The Power of Trouble - Victor Jackson

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Psalm chapter 4 and verse 1 gonna be reading three verses hear me when I call o God of my righteousness thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress have mercy upon me and hear my prayer o ye sons of men how long will ye turn my glory into shame how long will you love vanity and seek after leasing sella last scripture but know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself the Lord will hear when I call unto Him I draw my thought out of the verse first verse where it says thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress I want to preach to you on this subject this morning the power of trouble the power of trouble why don't you lay your Bibles down everyone close your eyes lift up your hands unless eyes God to do exactly what he wants to do here Lord Jesus I'm completely dependent upon you this morning I trust not in my ability I trust not in the gifts that you have given me I humble myself before you I hide behind the cross I hide behind your presence I pray that you would do something in every individual I pray that you would change lives god help me to be sensitive to your spirit quicken what you need to quick and anoint what you need to anoint meet needs in this auditorium this morning let the people of God be blessed are the people of God be transformed that lives be changed by your anointing in the name of Jesus Christ in Jesus name Amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord can you clap your hands one more time can you clap those hands a little bit louder can you clap those hands a little bit louder you know the Bible says clap your hands all you people and shout unto God with the voice of triumph come on that clapping is gonna wake somebody up near you right now come on somebody amen amen the power of trouble there are things that God has ordained and himself before time ever began there are things that God has ordained over your life before you were ever born Bible says that we are chosen in him before the foundation of the world God knew every personality that is represented here before time was ever made before before you ever existed before your family ever existed God already knew what he wanted to do and how he wanted to work in you God had already deemed some things over your life there is some things that God intended to happen there's some blessings there's some promises there's some incredible things that God has deemed over you that he values he had deemed he told Adam and Eve he said I'd be blessing over you I command you to be fruitful to multiply to to cover the earth and let the earth be blessed and I deem blessing over you but how many of you know that whenever God deems something over you it seems like trouble always raises its head and God issued oedema blessing and intention over man but immediately Satan began to work and try to start messing with that Dean he began to bring trouble upon the land he brought temptation to Adam even Eve was deceived and Adam transgressed and now problems began to take over in trouble came in the earth and a fresh manner well now that original deem of God had been tainted by the enemy now the ground wouldn't yield huh as it was supposed to yield now there would be Baroness now there would be trouble now there would be abandonment now there would be Cain being exiled from the garden now there would be murder now God's theme has been messed with by the enemy trouble had come to take away what God had intended to bless man trouble had come to alter what God had immediately had wanted to bless the God sent a demon trouble immediately began to alter it and God was trying to do whatever he can so altered the demon so man could still be blessed in the midst of trouble isn't that the case every time it seems like there's a prophecy that comes over your life you go home in trouble it's waiting on you to mess with that with that promise every time God speaks blessing over you you go back to your work and all of a sudden trouble arises it starts messing with it come on has that ever happened to anybody here and it makes you start doubting that Deen that was placed over you it makes you start doubting that promise that was placed over you trouble comes to mess with the deme and so God throughout the Old Testament is trying to find a way to make the deem accomplished in the midst of all of the trouble huh and it's not working so in the New Testament God humbles himself in the flesh and he comes one for one purpose and that is to Ray Deen man he re s used the original gained from his blood I feel like preaching for a moment huh god this is a ding but trouble began to mess with what God intended so God came to die for us to reissue the original team through his blood the problem never happen can I preach to you in the Holy Ghost huh everything that God has promised over your life I don't care how much trouble has come I don't care how many troubles has coming to your walk God is still able through his blood to redeem it he is able to reissue the dimah through his blood through his name through His grace through his mercy I said if trouble has begun to mess with your joy that you have to get a revelation of rejoicing huh you gotta get your joy all over again you gotta get the joy through the lens of his blood I said there's nothing too far from God and he is not willing to reach and bring back with this anointing huh I don't care how long you've been back slid I don't care what the devil has done to your kids when God gets involved he's able to redeem hallelujah the trouble trouble is the bridge to redemption trouble is the