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I spent a week to build the best f2p geny in weing waves and let me Yap a bit while you subscribe and before we start the video before her banner I had 70 P from gon because I was pulling for Dungeon copies on his banner I was able to get her up to what are Idol on called in this game again resonance chain I was able to get her to Resonance 4 and was enjoying my time as a Havoc Rover X dungeon player I had no Verina because I didn't use the selector they gave cuz if I lost to her I don't want R1 I'd rather much get a different character like alaro or Encore because I don't have the yet so I'll show you guys the post first and maybe I'll pop in and out because this is kind of a long video and I will include time stamps if you don't want to watch a certain [Music] part it's the plan okay get jiny get web pick Verina best case scenario if loose jiny keep pulling on Jin one 10 pull two dungeons six gin seven ginies bang it's 80P right not 0 yeah yeah yeah okay I was going to say I was going to say [Music] 72 oh in the way weapon weapon it's too easy it's too easy it's too easy holy animation dude wild okay one more is the shop reset right I get the weapon now guaranteed so just give me early and then we're chilling [Music] 26 want to follow my account G man I just get it to 30 then do 10 PS I just don't want I just don't want it to be yeah get geny on field to pull oh my bad my bad what's the uh what's the pity for for weapon any noers 80 yep 40 damn dungon from weapon Banner he scored oh my Lord 50 [Music] Dam so they's so gum but when you're pulling for weapon it's just how early can you get it okay D two for [Music] one I'm using everything the 60 no yeah [Music] 60 oh I don't have that yet any 70 is still early thank you is it 70 or is that 80 already I feel like that's 70 right I think I lost count thank you dude if we got it early imagine though like 20 PS holy we have extra dungeon dunin San oh my where's the dungeon my last dungeon young any young young enjoyers you're going to have two dungeon please please please please oh dungeon three imagine can I one last 10 pole I can like two more 10 pole dungeon just finish it yo that's e e E3 huge last dungeon to SAS dungeon to SAS I forgot she's on the banner you know what it's fine it's my dungeon my last dungeon hey can I have my last dungeon my last dungeon can I have my last dungeon that's fine that's fine now I can pick Vina finally dude I I waited so long for for jiny so I could pick ver this changes everything for I hope that makes you I think you need one p n did I get y on the first one heit bet bet bet bet bet d w Yang Yang dude I'm getting why unlimited y I mean not I mean can't complain dude can't complain E4 San huge dungeon missing one Yang is also missing one no no no don't use that don't use that yeah that looks sick dude that looks sick corals for Bulls ah should I I might save it for idolon but I I want to learn first cuz if it's worth I don't know if they're worth it it's 360 a was asking what it's 360 for limited characters 270 for standard that's insanely expensive but I mean at least you can buy them right farming I'm farming this I'm farming um the new Mobs later anyway yeah I need better echos and then we need the the new for cost honestly pretty happy with the puls even if I wasn't able to get my dungeon E6 just then but I did the story to be able to farm the new for cost Echo J I think for jiny and this was the damage she was doing with almost no investment in her skills watch I don't know if she's going to do huge huge damage but at least she has a crit rate Echo now it's this it's not that good there I'll Farm it again but I don't have any Echo leveling experience wooo this is already a good pretty good A lot of damage for a barely built character I think we got to go through the story together though we got to see where she started to further appreciate what she can do later like she was doing 20ks almost and that was huge for me cuz I I haven't seen numbers that big in this game other than in like Rover and no other character has done that for me but obviously she's a limited five star this is like to be expected but again no Talent levels no nothing this was all also pre ul50 so she wasn't at her current Max potential yet and of course I kept farming joy in search for the perfect for cost and that went as well as you'd imagine oh oh holy yes so I kept farming because I wasn't satisfied with what I had and that leads us to current day jiny me right now like literally I farmed okay you I farmed this a lot I think for a lot of us like jiny or like anyone anyone who's invested in a character a lot you farmed their Echo for a while and this took forever like these are just the ones I've kept I just want to show you guys like you might say oh this guy didn't try to farm enough but like dude I I've farmed a lot and these are only the ones I've kept this is the one I'm going to be using today I think cuz this is probably the best one it has ER crit damage crit rate