coasts it is a wonder it is not stained permanently crimson the Nords eradicated many snow elves but their homeland was becoming inhospitable and the slaughter at saffle was fresh on their minds the Akutan stew for the most part were fleeing the destruction of their former home but the sea elves thanks to their fanatical dictator killed so many innocent hiles in their countless failed attempts to claim the isles and what for some baseless claim to Somerset another race with a similar story to the malmö is the kemal that we know scarce little about them the kemal snow demons hail from mysterious akavir and the eponymous book tells us all we need to know about them in the winter they remain frozen solid but when summer comes they fall out and invade Tang mo but the brave monkey folk always drive them away it seems they too have a single-minded hunger for conquest only theirs is seemingly even more cruel when we look at their victims the Tang mo are described as being kind brave and simple these virtues don't endear them to the other races of akavir no the other races view these virtues as weaknesses and all of the other akaviri nations have at one time or another tried to enslave them while we're on the topic of kuvira nation's the kemal clearly earned the name snow demon but there's a cruel erase inhabiting the Eastern continent and that races thus I see the snake men have featured in Tamriel at history a lot across the eras they were the dragon guard and were a crucial part of Riemann's prosperous Empire members of their race even ascended to the imperial throne and the dragon guard would endure the centuries becoming the blades but before they came to Tamriel the saisi had quite a brutal history it is said the snake men completely wiped out the men of akavir but they didn't merely kill them they also supposedly ate them this could be figurative or simply the product of generations of oratory embellishment but there's good cause to believe the rumors as mysterious akavir posits that the saisi were vampiric and drank blood and would enslave goblins not only for their labor but also as a fresh and perpetual source of sustenance the text also says the cycie attempted to eat all the dragons of akavir tomb and they enslaved the Red Dragons basically the cycie have a long history of massacring entire races feasting on their blood and enslaving those they don't kill blood may be drunk for sustenance not simply pleasure but that would serve as no consolation to their many victims when discussing cruelty we can briefly mention the orcs in the reach men but there's not a great deal to say their practices can be perceived as backwards and barbaric like the orcs with their raiding and their blood prices and their polygamous war chiefs who can only be replaced if the challenger kills him or the reach men with their savage Bryer heart rituals and their constant uprisings but beyond being wild and brutish the orcs and reach men are more practical than cruel in their primitive albeit bloody customs the Bosma may attract some attention when discussing the cruellest race they are notorious across Tamriel for embracing cannibalism after all but the green pact is an honourable way of life in Velen wood the wood elves believe they must waste no part of what they kill and they eat meat in order to preserve if Rizzo wonders but with the exception of the green packed the Bosma are known for being the most pass fistic race on Tamriel not that they have much competition and they are also considered to be the most peaceful we have free more honorable mentions two races you'll be very familiar with and one you may not know so much about the first of these races isn't particularly cruel in war and they are the antithesis of primitive yet one of their societal practices is remarkably cruel if it is true at all I'm referring to the Altima of Somerset the High Elves pride themselves on being refined and cultured there are proud people and to outsiders they come off as arrogant and snobbish yet for all their posturing about being the most advanced and the most sophisticated the pocket guide to the empire first edition which is generally considered to be a very reliable source suggests that the High Elves have normalized eugenic infanticide this particular claim is documented by the Imperial emissary Eric of GAE who was undeniably biased and never had anything positive to say about any elven races either way his claim is as follows high elves consider themselves to be the only perfect race over hundreds of generations they have bred themselves into a racially pure line and are now almost identical to one another in appearance the theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false rather and to my horror they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity as with all of the races so far you can attribute a motive to their horrific deeds and therefore they aren't cruel in the sense that they take pleasure from inflicting suffering but murdering newborn babies simply because they do not meet purity standards is unthinkably wicked but beyond the assurances of one rather xenophobic human we can't actually guarantee that this is true at all and I doubt its accuracy one thing we can't doubt is just how much Morrowind friars as a result of slave labor many races have utilized slavery we've seen a couple of examples already from the Yakunin stew thus I see but for the dunmer slave trading