bridge to redemption God issues a Deen but there is no need for redemption if there's not trouble God uses the trouble to accomplish his purpose y'all gonna make me preach in here huh God uses the trouble to to accomplish his will and he's not surprised he's sovereign he's able to use it to do whatever he wants it to do even when Satan thought he won when he put Jesus the cross and this is what's amazing about God the Bible says that Satan filled Judas to betray Jesus Satan filled Judas to betray Jesus Satan you see I keep repeating it filled Judas to betray Jesus and without Judas betrayal there would not be the cross let me are you here we are Satan filled Judas to betray Jesus and without Judas betrayal there would be no Calvary without Calvary there would be no Gentile salvation without Calvary we wouldn't be here God used sites and to help Satan thought he was winning when really God was just using him as a puppet he was using trouble as a puppet it's a breaking grace and mercy that all nations oh you need to clap your hands and thank God for the grace and mercy of God come on you need to clap your hands and thank God no matter how hard the devil fights God is still able huh to bring glory huh mr. opposition out of the midst of heartache he's still a hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if the princess if the princess of this world had known that they crucified the Lord of glory the Bible says they wouldn't have done it but the resurrection was in the hidden wisdom of God can I tell you in the hidden wisdom of God Satan doesn't have access to that all he does it has access to the trouble huh but he doesn't know that redemption comes after the trouble can I tell you if the enemy would have known you would have been redeemed he never would have hit you with drugs he never would have hit you with alcoholism he never would have touched your family huh he never would have touched your daughter but the resurrection the redemption it's in the hidden wisdom of God and whenever God gets ready he is still able to bring it as if it never happened the power the power of trouble the power of trouble the trouble is what brings greatness out of man David said that you enlarged me Lord when I was in distress you grew me when I was in trouble you did your best work and me when I was in distress you didn't grow me when everything was going good in my world you didn't grow me whenever I was on the mountain doing well you didn't grow me when things were going great in my life no you chose the toughest times to do your best work in me you chose the hardest times to grow something in me that I didn't know was there you chose the dark moments to be the place that you would birth greatness on the inside of me can I tell you don't you despise your trouble huh God is still able to do something deep in you that success can come on there's something that failure can accomplish that success never can and that is a growth that is a power that is that anointing on the inside of you I want everybody to clap those hands for a moment I just need somebody to take a praise break for a moment hiccup oh higher come on somebody clap those hands a little bit louder the Holy Ghost is in this building Oh [Applause] because I like more horse tire can I tell you can I tell you whenever people get comfortable God Jesus in some trouble to get them out of their comfort zone I told somebody a few months ago I said you know God has a whale for your will Jonah you want to do your will I got a well for your will and I will keep you in the wild long enough until my will becomes your will Jonah went into the well with his will and he came out of the well with God's will how long do you have to stay in trouble before you finally he order a hand of God how long do you have to struggle before you finally say enough is enough already I want to do what God wants me to do you see you see you see son can I tell you if you don't praise them voluntarily huh God will raise up enough hell in your life to make you praise them involuntarily if you won't worship him voluntarily huh God knows how to push the right button huh forget you to worship Him involuntarily huh if you won't praise him voluntarily if you won't pray to him voluntarily God knows how to touch a unique situation huh see you come on somebody huh to finally get you on your feet it's amazing how when we get blessed we act like God had never delivered us from anything we have the audacity to come into his presence on our beck and call I'll put you back into a dependent State let me touch that and touch that and I'm gonna get you your praise back and your joy back because Rob Lowe will deliver the fruit of your lips let me ask you a question well what does God have to touch for you to worship Him this thing's all right well what does he have to mess with come on somebody because he will use trouble to bring out what you hide got some hidden freezers in here I know what you're capable of you just don't show it I like to keep it down here well I'll see you through some hell to get it out of there come on somebody that's the power of trouble trouble brings forth the treasure that you've been hiding it's like a mess like a it's like a shovel that begins to reach into the core of your spirit and begins to pull out that buried treasure that's been gone for a while huh and there's joy beneath the trouble huh and there's anointing beneath the trouble huh but sometimes it takes trouble to give us a desperation to get us out of ourselves and be what we need to be in the presence of God I'm afraid I'm afraid that one of the greatest problems I told somebody you know that thing about God is that God the