Could the Ayleids Actually Return? The AYLEID Sympathizer's Crazy Revival Mission

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of all the races that captivate elder scrolls fans it is quite often those of ages past who come out on top we can all fall in love with any of the 10 playable races but there's just something so alluring about the once burgeoning civilizations that have since been lost to time advanced societies like the snow elves the dwemer the yokudans or in this video today the ayleids leave behind some of the most mysterious and intriguing secrets in the elder scrolls universe similarly to the dwemer flying too close to the sun in their pursuit of technological prowess the ayleids who once ruled cyrodiil in the marathik era became too ambitious for their own good after splitting from the rest of the aldmer in the summerset isles the ayleids traveled to the heartland and carved out a massive elven empire building grand cities and structures all over cyrodiil including the one and only white gold tower but unlike the dwemer it was not the raw achievement of the aliens in their pursuit of power that led to their downfall no it was their gradual corruption the degradation of their moral code as they turned their back on their aedric teachings and embraced the daedra like many societies in tamriel such as the dark elves enslavement was a key part of growing alien civilization the victims were cyrodiil's local population of men the proto-imperial race known as the needs the needs provided great utility to their elven overlords and over time even entertainment the ayleids are said to have had sadistic flesh sculptures existing purely as a form of torture art places known as the wailing wheels of vin darcel and the gut gardens of cersei are just two examples that we know of and many aylaids did not feel any remorse towards such activities only excitement and even a desire to outperform one another's depraved creations eventually the needy people would claim back their freedom overthrowing the elves in a rebellion led by saint alicia alicia who was also a slave at the time had prayed to akatosh and the aedra for help and her calls were answered the rebellion was joined by pelinal whitestrake a champion of shahzad or lorkhan and maura house a demigod man bull and also alicia's lover united against the elves the elysians tore down the ayleid kingdoms with vengeance and it seemed that ultimately the aedra had turned their back on the elves siding with the races of men for the ayleids had forsaken the aedras teachings and needed to be punished for their wicked hedonism however the ayleid's demise was not immediate like the torch they'd inflict on the needs the end of the ayleids was quick for some but a gradual burn for others some ayleid kings were kept around after deciding to help empress alicia while others fled to different provinces like valenwood or skyrim seeking refuge many of these fleeing elves were hunted and wiped out while others are thought to have assimilated into the cultures and bloodlines of other elvish races perhaps some alien lines remain today we can't say for sure the last ayleid king who originally aided alicia eventually had to flee to high rock where he became a tactician for many years before his eventual demise but what if the ayleid's king could return what if their civilization could somehow rise again what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is michael and today on fudge muppet we'll be exploring the desires of an elf who is so obsessed with the aliens you'd think he'd want to be born in the merethic era there have been no reported sightings of ayleids in tamriel for over 1 000 years and if you were to ask citizens living around the heart of their old civilization in the imperial city everyone would be absolutely thrilled that this cruel race no longer walks nirn well perhaps all but one individual who goes by the name of umbikano this elf is hell-bent on uncovering every single secret there is to know about the ayleids and owning every artifact perhaps we should hire him to do research for fudge muppet but a job seems like the last thing he'd need in the elder scrolls for oblivion umbakana resides within the talos plaza district of the imperial city though i'm sure this hero god of men is not an entity he'd be particularly fond of bokano is quite the admirer of elven society and isn't afraid to push forth his view that history has been unkind to the ayleids victors do write the history books and if some aylids were willing to help alicia perhaps they weren't all so bad but how does one gain an audience with this elf in the first place well it all begins by stumbling across a rare alien artifact simply known to us as an ayleid statue depending on your mercantile skill and disposition with a shopkeeper you can sell this off for a maximum of 250 gold given that the artifact has no use to the player it seems like the obvious thing to do there's a small collection of these statues scattered across cyrodiil hidden deep within dangerous alid ruins but unless you know that umbakanu desires these artifacts you won't be meeting him until his steward tracks you down allow me to introduce myself my name is jolring i come on behalf of my master ombakano he asked me to deliver this note i believe it is an invitation to visit him in his manner in the imperial city my master is a collector of alien antiquities it has come to his attention that you recently sold an item that interests him i believe the note will give you all the details when we go there joring will be eager to escort us upstairs welcome my master instructed me to show you up immediately please follow me entering the upstairs level of umbicano's house we finally come face to face with the one and only alien sympathizer but what can umbacano tell us about these unique statues thank you for coming you may recognize that statue over there on