Who are the Pirates of Tamriel? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Michael and welcome to fudge Muppet today we're embarking on an adventure across the open seas swinging from province to province to uncover the pirates of Tamriel we've made a pirate build for Skyrim before and actually we even made one for Fallout 4 and there's no denying that acting like a pirate in games can be seriously fun I'm fairly certain that even Assassin's Creed Black Flag is my favorite game from that entire series but back to elder scrolls what Pirates are there that exist or have existed throughout history who are they and what did they do well in this video I plan to cover all of that in fact I'll even be covering pirates from continents outside of Tamriel itself before we swallow a bottle of rum to kick things off I thought it would be useful to simply point out what a pirate really is most of the time they're more or less just a bandit or Marauder who simply operates out at sea instead of on land using naval ships to travel and plunder but with all of that said it's time to walk the plank and drop into the seas around Black Marsh quite a scary place to be if you ask me so what do we know of pirates from Black Marsh scaly argonians who want a life of violence and riches leaving their swamps behind at least temporarily and sailing out in search of targets to plunder well there's actually some really cool stuff involving Black Marsh and if you watched my video called our argonians week where I cover the feats of argonians throughout history you might remember a pirate by the name of red Bremen some sentences in the pocket guide to the empire might indicate that Bremen was a man and not an Argonian but red Bremen was officially depicted as an Argonian with his own card in the elder scrolls legends and it looks phenomenal either way the story of red Brahmin is the same so back in the first era one infamous pirate had no fears going in and out of Black Marsh to get his hands dirty red Brahmins supposedly an Argonian pirate was a massive problem for the elysian empire and operated heavily around the area of topple bay raiding the coasts and retreating back to Black Marsh to hide whether this was his homeland or not it was the ultimate hideout and his ship could travel through a secret River entrance that was disguised by mangrove thickets this black marsh pirate was causing so much trouble with his constant raiding that he actually tracted the attention of Empress has drew herself he was no ordinary pest she commanded the imperial navy to bring back his head and they did but that was not until they undertook many intrusions into black marsh pushing further and further fighting off more and more resistance from argonians the further they went even though they eventually succeeded the Empire's use of the pirate routes in Black Marsh frustrated the native argonians who simply saw them as invaders and overall it contributed to making them resentful towards the races of men however once the pirate threat was destroyed the first Empire was relatively happy to leave if red Brahmin is in fact an Argonian like the legends card depicts than it is even more impressive that he had the courage to leave his homeland as it was even less common for argonians to leave Black Marsh back in the first era another pirate from Black Marsh can be found living in the second era during the events of Elder Scrolls online without a doubt and Argonian she goes by the cliche name of captain one-eye and she basically runs out in Coromant Alton Coromant is located in the region of shadow fen in Black Marsh and it's filled with all kinds of pirates thieves and merchants it's a significant trade hub with River access and as you'd expect the town isn't the friendliest place captain one-eye wants to get rid of a Dominion spy a Khajiit actually who is running supply lines in her town later on you can even find her searching for ancient treasure in Cold Harbor so there's no doubt captain one-eye is very ambitious there's even the option to give her the crown of bones which turns her into a skeleton though she remains friendly but enough of argonians let's hop across the continent to a place which is famously known to have its fair share of pirates Hammerfell there have been plenty of cases of pirates in Hammerfell and Cyrus the main character of the Elder Scrolls adventures red guard even aspired to be a pirate in his younger years he frequently talked and later went on missions with a half Nord who was a pirate and at this time Cyrus was working as a mercenary after hearing that his sister went missing he went looking for her and again he came across more pirates although these were hostile towards him it was on his way to the island of Stross Makai when Cyrus was confronted by two pirates from the restless League a group who were dedicated to overthrowing the red guard monarchy during the interregnum so all of this was going down late in the second era for those who no the Pirates were trying to claim his ships