Skyrim 2022 - The Dark Brotherhood

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um [Music] my congratulations on defeating harken clearly you are the superior vampire you are the new master we bow to your power i sit upon a throne of darkness and send my minions under light of moon to torment and feed upon those who oppress the people i wish to save the forsworn fight in the hills unaware of the night creatures that aid their cause those that i command to terrorize nordic villagers and slaughter their soldiers you would think this is progress and that i am glad yet i am disappointed the result is the same the wheel keeps turning grinding a growing mountain of corpses into blood a slaughter with no yield a bottomless cup into which i pour why do i do this when it brings me no closer to my goal i'm surrounded by hunger cloaked in gnashing teeth and glowing eyes i believe i am losing sight of who i am thane ascolad dragonborn nuada son of neve lord of the volcajo me i leave the castle in garen's capable hands i need time to think it worked i knew you'd come i just knew it an assassin from the dark brotherhood why help the boy you ask i don't know perhaps i just think it's a good idea to get closure before you become a man i guess lack of it has surely put me where i am today and after all what's one more corpse to the pile aha i knew you could do it i just knew it i knew the dark brotherhood would save me you see that little eretino boy was looking for the dark brotherhood for me and my associates if you turn around you'll notice my guests you see there's a contract out on one of them and that person can't leave this room alive make your choice make your kill i just want to observe and admire [Music] well well aren't we the overachiever but why stop here i say we take our relationship to the next level i would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my family the dark brotherhood in the southwest reaches of skyrim in the pine forest you'll find the entrance to our sanctuary i'll see you at home all right welcome back to the tale of asklet i hope you enjoyed the little back story introduction and it sort of brings you up to speed where we are now while that is a more sort of uh interesting sort of backstory um well my backstory but uh you know a little bit of story bridging the gap between the last episode and this uh episode is we basically did a lot of boring stuff so i went ahead and decided to level up enchanting and get it maxed out because it's not a very engaging thing to watch as part of a playthrough so i did max out enchanting and i also spent a bunch of time sort of basically training next to a giant and trying to like cheese it and try and up restoration um and which also in and also like two-handed sort of naturally went up a bit and such but now we got alteration we got um up to expert perks so we got my i go in and got my hands on ebony flash i went and got my hands on closed wounds because we grinded the hell out of restoration um and so respite is helpful especially as a vampire and necromage especially as a vampire um give us some bonuses um but yeah that's where we're at with restoration um i think all of our skills are all pretty similar um i have went to hendra heim and like stored a bunch of gear and so on plus i made myself some new leather scout armor uh signature for this character for the moment we do need some more signature armors or something later on but for the moment we can't figure it out but basically we've got the armor and the hood both reduce alteration and restoration casting costs um so even when i think because once we're in daylight uh we get like a big hit to our magikarp we can still get off one everyday flash and just to clarify too like um we upgraded health and that's what we've been doing the whole time but then we switched to stamina once we got to 500 health and i thought i think i said that last episode just because you know it's kind of getting to the point where it's like we've got plenty of health but like the lack of stamina in regards to like carrying over the carry weight and power attack effectiveness and we're trying to go longer without the magicka but to be honest i feel like i'm going to start working on magicka too because it's kind of getting a little silly at this point um but we've gotten far without it and if we do want to go down a more magical route with you know the college of winterhold questlines and stuff like that later on um probably whatever we got like yeah the yeah a lot of these um actually i wonder if i have to oh no that is actually come sorry that is uh boosted from already i think i'm just double checking that everything is boosted with the necromach perk but regardless um sorry i was in the middle of telling you yeah the gauntlets um the ring and necklace all boost archery and two-handed damage because that's kind of our priority things we're gonna need archery more for this dark brotherhood questline and the boots increases our stamina further and stamina regeneration so we don't have that thing where we can't like sprint in the middle of the day and stuff because we're a vampire and um yeah that's it and obviously we went and did the whole aventa serentino thing um and the vampires have been attacking uh you know nords and sort of indirectly helping the reachmen and so on but now we're exploring other avenues of influence and we're interested silence my brother but yeah i'm really glad you guys really enjoyed the more cinematic sort of style for the um dawnguard uh episode of the let's play and i'm trying to kind of you know like a lot of the videos we are we're trying to elevate sort of cinematic components um of the channel and try and push the cinematic storytelling across all videos and and even this and yeah we're just trying new things so but i'll shush now because we're about to actually there is a skill book just here isn't there yet oh there we go alteration up all right ah at last i hope you found the place all right so what happens now well what happens now is you start your new life in the dark brotherhood you're part of the family after all this as you can see is our sanctuary you won't find a safer place in all of skyrim so get comfortable uh i'm gonna remain silent [Music] yes the silence suits you gives you an air of mystery now down to business i'm arranging a job for you but in the meantime go talk to nazir he may have some smaller contracts to tide you over soon the night mother will arrive and things around here are sure to get even more interesting ah but one last thing a welcome home present the armor of the dark brotherhood may it serve you well in all your endeavors yeah introduce yourself to your new family look we can try it on just just to for fun but it's obvious they're all very eager to know yeah it's a look i think the hood's kind of for really throwing it off like that's all right that's pretty cool i love the i think it's uh frankly hd's um retexture which keeps it upgraded but um yeah i'm gonna go with this the leather scout stuff is just too oh my goodness i've realized i haven't named them like everything's ask led's ring necklace hood gaultama completely just missed it with the boots a shame a true shame so i've kept the staff around for backup obviously we found this in a dungeon ages ago and that's going to be relevant for the for the mast alteration quest but um yeah well let's go ahead and i'm afraid i don't have a private contract again again do the part where he tries to buy you some candy okay okay wait here we go oh you're such a pretty little girl with the sweetie like a sweetie oh yes how about some chocolate oh yes please kind sir my momma and papa left me all alone and i'm so very hungry i know a shortcut to the candy shop through this alley oh yeah very good very good mine is dark down here oh but you're so beautiful such a lovely smile your teeth no they're bad but you are so wicked what about you festus how did that last contract turn out oh yes please old man regale us with your tales of wizardry oh the young and stupid always mocking the experienced and brilliant my contract went very well i'll have you know tried a new spell little something i've been working on in my spare time came this close to turning that priest inside out damned messy and what of your latest and bjorn something about a khajiit merchant was it oh a big doggie chasing a little kitty how adorable [Laughter] i am not adorable it was not funny and he wasn't a merchant he was a khajiit monk a master of the whispering fang style but now he's dead and i have a new loin cloth [Laughter] okay i'm just going to quickly get this shell just some classic pants yes yes you're the new yeah you are astrid's told me all about you heard he pulled the old she's your victim god with you you go your way i love that one um [Music] i'm just gonna say it's nice to meet you a bit you're going to love it here we have a lot of fun and we look out for each other just like any family she kind of looks a little uh odd enough this the her neck i'm just a little girl the dark brotherhood killed my mama and papa and then they took me captive please please help me rather convincing don't you think in truth i'm no more a little girl than you are i was once of course 300 years ago vampirism tends to keep one remarkably fresh kill well and often it's pretty crazy though that's all before that's basically she's been alive throughout all of the mainline elder scrolls games um oh we got that do you know who i actually quite like um don't let my appearance throw you off i'm older than you a lot older getting bitten by a vampire when you're 10 will do that to a girl the dark elf woman i like her little story yeah um just new brother may i offer my most sincere welcome to our family it's nice to meet you you certainly have a strange energy about you i look forward to following your progress what can you tell me about yourself what a curious question well i enjoy moonlit nights taking long walks on the beach knitting and unicorns in fact i once took a seaside stroll on a moonlit night and discovered a unicorn which i proceeded to stab in the throat with a crochet needle i'm a woman of refined yet simple tastes darkness guide you i'm kind of just talking all the members but i'll talk to some of them more gradually uh welcome my brother welcome to our sanctuary you have made the right choice joining us i assure you it's nice to meet you trust in astrid follow her orders and you'll do fine here once i was a shadow scale an assassin in service to the king of black marsh trained by the dark brotherhood since the day of my hatching ah but that was a lifetime ago today i am the last of my kind my order is extinct now i happily serve astrid in this sanctuary i am a trained killer and once again have been given purpose life is good kill well cool all right well let's uh move on i guess uh askgled's not really here necessarily to make friends it's about connections and so on and and obviously the whole vampirism thing is kind of you know darkened i guess his outlook a little bit he's very into the sort of uh use the shadows and um to be manipulative and perhaps perhaps all of this behind the scenes manipulation is what will help him truly get a hold um on his goals but let's talk soon you're the newest member of our dwindling dysfunctional little family i've heard quite a bit about you nice brows um it's a pleasure to meet you save the niceties for now i have no intention of getting invested in someone who may be dead tomorrow if you're still breathing in a few weeks i'm sure will be the best of friends said you'd have some work for me did she now well as it turns out there are a few lingering contracts we haven't had the chance to complete just yet and more dribbling in from time to time i'll assign them to you as they become available to be completed at your leisure sounds simple enough it is these aren't particularly glamorous assassinations i'll be honest don't pay much either but they'll keep you busy just do them as you're able there's no real time limit the targets aren't going anywhere you can turn each one in as it's completed or wait and turn in the whole group when all the targets have been eliminated whichever works for you um i don't even want to ask him i'm ready for the first set of contracts well then let's get your targets are the baker narfy and x miller named inodius papias and they tilled when you've completed all those we'll see if i might have some more right cool easy peasy let's go kill let's get started so um we are going to be using the bow of shadows for this obviously this is where all the the stealth archer preparation comes in handy um but yeah as for this uh the dark brotherhood like obviously we're gonna have to work to make any of the role-playing uh things sort of you know fit in for this character and um a big part of this character's sort of thing and motivation the moment you know discover through the vampires is control of all the behind-the-scenes politics ways to sort of manipulate things in a less direct way and we'll see how that goes um so we've got dawn star narfy and um yeah so let's do ivor's dead first this should be easy but yeah so like overall the goal for the character at the moment really is this sort of like darker arc getting a it's kind of like when kind of the way i feel about it is when you have a character that has really got this goal and they're fighting so hard for this goal but i've been looking forward got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only let's see here oh there's a new lady in charge of the orphanage in rifton she asked me to hand out these notices to everyone i met looks like that's it got to go all right um cool uh ignoring that um really like interested in the cause um and really want to fight for the cause so bad but then gets wrapped up in the method of how to do it um but then it kind of starts being like imagine getting so invested in fighting for what you want but then um not you're kind of losing sight of why you're doing what you're doing in the first place and i guess that's how it's going to be for this character for escalade um we'll just pop a nice little arrow in there okay let's just do it in the button because the head mist uh see this catfish check that cool naffy down oh actually i'll try and pick up the arrows when i can because these are those dark arrows from the seducer stuff um windhelm stables okay i really do like the archery overhaul just looks much i don't know it's much cleaner it's less obtrusive i enjoy it what a beautiful morning we might have to deal with that dragon gone see it see how nice that looked it's just like this really it's oh it's a okay hold on that like kill of that ice like you know it just looks so smooth and connected it's really nice um i'm trying we don't really need to rely on the stuff the what they call it the candlelight ah that was what i was going to do actually getting a wearable lantern i have got the mod for it but i noticed i tried to fix up the inside of the dark let me just check every setting i've got give me five seconds i'm gonna fix some things up there we go that's much uh better now we're just gonna pretend i had that lantern all along um but yeah that should help us in a lot of the dark areas to sort of circumvent like it's i was playing it was dark um but uh youtube definitely made the last episode darker than imac like youtube's sort of compression or whatever it does it kind of darkens a lot of the footage when you upload a video so i didn't really notice until it was out and then everyone's watching it and enjoying it wherever