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hey before the video starts I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all the support lately man it means the world if this video can get to 20,000 thumbs up I will organize another cook-off it's been super hard with everything going on but I will drive on to Ottawa alright I'll make it happen so go ahead and smash thumbs up button to support your boy and I also want to tell you guys now that we started a team alpha channel the link is in the description check it out there is a bunch of amazing videos let's get into it baby baby and Charles so or today's cook-off we're taking it to the early morning my friends vir Singh who can cook the best ass now ex cook at 3 million different ways please pick some ingredients guys we have a fourth contestant here so guys smash those up learn for next time to do what you want to cook off would you got me to say how many likes me for each ones who cook up 100,000 like 20:17 how about we get to 20,000 likes that's 20 hit up there's so many creative people who watch these videos please stop touch me inappropriately they have comment down below and cook up is done and we will get to that next time so without further ado I'll go first let's begin this cook-off hey you guys might pick up a new favorite egg recipe finally doing something he's a professional at the same breakfast every single day so I call it the wash up eggs literally just cut up a bunch of to me those is kind of like an omelet this is an important because I haven't had breakfast yet so I love wait will you be judging them with me may be tasty maybe actually be very critical on the judging because I'm hungry mister you look amazing let's go we turn here on here to positivity as you can tell this videos good be positive I get some encouragement turn yes I never said for me some love positivity by wasting all the peppers you can just cut it off like this this is actually a favor like growing inside like extra baby peppers oh he ate the baby pepper on the inside okay so sweet mostly I'm just gonna cut up some green peppers it's gonna slice them and dice them boom we're gonna get red peppers as well did BOM will teach you or something though you're learning no one has a nice looking bro no boy mushrooms no one cares you did no one chop them up chop Allah make them small please rate their sous chef skills chopping they're pretty nice no nobody's making shrimp side all right oh oh you crack it off the ceilings are you meant to do that you meant to do that yo not too much no all right Ryan do we do we want a sizzle do we want what do we want here um we want what we can get you know whatever happen exactly so your boy lets these grill for a little bit you could put the eggs that knees but I let them sizzle that's a crazy sizzle bro no y'all they're burning they're bringing the breading might be waiting so we're gonna let those sit let those sizzle a little bit more we're also cooking over here some turkey bacon we only have two small pants so I'm just gonna wipe this off there you go just like that Oh some crispy up bacon oh we as you can see boom oh yeah yeah brother Rock you dancing rope people in life they spent too much money their diamonds dance why why can't you make you turkey that make your turkey bacon you seem very impressed where are you bow to us out oh my god guys expo everywhere it's on Charlie zoo oh my god I'm sweating oh my god is it really a cook-off your spaces and sweating you know no I can't wait for the shrimp okay so the turkey bacon is pretty much pretty much done oh those are pretty much cooking too nice I want to cook a little bit more Ryan Ryan I gotcha gotcha I gotcha this up my shoe says booth right focus on the cook I got you I got you Ryan if that's not the most perfect looking turkey bacon I've seen buddy good job thank you sir a job what's next as you can see here we got our mushrooms and our peppers all bit over cooked up nice and it's pretty simple beside the egg with this boom this is nice ways all right quick this is Mike's way vomit I'm gonna let that cook a little bit and then add a major key oh well we need a name for this you need a name for this don't feel like this should be the Swasey shaky omelet cuz I gets vibin it's wavy it's weezy but it's a little shaky at the same time right actually it doesn't look as appealing until you put buddy alright guys so as you can see it's kind of cooked you could use a little bit non cooker then just throw some cheese on there it's that said that simple right now it does look like more of an omelet but we're gonna throw up salt and pepper on there you don't want to add it to uncooked eggs right exactly exactly oh this is where the major key it's not a home anymore it's not an omelet you March it up it's that simple these and gentlemen it's nice because it's cooked but it's still I got that tiny bit of