Osiris defeated them later however Syrus went on to negotiate with them to gather information here he was told that the restless-leg were fighting against the Imperial rule on the island and Azara his sister had become a member of the faction in the end Syrus would find his sister and rally these pirates leading an attack on the palace and killing the provisional governor of Stross Makai from here the rebels could negotiate a peace treaty favorable to Hammerfell though the province as a whole would still be part of the third Empire so yes there's plenty of pirate related activity to talk about when it comes to Hammerfell Syrus still lives on in the form of old sea shanties but his story is not the only one featuring red guard pirates we also see red guide pirates from Hammerfell and the Elder Scrolls online we can visit Stross Makai in-game and as it tends to be it's a haven for piracy in fact many pirates of the Abyssinian sea that is the sea west of Cyrodiil used as their home base port one pirate faction we can see here are the sea Drake's this pirate faction is responsible for looting vessels on Stross Makai and they're named after a monstrous creature supposedly hunted by argonians near the waters of Black Marsh captain Helene is the leader of the sea Drake's and she ends up being poisoned by a Breton pirate appropriately named crafty Larissa captain Helene and the sea Drake's had captured crafty Larissa's crew aboard the maiden Larissa's ship after Helene is poisoned during the related quest you can choose whether or not you want to give her the antidote then there's the Red Guard pirate also a woman named Colleen she actually saves you from drowning if you sided with the Daggerfall covenant she's involved in quite a few quests so I can't outline all of them but one cool thing to note is that this red guard actually ends up quitting her life as a pirate and turning into a privateer for the Covenant serving King for her a jar for those who don't know maharaja is the king of sentinel and is responsible for the red guards joining the Daggerfall covenant so we've heard of Argonian pirates and we know there's plenty of pirates in Hammerfell but what if we head over the border of this province into High Rock what Pirates do we find here well if we actually go to the region on the border of the two provinces named banker I we can stumble across a location named Blackheart Haven Bank Rhys home to banker I pass the well known land which has served as High Rocks defense against traders from hammerfell but back to Blackheart Haven this is a group dungeon in Elder Scrolls online which involves you fighting through hordes of enemies and as you'd expect it's pirate-themed there's plenty of pirate bosses to kill and the final one is captain Blackheart himself a powerful and intimidating undead pirate he can spawn other skeletons to fight you and he can even turn one of the players into a skeleton form he tends to pick the tank which can make things really frustrating if you kill this undead pirate he can drop a unique stored with a Life Drain enchantment called skull maker anyways that's one example from High Rock of a pirate but is there anything else well in volume 2 of Cicero's journal found in Skyrim we can read that way rest a major kingdom of hi Rock was besieged by Corsairs or pirates really 13 years before the events of Elder Scrolls 5 this is pretty crazy as you'd think that way rest would be able to fend off pirates but it is said that the king of way rest stupidly let this happen leaving the ports open for anyone to enter some say he let the invasion happen because he knew of a conspiracy to kill him he wanted the core says to kill his enemies during their process of violently sacking everything either way the dark brotherhood sanctuary and way rest was eventually found and the members inside were slaughtered there were no known survivors now while we're on the topic of pirates successfully invading civilized territory let's talk about Valen wood and the jackdaw pirates this is a pirate faction found in Elder Scrolls online and they've actually taken over Haven an entire city in the southeast of Grant Wood in Velen wood the idea of wood elf pirates sounds really awesome especially if they had a way to build their ships while still adhering to the green pact more on this in the Cyrodiil section unfortunately however the significant members of this gang of pirates you find in Velen would consist mainly of Nords and argonians has also had done the mage helping them so really if anything the important people in the jackdaw pirates consist of the three races making up the ebonheart pact we've got a Nord named war leader node there's an Argonian dual wielding melee weapons named g8a and another Argonian who is a beast handler named Mahima then there's the Donmar I mentioned a female mage named artificer Lana and finally we have the leader inaud knight named gamma raven hair she actually plans to raise the bodies of those who died during the invasion in order to create