CRAZY NEW VERINA TECH | Verina Wuthering Waves Guide

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verina wuthering waves verina guide wuthering  waves guide sunlight when Vina does her intro   skill she comes in from the air and has quite  a long air time and if she didn't know already   Vina cannot use any of her skills while in the  uh except her aial attacks which we usually   don't want to use right after her intro however  vero's intro attack actually has a split second   window where she touches the ground and we can use  her ultimate to cancel her long intro animation   allowing us to immediately skill cancel Echo  cancel jump and gain the rest of her conserto from   her midair attacks allowing us to perform a 2cond  rotation absolutely crazy right however Verina   ground window is extremely short and you have  to spam her ultimate button really fast or you   will miss it and don't bother trying to use  a skill or echo in that window either I don't   think they work trust me I've tried there are  two conditions to perform the 2cond rotation   first of all you obviously need to have your  ultimate available before you actually intros   swap to Verina and secondly you must have the  very ation fourstar rectifier to boost ven's   concerto gain now that I fully explained the 2C  rotation I'll be jumping straight into the full   guide which also does include the best rotations  for arena in every situation I'll start off with   the most important parts of reena's Kit vena's  Forte gauge down here is extremely important for   quick rotations and using each Forte will greatly  increase her conserto energy look at the bar on   the left considerer using one using two greatly  increased marinaa gains forte in three ways her   skill her intro skill and her fifth basic attack  doing her full five basic attack chain takes far   too long as you can see there so you should never  do this when playing Rea instead we rely on the   fact that Reena starts on her third basic attack  whenever she is swapped in as shown 3 four five   3 four five meaning we will only ever need  three attacks to gain forte in this way   instead of five this is also the case when  she counterattacks right after a successful Dodge 3 four 5 to quickly consume verina's Forte  we simply jump and immediately start attacking   each attack will consume one Forte up to three  per jump this will not only heal and buff the   whole team thanks to Echo set and skill upgrades  but will also provide Reena with a massive amount   of conserto energy allowing for fast rotations  if available we always want to skill cancel and   Echo cancel into our aerial attacks if possible  for maximum conserto gain in the shortest time   possible and with that you've learned everything  you need to start performing for rotations vena's   rotations are all about speed the longer she is  on the field the less time your DPS will get to   deal damage all the rotations you will see are  to my knowledge the fastest in every situation   I am using the fourstar rectifier variation for  more conser energy but I will also go over what   to do even if you do not have it the first  situation will feature the start of battle   or warmup rotation it should take about 3 seconds  if done correctly and slightly longer with without variation it's fast in the sunlight doing this rotation without variation is simple  all you have to do is do all three attacks instead   of just two in the last jump attack sequence  and you should be full concertive the second   situation is during mid battle and when you don't  have your ultimate available after you intro swap   in with Verina instead of waiting the 1.7 seconds  of air time before being able to do anything we in   dead swap out to another character and perform  any short filler sequence on that character before   swapping back in could be a skill could be an echo  swap literally anything that fills in for verina's   intro aerial downtime then we immediately swap  back to Verina will perform her standard sequence and without variation equipped the rotation is   actually exactly the same you  could say the rotation has no variation the third and final situation  is during mid battle and when you do have   your ultimate available this is the  situation that was featured at the   start of the video the 2C rotation here  it is again in stepbystep slow motion unfortunately without variation the  rotation with ultimate available is   a lot worse not only do you have to perform  all three midair attacks compared to the very   version even that isn't enough you have to land on  the ground and attack one more time to get maximum   concerto therefore I think it's better if you just  follow the no ultimate rotation if you don't have   variation even if you do have your ultimate or  a slight modification of it like so leave it to me fast in the sunlight now that we finally covered every single  rotation for arena in every single situation let's   move on to her build so for her set you definitely  want the five healing set it's the best by far   there is no other replacement with the total Echo  obviously as the main Echo with it's so broken as   well for the main stats for the for cost you  want healing bonus or attack percent doesn't   really matter for three cost you want energy regen  or attack percent and for the one cost you want   attack perc for the substats you want to hit at  least 50% energy region bare minimum on Verina   the more the better even 100% plus is really good  on Verina then you want attack percent and flat   attack a skill priorities skill three and four  which is the Forte and her ultimate those are the   only two skills that matter increases your damage  and increase your healing output at the same time   the other three skills you can just leave at level  one they don't really do much and as for ven's   residence chain upgrades they are all actually  pretty useless except for the second and fourth   upgrade so the second one is really really good it  cuts down her rotation time even further from two   seconds it's like ridiculous and this fourth one  is all right when she's put in a spectro damage   team with increas the spectro damage bonus so  yeah really really good all right and finally as   for Vina's teams in which teams is Vina the best  support which teams actually want Vina answer is   all of them she's so busted with her non-existent  field time and her broken 15% all damage deep   in buff for the whole team while keeping them  permanently topped up at full HP and the buff   even lasts 30 whole seconds that's so long it's  unbelievable I'll go through a few teams you may   or may not have heard about already like Gian Mori  wow or perhaps Karo Yin Lind but I don't have Yin   I don't have Karo so how about Yin Lin Yan Wu or  maybe even if you're feeling spicy Havoc Rover d wow look at all those teams that nobody  has heard about okay yeah but all jokes   aside if you could have this unit in  every single team the game would be   so easy but yeah that's going to be  all for me for my complete Vina guide   featuring The 2C rotation I hope you learned  something new and I'll see you on the next one for
Channel: vaizaGG
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Keywords: verina wuthering waves, verina guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves verina, wuthering waves verina guide, verina build wuthering waves, wuthering waves verina build, verina build guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves verina build guide, wuthering waves guide, verina wuwa, wuwa verina, verina guide wuwa, wuwa verina guide, verina build wuwa, wuwaa verina build, verina build guide wuwa, wuwa verina build guide, wuthering waves, wuwa, verina, verina tech, verina guide, vaizagg
Id: jIVif1WPPr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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