Holy Ghost huh doesn't have the ability to make anybody here forget did you know that the Holy Ghost doesn't have the ability to make anyone here forgive as a matter of fact the Holy Ghost calls to remembrance but the Holy Ghost doesn't have the ability to make you forget but you know what has the ability to make you forget blessing has the ability to make you forget Moses said you're gonna go into the Promised Land and you're gonna get so fat with blessing you're gonna forget my Commandments Joseph whenever he came out of the prison he had a son named Manasseh which means God hath made me to forget the toil of my father's house Joseph reached such a state of blessing he forgot what happened to him what am I saying we can get so blessed that we forget about the muck and the mire that we were in we forget about the goodness of God and His mercy so when blessing makes you forget he sends trouble to make you remember I wish somebody would take a trip down memory lane for a moment and give praise to God in this building I think he's worth more than that I take a trip down memory lane and think about the goodness of God you need to lift up your voice you need to clap your hands you need to do it at Kabul higher in the name of the Lord Jesus come on he's worthy of more than that I said you could hop a little bit louder than that I think he's worthy of more I said you can stand on your feet and praise Him more than that right now I said he's done so much for you come on somebody I said from the front to the back you need to stand on your feet and you need to give glory to God I'm a hot talamarko saya because he's still able [Applause] eat my mama honey you know support time [Applause] yeah one of the most often misquoted scriptures in the Bible is Romans 8:28 we misquote de scriptures so often Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose we quote this wrong a lot of times because we like to say and we know that all things work together for our good I think the Bible says that it doesn't say that does you know since all things work together for good now here's my question whose definition of good is this because you and I have different definitions of what that word good means depending on our background depending on on our history depended on how we were raised you and I have different definitions of what that word good means if I was a homeless person and I had never lived in a house ever and I'm homeless and someone comes to bless me with a shed a shed about this size I'm gonna step in that shed and be like man God's good but I've been living in a mansion my whole life and I lose everything and you come and bless me with that same sad look at this shed and be like this is a curse you see we have different definitions of what the word good means depending on our background but this is not our definition of good this is God's definition of good the Greek word good is a Gatos which literally means intrinsically good it's what happens on the inside that makes the trial good the success of a trial is not the outcome but it's what you become in the trial that makes it successful so even if I lose everything God used to make me more like him conform me into is cannot tell you you are becoming something in your frustration you are becoming something in your hell there's something that is happening beneath the surface of God [Applause] I said he's doing something in you I said you look at your circumstances and you say man I just didn't work out huh but when it's you don't see it working out remember how he's working you out huh he's doing something on the inside of you he's making you into his image he is conforming you and to what he wants it to be huh and I come the priests of this church and the Holy Ghost huh even if circumstances haven't changed in your world there is a growth that has been in this church beneath the surface there has been something on the inside that has been developing I know the situation still looks the same but you have not recognized over the past year how much you've grown and how much your family's grown up and I know that the losses are still there I know the heartaches are still there but you have developed in this processor I said you didn't go through it in vain I said you are becoming something greater you are becoming what God had ordained for you to become that's what the next verse says for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed into the image of his son all the hell that you have been through has been God conforming you huh he's been taking out your independency he's been taking out your pride he's been taking out your envy huh and he's been pouring in righteousness he's been pouring in gentleness he's been pouring in love and I fill a witness and the Holy Ghost there's a whole bunch of people in this place you're not the same as you are this time last year you've been to so many storms all of a sudden we don't have to beg you to worship know you voluntarily lift up those hands because you've been through so much come on somebody you bet there's so much we don't have the bag yeah so be like am Oh can you clap your hands to the Lord again oh I feel the presence of God in this building you have grown in the same situation but I know but you've grown I say you've grown I said there's been a depth in you there's been a great maturity in you you're not what you used to be he used to be quick to anger he said be quick you were edgy huh but now that trial has brought a patience about it your life come on somebody huh now you're more patient with individuals huh he used to complain all the time my lord I'm talking to you he used to complain he used to always point