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right for sure expel yeah iiiii honest to my best friends and Courtney and we today are gonna be doing something quite fun of regarding is something I love very much Harry Potter now we get a lot of questions and comments streams whatever about what our Harry Potter houses are and who's everybody is in the squad and a lot of us do know our answers but we thought wouldn't it be fun today to see how well we know each other and take the quizzes for Egypt yeah whatever answers we get from deciding what each other are what houses each other in it's gonna be canon it will be permanent what it is olivia is the biggest harry potter fan so big I love that guy with the big hair and he lives inside a little house Hagrid he's your favorite my god I get him so confused at the Lord of the Rings guy yeah so she doesn't know Harry Potter at all which is why it's super important that we find her house today I don't even know what mine is anymore I've taken the quiz and like I've gotten a different house each time so whatever this is where it is it's Canada its Pottermore we're doing it for reals before we begin though make sure to punch that notification bell why don't you Avada Kedavra that no as I always say Falcon push stop it Falcon punish oh that's what a bird lands in your dish full of juice yeah would it be cool if I went first so yeah we have a Gandalf hat instead of a we had a sorting head in the office and it was gotta get thrown away and I held on to it and now it is nowhere to be fine it operated Jamie what house do you think you belong to first time I took the quiz I got Ravenclaw and I feel like that works really well after they made the changes I got Gryffindor's I'm a Ravenclaw but Gryffindor rising obviously think your girlfriend or what I think Damien's a ravenclaw very hardcore way what are so uh Raven claw they value intelligence they are the studious ones they want to be top of the class big rep adores represented by lions they're about bravery and courage and leading folks in the body Gryffindor Hufflepuff armed with hard workers they're very loyal they're just so cool you will meet and then slytherins value like power and strength no matter what you're very cunning getting what you want so you're basically here I think you're a little puff but we'll get to that later friendship [Applause] all right so Damian you would say you're a ravenclaw I would say I'm a Ravenclaw I got a couple books okay all right be sorted I'm very much a moon boy I think that's fair stars is like its fate see the poet sounds like it would be really tasty but I'm thinking the frothy diamond ones - to quote Dave Chappelle it'll make my Dookie twinkle see I'm thinking the chocolate and plums like like yeah cuz Damien using Dave Chappelle logic that that's this is the first time here in this yeah I always quote Dave Chappelle you do but not when it comes to very important things I are having chocolate and plums I'm thinking chocolate boys - sorry buddy no that's like that's the point of this video though the black one does sound good too [Music] my heart says leaves in a forest because I could see some like cool round animals okay but you know also like an alleyway with lanterns sounds cool you can find a little like like little mom-and-pop kind of shop where they sell like round animals I think narrow dark plant in Llanelli that gives me Tokyo vibes yeah I think I've thinking that too but for a very different logic I know Damien loves Dark Souls and blood-borne and those are pretty those pretty much sum up those games alright narrow dark Lantern lit alleys disappoint you guys we're just trying to sort you mother I would say ignorant probably I will say knowing Damien I believe that because there's nothing I think Damien fears worse than he doesn't want to be the bad guy so to be misunderstood and labeled as ignorant would destroy him yeah ignorant I say selfish would have been a close second though wait you did you right you answered selfish no we can't go back oh that's fine that's fine that was our second choice you guys it's fine selfish was the right answer I guess sorting hat shows for us they're gonna make me a helpful I mean this sounds like a cop-out but like every area of magic I can because why not a friend an animal and also turn it into a fatter animal I think there would be something specifically that you would really enjoy and I think that's Transfiguration is I think you would find it very funny to turn objects into fat cats I was thinking or enjoy yeah yeah all the ones that I Hey then if the majority is spoken all right the majority of the Hat selfish again I always felt love for my parents as a kid but I think I felt the most like positive reinforcement when I was praised for doing a good job I think trusted I think maybe I think it's between praise there liked I have a scene between those two as well trust is interesting thing Ellie do I just not know him that well no no cuz all those are never respond on my text I could be like hey I have a secret and then I wouldn't I would be like I would carry that to my grave whatever it was I say we go to praise all right I'll do brace brace brace you guys may not know this about me before I was a cat person I was a bird person I grew up with four parrots and if Al's are legal in this school yo all bets are off I was hoping barn owl would be on that list yo your husband really loud it was parents if pigeon was on this list I would pick that or the problem is I have not heard Damien talk about owls though I'm gonna go with black cat because I mean a battery black or white cat cuz his cat Zelda is black and white she's a dummy thick I honestly don't know what half of these things that's fine I think I think Olivia's choice should be final well I'm gonna say some some sort of cat all