the table the very one that you recently sold for less than its true worth as you may know i am somewhat of an enthusiast for alien antiquities in my own modest way i have amassed a rather considerable collection i have recently become interested in obtaining the complete set of these ancient statues i believe that ten still exist no mere shopkeeper knows their true worth if you bring them to me when you find them i will pay you double for each one i am looking for the complete set of ten for my collection they were once part of the temple of the ancestors in the ancient ayleid capital through my research i have learned that they were removed from the temple before it sacked by men i believe they were hidden in various alien settlements across cyrodiil although i do not know the exact location of any of them he does sound a little resentful towards the actions of the needs against their alien oppressors let's sell him the statue for an ice 500 gold and ask him more about the temple of the ancestors you know it as white gold tower the center of the ancient ayleid capital of nibene it was brutally sacked thousands of years ago by humans led by alessia the imperial city is built over the ruins of that ancient city before heading off to find the remaining nine statues it's hard not to notice or snoop around to check out just how lavish this mana is there's an attic on the very highest level fuenom bukano wants more solitude than he already has upstairs as well as a massive feast room downstairs the large sprawling basement and upstairs area both joined to each side of the manor and there's also three hallway rooms one bedroom for him one for his steward and a spare room that seems to be used for storage or for drawing to do paperwork in addition to his loyal steward umakano has four personal guards there's the breton mathias draconis who you may remember from the dark brotherhood plot there's umo grammard an orc who works the night shift and is married to gramen the oak bouncer at the bloated float in there's also the argonian ushija and the imperial man sirius efrenius you can ask each of them about their situation with umberkano to get more insight into the elf's wealth and reputation i got no complaints kind of an arrogant bastard if you get right down to it but he pays this well enough i keep an eye on his place stuff full of treasure you know but no dirty thief's getting in while i'm on duty i am one of his guard dogs no more no less he pays as well to guard his many treasures this is enough for me a bit eccentric loves old things he's practically got a museum upstairs but he'd never let anybody else see it oh no it's odd that they mention treasure and a museum-like setup upstairs because without the ayleid statue collection it isn't really that impressive then again perhaps the shelf covered in trinkets is meant to be representative of various antique collectibles bukhana also has some rare books about the ayleids and the time of their downfall if you're wondering how he affords this luxurious high security setup perhaps it has something to do with the time he spent in morrowind while it's not mentioned in oblivion you can actually meet umbikano in the elder scrolls 3 within yasuo mine alongside the altmannon as sokolin yasumin is home to ebony deposits and is also thought to possess the richest raw glass deposit in morrowind perhaps his presence here hints at how he made so much money and we can confirm that it's the same on boccano as he mentions sakulam later on in his story arc the alien statues we're seeking have been spread quite far since they were removed from white gold tower before it was stormed the tricky part is that the quest objective doesn't hold your hand and tell you where they are however after finding a second statue on your own umbicano tells you that he is very pleased and reveals that his research has uncovered the names of five cities where statues may have been taken for safekeeping during the siege the only modern sites that still bear their ancient names are moranda the rest of the list possibly including the two you've already found if you haven't visited any of the locations he gave you are kolot vilvran welke wendelbeck and wendy you'll get a new quest after finding the third statue and then another quest after completing that one which we'll soon be exploring however for the best financial outcome possible we recommend collecting the full set of statues first clot is a small ruin home to undead abominations like zombies funicus is also small but filled with vampires machamentein is quite a bit bigger with three distinct zones and necromancers crawling through the entire place miranda is of similar size though it is interestingly overrun with leveled monsters such as ogres minotaurs and spriggans nina daver is another small ruin with vampires and vilvirin if you remember correctly is actually that alid ruin you first lay eyes upon when exiting the imperial sewers at the beginning of the game vilvran is a massive and dangerous ruin with four zones beginning with bandits and then progressing to undead including a redguard necromancer at the end with his own unique name and backstory east of breville we have the medium-sized ruin welker which is filled with undead and many traps and we also find wendell back a huge ruin also filled with undead powerful necromancers and more traps the final two ruins wendy and when younderwick are both filled with undead and have two zones each the ruins are dotted all over the province and while they're generally unique in their own ways you may find yourself wanting to inhale a vial of stone kirby style to recharge yourself if you power through 10 alien ruins in a row umbicano is obviously incredibly pleased with your persistence you are doing very well in your treasure hunt my friend only one more statue remains to be discovered you are very close to earning the reward for completing