How I Beat* Wuthering Waves Without Pulling | Account Overview

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hello beautiful people and welcome hi to an overview and an explanation of how I managed to get 24 quests in the tower of adversity in the first patch on an account that has not pulled if I go to my list of available characters you're going to see it's pretty short actually I have Rover because you get it at the start of the game CIA because you get her from the story San from have sonan from the Logan event yanu from Tower and Karu from the free five star sele I have not wished on the beginner standard or limited Banner a single time which is why I don't even have viser so how then an account like this managed to get 24 crests in Tower in what's been effectively a month of playing and less than a full patch so first things first right as a bit more information on how I've played my account so far I have been Max refreshing not quite every day but for most days I'd say probably about 90% of the days I Max refreshed since the game released I am currently Union level 52 because well since I'm not pulling I have nothing else to do with my asres then use them for refreshes I don't really care to try to see how many asres I can I can stockpile I'm not playing this account as like a no pull until there's a character I like like no I'm just not intending on pulling at all let's quickly go over my current builds we're going to start with my weakest character which is my Yan Wu level 50 pretty much nothing leveled for the talents he's on a five piece moonlet Cloud set but as you can see it's not like his Echo are very leveled the unfortunate reality with yanu is that even if I did level him he would not do very much so it feels like a bit of a waste of investment at least while I still have reachable upgrades on my other characters which is currently the case my second least built character is my yangyang who's probably my next project after what I'm currently doing she is also on a five piece moonlet set I never use her at the same time as Sona so they pretty much share the same paren Echo so I don't have a a leveled one for her I have just two random plus 15s for her three class and also shares the echo with sonano for for the one cost next up getting into the characters I actually have somewhat built I have my tiia these are her total stats they don't look too amazing because she's on the same set as Karo I have her on the lingering Tunes set and so all of my best lingering Tunes pieces are on him and I just SW them to her when I'm doing content why I'm using her but not him she's on the three star Guardian pistols because I don't have literally any other option outside of the two star and the one star actually I don't even have the one star anymore I used it for XP I literally only have this or the two star as options so yeah eventually I'll probably get her on the on the craftable gun but that's not really a priority for me her important abilities are all around level six I've unlocked the first row of uh of stat ups but not the second one and then we have Karo who's my first like actually very well-built character 2,000 attack 53 crit rate 243 crit damage he is on the craftable bra blade cuz again I don't have a lot of options here these are what his Echo look like he's got double crit and attack percent here and then two two dead rolls ER crit damage attack percent and Liberation so that's a four out of five and then a dead roll on the last one flat attack crit damage attack percent in Liberation so that's like a three and a half because the attack percent rooll and the flat attack rooll are below average the resident Liberation role can't really see it because of the overlap but I think it's a 6.4% so it's also a low roll so it's it's it's all right but it's nothing crazy and then I've got some actual pretty decent pretty decent one cost I've got a double crit with ER and I've got a double crit with ER and flat attack I have my Sona build who is on 48 crit rate 28 crit damage 1466 attack on sword number 18 I can use either sword number 18 or Commando of conviction I'm not entirely sure which one I care about using the most if I could turn back time I would probably have claimed something other than Commando of conviction from the selectable boxes because I took it because I wanted to be strong short term for my Rover it was the only fourstar sword I could have access to in a reasonable amount of time but now that I have the five star I regret it very much cuz this is again right I never use young yang Ono at the same time so it kind of feels bad to have this sword right I wish I could replace it for either the selectable broadsword the gun or the gauntlets for one of my other characters but it is what it is right now she's on this cuz I'm kind of bad and I keep getting hits so having a little bit of healing is nice but honestly she could be on either this is what her build looks like you got a lot of different sources of damage percent which isn't actually that good on the Heron we've got a double crit with flat attack for the one cause this one's actually pretty good A good double crit ER and resonance Liberation and heavy attack is also pretty good on Sona right heavy attack and residence Liberation are like her main two sources of damage I guess so like it's not as good as attack forent her flat attack but it's still it's still pretty good but a pretty good Bear right double again double crit with attack percent and then whatever the hell that is no crit at all but it is what it is and then finally my main carry