has historically been a fundamental part of Moreh wins economy and they consider its practice to be their ancient right despite imperial efforts to outlaw slavery the dunmer ensured that they were exempt from this when joining the Empire the Dark Elves predominantly trade in Argonian and Khajiit slaves though humans goblins and lesser elves are not off the table the dunmer viewed most outsiders as inferior and this prevented the slave trade from being hindered by moral dilemmas slavery was popular all over the province but it is most prevalent on the southern salt rice plantations the great house stress are conveniently situated on the Fertile deshaun Plains and their close proximity to northern Black Marsh ensures a steady supply of new slaves the importance of slave labor to this house in particular is clear enough from a glance at their banner which displays a set of shackles the slave trade operated for almost all of Moreh wins done marry history but was finally in officially outlawed by King hell serf in the late third era last of the honorable mentions before we tackle our top three cruelest races are the drag in your adventures across Tamriel's coasts you may have encountered this crustaceous race they spend most of their lives in the sea but for one year every drag emerges from the water to breed on land in a process known as Calvinism during this time their lust replaces their usual intelligence and they will attack any living thing they see to modern mortals the drej appear to be simple-minded beasts incapable of cruelty but the drej or an ancient race and once upon a time they were among the most intelligent races of Mundus man car Cameron the leader of the enigmatic cult of the mythic dawn wrote about the drag in his commentaries the Mun Dukes terrain the Mundus was once ruled over solely by the tyrant drag Kings each to their own Dominion and border wars fought between their slave oceans they were akin to the time totems of old yet evil and full of mockery and profane powers no-one that lived did so outside of the sufferance of the dregs and vivec a poet whose writings were even more esoteric than man cars had this to say about the drag in his 36 lessons when the dregs ruled the world the day drove Prince Molag Bal had been their chief vivec proceeds to talk about the ruddy man the monstrous reanimated carapace of Molag Bal's crustaceous form but its writings despite being profoundly unreliable lends credence to man Carr's claims that in another age the drej kings had in fact ruled nirn and if an aspect of Molag Bal had been their chief it's not hard to imagine how cruel they would have been Molag Bal is the Daedric Prince of enslavement domination corruption torment brutality and the list goes on man car Cameron served mehrunes dagon the Prince of destruction and even he portrayed the drag as tyrannical the drej could quite possibly be the cruelest race to have ever set foot on Tamriel but they ruled the world in another cowper and for those of you unfamiliar with the term Kalpa the simplest way to put it is that a calper is a cycle of the universe depending on what doctrine you adhere to perhaps SATA call the world serpent eats itself or maybe Alduin the world eater eats the world however you dress it it's basically the cycle of time starting anew the dawn era serves as the transitionary period between the old and new CalPERS and when the maratha era begins the new Cowper commences because the drej ruled the world in another Cowper it's impossible to know the details of their rule and thus we can only speculate on how cruel they truly were but now it's time to talk about our free cruelest races each of which has left a lasting impact on present-day Tamriel the first is one we all know well the subterranean innovators the pioneers of the universe's most perverse perplexities the Dwemer defied the gods and built magnificent machines that demonstrated steam-powered sentience I could go on for hours about the achievements of this fascinating race but we're here to talk about their less admirable deeds if you'd like to hear all about the dwarves I'll leave a link to my dedicated video on them in the description below the Dwemer took pride in meddling with divine forces and technologies not meant for mortals and they flew so close to the Sun that their bronze constructs reach their metaphorical melting points their ingenuity and ambition led to their downfall but it also led them to treat another race with unthinkable cruelty it's a part of their history that I'm sure that raava was forgotten entirely but it happened and it proved that even the most intelligent of creatures has the capacity for wickedness when the Nords eradicated the majority of the snow elves and when all hope was lost following the death of their leader the snow Prince the survivors knew they had no option but to flee at this time history was written by the victors and the chroniclers were now human not elven as far as the Nords were concerned the remaining snow elves were scattered or better yet slain but the truth was discovered by a Falmer historian named Ursa ooof rax who explored and studied Skyrim before documenting his findings he concluded that the twisted Falmer that inhabit the darkest depths of Skyrim are indeed the snow elves of legend and there is a wealth of evidence to support his discoveries he wrote that when the snow elf host was shattered on that fateful day it did