the daedra hide the vigil of stendar will cast them into the light okay uh actually wrong way around i think that feels better not gonna happen i'm getting too good at snake oh don't shoot them oh i do have dragon wren don't once again professional dragon slayer you know i don't even want to like yeah we've got so much gold i can't even bother dealing with them look at this i'm trying to be a subtle assassin and it's like i make the biggest most bombastic entrance ever it's all good i know the dragon killed him damn right shane um yeah let's get the whole other vigilant we'll go handle this other thing i would have to say it's kind of for the dark brotherhood quest line of skyrim i find it's a pretty it's a very cool like sort of this the actual introduction process is really cool like getting kidnapped in the middle of the night and that whole thing and there's lots of like atmosphere and stuff but the actual first three missions are really kind of plain sort of uninspired assassinations i feel like they kind of just threw a few extra in just to fill it out whereas i just remember in oblivion you know the first one is that pretty sure it's the first one with the with the oh no the first one's the pirate isn't it and then the second one is the sneaking onto the ship the pirate ship and then the second one is the wood elf or or maybe not a wood elf maybe that's just my memory but the guy in broom in which you can like sort of unfasten the the top of the um what do you call it the the thing that fastened that holds the moose head up um in his and you can drop it on his head you if you know what i mean you know what i mean but uh yeah oh i'll actually sorry i'll get rid of this iron lance and keep it off when it's not needed god gorgeous and look oh um i don't know that perfectly fit that fit really well this is a a new not the stunning statues but a um a different individual statue i'll pray to develop um it's a uh i just thought it's a very nice statue a bit more of a natural looking body um i can't remember if i've said this in a podcast or or in another let's play or something but i do kind of prefer like realism to the point of like i know in [Music] the i think the stunning statues de bella version it's like kind of better than the original um it's a nicer form but but the uh tits look very like fake like they like look like you know rounded they they don't like look natural if that makes sense um and you know i don't know it just doesn't look realistic to like what a medieval fantasy would have i feel like they'll look they should look rather natural so i do prefer ones that look a bit more believable you know it's all about the immersion dawn style look at this all for sale at fair prices actually they have so many refuse to talk to us take a look um [Music] they do have more interesting stuff thanks to the curious curios thing yeah ambrosia i i would like to use i think valkyrie has a really good um redone alchemy trait i think i mentioned i've probably mentioned this before but there's a while between these let's please but if we were to do another one i think an alchemy character would be really fun um because it's often it's one i don't pay a lot of mind to here we go we're going to get another quest i've been looking for you something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only i've been looking for you got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only let's see here i've got a letter and a lot of gold something about it being your oh inheritance oh and sorry for your loss i have a letter here for you looks like that's it got to go i think the letter from codria i'm pretty sure that's starting the cause um questline which is the creation club stuff um i don't know if it really fits a dark brotherhood questline i won't do that here but man this didn't work out how they intended it like the whole inheritance thing me just getting random gold [Music] from someone i had killed divine's sake scald who do you think we're threatening with our old war wounds we're not soldiers anymore your man is wearing his old legion armor what should i make of that he's proud of his service scald the legion taught us loyalty [Music] just thinking of a good angle to uh get rid of the the classic save scum ah one a day's work i suppose we've got the mythic dawn museum as well to do i think we'll do i don't know maybe i don't know if an individual mythic dawn episode would work or i plan on doing an episode dedicated to each of the guilds one to the civil war and probably and obviously the dragonborn dlc as well eventually and then maybe there will be another one for like additional quests now this is obviously a mod this is added um from the um beyond skyrim project for all of the captain armstead of the dawn's venture formerly of the celestine okay uh this is basically it adds a bunch of new items and and wares from across the different mod projects and beyond skyrim that are coming up and i thought it's like a nice nice little niche way i mean we could even potentially do beyond broom but beyond skyrim a bit i don't know welcome welcome cardone apollo traveling purveyor of knickknacks another soon-to-be satisfied customer see so yeah elid warax bamboo hidden sticks bone mold war acts kijit iron saber a dumb pickaxe a mithril battle axe rather great sword like a lot of these are really nice like it's cool i i wish they do have this kind of thing in elder scrolls 6 where they just add in a bunch of items from foreign lands it just gives you many more options for builds saxial knife i don't look all that effective do they some of the kite enclosed helmet um you might recognize some of this these armor pieces from the interesting old scroll six idea video we did recently um where i was sort of flexing some of the new editing things i've learned but yeah that i thought i'd just show you one of the biggest ships expect i'll be here a while so do come back to see what new finds i've changed upon anyways back to becoming a dark brotherhood assassin i can't be bothered to do the cicero help out cesaro thing it's not that important um [Music] yeah back to the sanctuary so it's it's a completely different uh view in the daytime like a lot when we first started the episode it was all like snowy and dark and atmospheric and uh now it's this little hidden sanctuary in the middle of the day [Music] so but the night mother is mother to all it is her voice we follow her will would you dare risk disobedience and surely punishment keep talking little man and we'll see who gets punished oh be quiet you great lumbering lap dog the man has had a long journey you can at least be civil mr cicero i for one am delighted you and the night mother have arrived your presence here signals a welcome return to tradition oh what a kind and wise wizard you are sure to earn our ladies favor you and the night mother are of course welcome here cicero and you will be afforded the respect deserving of your position as keeper understood husband oh yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you but make no mistake i am the leader of this sanctuary my word is law are we clear on that point oh yes mistress perfectly you're the boss ah there you are good i was done speaking with that muttering fool anyway we've got some business to discuss do you have a contract for me i do indeed you must go to the city of markham and speak with the apothecary's assistant you'll probably find her in the hag's cure when the shop is open the girl's been running her mouth once an ex-lover killed she's apparently performed the black sacrament her name is miri i need you to talk to her set up the contract and carry it out anything else just do whatever the contact wishes be professional represent us well and get the job done since it's your first contract i'll let you keep whatever mueri pays she'll be generous i'm sure they always are something i want to establish too for ascalet here is i think he is uh strategically he's not coming being forthright with every bit of uh prestige and sort of you know his position and power like he's you know he's like obviously clearly uh capable as an assassin and everything but i don't think he's really letting on it's like oh i'm actually the dragonborn oh i'm also you know y'all of what uh thane of whiterun you know i'm also a uh i i've also leader of the volca clan of vampires you know he's just kind of presenting himself himself as a vampire another member of the family hello hello so very good to meet you i'm gonna remain silent oh so silent so menacing a true assassin of the old way cicero likes you oh yes cicero likes you indeed what can you tell me about yourself me oh cicero is just the keeper i keep i look after our matron you see the night mother i keep her clean and protected and happy but i am not the listener oh no there is no listener not yet but someday someday some day i pray that one will come to you um that's enough it's a love enough listening for me to be honest still here what's the matter can't handle what i'm throwing your way good and i hope you were careful in that lumber mill your payment for a job well done if you don't mind i'm going to kind of just slam through these because otherwise you'll sort of take forever of course i could do this all day like this isn't what i would call valuable dialogue you know what i'm saying congratulations here's your payment contracts i'm sorry i don't come see me again later okay cool here it is we haven't talked to on viewing yet don't take offense to the nicknames morsel i'm a werewolf hard not to think of you as a snack [Laughter] i mean i'm a vampire but okay um look if you're trying to get to know me don't i don't like you and i never will it's nothing personal but my wife trusts you and i trust her judgment see it can't be all bad here's all you need to know i'm a werewolf i like killing things i love astrid i hate annoying people and the color blue gives me a headache until next time brother unclear as to why you actually dislike me but whatever you're a nord man falcreath the origins of forest mod with all this underbrush stuff it's so beautiful anyway off we go back into the reach to marker we'll uh make the travel fast in the night as a vampire and see what's going on and that's right that's something else to to consider as well all the uh the stormcloaks are now in control of the reach so ascolite is creating a good opportunity for the fourth one like you know to start off um a helps madanak get out ages ago um so they can run the rebellion from the outside and then b he uh in season unending he basically changes hands off from imperial control into stormcloak control but you know that transition is bound to create some unrest um and then with that considered afterwards you've got uh the vampire menace now being target targeting the sort of uh nordic occupiers of markup and so on and sort of helping indirectly the force one cause so yeah here's why are you looking at me like that the dark brotherhood has come yuri the dark brother oh oh i my goodness you're really here the black sacrament it actually worked obviously now tell me what you need what i need what i need is for elaine dufont to die i want him hunted down and murdered like the dog he is uh i'll need more to go on than that i didn't know it when we were with each other but elaine is actually the leader of a band of cut throats bandits they're holed up in some old dwarven ruin ralls bathar it's near windhelm they use it as their base it's where they stage their raids i want you to go to that ruin find elaine dufont and kill him i don't care about his friends do whatever you want with them but elaine has to die it'll be done excellent once elaine is dead i'll pay you in gold i've saved up a bit i hope that'll do but well there is one more thing if you're interested i'm listening if you can i want you to kill someone else as well you don't have to not as part of our deal but if you do i'll pay you even more it's nilsine shattershield in windhelm if nilscene dies too i'll make it worth your while all right now i'm curious tell me the full story why do you want elaine dead i went to windhelm to see the shadow shields they were old and dear friends and in mourning frigga was killed recently murdered i met elaine in the tavern while i was drinking my sadness away he was handsome and charming he said i was the beautiful lily of his dreams elaine made all the pain just go away but it was all lies elaine used me he ruined my name destroyed my friendship with the shatter shields do you know why elaine was in windhelm he heard about frica's murder he wanted to befriend the family in their grief and rob them blind elaine used me to get close to my friends and now they all think i'm some kind of monster elaine dufont took my life and now i'm taking his and nelson sorry and nielsen shattershield why must she die don't you see i was like a daughter to tova a sister to nelsin and frigga but the family refuses to believe my innocence no matter what i say couldn't they understand that i was used that i was grieving for frigate too no they treated me like garbage threw me away with nilscene dead maybe then tova will realize what she's lost huh maybe then she'll see that i was just as much a daughter as the others and if not may she drown in her own tears make them all pay for okay um i can do that i feel like you could possibly talk things through possibly but um if you'd rather i just pull the pull the bow strings so to say then let's do it ascolad is not going to complain he's not going to he's not going to obsess over other people's moral obligations or or lack thereof so let the arrows fly we should keep ebony flesh locked and close wins i reckon we're going to use the wages gonna sort of waltz in with this one because uh we don't have to not be seen or anything like that look at that moon in the background but yeah i think the lantern makes things much more enjoyable i'd love to hear what you guys see but i did try and fix up the interiors a little bit with the env settings to make it just a little bit sort of too light for me but on youtube that should balance out and create a situation where it's perfect for you guys see with what have we got with if we have the armor on four three four yeah it's pretty powerful i think we get 200 from the from the suit of armor as you can see um we're still playing on expert difficulty it's not um i don't know i'm kind of happy with where it is makes it a nice relaxing let's play and i'm sure there's always some kind of like boss or something i am just taking out like basic animals what is this one open another black reach your mind damn you in we go i'm just gonna cut through his whole gang why because we can and stealth really isn't part of this contract so why not and i did take someone's advice and got the js lock picking interface since you know something prettier to look at while we spend time here while i try and figure out a master lock it looks like here-ish okay we'll get there one day don't worry oh that might have been too much of a oh there we go i mean i mean i don't know why i can't just whoops wrong one damn oh god it's such a clean um nice flow of motion from the sneak mode okay uh there's the unique aegis spain maybe i'll pick it up probably there's somewhere in hendra home i can probably keep that and it's like we got plenty of carry weight so yep i don't need any of this simple archery i've got other things gamepl this sneak um with snake animations but pretty gorgeous okay wind helmet is time to get rid of nilscene because bitter old murie wants tovah to suffer to um might be good if