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everybody to another team olive oil cook-off not today guys we have the American food cook-off and these boys they're not new to American culture all right the first contestant on the show he's lived in the cloud house in LA all right the Hollywood Hills my man's visited every city let's go the next contestant nobody knows this but his parents lived in the States he was conceived in the stage he's technically American he has that american-born blood my twin brother [Applause] Thomas guy you know guy has geeky guy kind of American American boy he's an American guy he's going to LA as soon as he can he wants to get a candidate [Music] taking their choice had some classic American foods you guys at home I need your help right now okay go to the comments there and give us your best cocoapod you know whether it's a country bigger country 11 okay specific food is your option beloved Jamaican cook right now and as well all right these two classical awkward become of your I drove all the way here takes a long time let's begin the American food challenge right now work ok Swayze baby demands if you're having to cook off like I am they didn't even oh my god I'm going to use the Bob's today quick American food is quick fast food fast food fast food because that's all you guys don't say that don't say that boy is doing mac and cheese oh and this looks too difficult for me this all over these are very beautiful to me boys sticking with the classic American Cady but these are waiting on high quality I'm a high quality guy and all the while okay okay you wanna do is officially take up the shake you never take off the cheese there you go use some of this cheese for this cheese some of this cheese haha and some of this cheese yeah five cheese cheese mac and cheese this is not gonna sign little macaroni getting those little dishes from papaya so what is American without baked you g you know gonna boil our macaroni in this one do what do you guys do it on your phone you're not even I'm helping suede I don't hear any road why is this keep it over four days and guess who's been cooking these four days who's been cooking your mama bought what Ryan cannot cook little ole a while we already heated up the pants oh no added South Beck needed qe oh so we're gonna put four nice little places on there all right this guy's sabotaging already was blah blah do you think grind going for the greasy ways is a good way right also loves offending who stick the pen is Dukey so hot you are Dukey that's karma hitting you right away for making fun of the American people alright guys so as you can see the bacon in the pan the pan was super hot so I'm washed up the bacon but we're gonna be chopping up the bacon anyway so this is the presentation doesn't really matter next up we're gonna pour our macaroni right into our ball right here you really know about half the bag that should be good guys this is the beauty of the cook-offs right my friends fight but you know they they just leave it in the kitchen they don't they leave it on the court you know they leave it in the kitchen after this they're best friends they hug each other my bacon is nice and crispy you gotta get the oil off wha-wha perfect pieces yeah so Martinez oh we gotta chop the bacon but we do not have a cutting board we're gonna chop it up nice and small you want big enough pieces but just to get that little crunch when you're eating my beautiful mac and cheese a little big holy huh turkey bacon is the best bacon in the game beautiful that's nice some big some small some crispy some not alright what's next okay let's check if it sticks it's ready okay boys going to show you guys a nice little light pack these are more than cooking videos they're like lessons pouring this usually you pour this into this water come out your boiler that's on TED talk you actually put this on top I got two of these little cloth things right here grab it over that's what you do you just go boom and let it come out just like that as you can see it is still doing its job by straining get back on the non haunts ones yeah over here and oh my god somebody in here boom let that mouth we're gonna use a little bit of milk not too much just give it a lot of creamy Bob you can't go back and choose well captain or actually can't a lot of people do but this is where it starts to get a little cheesy a little bit of shredded Vives a little bit right now oh my god eyes again could see the butters already melted and here we go I gotta do is mix oh yeah you made oh oh he's Jesus Jesus you there was some projectiles coming all right made a little bit of a mess he might have some garlic on his bhakti okay Ryan's facing a bit as you can see there beautiful cheese oh there's actual strands of cheese Oh the most important part we're layering it right that looks like some nice mac and cheese I want these ready to sabotage rice we're gonna put the cheese right on top a make any layer over the mac and cheese