The ONLY Version 1.1 Wuthering Waves Tier List You Will EVER NEED!

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uh so we're going to be doing a tier list here uh right here we're going to be doing a tier list and this tier list is going to go over some of the things that are just kind of absurd right now in the game that people aren't talking about uh I've I've got a couple characters in mind that are considered largely low tier that need to be addressed I think it's going to be pretty easy to just go through and talk about a couple of the five stars first and then move into the four stars cuz they are going to be the majority of the talking point for this video starting off we have we're going to say Havoc Rover and it's no question that they're what would be considered like uh I'm just going to move all the guy ones down because they don't matter uh Havoc Rover is one of the best DPSS their ult has massively high scalings they also get access to dreamless and you can get them to S6 very easily and they're one of the best Investments you can make on your account because not only are all of their forms good but they're always going to get better side note too with spectro Rover something we need to realize is that once gingi drops this character has uh spectro damage shred on their S6 I believe I can check we'll check spectro Rover specifically has resistance shred on her S6 this is a big damage increase this is way bigger than most people are going to give her credit for and it's going to make her probably gin's best teammate just for the 1.1 times damage boost for 20 seconds as well as her own she also gets a damage boost but she getting a 1.1 times boost if she's hitting for 1,000% scaling that's 1, 100% scaling so it just adds that much more to her scalings the more damage she basically is doing the higher her scalings are because it's multiplicative and this also it's damage resistance so it's the way the math Works technically it's going to be more damage than 1.1 times because of how the the number of your damage output is kind of divided by resistance which is why a there are bosses that are drastically resistant like the Tactical hologram later stages like four five six they're so resistant that if you use the character instead of hitting for 2,000 you're hitting for maybe 200 resistance shred is going to help with that you'll be hitting for maybe 400 even right just that extra amount of shredded resistance so it scales a little differently it scales a little funky but it's one of the best scalings in the game and knowing from punishing Gray Raven Crow games' other game damage resistance shred is going to be by Far and Away the best buff in the future characters that can do this to a like well degree basically they're going to be amazing but with gyi she's going to be nuts she also deals good damage she stuns the enemy she ults and when she switches which is good for gingi because gingi is a little slower on rotation than than most she's a little flourishy right she also heals the team so she's your team's healer she also increases energy regen so you can regen ult for gingi a little bit better and she's got just overall good damage output for herself which is why we're placing her where we are Havoc Rover on the other hand kind of a similar Vibe here just we know that she's the main DPS she shreds herself uh let's see yes her S4 her heavy attack and and her resident Liberation reduces resistance by 10% so she shreds for herself and for the team right resistance shreds nuts the fact that Rover has it and is kind of the only character that does have it at the moment is insane and we're going to be doing this tier list for 1.1 gingi benefits a lot from this I'm not going to put uh her any higher because gin is the only one that benefits really but when gyi is out oh my God right it's going to be insane Rover being out of the way we can go over some of the main broken characters first of all Vina we all know Vina is by far and away the best support she is super broken best energy regen best attack in or not attack but like attack boost in the game longest attack boost with the healing set it's another boost even longer right she is an absurdly good support very quick rotation time not as quick as like aija but her rotations are still very fast and her Buffs last so long that she can keep them up pretty much the whole fight she's the best healer and best uh energy charger almost and the best buffer in the game by a lot uh next up we can go ahead and go gon he's just the best DPS right now out like on his own outright his damage is nuts he's got good AOE it is hard it's going to be hard to top him for a while actually because there might be a better character at single Target or AOE but there will not be a better character at both like he is for the foreseeable future his weapon is also really really good on him he is probably if you had to invest in one character I would say he's the second best character to invest in and the reason why cuz yinlin is for sure the first and most important character to invest in if you have her the best off field damage probably third best energy recharge in the game right now her on field damage is also really good her vibration damage is also really good I mean she checks one two three four probably like five or six boxes for the team her damage boost for someone like Karo or Yuan Wu or any other Electro deep ult based DPS is going to be awesome and just the fact that she Buffs ult mean you can run her in gon teams and your damage is going to be higher than with morte because yinin just deals more damage right for how long his ult lasts Yin Lin's striking every second Mor is going to be shooting a lot more things but they're not dealing as much damage and yinlin if with a good built yland will have a higher damage output than Mory although it is not ideal to do so if you have culture because it's better she's better with him right makes him the best sustained onfield DPS in the game which we can go to him next k charl a tier same with kind of Havoc Rover he's a little less hop on the field burst damage leave he's a lot more hop on the field after yland sets him up and then he stays to do his rotation people hot swap him I think that that is the wrong way to play this character I have seen gam play at a very high level of this character I actually reacted to a video on it already sustained DPS is this guy's game okay he's slow on the field he's got really good damage numbers you can animation cancel him swap cancelling him gets rid of so much of his damage with the inland's Buffs it is kind of stupid to do so you go Vina buff the whole team yinlin buff and set up the electric shocks off field for Karo Karo best DPS in the game for the the 20 seconds or so he's going to pretty much be on field doing his thing people are going to learn this eventually and it's going to make him a lot easier to play and I've seen some tournament gameplay as well I would love to be in one first of all but I've seen some tournament gameplay as well where he is going to start performing more consistently because people are just going to stick with his Buffs and play his kit well rather than try to the slowness of his kit with other characters which reduces his damage output substantially I mean it's a 1.2 times increase