3 Things I Dislike About Wuthering Waves

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me criticizing something doesn't equate to [Music] complaining having opinions whether they are positive or negative is crucial to express if you want to see any changes it communicates to others what you enjoy or dislike aiming to find Solutions or common ground communication is especially vital for companies so that they can understand what kind of player base they they have whether it is filled of casuals or hardcore players they need this information in order to make changes that benefit not only their player base but the game as a whole so telling people to stop complaining is the same as saying stop arguing and be grateful for what you have even if it's not what you wanted you shouldn't be satisfied with the bare minimum and especially as a consumer you have the right to dislike something and expect the game to change it as long as it's reasonable and fair but I'm not a philosopher or your therapist I'm just a Waring ways player and as a fellow Waring ways player I would like to voice my concerns or dislike of the game and hoping that like-minded players can join me in voicing our opinions or you can call me stupid in the comment sections either works on a serious note though I hope this video encourages you to voice your opinions and not to be silenced by others telling you to just be grateful when your feedback matters feel free to comment below about the changes you like to see in the game or share any negative experiences that You' like fixed if you you enjoy videos like this please hit that like button cuz it lets me know if you actually like it and consider subscribing cuz I'll also make a positive video about the things that I like so don't miss it number one refinement I'm going to say it again and again and again I should not have to spend 30 minutes max refining my weapons I like having an organized inventory and not to mention you should be refining your weapons anyway to make them more powerful the only time where I say refining your weapon is bad is when it's a five star or a goo four-star weapon because these are harder to get but three stars and buildable fourstar weapons best believe I'm refining them and I would like an Auto Select please number two and look I don't know if it's a skill issue or if kl's camera system genuinely sucks it is so hard to Simply focus on an enemy and keep the camera from sliding to the left and to the right as I'm trying to carefully place my skills and hit the enemy and not the yeah I'm aware that they say they're going to fix this but when because I really don't like how stiff it sometimes feels to just move around it makes it harder and I will be honest I'm not really that good on PC I am a console player through and through so maybe I'm just simply not used to playing on a PC but just I don't know it's something about it let me know in the comments if I'm just crazy number three shiny Echo I hate the echosystem or at least the Phantom system the Phantom system is supposed to be the super cool shiny system where you get a different variant of Neko and I remember people being specifically excited for this because it's a way to grind for something special it's a way to do other things while you're in a quotequote dead period And I was also excited for it until I realized how easy it was to get now I never went out myself to hunt for eeko but I got it from a shop and to me I feel like shinies especially okay look shinies came from Pokemon and when you get a shiny from Pokemon it was a lot more exciting cuz it was harder to uh get especially if you're just getting them from bushes and it's just like oh my god I've been here for hours where's the shiny and you finally get it it feels so good it especially feels good when you get a shiny with all the right IVs which is how I should feel when I get a shiny Echo with the right stats I don't like how it works right now I don't like that if I have a shiny Echo I can just put it on like my like any Echo that I have no I feel like it just I think shiny Echo should purely be aesthetic wise should purely be for hardcore players should purely be a reward for all your hard work and tears that you put into the game it doesn't feel good when they just give it to you for free however I will say if they're going to keep it the way it is introduce more Echo skins introduce a way to unlock variant so I can feel more special like or in order to make it feel more special at events where you get a special cool Echo skin that you only get from this event so it makes it feel like you're more unique I don't know I just definitely feel like the echo system or sorry the Phantom system for the echo is just so lackluster I don't even like it I really don't if it seem like I went on a bit longer about the echo Phantoms it's because I did I went off script however if there's anything I'm more passionate about on this very short list it would be the refining issue of not having Auto Select when upgrading our equipment since this would be such a simple change and a good quality of life I can't imagine anyone complain about it but if you disagree remember to leave a comment with that said I am going to prepare for July 10th where I'm going to do three giveaways on Twitch to celebrate the name change that is also so important to me all you're going to do is be followed and be there while I do the giveaway anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll see you later bye
Channel: Bratzxy
Views: 1,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 46C4D141ODI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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