too much TV there you go boom boom boom breadcrumb just on top there you don't need too much put this right on top down nice looks like good bro put the bacon just on top has a nice little crunch my goodness jeez write that out make it look beautiful that is perfect and we're just gonna move throw that right in here let it bro up a little bit until the cheese hardens Wow voila that looks good bro I know it's gonna taste good oh my oh my look hide it crispy that is crazy baby let's go nice and crispy nice and cheesy it's not gonna be the healthiest but I'm not gonna make another American joke on guys and right before you serve it it does look beautiful alrighty one so this probably at nine and a half so just the other half point just bring a little bit of parmesan right on top a little tiny bit parmesan it's a very overpowering taste super cheesy and yet you should try this swazey baby in all my days in all my years of doing these cook offs I've never seen a crew huddled around in anticipation bite this looks crazy so I'm gonna grab this nice big piece of bacon here mm-hmm that's oh my god wait I do the cheesy test and look how easy this is oh my goodness never seen cheese before you lie on to me on the judge save the hand burnt the hands no no no that's that's crazy right oh this is the craziest mac and cheese I've ever had in my life a lot have you ever had a better I like to hear ladies and gentlemen here comes mommy here's the thing we gotta thank the folks at crimes dinner today big Delta bike there we go we got it we got two out of three ok crack a smile we win tell me it's bad you want to say this isn't easy me guys the dishes fevers I've never seen bumble munch up - change someone else's dish like this do for the looks the looks I'm gonna have to give this straight up a 9.5 oh there we go baby mama levels this is a crazy okay not so easy baby one thing missing the tasters amazing you said if I said to myself is the best Mack you said everything have my life he's still picking on it like a bird little Tweety Bird one thing that's really for me that is here is pepper I'm gonna give it a nine point one I'll take you're just so amazing an overall swarm 9.30 yes yes try that out now right you're all scream oh my god the Chris oh my god the whole cheese is up next we got another American dish me you know you're doing um yeah all right a surprise let's do it Hobbs chef phosphorous walk oh shut up well today we're gonna be doing jab at bull because she talked about I know what Michael Jordan's your favorite that's what Bull Chicago Texas very good Oh a unique original a lot of creativity in that burger you recall you cut it in half because jazz is a big boy it's a lot of you know chicken amines I'm making it um Texas Silas is gonna be a big knot biggest beef act like it's gonna be um thick like fit where I got my boy whines ways I have a good eye for balls like what Oh what are you talking about man yeah guys watch anything is he saying ball is he saying ball is the same bolt we don't know no stop let me ride your pepper eyes okay so he is seasoning his burger yep that's constant wall yeah yeah oh some pirate alemana yeah the oven so what is an American burger without some onions right snappy some onions that's one step there's a bunch of stuff that gonna go in that burger here we go and you need to do caramelized onion you got the onion you need to cut it nicely and careful for your finger because you need nice big slices of onion oh now you have that all you to do is this and then they come off as nice circular well there so you got the outside the Curtis oh that's all you don't need too much right all we need is a couple one two here you see that some where are your onions are you crying at James no such a sharp knife you're cutting them so well are you crying yep please don't tell me that's your burger okay so jeez driving a potato masher here we go sir guys the potato masher is actually kind of coming in clutch and now now we wait oh there's a nice shape on the talk to a grill mark of course they're making grill marks does that American love their grin yes alright those are clean it says on the packaging very clean okay cut it in the middle just like so one we need four of them - okay three and four oh multi-use pen three four right here onions that we're gonna caramelize right after this is the American Way you know efficiency efficiency hard work hard work for the first time guys they don't have to edit a sizzle into G's food yep it is sizzling itself out digging the amount of seasoning on our burger - very nice thank you lift that burger or nothing stuck oh my god good - mall trying to Google how to beat me we're gonna make two minutes and then I'm gonna do something really greater that you've never seen before whatever you're alright as I said before the burger is fully cooked let me check it out on this side it's nice oh you have the grill marks from the different that's what I wanted I'm gonna put it right here bacon bar