the basic and heavy attack damage isn't that nice I'd rather have like skill and resonance Liberation here I have those in the other pieces here skill damage and this one here but I think this is my most balanced P yeah 15 crit damage six crit rate maybe this this one this one's fine too for the skill damage bonus but I like the ER here anyway we got the ul50 since that last clip got her leveled up 70 9 out of 80 her weapons also 80 out of 80 I give up for the echo for now but I'll show you the build that I have this one for cost 43311 she's using an attack one here and one one honestly I think this is like probably my best piece on her for now if this were attack it literally be like perfect this is for cost man I so much I'll just show you guys the for cost I have there there there there this is the problem with having an ecosystem where you can just kind of farm Forever at least for me I don't think it's healthy because there are pros and cons you know you can Farm forever so technically you can farm for a perfect piece which is hard to do in other gacha games cuz you know specifically HSR genjin you kind of have to spend resin to get the pieces right and here it's like at least you get the main stat secured before you have to spend anything but that makes it so as soon as you don't get a good stat in the first two rolls you kind of just have to drop it but yeah this my build right now pretty decent I think these ones I haven't gotten the max actually I might do that right now uh the team I'm using Mor defy mortify Vina Marina's barely built I just just recently leveled this cuz I saw this and I was like wait another free 20% attack so that's kind of huge I haven't been able to do anything else other than just do Jin's been like my entire account investment for the past week and a half so yeah Mor he's just he's semi- built it's not the best but he's he's good here no charges almost no charges akk didn't create wow I kind of do want to level up more so I'm probably going to spend these the day maybe three runs so I can get her as high as possible as like like I want to get her to like her best state before I bring her into Tower of adversity cuz I'm kind of scared so now that we have that this is going to be as high as I'm willing to take her for now I'm going to just do her for circuit cuz this is where most of her damage comes from we'll do this get it to eight dude that's all my money I have so much money dude it's it's so expensive but yeah we get to take eight here still don't have these unlocked she can do way more damage I mean it's not way more damage but she can do more damage you know resonance skill Liberation these two I don't have the resources we're going to do this we're going to take her into Tower of adversity first um to do like one of the baby levels so I haven't been able to clear it so here cuz it has spectro damage bonus I've been doing this and then this I keep failing so I'm going to try to do this first Vina mortify mortify he has a build it's not that good but he has a build Vina is unbuilt like she has bare minimum ER weapon these are Level zero everything like it's just the four piece set that's it also tell me if I'm doing the rotations wrong cuz not that good at this game I kind of just recently got into it because of geny see 29 life everything Fury Bo F My [Music] Wish see it 200k new record for me huh I some fer okay don't die Inferno see the [Music] 52 no crit that's so I have a crit I have like 200 crit 200 not 200 I have like 80 good great luminous energy INF okay chill so scared to get hit by these guys cuz they hurt we fight it's so cool she flies with the enemies too oh nice 200 on on crates is so nice to see Len up [Music] Fury boils lock this okay don't die man I meant to press R my [Music] bad huge I think we just ended here 20 seconds to spare dude every single time I've tried that I was short by like 10 seconds okay we'll use this team same team I don't know it might just get one shot we'll see if I do just get one shot maybe I'll end the video there but like I think that's a that was a pretty good showcase I thought strong I DOD WR again please n it's not enough I waste too much time on 5 Seconds dude there's no way okay if I can dude I'm going to try again I'm going to try again cuz like it's doable it's just my Verina build is so bad if I can spend less time on her somehow just minimize Verina field time dude it's over how much how much energy does this give only just five that's not a lot I don't actually know her energy requirements but I have her own ER just cuz like she has nothing so I might as well just give her as much ER as possible right uh can I level this we sacrifice one of the jeys dude I don't have and I have tuners I just don't have um I don't know what stats I want other than ER I and I don't think you can get er on an ER main stat right heavy attack you can get er on an ER face I'm keeping this piece okay so she has 165 not sure if that's enough sorry I really don't know but we'll see let's do this this Vina please tell me