the set of ten i urge you to redouble your efforts you have exceeded my fondest hopes my friend the ten ancestors are reunited at last this is truly an historic day as i promised when we first met here is your reward for completing the set take it with my sincere thanks it is well deserved that's right umbikano will give you an extra 5 000 gold on top of the 5 000 you get for finding each statue for 500 each but things start getting juicy after handing in just the third statue you have proven yourself more than a simple grave robber i believe you can handle a more complicated assignment excellent here take a look at this sketch the ancient text referred to this site only as the high fame do you know it if you have been to the alien ruin known as malada you can make the connection yourself though if not he won't be shocked i'm not surprised i have not been able to find any modern reference to it still the architectural detail is distinctive enough it may still be recognizable the high feign dates from the late alien period following the fall of white gold tower a very troubled time for that ancient people a time i find most fascinating the drawing on the bottom of the page i gave you depicts a carved panel from the central chamber of the high feign i believe this carving will shed new light on alien history if i am able to examine it closely i would like you to retrieve it for me you will need this as well it is the key to the inner chamber of the high fame i part with it reluctantly so guard it well it is what began my search for the high feign many years ago upon leaving the manor you're greeted by a competing treasure hunter named claude marrick he asks you to come to the tiber septum hotel across the street for a drink this bretton rogue has a history of working with him boccano and while drinking with you he can be convinced to tell you about a book that will reveal the location of the high feign but also warns you that it will lead you to a truly dangerous place but perhaps he's just trying to scare you off purchasing this rare book known as the cleansing of the fame from the market district which i'm very surprised in boccano hasn't tracked down will lead you to malada recognizable due to the shrine like monument depicted on the sketch fighting through this ruin will have you approach a unique looking stone door which the key you were given unlocks and then you can proceed to grab the special alien carving from the crumbling wall which falls apart in front of you and leaves you to fight an undead boss after exiting the ruin with the carving however you meet what could be a bigger threat than the undead you've been slaying claude marek claude and a group of hired thugs have decided to ambush you now elder scrolls 6 could really take some quest design notes here because there's a lot of options for how this altercation can unfold i'll also point out that claude isn't using an invisibility spell in my playthrough he's just so high level that he has enchanted gear and it has a chameleon effect so he just rolls around like arbor with active camo for the whole quest arc his crew also has leveled gear so if you're a powerful character expect to be fighting against some daedric armor but claude actually offers you the opportunity of giving up the carving which you can and they'll leave peacefully you can still proceed with umbikano's final quest but you'll miss this reward if you say no and keep the carving his group will attack you and he'll flee on a horse alternatively you can actually find his thug companions camping to the west of malada waiting for you to enter if you kill them claude won't even show up for the ambush if you try to talk to them they'll lie about why they're there but the khajiit of the group srazir is more diplomatic he believes that marek is cheating him and agrees to help you against marek if you give him half of what you're getting paid you won't regret it this one will keep his eyes open and wait for an opportunity to help you don't screw this one though after the dust settles look for srazier in the tiber set them in in the imperial city full payment is expected you are honorable unlike that ren rich marrick may the moons never shine upon his path this one will not forget if you don't uphold your end of the deal strazier will stalk you until you leave the city and then attack cutting this deal probably isn't worth it if you're a competent fighter but it's still really cool that it's possible he'll show up to the ambush and start attacking the other two thugs one of them named rigmore also has a note from marek that mentions razir seems twitchier than usual and might have realized he isn't getting a full cut on top of all of this claude can actually accept a yield and just let you keep the carving if you raised his disposition enough before perhaps in the hotel upon doing so his thugs will turn on srazier slaying him then and there let's return to umbacano with the carving which he claims is invaluable in his research on the late alien period from here things escalate far beyond what you might expect with a new opportunity this is not quite in your usual line of work but i hope you can help me just the same a rival collector has an item which i very much want to add to my collection but she stubbornly refuses to consider any of my offers she and i have had our differences over the years i admit now she is taking this opportunity to get her revenge i believe that you may be able to persuade her to part with the item where i cannot do to her prejudice against me are you interested her name is herminia sinha she lives here in the imperial city in the elvin gardens district she fancies herself a student of the elliots although she sadly lacks any aesthetic instinct whatsoever be that as it may she has come into possession of an ancient relic known as the crown of the ayleids your job is to acquire it for me here is more than