an undead army crazy stuff if you ask me and even if you help save the day we know Valen would would have problems from the Cameron user epilator in the third era who successfully employed the undead in his army to cause destruction but that tends to cover it for pirates and Valen would but like I said a little bit more in the Cyrodiil section well how about Skyrim we can't make an Elder Scrolls pirates video and not talk about Skyrim because the land of the Nords is simply sensational when it comes to pirate law first up I want to talk about a prime example from the Dragonborn DLC the infamous pirate King hack near-death brand we encounter the spirit of hack near deep within guild and hall Barrow at the end of the death bran quest in the process of doing his quest and eventually defeating him we'll have been able to collect a full set of the enchanted death brand armor which looks like light star umama and you also get two enchanted scimitars blood scythe and Soul render this is the armor and weaponry used by hack near when he was a fearsome pirate ruler dominating the northern seas centuries in the past not only is this armor spectacular in modern day Skyrim but imagine seeing a pirate wearing it while they attack you it's just next-level stuff this pirate King may have been successful and looked really cool but he certainly didn't keep his cool ACK near death brand was known to be very angry and violent unleashing rage in fits of madness which terrified those around him legend has it that he even loved torture and murder it brought him great pleasure in addition to this it was claimed he lived for an abnormal amount of years and there were rumors he had special powers which allowed him to do so some say he made a pact with mehrunes dagon and that this pact was sealed with the infamous scar laying across his face this scar was said to be called the death brant others believed he fed on the blood and souls he killed to extend his lifespan now before his death he declared to his crew that no one could have his treasure unless they could best him in combat and he had his quartermaster go to soul slam to bury his armor in four separate coastline locations he then went with his mom's mentor guild and hull Barrow asking to be buried there with his treasure hack near is definitely an awesome pirate in the elder scrolls law but are there any other interesting ones that feature in Skyrim perhaps you've heard of velux sane also known as the pirate king of the abba sein which is that sea found off the west coast of Cyrodiil bellick scene is actually a drum or a pirate it is said that his ships presence caused madness and he and his crew were merciless and cruel people often wonder why would add Remora become a pirate what useful loot would they have I believe the answer to this question comes back to the whole part about being cruel this drama was probably a pirate for enjoyment it would be a great way to bring pain and suffering to mortals that said he did bury treasure perhaps he knew it could be a good bargaining tool with mortals in the future who could maybe help him we encounter this pirate in the midden a dungeon underneath the college of winterhold he tells us that a spell has bound him to Mundus and wants the player to release him he promises us wealth treasure from an imperial galleon which he has stashed away you can just kill him if you want or you can help him and get a map to his treasure other pirates that come to mind when I think of Skyrim are the blood walkers these were the Bandit pirates you had to go take out in the quest rise in the east the East Empire trading company was having trouble with pirates around Windhelm and you help them find the pirate's hideout juh FETs folly it was thought that these pirates called the blood walkers had an army of battle mages helping them turns out it was just one really powerful battle mage named Halden this powerful Red Guard once sent a scouting group to go to lots of hidden islands looking for places to make outposts and hide treasure one of his groups found an island inhabited by hawkers and it seemed like a good location to set up an outpost finally the hawkers ended up killing all but one survivor who returned to tell the story this is how the grip got their name the blood Hawk is you end up helping the East Empire company assault their island and take out their mage in the process it's one of the best side quests in the entire game so as you can see there's a lot of piracy when it comes to Skyrim but wait there's more do you remember the black blood Marauders it's a name which i think is a lot more intimidating than the blood walkers the black blood Marauders were the group of pirates helping an Argonian by the name of Jerry Roth this Argonian is the one that approaches you in solitude and once you help in causing a shipwreck which he plans to loot with his gang he says that the sailors on board won't be harmed and you can get a fair share of the loot being an evil bastard you agree but evil bastards get what they