Can this forgotten invention save your life?

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are you gone I just used this car to run over a whole family of children but all of that could have been avoided if this car was just fitted with an old-fashioned invention that doesn't exist anymore so today I'm going to remake this device and test its Effectiveness and then invent something of my own they'll hopefully allow car owners to keep pedestrians safe while also not taking away the joy of running them over now looking at the history of vehicles in Australia more people than ever are choosing to drive American style pickups sales in June were up 85% on the same period last year workers remanufacture around 1,200 trucks a month and these cars are bigger heavier less fuel efficient and are just ruining the flow of roads and with the marketing surrounding these trucks pushing the image that they are essential vehicles for a strong modern manly man that loves to drive on a dirt road once a year it's no wonder insecure keep buying these giant American style yous like me and I bought this stupid thing and with even more powerful engines resulting in even longer breaking times it's almost like they are trying to produce death machines which might actually be their agenda because if you buy a big car that's more likely to injure people in small cars the people in small cars then want to get a bigger car to stop you killing them and then it turns into an arms race to buy bigger and bigger vehicles and this cycle continues until everyone is just driving in M1 Abrahams and the stats on pedestrian vehicle deaths are pretty shocking if you own a ute like this you are 80% more likely than any other driver to hit a pedestrian and when you do hit someone you are 50% more likely to kill them but why and maybe you think it's because they are heavier faster or that because the owners are more likely to be wankers and these are all true but the biggest factor is actually the grill height when I've run over a fence family of children in a normal car with a low Grill you typically hit them in the legs and then throw them up onto the Bonnet Distributing a lot of the energy but with cars like this that have a grill height of 1.2 M unless I'm running over Yao Ming most people especially children are going to take the full impact straight into their vital organs also because you're higher you can't even see if a child walks in front of your car which this lady nicely demonstrates by running over eight children and this is happening more and more and people with higher grills are way more likely to run over their own own children so my device is going to have to stop this and I think these forgotten inventions might just do that and they were introduced when cars first appeared on the road when people didn't know how to drive and pedestrians didn't know how to [Music] walk and kept stepping in front of cars and they were killed in shocking numbers almost at a similar level to today so instead of slowing down people came up with this thing which pops out like an umbrella catching the person safely which seems to work there are a couple of versions I've seen another has this bumper which pops up The Pedestrian can grab onto it so they don't get flung onto the road or this one with a net that man definitely has a concussion but I'm going to go with the umbrella version as that man seemed the least hurt and that way when I do hit you you'll be placed gently inside this soft hammock and then I can just apologize and drive you to work all right the first thing I need to do is figure out how to get it to pop out quickly and I don't have a plan so I'm just going to start welding pieces of metal together and see where I end up and I've actually had some of you comment on videos when I'm welding asking if their eyes can get damaged by staring at me welding on camera without a mask which is so incredibly stupid you can't I'm the only one at risk here so once that was done I bunged a spring on and now I've got a great way to whack myself in the head then I just welded up another one and then checked if they get in the way of each other and I'd like to say I plan this but some how they don't rub or touch each other at all similar to your parents and they also spring out nicely which means I can do the same on the other side and by me I mean my mate Reuben who was learning to weld and I was sick of burning my eyes welding so I thought it would be funny for his first ever weld to be criticized by millions of people online I mean looks exactly the same as mine but somehow his welds look equally as bad as mine then I just cut out some more metal for The Swinging arms on the other [Music] side and then attached them with springs and gave it a test to see if I'm on the right track with this concept okay 3 2 1 I so well that looks pretty great and I almost sliced my femoral artery it's not quite as fast as the ones from the video but everything in Old films always looks faster and sped up all right now that I got the frame I need to figure out how I'm making the fabric sail and I was going to use my bed sheet but since I only have one I'm going to use this canvas TP and I don't really know the best way to do this so I just kind of scrunch the material around the poles in the way I want it to sit and then safety pinned it all down and then sewed the hell out of it and for this I'm us using a specific sewing technique for thick materials called The Whipping ratchet Stitch and if you haven't heard of that don't worry I just made it up and this is the first one I sewed which looks pretty good but then someone must have snuck in at night while I was sleeping and sewed the