twice off of yinin uh multiplicative so say he's doing 1,000 damage now he's doing 1,200 now he's doing like 1450 right it's it's it's almost a 1.5 times damage increase it may even be more I'd have to run the the math I'm not I'm doing this in my head but it's a very very strong damage boost switching into other characters esecially maybe not as main DPS bursty characters is just not going to be worth it in the long run uh a character that is worth hot swapping though Encore which will also throw up into a Encore is very good you hold down your heavy attack she starts to explode and then you switch off into someone else let her become a nuclear bomb and deal damage while she's doing that and then you switch you switch you switch you switch it's one of my favorite teams to play is on corano and like Vina baa maybe right super fun team to play super hot swappy super fast rotations really good consistent damage over time and relatively safe because you're switching so much it's hard to get hit if your timing is good right Encore has some of the highest damage output in the game she's actually probably higher single Target damage then I want to say gon when she's in her ult but her ult is a lot shorter than Gian so it makes her less as viable basically in what we could say solo content right she is very very strong she's definitely character worth building and probably the strongest standard Banner character I've seen across any Goa game ever on her own right like she is stronger than Karo on her own she's probably borderline like a like a s minus tier on her own and then with support she just gets better and it is one of the best teams in the game uh gianin I'm going to actually throw her into a tier as well the reason why is because if you build her a specific way that uh Chinese server players have actually found this out I learned from that I play her this way the borne gios alone boss Echo gives you 50% damage reduction so does her heavy attack stance where she does the circle damage you cannot get hurt if you do the bell and then her thing you cannot be hurt The Shield is fully free the healing is fully free you switch to whoever they get massive ult damage in inrease she has good energy regen on her own her S1 I know we're not talking so much about sequences for the five stars cuz obviously they outscale everything else her S1 which I have makes her so much quicker on rotation that genuinely if you pulled her from your first 50 pulls five star standard banner and then you use the selector ticket on her that's not a bad decision cuz it makes her probably the best I want to say sustain support in the game without outright like Vina damage boost heals johnin grouping damage boost heals and shield and just scumming through [ __ ] attacks if you're bad at dodging just take no damage and stand there and basically just let it hit you and then get through it and you're fine one of the safest characters one of the most satisfying to play even because her attacks come out with so many fast hit boxes you parry very easily she's super great as a support character right now now we get to a character that's not as great and this is lingong I don't personally like how this character plays I do not own him but I've played him in a lot of content just from like the events and stuff and I've tested him a lot I've seen gameplay of him he can be fun he's not good scalings are not bad he's literally unable to fight bosses most of the time not being able to handle bosses kind of makes your character not nearly as good you can juggle enemies forever he's like the safest DPS for just juggling enemies it's great bosses you cannot touch you just can't do it and it it just absolutely kills it right not being able to deal sufficient damage to bosses cuz your main gimmick being like stun locking them it just doesn't work he doesn't work well maybe in the future with more aerial combat based characters you can do kind of a hot swap aerial combat team like I've seen people do it with Ling Yong uh Gian and yyong you just it's it's not it's not better like yyong alone is going to do better and we'll get to that in a minute because this is actually a character I'm really excited to talk about this video gingi is going to be an S tier character she's going to probably be the de facto burst DPS for a while actually her scalings are stupid on her ult and her skill at S2 she becomes absurdly quick to rotate but we're not talking about that you can still charge her up outside of your skill it's just slower and her damage is going to be a little bit less if you want to do it quicker but the way she functions means you are pretty much coming in doing your rotation using your SK for massive damage scaling like a th000 plus% and then Ting again for 1,000 plus per. so on her typical rotation you're 2,000 plus per just off skill and ult plus your other skills and attacks that you weave in to charge that up very flourishy fun character to play seems very um easy to handle like Overworld mobs too because she kind of floats up in the air and juggles them a little bit super dope character her damage is going to be stupid Spectra Rover is going to immediately become better otherwise without gingi Spectra Rover probably C maybe even D tier just because they don't do a lot for most teams they are a good safe pick they're good at parrying you know but they are not absurd like the rest of these characters gyi makes this character with the damage Shred the healing the attack boot everything like that way more valuable right I would honestly not be surprised if more people start running Spectra Rover to support gyi than people run Havoc Rover as her own DPS because you can just use other characters like danin or tshi right changle is also going to be S tier I think she's going to be the best Fusion DPS I think cuz the thing is Encore e or not e s0 and chisha S6 are very similar damage output changle is going to surpass them massively she has her own defense enemy defense shred so not damage resistance shred so defense Shad is more Universal than resistance Shad as well as her scalings are really nice the way she's going to play the game is really nice and flourishy she's also going to be probably the best support for an encore for Encore to hot swap in and then back to shangle and then into Encore explode back to shangle like that's going to probably become a very powerful team I think the best team with shangle though is going to be with toi Tashi keep keeping shangle safe giving her skill a massive damage bonus which she's mostly skill damage focused as well as being able to hop in and ult and deal a [ __ ] ton of damage and then go back to shangle who's going to do even more damage she's a very she's going to be a very onfield DPS in my mind her defense tread is going to be awesome she gets more with her sequences again we're not talking about sequences for the five star characters but she is going to be a very good investment and she's also super duper cool looking to play her attacks are so sick now that we're done with the five star characters we can go on the four stars this is something we're actually going to this is going to be most of the rest of the video because the four stars in this game are stupid good I mean just stupid good I cannot get over how good these fourstar characters are