enough gold to buy it at any reasonable price you may keep whatever you do not use as your fee reputedly the crown warned by the last king of the eliads it deserves to be part of my collection very little is known of him not even his name he ruled the last aylaid city in cyrodiil during the first era three centuries after the fall of white gold tower finding herminia sinner in the imperial city she's certainly not willing to part with her crown she knows in boccano sent us and will tell you that she suspects invocano has questionable intentions if you think me defenseless you may be surprised i'm more dangerous than i look perhaps you could overpower me and take the crown perhaps but i urge you to reconsider in the wrong hands the crown of the ayleids could be very dangerous and umbecano is definitely the wrong hands his interest in the aliens is not that of a mere scholar he hopes to unlock the secrets of their magical power and if you know anything about ayleid ruled cyrodiil that should make you very uneasy how is the alien crown dangerous i'm afraid i don't know for sure i wish i had a more persuasive answer but hear me out the crown of the aliens which umbacano wants is not simply an ancient work of art it has certain superficial magic powers true but its real power is hidden however my studies of the ancient text make clear that it is the key to dangerous magical powers which should be left dormant will not give up you're right even if i persuade you he'll send someone else someone less amenable to reason but what if what if you brought him another alien crown my own research into the late aliad period suggests that there was not a single alien ruler but many they were a bitterly divided people with many warlords vying against each other for power their ultimate demise was wrought by their own civil strife at least as much as by the rebellion of their human slaves my crown the one ombecano covets belonged to the ruler of nelata i've learned of another crown entombed with the last ruler of the rival city of lindai since umberkano has never laid eyes on the real crown of the ayleids i doubt he could tell the difference in any case the other is also a real ayleid crown just not the right one i think we could all sleep better if you brought him linda's crown instead of the crown of nene latta here i happen to have the key you'll need to enter the royal burial chamber in lindi i hope you'll make the right choice it's at least worth a try i know i don't want to find out what terrible power umberkano could unleash using the crown of we can also ask herminia about the last ayleid king to which she explains that there was not a single ayleid king but rather many each city-state had its own king and the alien people in general were very divided the last ayleid king the king of nenelata is simply one who remained centuries after the rest had been destroyed or driven out of cyrodiil despite umbikano's bad opinion of her she comes across to me as more knowledgeable than him on the topic of ayleids even possessing a copy of the book the cleansing of the fame that umbicano didn't seem to know about you can find that inside her house as well as some cool alien paraphernalia and of course the crown of boccano once when you go and rob her blind there's just no way to convince her to sell it to you at its strongest variant the crown of nanalata fortifies both alteration and conjuration by 15 points and has a 25 chance to reflect a spell back at an attacker but i just can't help but feel guilty taking this from her herminia even has dialogue once you've stolen it implying that she knows you must be behind it but still pushes you towards the crown of lindy option instead giving you the key and not saying a word about trying to get her stolen crown back if you delve through lindy to get the crown you'll find its maxed out effects to be fortify alteration and delusion by 15 points and 35 resist magic different specialties for different kings i suppose if given the crown of lindi umbakano will mention that the royal glyph does not appear how his fellow ultima sorklyn from morrowind described it that said he'll be just as excited either way to think that i hold the very crown that once graced the brow of the last ayleid king even to gaze upon it would have been death to any one of the lesser races in the old days i thank you again for your efforts i have one final task for you if you are still willing to face danger on my behalf in order to bring my research on the last king of the aliens to its final stage i need to go to the throne room of menelata while i am not without means of defending myself i believe you would be an invaluable companion on such an expedition your reward will be whatever plunder you wish to carry off from nanalata since the throne room has been sealed since the time of the aliens it should provide rich pickings very well three days then don't be late now we've got to get umber connor to the throne room in one piece claude marek also makes an appearance and tags along whom boccano has urged you to remain professional with making your way through undead abominations you finally get to the throne room where umbokano can reveal his true plans his true desire to revive the long dead alien civilization this is it just as circling described it follow me of ariel [Applause] this phrase translates to something along the lines of of auriel and tamriel grant the noble king passage in his manic excitement umakanu will approach the throne to fulfill what he refers to as the glorious rebirth of alien civilization here it is the throne of the last king of the eliots and so it falls to me to begin the restoration of our ancient glory of sooner tamriel octavius this elven phrase roughly translates to in blessed tamriel acknowledge the noble king in your loving vasage here's where things go drastically differently from boccano depending on what crown you gave