it's enough I would use by cuz she's a different element for more stocks but I feel like may I pr for I don't know I feel like Vina diff diff is crazy no crit on the first good start leave it to me oh you don't die life is an everything Fury [Music] boils let's do this another way big may I should do more de dude know I feel like I'm spending still too much time on her INF big [Music] crits 159 so sad this d o That's not satisfying please don't die I panic I switch out of her cuz I panic Fury boils F my wrath strike is one take it's my bbor oh don't die as you wish Inferno bring it on a that's fine not really in the sunight can I not use my now I'm super dehydrated please keep my calling take [Music] 169 what Burnes no I'm so stupid okay again okay wait wait wait wait wait I have a plan I have a plan I have a plan this is what we're going to do we're going to use a crit fishy crit fishy build cuz like okay 85 rate is a lot right what if I can use a crit damage one with skill damage and then just Bank on it critting right 65 65 is still it's still fine that's fine that's fine with this build this build this build this build hopefully it's not going to be better my it didn't crit already man bad [Music] [Applause] sign okay big big big big crit big crit life is in everything Fury boils burn to ashes as you wish let's do this another way why I didn't do my intro oh I messed up I [Music] thought oh [ __ ] this wasn't a [Music] better [Music] just my let's do this [Music] enough it's not MOX stck but you can still see please grip no grip how about you oh big luminous energy E I think I was doing 60s a while ago Fury boils [Music] silence strike has [Music] won oh don't die please please don't die crit crit crit please oh it's not much more though I thought it be like way more might not be worth it I think the uh the more consistent builds better safe advis [Music] as you wish I didn't use my my [Music] old in the sunlight Fury Bo Inferno again dude again again because this is all player diff at this point I think the builds are okay I'm just not that good I should bury more than Dodge so we'll try [Music] that leave it it to me luminous energy Fury boils fill my wrath As You Wish strike is [Music] one EV be no listen up Fury boils As You Wish Inferno I like [Music] strong oh man I'll try more Dey first man As You Wish burn to ashes let's do this another way feel like my autos on Vine are wasted without More Death you [Music] know please oh my Fury boils Inferno burn let's do this another way together we fight should use my skill first but it's fine too late too late holy Fury boils you wish silence let's do this another way 6 seconds 100K take Fury Inferno this will be the last this will be the last try i' like there so many misplays I'm so close if this doesn't work it's 100% played it's doable but it's playtive and I don't want this video to be like 4 hours [Music] long oh don't die man might need Marino life everything Fury boils burn to ashes As You Wish strike is one didn't use my e may yeah thank you leave it to me fury boils Inferno feel my wrath As You Wish flent Shadows nice blue fast in the sunlight Fury boils silence as you wish let's do this another way oh I'm going to die leave it to me thank God I thought I was going to get out and get one up Fury boils Inferno F my wrath take [Music] EV will be thank you for creting luminous energy Fury boils As You Wish silence I'm begging you you got a crit J see this is the [Music] one oh let's go huge oh dude insane that's kind of nice I think I did it before with two stars with like a scuffed ass build but this is dude yeah got humbled by woa once again dude good build is only good in the hands of a good player I guess but that was nice I think I spent too much time on my other characters for those runs the main problem was probably Vina I should just learn how to play her I'm not playing her properly too she's a new character to me as well but I hope this video is one fun to watch cuz it took a while to make it it took a while for that last part for sure I might build yanu yanu soon because I've been wanting to build him since we got him for free and then I saw he was the bad on the TA list but now with jiny I have a real excuse to build this guy now he's far from being built though he's level 40 same with Vina like Vina I have to work on for sure but Jin is really good I have like three characters three four characters to build we have limited wave plates it is what it is see you next time see you next time for sure I don't know if I'll do more W content but maybe just from time to time I wouldn't be as active as like HSR and maybe genin I don't know about zc but we'll see yeah stop yapping see you guys next time good morning good afternoon or good night Wherever You Are a [Music]
Channel: Sme3ti
Views: 52,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves, Jinhsi, Jinhsi Build, Jinhsi F2P, Jinhsi Team, Sme3ti, Sm3eti
Id: J1lErdF98Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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