not simply disperse it descended into the earth deep underground for the Falmer sought sanctuary in the most unlikely of places black reach far beneath the surface of skyrim in the legendary realm of the Dwemer themselves after their defeat by the Nords the dwarves have old agreed to protect the Falmer but at a terrible price for these Dwemer did not trust their snow elf guests and forced them to consume toxic fungi that once grew deep underground as a result the snow elves were rendered blind not only were the snow elves unfamiliar with the subterranean realm of the dwarves but they were poisoned gravely the fungi not only blinded the snow elves but it either directly caused or at the very least facilitated the mental degeneration of the Rays Ursa continues soon the majestic snow elves were rendered powerless they became the dwarves servants and then their slaves but the Dwemer strecher II was so deep so complete that they made the fungi an essential part of the farmers diet this guaranteed the weakness of not only their current Falmer frawls but their offspring as well the snow elves for time eternal would be blind the weakened Falmer rebelled against their captors but they could not hope to beat the intelligent dwarves who built these underground cities when the Dwemer disappeared the snow elves were victorious though hardly as a result of their own actions what the dwarves did to the Falmer refugees was heinous understandably they were reluctant to trust their surface-dwelling guests but one could argue that it would have been more humane for the refugees to try their luck hiding in Skyrim or crossing the border to sir Adele or res Dain so the dwarves could not hide behind the claim that they were the best option for the snow elves who wished to live there's no doubt that the zealous two wolves saw an opportunity when the refugees came to their golden gates in search of sanctuary they doubtless benefited greatly from enslaving the blinded Falmer and there are a few crimes more cruel in the history of Tamriel but the Dwemer only took the bronze medal so let's talk about a race that is infinitely more cruel than the dwarves if you've ever bathed with a bar of that exotic slowed soap then you were officially complicit to child murder but then again you might just be doing the universe a service by preventing anymore slowed from entering adulthood behold the most vile corpulent acrid creature to ever walk or squirm across the face of nirn thus lauder a race of amphibious slug like beasts hailing from the coral kingdoms of frass and if you haven't heard of them then consider yourself lucky if you'd like a complete explanation of this repulsive yet admittedly intriguing race then check the description for a link to Scotts video on the elder scrolls is chunky estufa kissed boys unlike the Dwemer and most of the other races listed so far the slow dance simply guilty of the odd cruelty know practically every facet of this races society and culture revolves around heartless cruel and downright evil practices the slowed supposedly do not experience emotion and that explains a lot appearance and personality aside the slow do not look down upon blasphemy theft torture kidnapping murder or even genocide they break laws whenever they calculate it's in their best interests they do not perceive or on a friendship or loyalty in the familiar human terms except for a cheerful affinity for those who defeat them or trick them in any endeavor the adult form does not apparently reproduce and shows no interest in the fate of its offspring they are a godless race but will serve a Daedra Lord if they themselves can benefit from the arrangement they practice necromancy openly and often and will kill their offspring without compunction in order to turn their young into slowed soap this soap is not used for washing no the slow don't care for hygiene they use the soap in their neck romantic rituals you get the picture they're pretty reprehensible but the reason the slow takes second place is because of the fresh and plague it was ever-present ever penetrating it seeped into every person every creature every drop of water seeking to be quenched the afflicted drank themselves to corpulence with each passing day until their bones cracked under their bulging flesh The Fresh & plague colloquially known as the slug famine was a terrible pandemic that ravaged Tamriel in either first error 2200 or first error twenty to sixty depending on the source it's believed that the plague wiped out half of the population of the illiac Bay region where the disease was at its worst and other scholars have even speculated that it wiped out half the population of the whole of Tamriel it reached as far as elsewhere it wiped out entire cultures and decimated entire populations it is potentially the greatest tragedy to befall Tamriel and as the name suggests it originated in the coral kingdoms but what seals the deal is not that it originated in frass but that it was artificially created by the slowed with the intention of massacring countless Tamriel lights the slowed were punished for this egregious crime as the or Flags Navy gathered and sailed to frass slaughtered all the slowed they could find and with great unknown magics sunk their coral kingdoms into the sea but no amount of retaliation would compare with the devastation of the fresh and plague and now for our final race the cruelest race to set foot on Tamriel