however we are going to start with y W Who's d tier Yuan Wu is a character and I stand firm on this Yuan Wu is a character that is the best support in the game for a DPS that does not exist yet reason being his vibration damage has next to no payoff right now in this state of the game breaking a boss does damn near nothing if we get a echo set that increases vibration damage or like the the quickness of breaking vibration on like the two-piece it breaks quicker on the four piece you deal more damage to Broken enemies or when they break they take like a burst damage based on percent scaling or something right he will become better as his own DPS then you want a DPS he can support because a lot of his stuff is also benefiting off Field characters that also is built around breaking boss vibration it's going to be basically a boss and Elite killer character only probably very single Target going to be probably one of the best characters in the game I mean look at hongkai star rail with uh the break teams that are coming out right now it is a very strong mechanic being able to stun bosses right Yuan Wu is the worst character in the game and will very quickly become one of the best when that change happens if it happens I would like to see it cuz otherwise breaking up boss's vibration bar and having characters built around that is a waste of time I I mean like seriously why have the mechanic in if there's not going to be something that uh accentuates it but that's just me otherwise Yuan Wu at higher sequence levels actually gets pretty dang powerful even in today's state of the game and we can look at this right here his S1 makes him attack faster a nice increase it makes his rotation quicker from like 4 seconds to 3.2 right it's actually pretty nice his intro skill gives him energy so he can ult more pretty nice his coordinated attacks the damage is increased by more of his defense pretty nice this makes him be able to deal a lot more damage on his own when he ults the onfield character will gain a shield so now he can support the team people talk about using him with yinin and calaro for a non- Healer only shielder full Electro team for just shredding boss vibration if you're good enough at dodging on your calaro and your yinin I don't disagree with that although it is better to just run vayina it is a very fun gimmick especially if it's a boss that you can't handle its attacks well so if you can't Dodge well your Vino maybe you don't have Vina your Buu is on a different team you know he's a pretty decent option at S4 at S5 he gets ult damage bonus increase which is pretty nice I mean it's 1.5 times the damage of his ult it makes his ult hit a little bit harder Papa smacks be smacking his S6 is very nice if running with other defense scalers like tshi toi with Yuan Wu S6 is going to hit very hard but the issue is that this is a very dimin diminishing return cuz most defense scaling characters are scaling mostly defense not anything else it's a diminishing return Mai already has over 120% defense another 30% defense is not going to be as beneficial as maybe uh ult damage bonus right so his S6 is nice there aren't characters that can get a massive payoff from it it's mostly his S4 allowing him to be able to be a pseudo support right now otherwise this character in the future I can see him becoming very very powerful once we get more options right but as of right now we just can't do it for him Danon I want to put into a tier I know people were like oh my God dun cracked and then she got nerfed after cbt2 and then we're on full release and she's not as strong Danon is probably one of the best safest easiest soloing a Boss characters in the game if you are good at the game dun is your character if you're not good at the game Danon still supports Havoc Rover still supports tshi supports a lot of things right so we can go ahead and talk about her I have mine S6 I'm actually going to start building mine now her first sequence she gets attack increase when she uses her skill which she uses a lot so nice damage boost her skill also increases her damage nice boost this is a very good boost This 1.2 times damage increase outright right uh her ult gets a 1.3 times damage boost another good multiplier when she has the Ruby Blossom her crit rate increases and the effect lasts until the end of the ult which means your ult also has the extra crit rate which is very nice right you don't have to build her as much crit you can build her more crit damage and still see big numbers and big crits on your ult and your skills her S5 increases her damage bonus and even more when she's lower than 60% HP this is a 1.3 times damage boost majority of the time across the board very nice boost which multiplies with a lot of these first ones her S6 her heavy attack increases the attack of all team members by 20% which makes her basic Bally able to support the rest of your teammates if you run her with teammates overall her damage multipliers at S5 at least right although S6 she also gets the 20% boost Danon becomes a very good very high damage scaling character because of all the multipliers she puts on herself which is why she's probably she's probably the strongest damage dealing Solo character if you had to pick one character to Main and get really good at danen is your pick because danen actually just will cream all the content on her own as long as they're not resistant to Havoc damage the other thing too her outro skill is not to be slept on either Havoc damage amp very very good that's why you run her into Havoc Rover Havoc Rover into tshi tshi into danen Danon now gets the buff to her even more of a skill damage boost and then Buffs Havoc Rover like there's a solid triple Havoc team right now right a triple dreamless team even although I think that it's better to run double dreamless and a certain build on taia will get into in a minute danen is a very very powerful character and even without Havoc Rover or tshi literally solos most all content with the proper amount of investment which is why I think she's solidly a tier also I want to say is C tier most people would put him in D tier as well the one thing I need to note though is that if you build him as a DPS he's actually a very very safe and effective damage dealer and I can explain this one as well Alto mine of which is S5 we can go over him S1 his cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds his cool Downs 10 seconds it lasts for 8 seconds he now can infinitely have his Mist wall up to shoot through he's his damage input increases drastically from this cuz there's literally no cool down for his main damage he's got probably the most consistent onfield damage outside from danen in the game just because there's literally no there's absolutely no uh downtime in fact there's even times where you can have two Mist walls up and be shooting through both if you're really good right increasing your damage even more his S2 the taunt is tankier and he's his attack gets increased nice scaling his taunt gets tankier his taunt by the way if you are bad at the game is a lifesaver cuz bosses will go for it it can get funky sometimes like big AOE attacks but when the boss goes for the taunt you are free to just hit the boss while it's attacking something that literally isn't there his S3 basic and midair attack passes through