right selfish black cat Oh left or right I'm going left to right right Damon's already wearing green for this it's almost as though I knew no I thing they're not the bad guys necessarily they're just enticed by pair just crappy people I truly don't know what Courtney would be I feel like you would be a Gryffindor coin see that's what yeah all right the moon or stars I want to say moon because periods but stars I feel like I really enjoy the Stars a lot more than them I would see Courtney more in stars I would serious stars stars stars for sure [Music] for me I just really miss me but smile I'm not like I hope I remember like cool I did I don't know I like your stories when you're here and alive so if I think of like a grandchildren be like what else a grandma do yo she used to like Meili Rock near a horse it's all over Instagram what's Instagram doesn't matter go to your room smile really I'm tight between that or the the wacky adventures let's go wacky adventure senses to laugh that she sounds more adventures okay oh [Music] yeah each one got worse huh okay hunger I can get through because they don't get to a point where I don't feel hunger anymore and it just goes away cuz I'm immune to boredom cold cold really sucks but like I can deal loneliness loneliness is the void in my soul and then being ignored like that just like hurts I think it's either loneliness or being ignored I was gonna say loneliness right off the bat mine was gonna be a bang ignored I think I think George I think being nortis is stronger that makes you feel lonely you say something hello it was so real [Music] see I think you are somebody that like does a lot of things really well but sometimes also hearing that from somebody like you did well you did a good job I think it means a lot so for me the pewter box jumped out because it's like you open only for the worthy it opened for me finally I'm being recognized for my achievement I think so too because it's more important than treasure yeah like anything is being like oh it's it's affirmation volunteer or try and use my words to get out of fighting at all I would say volunteer to fight yeah cuz both of those answers sort of fall in line with like you just don't want your friends to have to fight you're either gonna get them out of it or just be the one I don't see Courtney being like well I'm gonna free and beat-beat down on this person like she's gonna be like we gotta find something and to be frank or Nia I think you get your ass kicked by a troll Hey look twice a good trolls got some weight on you some experiences [Music] I think I'd probably do changing stuff transfiguration for you yeah I'm feeling me uh the apparition and dissipation because can you imagine her be like I [Music] was really cool but honestly I think at the end of the day I want a cat I grew up with cats I think they're great but I I think I need to pick a ginger cat or to have a cat I think ginger cat that's interesting because I was thinking three toad toad because here's the deal you like saying weird goofy things and for you to be like we do like to see my three treat I make your day you can let it just sort of sit in your mouth until you need it [Music] alright ooh heads or tails heads or tails tails I was thinking heads he had to alright I was gonna say tails but yeah heads I mean it's kind of funny the first time I ever took the quiz on Gryffindor and then I was so confused for so long and I was just always a good Fodor makes sense you guys see me is I think you kid is a griphon it's the only one that makes what don't even know what it is but I think so look at X YZ do you see what I'm talking about like she's wearing red and I was wearing green ravenclaw for you that's gonna be incredible now the last time we asked Olivia what house she belongs to she responded promptly Waffle House looks like a Hufflepuff you had to say of the four houses what do you think you'd be just just I know you don't know anything about them but it just throw out one of them ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Slytherin well now that I'm saying it's a lion I'm a Leo so I would pick Griffon back to Gryffindor that's fair dawn or dusk dawn is the morning Jess lost Olivia I feel like she's a country party still does I haven't partied in a while I love mourning time alright let's go with dawn here don't work so you wake up super early for workout classes and stuff it's true you get your coffee no miss you I think Olivia wood is more logical I think she would be like I'm gonna save the cure obviously then she's like I know what these records are it's very important to a lot of people a lot of parents a lot of people want to have records of their families going back and then she like the mystery book whatever I don't know what that is [Applause] [Music] like you do you're a very giving person I do understand that but ignorant is also something that like you're definitely not so like you wouldn't want to be called ignorant either oh yeah how would you feel about being called ordinary I don't know she really doesn't care actually maybe she might just be selfish on this one like they are for this you know yeah oh no you pick Sophie no I think she'd be an L I think should be an L - it's like a beautiful yeah you could definitely put the tote in your mouth no she would not you know it's a little baby one and it's your best all these pets are nice the nice wet well I love their text message owls right like I can text message people no yes Oh that you can send yeah I guess you're next you can text people with your owls I love I never thought about but the toads bringing infinity bugs [Music] see I would see Olivia doing that bluffing thing she'd be like yeah totally just walk away and it's sort of like a non way to deal with it that actually fully takes care of everything I can hit you