the slowed are a tough act to follow and whoever this race is will never be able to boast the same death toll as the slowed and their slug famine but we chose the word cruel because the race needs to not only have committed horrific crimes against other mortals but they needed to take pleasure in it cruelty is willfully causing pain or suffering to others cruelty is feeling no concern about it cruelty is relishing in the torment of your victims and the a leads of Seerat were the cruelest the a leads are in ancient and enchanting race they built the first Empire on Tamriel and while they fell from greatness long ago the remnants of their glorious past can be seen all over the heartland of Cyrodiil once again if you'd like to learn more about the race I have a comprehensive video covering them on the channel and I'll also link it below but this once prosperous people dominated the region for long enough to see their sophisticated culture deteriorate this wondrous Empire revered starlight and built Citadel's of unrivaled size and beauty the aliens were responsible for building the white gold tower modeled in the image of the adamantine tower and it has been the centerpiece of Tamriel's history ever since they were the forerunners for much of Tamriel arcane knowledge they determined that the stars were the link between Mundus a nefarious they built brilliant Wells to harness this magical energy and they cut wellkind and vial of stones from meteoric glass to serve as receptacles for this harvested energy without the a lids we wouldn't have the alteration school of magic but it is through religion that the a lid set about their cultural atrophy at first they were devoted to the same aedra gods the other Ultima worshiped however they were unique in their veneration for the former pupil of Magnus meridia who they called Meriden under she became a Daedric prince but it was not the lady of light who corrupted the Heartland Elves many splinter religions emerged in the empire of the aliens many were said to be godless but many more were described as Daedra loving judging by the changes in ailee culture they were likely popular cult dedicated to princes like molag bal that gained a lot of traction according to Fras terse of Ellen here the decorated Imperial scholar be a Leeds made no distinction between good and bad Daedra indeed even some of the more heinous princes received mass veneration especially when their worship was adopted and endorsed by the ayleid kings and aristocrats widespread Daedra worship among the Heartland elves was particularly ill news for the tribes of need humans who were then arriving in Tamriel ba leads enslaved the immigrant tribes of men at first occasionally but then systematically and the needed people found themselves subject to masters who in many cases worship the princes including those who encouraged slavery domination and cruelty so like so many other races ba leads normalized the use of slave labor to grow their empire but the ending of that description from Fras tiss is what sets the aliens apart and we even have a primary source attesting to the horrific treatment of slaves during the reign of the ayleid sorcerer kings in his memoirs the legendary demigod and son of kine Morehouse described the slave years of alien oppression he says men were given over to the lifting of stones and the draining of the fields and the upkeep of temple and road these tasks were not uncommon for slaves and if this were the alien races most damning indictment then they wouldn't take first place in the list but the aliens began torturing their slaves for mass entertainment sources suggests this wasn't just the minority who took pleasure in such gruesome games and sickening sports it was a flourishing industry more a house goes on to say the slaves were given over to become art torches for strange pleasures as in the wailing wheels of in Days 'el and the gut gardens of surcin and flesh sculpture which was everywhere among the slaves of the aliens in those days or worse the realms of the fire king HUD hall where the be getting of drugs drawn from the admixture of day drums into living hosts let one inhale new visions of torment and children were set aflame for nighttime tiger sport the Daedra loving a leads delighted in the macabre cruelty was a booming business as Morehouse State's slave torture was an art and a sport funded by the highest echelon of a lead society and enjoyed by the masses how many slaves died in the wailing wheels and the gut Gardens can't possibly be measured I could say with confidence that the death toll would be greatly overshadowed by the number of lives lost to the fresh and plague but the systematic and elaborate torture of slaves without practice purpose and the widespread appeal of sadism which manifested as visceral exhibitions of anguish and spectacles of mortal suffering is cruel beyond comprehension and that is why the a lids are the cruelest race to set foot on Tamriel I hope you enjoyed the video guys thanks so much for watching I've been drew this has been fudge Muppet stay home stay safe watch YouTube play video games and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 327,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, skyrim lore, cruelest race, ayleids, sload, orcs, ayleid lore, skyrim races
Id: nJoTonxQvbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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