burger right here boom boom another one I got I'm actually so curious really okay and then two more it would be good one more actually this is that one more and now we do that Wow back here actually pretty cool that's been oh I hope it's cooked in the middle he'll knock your lab buddy I'm rooting for you I think this works out thank you it's creative exactly I don't forget everything okay what's time for geez time to flip it see the magic all right the bacon-wrapped burger with the bigger this is a big risk I love the risk oh no bad here we go you can serve it on the other side so it looks rad yeah exactly Jimmy go alright those are done we'll take this out I will say your onions and mushrooms look very good thank you thank you that's a good color on those yeah now it's butter the but the bottom of our bread a little bit make it crispy you're buttering the outside of the bun the little bit yeah to make it crispy from the back side yeah one outside what it said because you want it because want to take a bite take the outside these for our cheeseburger American Texas bold yes cheese babe all right so do you toasted the bottom and actually turned out pretty crispy yeah because now this is marinated with butter so now the butter goes in here oh it's already Christmas don't worry roll the dough hook it up now yes now this is done yep exactly like that boring gun okay little toast this is probably done gonna let it rest a right here we grab our stuff back yes this will put that in this put it back here well you're actually are you sure yep I am very sure I am very then cook it all together that's how they do in the state but don't worry you got barbecue sauce a little bit put a little bit here now it brings our burger oh my god on the bottom as well oh okay because it's a double cheeseburger my friend where's the cheese that Matt sees already went in before you see it it's melting yeah I see you mouthing mm-hmm and then we add this back on the top to bring our nice marinated buttery he wants some points for presentation enough that's how you got last minute points for presentation look at him what no one in the history the the over eight billion humans on this earth huh no one has ever had the balls to make a burger like that exactly or the brain or the brain she's messing everything else mething beautifully cooked you got some cooked barbecue sauce some uncooked barbecue sauce cheese tastes amazing bacon brother save you myself I would love to continue doing these videos I'm gonna cut the burger just in case just in case something on the inside of your cooking exactly but hold it hold it well because it's a fried burger and whoa you see that is my voice I know when it's coconut they're too quiet it's bitter that's how you see let's try this burger that's us both Hobbs burger what's wrong hmm oh thank you thank you thank mesons it's the thing we're trying to sabotage you in printing that it's gonna taste bad in my brain you know that I know I know I know it tastes good my brain I love the the juiciness is very good the cheese is nice and melted disaster right it's the bacon cooked good so I think we know the burger Orion and Bongo would you guys like to try the burger no no I'll take here we got try it out right I mean a lot of you find taking a bite yeah the pigeons the pigeons aren't picking at it all right the pigeons are picking at it there's a definitely the burger I will give you props off for community you did it your own way to keyway so important to look I'm gonna give it my eight point eight out of ten the taste was good I will say it was very good to bake it was super crispy I'm gonna give the taste at 9:00 all right now it's time to see if valgus those cheese let's go baby mom very surprised very curious mothers honestly can we get a round of applause for Geeta [Applause] game for effort he did in his way and it still worked Ellis Angie for flavor Mongols back their cooktop Bob's what you're making buddy what's American that's not wasting time today we are taking it to one of my favorite cities of all time my favorite football teams and they have great food today we are doing a Philadelphia cheesesteak Jamie's really Blanco is an Eagles fan guys comment your favorite NFL team down below are you an Eagles fans who or not alright so first things first we're just gonna thinly slice these mushrooms right now we want them to be as thin as possible yeah those are dumb oh my god Magos voted for the fastest cook-off time he's ever done obviously you need some peppers with cleaner and we're Deen and white access points that's something he did not do guys little tick tock are you guys I think you guys have to see me show you the top off of the main back oh my then it's just so easy Ryan just learned something design makes peppers every day you've never seen that happen that's a nice way it can just go sizzles ham yeah there's no sense oh yeah we got a oh he caught me in the Aqua Anya how was your 2020 amazing it was good it was good here