we don't use an iron lantern that's just feeling it out uh maybe it's really close hold on i'm actually kind of at a loss for this one good thing we have hundreds of lockpicks oh there was yikes damn okay never get frustrated and rush because it always it's kind of like that dark souls principle it always happens to me in dark souls when if you get frustrated because you lost against the boss if you just rush in like i'm just gonna go you just just lose again you gotta go in with that calm mind oh actually right in the head let's see and get my arrow back i cannot why not not the worst way to go to be honest an arrow between the eyes while you're asleep she would have just gone to sleep and never woken up again i hate to freak you out guys out but like really think about that right now like the idea of if you go to sleep but then you'll never wake up again kind of makes it seem scary like you'd never know if that's gonna happen to you well what news yeah he's dead thank you that bastard got exactly what he deserved and i heard about nilsin you have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain please take this as payment and a symbol of my affection i'll never forget you because i'm pretty sure now you can marry her um kind of a little funny that she like mirrors like low-key a little bit messed in the head i love the weather mods that like give you different weather like you know you can sort of snow in markarth and you'll kind of get different god it's gorgeous um [Music] yeah i guess it's back to the dark brotherhood sanctuary for me but yeah um in the future too like i think we will go into some heavy armor or um the way i'm kind of thinking for this character if i want to give because obviously there is a character build that you can do for any kind of character and when you're following an exactly character build like you've obviously got your perk stats and so on like very laid out it's less of an organic role-playing experience more of a you know confined one and then you also have very clear goals like i'm going to do these factions these quests the other ones just don't make sense or aren't relevant to this character whereas this character fits more so the organic role-playing style because we've gone in for a more uh fluid sort of completion of style playthrough so we want to basically be able to through role-playing means justify like doing the theaters guild college when to hold and sort of create different character arcs and therefore different sort of skill sets to use and i think the sort of wise and robe wearing sage mode escalade is somewhere to go eventually probably after the fuse killed so how went your first real contract a bit more exciting than what nazir's been offering i'd wager i'm just going to be silent very well i respect your discretion now i need your assistance with a matter of a more personal nature something wrong it's cicero ever since he arrived his behaviors bend well erratic would be an understatement i do believe he is truly mad but it's worse than that he's taken to locking himself in the night mother's chamber and talking to someone in hushed but frantic tones who is he speaking with what are they planning i fear treachery um i'm gonna remain silent again you must understand if cicero is turning the others against me against us our family would not survive such division what do you want me to do dear brother i need you to steal into that chamber and eavesdrop on their meeting it'll be no use clinging to the shadows they'll see you for sure no you need a hiding place somewhere they'd never think to look like inside the night mother's coffin silence it is no objections then good go now before they meet and report back to me with whatever you learn watch yourself out there the weird requests i have [Music] good things come in time looks very inviting only a novice lock all right let's do it i guess [Music] are we alone yes yes alone sweet solitude no one will hear us disturb us everything is going according to plan the others i've spoken to them and they're coming around i know it the wizard festus cracks perhaps even the argonian and the un child what about you hmm have you have you spoken to anyone no no of course not i do the talking the stalking the seeing and the saying and what do you do nothing not not that i'm angry no never cicero understands cicero always understands and obeys you will talk when you're ready won't you won't you sweet night mother poor cicero dear cicero such a humble servant but he will never hear my voice for he is not the listener but how can i defend you how can i exert your will if you will not speak to anyone oh but i will speak i will speak to you for you are the one yes you you who shares my iron tomb who warms my ancient bones i give you this task journey to wallenrode speak with armand mortier cicero has failed you poor cicero is sorry sweet mother i've tried so very hard but i just can't find the listener the time has come tell him the words he has been waiting for all these years darkness rises when silence dies what what treachery defiler debaser and defiler you have violated the sanctity of the night mother's coffin explain yourself speak worm the night mother spoke to me she said i am the one she spoke to you more treachery more trickery and deceit you lie night mother speaks only to the listener and there is no listener [Music] i'm not going to say it as frantic as that but uh let's just pretend it's way cooler so calm down she said to tell you darkness rises when silence dies she she said that she said those words to you darkness rises when silence dies but those are the words the binding words written in the keeping tones the signal so i would know mother's only way of talking to sweet cicero and it's true she's back our lady is back she has chosen a listener she has chosen you [Laughter] oh hail the listener [Laughter] by sit this this ends now back away fool whatever you've been planning is over are you all right i heard the commotion who was cicero talking to where's the accomplice reveal yourself traitor i spoke only to the night mother i spoke to the night mother but she didn't speak to me oh no she spoke only to him to the listener what the listener what are you going on about what is this lunacy it's true it's true the night mother has spoken the silence has been broken the listener has been chosen when i heard cicero screaming i knew you'd been discovered i feared the worst are you all right i'm fine then what in sithis name is going on cicero spoke to the night mother but she spoke to you is this just more of the fool's rambling it's true the nine mother spoke to me she said that i was the one what so cicero wasn't talking to anyone else just the night mother's body and the night mother who according to everything we know will only speak to the person chosen as listener just spoke right now to you yep by sithis and what did she say i must speak to someone named armand martiere in volenrood ammond motierre i have no idea who that is but volun rude that i have heard of and i know where it is so should i go should i talk to this man hmm no no listen i don't know what's going on here but you take your orders from me are we clear on that the night mother may have spoken to you but i am still the leader of this family i will not have my authority so easily dismissed i i need time to think about all this go see nazir do some work for him i'll find you when i'm ready to discuss the matter further i mean perhaps if azkalad was a you know a bit of a you know i guess a bit more of a novice or something he'd be more impressed by the dark brotherhood but i think overall it's kind of a bit nonchalant feeling about the whole state of the dark brotherhood um you know it's all just too much too fast go get something feels like it's kind of like i don't know i feel like escalade just outmatches this entire outfit um though then again there are certain connections and perhaps things within the organization um that might end up being useful and look at the end of the day want to see how this plans out brother need something astrid wanted me to see you about some more work well then your timing couldn't be better as it turns out i've got two new contracts one rather easy assignment and another that should prove quite a challenge your first target is an orc bard named lerbuk the other is a vampire by the name of hearn happy hunting i'll be honest go on now i will eat my words if they take more than one arrow each but i don't think there's going to be again a scholar doesn't mind just sort of wandering around practicing killing and hopefully this all pays off in a larger connection of of uh strings and so on but it's kind of i don't know oh dropping frames look at that beautiful sky got those kinds lights going um let's go honor let's do it in order of proximity half moon mill it is but yeah i it's weird it's it's kind of yeah i don't know the dark brotherhood isn't what he isn't what he thought it would be but perhaps there's a way to turn it around i feel like even more so asgalad might be more consciously not pulling a coup but like he's definitely not opposed over throwing asteroid by any means yeah i don't know he's out cool probably about there i can't quite see actually and he's gone very tough nazir very tough oh taking out a lesser vampire as the rest of the vulcah vampires would say just cleaning out the pests and the half breed trash not that that's exactly ascaled's take on things i think there's a certain component to the vampirism that is somewhat numbed ask a lad to i guess it might sound like typical but to his humanity or something it has kind of made him feel weirder about it i don't think he's not questioning it yet i think in the future he [Music] it's good that sorely has finally been given some real authority finally someone comes in kick off your boots stay awhile let me know if there's anything i can help you with i got nothing but time these days okay cool murder murder oh what happened and vanished like a shadow all in a night's work travel halfway across skyrim bang boom we're done i think to going the mage round making a bit of a sage card like yeah i don't i don't there's multiple ways out of vampirism there's the traditional cure route or there's i think when you eventually if we do the companions there is the just i do the duck um i just become a werewolf thing and it kind of overrides it i'm pretty sure that's how it would work my mother always told me of fate and destiny i didn't put much purchase in prophecy yet since i came to skyrim it's all that seems to touch me and now i am told by a corpse that i am the long-awaited listener and this creepy jester fellow is ecstatic about it in all honesty when i found out what a sad state the brotherhood was in i nearly considered leaving perhaps i would have but now fate calls and maybe i can take control and use this network of professional assassins to my own advantage we'll see how this plays out we need to talk silence look something is happening here i'm not sure entirely what that something is but well we need to find out if the night mother really did give you an order to talk to a contact we'd be mad to ignore it and i think we'd both agree cicero's brought quite enough madness to this sanctuary so go go to volun-rude it's a crypt pretty far to the north east talk to this armonde motier and let's see where all this leads cool wait no see wait you reek of death my friend i salute you okay cool no sarcasm this time you faced a vampire and lived to tell the tale look into my yellow dark glowing eyes and if you contracted sanguinari vampiris unless of course that was your goal all along here's your payment wonderful the only good bard is a dead one as far as i'm concerned all that your payment as per the usual well aren't we the eager one sorry to disappoint but there's nothing off to fallen road the silence has been broken oh we haven't been to halted stream camp in a long time it's funny when you stack up hours of a let's play experience and that was the pre-modded let's play part of things but it's cool when you think back all those hours ago i feel like sometimes i i worry if someone's watching the let's play those close um if someone's watching the let's play and i kind of just forget about whether or not i've said this before because it's been like you know recorded over a period of a month or so um or two months sorry but yeah um by the way just in terms of episode length just because i'm trying out a lot of new uh editing styles and see which we're too busy with other channel videos so i am trying to do one of these a month i think it's also why they're you know the bigger pieces uh the bigger videos um a longer lasting entertainment theoretically i know some of you guys binge through it and just kind of clean through it in like a matter of the you know five hours that it is but yeah yeah it only do so much and this would be a perfect time for the iron lantern oh i apologize if i made any sort of any taps or something in the background because i am actually standing up right now because you know sometimes doing a let's play sitting down for all those hours can be a lot i didn't realize this guy had a name oh because i forget this is actually like a proper dungeon as well unrelated to just this sort of dark brotherhood quest bit by the almighty divines you've come you've actually come this dreadful black sacrament thing it worked she the night mother heard your pleas martial yes um so it would seem well i won't waste your time i would like to arrange a contract several actually i dare say the work i'm offering has more significance than anything your organization has experienced in well now we're talking go on as i said i want you to kill several people you'll find the targets as well as their manners of elimination quite varied i'm sure someone of your disposition will probably even find it enjoyable but you should know that these killings are but a means to an end for they pave the way to the most important target the real reason i'm speaking with a cutthroat in the bowels of this detestable crypt for i seek the assassination of the emperor hmm remain silent it's a shocking request i know but it is inside the purview of what you dark brotherhood types do isn't it if history is to be believed you must understand so much has led to this day so much planning and maneuvering now you're here as if the very stars are finally aligned but i digress here let me give you these they are to be delivered to your own superior rexus the items here here the sealed letter will explain everything that needs to be done the amulet is quite valuable you can use it to pay for any and all expenses cool um [Music] let's head on back to astrid so fun fact there a little law piece of knowledge for you they've probably heard me say it a few times before on the podcast or whatever but um the dark brotherhood is actually responsible for stopping tiber septim's direct line now this is kind of what i would call part of the septum lie but uh tiber septim took the throne and he had a son who actually uh died but he also had a son himself so tiber septim's grandson uh pelagius the first was actually uh the person to take the throne after tiber septim but he was assassinated by the dark brotherhood before he had any heirs so what happened was tiber septim had a brother called uh agnerith i think it was and his daughter which would be tiber septim's niece uh was kintara and so the crown then goes to kintara and the rest of her line is what the septum dynasty actually spawns from so none of the septum uh emperors are actually