out everything that's wrong the music was never right for you the preaching wasn't the best song this is what she liked all the time he said I wish he would have preached on that huh I wish she would have did that huh oh I wish they would have saying this why they didn't play in this key no now after your trial you're just hungry for a word you don't care if it comes out of a 13 year old just give me the Word of God just give me the word this song doesn't have to be just right now no he just has got to get in his presence huh I just gotta get in his presence what what's happened to you that is trouble trouble has begin to work in you and it's began to growl he's the he used to be that prided yourself in your analytical nature brother Jackson I'm really more of an analyzer guy I don't I don't get involved brother Jackson I just look that was you last year you didn't come to church to experience God just came to look at others experiencing God oh he shouldn't have run the hell like that he's gonna fall he's gonna hurt himself I've seen it happen 20 years ago I'm telling you yeah he got the Holy Ghost hope he's here Wednesday night Bible study don't even rejoice about them speaking in tongues say hey he's speaking hopefully soon Wednesday yeah I'll see him wisly I don't think he got it look how it's quiet in here guess where I lived in New Brunswick the last year or so don't you you were the analyzer they break through you immediately start questioning this is and you're and you're in the back analyzing you're not even up from an altar call you're standing by the door what you think well I think he's speaking in tongues sent me a video I'll verify instead of moving where you are and coming to assist my Lord said of moving where you are and coming help them pray I'm saying what she used to be I'm saying where you were you just immediately analyze that but never got involved to assist with the breakthrough in the move of God he's kind of stayed in the back and verified judged no he got it he got it well that he got a - no he didn't a miracle happened really yeah it's been dr. verify well let me bring him to my doctor man I'm in it like that huh bring to my doctor my doctor who super verify it and it was just the analytical analyze it all not get involved not again sir her body stand and when everyone stands you just walk out the door all right everybody everybody stand look at you okay I'm out y'all god bless y'all never came up to pray he never came down to pray everybody come to the front pray look at you or are you at everybody hello everybody come and pray look at you that that means you too [Applause] not that that that was you that was you this time last year now that was you that was that was you you left as soon as you could you didn't really stay in fellowship you got out here you were just saying your world man but but something has happened over this past year where you're not in the back analyzing though they say come forward you you're coming up hold on let me assist this young man he needs a breakthrough he needs he needs a touch they said what was that he really breakthrough well yeah he was he was there he still has some issues but man the way he's gone after god it's provoked me to be better now now over the past year they say everybody stand and hear you're not even you're not even you're not even sitting any longer you can't away from everybody standing assume you say everybody stand you know you know what time it is you don't wait back there you just start coming up here with your hands lifted why because that trial has begun to touch your heart it's beginning to minister to you it's beginning to draw you closer to God you have been made into the image of God you're not the same trouble has begun to work on you huh trouble has begun to work in your mist but you're not coming to analyze anymore you came to get a touch from God because you need it for your family you need it for your daughter huh you need it for people that need to be delivered in this community and I've come to talk to you and the Holy Ghost that trouble has begun to bring some fruit out of your life that it transcends this world that is deeper than you can ever imagine if you fill a witness in the spirit can you clap your hands for another moment and can somebody lift up your voice in this building I feel the Holy Ghost in this place Tasha Mahalo Katya hallelujah and this is helping can you wave a hand right now if this is helping you this is helping you can you wave a hand let me tell you something in the spirit there is a man named Cyrus he was a ruler of the synagogue Cyrus was a ruler of the synagogue it was one of the highest offices during in the New Testament in the Gospels as a matter of fact the emphasis was more on the Pharisees the Sadducees the scribes and the rulers of the synagogue then the priests during the Old Testament the priests were the power of the day those were the ones that had influence with the people huh but in the New Testament since the temple had been reconstructed several times now all of a sudden because of Hellenized greece the people that had influence among the people were were the Hellenized jews hellenism and because ellen ization huh and the jews the priests didn't have influence among the people in the Gospels it was the rulers of the synagogue it was the priests it was it was was it the priests it was the Pharisees it was the Sadducees and it was the scribes huh those were the heavy hitters in the New Testament gyruss was the ruler of the synagogue and the ruler of the synagogue's occupation was he was the one that scheduled the services for the synagogue the emphasis was on the