Changli Is All You Need!! INSANE DPS Guide, Best Teams, Weapons & Echos!! | Wuthering Waves

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there are many things in life that strive to uphold balance and I'd like to believe 1.1 of weathering waves perfectly upholds a notion of balance as we have on one side ginshi being more elegant and petite and then you have Chang Le on the other side being dominant and absolutely thick Chang Le is the next resonator dropping off the gingi and is going to be a powerful main DPS character I'm sure many players are eagerly waiting to summon for we were able to have some more insight into Chang Le's kit and gameplay through the 1.1 main story so I'll be running through a full breakdown on Chang kit her best teames viable Echo builds weapon choices and the overall value she will have on your account now I got to say some stuff might change since she hasn't officially released but as she is in the game and you can see her full kit I really doubt it would change anything just before we jump right into it would really appreciate it if you could subscribe to the channel for more weathering waves content and drop a like if you enjoy the video Chang Le is a fusion one handed sword DPS character and due to her great flexibility she is amazing in both the main DPS and sub DPS position Chang Le has a unique basic attack string as she performs four Fusion basic attacks and on the final hit she enters true side lasting for 12 seconds and is the first state out of the two states she can enter shangi is able to engage in herial combat similar to jingi which also allows her to enter the true site state after dealing the final hit from the midair attack string the heavy attack is pretty insane as it allows shangi to turn into a phoenix dealing damage to enemies while tracking upwards and can be cast whil in midair Chang Le's resident skill has two costs allowing her to deal Fusion damage through more stunning animation and ending with a plunge attack down on the enemy as you activate the resident skill it will also allow Chang Le to enter the true sight State the final way of entering the true sight state would be through Chang Le's intro skill which allows Chang Le to appear in midair and start dealing damage to enemies now it's great that there's quite a few ways shangi is able to enter true sight as this is where her damage starts to really ramp up once shangi is in true sight her basic attacks and heavy attacks will deal damage considered as resident skill damage so just like jingi she is a resident skill damage scaler and it will be what majority of her insane damage scales off the core of Chang Le's kit will be the Forte circuit and is where her damage takes another significant jump the Forte gauge allows changle to hold up to four stacks of inflam with each bar on the gauge representing one stack Chang Le obtains one stack of inflam for every basic attack and heavy attack within TR sight and can obtain all four Stacks at once through the resident Liberation once shangi has reached Max stacks on the Forte gauge he can then cast a heavy attack flaming sacrifice which de damage considered as resident skill damage and allows Chang Le to enter her final State being the fiery Feather State once Chang Le is in the fiery Feather State her attack is increased by 25% for 10 seconds which allows Changi to deal some insane damage the 40 circuit also has an amazing feature allowing Chang Le to change her appearance for each stack of inflam Stack one a small flame Ark will appear in front of Chang Le stack two the flame will remain and Chang Le's coat starts to burn up from how hot she is stack three the coat is burned right off and stack four before she decides to cplay Gojo so ker games really popped off with insane attention to detail in Chinese 40 circuit allowing us to see multiple design variations of Chang Le Chang Le also has a few passives within her kit enabling her to deal a lot more damage secret strategist increases Chang's Fusion damage by 5% for each stack of inflam when dealing basic or heavy attacks within TR site meaning you would be able to deal a total of 20% increased Fusion damage through Chang's true sight attacks sweeping Force addition Ally increases Chang's Fusion damage by 20% and will ignore 15% of Defense on enemies when using the Flaming sacrifice heavy attack or residence Liberation essentially this passive sets up the fiery Feather State 10-second window to allow Chang Le to hit insanely hard so she will be a very powerful damage dealer clearly capable of taking up the main DPS position now the outro skill is what enables Chang Le to also play as a sub DPS as it's the fusion version of Yin Lin's outro skill Chang Le provides an increase of 20% in Fusion damage and increases resident Liberation damage by 25% for the next resonator switching in so this outro skill provides Shang Le with a lot more longevity in the game so when there are much better Fusion main DPS characters to run Chang Le will still be a very valuable character being a strong sub DPS dealing