on the account the character that's done the most for me Havoc Rover my Havoc Rover build is actually really good 1913 attack 140 energy regen 87.8% crit rate 216 crit damage which if you play genin or starwell or honestly any other game that is in this one is the equivalent of 116 crit damage because it shows the base 100 crit damage in this number for some reason so this ratio is like a little bit scuffed but it's not like that scuffed it's just I would rather have a crit damage main stat if I could find one as good as my crit rate main stat but my crit rate main stat as you going to see is pretty damn good so that might take a while right I have double High roll of crit resident skill damage attack percent so it's pretty good it definitely could be better right like a perfect piece is double crit attack percent ER flat attack but it is what it is this is also a pretty good piece honestly ER crit rate attack percent Liberation is fine heavy attack is not very good this is also a pretty good piece it's three out of five crit rate ER crit damage with skill damage being okay this again right crit damage crit rate and here we got flat attack and finally my best piece by far is this one we've got er crit rate crit damage and attack percent so it's four out of five and the heavy attack isn't completely useless so overall very strong build so why is my build on Rover so much better than my build on my other characters well mainly because Rover is just better than the other characters I have the reality is that Garo is unfortunately just not that good when you compare him to Rover he just doesn't he's not as good in the in the previous iteration of this tower that was fine because you had a big electr buff on the right side of the Tower so I could still use him there and get my two stars pretty easily but unfortunately now the chamber where he is on the last floor is unfortunately just doomed to be one star and I'm pretty far away from the second star so it is what it is part of that is because his he's on the craftable instead of the five star I might be able to just barely get two stars with the with the festar one but I wouldn't get three and then my Havoc Rover able to three star the Thundering meis level 100 and two star the two wve boss fight on on the first Tower if I were able to use my Havoc Rover on every single chamber I would probably actually have more stars cuz obviously I'd be able to get this with probably at least one star maybe two stars would be doable I'm not entirely sure and then here honestly I would definitely be able to get one star even though the Heron has pretty high Havoc resistance but yeah one of the main reasons why my characters do pretty well is because since I'm Max refresh every day I've actually had the resources to fully level their relevant abilities as well as all of these stat bonuses which don't look like that much individually right it feels like what what do you what do you mean 1.8% attack and that's it but as it turns out when you get all of them it's it's it's pretty relevant but yeah let me walk through walk you guys through how this account ends up being played most of the time so my my like Optimal team is basically just roller sonan I don't even need a third slot I could use a third slot but generally I use my Rover in places that require a lot of vigor and Tower and so I don't need the third slot it doesn't make that much of a difference I might as well just use them as a Duo and the reason why the third slot doesn't do anything is because I don't have any healers and outside of the healers third slots don't tend to be all that insane because they just they just don't do that much you're spending time on your third slot instead of one of your other characters and the healers are the only ones that actually give good team wide Buffs and so it it's kind of not as good on other characters but yeah basically the way the way I end up playing this team is I focus mostly on using Sona to generate a lot of energy and to use her outro to give my Havoc Rover Forte cuz in case you guys didn't know when you use Havoc Rover's intro skill you gain a bit of forte which means that you have to Auto attack like this like an idiot with no damage for a lower amount of time and so my rotations end up being mostly using my skill on Rover during downtime to build up Forte going to Sona make generating as much energy as possible going back to Rover before I get my conto on San so that I can build up just like a little bit more Forte and give my sonan like give my sonan e time to get go on cool down and come back and then finally back to Sona use her e again and then trigger her outro go on on on Rover's intro and and just bash on them for a while but let me let me try to show that that was not good I am awful of course I'm awful dude None Shall whisper stay on him for a little bit and then um ideally before it's been 5 Seconds swap out go generate a little bit more Forte going to do The Annoying Thing trigger and we do just like this we keep going a few [Music] attacks I [ __ ] it up there too much con turo but it's okay cuz son generates so much conto that even if I accidentally trigger my my outro I can just do it again shall whisper yeah obviously harder to play perfectly while I'm explaining [ __ ] so this is far from the best game play try to SW out before I get the con turtle from exploding the things get my e again to generate more energy get my intro use my ult and keep going like this CLE of [ __ ] I generated too much again stuff gets uh a little bit more difficult to do perfectly when you get