even from tiber's septum so it's a bit of a sham in ways but at the same time maybe there's possibly like all some distant relative kind of thing and then and because there's breaks in the direct family tree line there's like points where it's like oh he's a kind of illegitimate illegitimate kind of emperor and they kind of pass it off to a sort of oh an undisclosed cousin or distant family member to sort of re-crack the line but the point is it's a bit of a it's a bit of a mix good all right so did you meet this moat here what did he want he wants us to kill the emperor you're joking no what's this the letter explains it all the amulet is for the expenses by sithis you're not joking to kill the emperor of tamriel the dark brotherhood hasn't done such a thing since the assassination of pelagius there you go as a matter of fact no one has dared assassinate an emperor of tamriel since the murder of uriel's septum and that was 200 years ago surely the nightmare wouldn't misdirect us no she certainly wouldn't and for whatever reason she chose to relay motier's information to you i don't know exactly what's going on here if you're the listener or this is some fluke or what but what we now have before us so we'll accept the contract you're damn right we'll accept it if we pull this off the dark brotherhood will know a fear and respect we haven't seen in centuries you think i'd abandon an opportunity to lead my family to glory but this is all so much to take in i need time to read the letter and figure out where we go from here and this amulet what are you thinking i'm thinking we need that amulet appraised i want to know where it came from how much it's worth and if we can actually get away with selling it and there's only one man who can give us what we need delvin mallory he's a fence a private operator works out of the rat way in riften give me the letter bring malory the amulet find out everything you can and sell it if he's willing he'll offer a letter of credit that's fine delvin mallory and the dark brotherhood have history he can be trusted that's an easy set of instructions i better check nazir because i have a feeling you might have more contracts now that wasn't him back there wasn't didn't think so i'd have to go back and check but i feel like assassinations of emperors i guess they're not that common when you put it out in this in like into a span of centuries all right couldn't immediately find the zoo i'm sure i'll get them later we can do because we're gonna have to come back to astrid after we talk to delvin for sure i do love that eerie sound near the door oh man i loved it so much in oblivion felt so edgy and cool it's like or i will say i hope like you know the dark brotherhood is a cool faction but they are a you know there's a kind of more typical dark edgy band of serial killers and a lot of the things like even though what was it like um [Music] darkness rises when silence dies what does that mean you know what i mean it just sounds like it's something we'll like put together it's kind of cool if you're looking for a handout you'll want to speak with my husband if you're looking for company i suppose i could do worse look at that god this game is so gorgeous i can't wait for elder scrolls six oh i can get rid of my uh oh no i'll just keep it on because we're about to go if you're looking for the finest custom jewelry in all the skyrim i don't know who else is like i love the sound of rain and sitting there and it has to be like a decent you know pattern you know you don't you don't want like measly sort of non-committal light rain i like that like you know heavy stuff you know if you walk out you're gonna get wet you can hear it i can kind of hear it outside now um i don't know where we got to where the thieves go because i know what did we we did in ages back we did the pickpocket dealio in the marketplace but i think it's where he's like oh come meet us and i think i just ignored him i think i'll also ignore him again because i'll save that for the thieves guild i'm going to ignore you oh now you must be lost best your scary off while you're able the right way well it has a habit of swallowing up the uninvited the dark brotherhood requires your services oh oh i see well there how is astrid doing these days uh trying to stop by sometime will you have a drink catch up ah but we could discuss that later yeah what does the brotherhood need what can you tell me about this let's see where oh where did you get this no don't answer i don't want to know this is an amulet of the emperor's elder council especially crafted for each member who have a small fortune ain't something you give up lightly look it hate my business to tell the dark brotherhood it's business but if you killed a member of the older council you better believe will you buy this an elder council amulet oh yes oh yes indeed oh wait just one moment here is a letter of credit usable by astrid only for any service or item i can provide as per our standard arrangement you bring that back to your lovely mistress with my regards have anything for us yet easy peasy where did i get on oh so we accepted the quest to take the debts but we're not going to do that until you get to the thieves guild you know part of the let's play like i guess there might come a time where uh escalade gets a little distanced from his goals and needs to snap back to his roguish ways i could say the ways in which he was born and grew up skyrim's changed him a lot i mean to be honest realizing that you're a dragonborn and saving the world and also you know uh his whole experiences in the reach and and um so on and so forth also discovering a listener oh and also becoming a the lord of a ancient vampire clan a lot of these things i think uh you know and fair enough if they have some sort of impact on your character you know what you're doing that for what am i doing what for back to the sanctuary we go actually we can also train archery at angie's but i haven't done that yet like i haven't gone to angie um up in her camp man you can get a using the exploit with feindle and riverwood and then going straight to angie's camp after you can really just get your like archery peeking really quick absolute exploit but and then i mean you know you get the bow of shadows which wasn't all that hard to get and it's a pretty op weapon straight away i have seen some people comment on it but yeah the creation club um elements of the anniversary edition do kind of um unbalance the hell of the out of the game but it also i don't know it's a 10 year old game like yeah good you're back well what did mallory have to say is the amulet authentic yes and specially made the elder council oh now that explains quite a bit motier you naughty naughty boy hiring the dark brotherhood to help you rise beyond your station delicious was mallory willing to buy the amulet he was he's a letter of credit splendid then we're ready to begin or more specifically you're ready to begin after all you're the one the night mother spoke to now then i hope you have something nice to wear because you're going to a wedding a wedding well more like the public reception it should be a lovely affair you'll mingle with the guests eat some cake stab the bride oh yes you've got to kill the bride at her wedding and they say romance is dead who's the target her name is vitoria vici she oversees the east empire company's business holdings in solitude the wedding is being held in that city at the temple of the divines her death will cause an uproar which is exactly what we want vichy is likely to address her guests frequently as is the wedding custom kill her when she does that and i promise you a significant bonus now go and give my best to the bride remember when you kill we all wield the blade uh yeah we can handle that easy peasy murder at a wedding um where are you nazir i wanna i do want to talk to you oh there he is still here what's the matter can't handle whatever contracts there are indeed there's decas a shipwreck scavenger miranda joe all right we'll try and like take a bunch of those out all of the same go um but now things are getting serious for us now he's interested like this is truly a power play like you know getting in there and killing the emperor uh destabilizing things further like as far as he sees things at the moment uh destabilizing things from behind the scenes is a very good thing for him in whatever way goes kind of in the same way the thelma what imperials were stormcloaks fighting over each other all that kind of stuff having strife and turmoil gives the force one breathing room it gives them opportunity to to you know uh do the things that they oops i can't enemy okay hot on something probably dawnguard or something yep just some wannabe heroes hold on the whites take you what do they mean by that the white take you like all right enough chases i forget the dawn guard is still operating interesting though i'll leave them as such we can don't ever have to do that quest even travel there first then to solitude we can do like a round trip you're just gonna have to bear with me in the dark for a second because some things all right done off we go to solitude it's always kind of funny how quick we're actually getting through these just pop an arrow travel to the next spot pop another arrow it's a uh it's a rewarding experience i am glad that we actually spent a lot of time i spent a lot of time leveling up the character in between now and then to get some of the more mundane aspects over with uh let's wait until the morning you know when it kind of like makes sense to see your wedding oh an ominous foggy day do i need to i can't remember do i need to wait a particular time come on now i want those arrows dead center the lives of your fellow soldiers are counting on whoopsies don't mind me guys i'm just typical imperial rock you speak of skyrim like you know the land know its people you're from cyrodiil you know nothing about us nothing oh i know enough i know those trouble-making stormcloaks refuse to submit to imperial authority such seditious behavior why it's treason and when the elves marched into your beloved cyrodiil and everyone took up arms against them wasn't that treason against the dominion why that's not the same thing at all the dominion were invaders conquerors we had to fight them to preserve our own way of life my point exactly did [Music] sorry i'm just kind of waiting for her to address the crowd do you want maybe i'll maybe i'll give it the good old wait [Music] there we okay good people of solitude that was a very quick speech no oh the bride has been murdered somebody help how do i get out of that well you know what what happened i'm a cop astrid ordered me to keep an eye on you figured you could use a hand when the chaos erupted i'll try and hold them off as best i can that you get back to the sanctuary burning someone there vampire burn it well i actually um did not pull that off as professionally as i would have liked it's alright it's a rather meager bounty i think we can pay off later okay ah that's where we alright i'm actually not a fan of this [Music] this isn't really helping my case but i am an aggressive dark ark person right now so oh cool so what's my actual bianti now that i okay it's 2 000. i'm out all right well that was a little bit more chaos than uh what is typical um dawn star to the next one to kill off just some of the extra guys the extra contracts food hmm well we've got a halfing guy bound he'll see how we have to handle that like i don't know if he has to spend a lot of time in solitude but that ain't a good one for the good old reputation but i guess it's an imperial place so i i feel like in a civil war i am kind of leaning towards the stormcloaks i wonder also if there's a bit of an angle where you know from a role-playing perspective helping with the stormcloaks who currently rule mark arthur somehow i can ask like and weasel himself into the position of y'all as in role-playing you know i'd have to make a little you know beautiful cinematic and storytelling you know you gotta you gotta judge up the the play through whenever you can if i'm just going to adhere to the constraints of the gameplay then you're not going to get a lot of storytelling done well i mean you get plenty done but you can't you know you can't deliver the same experience if you're just being uh exactly what the gameplay says like i said i will restructure the dialogue in my own words if i think their dialogue is particularly cringe or unfitting bump he's actually really when he stops vibrating he's kind of an interesting looking decus huh ridicus i love that you can see the azura star uh there's there is a statue from so far it's really beautiful uh if you saw that kind um video that i did recently just like sort of a three minute sort of little kind of a basically practice voice acting i kind of wanted to just sort of wing it and see how it would go you guys seem to be pretty you know keen on the whole thing so i'm quite happy with it like because i i kind of tried a bit of a nordic accent or at least a little bit of a nordic sort of twang so it didn't just sound as as straight up australian because i'm trying to do like a you know an old nord sort of speech um but uh in that in that shot i tried to use some like cinematic shots like talking about talos and sort of like the sky for forge in the background um is sort of in the shadow and rain but the idea is like i'm about to talk about kind but talos is sort of overshadowing kind like you know represented by a bird and then i'm like you know there's a scene with kyne represented in the with a character in the in the armor in the what do you call it um and the wind ruler armor um and there's a scene where she's got like an axe to the frost axe with like the storm sort of enchantment effect and is looking off it says like something like you know fight um you know fight our enemies or whatever it was but like at the azura statue like representative of the dark elf like i'm just trying to get more cinematic or like uh directional oriented with like our without uh what do you call it with our videos you know put a little bit of a edge to it 40. you know what i where are they hurting okay stop stop stop stop stop stand still okay what if i put the yard stop right there yeah okay i'm going to pretend this is because i'm the all the thing um i'll pay off my vanity now come along with us we'll take any stolen goods and as if it wasn't that as if it i mean i could just say like load back but you know i'm gonna try and just cop it when i get it um but i have to say i mean look i wasn't really uh probably should have waited tonight and be a little stealthier but i guess ass colette's just a very bit nonchalant these days i also don't think he's riding on that the whole thing of whiterun dragonborn arc that element of his reputation i feel like he's felt the limits of it and he can't really free the reach with it so he doesn't really care about it anymore as much you know he can still leverage it whenever he likes but i i think there's going to have to be a lot of behind the scenes work a lot of personal power gain and eventually some larger political play just look at that rain and the sounds sometimes it's just fun to let loose and be evil and not care out like deal with the consequences i'll admit i i'm a pretty uh i'm a pretty chronic save scummer it does um usually the news is everywhere victoria vichy the emperor's cousin butchered at her own wedding well done i'm not gonna get poetic about it let's try to ignore this with vici's murder you've started us down a path the dark