Top 10 Palworld Locations With the Rarest Pals YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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so in this power world video I'm going to be showing you all 10 different locations that have some of the rarest Pals at them there are Pals out there too that you can only find at night at specific locations but yeah hope you all find this enjoyable and it ends up helping you out in some kind of way let's go and get into these so I want to start this off with frost allion one of my favorite Pals that you can get this thing is an absolute Beast I mean it's not the best to have around at your base but man this is like the most overpowered pal that you can get your hands on it'll be located way up here on the map yeah when you eventually get over here you will find Frost alion down on this ice and check this out when I finally captured it here's the skills that it came with it came with Legend which gives it 20% more attack and defense and movement speed it also came with ice Emperor which just is a 20% buff to ice attack damage and also has sirius on it which just increases work speed by 20% and it also had earthquake resistant 10% decrease incoming Earth damage I think I'm might have just got lucky with these passive skills that it came with but I'm not for sure to be real and as you can see it just has cooling level four which is great if you're needing cooling having it at level four is definitely beneficial but yeah if you're not really needing it mainly this uh pal is going to be used for attacking things and to get around with because you can ride it and it is a flying Mount and when you are riding it it enhances ice attacks and changes the player's attack to ice too anyways next up most of you probably already know about this one but I had to add it in this video just because it's a valuable one to get your hands on and that is jet dragon but just in case you don't know where it's located at it's located right over here in the volcanic environment jet dragon is a great pal to get your hands on it's one of the best as well that you can possibly get in the game this thing is an absolute beast and it's a flying Mount and when you are riding it you can rapidly fire a missile launcher when you're mounted to this thing so yeah it's pretty devastating it can shoot out a bunch of missiles but for its work suitability it only has Gathering level three so it's not really that beneficial to be just hanging around at your base of course this is mainly meant for attacking and getting around all right so this next location that you want to look into will be located right up here it will just State Pilatus however keep in mind there's going to be two different powerful Pals that you'll encounter when you come over here you'll find also necris as well which is like the dark variant of patus pretty much they're really identical they just have different Elemental p p and they are super powerful definitely recommend trying to get these Pals there's going to be two really powerful pals up here that will fight you together so yeah it's no walk in the par coming up here these are just as tough as taking on jet dragon and frost alen but if you do manage to get a hold of them as you can see here's what they'll do platus is partner skill is that it can be ridden and it can triple jump while mounted so yeah you get quite a bit of extra jumps with them also he has lumbering level two and Mining level two and he is is a neutral type as for necris he can also be ridden however he can only double jump he can't triple jump like patus also he has lumbering level two and Mining level two for his work suit ability and this is a dark type pal definitely some powerful Pals to get your hands on so now we've covered the best mounts to have on land to Traverse around which in my opinion are these guys patus and necromus personally like patus more just because of the triple jump but yeah we've also covered the best flying mounts which are Frost alion and jet dragon in my opinion now let's cover the best water p and that is Dorma tide this guy is located right up here on the map when you get over here he is going to be a pretty tough fight you don't technically have to have a legendary sphar to capture him so keep that in mind so yeah once you do capture him congratulations you got one of the best water mounts that you can possibly get in power world I'm also going to be showing you all how to get a fire variant of DTI which that's called dormiti ignis further in this video so stay tuned for that if you're looking for a fire variant of dorti but yeah as you can see he can be ridden to travel on water and while mounted it prevents stamina depletion while moving over water so yeah you don't ever have to worry about slowing down when you're on water with him traveling around also he has watering level four which you know level four of course is freaking amazing to have on a pal so yeah he is a beast water pal and uh here is actually dorat ignis he's going to have kindling level four so this guy will help you if you need some kind of fire at your base such as like for smelting it definitely speeds up the process and DTI of course speeds up the process for things that you need done that involves watering but yeah carrying on here now I want to get into specifically the bees which you can find some of them right around here on the map you can find a li be over here as well as bee guards which these are some crucial Pals to get because they'll produce you honey which you have to use honey to make cakes to breed in power world but yeah you can also find some other Pals over here such as mandas and these