the Mist two more bullets are generated dealing half the damage of basic or midair attacks this is a big damage break point for him in like Pride win they don't count this for a massive damage bonus for his calculations they calculated him wrong I'm just going to say that outright this is a huge damage boost for him especially when you're not like level 90 maxed out skills the 50% damage is higher than the typical scalings I've seen some altto Mains play you set up your Mist set up your ult jump and do a bunch like you just butterfly click the mouse for the midair attacks and the bullets they don't deal much damage but they pass through the wind and the ult so many times because your midair attacks shoot so fast you send a stream a massive stream of wind bullets at the boss which deals very good damage very safe because the boss isn't even looking at you it's looking at your taunt his S4 increases the damage of his skill Bullets by 30% and he takes 30% less damage when he's in his fancy little ghost Dash the damage decrease doesn't matter too much cuz he's such a safe character it really it really doesn't play a part but 30% damage bonus this isn't 30% um scaling bonus it's 30% damage so it's 1.3 times damage multiplier this is another big Dam damage Spike for him you know it just benefits like his S3 and S4 increases damage substantially on his missed bullets they deal way more damage that way his S5 he gets even more Arrow damage bonus which is a 1.25 times bonus to damage for 6 seconds which his S1 brings his coold down to he will always have this up right which means it's going to be pretty easy actually to build told him to have just about 100% Arrow damage bonus that's a damage doubling stat massive massive value his S6 makes his ult increase his crit rate as well and when you do your heavy attack passing through it the damage dealt is increased the reason that this is Niche is because while yes it's probably better to do this you are attacking slower the idea I think is you jump for the midair attack spam a bunch of your attacks when you land you click G to go into aim mode and you just keep clicking your aimed attacks I think is the rotation otherwise it may very well just be better to do your midair attacks because you throw so many bullets out at your opponent that they just get swarmed and shredded it's he's damn near the morning Ace's one ability that's basically undodgeable CU I'm bad right where he sends out all the little stars and then you just die he basically is that as a DPS Alto is actually genuinely not a terrible pick I put him as C tier because no one else particularly Buffs him other than I would say sanwa and maybe taoi in fact not even maybe we can check this it's his skill the Miss bullet damage is dealing residance skill damage so tshi actually being the best support for alto as well if you wanted to increase his skill damage which is probably the one multiplier that he doesn't just give himself a bunch of right so he can deal 50% damage with his Miss bullets 50% with the extra two scaling scaling scaling I mean he deals a lot of damage you can look up altto main W weaing waves on YouTube and find a bunch of gameplay of a couple different altto Mains that deal stupid good damage output with this guy gisha I'm going to put into the B tier reason why she's going to be easier to deal the damage that Alto does her damage output is going to be higher she is a little less safe cuz there isn't a taunt but her skill is also a very good basically get out of jail free card if you time it right her damage is pretty all right but what scale it to havoc's damage at Havoc s0 is her sixth sequence is her fifth sequence you get another 30% attack here so when you do all of your bullets after 30 bullets spent before you do your boom boom you get 60% attack instead of 30 it is a very big increase to her attack stat which allows her to to build lesser so for Attack on your eeko and more so for crit rate crit damage and fusion damage bonus this increases her attack for basic attack damage as well as the rest of your team this makes it to where when she ults she immediately goes into her skill rotation this makes it to where her ult has an execution for 1.4 times damage boost when their HP is below half this makes it to where her ult Regens energy up to 20 energy when you kill things so she's good in AOE environments and her boom boom will always crit so there's no real reason you should be running anything but a crit damage boss piece on her the four cost piece crit damage it scales way better editing this part out for water G shisha just has really good damage scaling I mean her ultimate literally scales higher than Havoc Rovers everyone talks like oh Havoc Rover Rover has such good scaling she she is scaling is higher on her ult her ult also hits kind of in a circle her forte circuit deals very good damage her boom boom damage scales pretty good and the fact that it's a guaranteed crit is very very nice and you can pretty much do the rotation of her circuit ult rotation of her circuit yet again she's got a very good rotation very clean she's one of the other best solo boss killers in the game alongside Alto and dungon she's one of the best characters in the game for overall if you're not good at the game play this character she's still good character in the game and all of her sequences scale her pretty nicely next we have uh Mori I think he deserves I want to say B tier he requires a lot of investment to not slow down your rotation to not mess up with like the gon Vina team because he needs to be able to get his ult up very very rapidly which loses you damage on your ult you don't have to do the same thing for yinin yinlin is a better support for gon your gon won't deal as much damage overall your team will yinlin will be doing a lot of damage off field Mory though still a very good character just getting basically power crapped by yinlin in a more accessible way as well with yinlin drops him from what I would say an a tier character to a b tier character but let's talk about him his sequences mostly are really good his S1 in fact allows him to be a team with Danon cuz Danon spams her skill in one rotation of Danon of just like attack attack attack skill skill skill he shoots off like eight bullets from his ult so just damage damage damage he's actually good with other characters now once you get his S1 it's very nice his S2 after using his Echo skill you get more resonance energy which is not great cuz I mean you're entering the battlefield I guess you could use your Echo skill but the goal is to kind of Click e once or twice and then ult and then switch because you want his rotation to be very very rapid during his ult the crit damage is increased by 30% which again diminishing returns it's like instead of a 1.5 like at base right 1.5 times boost it's so 1.8 times boost to your damage which is nice but say he's got 20 20% crit it's a 2.2 to 2.5 times increase it's just less and less the more crit damage you have but still a very nice bonus his S4 the duration gets extended by 7 Seconds this is a big break point for him just outright the bigger duration means that your rotation is not nearly as fast you can play this rotation slower and get way more damage output from your gon or Etc character that you want to be using with him it's