Helldivers 2 FIRST LOOK At The Illuminate Faction! Info & Classes!

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all right what's up everybody Willis here we're back with another hell divers 2 video now I've got some insane thing to show you guys in this video we are going to be taking a look at the next faction coming in Hell divers the illuminate it's finally um leaked its way onto the internet um we're going to be taking a look at some of the models for the upand cominging uh illuminate faction and yeah um thank you guys for the support on the last video um once again I am giving away copies of Hell diver every single video um we're picking the winners over in Discord to people who are active so come and join the Discord um if this video reaches 3,000 likes we will give away five more copies in this video don't forget to leave a comment on this video as well and once again time Stamps will be in this video for you guys to go to any specific enemy I want to apologize in advance I didn't play hell divers one so I am not familiar with most of the enemies in this video so apologies for you held I was one veterans if I butcher the names or just have no idea what they are but we're going to be taking a look at it you guys can brainstorm in the video description and maybe you know what some of these enemies are um but yeah before we jump into the illuminates I wanted to show you something which recently popped up which people were drawing a lot of attention to last night and as soon as I saw this screenshot of this enemy I instantly knew it was I guess real and obviously all of these leaks are legit so for those of you who don't know if you actually look on the hell divers cover art you can obviously see the hell divers fighting the bugs but if you look very carefully in the background you can see flying enemies now as of my knowledge I don't think there's any flying enemies in Hell divers 2 currently um I'm pretty sure there was in Hell divers one but yeah look at this first screenshot we have a flying bu type enemy um someone mentioned I think this was called the dragon inheld D was one once again correct me if I'm wrong please leave a comment I have no idea but it looks like we're going to be getting flying enemies um yeah that should be pretty interesting and should definitely change up the flaw of combat I am so glad that they added Mech now so we can literally just hide inside them but yeah this thing looks absolutely nuts obviously it's a termined just from the way it looks I'm pretty sure it isn't an illuminate but if it is I apologize so yeah for those of you who don't know uh what the illuminate are they were obviously a enemy faction in Hell divers 1 someone was saying after the first game superar basically dismantled the illuminat military and took their Tech and someone was like most likely they're still around just without any military force and then someone actually replied to this and said wrong um they took their attch and exiled them it says that there's been it says they've been exiled in super Earth News apparently in Hell divers 2 apparently they're still out there and apparently they're going to come back for vengeance they said that the fighting style would also translate well to the new game because basically what the illuminates do is they split up in teams um they use the shield walls and they basically pick you off one by one with their cloaking and obviously teleporting uh technology they are a very Advanced uh alien race by the looks of it and you basically always have to be on run to keep just getting overwhelmed by them and they were definitely a formidable force in Hell divers 1 but let's take a look at the first enemy here maybe you guys know what it is but I've done some looking on the hell divers one Wiki and yeah this basically looks like one of the basic enemies or as it's called um The Apprentice um there's a lot of these different looking type enemies but this is the first one it's got obviously the human and shape the forearms and the big glove I don't know know if the glove is actually used as a weapon or if this model is actually being shown without a current weapon but yeah these guys look pretty nuts and the fact that I now know that they can obviously go invisible and just sneak up on you like the stalker terminats is kind of scary so here we have another type enemy and this one actually looks a bit bigger a like a bit beefier he almost looks like he he doesn't have any feet um and he's sort of just like floating um um he has a a massive big ass weapon I don't know what that is if it's like a a whip almost I guess I think the gray vertical rectangle uh texture basically is meant to be like a glow so it you can sort of see what weapon he has it definitely looks like some type of long sword if not like a a rope type weapon that maybe they throw at you or lasso um once again apologies if this is a enemy in hell divis one I couldn't find anything about this but yeah it looks like all the alumina as well do have four arms and that humanoid shape this guy definitely looks like some type of commander and would definitely have more Health than like the normal type enemies pretty sweet nonetheless moving on to the next one now this one actually resembled something I actually found on the wiki called a Illusionist or a council member now these guys apparently have a lot of shielding and they basically have the ability to control other sentient beings other sentient beings with nanobot technology and it also says that Frontline soldiers have reported hallucinations an ill will to fight and general uh apathy when fighting these perverse witches now apparently these guys set off like an alarm when they see you and I think they definitely call in other illuminate to come and help them they're fairly slow and apparently they can actually teleport out the line of fire when receiving some damage their projectile attacks also absorb some of the weapons fire intended for them this combined with their control reversal attacks can make them a dangerous and resilient foe now listen to this as long as their Shield is up they are immune to slows rail guns um ignition with inry weapons and a lot of other stuff which is obviously in Hell divers one which we don't have in hell divers 2o but the fact that we can have we can't slow them use a rail gun or set them on fire when they have their Shield up is pretty insane to me and I'm pretty sure all of the illumin have some type of shielding and cloaking technology very very intriguing now moving on to the next one here now this guy looks like a fighter he looks very similar to one of the first ones we showed but he definitely looks a bit more meaner he's got like the darker uh armor it doesn't actually show him him with a weapon so I'm not sure if he would have like a ranged