Which Try Guy Is The Best Boss?

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I loved this video β˜ΊοΈπŸ’›

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oldcollegehoodie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love seeing more of the behind the scenes folks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/A-Bored-Gay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun video, and I have to say that I wasn’t surprised by how they each ranked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notafanoftheapp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My initial predictions were (best to worst) Eugene, Keith, Zach, Ned. I am surprised at how low the bottom scores were.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Roselia_GAL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Welcome to the 2nd Try Casino! Today, it's another rousing edition of "Which Boss Knows Best?" (all cheering) - As soon as you said that, my chest started getting hot! (all cheering) - [Miles] Each boss will be guessing which piece of fun trivia belongs to one of our 11 employees. (all cheering) - I don't like this at all! (upbeat music) - [Miles] Let's meet the bosses. - What's up, I'm Zach, I'm the Start-Up Boss. I'm a chilled boss, you know. I'm just here to keep things casual and fun. - What's up? I'm Ned, I'm the tech CEO. I want everyone here to think different. By 2030, the "Try Guys" could put a man on the moon of Jupiter! - Well, howdy there. I am Cowboy Boss. They say the internet is the Wild West, and it sure is. - Hello, I'm Eugene, and I'm the Cool Boss. - Eugene, how do you think you're gonna do today? - I'm going to, for sure. (upbeat music) - Each one of our four bosses will be reaching into the bowl of trivia to find one fact about one of us. They'll then be nominating one of the 11 of us to see who they think it is. - Today, we are gonna be guessing about our production team. We have our producers, Nick and Rachel. Our production manager, Alexandria. We have our editing team, Elliot, Devlin, YB. And our assistant editor, Will. We have our social media manager, Kaylin. We have our shooting team, Miles and Jonathan. And of course, we have the wonderful Sam. Our game is broken down into three types of questions. Green for one point, yellow for two points, and red for, you guessed it, three points. - Are these facts that we would have learned like in water cooler conversation? - These are facts that any good boss should know. - I think some of you I know okay, others maybe I don't know as well. In general, I think this is just a recipe for us to get brutally embarrassed. - I think I know the staff well. You know, we kick it. I think I'm gonna do pretty okay. - I think I'm gonna lose. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm at gunning for third, but I think I'm gonna lose. (upbeat music) - Are you gonna keep the accent up the whole game? - Well, I am a cowboy. (all laughing) I can drive a forklift. (tense dramatic music) - [Zach] I know the answer to this. - Oh, wow. - Whoa. - I'm going to go last. - Then I'll guess before you. - I'm locking my answer in. - I believe it is Nick. - I also am guessing Nick. - Will's my guy. - Well, I'm gonna tell you that, Eugene, I think you're right. I am the boss of the people. I talk to y'all. I hang out, and I know that Will has this crazy past where he worked in this wacky factory, and had ridiculous co-workers, and he's got some stories. Will, put that hand up and tell me I'm right. - Now, Nick, concerning the forklift, is it you? - Miles, it's not. - Ooh. It'd be funnier if you went, "Miles." (all laughing) - Will, is it you? - No? - I'd like to just say, thank you for thinking that I could, Zach. (tense dramatic music) - [Ned] Wow, Zach. - No! - The boss of the people! - Wow. - Whoa, the first question! - If the person who is qualified to drive a forklift could please raise their hand. It's Jonathan! - Oh man. - [Jonathan] I worked at a brewery. There were guys at the brewery who would do burnouts, I was not one of them. - I managed a hot dog stand as my summer job between high school and college. (tense dramatic music) - I'm gonna give this one to Sam. I like the idea of him walking out, walking out to the employees and yelling, "We need more wieners!" Could you yell that real quick? - We need more wieners! - I'm giving it to Alexandria. - I think someone who could handle it would be Mr. Elliot. - I've got to look at the word, manage, and potentially pick one of our management material. Yeah, I guess I'll pick Rachel, our producer, who manages our team. Maybe she also managed a hot dog stand. - Alexandria, was it you? - Damn it. - Sam, was it you? - [Eugene] Aw, damn it! - [Miles] Elliot, was it you? - [Keith] Shit. - Oh, come on, big money, big money, big money! - [Miles] Rachel, did you manage a hot dog stand? (all groaning) - Tricky, tricky. - Would the manager of a hot dog stand