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it's so heavy can you imagine putting this near body it already looks like poop hey guys welcome to another episode of putting my mouth I just got out of prison cuz luckily I had the skeleton key bad joke uh no welcome sorry today's a super special episode you might guess by the garb but we're doing prison food bring out the prisoner I've got an officer food girl bring him out hey what's up man yo you're definitely here on tax evasion I'm here on fraud or something we're not like dangerous people actually you'd be like you'd be like hey stop it let's talk about our problem okay you've got anger issues all right so what are we eating like Chinese food okay so today it's actually a prison food hack sort of episode or challenge pretty much everything we're eating today can be made by a prisoner so if you're watching at home or in your prison cell you can make this by just getting your supplies from the local commissary or like area in the prison that you get your items so it's like shank food yeah great luckily I win on Martha Stewart's website and I actually got a recipe we're good today we are going to make be making our very own prison ramen tamales and our food officer here has brought us what we need watch yourself set a knife they were about a baton this is who they give you a side okay so the ingredients to packs of beef flavored ramen okay good one bag of spicy pork rinds great we need 1/2 cup of refried beans we need 2 bags of corn chips and one and a half cups of boiling water right here and three tablespoons of squeezable cheese Wow this is gonna be great shame do you cook your own food sometimes I have made ramen before I have eaten Fritos before hmm and I've made beans before so I've made all these things individually never mix them all together oh this is gonna be good this is gonna be really good it are at a time for the direction Shane don't kill us well I used to be a chef I'm really sorry I'm amazing I don't to be we don't want to join your game no no no we're trying to do our own thing she came up to us what and it costed us you're just trying to secrets what secret secret they put me in jail I can't talk about those secret I think Rachael Ray's friends with Edward Snowden think so my son-in-law told me some secrets now we're not supposed to be saying why are you here you're mixing every famous crime ever into one no it's me guys yeah why are you picking your butt this co-ed prison is scary you're a dude this is what I'm orange is the new black it's not going well for us she's got that death stare going are you asking to join us okay all right Jesus you you're in charge of the instructions no good old owner will just have been stabbed already and she just been saying that the whole time I could offer protection for you guys from who okay good please do I'll take it read the read the instructions what do we have to do crush the Raymond ramen Everybody Loves Raymond rushing in the rep she's not reading the instructions but you're not very good at this presentation fresh supports it's in the bag I've got so much Aaron contain a little fart like you're on a date with somebody and you're letting out a little fart we got a prison up these pork rinds dude hold it pull it down hold it down yeah yeah I know the bags broken all right so as we're reading the instructions it turns out we're supposed to be keeping all of these bags intact yeah so I'm gonna thanks for helping the prisoners so now we got to pour these pork rinds into this bag out there so inside the big old bag okay we split any of this yeah I'm gonna snort beef sealing yeah corn chips seasoning and water okay all right all right all right this up pretty well let me add this the refried beans now slowly add the boiling water all right do it slowly honestly probably happier that they don't have to eat this okay fold the bag in half to secure the tamale it already looks like whoo oh we reppin this helping us prison guard now we need to let it sit for about 30 minutes trial and error let it sit in here all right now we're wait 30 minutes okay oh it's already 30 minutes oh time really moves fast in prison is tamale won't you look at that the tamales done um Wow oh it's warm it does not look so wait I think it's gonna come out like a tamale like it's gonna be like a this is not a joke Saul they had one like I don't think it's gonna spill out like paste I think it's gonna be like it reminds me of a warm shower a hot steaming shower all right let's get this out in one piece also feels like my husband oh well we start plenty don't turn these into shins or shanks or shock shanks that was a good pun that was funny I would actually okay so I'm gonna cut myself some cheese on my plate I've okay I have literally never eaten a tamale in my life so I don't know what to expect huh does this look like oh I'll do it there we go that's all I need soy tea okay - why that's actually pretty good I can definitely just like eat this I mean I haven't had a tamale but this tastes like like people food it tastes like a tamale oh noes this is a hands-down one out of ten on the Negros let's go how much would you like on a scale of one to ten of how much you liked it what would you power I'm not too big on it because I on the scale of is it edible this is this is food this is go for it I'll come out of prison two hundred pounds heavier with so many heart diseases cuz I only survived off a free no tamales yeah guys don't go to prison don't advise that but do try to make this at home let us know how you do because it's not bad no they deserve bad food cuz they did bad do bad things like Steven Avery he was I can't I was about to pull my sites I can't your site was it sighs I what do you say nothing oh why did you say yes sir that's damn right yes sir like I said I could offer you guys protection from a crazy person like that Oh Bob go and offer somebody else this and stand with them for 35 minutes and mumble a prayer honestly I'm relieved to hear that