Gore rats or whatever yeah you can find these over here too but I specifically just want to Spotlight the bees over here because they are really important to get once you get them as you can see this is what the beard will do you can assign it at your Ranch and it'll produce honey for you over time and you know the honey that you get just stock up in your chest to have it available whenever you are going to make cakes to breed they also have a lot of work suitability they got planning level one handywork level one lumbering level one medicine production level one transporting level two farming level one and Gathering level one so yeah they can pretty much do it all they are definitely working busy bees and as for elizabe this pal has planting level two handiwork level two lumbering level one medicine production level two and Gathering level two so yeah her work suitability is a little bit higher leveled than the beard however keep in mind she doesn't produce honey at a ranch it's just the Beards anyways next rare pal in this video is over lavander this one spawns around in this vicinity and you can only Discover it at night around in a Sandy area this is one of the areas where you can find it at night at there's another standy area as well besides just this area but yeah this is an early place you can go to to get lavander early she is number 69 for some reason and her special skill is the vampire effect she absorbs Health from her enemies and returns it to us and her and yeah her work suitability is handiwork level two medicine production level two transporting level two and Mining level one one of the more rare Pals to get since you do have to discover her at night at specific locations all right so next pal is over how to get quivver early as you can see you can find a level 23 quivver over here there is another location where this pal can spawn at but it might be a little bit more difficult to get because it will be a higher level finding quivver at only level 23 is definitely beneficial because you'll be able to you know weaken it and capture it at a lower level than usual so yeah how you can get this pal pretty early is whenever you die I'll just go ahead and respawn here real quick and when you respawn just choose to respawn at this island here you could choose to respawn at multiple different Islands yeah just go to this one over here and yeah then you just Traverse down to quiver right here once again it will be level 23 so you can capture this pal at a pretty low level I decided to use a legendary sphere just to make it easier but you don't have to use a legendary sphere to capture it keep that in mind in case you're worrying about that and as you can see this is a flying Mount and when you are flying on it it enhances dragon attacks while mounted and also for its work suitability as handiwork level one transporting level three mining level two and Gathering level two so yeah it's pretty decent in work suit ability to help you out around your base and it just looks awesome too but yeah anyways the other location where you can find quivver at will be located over here on this island actually these next three locations that I'm going to be covering that have rare Pals will be located at each of these islands that you can find around however quiver specifically comes from one and that is the one next to the volcanic environment but yeah now let's go ahead and get into these islands and what all they contain I'm not going to be covering every single rare pal that spawn on these islands because there's loads but I'll be showing you quite a few that do spawn here just keep in mind to come over here if you're wanting to catch some more rare Pals even if you know about these locations you may not know what all exactly spawns on these islands because there's so many different rare Pals that'll spawn here at different times so yeah let's go ahead and cover these first one I'll be covering is number one Wildlife Sanctuary that's what these islands go by they go by Wildlife Sanctuary at this area you can find a pen King here which the work suitability on the pin king is actually really good it has watering level two handiwork level two mining level two cooling level two and transporting level two so it's able to do quite a bit around the base anyways this next one is azero which this is a good water/ dark type pal to have and at the base it can help with like Watering your garden and stuff as you can see it has watering level three for its work suitability anyways carrying on here you can also find vet over here which just has planning level two handiwork level two Gathering level two medicine production level three and transporting level one so another pal that can do a lot around the base you can also find aladen as you can see this one has lumbering level two and it looks awesome keep in mind this is a flying Mount as well you can fly with this guy you can also find GIS bolt over here this is a great pal to have at your side it's work suitability it has electricity level three handy workor level two lumbering level two and transporting level three very beneficial pal to have and you can also find this unique deer Terra over here too this pal has lumbering level two and you can ride it and you can also find patalia over here as well its work suitability is planning level three handywork level two Gathering level two medicine production level two and transporting level one so yeah that's all the rare Pals so yeah that's all the rare Pals that I ran across over here there may be even more that I just didn't you know notice and name off in this video but for the most part I tried to show proof of each pal on this island