brotherhood hasn't traveled in centuries the assassination of an emperor and now your reward a unique spell to summon a legend of the dark brotherhood his soul serves us now in death as his body once did in life ah and of course a bonus for killing vichy while she addressed her guests as instructed gold simple and pure spend it as you will now then time to proceed to the next stage of the plan go and speak with gabriella she's been helping me arrange your next contract [Music] summon spectral assassin okay lucian a chance it's cool you must be talking about the caravan job bye sisters you slew everyone well except that one that you kept alive to serve as a witness is your wickedness in any event nice work those caravan is your payment ah your payment my friend well done collecting cash dear brother i've been waiting for you your next contract awaits as i'm sure astrid indicated it's kind of cute with the emperor's arrival in skyrim now a certainty his security service the penitus oculatus will need to begin its preparations immediately security is being handled by a commander morrow astrid and i have devised a plan to break the man and in doing so the emperor's protection you are to slay the commander's son gaius morrow and once he is dead plant false evidence on his body implicating him in a plot to kill the emperor understand guys tomorrow will die he is set to leave the penitus oculotus outpost at dragon bridge and inspect the security of each city in skyrim go there now observe gaius morrow's departure and follow him way lay him in one of the cities and send his soul to sillas once he's dead plant the incriminating letter on his body and let fate take care of the rest oh and one final thing yes to earn your bonus do not kill gaius morrow in dragon bridge or on the road kill him in one of the other major cities he'll be visiting there the body will be discovered quickly as with a letter implicating gaius morrow in the plot to assassinate the emperor do that and astrid has authorized me to grant you a rather unique bonus it is a special token to be given to a lava the feeble in whiterun olava is an old and dear friend and a powerful seer the token entitles you to a reading of your future it's an opportunity one should not pass up i do love though and delivered i do love those um little points of connection like i do like how delvin mallory is connected to astrid i do like how i love the feebles connected to um gabriella it's just cool to have all these i i like um i think that's something a lot of like games and um also more broadly world building this take advantage of is what sometimes makes things feel bigger is the amount of connections and crossovers and stuff the more interconnected and intertwined the web is so the more interactions between the different factions and the sort of more complexities there or the different same as you know the characters or these characters connected to this one and oh you know this one's actually related to this one it kind of creates a more a better picture of the world it makes all of the parts of the world feel like they belong in a bigger picture rather than isolated instances oh yeah that's right um yeah i'm gonna pay my bounty off smart man well crisis averted when you have coin just uh be rich i guess but yes what i was sort of getting at we're gonna go back to dragon's bridge but what i was getting at is um uh that basically having an interconnected world is a really good way to make something feel larger arguably i mean at least why to me it makes morrowind feel much larger because i feel like a lot of the characters um and even if it's just done through environmental storytelling or happenstance or so on and and a lot of the factions are really into trying to have lots of different interactions with one another at least on a factional level i would say skyrim doesn't so much as you know the companions darkel uh sorry dark brotherhood and for the most part thieves guild like yeah there's the delvin mallory connection i'll be fine i know you will but all the same remember everything i said stay alert and when you get to the cities make your observations and move on you're being paranoid i'm inspecting security not charging off into battle there's not a lot that can go wrong son from the emperor's safety is concerned anything could go wrong off with you now and good travels farewell father i'll return as soon as i'm able well this is it then look after yourself guys you're doing your duty and i'm proud of you but you better come back to me you're here oh fighter i may travel alone but you know i carry you always in my heart i'll see you soon huh what a sub story mark um but uh yeah so what i was getting at is that um a lot of the factions feel like they exist in a bubble by themselves obviously not the stormcloaks and imperials but as to the rest of them some of the characters are intertwined and so on but i think that's why people get excited about like you know certain towns and cities um do we get any marker lazy indication of no all right let's steal the but yeah it's the same as new vegas i feel like a lot of the factions and characters all have a lot of you know interactions uh solitude [Music] wintel let's just quickly what day ah it's the monday and then if i miss monday it's windhelm god how's it getting everywhere so quick well it's windhelm and rifton oh fine i'll pick it up good man i guess that just gives me the travel marker time to carry out another assassination in solitude after paying off my bounty getting a tad red or hot i guess [Music] don't mind me guys so i'm telling you ulfric planning an attack on white run he'd be insane to try he doesn't have the men that's not what my scouts support sir what happened every day more join his cause rifton dawnstar and winterhold support him it's not a cause it's a rebellion call it whatever you like general the man's going to try to take white run daryl ballgrove bob and we've got no legion's right to garrison troops in his city what happened on the other hand he also refuses to acknowledge ultimate's claim everyone go back to sleep protection because i need to uh pillage a city general you people in your damn yarls sir you can't force a nord to accept help he hasn't asked for if alfred's making them okay um a letter consider adoption and i'll throw that on there um and then we need to be there to stop him draft another letter with the usual platitudes but this time share some of your intelligence regarding ulfric's plans not very observant are you those uh i i wonder how they're going to enhance or or sort of i mean it's so crazy to imagine like this is the thing you just cannot imagine with a little squirrel 6 like but what's the stealth going to be like like when you consider the difference between um oblivion and skyrim you're looking at like a period of five years well we're already at a period of ten years plus arguably like technology is accelerating at a faster rate and then you've also in like computing power in general and then you've got another say you know 20 24 or something it'll be like 14 years of difference so it's almost like three times the difference of oblivion of skyrim as it would be discarding elder scrolls six so it'd be kind of crazy to see obviously starfield will be an indication somewhat but man never thought i'd be waiting this long for underscore sex i know i have to obsessively bring it up and talk about it it's always on my mind ah at last i've been anxiously awaiting your return guys morrow is dead yes i know as does astrid you have done well and have earned both your reward and a bonus as i have mentioned but you should know that we have a more pressing matter to deal with it's cicero has been an incident you should proceed into the sanctuary i'll let astrid explain all right let's tackle this one try to relax visara let the elixir do its work you'll feel better shortly you're back thank you you'll want to hear this you're most kind the jester's cut feels as bad as it looks i'm afraid damn it this never should have happened we knew better we knew better and still we let our guards down ah i'll admit even i'm having a hard time disagreeing with you marrow is dead i know but we've got bigger problems right now gabriella mentioned something about cicero the fool went absolutely berserk he wounded visara tried to kill me and then he fled i knew that lunatic couldn't be trusted oh it's true i'm afraid cicero was a little whirlwind slashing this way and that it would have been funny if he weren't trying to murder us all don't forget the ranting and raving about the night mother how she was the true leader of the dark brotherhood and astrid was just a pretender i mean it's not wrong look we've got to deal with this situation you've got to deal with this situation what do you want me to do i want you to find that miserable little fool and end his life but first find my husband make sure he's all right after the attack on bjorn flew into a rage when cicero left angbion went after him they disappeared into the wild search cicero's room maybe there's something in there that sheds some light on where he might have gone let me know the minute you find something i've got to see to visara and calm everyone down who's the fool now hmm hush me zara you were very brave astr may well be dead if not for you she's right you know another thing um i think just from a role-playing perspective going forward ask a lad is going to be very aware and quite like you know he's you know he's quite a charming roguish sort of character and kind of tries to understand how people work so he can leverage things oh a book very nice um and one thing uh there's a good very important takeaway in regards to cicero is that fanatics are i guess in a way somewhat predictable like they adhere to some sort of code whereas if you're looking at someone like astrid she doesn't exactly follow a code it's more so a flexible thing like anything for my family anything for myself you know stuff like that so it's a little bit different you know it's a bit more of a self-serving flexible sort of stuff and this is the journal and essentially talks about the dark the dawn star sanctuary um that does exist but um yes um obviously we've made videos on it where you can go through like cicero's past and everything and and his descent into madness and what not in the destruction of the cereal sanctuaries but yes let's uh talk to astrid have you found something yes cicero's journal good good does it say where he may be headed yes an abandoned sanctuary in dawn star i have the passphrase the dawn star sanctuary whatever for never mind it doesn't matter you need to leave now every moment counts so i want you to take my horse his name is shadowmere you'll find him outside by the pool let's just say he's one of us find on bjorn make sure my husband's all right and then send that jester's twisted little soul to the void in as many pieces as possible at least nothing i'm aware of well if i'm being honest i haven't exactly been discreet lately in expressing my frustration with this whole situation obeying the night mother you being the listener it's ridiculous no offense cicero may have overheard me talking to one of the others about the night mother it's possible i was not entirely respectful but to go this far to attempt to murder the leader of a sanctuary cicero must pay with his life there is no other option it's that kind of thing like uh and this is this is a death cult dedicated to night mother and sisters it's kind of strange that you know you wouldn't uh respect at least i mean she somewhat does but you know if you're talking talking about the night mother you know it's kind of like talking about your messiah okay that didn't happen as smoothly as i would have liked but uh yeah let's check a save and let's go um don't start spoiler alert i'm actually picking off from uh picking up from where i was last night because i sometimes need a break but i often don't try and draw attention to it because um i don't know helps with the flow but you know if you've watched this many of the let's plays i'll i'll let you one on that secret so let you in on that secret should i say oh yes one one other thing this is a little fun tip let me just fix something got to get rid of those cinematic bars for the non-cinematic parts so um because you know i think they just make everything look ancestors nice and cool we're going to ignore that with a passion this is my family's legacy sometimes pop in textures and or like distant meshes and you know modding is what it is it's very hard to get a uh a perfectly looking game at all times should have figured astrid would send you you hurt what gave it away [Laughter] yeah gotta admit that little jester's good with that butter knife but don't worry i gave as good as i got and there's through the door some old sanctuary by the looks of it i would have followed him but i don't know the phrase i know the phrase i'll get cicero you go home all right you convinced me doubt i'd be much good to you anyway the little fop cut me pretty deep but i slashed him good pretty sure i severed an artery don't know what you're gonna find in there but you can probably just follow the blood innocence my brother see as far as edgy pass phrases i think that one's one of the better ones ah time for a iron lantern ah this is all pretty is that you oh i know you'd come the best to defeat the best [Music] oh [Music] oh [Laughter] we've already read that [Music] holy hell you know sometimes just like it's tougher than you think yeah it's the arrows anyone with arrows seems far more dangerous like the damage of their arrows seem to just do a lot more [Music] respects the listener's abilities of course could you at least slow down oh this is the uh voodoo fract next isn't is it utifract or fricta oh yeah i say eutefract and i got so much flack for it i think in the trolls video from early last year but you'll enjoy this not an original part of the sanctuary per se let's call it a forced edition enforcement oh come and see okay um surely the listener understands all right so cicero attacked that marlin aspirin for what's a fool to do when his mother slandered and bought the listener understands oh now killing ghosts never has the same punch like you know the kill moves and so on it doesn't really i don't feel like oh yeah like take that it's just stabbing air should probably give it a save if it's any comfort i do feel slightly bad about these are stupid lizards [Applause] please check me that hulking you caught me i surrender [Laughter] um i'm gonna remain silent no you prefer to listen eh of course of course the listener listens a joke a funny joke [Laughter] i get it then listen to this don't kill me let poor cicero live i attack this trumpet astrid i did and i do it again anything for our mother return to the pretender tell her i'm dead tell her you strangled me with my own intestines but lie yes thy well i'll give you yeah there's two things going on here two minds that i have one for a role-playing reason but also i feel like the dark the dawn star sanctuary just gets very unpopulated without cicero it feels like there's no unique characters it's like just nazir in the bed or whatever but i think this is like a little not ace in the hall or anything just a little like a backup option to have like a little assassin as a who's really devoted to the whole night mother thing and if askalad is the listener um i feel as if cicero will be very loyal um and maybe it's a little bit of leverage to keep in the back pocket so i'm gonna let cicero live do what you left we'll just leave we just leave