weapon or if it would be a melee weapon but yeah there's not really much we can go from uh from this image it just looks like a beefier sort of brute type enemy I did have a look as well if this resembled anything from the wiki and it doesn't seem to look like anything honestly it looks completely new so moving on to this guy this looks like the very uh first illuminate we showed as well The Apprentice where it basically has like this staff type weapon if it's a melee weapon or if this is actually like a ranged staff type weapon but going back on what these guys actually do it looks like they have uh Shield generator packs uh which makes them immune to slows and also projectiles pretty crazy so you know what's actually hilarious as well the whole the whole Community has been like abusing obviously the shield matter and now we're basically going to get a ton of illuminate just running around with shields and yeah it's going to be the the most hilarious thing I think the reaction in the community is going to be great I think right moving on to the next one here we've got uh another sort of like infantry type unit here but this guy actually has the weapon drawn and it actually looks like he's wielding a axe type weapon and yeah it looks like he's in a sort of like Attack Mode stance pretty sick and then here we actually have another pose of the same enemy and he's doing like a sort of bow so I don't know if these guys just get teleported in and they're just like bowing also for anyone that played hell divers 1 you know what these guys remind me of they sort of remind me of like the Covenant almost I don't know maybe that's just me so here we have another infantry type enemy with the forehand obviously um this one's exactly the same as one of the first ones we showed off he's just missing the glove and the sort of hood up we've got this big bad boy here now this almost for a second looked like a Terminator I had to do like a double take but I'm pretty sure this is a illuminate I'm pretty sure this is the heavy infantry almost similar to like charges and stuff like that but the fact that this guy is like it has like a humanoid shape and is walking on like two legs this guy is going to be pretty scary and I am not looking forward to this guy running up on me um we've got another video here showing like a little panoramic uh view of it you can see the back there it's got a little cloak covering his booty yeah it looks pretty huge um hopefully this guy doesn't have a range attack and please for the love of God I hope that this guy does not have shielding I don't really know what the counter to shielding is if there was something to counter shields in Hell divers one I would love to hear what it was all right moving on here okay all right what the hell is that um yeah we've got some thre legged structure almost vehicle type enemy here we'll actually you get to see a sense of how big this thing is in a second here it's like a got a little scale so you can see how big it is compared to us hell diers yeah look at the size of this thing compared to us it is huge almost the same size as a bile Titan I think the bile Titan is a bit bigger or maybe this is bigger I'm not actually sure but either way it's freaking terrifying it looks like it has a massive cannon on the front so that's great I guess thanks I don't know how fast they're going to be I don't know how much damage they're going to be but once again if this guy has a shield GG we just lose super Earth unfortunately go next all right next we've got a screenshot of this I don't know what I even know what it is like a flying it's like a flying type enemy I don't know if this is a terminate either could be a termined I don't know but yeah we've got a bunch of like almost flying animations pretty cool no idea what this is Ive honestly no clue looked at everything I could could not find anything about this it just looks like a flying type enemy now moving on to this now this actually did look like something I could find now this is called The Watcher I'm pretty sure these guys basically signal the alarm so after spotting you or so after spotting hell troops they will decloak and quickly raise an alarm to call for support from more powerful illuminate units as Watchers have no offensive capabilities they normally reactivate their cloaking system after raising an alarm and seek to avoid conflict so apparently these guys just kind of hide don't fight you and when they see you they just call in the big boys basically to come and smash you up so that's great and because these guys are obviously shielded as well they can absorb more damage before being destroyed in turn basically making it harder for you to stop the alarm unless you sort of hit him with like an air strike straight away and he doesn't even see you but yeah highly unlikely and then finishing up we've got a a render of a robot now it almost looks like chappie if anyone's seen the movie chappie but apparently this guy was in Hell divers one and he basically gave you updates and stuff like that uh maybe he will be our new guy to update us on the illuminate and I really feel like there's going to be a really big update when this new faction comes out it's not going to be like a little side thing I feel like it's going to be hell diver's first major expansion and I'm super excited um but yeah let me know what you guys thought once again I apologize to all you H diverse one veterans I did not play the game unfortunately so if I am unfamiliar with a lot of these enemies I do apologize but let me know what you guys think if anyone actually knows what these enemies are please please please leave a comment once again if this video reaches 3,000 likes we will give away five copies of the game to people who leave a comment on this video leave a like subscribe and obviously come and join my Discord we are picking the winners through Discord as well so anyone that's active over there keep an eye on your DMs and I'll basically just message you and yeah we'll go from there hope you guys enjoyed hope you guys have an amazing day and I will see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: WiLLiSGaming
Views: 252,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 illuminate, helldivers 2 illuminate classes, helldivers 2 illuminate enemies, illuminate leak helldivers 2, helldivers 2 illuminate gameplay, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 information, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 news update, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 commentary, helldivers 2 leak, leaks helldivers 2, helldivers 2 new weapons, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 details, vehicle helldivers 2
Id: aX_ttsibiDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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