please raise your hand. - Get your hot dogs here! (all cheering) And they were Chicago-style, baby. Cucumbers, tomatoes, pickles, celery, salt, no ketchup, only mustard. - The fact is I played the saxophone. (tense dramatic music) - [Keith] Could everybody do this? (all laughing) - I'm gonna say Devlin again. - Right now, my mind's flipping between Kaylin and Elliot. I'm not sure why, that's just my gut. I'm gonna go with Elliot. - (beep) it, I'm guessing Miles. - You all mean a lot to me, but there's only one sax man in my heart, and I, too, am going with Elliot. - Miles, was it you? - Aw, man. - Come on, Elliot, come on, Elliott. - Elliot, concerning the saxophone, was it you? - (bleep)! - Devlin, is it you? - I have a question. (all laughing) - Do you play saxophone, but you didn't write that? - I played the saxophone, but I didn't write this one either. - That's a point, that's a point! (all cheering) - Damn. - Would the sax man, or woman, please raise their hand. (all cheering) - wow. - So, I played the saxophone from fourth to fifth grade, and I was terrible. First I had a really cute photoshoot with it, and it was adorable. (upbeat music) - I have competed in 10~ triathlons. (tense dramatic music) (bleep), who could've done that? I'm gonna guess our forklift driving hero, Jonathan. - I'm gonna go with Rachel. - I'm gonna go with Kaylin, 'cause I know she ran. - I'm gonna go with Nick. I feel like I heard you mention a marathon once, but maybe you were going to cheer someone on. - [Miles] Nick, was it you? - Zach, it was me. (all cheering) - Thanks. - Hold on, and a hot dog stand? (all cheering) they're very different. - And a marathon, And a marathon. - You've done 10, and a marathon? - [Nick] Eight sprint distance, two Olympic. - That thrusts Zach into the lead with two points, and Eugene tailing right behind him with one. - I have the ability to lucid dream. (tense dramatic music) As in, I can control my dreams. - We've talked about this, we know that Alexandria has sleep paralysis. - Which means she probably doesn't have lucid dreaming. (all laughing) You would get out of that situation. The only person here who I think would learn to do it is Miles Bonsignore. - You know, I'm gonna guess Kaylin. - I'ma mix it up and say Elliot. - Elliot, was it you? - So, this wasn't my thing, but I do lucid dream. - Did I do it again? - Write it down! (all cheering) - Would the owner of a lucid dream please raise your hand. (all laughing) - So, I was really interested in it in high school, and I actually made a video about it, 'cause I kinda learned how to do it in high school, and I minored in psychology in college because I was so into it. - On a technicality, Eugene clinches a two pointer, bringing him up to three points with Zach, last place being tied at zero points with Ned and Keith. - I've propelled off the side of a 200-foot tower in Italy. (tense dramatic music) - [Zach] What does that mean? - [Ned] Does that mean repelled? - No, I believe it says they propelled. - So, it's someone who's been to Italy, who's adventurous, and also doesn't know the difference between propelled and rappelled. - One of these has got to be Jonathan. - I'm gonna go with Elliot. - Okay, I'm going with someone, who I think, is a world traveler, was my initial guess, also seemed super embarrassed about the propelled-rappelled thing, I'm going with Rachel. - I think Rachel. It just sounds like something Rachel did. - Elliot, was it you? (buzzer buzzing) Jonathan, was it you? - No. (buzzer buzzing) - Rachel, was it you? - No. (all grunting) - Thought it was Rachel. - I never make that mistake! - Would the propeller please raise their hand. - I was. (all cheering) - As soon as you said that, my chest started getting hot, and I was like, they're gonna see my red face. When I was 17, I went to Europe for a month, and there was a 200-foot tower that we rappelled down. - I had a doppelganger in college, who looked so much like me that people frequently called him by my name. - So I'm gonna go with Will. (Keith qcheering) Yee-haw! - 'Cause he literally looks exactly like me, looks, like, exactly the same. He has the same face, but he's, like, more handsome. - I won a school pageant after lip-syncing "Wrecking Ball" in underwear, on a workout ball. This feels slam dunk to me, I'm going Sam. So you also guess Sam? - I guess Sam. - Yeah! It was a man pageant fundraiser that our school was doing, and I was on a workout ball that had a chain, we were swinging, I was in a Speedo. - In high school, I joined the swim team without knowing how to dive, and had to jump feet-first in the pool for several meets before figuring it out. Oh, that's so sad. Oh, this is so sad, I don't wanna name anybody. - It was me. - Elliot! - I didn't realize it was that sad, but. (all laughing) - I have a titanium shoulder from a slackline incident. - [all] Miles. - It was me. - Yeah! - All right! (all cheering) - And into the