right i'll leave the sanctuary yet [Music] iron lantern off and back onto shadow mirror there's a little frame rate trap there unavoidable when your skyrim looks this good i suppose it's really crazy how much um frame rate problems and so on can just happen because of like i don't know if this is the correct word for it i'm not a nerd but um the architecture of the actual game itself and how it's built and its engine and somewhat like this computer i've got is really powerful and i would play like you know modern good looking smoothly on it whereas skyrim might have frame issues or something like that um you know and i guess all of the mods and so on that you're just picking pieces from all over the place and sort of smashing it together and hoping it works she might put the iron lantern back on armbian is safe and for that you have my thanks but what of the fool is cicero dead yep i killed him excellent once again you've proven yourself a born assassin tell you what why don't you hold on to shadow mirror a while longer he's a fine steed and hasn't been written nearly as much as he should lately and now that this cicero mess has been mopped up we can get back to the matter at hand right so what's my next task there's just one more target before we strike out at the emperor have you by chance heard of the gourmet read his cookbook it's become quite a phenomenon the gourmet is scheduled to cook for the emperor at a special dinner you'll kill him steal his writ of passage and assume the role of masterchef festus has been spearheading this part of the assassination plan he's close to uncovering the identity of the gourmet you should report to him right then okay for some reason i always remember the cicero going nuts part to be a bit later you must be talking about the caravan job it was a suicide mission will there ever come a time when the people of just i need you to eliminate an old woman named yeah well don't expect many more stories like there you are took your sweet time dealing with cicero now let's get down to business astra told you about the gourmet i hope that i need to kill him and take on his identity quite so but first you'll need to learn who he is assuming of course that the gourmet actually is a he could be a woman for all we know so you don't even know who the gourmet is wonderful don't be so petulant in my uh investigations i came upon this it's a copy of the gourmet's cookbook but not just any copy it's signed you see seems to be a message from the gourmet to one anton varan i've tracked varane to the keep in markarth it would seem he's the cook and this anton verrain knows the gourmet's true identity i believe so therefore you are to obtain that information from varane who the gourmet really is and where he can be found oh and when you're done with veran kill him loose ends and all that next you'll have to are you still paying attention i'm waiting with baited breath as i was saying you'll need to kill the gourmet of course but what's more you need to get his writ of passage so you could take his place oh and if you can hide his body the longer it takes for anyone else to determine his real identity the better now off with you cool remember um let me just check just sorry this ain't exactly uh yeah put the voice way up um mark off keith that's where you'll find anton moran i do um i i think on the podcast recently talking about uh like whether we prefer the thieves guild or the dark brotherhood in in um what's called uh in skyrim which quest line and i think uh now i think total with everything i do think the thieves guild still and i i think it's also there's just a little bit more i don't know uh there's just some of the characters i think i feel closer to um yeah like you know how you get always like weird vibes from astrid like i never felt like particularly loyal to astrid or anything you know what i mean oh okay oh i forget you can't do mountain combat but oops oh zombies okay look like this alright i feel like i'm not gonna have shadow me much longer well failed to save the guards [Music] they were tough they just wiped out all those guards and took the western watchtower was gone ah cool i just patted him the lantern's making a big difference i hope for you guys i'm not gonna find out until afterwards until it's on youtube i think they're all going to be bandits still so may as well just i'll just approach her head on i think i mean i could try and sneak actually invisibility probably does some weird like like probably counteracts it despite the fact that i've got a lantern i can't even quite see i'm gonna stop nice [Music] that just attacker it's the uh one thing with shadow mirror it's a bit um odd footage i wish my horse wouldn't fire um i've got to start learning to just we'll try and just sneak in and take out agnes gonna be stealthy [Music] much and she didn't even it's nice when you can just you know get rid of them without you know they don't even know just well they don't wake up i was gonna say oh they just wake up and they're dead but um that's kind of not how it works anyway off to skyrim out of here then i guess all right so marcoth now hmm trying to think because inevitably that's one thing about when you focus on doing a guild or a certain quest line you do end up sort of pushing yourself towards one like it's less like how we started where we were sort of like building through the different regions of skyrim and so on um but i do feel like that works better for a specific like this is obviously a role-playing let's play for sure but um like i was sort of explaining a little earlier about the difference between a organic growth one or a bit more of a planned one like i would say that i had a bit more of a plan for the start uh some ugly lighting problems um i had a bit more of a plan for the start but i didn't um oh i've got to fix something with my lighting um yeah something's not going well with that but yeah a bit more of a plan for the start and like they're going across to the reach doing the mirrors questline and stuff like that but yeah uh let's talk yes yes for the hundredth time i am a breton i was born in high rock and then i came here i am not a rich man okay um who are you what do you want the gourmet who is he and where is he the gourmet never i don't know what led you here but nothing will betray my trust i'll take the secret of the gourmet's identity to my grave for the dark brotherhood that can easily be arranged brotherhood now now wait a minute let's not get hasty i mean surely my friend wouldn't want me to endanger my own life right look his name is balagog gronolobe he's an orc the gourmet is an orc he's staying at the nightgate inn that's all i know now now you'll let me go right um i'm just gonna remain silent so we're done if i was him i don't know how he'd go to sleep easy after this like just like especially well i guess i'm invisible so he doesn't know oh whoops poor fellow i guess i'll pick that up i really haven't been focusing on picking up things to buy and sell because i got so much money especially when you're like leveling up and chanting um you really do make quite a bit of bank by just selling off stuff i mean you kind of buy soul gems and so on but you can make a lot of money especially at the higher levels knights get in okay forsaken cave it is see i'm on i'm on the fly right now i'm still kind of trying to think about how i'm going to connect his ark to the face oh actually i've got an idea i do have an idea somewhat i've got to work on the character motivation i love the frost troll resize like with the mesh i just think they look so much more intimidating being bigger and more fearsome looking is there a way to get not get rid of shadow me permanently or anything but like how to set him up so he's not hanging out right by us all the time and getting into combat i'm sure there's ways can i not like doesn't he come out through pretty sure i can i'm pretty sure you can also hide him in the barrels underneath come on in we got warm food warm drinks and warm beds cool oh um i swear they made him easier to to carry like not heavy like he's just is he like can you just go in one of those barrels yeah should be able to just okay it'll be nice having some sort of red dead kind of feeling system like pull slinging them over your shoulder and it's sort of like actually animated and it feels like you know what i mean rather than just a floating body and stuff like that in the next game um yeah cool reporting back i'm pretty sure like this is kind of i think there's a few extra contracts from nazir but i feel like we're getting very close to the end man dark brotherhood i feel like can be done pretty quickly like even the thieves guild to do it more fully you've got to you know become a master and so on which i don't know if i'll probably maybe do some of that off screen i don't know if i'd commit to doing that on i can do some of it but i feel like it just gets you know it's just not as enticing for you guys to watch just going in and stealing and coming out and stealing and but then again you can tell me if not because i feel like my mentality is sort of shifting a little bit like i really do like the cinematic angle things and the you know the best like to try and create a little bit more uh of an entertainment angle with things um storytelling that's it's kind that's kind of what i'm most passionate about and that's why i like role playing so much it's personal in and out of arden fell in less than four it was association and the gourmet dead so i gathered it seems a certain orc has disappeared which means you not only killed the gourmet but disposed of the body as well oh you've got the writ of passage too i see splendid splendid ah and word has come in from markarth that the keeps cook has met an untimely demise you performed your duties to the letter remain uh your remains i was wrong about you i see that now maybe we all were here's your payment and a little something else as well from me consider it my way of apologizing for being so damn curmudgeonly it's called the night weaver's band i wore this for years i want you to have it now it'll give your magic and sneakiness some needed now you'd better get a move on and see astrid it's time time for the final stage of this grand and glorious operation yeah i think i can make it's it is the fault not the fault of it's hard to balance games and so on but like come to us i will say enchanting does kind of negate the usefulness some of those other things you know like you know you can't completely out match any units can't handle what i'm throwing don't worry my friend i'll spare you the infiltrating and occupied military fort and making it your payment for services rendered okay well yes two of them but your targets are dark elf wizard named mallory in the dwarven room kill these two and i'll have one last contract to give you i'm just finalizing some details now cool i don't need any more than that i want to talk to ambeo and see what he says there you are look i i just wanted to say thanks for coming to find me back in dawn star crazy jester finally met his match am i right yeah take care of yourself he's totally gone i heard about what happened um let's face her so it's done you've killed the gourmet and now titus mead ii is as good as dead so it's time we're ready to assassinate the emperor oh yes and i've decided you will have the honor silence look at you so calm so confident i do believe you were born for this task so let's begin go now to castle dower in solitude present the gourmets rid of passage to the officer in charge commander mero i'm sure you remember him you'll gain unrestricted access to the kitchens and then the emperor you're posing as a chef so you'll be able to poison his meal rather easily which poison should i use here take this it's called gerund root all it takes is one taste and the effects are quite immediate the emperor will be serving sithis before he even knows he's dead once mead has been killed escape through the upper door and across the bridge i've arranged for it to be unguarded once the alarm is sounded now go my friend go and fulfill your destiny as listener ascaled is definitely not bought into this whole idea of the sort of sithis thing it's a bit of an abstract concept that he's kind of like this is some crazy kind of death cult but obviously there's a little bit of purchase in the sort of um idea of of the night mother because the night mother is directly speaking to him but he doesn't know if it's some sort of like ancient spirit or ghost or whether it's you know i don't think he would make the dot get the connect the dots to like oh it's mephala or anything and that's even if that is true we'll just kill this helvard guy in full grief um but i think as a reachman too like the reachmen as a culture they envision everything as spirits and um more broadly like whether that be aedra daedra or even things like you know ghosts or like a spirit or some river or stuff like that they're they have a very i guess it would feel like i guess you could say an open source mythology in terms of feel like you know different clans will have different variations or i'll have like local deities and stuff like that so what i would say is that with the nightmare it's entirely possible that she's some ancient and powerful deity attached to this sort of corpse and oh it's about an identity i just mean like in the function like you know she is worshipped by the dark brotherhood but like not not deed he hasn't like a god necessarily the gods are looking sloppy today i want you to reduce their wages for the month by the gods this can't be happening well that was a little hiccup okay so he's gone um i guess we'll go to uh no dim hollow that's all of vigilance fine we'll go and hunt down that other contract then we'll do the gourmet i have a suspicious feeling this episode is not going to be as long as the dawn guard episode because there is kind of just less going on there oh there we go okay the a button wasn't working okay people ask why i don't quick save um it's because of the same keys that i use for my recording software are like similar as like the quick load and stuff like that and um so yes that's why i just and usually that's not a good example just then but usually i'm pretty quick at saving so i feel as if it's not much of a worry i feel like we can just sort of go in and take this you know it's a bad time to get lost time to die here what are they shooting at all those imperials here he's trying to steal my outfit oh shadow me god i guess imperials or something all came in here i feel like i've had that scenario happen before you know there's certain locations in the games where it will just be like oh here you know i you find that you've got um problems we're not problems are you you find that the imperials have a tendency to spawn here or spawn there same with storm cloaks like you often find the same fights happening it's just a very satisfying strong and i mean that's cool too is someone there you know what i haven't done is a dark brotherhood lack i don't know if i've ever done it fully i may have i look i've played skyrim so many times i've probably forgotten so um i don't even have the brain memory to record all of the but saying that um i think uh i haven't really done a a sort of brute like you know how there's a lot of cool dialogue options when you go up and approach the target and you just say i'm here to kill you kind of thing maybe i should do that sometimes usually because when i'm doing the dark brotherhood i'm an assassin type character that's the iron soldier outfit which i think is really