deserve in theory I guess when you go to the shipwreck you will notice the original operators of the ship have all been murdered jari rar sister an Argonian named DJ is in the hull of the ship and there's plenty of black blood Marauders around when you meet her she reveals your reward a quick death after defeating her and the rest of the pirates you pick up a note on her corpse which tells you where Jarrah is he's hiding in broken or grotto one of the most aesthetic locations in the entire game you go here and kill him and other pirates getting a key from the Argonian criminal which opens a big loot chest turns out the black blood Marauders were a fleet of pirates who actually got trapped inside the grotto with their ships due to a cave-in this forced them to become Marauders operating at least temporarily from land as for other pirates encountered in Elder Scrolls five their standard pirate enemies on soul time they're pretty much identical to bandits and Reavers there's the enemy simply called pirates then there's the pirate mage in the pirate captain in the history of the Nords there's also the classic raiding parties these were the groups of sea Raiders who were involved in attacking other provinces such as morrowind back in the first era you can count them as pirates if you want I'll leave it up to you now taking a look at morrowind the don't appear to be any notable pirates in and around the main areas all we really hear of the Dark Elves and piracy are those who became pirates in other provinces or went to other locations I did mention there were pirates found on saw slime in the Dragonborn DLC and most happened to be done month these pirates were also looking for the treasure of hack near-death brand by the way now we also visited saw slime in the blood moon dlc in Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind and here they were actually undead skeleton pirates in Himmel host barrow there was also a skeleton pirate captain who wielded a unique Cutlass or say bark called sea splitter its enchantment allowed you to demoralize creatures but honestly I think a pirates weapon would be better off scaring humans but I guess you get what you get other dunmer pirates that i can tell you about are actually ghosts you encounter in Elder Scrolls for oblivion they're found within Blackrock caverns which is a cave northwest of the city of coral there's some standard Blackrock Spire and the Black Rock captain all our Dark Elves all have steel cutlasses all our ghosts why they're haunting these cabins is anyone's guess though now we've moved on to serie dillon we're talking about my favorite Elder Scrolls game oblivion aren't we it would be a great topic to move on to as we discussed the pirates of Tamriel however I think I'm gonna throw a curveball and give mention to akavir akavir you say that's a whole other continent to the east of Tamriel indeed it is but the inhabitants of akavir first entered into Tamriel 'ok history in the form of pirates operating around the iliac bay area fascinatingly it is said that the ships were meant by beast folk pirates who had rat-like features and others who looked canine this suggests that there may be undiscovered akaviri races and cultures or ones that have gone extinct these pirating ships appear as early as the 800th year of the first era and they're raiding and pillaging was quite the annoyance however they weren't just after loot it is believed that they were scouting ahead for the coming academic term Riel now whether you want to call the invaders pirates or not is up to you as it's fair to point out that just because a group invades via the sea it doesn't necessarily mean they're pirates however in the year before the invasion which I'll get into soon legitimate piracy from the akai very picked up around Tamriel drastically one example was in way rest where citizens were forced to take refuge behind city walls in the 2700 and second year of the first era as a massive akaviri raiding party arrived the year after this the main invasion of Tamriel by the akaviri took place and it was performed almost entirely by the say see a race of vampiric serpent folk the forces of Tamriel fought as hard as they could to fend off the invaders and to begin with they were getting smashed eventually however the armies of Tamriel started to do better and worked together and Riemann Cyrodiil delivered the final blow defeating the akaviri threat when he routed them at the Battle of peor pass they recognized him as Dragonborn and this caused them to swear unceasing loyalty to him the akaviri would invade again during the second era arriving with a fleet of ships and anchoring for a whole month before beginning their attack on windhelm there's not a whole lot involving pirates talk about with the second invasion but it's cool to know that these invaders this time were primarily the kemal a race of snow demons from akavir they look like Giants made of snow and are said to have huge crystals of ice protruding from their backs but with all of that