him if it was the crown of lindai it seems the magic within the throne room deems him as an imposter or simply not fit to call on the powers of nenelata or maybe it just doesn't have protective qualities that the other crown does he will be blasted to death by magic from all directions the crown will be destroyed and various undead will spring out from behind the walls to attack you and clawed who won't actually be hostile to you after the quest is done if you were wondering he is simply a cut throat treasure hunter and doesn't seem to hold any grudges it's all business for him more interestingly however is what happens when you gave him boccano the correct crown rise my people the restoration of tamriel begins today umbakanu calls the undead to his aid and it seems he truly wants to bring cyrodiil if not all of tamriel under ayleid control though i'm not sure how this would be possible even if he did gain some new powers it's not like he's ascending to a god-tier state the script for the actual quest turns him into a stage 4 vampire and gives him a 100 weakness to normal weapons after killing him bukkano and the undead you can take the crown and leave the ruin the residence of umbikano manor will mention not having seen him in a while my master has not returned from his expedition to nana lata i fear the worst but umbacano manor remains in my charge and i will keep it in readiness for his return the oak guard who works the night shift can even admit to occasionally sneaking out for a drink during her shift and you can actually go and drink with her all in all it wraps up a nicely created quest arc in oblivion one that gives the players different ways to approach the quest at various stages along the way umbukkano was a perfect example of what went wrong with ailid civilization he is a power-hungry elf craving domination of the world around him willing to go to dark means to achieve his goals whether ombukano was possessed by the last king of nanalata or whether the ancient magic within the throne room simply recognized the crown and imbued him with special powers of his own is hard to say while he turned to a vampire we can't know for sure if this was just a game design decision or intentional interestingly molag bao is one of the daedric princes the ayleids became involved with and he is the father of vampires too being credited with the creation of the vampirism affliction itself umbakana will never live to see their ayleids rise again nor does he seem to have ever learnt of the truth behind the king of nenelata for starters the king of nenellata was not fond of molag bao and disagreed with the cruel ways of the ayleid kingdoms historical records get lost to time making research more difficult and of course there's the out of game fact that some of the law i'm about to cover wasn't invented until the elder scrolls online came out but in it you can actually meet the last king of the ayleids in cold harbor his name is laloriaren dinar and he would despise him bakano for his wild power fantasies when you meet him dinah has been trapped in cold harbor for over 3000 years but how did he get there well during the early stages of the elysian empire he actually decided to help the elysian cause his kingdom of ninalata was spared and incorporated as a vassal city state eventually ninalata became the last of the vassal states and he and his people were forced to leave cyrodiil fleeing from the alien targeted slaughters he built a new city with his followers in high rock before running into trouble with a cult of hermaeus mora who forced him to flee his new city with his family and go to balfierra here he took refuge with the durani becoming a useful tactician in their army when the elysian order invaded the province dinar helped the durani deal a devastating blow to the elysians at the battle of glenumbra moors one of the several military defeats the elysians struggled to recover from depending on whether you believe his and other characters dialogue or his notes dinah either went back to nanalata in the later years of the 5th century in the first era where he was lured and captured by molag bao or he was actually in the hollow city which used to be a location dedicated to meridia who dinar serves which was then pushed into coldharbour by meridia in an attempt to stab a dagger in molag bao's side ultimately you helped to free dinah and stop molag bao's plane meld though dinar is dealt a fatal blow in the process if you ask dinar about his people he will tell you that he saw their rise and fall and that they were cruel tyrants and conquerors who believed themselves to be better than the other races of nirn he says when the lesser races decided we were the enemy and united against us our downfall was all but guaranteed we were too stubborn to see where we were wrong he also says there is a reason i am the last king of the ayleids i stood alongside the younger races aided them i believed in what they fought for in death he is pleased to know that the final day of the alien people was spent saving nirn from the clutches of molag bal umbukano appears to be the opposite of what dinar stood for and i don't think the two elves would get on very well at all i think we can all agree that it's probably best that umbikano failed in his aims to revive the ayleids and that this long-lost elven society remains a fascinating part of history to learn about but not part of the present thank you so much for watching this video all the way through i really appreciate all your support and that there's people who love this stuff particularly oblivion as much as i do social media links are down below my name is michael and i look forward to noting out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 232,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4MEXI9zLa2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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