rest as they got progressively worse and worse but I think they should still be strong enough also while I was attaching the fabric I found another thing I need to work out if I drive into someone with this current setup it won't do anything is the poles would just collapse down failing to stop The Pedestrian from from hitting the car and at first I considered making a ratchet on each arm so it locks their arms in place wherever they sto but after I destroyed every spanner in my house I realized this was way too much work and that it might not even support the load but then I spotted the perfect thing in my [Music] garage this door with this spring-loaded latch and luckily I don't need to destroy my door to access this technology and I just bought some of these gate locks which I ground into a bevel and welded on and now when the arm swings out it passes over this side of the bolt pushing it down and then it pops up locking the arm into place so I just welded three more into [Music] place and once I put the fabric back on I was about to jump into it to see if it can hold my weight but realized another thing I've done wrong I stupidly left the end of the pole sharp which is just going to rip through the canvas so I put duct tape on the end and then cut out these little tabs to clamp the sheet down with which should increase the surface area of the attachment points and it should be done but I'm still not going to test it with my body weight as I'd prefer that if it breaks and goes catastrophically wrong that it happens on the car at speed okay next I need to make the release mechanism and to do that I'm going to use my new favorite thing these quick release things which will allow me to open this without running away and slicing an artery and my idea is to use this elastic which will wrap around the poles and the fabric and then when I pull the string please work 3 2 1 are they all locked lock lock this has never happened to me before all right hopefully that still works while there is a sheet on it with air resistance pushing up against it but before I go any further I want to tell you about the sponsor of the video ODU ODU is an all-in-one management software that provides entrepreneurs like me and you with a range of applications to make day-to-day management of their business way easier including 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made this Shield thing which I bolted in with u bolts and it's made out of polycarbonate which is thick enough to stop a bullet so hopefully it stops the Manakin from damaging the car then I just put The Pedestrian catcher on the front and as soon as I put on The Pedestrian catcher I noticed that the wood bends a lot under the weight so I invented something I've never seen before this round thing which I'm calling a uniform diameter Ro transporter which should support the weight now before I go and test this on the road I want to try my own brand new maybe life-saving solution cars have airbags inside to protect passengers so why not have them on the outside to protect pedestrians surely pedestrian lives will be saved if just before an impact a nice soft pillow pops out for them to sleep on and I managed to get these four airbags which was surprisingly hard and I found out after being turned away by multiple mechanics that it's illegal for them to sell large quantities of airbags to individuals without a proper reason but luckily I found a guy that didn't want to be named out west that did an under the table cash deal thank you for Hood so I'm going to have the airbags attached here and then just before I hit the pedestrian there's going to be a pressure plate which sets off the airbag but before I go out on the streets and test it I have to set one of these off just to know they work with this baby and I couldn't get it to work either for Hood gave me broken airbags or there's a safety mechanism here that's been removed to stop idiots like me playing with it which might be the case as it looks like these pins need to be pushed into another contact plate to work and I considered buying some proper connection points but got lazy and decided to just play around with the placement of the wires and hooked them up randomly also this time I'm going to put these awesome stickers on that measure GeForce and they are the same ones used by The MythBusters and I mean exactly the same ones I stole them from Jamie heinerman so we got 25 G's 50 gs and 100 G's and generally 100 G's is fatal 2 one wait till the baby's head come off that's not you and I guess that's why the government restricts babies from driving cars so it's time to test all of this out and I need somewhere with a long road and no one around and luckily one of my subscribers is a hoon and he told me about an abandoned highway which they may or may not use for drag racing which is perfect for this test except on the way in we set off an alarm so we probably got an hour or two until the cops turn up so we tried to be quick and attached the shield first and then the tires what what do you think's going to happen I think it's going to chatter what's happening both both wheels are turning the wheels are turning um yeah they seem a bit jumpy that's fine then once the tires seemed like they were working we attached The Pedestrian catcher and gave it a stationary test there's so many things about this like the fact that there's no like actual management for the fabric so if a bit of it comes out while you're driving and catches something on the ground like I have no idea what's going to happen okay stand exactly where you are were you going to hit me no no no okay move back move back no please work it's going to be sick otherwise we