covered let's all take our sabers out and thrust them deep into the waters of Cyrodiil we'll start off by talking about pirates explored in Elder Scrolls for oblivion a most memorable group can be found docked in the Imperial waterfront district standing outside their pirate ship known as the Marie Elena there's some generic pirates and then the classic female Dark Elf first mate marvelous she warns you that if you go near or on the ship she will attack you and if you're as curious as I am then you'll quickly realize she wasn't kidding all the Pirates turn on you and whip out their cutlasses it's game on but luckily for you the Imperial watch aren't too fond of these pirates the guards will come to your defense killing the Pirates quite easily it's pretty funny to be honest and a solid strategy to utilize if you want them to stop singing their songs all the time but that's not where the fun with this pirate ship ends no this ship is actually involved in one of the earliest Dark Brotherhood quests you're sent to assassinate the captain Gaston - sword and it's implied that he's quite wealthy and has been avoiding justice for quite some time he's a Breton who sailed from High Rock to cyrodiil in search of treasure but you'll put an end to him if you complete the quest called a watery grave the awesome thing about this quest is that you can sneak aboard the ship in a crate which they take inside with you inside the crate you're on a lower level and can either fight or sneak pass to the crew members until you make your way to the captain's cabin where you can kill Gaston - pirates will come knocking at the door giving you a small amount of time to decide if you want to escape out the back door and jump off the balcony into the sea below or just fight your way out I think the escape option is actually a lot more fun and suitable an additional example that comes to mind in the Imperial waterfront is the Blackwater brigands this bandit group actually takes over the ship known as the bloated afloat which has actually been turned into an inn and sails it out to sea this takeover happens while you're sleeping inside and you're left to take out the four members on board they're looking for a treasure the inn owner said was hidden in the ship but it turns out he just made that up to get more customers bad idea these brigands have their own custom leather armor and their leader Selene has an enchanted fine steel longsword which absorbs fatigue capable of knocking you over if your fatigue levels get too low anyways I'm not sure you could call these bandits pirates but they certainly are criminals who are looking for treasure aboard a ship they hijacked and sailed out to sea still worth mentioning for sure another gray area for sir idyllic pirates would be anvil so there's this ship in anvil known as the Serpent's wake which has a quest called the ghost ship of anvil outside the ship you could meet a high elf mage who actually owns the ship she wants you to recover her mother's crystal ball from deep in the ship originally she hired a crew to sail to the summerset isles and to bring back the crystal ball they succeeded but then someone murdered them or when they got back and now they're haunting the ship whether these crew members should be considered pirates or sailors is hard to say we don't really know the nature of all of their work they were murdered by a certain Dark Brotherhood member for laughing at him though I don't want to spoil any more than that anyways for dealing with this quest you get a unique weapon perfect for a pirate red wave this is a unique enchanted Cutlass that used to belong to the ship's captain it drains the life of your enemies and it leads me to speculate why would an ordinary sailing captain need an enchanted Cutlass perhaps for protection but the drain life enchantment seems a bit more intense perhaps they really did operate as pirates who knows as an interesting Easter Egg there's also an unmarked ship docked outside of Solitude in Skyrim called the red wave I guess that's a pirate from Skyrim I forgot to talk about Sofia she's the pirate captain of the red wave in Skyrim and you're sent to end her for the last of Nazir's contracts in the Dark Brotherhood but back to Cyrodiil in Elder Scrolls for oblivion bethesda created a downloadable addon known as the thieves den this gives you the perfect hideout for any stealth character especially for thieves and especially for pirates it's more or less a new house at a secluded pirate hideout done barrow cove but before you get this place pumping there's a quest to complete when you get the add-on you will receive a message in game saying this centuries ago a great battle took place in anvil bay in the battle the legendary I a nap Dougal the captain of the infamous Black Flag was defeated by the first count of anvil rumors have been circulating of a hidden underground cavern beneath Castle anvil if the rumors are to be believed then the final resting place of Captain Dougal and his ship have been uncovered I