Satanic Attacks by Victor Jackson

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[Music] the Lord has put things in the earth to teach us about him water water takes different forms water can be a liquid it can be a solid in the form of ice and it can be gas three separate distinct forms yet all water and he says I'm using this to teach you about me I'm the father of creation I'm the son of redemption and I'm the Holy Ghost in keeping you in the earth but I'm God not three separate gods not God the Father God that I'm just water I'm God I'm the spirit I'm moved anything with more than one head is a freak including God [Applause] change chapter 2 verse 19 James chapter 2 verse 19 you believe there is one God you do well the devil's believe also and they tremble you can't believe there's one God and not do something about it even the devil does something about it [Music] you can make your way back to your seats open your bibles make your way back to your seats and our main standing for the reading of the word of the Lord I'm gonna go into the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 45 Genesis chapter 45 and verse 4 Genesis chapter 45 and verse 4 [Music] if you have it's a man I heard one Amen [Music] heard for amens I heard three amens somebody say Amen [Music] Genesis chapter 45 in verse 4 Bible reads and Joseph said unto his brethren come near to me I pray you and they came near and he said I am Joseph your brother whom he sold into Egypt now therefore be not grieved are angry with yourselves that you sold me hither for God did send me before you to preserve life for these two years have the famine been at the land and yet there are five years in which there shall neither be hearing nor harvest and God did sent me before you to preserve you a post arity in the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance so now it was not you that sent me hither but God and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh and Lord of all his house and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt I want to talk to you on this subject tonight Satan's attack on the world Satan's attack on the world why don't you lift up your hands where you're standing unless US the Holy Ghost to break through some things here tonight Lord I feel your presence we are building something in the spirit here tonight we tore down a lot of things last night God we're asking you to help us to build something speak by your spirit and by your anointing let the anointing be upon me let the anointing be upon your people in Jesus name a man can clap your hands to the Lord hey man you may be seated and the presence of the Lord there was an eight-year-old boy that had a hunger and a intense desire for the things of God his eight-year-old boy was so hungry for the Lord he literally was around the church most of his life up to that time and he was so hungry he felt God called him into the ministry his eight-year-old boy with this tremendous passion for the things of God feels called into the ministry and he begins to invest himself in the local church he invests himself with everything in him wherever the pastor wants him to be that's what he does he begins to start singing in the choir he starts taking singing lessons he he's a part of the youth group he's a part of the choir he's taking singing lessons he is preparing for his minister because no doubt he heard the Lord call him into the ministry at eight years old the zeal that this young boy had for the things of God was just unparalleled at eight years old two years would go by unfortunately his brother would suffer a sickness and died and when his brother died all of a sudden this once eight year old boy that was on fire that had this call that he heard from heaven after his brother died he gave up on his call and they say he began to become more detached from the people he began to be more sullen didn't want anything to do with God anymore didn't want anything to do with the calling he gave up on his calling and because his brother died and sent him down a dark down spiral he's in rebellion against his parents he doesn't he wants to do his own thing and now years would go by and that was 8 year old boy would be responsible for the lives of 60 million people 60 million deaths at the hands of that once 8 year old boy that refused to respond to his call Adolphe Hitler that's his name Adolphe Hitler and 8 years old how the call to ministry and in its written all throughout his biography he began the train for the ministry but a circumstance happened they've got him discouraged and he gave up on his car and because one person huh gave up on their call from God they were responsible for the lives of 60 million people that is Satan's attack on the world he just goes after one young person and makes you give up because he knows there are thousands and millions of souls that are connected to you I know you don't see it yet huh you feel like you're insignificant but that Satan's deception I don't make you feel like no one will care if you stop singing huh but no one will care if you stop playing the instruments that no one will care if you stop pursuing huh the call of God in the destiny on your life that Satan's attack he just goes after one huh because if he can get you huh he'll get everybody huh that's connected to you you don't feel like you're nothing right now but he'll set enough circumstances in your path to get you so dispersed huh that as Arif Hitler did huh he gave it up and he was responsible for the lives of 60 million people huh thirty million civilians huh six million Jews all at the hands of one young person huh it refused to respond to their calm under the anointing of the Holy Ghost here tonight to tell you you better not give up on what God has placed in your life because there are souls that hang in the balance Oh somebody clap their hands so the Lord right now you same brother Jackson I'm young I'm insignificant I don't feel like I can make a difference that's the attack on the world huh he just gets you and he gets him for body huh that's connected to you there will be people if you give up on your walk with God and give up on your call from God huh there will be people that will never see Jesus because you and a youth service like this I refuse to acknowledge your call and refuse to go after God there will be people in this community that never hear the gospel because one young person refused to respond to their destiny I don't know I know it's just Victor Jackson Victor Jackson huh ah you're just a basketball player Victor Jackson huh you're just one basketball player out of thousands Victor Jackson huh you're in a church in Bellevue Florida huh Bellevue Florida one point eight square miles 4,500 people huh nobody knows where that City is Victor Jackson but that's the attack because if Victor Jackson doesn't respond to his destiny huh everybody that's connected to me get negatively impacted it's just it's just a Friday night brother Jackson why you getting all huh why are you getting all riled up is just a Friday night for the Jackson huh there's not even 300 people here brother Jackson huh but I