very nice just overall even with like danin so danen can stay on field longer and do her combos more right S5 increases his resonance liberations hits fired when he ults now now instead of skill skill ult with this you want to ult skill skill because he's going to shoot between the two skills eight more bullets the damage is reduced by 50% but it's still eight bullets and because you get an extra 7 Seconds here you're not losing really any damage on your gon so it just changes his rotation ever so slightly to allow him to deal some damage while he's on the field as well and then his S6 the attack of your whole team is buffed this is very nice just as a generic support to be able to make the attack of the rest of your teammates higher such as gon and yes his outro is very good but overall he is just getting out outshined in damage output for yinin yinin is just an absurdly good character still even after patch 1.1 probably the best character in the game next we get baa baa is going to take a tier as well bisu will drop down in the tier list admittedly as more like Pure Healing supports come out think Barbara from genin Impact although healing was never as important in that game as it is in this game which is funny because in this game you could just dodge but not everybody can just dodge and for the vast majority 95 plus per of players you need a healing support or at least a shielding support on your team for the sustain baa gives damage bonus attack bonus uh amplification although it's at a much shorter time frame than Vina so she's a lot better on quick swap teams and she overall has a faster rotation to you basic tack four times click e switch maybe click uh your ultimate as well so you do four tax skill maybe ult switch right she's much quicker than vyen going in jumping in the air doing her attacks clicking her skill maybe Ting you know doing some Basics to charge up more photosynthesis right Buu is a lot quicker but a lot quicker cool down of her Buffs and her Buffs don't exactly affect the whole team they affect the next character which is why I believe personally she is the best support for teams like Encore and Sona because you can go baa into sanwa San's damage is increased substantially sanwa into Encore encore's damage has increased substantially Encore outro out uh and like explodes and everything and you go back to baija and it's a very safe team and it Buffs the team in kind of a line otherwise she is kind of clunky in most other comps but she's still very important to build right now I will say if another healer comes out probably going to be a better healer than Vina Vina stays s tier that new healer is also probably s tier and B you probably drops down to like B tier but she's very good looking at her sequences we also get to see how she does get a little bit better with these her first one she gains ult energy for every concentration consumed up to four so you're gaining 10 ult energy every rotation you do where you attack four times and then use your skill it's nice for her energy regen her second SE increases her own glacio damage and healing by 15% if she has the four concentration so she just gets more healing and I've seen people run her as a DP like a pseudo DPS build she looks really fun to play as a DPS and actually not terrible but because she doesn't scale off of HP for damage she scales off of attack for damage sadly I do not recommend doing that but this also benefits her if you decide to build her for damage which you can do with anybody in this game even like Vina can deal good damage you just have to really hyper invest and get really good at dodging because your fights are going to last a little bit longer than with the better DPSS her third sequence makes her intro skill increase her Max HP which increases the damage of her skill and increases the damage of her all and increases her healing so overall this is a pretty solid scaling it's not just whatever thing heals for 12% more her HP in increases which you know again diminishing returns but it still helps more than it inherently needs to because it could just be one Niche thing this makes her whole kit better her S4 makes it to you get two more attacks out of her ult so instead of like four or six it goes to six or eight however this it works I'm not going to look but it's four or six little attacks I think it's four four attacks on our old every two and a half seconds or something like that and now it goes up by two the healing multipliers increased and it increases by an additional 1.2% of her Max HP which means it deals more damage pretty solid makes her off field damage pretty solid and it only is going to scale higher as we get Echo sets that is like HP percent instead of just the attack percent one we have now we're going to get a HP set we're g to get a a defense set we're going to get more sets for the base stats over time she will scale better with those as well her S5 is a revive once every 10 minutes to 100% HP very very good especially if you're bad which again most players are going to lose characters in big fights big difficult fights she brings them back immediately to 100% HP once every 10 minutes so a very very solid safety net this makes her way more valuable on a team if you are trying to fight a boss that realistically uh you are not good enough to beat but are built enough to beat damage wise you just get killed first makes her way more valuable her S6 uh when she drops her things that give attack boost so when you pick them up you also get glacio damage bonus very good basically becomes San's best support if Sona is your main DPS which I know some people do play sanwa as main DPS also she's just probably one of the prettiest she's probably like top two prettiest characters in the game alongside yinin it's it's a pretty solid debate actually between the two so build her it's going to be worth it you need healers after that we get sanwa I'm going to say sanwa is probably s tier she's probably the bottom of s tier but I would say she's s tier she supports everybody she supports to some regard ginshi she supports to some regard changle she supports to some regard Gian yinlin Havoc Rover Encore for sure uh Karo even a little bit although he's not very basic attack based uh she also supports danen pretty well because some of danon's damage is from Basics weaving Basics and skills she also supports baa cuz baa if you built baiju for damage for whatever reason BYU is also basic attack damage she also supports Spectra Rover pretty well if spectro Rover is who you're trying to build for damage because she likes to do basic attacks she super duper supports Alto because Alto also really likes his basic attacks and she also super supports Yuan Wu because he also likes to do his basic attacks she also just has a very quick rotation very good energy regen and hits very very good the biggest things with her sequences cuz her sequences to me have always seemed like probably some of the weakest is she gains some crit rate after basic attack five you almost never use this unless you're main dpsing her uh otherwise if she's a hot swap sub DPS you're never using this this one is nice just because she can't get interrupted as easily and she doesn't use as much stamina when she does do her rotation on quick Swap this in this is basically an execute effect which