came out here for [Music] nothing wait why am I laughing I'm here for no reason as well come on you there we go and it's not opening and in my test at homes I forgot that the fabric would be way more bunched up and it's just getting caught on itself so I decided to just lock it open and hit the mannequin with the gForce stickers and see if this whole thing works at all that's recording still feels like a stupid idea yeah I'm quite scared and then oh you can't do any sharp what you can't do any sharp turns in this thing those wheels at the front don't turn oh that's making weird movement yeah it's of course cuz the wheels you got on there don't turn it's just kind of scraping against the ground and fighting against the rest of your car yeah but let me ask you this you just over another wheel what you drive forward a bit a wheel did a wheel fall off of course it fell off actually there's two screws in it there's a wheel on the road I ran over a wheel yeah one of the wheels both Wheels fell off just they're both just gone you drove like 2 cm an hour what's that weird noise he me Alexa you know what I think the I think the wheels are going to work yeah yeah I think it's a good idea well this this is fine this is fine let's do it what's the wor look how much that's hanging down if that catches we're you were getting impaled no no we're not getting impaled was do this well that's the only thing that's going to break that's a good omen that's the only thing that's going to break today yeah you film forward okay I'll send you after the F ready s wait what are you doing I think you going to go [Music] 50ks well your thing's immediately broken wait how is he just Why is it immediately broken what does that smell did I just ruin my car I mean the mannequin's disappeared it's no no no no that's the oh wait something's leaking I've done some serious damage to my car oh on to the car oh no what the holy sh some red stuff's coming out well you going to drink it it that's the coolant okay wa up well up um holy probably this why did I let Reuben film some of the worlds nothing could go wrong I thought that would be funny it's the first time W well what happened to the dummy let's actually let's just finish the experiment 100 G's dead yeah 25 G's dead my car dead and we thought it might have been Reuben's first time weld that had snapped and punctured the car but after finding the mannequin leg covered in blood it was definitely my fault it's covered in in cool it it looks like blood and the mannequin stand bounced underneath the car and you can even see it lifts the car up puncturing something important and denting the frame what else is there look at that condent in the frame and after chatting to Reuben on the phone we figured out that it was the transmission and all the useful fluid it needs to survive was gone is the fluid like water or is it like a bit viscous it's a bit viscous yeah it say probably power steering fluid or like transmission but your transmission would F in metal so transmission would be the gears if I just don't change is that the gear then you can't drive home in first no no I'm not going to drive home I drive it out of here and then we'll have to get Uber's home yeah yeah now we pretty quickly worked out the we were not driving out of here even if we wanted to as there was no more liquid left in the transmission and the car was locked in park okay that's not a good noise it's on service vehicle shift malfunction service required we've got the service button which is like a very low drama way of saying you destroyed your car I no I think maybe it's a coincidence and maybe maybe my car is just due for a service oh yeah went straight back we have to walk all the way back the worst worst possible I mean the worst possible thing is we we die this is probably almost the same we just have to walk a long way which is kind of like going to heaven yeah I guess [Music] sucks and after a long 30-minute walk talking to 12 different mechanics that were all trying to Palm the job onto someone else made more complicated by the fact that I didn't want to tell them that I had purposely driven into a metal Spike I have had something shut up and Pierce my transmission fluid pan we finally managed to get in touch with a tow truck that would be there in 3 hours my Uber's here see you later what we can do while Alexa was driving away I couldn't help but feel disappointed firstly because my device failed so easily but mostly that I didn't get to let off the airbags which I was so excited to do but as if On Queue a cop showed up and did a lap of the road road we were just on making me feel a whole lot better about not illegally letting off a bunch of airbags down there then eventually the tow truck pulled up and pulled my bleeding car filled with dismembered mannequins and explosives to the mechanic you may also be thinking that I just wasted the last month creating the most useless thing I've ever made but I would argue that in a way it was actually very successful and I exceeded my wildest dreams of what was possible and I created the most successful pedestrian catcher ever a device capable of completely destroy in a 2.5 ton car in seconds and if everyone just walked around with a mannequin stand on them at all times there would be no big cars left on the road and the world would be a pedestrian Utopia thank you so much for watching if you like that please subscribe and check out some of my other videos
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 4,041,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, education
Id: cLl95jjlw0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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