should investigate these rumors as soon as possible so you head to the foundation of castle anvil and discover the door to a secret cave Smuggler's cave going in here you'll be able to find Don Barrow Cove as well as the red saber pirates that have since become skeletons forever cursed and angry over their misfortune there's seven of these red saber skeletons including the skeleton of Captain Dougal located in the captains quarters Dougal was a pirate who operated in the Gold Coast until he was finally defeated by an ancestor of Corvus amber Knox known as facile it was in the 260 sixth year of the third era when Amber Knox's majors created a rockfall trapping him underground with his ship in his quarters you'll be able to find four volumes of his journal which explains his backstory the summary is that he was sold off by his own parents at the age of nine working with a captain who smuggled skooma from Daggerfall to vivec he was taught how to avoid the Imperial Navy but eventually was left wondering hammer fell after his captain was caught and hanged he ended up being hired under the command of another captain a drunkard who crashed the ship and drank himself to death from the embarrassment he then signed on yet again under another captain and shortly after the camera news APPA started causing mayhem and then the Imperial Navy took possession of all the pirate ships in the port to go fight against the Bosma menace the captain was going to hand over the ship but Dougal and the rest of the crew slit his throat and escaped with it Dougal quickly became captain of the black flag a ship that was said to be able to outrun any vessel and he and his crew went up and down the Gold Coast raiding ships from highrock who were delivering supplies for the war his recruits grew in numbers immensely and he called his fleet the red Sabre the Empire had a huge bounty on his head and eventually as I mentioned he was taken out by umber knocks Dougal had headed into anvil Bay trying to capture some of amber Knox's forces but this was a trap and the majors caused a cliff wall to fall down effectively destroying diggle's faction he did not die from this though he was simply trapped with some of his crew in a newly formed cavern one by one they diet of sickness after you defeat the undead pirates you get an update telling you to see Dalia Rackham who is located on the Clara Bella in anvils Harbor there are pirates aboard part of an illegal ship smuggling ring anyways you can buy upgrades for Don Barrow Cove from Dahlia including a fence to sell stolen goods to a supplier to buy rare goods from and a security expert who helps train you and your crew in the art of lock-picking other additions you can get to your crew include a Fletcher who sells marksman suppliers and training and a spy master who teaches stealth and sells some armor and weapons you can also buy an upgrade to the captain's quarters as you buy more upgrades new pirates will join your crew and you can actually send them to pillage and plunder you get a share of the loot they return with of course one last thing to mention about Duggal is involving wood elf pirates this is what I promise to mention in his journals he states that he had every Buccaneer from here to Valen wood flying under his flag he said that they were the best cutthroats that a pirate captain could ever wish for and that thinking of them all brings a tear to his eye but apparently even better than the men were the ships and he goes on to say and I quote even had a few of them Bosma ships with the funny living sails in my fleet it all sounds like extremely cool stuff but as you can see the stories of pirates involving sir Adele seem to never end and there is in fact one more I'd like to tell this time from Elder Scrolls online when I tell you of this pirate maybe you'll also wonder is Bethesda just lazy or is it a neat callback to elder scrolls fans who have played the thieves then plot of oblivion so there's a pirate queen with a very similar name to the pirate we were just talking about this Imperial woman is known as Fortunato up Dougal she also led a fleet of pirates although instead of being called the red sabre they were called the red sails in the time of Elder Scrolls online she's anvils provincial governor she seized control of anvil in the year 577 of the second era and plotted to conquer the entire Gold Coast you will remember that torrid and also terrorized the Gold Coast Fortunato never got to accomplish this however as she was assassinated by the dark brotherhood in the year 583 the wine she drank during a toast was poisoned and she fell off the balcony down a cliff to her death now all she has a similar story to torn up Dougal it is never confirmed that she is his answer stuff but I like to think that they do come from the same bloodline with this pirate queen dead we're almost all out of pirates to talk about there's still the province of elsewhere and the summerset isles to go over but there aren't really many pirates here I guess you could look