cool i'm a big fan of i have to say the creation club i probably said this before but the creation club did add a bunch of cool new armor sets i think um like variations and you know not perfect but cool let's talk to him by the gods what are you doing here fascinating race the dwemer powerful and extinct yes quite but if that power could be harnessed controlled the possibilities would be but who exactly are you and why are you in here i'll think it best you leave mizinshireleft these ruins can be quite dangerous um like this kind of dangerous actually you know what since we don't use the torches anymore did i get rid of no i didn't and what was that a book speech goes up okay i don't know why i um i think it will be fine like i i just think of sometimes different fun ideas for play-throughs and the things i've done and i wonder if it will be more interesting to do a play-through that's like no guilds no main story but like all sidequest related stuff and just general exploration and bits of mods i haven't played beyond bruma in a long time it's another thing that might be interesting i just have to time that with like sort of the arcs for this character because also i don't want to flip-flop around i am thinking we'll do thieves guild next because i don't want to just you know instill idea behind the scenes gaining connections stuff like that um and i feel like there's a natural segue into the thieves guild but i don't want to um you know kind of go and college win a whole become more magic a bit more magic oriented and stuff like that and have a sage arc and then turn into oh i'm a thief now you know what i mean it kind of like yeah kind of mixes it up a bit yeah i think of being a face being a just run in and kill assassin i think is pretty cool especially if you also play like properly like a bandit like you're not gonna turn yourself in for a bouncy or anything like that but of course that like denies you access to shops and all kinds of stuff a plot to kill the emperor of cyrodiil now i'm definitely glad i stayed the mountain of corpses i've built has now put titus mead within my grasp a successful assassination shall put the empire in disarray another fallen chess piece in my plan to free the reach i have left cicero alive well he was bleeding out but i didn't finish the job he's a fanatic wholly devoted to the night mother and it could be useful in the future fanatics are far easier to deal with in ways they're far more predictable yet those with vaguer intentions such as astrid they are harder to trust regardless after i have slain the emperor it will be hard for her not to recognize me as the listener the new leader of this organization this city is crawling with imperial legion and you know what i'm still nervous lazy stop right there the tower is off limits until further notice what's this now order of his eminence possessor of these papers the gourmet assassination by azra the gourmet sorry i didn't realize we had no idea who to expect you understand you're not dressed as i would have suspected but please don't let me keep you proceed to the kitchen straight away gianna the castle chef has been eagerly awaiting your arrival i love how like he feels so villainous when you're playing but he's like you really are the villain like he is pretty damn in the right um with his actions you know he's just trying to protect the emperor not another delivery i told you people our stocks are fine now put whatever you have over there then get out you misunderstand for i am the gourmet the gourmet oh finally when i heard the gourmet was being brought in to cook for the emperor i could hardly believe it it's just yes well i just never expected the gourmet to be a breton it almost seems too obvious some of the greatest cooks have been bretons and silence i'm ready to prepare the grand feast oh well actually you're not wearing a chef's hat i mean there's one right over there on the shelf you can't very well cook without it hmm on the yeah you know this is the uh the essential component of an outfit oh it even clips okay oh just look at you absolutely brilliant now now you're just as i imagined didn't imagine much just a person in a sheffield anyways enough the gourmet is here to cook not talk let us begin oh yes but of course the emperor has requested your signature dish the potage le magnifique i've taken the liberty of getting it started but the cookbook only says so much and everyone makes the potage differently i would be honored if we could make it the gourmet special way the base broth is already boiled we can get started right now so uh which ingredient should i add next a sweet roll ooh how decadent i never would have guessed it what next uh vampire dust vampire dust seriously hmm yes i guess i can see how that would add a more earthy texture and oddly enough we do have some on hand all right what next then uh let's not do that let's do nun root really oh i use nin root as a special seasoning all the time as well what a wonderful idea there's so many mispronunciations now um diced hawk of meat horror so delicious i swear is there a soul alive who doesn't enjoy the taste of sorry i didn't mean to get carried away there we go one cup of diced horker meat i have to say the stew seems done add anything else and we may dilute the distinct flavors so is that it there's one final ingredient here add this oh what is this some kind of herb are you sure the potash tastes perfect as it is any other ingredient might now now gianna who's the gourmet here i'm sorry of course it's your most famous recipe after all all right then your secret ingredient's been added and if i may say so it has been an honor getting a chance to prepare a meal with well the best chef in the entire empire i'll carry the stew pot and lead the way up to the dining room i'm sure the emperor and his guests are dying to meet you um i'm getting rid of that uh chef's hat i'm not wearing it run run with it run but aren't you even the least bit nervous after everything that's happened you mean the wedding my cousin's apparent murder an unfortunate misunderstanding no more cold mead hot tempers these things happen quite yet that recent business with the young officer narrow was it how dreadful here we are gods i'm nervous we'll go in in just a moment please i'll sir you just stand there and be amazing and i have been assured that the fault was with the man's son alone truth is we are in no danger whatsoever killing an emperor can be useful but befriending one now that's beneficial as i'm sure you'd all agree aha here we are honored guests i present to you the gourmet ah the potage le manifique so delicious my friends as emperor i of course reserve the right of first taste oh oh how marvelous just delicious it is everything i had hoped it would be it i i think something's wrong i ah and he's gone by the gods um also the interiors are newer and cooler as well because of some of the mods i've put in for solitude that man was by far the most insufferable decoy the emperor has ever employed i'm glad he's dead but i'm even happier that you killed him you an assassin for the dark brotherhood just made an attempt on the emperor's life would have succeeded had it been the real man surprised so was i when a member of your family came to me with a plan we worked out a deal you see an exchange i get you and the dark brotherhood gets to continue its existence but you know what i've changed my mind how about this i kill you and butcher each and every one of your miserable little friends your sanctuary's being put to the sword right now that's what i think of this deal you killed my son all of you and now you'll pay the price kill him and make sure there's nothing left to bury [Music] all right let's make a magnificent escape once again from solitude i command you you have committed crimes against skyrim and her people what say you in your defense any chance i could talk you into overlooking this watch next time i might not be so lenient what's the you have committed crimes that can be arranged okay vampire burn it all right just die commander marrow's prime faction okay i'm kind of going on a blood sprayer like i don't think solitude would enjoy you call yourself a warrior yep i do not i'm just gonna take on all of solitude in a second oh [Music] is that was that the last witness killed at least i guess i can wait now we just keep i don't think solitude is i think we're gonna have to join the storm clerks later on um in the civil war part of things because we have kind of wrecked solitude quite a bit they do not seem to enjoy well i mean i don't get along well with the solitude guards anymore this is my dark arkansas and hopefully later if i go and meditate on a mountain and become a sage i could be forgiven not that escalates interested in forgiveness yet [Music] perfect oh he's got a headache because low magicka [Music] time to slay more imperials i can't even use magic cause damn i can do this all day see now that's satisfying which one while i'm here it's not it's another uh i don't know if i've screwed it up is is there isn't the others oh my god no is there a eye jim ah there it is good cool cool cool cool i did not want to be in that position where i in case it like i don't know disappeared and you couldn't use it off with your head i don't like that i i saved i don't know beyond like i don't know kind of sucks that you can't like it'd be cool if there's a few characters you could optionally save today but you'll not soon forget the darkness mercy so you are alive i was starting to wonder the emperor it was all a trap someone set us up considering most of us are now dead i assumed as much and before you asked no i don't think it was you well maybe i did saving my sorry high just now sort of erased any doubts so thanks we need to get out of here you've got that right only a matter of time before roasted alive come on look how cool his nice clean proportioned scimitar looks i am your only salvation embrace me where'd it come from so quick okay that's not what i had in mind um as i can you stupid she devil i don't see you helping i'm not exactly built for manual labor now come on you've almost got it one more oh there can you get it open i think so just hold on a moment you must speak with astrid here in the dark brotherhood sanctuary whoa whoa whoa slow down it's all right you've been through a lot maybe you should just sit down for a bit i'm fine but the night mother has another task for me let's go oh well in that case lead on i'm right behind you okay alive you're alive thanks astrid please there is much i have to say and not much time i'm sorry so very sorry the penitus oculatus mero he said that by giving you to them he would leave the dark brotherhood alone forever oh i said this i was such a fool all of this it's all my fault you are the best of us and i nearly killed you as i've killed everyone else just going to remain silent don't you see it was me i said you wanted you dead i betrayed you the night mother everything i hold dear and now marrow has betrayed me i just wanted things to stay the way they were before cicero before the night mother before you i thought i could save us i was wrong but you're alive so there's still a chance a chance to start over rebuild that's why i did this don't you see i prayed to the night mother i am the black sacrament what are you saying i'm saying you were right the night mother was right the old ways they guided the dark brotherhood for centuries i was a fool to oppose them and to prove my sincerity i have prayed for a contract you lead this family now i give you the blade of woe so that you can see it through you must kill me okay i don't know if i want to use the blade of work um let's give him the old job thank you astrid by the sands i still can't wrap my head around it oh um we also are going to start doing uh into magicka yeah i've got a perk point don't know where to spend it yet um i don't know maybe we'll want to get wind shear and become a one-handed character i don't know we'll think about it uh return to the night mother astrid is dead it is as it should be may she find redemption in the void [Applause] but while you live the dark brotherhood lives we must fulfill our contract emperor titus mead the second must be eliminated speak with amanda mortier at the bannered mayor in white run he will know the true emperor's location but first inform nazir of your plans for you are the listener and must bind this family together all right by sithis what a mess i guess this is the end not exactly the night mother's spoken to me again what well what did she say i must speak with armand martiere once more ammanned motie but that would mean the contract's still on the true emperor must be assassinated you mean there's still a chance but how our plan has gone to ruin everyone is dead the family our family lives on nazir you have to trust me all right then go go my listener find out what that slimy bastard multi air has to say then send the emperor to sithus ah but when you're done there's no use returning here is there i was thinking the dawn star sanctuary we could make a proper home there listen when you're finished with this emperor business meet that betting me there i'll find some way to move the night mother don't worry now go and come back with a barrel full of gold huh babette my girl you just worry about fulfilling the contract okay things on this end well i can't do those i'm gonna have to report those back later and get the extra contract later on i guess um yeah so i guess escalade sort of like taking on the sort of mental mantle of like listen i'm head of the family kind of thing but i think he's saying that more so for like poser reasons and just not really like a deep and earnest relationship i guess but now he's in control of the dark brotherhood although a very weakened one however building it from the ground up in the way he desires does gonna it's gonna potentially give him access to you know a host of newly trained assassins and so on that can then be used um at his own discretion to achieve his goals plus taking out the emperor as well is going to be a great goal for the stabilization of skyrim and you know it's uh it's a nice nice little you know the empire's kind of screwed over the reachmen many times they've been oppressed under imperial control so it's not um it's not unreasonable to sort of want a little revenge not that i guess he's too motivated by that and also just look what i can do i could assassinate the emperor well i'll be damned we heard you were dead mortier's in the back room if you've got business what is it i said i didn't wish to be disturbed we have unfinished business martial by the gods you you're alive but i'd heard your sanctuary please you mustn't think i had anything to do with that i wanted the emperor dead the true emperor i still do it was morrow he the emperor the real emperor where is he you mean after all that's transpired the dark brotherhood will still honor the contract why this is astounding news wonderful news the emperor is still in skyrim but not for long he's on board his ship the catarai are moored offshore in the solitude inlet but you must hurry if you can get on board that ship kill titus meet the second as contracted i will reveal the location of the dead drop that holds your payment uh commander maro where is he yes i can imagine you'd want to settle that score last i heard he was at the solitude docks conducting the emperor's departure and the ship the cataract how will i get on board well i don't know it's in the solitude inlet that's i suppose you should go to the docks okay time to conduct an