running that you kind of want you might be asking yourself Ryan what can you cook with eggs so your boy got some egg goes chocolate egg goes to be exact humming down below how many egg goes in at a time I eat four but for this we are only gonna go to and boom more so you need the pets Ryan you are really becoming a true chef multiple seasoning sessions like having the sweet salty they're more than just cook offs their life lessons been here look at my new he's my eggs are done so we are now plating them a likkle pile make the plate look super nice oh this is this is where the bonus points are gonna come look oh look at it just look at it won't you look at that okay we have our echoes right here oh nice and crispy your boy chopped up some bananas we divide the two bananas bang-bang just to us all you really need a lot of people use syrup none of that just need a little honey Oh a little healthier a little healthier box Oh actually we're gonna do bongos me know exit up just exit out right there a nice little X right there we're gonna do the same thing cuz he's always the same thing with an accent all right there pull you know Charlie doesn't have ground beef this time bro you can't see anything and there we have you're a violent mellitus the more everything guys I like oh you actually thought I was that oh my god it's not this way see baby breakfast you've got a nice little dessert some eggs and some turkey bacon topped off I really liked how he left the stove on Swayze baby where do I even begin on this masterpiece I need a knife and a fork bag test first egg test egg cook-off the peppers the mushrooms it's like dark and smoky we get that salt and pepper in there though like that no plotting please the gentleman is tomorrow channel as well not perfectly good turkey bacon I do this man Mambo perfectly the finger bingo so how can you go wrong on this how can I go wrong the be good though here's the thing about this breakfast I got smokey from the eggs the mushrooms I got the crunchy and salty from the bacon to top it all off there we go there we go that's like the sea Charlie see his treasures some of the best grand with a correct you do let's taste this where's the cheese it's in it the next let's get some pepper in here red pepper green pepper for the look I will give you a straight-up 9 out of 10 let's go for the taste Ryan once again some of the best work you've ever done I think the last cook-offs you've been getting in the eights et cetera this is definitely in the nine level so once again 9 out of 10 overall highest so Charlie you're up next to my light brush the dirt off your shoulder here on John's channel you know I always like to challenge myself try new things Enterprise builder you've never seen it and there was that was something like a taste of that I'm out here so I'm gonna do a French omelet never really tried it but again I like to challenge myself so let's get it and Charles is back are you gonna be talking as microscope I don't know I already did my research I googled with a French omelet looks like so I'm sure it is not even touch me bro this is what it looks like so let's see if Charlie's can compare it to this oh wow cracking the eggs right over the garbage throwing them all right away because when you're using brown eggs yeah I'm all about free-range eggs I want all the chickens that we use in the process to be having a good life you know running around in the barn with all the other hens and chickens oh yo that's some vinegar actually I'm doing over here oh that's a great idea let's wash our hands nice so we're gonna grab the three eggs and we're gonna start beating these I always make my omelets with milk and butter yeah go get the butter so we don't have butter and I know my friend viewers love butter but Earth we don't have any this wants to be like a light yellow color oh it's already nice and light so instead of butter we're just gonna be using some Evo Oh extra virgin olive oil not too much yes because it is an omelet I actually did find some butter some butter what is that butter for you it's a banana and because we're doing anomaly and we need to come off evenly Wow Hey look close yeah the Charlie sabotage you this time sabotage beat woody the whole time avatars my mind even though I got tonight so it was really dark watching Ryan so we're gonna turn the light on you oh wow and I'm just gonna put it there because like I said guys this is a slow and steady wins the race type omelet yeah don't want to be cooking too fast it's only on medium you don't want to hear that crazy system don't wanna hear knows this little warm-up bread chocolate it looks a little undercooked well maybe that's how they probably eat it so I'm just gonna follow exactly what I seen in the video okay so Charlie's not making tacos we are going to cut up some chives it's actually fun to month now we are gonna garnish the top of it but