is pretty nice damage scaling this increases her damage actually pretty substantially it's 1.35 times damage multiplication if they're below 70% HP this is actually the first good one probably for her kit for overall damage this one restores resonance energy when she ults and the damage of the next heavy attack is increased which is a nice damage boost but realistically it's mostly the energy regen so she generates even more her S5 the crit damage is actually really good so that you can build her with like 100% crit rate or close to it and then have that crit damage still be 250% minimum on your main rotation this is by far in a way her best sequence because it makes it to where you can basically run her as a main DPS and not be losing out on her team utility cuz she keeps everything like this makes her a main sub DPS everything her S6 increases team members attack which Stacks up to two times it's just 20% for 20 seconds pretty standard uh S6 for most four-star characters overall she's not the easiest to play because you do have to time her heavy attack with the bar and you also have to make sure that you're doing it in a safe way so you're not getting hit out of it and wasting a ton of damage potential but her scalings are very good you know she's able to deal all of this damage and then pop it all again plus another attack so she has some of the best burst damage in the game now we get to two characters these two characters are characters that I'm very happy to talk about because I think everyone gets their placements horrendously wrong we're going to start with tshi because tshi is the one I know the most about and play the most I fully believe toi is an a tier character the reason why is well a few reasons her Shield is nice for sustain for most players she heals herself which is nice she has damage reduction which is nice and I'll get more in depth with that in a minute her damage output is stupid for how much Feld she requires now we can talk about this one tshi is defense scaling her ult at max level scales up to around 400 in some odd percent I will tell you right now the way she is for me 2,000 Defense level 60 level 60 dauntless evernight her best weapon by far all these defense Buffs some Echo not even Havoc damage Dage set because I think that it's wasted on her I think she's better on moonlit or healing I built healing I don't like it I'm going back to moonlit her all of these uh upgrades everything her ult hits so hard like that and then you can just switch out her outro is one of the best outros in the game because it's skill damage amp which we can go back here skill damage amp y if main DPS ylands best support like sub DPS if you're running main DPS yland that's not like S6 main DPS right it's her best support because her skill damage is everything skill damage you're also getting changle when changle comes out toi is going to be her best support if she's main DPS you also get uh there is a way to play on core where you basically switch in do HT uh skill then switch until until you explode or just skill explode and switch best support for that as well you're also getting dangen it's basically dun's best support you're also getting Spectra Rover it's one of Spectra Rover's best supports it's also chia's best support very very good support character for that damage boost for the skill very good sustain very good damage mine hits depending on the enemy and the resistances on a for anywhere from 30 to 50,000 damage at level 60 her stats aren't even amazing she's not even gaining a lot a lot of these like literally aren't barely leveled they're all plus 15 that one's plus 20 right and I'm actually getting rid of a lot of these to switch her onto moonlit because her energy regen she likes having energy regen she does not need it depending on the team especially with yinlin cuz yinin will just charge her anyways but without yinin she needs the energy regen and buffing the next character is attack stat by that higher amount even on top of her skill damage bonus is better in the teams that she's good in her sequences are also really awesome uh this just increases the shield which doesn't matter a lot a lot cuz her Shield's already pretty good but it is nice her S2 is massive her ult gets 20% crit rate and crit damage this makes her a lot easier to build if you get some good crit rate Subs you can get around 50% and just build a lot of crit damage which should be her boss piece uh her skill is extended to 30 seconds which is also very nice if you're switching into other characters and using her as a pure support although I don't think it matters that much cuz you're typically using this for damage as well her S4 is very nice cuz when she does Parry she heals a quarter of her HP and gains 50% defense for 5 seconds if you can fit this into her rotation not easy to do you have to time it with the boss attacking you if you can fit this into her rotation her damage increases just even more her S5 increases the damage of her forte circuit and she gets more resonance energy very good very important for just overall energy economy and her S6 increases her basic and heavy attack damage by 40% when The Shield is granted by by The Rock Steady Shield which is also nice for when you go to Perry and then you do your attack or her intro or whatever right her main rotation You intro attack attack attack click Q uh click like your Echo skill your skill your ult switch right the damage output is kind of stupid this increases your defense even more this makes it to where you deal you take up almost no stamina if you build her on a 43311 set with the Havoc damages on your three pieces and defense everywhere else other than unless your sub stats are absurd you run crit damage or crit rate as your boss piece if you have absurd subs for crit and crit damage you can run her on a defense main piece which increases her damage even more if you again have the subs for it her damage outputs nuts is 180% crit uh damage mine hits the ults 40% pretty much crit rate 2,000 defense I'm critting for stupid amounts of damage that she should not be able to do but because of how she scales it's just multiply multiply multiply multiply yinin being basically her best teammate to swap between she keeps yland safe yland deals lots of damage switches out toi hits about every second CU she's slow and then she gets the big ult damage increase as well it's just massive my favorite team in the game is yinin toi Jin right it's so safe so much damage output it's awesome she is also just pretty much one of the best supports in the game with how there's so many skill damage based characters that would love to utilize her you can also build her on a Havoc set with dreamless but you are losing on a lot of the benefits such as elborne GI oone you click the echo skill click your skill to get your three Shield shelds go into Parry stance holding heavy attack you have 100% damage reduction the boss is going to do a one shot move and you tank it because it deals zero because you reduce all the damage to zero unless the bosses start having damage shred mechanic like defense shred mechanics which gets scary just just anyways because you're just that much squishier you will never take damage you at least survive one hit and then the next hit is reduced by it's going to be another 5% so you take 