perfect Dodges because it generates more conos which changes the combos you're supposed to be doing and so unless you're paying a lot of attention to that that can be a bit difficult let me try to show a more a more proper rotation without talking about it n shall whisper notth mentioning you will oby where to hide let still a little SC there we go that's what you're supposed to [Music] dois beone I can that's not what you're supposed to do am I still going to get it I'm so close but I don't think so close close that's okay but yeah as you can see right when I'm not dying like an idiot we actually have enough damage and it's it's not because we have the most insane Echoes right like our Echoes are good this is three out of five this is is three out of five this is three out of five this is like 2 and 1/2 out of five and this is four out of five so like orles are good but they're not actually that insane and a good portion of how we're doing this we're managing to do this is we're taking advantage of the tower Buffs and building our rotations around them here casting resonance skill grants the resonator 60% resonance Liberation damage bonus and casting resonance Liberation whereas res resonator 60% resident skill bonus that's part of why right we're starting with a skill here hit like an idiot use our skill go into the thing we get a damage on our ult and then we get our damage on our other skill FR all right and that's how our ults are hitting for like 70 something K when if if all we do is use our ult without any of the setup we're hitting for 45k instead of 80k so we're almost doubling our d damage just from doing a better setup right even if you're in the dark form Baseline your ult is only doing like 50 something gay 55k and if that's that's all the damage I did it wouldn't be enough to clear right so it's like actually important to take advantage of the tower bus properly the main thing that makes the Havoc sonano combo the strongest thing on my account by far is that son is just really good at generating energy like insanely good and it makes everything so much easier for Havoc Rover who's a relatively energy hungry unit if you are playing Havoc Rover I want you to keep in mind even though the ult is the biggest number it is far from your only source of damage your skill also does a lot right if we if we go back in right our first skill doesn't do quite as much because we don't have the bonus for it but starting from the first skill onwards most of your skills are going to have the damage bonus because it lasts for 15 seconds and you always use your skill right after use your ult and it has a 12C cool down which means you'll use a second skill before those 15 seconds are over if you're playing properly okay all right so our first one only does about 25k then our second one solid 30k plus the everything at the end then we get another one that does another almost 30k and then again right [Music] 22k I got to use my echo here but it is what it is oh I'm an idiot I SW back before the form was over anyways if you're playing with a Healer you probably don't want to do rotations as tight as this this specific rotation that I'm doing only gets two e per rotation whereas you can get three e per rotation if you extend them to 24 seconds instead of the around 20 seconds I'm doing the upside of doing that is well that's 4 seconds you can spend on a Healer or whatever and you get more skill damage and your ER requirements go down the downside of doing that is your rotation gets extended which you know DPS is damaged per second so when the per second is higher then your DPS is lower generally with a good healer that's more than enough to make up for it like with Vina but because I don't have access to a good healer then for me it's not a good option anyways I can I can tell you guys about the the short and longterm goals for this account so right now I'm working on getting sano's skills fully leveled I'm currently gated by boss materials but we've just had a weekly reset so I'll be able to level these probably probably tomorrow and once that's done she's going to be level 80 her weapon going to need to get to level 80 I might level Commando of convection instead of Sword number 18 but I'm not sure I'm really not entirely sure we we'll we'll see how that goes honestly but I probably will use this one instead but yeah once that's done I'm going to move on to either CIA and actually get her you know a little bit more ready for some of the bosses or yangyang to try to make my early teams a bit stronger so that maybe I don't need to use scar on as many of the early ones maybe I can free free up enough bigger for him to try some of the floors that Havoc Rover is doing maybe I get one less star with calaro and it frees up my Havoc Rover for the second side of the middle Tower and then maybe I can get two stars on that that could be something I'm trying to do uh I think yanu is still yeah it's going to take a while cuz again right I I I literally don't have access to a weapon that gives anything that he scales with right now he can get access to goldet 21d gives ER which is fine Guardian gauntlets give defense I'm not sure which one of the two I'll use originite originite is a gacha weapon you cannot you cannot get it without pulling I would love to I think his best in slot is the originite type four gauntlets the ones that when hitting a target with basic attacks restore HP because then that lets him use the healing set and it makes him actually somewhat useful but this weapon is Goa only so I'm probably going to have him on the gauntlet 