at the sea elves as pirates as they constantly attacked and tried to raid the summerset isles throughout history they used special snake magic to tame giant sea serpents found around their Island of Pi and ania and then used them as war beasts and mounts so they rode on sea serpents while ravaging the coast of the Summerset Isles but a full-on invasion was never successful and the Maremma were dealt with by great force in the third era never to be cited again though it's important to note that the sea Elves wanted to conquer the High Elves not merely plunder them for loot riches and fun during the second era though again in the time of Elder Scrolls online they loved pirates there was a temporary alliance between the seal folk and the second Aldmeri Dominion that said the Dominion still allowed the kings of Columbia to destroy sea elf outposts that had been created along the mainland's west coast so were there any true sea elf pirates the answer is yes there are say of pirates who feature in the Elder Scrolls online with a faction known as the sea vipers and it's made up of Maremma who was seen to attack coastal areas in part of the summerset isles Velen wood and elsewhere and even southern hammer fell the reason they're causing most of their trouble in Dominion territory is due to a group of out marry nationalists called the veiled heritance this secret group wants to depose queen a wren and appoint their own leader the veiled Queen hike in lady Esther this is actually Erin's sister-in-law and her brother's wife so there's an alliance between the veiled heritance and the sea of Pirates of the sea vipers because the veiled heritance promised them lands if the admiral dominion was to be dismantled one interesting thing to note is that during a quest called The Tempest unleashed these sea Vipers want to perform a blood sacrifice ritual by using storm totems to generate and unleash a dangerous amount of power the final group of pirates I think I'll discuss come from elsewhere if you've been watching my Elder Scrolls lore videos for a while you've probably heard me mention the Ren Reed rock Rin this is the criminal Khajiit organization who are there nationalistic in the third era they carried out terrorist attacks in County Leia win over land ownership disputes but I want to talk about the second era in the events of Elder Scrolls online as you can come across the Ren read from our this is the naval division of the Ren read Rock Rin and they're also known as the Ren redrew pirates as I talked about in my video on criminal factions they're in read Romero were hired by the odd married Dominion to be privateers during the Alliance war they raided the coast of Glenn umbrella which is on the western peninsular of High Rock also around this time they began to operate along the coasts of black marsh and morrowind at times they tried to enslave populations of argonians and they also helped supply the dominions failed invasion of shadow Fenn which is that Northwest region of Black Marsh we talked about in the Black Marsh section now as they also told you earlier in this video there was a local pirate boss in shadow fen called captain one-eye do you remember the Khajiit I mentioned that one I wanted to get rid of when I was speaking of Alton Coromant well this key chain is part of the Ren Reed ramallah and was more or less their leader after she is slain the Ren Reed ramallah actually ended up helping one eye changing their allegiance out of necessity after their leader was killed finally before this video ends their awesome Elder Scrolls legends playing cards to mention so besides red Bremen the Argonian pirate we've got our Dora the daring who is a female Nord with a cutlass standing on what appears to be a pirate ship there's also a support card simply called course airship which has a picture of a pirate ship on it the final card perhaps worthy of mention here is the crown quartermaster a female red guard with a scimitar she looks very pirate like with her apparel although we don't know if she's a pirate for sure I mean the Crown's are considered a major political party not a pirate faction although the restless' League which we talked about earlier was a crown organization but now this video comes to an end there you have it ladies and gentlemen the Pirates of Tamriel let me know if I missed anything in the comments below and subscribe for more unique Elder Scrolls content just like this social media links are in the description for those interested in talking to us as is the link to our patreon if you want to help support the channel my name is michael thank you so much for watching the video the whole way through and I look forward to noting out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 259,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, oblivion, haknir death brand, eso, sea elves, pirates lore, redwaver, elder scrolls pirates, corsairs
Id: 1-yaxVJnkPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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