5% of the damage on the next hit because it's 35 in Perry stance five per shield and you only lose one per attack right absurdly safe character absurdly strong character one of the best sub DPS in the game sonan overshadows her for sure but for sub DPSS she's second best now yangy the biggest thing about yongyong that people just don't talk about is that her sequences in the rainbow Coral shop thing you the premium like you pull a four star you get the rainbow Coral five star right that shop you can get her sequences for basically free through that and this is what made me want to make this video based on oh sequences right because people will eventually get sequences and this tier list sequence list is pretty accurate I mean the only ones that I would really shift is like chishio would go down to C tier and Mory might even go down to C tier with her and Alto might go down to D tier because his sequences give him a lot of damage output but the four stars in this game are really good just outright and their sequences just make them work better young yong's sequences are stupid and we are going to look at this before I rate her we're going to look at what her sequences do her sequences her S1 increases her Arrow damage bonus for 8 seconds upon entering the field with her intro skill nice damage boost for her her S2 her heavy attack recovers additional energy for her when it hits a Target once every 20 seconds pretty nice her S3 her skill damage bonus is increased by 40% this is the skill damage bonus so not skill damage scaling not just outright damage but the skill damage bonus that you can get on substats and stuff on Echo but still 40% on that is very nice it's a 1.4 times damage boost if you have 0% other bonus on her skill her windfields pulling effect on the surrounding targets is enhanced and the pulling range is expanded by 30 3% making her an even better enemy grouper big big break point for her as a grouping support her S4 and S5 are dumb her midair attack feather release which is the main like the big one when she's charged damage increase by 95% so whatever she deals before this is unlocked double it basically right and you can actually do the math here off of Just her scalings right feather release damage calculate her scalings just times to whatever that percentage is because of the I believe it's the communicative property of math I could be wrong could be transitive but communicative property of mathematics it doesn't matter what it multiplies onto it's still doubling something which is then multiplying into everything else so we can take it on her scalings and see that her scalings go from this is about 125 5% here plus another 55% here again at level one right 125 plus 55 you're looking at 180% we'll say scaling just on the feather release damage now it's 360% scaling on her skill her skill gets very strong and at higher levels it it it increases more because it's just the damage it's not the scaling it's the damage so every level you put into this you're effectively leveling it up twice her skill basically at level 10 is a level 20 scaling skill her damage gets stupid on that skill the next thing we have to realize is her S5 increases her ults damage by 85% I did the math the other night when I looked at this and I was like wait a minute hold on because I was trying to see who had higher scaling than Havoc Rover who from my knowledge everyone says has the highest ult scaling even with Havoc Rovers defense shred on enemies and all the other extren Buffs in their sequences yangyong at S5 has a higher scaling on her ult because her ult deals 187 plus what is essentially 300% here that's going to be about 49% and this is about level one 480 4 90% I'll say 480 480 times almost two this being at level one you are 96% scaling at level one Havoc Rover at level four is about 978 per. y Yong goes over a th% damage scaling at like level three maybe even level two right we can look yep 200% plus 1002 200 300 that's 500% times 1.85 times which is a separate scaling than resonance Liberation damage bonus which increases the damage of that even more similar to how you'd build a Havoc Rover her scalings get stupid her skill or like her forte circuit the feather release damage when she's in midair gets stupid amounts of damage this gets stupid amounts of damage cuz it's the damage bonus which keeps her from just clicking e and just eviscerating everything cuz it just straight up another multiplier but these the her S4 and S5 multiply separately from uh ult damage bonus this like Forte circuit damage bonus doesn't exist right but this has way better scaling makes it a pretty nice skill her ult actually shreds and enemies at S5 this is something people aren't talking about her ultimate is statistically the highest scaling ult in the game until gyi comes out of which she contends with I haven't quite done the math she's either still first or barely drops to second place to a t uh szo genin she obviously when you put sequences on five stars it gets better but as of right now S5 yongyong has the highest damage scaling in the game and people just aren't talking about it and it groups and she's a great hot swap character at S6 after doing her feather release and then like basically ulting to group everything afterwards your attack of your teammates goes up for 20 uh 20% for 20 seconds she runs probably either AOS set right cuz Aros set actually Buffs after intro for her own damage which is not a bad idea given her ult hits so hard or you could go moonlit clouds just for more energy regen as a subd like a giga sub DPS because her outro skill just charges a massive amount of energy for the next character for free on top of already having massive energy regen with energy regen weapons and energy regen Subs before s five I would run her moonlit set with this weapon as well as like energy recharge on her three cost pieces probably at S5 arrow set five piece Arrow damage bonus Arrow damage bonus attack attack probably crit rate or crit damage I'd say crit damage because the the uh three when you hit Union level 45 if you get the one-handed sword it's crit rate scaling that also gives energy recharge which also gives a damage boost on I believe it's your it's either your basic attacks or your skills which of both of which he basic she basically does right to charge her forte circuit at S5 yangyang may very well be one of the strongest like hot swappy burst DPSS in the game who also groups who who also just has just massive damage supports your team gives a 20% damage bonus at S6 her damage output gets really stupid it just gets really stupid lot of enemy um sucking up you know she just she's got a lot of energy recharge like if you if there was ever a main sustained onfield possibly AOE possibly not DPS that had like a 200 cost energy ult or something like astronomically High yangong yong's their best support yongyong is the best grouping character in the game best damage dealer in the game at S4 um sorry S3 S3 she becomes by far in a way the best grouper basically her e skill does the same as Jin's ult pretty much and her ult just does absurd amounts of damage like junin could literally never reach her damage output because Yong yong's damage output is literally some of the highest in the game now something that's been brought to my attention this could be a