synagogue more than the temple if you notice all of the Ministry of Jesus huh it always happened in the synagogue more than the temple because the synagogue had more influence in the Gospels than the temple had because it was there that they were preaching and teaching huh it was there that they were singing hymns and now shires that ruler at the synagogue that would perform the services he was the one responsible for getting the services just in order he was the one he was a man that was regimented huh a man was filled with routine a man that was filled with the routine rich rules of the synagogue he was the one that said it's gonna be three songs and then it's gonna be an offering and then is gonna be the word and then we're gonna close it up with prayer he was the one that made sure every synagogue service went how it was supposed to be regimented ritualistic and how that way but finally there came a day that the ritual could not help gyrus because his daughter was near death she was about to die and gyrus found out that the routine could not deliver his daughter huh he found out that the ritual could not deliver his family huh and trouble began to break him free from the system but getting to break him free from the routine and he said forget all of this ritual Jesus and all of a sudden that trouble break him free all the time I gotta go tell em oh ho I huh and that trouble huh begin to break him free from the routine of the synagogue worship and he went after Jesus any pal and he said I need you because my daughter lieth at the point of death and Jesus say go show me where she is he's walking with Jesus and while he's walking with Jesus the Bible says a woman would be she came and touched the hem of His garment and all of a sudden she got healed but notice gyruss steadfastness he stayed next to Jesus because he had this mentality you can touch him if you want but I'm taking them home with me oh my lord you can't touch him on Sunday if you want huh but I'm taking them back home with me you can get a little touch of Jesus if you want taking them back to my house cuz my house needs a demonstration about the whole egg cows they trance and when he brought when he brought Jesus back to his home we notice his whole house is stigmatized by a ritual huh it's all stigmatized by the routine because the Bible says there were people that were weeping over his daughter these were not sincere prayers these were people that were hired to cry they were hired to cry that was the custom it in the Middle East were you at hire mourners to come so weep over weep over to death in your relatives the death of your relatives the death of a family member you would hire them to come and cry notice the distinction of how immediately they went from crying to laughing when Jesus said no she's just asleep and the Bible says they laughed him to scorn that's how you know it wasn't sincere cry tears they were hired to cry but they immediately went to laughing his whole life was thick mud pies his whole house was stigmatized by the routine and the ritual so Jesus says go ahead and cast them out I'm about to do a miracle here can I tell you whenever trouble came the gyruss life they'd broken free from the order of worship and the order of service I know you're waiting on an altar call right now but can you get hungry enough I don't need to give one where you say I'm in trouble brother Jackson I just need bad sides from the whole egg girls [Applause] in the name come on gyrus come on come on gyrus you've been in trouble gyrus huh it's time to break free from us hasn't been working huh you've always prayed that way gyrus you still haven't been delivered you need to do something different iris you need to go after Jesus iris huh you always raise your hands that way Syrus you'll always pray that way gyrus a desperation in you that trouble provokes nothing out of you for you to do something different if you've never shouted you need to shout if you never run you need to run if you've never danced you need to dance let trouble begin to bring something to the surface you never knew as that Shama ha ha ha yo ho Terra Cotta hi Johanna la la mejor shikai Oh in the name of Jesus Oh in the name of G Oh in the name of Jesus huh come on that's the power of trouble you begin to realize you have more power in you than you think you have you begin to realize there's more anointing at you do you think you have you begin to realize you're more chosen that you thought you were that is the power of trouble it yields some things out of you shakkaho tire in the name of Jesus Christ I want everyone from the front to the back I want you to step out of your seat and make your wake up to the front moving closer there's room up here huh that's it everyone from the front to the back go ahead and come forward lifting up your hands that's it make your way down make your way down that's it from the front to the back we're gonna have a time of Prayer before we leave this place come on I'm talking to you gyrus huh yeah you've been dealing with it are you just sitting there is it gonna get the job done no huh you need a touch from God you need a move of the Holy Ghost so you need some desperation on the inside of you that says this is the last moment I'm gonna be bound by the routine I'm gonna allow trouble to deliver me from the system Shama hata decor ahora hapara Hatari o Shah Mardan o Haryana Bahasa oh in the name of Jesus Oh in the name of Jesus Oh in the name of Jesus Oh in the name of Jesus Sheila mokkori Analia tomahawk hallelujah - hallelujah - God oh the Holy Ghost is here oh the power of God is in this building she caught a hotel here tire hallelujah hallelujah Oh