assassination mission uh now the thing is i think we're going to approach this one with brute force for the reason that we are already wanted in solitude so by the time we get there we're probably gonna i'm gonna appear at catler's farm and they're gonna come after me for my bounty and i'm not going to jail before i assassinate the emperor so let's just carve our way through this um a bit of a challenge plus i also want um to find wind shear and such stop right there uh i'd rather die not wise i'm not going to kill innocents um like people who aren't trying to get in my way i don't feel like that's a very ascoladz character but this darker arc is way more just i'll do whatever hey you should okay you shouldn't be you're already dead i mean at least they can kind of think he's an arm maybe i'm going to have to go sage mode get a new haircut oh oh goodness i really should be concentrating a little bit more too nonchalant um because the guards are leveled i forget that not forget it but you know let's actually take the penitus oculatus armor as well um maybe for later but we are going to go through a different hey stop stop stop stop stop see how much like proportional to like the actual damage that i was taking and the damage he could take that bow was just doing so much anyway um somebody help off to go into the water don't cross ascalad even though gaia samara was kind of doing his job um but yeah when when we get in here um we will uh carve our way through well sorry what i was saying i was saying about the escalades um like he's he's sort of path or how i think he can develop um this darker route like him being a vampire monster or something it's basically an outfit change haircut change perhaps eventually even a vampiric identity change um all needs to kind of disappear although he's killed most people he's come and contacted was that a dragon okay that's a dragon i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to or not or yeah like you're coming or well i guess if the dragon's not all right it's just gone so time to climb aboard is someone there may as well still through while we have the element of surprise i imagine sorry but it's like if you're on this ship you're gone it's pretty nice it's pretty decked out uh let's go up first because we're gonna have to get on to the i want to get wind shear no don't want to miss out on that oh what a cool kill i swear this the sneak this sneak archery is so whoopsie hello who's there these are not the most observant guards that is such crap that wasn't high enough okay come on there's my invisibility i'm pretty damn sure that wind shear is up here isn't it there it is wind shear stuck in there that was a really cool uh hidden item got him well someone is still hammering on but uh we won't let that distract us i don't think actually for once i'm going to remember oh wait do i even have it okay no it's for pickpocketing okay well oh well then we'll figure it out and once more i prove commander morrow the fool i told him you can't stop the dark brotherhood never could come now don't be shy you haven't come this far just to stand there gawking i'm gonna remain silent you and i have a date with destiny it would seem but so it is with assassins and emperors yes i must die and you must deliver the blow it is simply the way it is but i wonder would you suffer an old man a few more words before the deed is done i feel like curiosity why not still silence though you will hear me out then good you will kill me and i've accepted that faith but regardless of your path through life i sense in you a certain ambition so i ask of you a favor an old man's dying wish while there are many who would see me dead there is one who set the machine in motion this person whomever he or she may be must be punished for their treachery once you have been rewarded for my assassination i want you to kill the very person who ordered it would you do me this kindness i'm going to remain silent well perhaps you'll at least consider it now on to the business at hand stabbed against the window i won't be as so rude as to just take his clothes and such i'll just be some kind of war axe um you just killed the emperor i think escalades feel pretty powerful right now in his influence i though don't think i'm going to turn their back on i have no um sort of uh need to protect the interests of of the empire by you know going off and assassinating the person who gave the contract i feel like it's just not in ascalan's view i feel like you'll just you know what i mean and i don't think he's particularly attached to the emperor even if he's like nice old man or whatever it's it's still the emperor who was running the empire in the whole in the whole time that ascolad has been oppressed um during his childhood and everything because of the nords and all of that kind of stuff like this was all done under the empire's purview so um i don't think he feels as if he owes them anything come on in let me know if you need anything or take a seat by fire and i'll send someone over yes you're back titus mead ii lies dead i know i know i received the news not moments ago this is glorious my friend you may not realize it but you have served the empire indeed all of tamriel in ways you cannot possibly imagine ah but you care little for politics am i right you want money and money you shall have your payment waits for you at a dead drop it is inside an urn in the very chamber where we first met in volunteer now please go collect your money and let us never look upon one another again our business thanks the gods is concluded i'm not gonna kill you how interesting though the idea that killing titus for me the second is actually a good thing i know people posit that sort of theory that they're going to replace him with a far more suitable air or something like that um who will probably take more aggressive acts towards like you know if you consider the titus me the second cowed before the thalmor and stuff like that maybe his policy against the elderly dominion isn't hardline enough and maybe amman mortier is conspiring with other members of the older council to basically get him out of the picture so that they can enforce a more anti-alternate dominion position um and prepare themselves for war instead of just letting the thalmor get stronger by the day whoa this is news to me 20 000 gold plus 19. now the chat i guess that the final part of this is going to be rebuilding and sort of putting putting everything in a position where where asglad's working on the dark brotherhood and using them to his advantage into the dawn star sanctuary i'll admit i'm having trouble coming to terms with all of this i'll just follow nazir's lead well what word of the emperor titus me the second is dead and by my hand truly could you have brought us more wondrous news recent events notwithstanding this is a happy day for us my friend despite your misfortunes you stay true to the dark brotherhood you've saved us all and for this you have my eternal thanks now of course i must ask killing the emperor how much did motie pay for such a thing twenty thousand gold remarkable well the old bastard certainly made it worth your while didn't he now might i offer some advice you should go to rifton and find delvin mallory i believe astrid had you visit him once before mallory is an expert obtainer of goods we can use the money to repair me fit the sanctuary make a true home for us huh you do that and i'll see what i can do about recruiting some new additions to our family now that sounds like a good use of mine emperor titus mead ii lies dead and the dark brotherhood yet live but our work is just beginning approach me listener and hear my words yet another child has prayed to their mother speak with the blasphemous priest at the temple of kinnarath in white rhine accept his gold then kill the target cool well now we know that that's a think dark brotherhood forever uh kill these um did nz just wander off down here so he must have so many contracts i hope the but i digress here's your payment well learned as always yes listener ready for the last contract yes yes i believe you are very well then you need to find and kill safiya the captain of the pirate ship red wave the ship travels the northern coast and sometimes isn't even in skyrim at all so you'll have to be patient good luck you've got people to kill so it's going to be in solitude again i think i just got a waltz in and now i guess we'll finish up those last things too um but yeah it's definitely an escalade's interest to rebuild the dark brotherhood with him as the leader of it now that asgard's really powerful from he has you know he can i mean not so much as a vampire i guess he's been pretty distanced from the whole thing of whiterun dragonborn uh dragonborn kind of thing um and using that as reputation but as this sort of dark vamprik like lord of vampires and now leader of the dark brotherhood uh remain so oh yes it is cicero you are a fool to spare me what did you think i would be grateful cicero should be listener not you now you will die gotcha oh listen [Laughter] oh cicero has returned not to kill the kind listener but to serve until one of us dies horribly in service to our mother best friends forever in the meantime i'll make myself at home in the sanctuary i'm sure mother needs intending but okay and it's good to have the night mother looked up just you know i know you're getting a zebra bet and um cicero it's nicer to have i think more characters all right let's go kill sofia again i wonder if the gods have responded we just become the the butcher of solitude actually that's the kind of a cool title the butcher of hafingar yeah i kind of like that although i kind of don't want to build up a reputation for such i suppose stealth's one way of going about it but i have absolutely i've just slaughtered solitude in these la in this dark rubber play-through the whole wedding thing escaping and killing guards killing guards on the way out from the failed assassination and emperor killing guards on the way in on the successful assassination of the emperor um let's get out of the okay that is a mutt thanks whoever recommended that that is a much nicer um interface to look at okay let's get going is someone there oh what was that why is that i'll let you live this time i'm unsure as to why she lives you need to leave you're not supposed to be in here you need to leave i'm going to find whoever did this um it's the last time i'll say it get out okay all right um i don't buy it why are you immortal over here never of turning come here is she like a is it like a creation club thing she's relevant i just don't remember that okay anyway kill a bunch of pirates like what am i gonna do make my half and go bounty worse oh no i mean i think i'd be in a position oh no you can't pay it off when it gets that bad i have to go to jail which i'm also not gonna do so but let's go to the other side to the rift time to go talk to delvin again and now i feel like too we've had enough of a uh back and forth with um delvin and so on and i feel like this is kind of what i'm going to use as a bridge to create further connections because delvin's very connected and able to procure lots of different things and i feel like that's going to be this guy's uh you know as collide's weigh-in and he's already been offered to join the thieves guild and so but now maybe he will simmer down a little bit do a little something a little less violent and sort of um see where that gets him i think brynjolf could give you all the info come back later and i may have some work for you can you repair and refit the dawn star sanctuary the dog style sanctuary is that where you lot are holding up there chill your world it will cost you a lot but i can help well let's of course start with some new banners banners huh try to tell me what you need a poisonous show me what you need and i'll get more people on it of course a master bedroom for myself chamber fit for a king and all that right no problem give you a big tell me what you need a secret entrance yeah we can do that uh i'm thinking a sewer grate on the outskirts of dormstar i'm afraid that's it my friend i've done all i can i hope a place is at least livable now let me take care good luck with you stay out of trouble i wonder if ascolad is going to undertake some self-reflection between now and the next episode it's it's much easier for me to construct these sort of backstory segments and stuff like that in between the episodes create a little cinematic deal of it which also just allows me to sort of make it seem less sudden because the assumption is in between these episodes time passes like you know months or something like that or weeks at the very least well now let's use the secret entrance of course we've got to do that it's kind of weird that there's a sewer grate behind here but you know it's not a handle there um why am i not surprised to learn cicero is alive i still can't stomach the little clown but if you welcomed him here i won't question it okay sofia is dead by sithis now i am truly impressed to kill a pirate captain on our own ship no less simply masterful you've not only earned your payment but my respect is well and believe me friend that does not come easily i'm afraid that concludes our business you have exhausted all available additional contracts but i'm sure you've got plenty to keep you busy right about now [Music] she wondering i'll teach you how to use it effectively and keep you quick on your feet i mean why not you know we've got plenty of gold and get us to 90. um yes listener how may i serve you good now we're getting dark brotherhood recruits everything's all come together i've got i guess we've got a little torture chamber [Music] okay some of those moans don't sound appropriate for what i'm expecting um yeah i think that's that's it there'll be a cool closing i mean enjoy the little outro thing but uh next episode i think we're doing the thieves guild and i'm excited for you guys to see uh the continued adventures of our schlep thank you so much for watching really enjoy i like if you guys have any comments by the way like you know throw them down like let me know what kind of feedback or things or even ideas for ask lads journey and so on i think i've got a pretty good idea but i can always be like you know swayed in the moment so uh yeah uh like the video if you enjoyed share it around and um thanks so much as always guys i'll see you later the emperor is dead run through the back with the paladin's blade funny that my actions are anything but holy who knows what this means for the empire right now but i suppose it will play out in time astrid betrayed me and for it she paid dearly the brotherhood was in ruins and while the handsome sum of coin made from the contract will be used to build a new sanctuary in dawnstar nazir and berbet remain along with cicero all loyal to me the listener the dark brotherhood will be rebuilt in accordance with my vision and its ranks will carry out my will i bear two unholy titles now listener of the brotherhood and lord of castle volcah my actions are blood-stained trail winding its way up the mound of corpses on which i sit my name my name is my name does not matter i am a hunger unsated a shade without sun i am the darkness that comes and takes and i will take the reach you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 389,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ODP14j6BDuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 14sec (13514 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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