typo it's C games for some reason they can't localize to English worth a damn the first time and maybe this is raise this could raise awareness and they're like hey that's not what it's supposed to do let's fix that but as of right now going off of what it says as well as what I've been talking about with some other people some other creators Yong yong's ult is the strongest ult in the game aside from you could argue Gian and Karo because theirs isn't a onetime burst it's sustained damage which is different but for a ult that you click ult and it does the damage you don't have to do anything else her ult is literally the best in the game and her energy recharge is the best in the game better than than Vina which makes me firmly believe that yyong instead of being a d tier character a c tier character maybe a b tier character as a support I fully believe at higher sequence levels Yong Yong is a s tier character even before get the sequences that make her deal a lot of damage in any AOE scenario think Tower of adversity when you need to group enemies on the lower floors before it's the boss floors she's the most valuable character on the team cuz she speeds up your clears by grouping massively and making it to where your teammates get the energy regen they need and I do just want to say I think she is literally the best third character on two core character teams if you don't know what that is that's like K Charo yland a two core character team Encore sanwa is a two core character team right any team where their their damage output is just two characters or even less even but just two characters is their damage output and then you'd run like a healing support that gives damage bonuses if you don't need the heals yyong is the best in any moment multi-target scenario because she groups for your single Target characters to be able to basically hit all of the enemies because every single Target character basically has a very small amount of AOE on the hitbox of their attack where if all of the enemies are in the same area and that hitbox is hitting that area you're hitting all the enemies it makes gon gon doesn't really count he does AOE but like Karo karo's damage skyrockets if you're able to hit all of the small enemies with Karo encore's damage skyrockets if you're able to do the same thing with her danen changle is going to be the same way gin is going to be the same way uh sanoa kind of is the same way she's pseudo AOE you could say uh The Rovers get better Alto even could get better I'm not certain if his Miss bullets uh have a like a somewhat AOE hit box but she also increases their attack and she becomes the best burst DPS basically uh when she is S5 and S6 Havoc Rover is only on a technicality better because you have dreamless so you switch in all to dreamless leave maybe do some like skill and some other things at S4 her skill damage increases so much or her midair attack thing increas increases so much and her skill damage increases and sucks up I think yyong is probably one of the most valuable sub DPS SL support characters you could build in the entire game at the moment and I do not think she will become worse unless there's a grouper that just is essentially the grouping level of veny which I mean she basically is just outright I think she's one of the most valuable characters you can build in the entire game and she's super fun to play she plays like a little arrow damage huta from genin Impact basically she dashes back and forth and and does some air things she's super sick overall this is pretty much the tier list uh C tier being very Barren because Alto uh basically just B not being B tier but not being D tier Ling Young You could argue could go to I'm actually I'm want to say ling Yong is C tier because his damage output is at least fine and in the scenarios he's good he works Yuan Wu is genuinely the worst character in The Game Bar None because the way he wants to play isn't a viable play style yet he will get better otherwise this is the tier list characters play a little differently than the optimal rotations everyone keeps talking about as well like Karo keep he plays a lot safer than people think a lot less quick swappy which makes his damage output higher on his own you know and sequences help a lot but also just toi's been underrated for too long yangyang's been way underrated for too long danon's been underrated kind of not really but a little underrated for too long chisha has been underrated for too long they're absurdly safe this is the overall best tier list for the majority of people right yongyong before S3 I'll say is a tier maybe maybe B tier just because like if you have John Shin she's gives more heals and shield you get her S3 she goes to a you get her S5 she goes to S and S6 she's even better but even before then I mean her scalings are not bad it's just about half a little little more than half of what a Havoc Rover can do and I mean honestly she does her ult does more damage than sanwa who's known for having a very cleav based ult damage because it's like 800% scaling at max level she is pretty damn close to that and it groups and it groups and the grouping I think makes her more valuable like she she'll never be below B tier right now I think she like the lowest she goes is a but I'll put her s because she's especially for if you don't have the investment in your characters where you're trying to get the damage output but you cannot keep energy regen up so it's like a bad balancing game now you have the damage output and the energy regen she makes the game easier grouping enemies energy regen and then her damage gets stupid at higher sequence levels and she's simple easy fun to play very good Frame data she's just a very good character you're sleeping honor anyways that's going to be it for the tier list this is just the tier list don't look at anybody else's look at mine this is the tier list because this is the actual field tested tier list I've played everybody other than gingi chongi but just even looking at their leaks they're going to be broken they're going to be nuts everyone's going to be nuts all the new characters are going to be nuts but the four stars are actually like all majority being slept on they are so easy great damage great safety like everything honestly a fourstar only account would not even be bad and you could clear the Tower of adversity not right now probably unless of course if you whale you could but for free to play plays and dolphins in the future you could literally build only four stars and and clear the hardest content we have in the game right now tactical Holograms easily with just dang alone other than the one that walls dangen out because of resistance you can do it with dangen literally alone for everything but yeah that'll be it for the tier list uh tell me what you think in the comments below and I will see you guys next time uh join me on my twitch kashy Swanson and hang out when I stream I do most all of these videos live just like this one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cashy Swanson
Views: 16,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Cashy, CashySwanson
Id: E3rUIccyuCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 40sec (4360 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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