and show what they do so yeah now let's move on to the next one which the next one we're going to be covering is wildlife sanctuary number two which is located over here over here you can find gormati ignis which gormati looks incredible look at this thing the fire variant of it has kindling level four for its work suitability and it's just a powerful pal General to be using against other Pals it can do some serious damage especially when you ride it because its fire attacks enhance like I mentioned before in this video I was going to show you where the fire variant of dorti spawns at and well this is where it spawns at but anyways you can also find incin knocked over here and this dark pal has handiwork level two mining level one and transporting level two for its work suitability there's also wo Boton over here and this guy has great work suitability as you can see it has planning level one handiwork level two lumbering level three and transporting level four yeah this guy all around is a great pal to have around your base I'd say and you can also find War sect over here this ground SLG grass type pal has planning level one handiwork level one lumbering level three and transporting level three for its work suitability now for the next location let's go over the wildlife sanctuary 3 and some of the pals that you can discover over there Wildlife Sanctuary 3 is located right here over here you could potentially find blaz aut this guy is super powerful it can be ridden as well to enhance its attacks and its work suitability is kindling level three and Mining level level four this is the perfect pal to have around your base especially if you're Mining and smelting he can do it all he can mine and he can smelt The Ore down to ingots and whatnot and you can also find Shadow beak over here at Wildlife Sanctuary 3 there seems to be a lot of powerful Pals over at Sanctuary 3 they are higher level too over here I will uh mention that but yeah Shadow beak is a powerful dark type flying pal that you can put a mount on to fly and yeah it's work suitability is just gathered level one this pal is mainly meant more for battling and getting you around the map rather than just hanging out at your base and crazy enough you can also find over here at Wildlife Sanctuary 3 aagon this guy is a powerful Dragon SL dark type pal personally to me one of the coolest looking Pals in the game and you can ride this guy too he is a flying type pal as well and its work suitability is handiwork level one and Mining level four definitely a crazy pal to get your hands on and when you do start flying with him of course like most flying Pals the damage is going to increase when you are using him to fly anyways you can also find lilen over here and this is a great pal to have around your base my goodness as you can see the work suitability on this pal is planning level four handywork level three medicine production level three and Gathering level two all around a great pal to have around you can also find feris over here the firebird and this one has kindling level three and transporting level three pretty solid pal to have around for smelting and transporting the goods also this one is incredibly powerful and it's nice to be able to fly on it to get around as well I've also seen orer over here this is a very powerful electricity pal and it has handiwork level two transporting level three and generating electricity level four for its work suitability so yeah this is another level four pal that you can get your hands on over here there's also Fang lope I believe I pronounced that correctly sorry if I didn't sorry if I mispronounced any of these words I'm not really used to saying a lot of these to be real but this pal can double jump while being ridden so that's something pretty unique about it and for its work suitability has lumbering level two so not too much it can do around the base unfortunately you can also find bushy over here too I really like the way this pal looks it's got to be one of the coolest looking ones in my opinion but yeah this one is really great to have around at the base too has kindling level two handiwork level one Gathering level one lumbering level three and transporting level two it can do a lot it's beneficial having around and lastly you can also find another incinium knocked which we could find this one at another Sanctuary too so yeah anyways that's all that I discovered on the islands I'm sure there's even more that you can discover on there but just wanted to point out and prove to you with footage that all of these are possible to get over on the islands like I mentioned before though there are plenty more that'll spawn here I didn't show every single one that spawns on these islands so yeah be sure to check them out if you're looking for some rare pal but yeah I guess that's wrapping up this video everyone hope you all found this enjoyable and it helped you out in some kind of way I'm outad of here though as always thanks for taking the time watching and listening until next time peace
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 4,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld pals, rare pals, frostallion, palworld tips, jormuntide, quivern, grizzbolt, lovander, jet dragon, jetragon, paladius, necromus, blazamut, palworld best pals, palworld rarest pals, palworld secrets, palworld island, palworld islands, wild life sanctuary, gameplay, game, gaming, tips & tricks, palworld tips & tricks, best flying mount, palworld best flying mount, palworld mounts, palworld strongest pals
Id: 8OqRj0r6Kio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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