great best damage and can provide increased Fusion damage and resonance Liberation damage now Chang Le is very flexible when it comes to team building synergizing with quite a lot of characters the most popular team utilizing changle as a quick swap bur sub DPS would be Chang Le alongside Anor and Verina Anor will definitely take advantage of Chang Le's outro skill increasing a fusion damage by 20% however UNCA resident Liberation scales on basic attack damage so she wouldn't be able to fully utilize changi's outro skill regardless they will still synergize very well and he would be able to Quick swap changle in to deal insane burst damage during a 10-second window within the fiery Feather State providing Encore with time for her abilities to cool down instead of Encore chisha would synergize very well with Chang to being the only other Fusion main DPS character and can fully utilize changi's outro skill especially since ch's resident Liberation is one of her stronger abilities meaning the increase in Residence Liberation damage would be very valuable for her so I'm sure chish Mains will definitely be looking forward to Chang Le's release now since Chang Le's outro skill is the fusion version of Yin Lin's outro skill means any character you would usually pair alongside y Lin to utilize a resonance Liberation damage bonus can also be pair up with Chang Le for the exact same reason so characters such as havoc rova and Karo would synergize with Chang Le very well as they are able to deal a lot more damage with their residence Liberation which is a massive source of their damage so Chang Le can definitely be seen as a replacement for Yin Lin if you don't have her Chang le as a main DPS will have a few strong sub DPS choices that synergize very well with her the first would be the double calcium Cannon team consisting of changli as the main DPS and taoi as the sub DPS considering majority of changi's damage scales from Resident skill damage T's outro skill will be insanely valuable for Changi just as it is for ginchi providing a huge 38% resident skill damage bonus also since ta's Liberation is one of her more powerful abilities she would benefit from changi's Liberation damage bonus too allowing taoi to Quick swap in to deal a lot of damage with her Liberation taoi can additionally provide Shield to the team and heal herself meaning if you wanted to you could even swap out Vina fori instead and have another sub DPS character which may not be the best Choice overall for Chang Le but for the sake of having fun and experimenting it's something you could try another powerful and spicy Synergy would be Chang Le with Yin Lin both Changi and Yin Lin will be able to provide a Liberation damage bonus to each other allowing you to drop one nuclear Liberation after another also Yin Lin will deal Electro coordinated attacks through the punishment Mark when Chang Le is on the field for 18 seconds meaning you would cleave through enemies a lot quicker so these two will have great potential in dealing insane burst damage whenever they switch on the field and Le will have a bit more Fu time dealing damage paired with Y Lin's coordinated attacks Mory would synergize with Chang Le too as he would utilize the increase Fusion damage bonus for my outra skill and can also deal Fusion coordinated attacks through his Liberation however Mor's outra skill wouldn't be that valuable for Chang Le since she wouldn't benefit from increased heavy attack damage so that would be something to consider when bearing these two together as mortify would benefit more than Chang Le Chang Le is going to be one of those characters just like Yan Lin where you can Slaughter into many different team compositions so she would have quite a longevity since her kit provides her with the freedom to synergize with many characters and she would only increase in value as more Fusion DPS characters release in the future moving on to Chang Le's Echo builds now Chang Le's best in slot set will be the five-piece molten Rift set as it provides 10% Fusion damage and an additional 30% Fusion damage increase for 15 seconds after releasing their resident skill changi's resident skill has a cool down of 12 seconds meaning you would have a boost of 40% infusion damage with 100% up time which is massive for Chang le as for the main Echo unfortunately there isn't much Variety in the molten Rift set as The Inferno Rider is the only option after activating the echo skill he provides increased Fusion damage by 12% and basic attack damage bonus by 12% so it is in the greatest since changle wouldn't really utilize the basic attack damage bonus increase at some point another Fusion forec cost Echo will drop and hopes are they will be able to provide increased Fusion damage along with increased resident skill damage but for now you'll need to run The Inferno Rider the option of running 44111 is also unavailable since there isn't another four cost Fusion Echo a viable but less optimal build would be a two-piece molten Rift set and a two-piece lingering tune set you would be