hallelujah Jesus la mejor Sakaya all the Holy Ghost is in this building Oh Shama holla at a llama Horia Oh God is meeting some needs right now come on can you lift up your voice a little bit more I feel God's but meeting some needs in this building you're gonna come out of this trouble with the power you're gonna come out of this trouble with an anointing you're gonna come out of this trouble in the demonstration of the Spirit you're gonna be better than you've ever been in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ sha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la Hotel hey hey a la la mahasaya hallelujah hallelujah la Mahathir our Alamo Hosea I love Chicago yeah hallelujah he caught a she let me let me let me tell you what your trouble has been producing musicians could come you can I tell you what your trouble has been trying to produce out of you because you know what you're you're a person that has learned to deal with stuff and you feel strong for you just learned to deal with it you know you don't try to change it you just you just take it I'm not talking to somebody in this building you just learn to take it and you just take it and say oh this is just life it's just life is just it is what it is it's just just life and you take it and you take it and you take it and you take it but what God is trying to produce out of your trouble is a desperation where you don't have to take it you don't have to take it when he can change it but what it is is you've been right here and just one thing after another this keeps hitting you you keep being faithful you keep doing what you know to do but it just keeps on coming but God is trying to provoke something in this church that says I don't have to just take it I can go on the offense and get desperate not just lay back I know I know you got that personality I can be the same way I can be the same way but the enemy will keep on pushing you if you keep allowing him to if he knows that you're not gonna get desperate and come back with something he's gonna keep on pouring it on you wear it almost suffocates you or you just can't even breathe so God says look I know you've been waiting on me but God says but I've been waiting on you been waiting on you to initiate his I'm just waiting on God to do come on I'm in the Holy Ghost right now where you've just been a little passive he just happened just waiting on God I'm just waiting on God just waiting on God to do pretty good and God says I've been waiting on you to get desperate where it's not time for God to initiate he says it's time for you to start initiating for you initiate the move of God where it doesn't have to be created come on Holy Ghost doesn't have to be created with this incredible worship team doesn't have to be coerced are pulled down for you but literally in the first song you're coming up and you're just reaching because you're desperate because you're desperate and you pull the hand of God down where he's not reaching down you are reaching up to pull his hand down that's where we're at that's where we're in you don't have to you don't have to just be stigmatized just by the routine we have a structure to help create a structure for the Holy Ghost to break through it's the only reason we have it it's to so God God can come in whenever he wants [Music] but when God's ready to move you can't say well once this is over offerings emphasis where you just look to the next pillar in the structure the next pillar in the routine come on holy ghosts where it prevents you from responding now because you say well they're gonna take up the offering soon so I don't want to respond now I don't want to respond during the preach and he might do the altar call now but when you're desperate you're not waiting for the next thing come on you've gotta have him now come on you'll have to have a mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thomas ah kaya hello Lahore Chikara Lavrov retire here are Lala bahasa taya Ilana Hoshi Cayetana Hetalia oh in the name of Jesus hey la mejor she caught on a hot iron come on can you lift up your hands right now and close your eyes and just get desperate for a touch Chama hothead I kicked a yeah come on lift up those hands and close your eyes and just begin to cry out gyrus come on cry out and get desperate yamaha amo la mejor de la jolla a haircut tire he la la la mejor so come on let's it get desperate gyrus you need him to come back to your home you you need a touch Cyrus that's the power of trouble it'll produce some desperation in you huh I'm coming off for defense I'm coming on the offense huh I'm going after God with everything in me come on Cyrus lean in come on Cyrus press in [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on I want you to pray with the person next to you right now the power of God is in this building I want you to lean over and pray with somebody right now come on that's it lean over come on that's the compassion I'm talking about you pray with somebody near you right now have a shot kiya hey you let them know you're coming out of this trouble you're coming out of this heartache huh you're coming out of this pain God's gonna do something in your family there's a desperation is being born [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 25,828
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Keywords: capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, preaching, sermons, sermon, raymond, woodward, jack, leaman, matthew, bible, study, biblical teaching, the power of trouble, the, power, of, trouble
Id: wlplcsIvg9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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