with that's a surprise sarcasm do you believe in ghosts do you believe in any of the others I do not believe in a horse man that's mistake y'all like vampires are we're all about vampires and werewolves wait that's Jill but um sorry more of like an Edward : or a Taylor Lautner yeah I I'm gonna go with ghosts I feel like I feel like Olivia cares about goes I I definitely think piano I was gonna say trumpet is also not generally pleasing to the air unless it's part of a big thing yeah hey the piano all right love you black and white oh I'm hit black well I was gonna say black I know how do you feel about that Olivia what do you think horny uh what I feel about Gryffindor Oh excited that is that's that's Emma Watson's characters house right yeah you got it I don't know I don't even know it's good for you I think we're gonna be have a great time I'm excited for us let's let's let's hang out yeah frogs I feel like Shane is a Gryffindor as well or ravenclaw I have never taken a I have never taken I have never known officially serious what a house I belong into I have often assumed that I'm a Ravenclaw I like reading I like books I like knowledge he won't told me that I'm a Gryffindor before some people have said I'm a Hufflepuff you're the worst one there just I definitely I definitely don't think I'm a Slytherin 90s it's like I'm a good person or whatever but because I just don't think I'm like cunning enough I don't think I'm clever enough to be a Slytherin I feel like if you are not a ravenclaw I will do a little dance out of anger because I that would be shocking to me you think Larkin care I think you might be a ravenclaw I think that makes sense for you [Applause] Don R does ya dong or dusk for sure dawn yeah you're you literally have never slept in a day in your life I love the morning so much waking up having some coffee reading a book or watching some TV early in the mornings great yeah we know what mornings are we're nice I [Music] wouldn't see crackling log as much really I would you like camping and stuff though I wouldn't really say crappy log I for me I think either like the sea maybe the last one was dumb home whose go yeah home shut up ha ha ha I think I might pixie I'm best friend I think the fire sorry so while I do love cats I am unfortunately allergic to many of them so just be about to have you hard to study in focus I think I would go with now dude barn owls are the best you got to get yourself a bar now how many miles per gallon that bar now again though they're the ones with the face that look like they've been flattened by a shovel and they just got that tiny little bit on a Harley Quinn toe I don't think I'd want it towed I like I love I love amphibian I'm a toad mr. J feel like a toe to be nice it just sits on him yo guys it rings you want yeah all right so don't put him right here [Applause] [Music] wisdom because I'd be so wise that I get love yeah I've talked many times with Damien about how I want super strength for comedic purposes just to occasionally just be like anyways so what up - uh not much and then I would just grab a tail and stick it through the ceiling or we were joked if we were both invincible and it's super strength food just occasionally just like just like just flying through walls on the line but that's for comedy now what would I really want I think it'd be either reading minds or talking to animals I don't think you would like reading minds what do you thinking about that I don't think he minds is the worst I feel like for knowing him that I get I do believe that something that he would choose because you know like we always think 100 people are thinking but it's about its power to have I know I can for my Pepe and it's like ah it's too much power I'd pick it but I'd regret it yeah I talk to animals than I like I need a horse I'm like what's up he's like hey daddy oh my god alright and I see some bees in like animals are all dicks did you know squirrels are super racist it's real weird hope that somebody else sells professor the truth this is like oh you're a good thank you [Music] black or white look at those kicks I know we all wear a lot of black looks like a sense of weight lately I'm gonna pick white I would say why precision yeah white yeah all right why this is a Gryffindor as well I'm not looks like no one's calling me ordinary cuz I'm the odd man out that's right I'm obsessed with power and I don't care who knows it Damien won the house that's up no I'm not honestly upset at any of you this is a lot of fun you guys definitely comment down below what houses you think we belong in yeah sort everybody smosh games smoshgames and then also any other youtube channel you like sort the game grumps in the comments below yeah sort everybody everywhere youtuber on YouTube sort them all and then also punch that notification through see artists that instead of yours oh man now everybody's mad at me cuz I incendio to our entire studio hey if you liked this video let us know in the comments down below if you want to see what we did last time when we went to Disneyland and rode Splash Mountain a thousand times click this video up here otherwise this video down here was picked up just for you by YouTube [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,498,011
Rating: 4.9345226 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, pottermore quiz, pottermore, pottermore sorting hat quiz, harry potter, harry potter sorting hat quiz, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas, olivia sui, WHICH HOGWARTS HOUSE ARE WE IN?, which hogwarts house are you in, sorting hat, funny video, personality quizzes, hogwarts houses, smosh squad, funny videos, smosh 2nd, gryffindor, hufflepuff, slytherin, ravenclaw
Id: jqwTMcih_rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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