ANYONE can beat Red Enemies with THIS TRICK

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this guy is a level 120 killing machine and I have a team of level one characters and skill issues but there is a trick to beating these tough monsters no matter how weak you are and I'm going to show you how to do it let's take a step back what are these red glowy monsters scattered across the map and why should you care about them these red ARA enemies are known as special enemies not a very creative name but I digress these monstrously tough bosses will always drop an echo and the first time you defeat them that Echo is guaranteed to be of high Rarity the low-level monsters drop purple Echoes while the high level ones drop the coveted gold Echoes these rare drops are especially helpful in early games since it means you can use gold Echoes before your data bank has even unlocked them the rare Echoes will also help level up your data bank which in turn will get you closer to improving your chances of getting gold Echoes from regular enemies after defeating them special enemies will respawn a few days later so you can beat them again they'll always drop an echo but only the first one is guaranteed to be rare afterwards they'll default to whatever your data Bank level allows you to get what this means is these enemies are definitely worth defeating at least once and the earlier you beat them the better there's just one tiny problem special enemies tend to be strong really strong since their levels are fixed it is possible to just power yourself up and squash them later but that only applies to some of them other special enemies are at a level that isn't even possible to reach yet and of course it's the high level monsters that drop the rarest Echo not only can these guys easily kill you in one hit they are also really really tough to kill even with my best characters my strongest attacks barely leave a scratch but don't worry like I said before there is a secret trick or three that will help you chunk through their massive health goals to prove it I'm going to go up against one the special enemies with the weakest team that I have that happens to be donin Sona and baiju at level one with the worst weapons and no Echoes I'm not saying these carriages are bad but right now they have zero investment and I'm also the one controlling them so I'm so sorry for what I'm about to put you through Don jeene as you can see here I'm not even hitting double digits with my basic attack but that's fine because I have trick number one the Dodge attack [Music] as the name implies you can perform it by doing a perfect Dodge and immediately following it with a basic attack this follow-up attack has a massive damage bonus and for special enemies this easily outperforms any other damage you can dish out in the early game not even resonance Liberation can compare it's also really satisfying to pull off the fast attack coming after a Time slowing Dodge has that extra oomph this game doesn't explain these two well but thankfully they're not super super difficult to perform just make sure to time the Dodge correctly otherwise light is [Music] fading oh [Music] no if your timing isn't very good there is a second trick intro skills swapping characters when their intro skill is ready will also do Mass M damage to special enemies and you don't even need a Dodge to pull it off and if your timing is good throw in some counterattacks just attack the Enemy at the right time to deal big damage and throw them off balance using Dodge attacks intro skills and counterattacks will bring highle enemies to their knees in no time but uh like I said I have skill issues so I don't bother with the counterattacks I just dodge and pre because there was very little room for error it took me about four tries to learn this Bear's attack patterns but fortunately it has these huge wind ups that you can see a mile away making this a cakewalk Karma oh my God I had one hit point left one hit point left one hit for left if you have a team of three you can afford to get hit two times without wiping and a few more if you have some Revival inhalers this gives you a little more wiggle room if you slip up and Miss A Dodge just remember they have a long cool down so yeah try not to die before the next one refreshes if you do wipe don't worry there are no major consequences for the team dying you'll revive at the nearest residance Beacon so you can try again and again uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh results and again I should also mention that if you lead the monsters to far away from their territory they will regain all their health and return back to their original spot so try not to drag them off too [Music] [Music] far stay behind me [Music] guide my blade I got it I got it yay oh my God that was so bad that was easy easy game and there we have it yes I wiped eight times but I only had to beat it once and once I did if you also SU suck at dodging like me you can just invite someone to kill it for you in Co-op even if you don't fight it all players present will be able to retrieve the echo at leaves behind which is another great reason to fight it with friends seeing as you can triple your Collective rewards in fact if you want to get multiple festar Echoes early you can get duplicates by visiting others worlds and helping your friends defeat these same monsters keep in mind that you can only revive your own characters and Co-op though so try not to all die at the same time lastly if if these special enemies are really giving you a hard time just ignore them unlike other monsters their level does not scale with the World level so you can always fight them later when you've got a better team or more confidence after all as fun as the fights and weathering waves are you're going to have to watch this video to see what it is I love the most about this game pardon me sir pardon me sir do not attack me sir I am level one don't attack me sir sir H the wolves are after me now no leave me alone no no no no I don't have time for this I have a bear to fight
Channel: Rate-Up Radio
Views: 95,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuwa, ww, wuthering waves, wave radio, mobile games, gacha, open world, kuro games, kuro game, kuro, withering waves, weathering waves, wuthering radio, rate up radio, rateup radio, red elite, red, aura enemies, bear, danjin, sanhua, baizhi, ivy, level 1
Id: fJzLs7XtRLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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