I'm gonna add a 1/2 little chive here and there over an extra little kick of flavoring and I'm gonna add the cheese nearing the end of the omelet as you can see is cooking nice and slow the bubbles are just starting to come in right now [Applause] it's wavy this ah when I swing around girl he's actually funny like it's cute like he's funny like Yogi's what's the language you know the most so easy speaking French at all because I'm going to be doing some french toast so charlie is of French cuisine Mon this round I love it 109 be smooth I see some some likkle skin of the table is getting a little harder oh it's actually moving oh it's still light this is nice I'm actually in the zone right now here is the cut yo he's focused like I said because we are gonna be folding it two more times and is it cheese in French please yeah come on alright guys be out of this cheese like I said two or more folds right here it'll come when we do it off the plate just like they do in the video oh I've seen it it looks a little undercooked in the video so I'm trying to replicate that this is not Ryan's turkey bacon burnt oh I know exactly what I'm doing I will assume you've never seen this on the cook-off to date this is a timed performance like the man said every second kind this is a huge this operation right okay so here we go watch this okay this is I first decide first tros French omelette Oh as far away from Ryan as we possibly can now we are doing like I said french toast so we're gonna leave the pan on and we're gonna grab the Cinnabon french toast looking at official Cinnabon so we are going to dip this in the egg give it a quick little egg wash on the cinnamon and everything is already in the bread yeah oh oh he's going for two he's doing two pieces so that looks I like french toast you have a nice little orange glare not too eggy to the cinnamon on the inside jeez bring it back to the last cut off the pizza hey yeah you're there italiano back oh no Burnage watch this clip that's about it okay no bring it on put my finger over guys he is now a actual French chef because he has fully burned himself like every French that does points off that's disgusting your burnt up light skin skin off my friend omelette no sometimes I like to like cook with a chef's hat yeah unfortunately I forgot my chapeau today so oh why is Valen eating raw mushrooms fully so Charlie after this it'll be the pleating yeah it's about time to add it cooking oh oh it's gonna keep going turn the oven off we don't want to burn down the house like some people oh he's doing a little cut down in little little corner ol4 oh okay Wow the blueberry bagel you just want to drizzle it all over the plate for presentation hold on all might as well oh okay Charlie that's some of your best work I'm very excited to try this let's try it all right guys now is the time that we try it out let me cut this all it over this is the biggest test you want to see some layering in this omelette du fromage do we see a spiral oh my mouth is watering that is perfect this is my first time I said this is high-risk high-reward little cheese melting off that Oh God this looks amazing [Music] I've in Hoss that is a main road there's no way that's your first time making that actually incredible AZ chef cook to perfection that actually I'm actually impressive myself that she's sitting on the side Bongo please try Charlie's on that the collage mmm started off very strong I got a nice nut bug from Bongo so nothing matters Aransas now let's try this french toast let's try this out with a blueberry oh oh my god he dropped it what what what oh do you think it should be in the leaves apart yeah I would say this you know comment down below what you think about guys I'm variable what's my number what's my there's some finesse on that the Karelian everything like that Ryan Rises amazing rises at 9 but Charlie this is very impressive over the overall scale or nine point one just barely edging rise so guys ball goes up next this is going to be very hard to be even friends it's gonna be hard to beat there's a lot of room for here and Bob was very hard dish to make funny and forwards this video shrimp mushroom and pepper it's not long giggles in the cuts a cook-off favorites see if you can beat himself because he does alright so for today we're doing a head cook up right leg cook on a go cook off or a cinnamon toast dim Danang I mean they're great with eggs but yeah and you guys did a little bit of French so I'm gonna take a little bit of French I'm gonna do poached egg roll registered punch which means pocket yeah our poached egg going obviously we got to hit it with some avocado toast - we can't just leave the broth oh it's a picado cook God only somebody who knows that much about poaching brings it up that up tonight in the toaster oh I tried to sabotage me set it to 6,000 that six people put out four and a half feet high