yeah I mean 20 21 now it's crazy it's gonna be nice here that's why I had now perfect the teaspoon of oil mushroom oh my god Bongo is cleaning as he cooks that is a skill in itself all right major key to a Philly cheesesteak guys yes he's a steak but again thin slices is the vigor so what we want to do is on an angle we can get it you know reactive that they leave slicing off that's like a piece of cheese that you would never feed that I've never been nothing my buddy so this might take a little while but we got the other stuff cookie but what's the difference we cutting it on an angle or maybe straight up and you won't get it as thin as possible okay guys so by the time this is done we will find out who wins the 2020 NBA championships congratulations LeBron e winning is for Ronnie my god guys the smell of this is insanely fresh and sanely good the peppers onions we got this mountain of steak slightly Tina bomb oh yes now you actually ever had a Philly cheesesteak in Philly great questions that's all I have had the infamous Potts Steakhouse in Philly an AHA Gino's which is right across the street from console oh I'll give it to pass them Wow brothers people in Philly who are cheese that you an and happy the peppers the onions the mushrooms as you guys can see they have cook down a little bit so we're gonna take that oh yes now we're gonna pour it we still have our heat on medium through the thin steaks from these been shown here for a whole year well move up that pan you can grab them yep and here we go Ryan is a veggie span at Chipotle Ryan gets extra veggies now look how thin those steak slices are look how fast they cook this should take about four to five minutes all right two words salt pepper season one yes twice as much pepper this is a combo here guys this is a friendship you guys didn't know vote if he beats me we want he can't beat you because you're on the same team back we got a little peppercorn steak vibe all right now they're almost done cooking what we want to do is get the bun ready we're actually gonna lower the heat down a little bit on the stage just so we don't overcook them he doesn't have to go this hand he's chopping some garlic in hand I've never seen this before he's shaving the garlic roast all is good oh look at him little chips of garlic are falling out you know you have issues thank you smiling you knew he was gonna say yes we got some butter butter butter box making garlic butter if we had parsley would be alive yeah you can make some parsley from this all right once it's almost cooked like stuff like that it's all nice and brown what we can do is add all now you see it was a nice combination okay it aside for the actual cheesesteak part yeah we got a nice whole-wheat bun here because you know Snickers oh so this is where the subway vibe comes in these are like butter do Carly butter toast make you go miss appendage both grab all right oh my the smell is so good I'm liking gondola for oh we're gonna go ham on are easier because there's a cheese stick okay so one last fact his cheese on top we can close up just right now into the oven it goes okay the birds are back at the birds are back because often we can Bob there and we're just gonna give that like two or three minutes for the cheese to mow okay this time it's ready to come out now that's easy losing Philly cheesesteak Bob what we want to do oh man they're talking about a job all right you're gonna use it - well I think they wrap it like this I know Wow time to taste us this all right I'm gonna wrap this little bit wants all go away this one had bad cheese eyes oh here we go with Elohim to sleep oh wow coming back body treatments and oh he woke up bats house round of applause for BA nobody's John round of applause bongos reading humans I think us fine gentlemen exemplified that today we're all of us are living the American dream or let's go guys we will be in America very soon as well as soon as we can come back smash the thumbs up button right now we need 10k likes all right yes yes as well subscribe to these guys right here we got youtube.com slash dr. hall of a software subscribe we are you to.com slash Ryan slave slave you may be most famous guy under one go and youtube.com slash bongos be yeah subscribe to this channel as well we want to hit 2 million subscribers guys if you're enjoying the content subscribe thank you so much for watching have the best day of your lives and we will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: ChadWithaJ
Views: 451,525
Rating: 4.9420643 out of 5
Keywords: american, cook, cooking, american food, cook american food, burger, cook off, food challenge, american cook off, burger cook off, team alboe, team alboe cook off, who, can, the, best, team, alboe, food, off, challenge, ryan swaze, mac and cheese, mac and cheese cook off, cook mac and cheese, who can cook, drhobs, bongizzlez, chadwithaj
Id: ucwgBkX9EnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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