final round, Eugene and Zach are neck and neck, with seven points and six points respectively, followed closely by Keith, with just four points, and Ned, tailing behind at a painful two points only. (upbeat music) - This is a three-point question that Betty White has been a passenger in my car. (tense dramatic music) Perhaps someone that was, like, a production assistant driving Betty White around? I'm gonna go for our production assistant, Jonathan. - I'm gonna rep the Miles nation for this one. You strike me as a guy that'd be psyched to drive Betty White. - I think it's either Nick, Rachel, or Devlin, 'cause Devlin, I know, did a lot of bizarre movie and TV work. I'm gonna go with Rachel. - I think it's Nick or Rachel. I'm gonna go with Nick. - Nick, was it you? - It was. - Dang it! Dang it, I knew it! - [Zach] Wow, you're running away with it! - Well, that one I knew, 'cause when it came down to Nick and Rachel, I was just like, the gays really love Betty White. Like, a lot. - Correct. - Yeah, that's something we brag about. - My Jeep was used as a picture car in a film I worked on called "You Again", that no one probably remembers, but there's a whole scene with her riding in my car. - I defended gay rights on a reality show on TLC, which was called "Miss America Reality Check". (tense dramatic music) I defended gay rights on a reality show, on TLC, "Miss America Reality Check". - Nick! - It's gotta be Nick. It's just gotta be Nick, because, like-- - It's called "Miss America". - He defended gay rights, I mean, he could've been-- - You think Miss America was against gay rights? - You think there were only Miss America people as the entire humans on a whole TV show? You don't think there was a single other person on screen, ever? (all laughing) Not a single one? - Nick, was it you? - It was not. - Who was it? - Is it Kaylin? - It wasn't me. - It was Rachel. - Rachel, finally! Oh, you did do beauty pageant shit! - I was Miss Vermont in 2007, and competed at Miss America in 2008, for which I had to live in a house with the other 52 contestants, and Miss South Dakota was saying only men and women should get married, and I went off, and they included it. (all cheering) - oh yes. - Let's roll the clip. (all laughing) - This is a cool fact. I was once a caterer at Elton John's annual Oscar party. (tense dramatic music) - This is also very gay. - Yeah. (all laughing) - Who was in the restaurant industry at all? - I'm guessing Devlin, I feel like Devlin's talked about catering as one of his odd jobs. - Look at how desperate Ned looks. - This is horrible! Don't like quizzes that I don't know the answers to. - I'm going with Miles. - I'm gonna keep this gay train rolling, I'm gonna say Nick again. I don't know, it's Elton John! I don't know, I'm hoping it for us. - It made sense, but I didn't wanna double dip on that logic. - Gays love a double dip. - [Miles] Nick, was it you? - Always bet on gay. (all cheering) - Thank you. Thank you. - I catered in between PA jobs back in the day, it was awesome, and then it sucked, because we cleaned up all night long. - With that dominating performance, Eugene sits atop the leaderboard with an amazing 13 points! The cool boss has emerged victorious, claiming the title of best boss. (uptempo orchestral jingle) Ned, you fought valiantly, but with only two points, that leaves you-- - Oh, no! - with the World's Worst Boss mug. - I don't like this at all! (all laughing) - Keith, we are going to award you with the World's Okayest Boss mug. - Hey, I think that's actually pretty true. (all laughing) - And Zach in second place-- - The World's Second Best Boss! You know what, I listen. - And Eugene, of course, in first place, you are being donned as Best Boss, and being given-- - Wow! (all cheering) - That's right, let's give it up for all of our bosses. - You guys, Eugene loves graphic tees! Put it on, Eugene, come on, put it on! Don't you wanna see him in the shirt, gang? - [All] Yeah! Boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss! Boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss, boss! (upbeat rock music) - I know over 200 plus digits of pi. - 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993 - Pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi. Pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi. Pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, Pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,562,643
Rating: 4.9647613 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, try guys staff, try team, boss, work life, work culture, ceo, start up, tech companies, work life balance, mental health, game, quiz, 20 questions, twenty questions, get to know you, get to know me, ceo routine, sketch, sketch comedy, amazing, team, team work, team building, house, best, worst, most popular
Id: hG-vjJdwhNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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