21d which can also heal but only on counter attacks and I don't know if that's reliable enough to put him on the healing set but yeah right now it's mainly finishing up my sonano bill and then focusing on yangyang and chia you'll notice I haven't really mentioned Echo I am running really low on shell credits I actually reached four digits of shell credits today so I had to get some shell credits from the uh Tower store and that's my main the main thing that's keeping me from leveling Echo right now I've been Max refreshing and obviously there's a double Echo drop event going on as of recording this so that's been helping obviously but even then this is not actually that many Echoes I can level I know I'll get through this in just a just like a day of farming basically so that that that kind of makes me a little sad but it is what it is other than that death of el of elusive realm obviously has been completed a long time ago excited to see what they're going to do for the next patch exploration is not fully done cuz I don't like using interactive maps but I've done an okayish amount of it hologram progress right I did morning AES and Heron a while ago by bug abusing but let's be hon the the most difficult one by far is Memphis so that's why I didn't I didn't feel too bad about it like I wanted to show the bug on stream and I figured yeah [ __ ] it I'll just do this but I did Tempest mephis I did it off stream unfortunately so I don't have a clip of it yeah I did it with uh I think like a minute left or something alltime High 3 minutes 59 cuz as it turns out Havoc Rover is kind of broken I think the last thing I want to do is give my thoughts on the units I have access to cuz I have Insight that other people don't into the strength of the freeto play units because I use them and only them I think Havoc Rover is just as strong as everyone says they are if not stronger maybe even a bit underrated Havoc cover is really really good definitely one of the better carries in the game I'd say the only carry that I would comfortably place above Havoc Rover is Dion Because of one how straightforward his teams are to play and two how easy it is for him to deal with stuff like this where there's like a first wave of [ __ ] enemies that you have to get rid of as fast as possible so you get to the actual boss I think once you get E6 on Havoc Rover they're still not going to be better than Gian but it'll be a lot closer they'll be better against just straight up straightforward boss content but gian's ability to deal with the first wave so easily is probably still going to make him better overall I think sanwa is also just as good as people are saying she is San's biggest strength is how quickly she does everything resing to her at 40 on the timer and as you can see right we're out in about 5 Seconds we generate a large amount of energy we generate our full conto this energy obviously also means that you're generating a lot of energy for the rest of your team you get the normal attack outro buff which is potentially pretty useful she's just the goat really her damage is okay it's not anything like that crazy but it's not completely useless either or like if we're if we're actually looking at it under the same circumstances as are Rover whisper right our charge attack does like 8K on a crit and obviously our our Al 20K obviously some of our stuff missed there and then with the Heron that does 800ish 12 times so about 10K keep it together shadow s you will ccle of corruption stay behind all right like so it's it's not quite as much but obviously part of that is because he's on the Moonlight not on an actual DPS set you could boost her damage a little bit higher on a DPS set but it's not worth it because Moonlight and Heron are so good but point being just she's reallying strong and she's definitely worth building on any account that either cares about her outro buff at all or specifically needs a character that generates a lot of energy on the team and then outside of that I think sisia is like she's a character that is okay in single Target her Dodge counter is really really good which means that against certain enemies that hate you a lot but that don't have a lot of parryable attacks uh she does actually do pretty well especially if if in between those lot of hits they have downtime Windows long enough for her to hold her e and get the Boom Boom at the end obviously I'm playing her at at c0 which means that she's she can be better if you have cons on her I think that even at Maxon like she's not going to be that strong she's a fine single tired option that has some support in AOE right with her ult I think she's relatively accurately rated by most people she's okay but she's nothing special I think yangyang is one of the most overrated character characters her damage is like okay but her utility is really bad people see that her outro gives energy and they're like oh my God that's so good it's a lot of energy right but the reality is that so many of her attacks generate significantly lower energy on hit than other characters do which means that while she is a little bit more energy with her outro included for your team she's also one of the very few moonlit supports that actually needs an ER main stat to be playable unless you're using her as your carry which I would not really recommend like it's it's fine I guess her her biggest issue is you know funnily enough her energy generation though like she she's not completely useless she's usable but she definitely has some issues with her energy generation with constellations her damage becomes a