I'll make it quick that was awesome that worked um and we were able to eat it with our friends it made it make sense cuz like all the ingredients were good you know I mean for that to mix them be something bad would be really weird yeah but we do have more food to try out holy bleeped in prison good awesome on to the next food oh hey we're back so we cleaned up the area got rid of our tamale and we're on to our next food which is orange Porteous orange poor games yeah orange Porteous I don't know what an orange party is either all right bring up the orange Porky's food girl woman yeah mead with ramen rice pork rinds and kool-aid kool-aid so this is all the same ingredients except kool-aid and on rice maybe maybe this is supposed to be like some Panda Express ripoff oh so the kool-aid adds the sweet I guess oh yeah I guess just kind of go for it yeah all right I'll tell you one thing none of this wants to stay on my fork okay Wow unbelievable this honestly taste like you got a pain to express that tastes like horse oh my god that doesn't surprise me it actually that's orange I guess is weird it's really weird Wow because it's right that's crazy that kool-aid and pork rinds it's the same ingredients as the tamale and it tastes like a completely different type of food that's unbelievable this is honest to god I'm the Noah girls let's go this is a 1 out of 10 this is real food this is a testament to how bad the food you usually eat on this show is so far the prisoner made food has been a 1 on a 10 time never good oh my gosh Wow and she just wants to kill everybody I am so scared of her I'm me too Oh Oh God dude honestly all that's left is dessert and I am looking forward to it I don't see how it can get bad from here like let's forget the dessert food girl officer food officer girl okay just got worse what is this this looks like peanut butter and chocolate this looks like if Reese's like Reese's as the company was in charge of repaving our streets this is um this is a prison cake made with Reese's Peanut Butter Cup chocolate cappuccino mix and a Nutter Butter perfect for a prison birthday [Music] happy birthday Ted Bundy Hey here you go here you go it's like oh here you go Jeffrey Dahmer no you don't get people this you got to eat this this is weird cuz honestly all the ingredients sound perfect prison food to me so far seems like the food you want to make it home but your mom tells you you can't it seems like this is what I'd make if like my parents like I was 12 years old in my parents are like gone for the day I'm like oh sweet so I'm gonna take some some pork rinds and some Reese's peanut butter cups and some kool-aid and just make tons of great stuff obviously I wouldn't do it this well but oh you know they're gonna know the fork or are we going prison style with this snow shakes gosh I was gonna break it make you letting me know that you were gonna kill me but now you're the most polite prisoner sorry I it didn't work out but I was I was going to try to shave you just now I have those tendencies I'm talking my therapist Thank You Craig no you're like you're like thank you okay let's do this for it I'm gonna cut like a section in the middle here I'm taking a corner I like the corners you're weird I hate corners all right [Music] this is baskin-robbins like I need to stop or I'll eat this whole thing they get microwaves late so what they do is they take the packet they take the Hershey bar leaving the wrapper and put it in hot water and then melt it and then drizzle it on top well that's kind of cool what is this part it's like Reese's Cup this Reese's butter yeah Nutter Butter cappuccino mix Hershey's yeah it's kind of cool I guess that would be like your flowery base for a cake I don't know Wow it keeps you up dude this is delicious I definitely can taste the Nutter Butter in there yeah cuz you think you just taste the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup but the Nutter Butter kicks in towards the end and I'm trying to figure out if they put the whole knot or butter in or just the filling I think they crunch it up hey this is all like mixed together and like my bag or something I might have your fork we're cool for compromise we're cool we are compromised we are compromised sending backup would it take okay I'll take your protection I'll take your protection oh my god oh so what would you give this on the note drove so I'm gonna go so Sonny I'm telling you now as I look at this camera my birthday's coming up on February make me this cake this is good this is real food we're gonna send you to prison for your birthday you're gonna Wow ah this is a good episode to be on I thought it was gonna be bad turned out to be just an amazing part of my day hey I want to go to prison now nah I'm not gonna but if it happens if it happens hey you know but you're a white male you're fine you can commit any crime [Music] honestly this was delicious it was the best food I can see some fancy la restaurant hiring ex-cons to make stuff like this and sell it for a lot more money hey the next time you're at Wolfgang Puck express maybe you'll see this on this menu we traveled around the world with this cuisine all from our prison cell yeah cheesecake factory oh okay I guess the show's ending comment down below what you want us to try who you want on thank you for coming chain where can people find you uh rot in prison Thank You Olivia for being frightening as always honestly Kourtney you always kill it as food girl I'm getting arrested or taken home does anyone want to be my lawyer I am also a lawyer [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 3,154,909
Rating: 4.9525008 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, put it in my mouth, pimm, prison foods, shayne topp, noah grossman, put it in my mouth prison foods, nasty prison food, prison cuisine, making prison food, jail food, food in jail, food in prison
Id: -Nt0AFHs-tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
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