missing out on the massive 30% increase in Fusion damage but will receive a 10% attack increase from the lingering tune set so this set would be a viable build for players that haven't got a solid 5piece molon Rift set just yet once you are using the double two-piece build just aim in completing the five-piece molon Rift set as it is the optimal build for changle in terms of main stats for the Echoes you would want to run either crit damage or crit rate depending on the weapon changle will be using and sub stats of your Echoes Fusion damage bonus for the three cost Echo and attack percent for the one cost Echo Chang Le doesn't have much variety when it comes to weapon choices either the signature weapon will of course be Chang's best in slot by far providing up to 48% crit damage as the main stat either 12% crit rate or 12% attack and can provide an increase of 56% resident skill damage now it's either 12% crit rate or attack since it's still kind of unconfirmed it was shown to be 12% attack in the 1.1 main story but a lot of sources are confirming it to be 12% crit rate either way they both would be huge for changli so it wouldn't really matter which one changi's weapon ends up receiving since it will still remain the best in slot Weapon by a long shot the second best weapon would be the emerald of Genesis providing up to 24% crit rate as the main stat increases energy regen by 12.8% and increases attack up to 12% now this weapon is the best choice from the weapon selector you receive at Union level 45 and is also a powerful option for Chang Lee to access the full 12% attack bonus the weapon requires you to activate the resonance skill twice which Chang Le is capable of doing with two costs so the emerald of Genesis would be perfect for Changi as she can fully utilize the weapon and all of the stats it provides these two weapons would be the only strong picks for Chang Le but there are some foresaw weapons Chang Le can sink use out of the commander of conviction would provide Chang Le with an increase of 30.3% attack as the main stat and an additional 15% attack after using the intro skill so a solid option providing Chang Le with a good boost in attack Luna cata being the last resort provides up to an increase in 30% attack as the main stat and an additional 12% attack upon entering the battlefield which can be maintained by obtaining stacks of 2% attack through defeating enemies again there isn't much variety when it comes to weapons for characters in general but if you did pick up the emerald of Genesis there would be less of a burden for you having to pick up changle signature weapon however don't feel pressured into having to Pi pick up changle signature weapon even though I would recommend it if you don't have the emerald of Genesis since more options will soon release that would be viable for Chang Le now Chang le as a character would straight up have insane value for pretty much any player's account being a strong main DPS character with insane damage potential able to attack enemies whilst in midair great designs stunning animations and can buff Fusion main DPS characters massively similar to yland the outra skill alone will boost Chang Le's value by a ton as she can slau into many different teams that can either fully utilize her outro skill or part of it so if you are after a character that can fit into many different team compositions providing you with the freedom to play around with multiple teams Chang Le will be a character definitely for you also even just a strong DPS character that is fun to play and offers plenty of Personality for the cultured ones Chang Le will also take those boxes quite easily overall I believe Chang Le will be a strong meta character and will have insane longevity I understand it is quite difficult to say for Chang Le since jinchi is currently out and is also another another insane character that brings a ton of value to her account changle may not deal as much damage as gingi but it doesn't take away from how strong of a DPS she still will be along with being more flexible and the best in thought sub DPS for Fusion main DPS characters and with that I hope you guys enjoyed the video would really appreciate it if you could subscribe to the channel for more weathering waves content and if you enjoyed the video drop a like also drop a comment on your thoughts on Changi are you going to be something for her and how great of a character do you think she'll be and yeah hope to catch you guys later
Channel: Ragnarok
Views: 29,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WutheringWaves, WuWa, KuroGames, Jihnsi, Changli, Camellya, Yinlin, Jiyan, Calcharo, Jianxin, Verina, Baizhi, Yangyang, Rover, Danjin, Taoqi, Encore, Mortefi, HonkaiStarRail, Honkai, HSR, GenshinImpact, Genshin, HonkaiImpact3rd, Hoyoverse, Kafka, Acheron, RaidenShogun, RaidenMei, Raiden, BlackSwan, Robin, Firefly, Boothill, Bronya, Gacha, Gaming, Games, F2P, 1.1, Echos, Echo, Buff
Id: N23812O-7DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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