lot higher which means that at at C6 or whatever it's called resonance chains whatever S6 sequences whatever right she she gains aerody damage 15 aerody damage 10 energy which is actually kind of a big deal because her energy generation is pretty bad 40% skill damage bonus and more pull 95% damage on her I think that's the Forte the feather release 85% damage on her old and then 20% team wide buff so yeah like these these numbers are big which means at C6 her damage is actually kind of reasonable but like even at C6 she's like she's not a great car she's okay and the gap between c0 and C6 is massive which means that at C 0 she's not very good and he's definitely one of the most underwhelming characters next up yonu who is awful uh he doesn't have the redeeming qualities that yangang does with her relatively high damage especially with constellations he does no damage he provides nothing to the team he's very bad his old is like fish but that's kind of the only part of his kit that's fine you you get resistance to interuption but the problem is it only lasts for 10 seconds and generally you don't want to swap from him to your carry you want to swap from him to your second unit and then from the that second unit to your carry I think there's a possibility that he becomes playable with giny in the future because I know that she cares about the rest of your team having coordinated attacks like it straight up says in her kit that she gets more from coordinated attacks so maybe if they like actively Force pigeon hole you into using unit like Yu he can be he can be usable but like he he just he just he doesn't do a lot of damage his conto generation isn't very fast unlike what I've seen some videos claim he does not generate conto off field he hits off field and against the very first like the first side of the of the two Tower side permanent Abyss at the resonant Tower in here when characters deal damage they restore conto energy and this is where I've seen these showcases that show that he gets concerto off field it's very misleading it's it's it's very much a lie he's he's getting concerto energy from this interference not from his kid anywhere else he doesn't gain conto energy off field so his conto build is actually pretty slow like it's it's not that fast and he does very awful damage while he's building up his conto on field so you really only want to do it once every two rotations cuz you go into him you trigger his intro that generates conero you trigger his uh hold e that generates a bunch of conero trigger his ult that generates conero and then you don't want to stay any longer than that because oh my God he's bad when he's on field so so you swap out after that which means you only trigger it every two rotations which means the fact that it effectively does double vibration strength strength damage is canceled out yeah he he is not good unless you're actively going out of your way to stay on a unit that does no damage whatsoever his vibration strength damage is not higher than the Alternatives and that's pretty much the only thing he has going for it at C4 he gets a shield but again that only lasts for 10 seconds and you don't really want to swap from him to your your carry you're generally from him to your second unit and then to your carry Y is not it man I wish he was I wish he was is more useful but he just isn't most of his damage is going to be coming from his Echo honestly I have to look into whether it's better to build him the full defense or full attack because I don't know if his whole kit is better than one Echo worth of attack scaling if you use him on the turtle you use obviously it scales with defense you still build defense but I might use him on Heron so I really it's that bad like it's it's it really is that bad anyways last unit is garu I'm very disappointed with garu I think he really fun to play but his output just isn't there compared to have a cover I played cbt2 and I was a cultur man in cbt2 and like yeah he he is a shadow of his former self but he is really fun to play the swap cancels are really fun to execute even if they don't do that much damage but yeah I think that it was a very good idea for me to do a nople account I'd say that about 3 or 4 days ago I've hid the point where I don't really feel that much of a desire to log in every day anymore because I feel like my progression is pretty much just gated by daily stuff now but I managed to like I managed to last basically a full month of actually caring because I could Max refresh every day and I'm very glad I made that decision I think I would have burnt out long ago if that wasn't the case I don't even log in onto my second account anymore yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this uh this little account overview this say my account is in after basically one Patch worth of not pulling make sure you like subscribe I don't think it's going to be done before this video comes out but I tried Elden ring for the first time a few days ago and there will be a stream highlight posted to this channel for that I am planning on making a video giving my thoughts on with W's overall the state of the of the game in 1.0 the expectations that met the expectations that didn't meet the expectations that were surpassed so let me know if that's something you'd be interested in the comments below and I'll see you guys in the next one bye YouTube [Music]
Channel: Zajef78
Views: 14,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rGxprqvOpLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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