you guys we have water it's a votive oil so we get rid o the egg the egg pasta alright so we got our avocados boom we're gonna grab a nice scoop technique no geez if they're the only means we're gonna need one for now thinly slice it up and the the precision is Zoop I hate working with the avocado it's so weird it's like nature's cheese we can grab a little bit of chives and we can get those ready for later to totally this sandwich is just gonna end all together correction job every hour because we know it should be done in about three hours yet mocker in our time i say 7 the p.m. he should get some text our poaching alright so yeah so casually back to the chives gonna go to strands of this guy wash it our toast is ready oh is this a breakfast that you've made before I've never actually made this before but all was offense that it was 2:58 it is now to 59 I chose to get ready my own way whoa whoa two eggs right up here and then I took out hours before because I found free-range eggs I need the room temperature uh-huh essentially once this guy gets to a boil which is almost soon I knew our head that's so so oh he's used to living at Charlie's too with the automatic thing at the top you press the top we're not all rich like you guys Marlo once our water starts to boil yes we're actually gonna sabotage ourselves one little teaspoon of vinegar well the sabotage is actually happening we're gonna whisk this together now we're gonna create a little tsunami guys Bongo is from the southern tribe he's a waterbender and while it spins it should catch on by itself and poach and it's gonna take about 90 seconds to completely poach so we're gonna give it a little bit of time for the egg will start to float by itself when it is ready the egg is a boat ready I'm gonna go ahead from underneath it it might be sabotaging myself here I need a spoon onto a paper towel now while that's resting we can pot it dry just a little bit tired of Accardo slice by slice now with our salt and pepper and I soaked up the avocado real quick it's all salt just a little bit of pepper Oh baby you can take this bad boy and place it on top here for garnish we got our chives and our dill pepper on the top oh my god guys this is the breakfast of 2020 these days restaurant style poached egg on avocado toast give it up for Bongo ladies and gentlemen Bongo guys time time time check what's the actual time 8:45 that's a new record for you my friend well done my boy it's time for me to try this thing buddy to get it that can't be the only one who learned how to poach an egg today traces you have you every seen that process before like never seen that before in my entire house I've ever seen a spinny watery thingy with some vinegar this is an honor du Paradis who is a professional egg splitter so if this egg splits and we get a nice little runny yolk oh oh my ladies and gentlemen that is that with a common point like two words Holy Mary most holy smokes so now to try it mmm that's foul avocados smooth simple the restaurant nest although it was simple kind of beautiful finesse chef with the pot spin everyone for the first time ever every single competitor was in the nines for everything it was never happen Formica copies not even believing it but today I have to give the win to Charlie it was no loss to anybody everybody did amazing job as you can see I finished that whole thing it was the only one I actually finished was bongos so anyways yeah as soon as I had that flip I knew it was a wrap for everyone other than that guys believe in your dreams you can achieve in succeed there you guys have it that was the egg cook-off for the first time like I said in cook-off history everyone got above a ninth round of applause for all three of you guys today last one we did was Italian cooking we brought it back with a classic with egg maybe a tick tock hack cook on down before we end make sure you subscribe to all these guys we got Wolfie aka Charles youtoo.com slash more Wolfie we got the bittakers man bonk is those coming through with some fire foods on his channel so make sure you check out all those recipes all those DIYs these sways he's a multicultural man he's got a bunch of types of videos and reactions but guys that's it for me thanks so much for watching have the best day of your lives and we will see you when will we see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: ChadWithaJ
Views: 354,769
Rating: 4.9744134 out of 5
Keywords: eggs, cook eggs, perfect eggs, best eggs, food, cook off, cooking, who can cook, the best eggs, the perfect eggs, team alboe, team alboe food, food challenge, who, can, cook, the, perfect, team, alboe, challenge, wolfie, chadwithaj, wolfie challenge, chadwithaj challenge, scrambled eggs, how to cook eggs, poached eggs, french omlette
Id: pi79gtPbBGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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