cannot preach to you I I may not be preaching too much right now but I in the spirit huh and preaching to millions and thousands because you connected to millions and thousands so don't you give up I'm saving the world right now as I'm preaching on a Friday night you don't see it yet huh but I see it in the spirit huh I'm saving the world right now I'm saving your lost family members right now in the spirit you don't see it yet but I see it so you better hold on so what God has entrusted you with because this there are souls there are lives that hang in the palace huh it's not a big deal it's not a big deal it's not a big deal brother Jackson huh but can I tell you that's his attack he just goes after one huh and he discourages one huh and lives are lost for eternity huh because he discouraged one young person from going after God with everything in him yeah he always starts with one Eve it's not a big deal it's just you struggling with your individual temptation Eve but when you eat of that fruit the whole world is lost you don't realize the impact do you know what the enemy did he tried to convince her that she was less than what she was because he said if you eat this fruit you become as God's well she was already made in the image of God but he convinced her that she was lacking her and when he convinced her that she was lacking she fell into sin in the whole world suffers because one person messed up and fell into a temptation he always starts with what huh if he gets Abraham there is no nation of Israel huh if because Abraham there is no blessing on the Gentiles there is no Messiah that comes to their loins Bathsheba beats herself up over her mistake she would never know she would be the conduit huh but the Messiah coming out of her huh and she gives up on her destiny ha ha that prostitute that feels like she's dead in Ghana they can't do anything great for God she's in the lineage of Jesus Christ because she had the audacity to keep on pursuing God when the enemy kept reminding her of all of her failures and mistakes she refused to give up come on somebody she refused to give up on that rope oh it's not a big deal for the Jackson if actively discourages Noah there is no world there is no world to save if he discourages no if he discourages Jesus and the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus refused freezes the good of the Cross there is no there is no salvation there is no church service he always just goes after one because of the ones that are connected to you I know how people looking at me tonight like what the Jackson you're preaching with the burden here huh I just came to get pat on the back here tonight I didn't come for all of this stuff but that's what needs to be transformed in your thinking that every time you up out of a service mentally huh there are souls that will never see Jesus huh because you refuse to respond that'll put a crutch that will put away on your shoulders huh every time you come in you won't be so quick to get on your phone during the preaching and during the singing you won't be so quick to do your own thing and I'll pout and not respond and not clap and not shy away because every time you shout there is a soul that hangs in the palace every time that you can there is a soul that hangs in the palace every time you say hey there is a soul that hangs in the palace and if you can just do your part God's gonna do his part I know William it doesn't seem like it's a big deal but they're 200 souls that were connected to you and school make a decision they would never say Jesus but because one person uh obeyed and followed after it's just one it's just one I'm just one brother Jackson I can't make a difference can I tell you how that's why the enemy attacks you so fiercely I've went through so much attack when I started responding to my call matter of fact the easiest role for me would have not respond respond huh it would be to just continue on with my basketball career to be honest with you since I respond there was non-stop resistance every step of the way from everything in from every body huh I didn't know the attack and I was enduring there were Souls and Alaska relying on me to survive the attack happened to be what God has created me to be I don't know there are souls in Maryland relying on Victor Jackson come on you don't give up on your dream you don't give up on your destiny huh because once you get through this there are souls on the path that you're gonna be able to impact somebody right now there are millions there are thousands that are connected to you if you will just protect and guard and keep the dream can you clap your hands unto the Lord right now if I'm preaching that you can't you open up your mouth and send up some high praise unto God if I'm preaching to you somebody needs to clap somebody needs to open up their mouth and worship somebody that needs to shout in this place huh if I am preaching to you if you feel destiny if you feel the anointing if you feel the dream traumatic happened to the Lord huh and somebody lift up their voice people looking at my life brother Jackson I have time to respond I come to preach to you you don't have time to respond can I tell you if it mattered for an eight-year-old it matters for you you said brother Jackson maybe I'll really sell out to this thing when I get in my late 20s and early 30s I come to preach if you don't sell out now there is a possibility that you will never sell out yeah if you don't respond to what God is doing in your life now there is no how many people have been victims of tomorrow huh I've seen too many young people tell me tomorrow huh tomorrow I'll do it tomorrow I do Oh guess what tomorrow came and they still haven't done it huh and they're still back slate even those many tomorrow's have come they're still Baxley you're not hearing me yet they still haven't responded huh tomorrow is an excuse to not to do nothing today so many people uses their tomorrows to nullify their effort of today come on somebody huh why don't you put the things of the enemy on the back burner tomorrow huh but why don't you put the things of God today and invest yourself in it today Joseph he has a dream and after this dream he has this dream of these sheaves of wheat the sheaves are bowing to him and it was a representation of his brothers bowing to him but the emphasis was not on his brothers power the emphasis was on the sheaves powing to him because he didn't understand and after his brothers betrayed him that he would be cast into a pit that he would be sold to Egypt into Potiphar's house that he would be the lion horn and he'd be cast into prison and after his cast in the prison he would finally huh go in second-in-command to pharaoh and pharaoh had a dream of seven years seven years of plenty in seven years of famine and the famine would be greater than the Plenty huh and Joseph interpreted that dream and told him huh what would happen and how quick it was going to come Pass and Joseph becomes the one with the wisdom to say why don't we save some portions every year huh so when the famine comes all the world can come and the will an cut survive Joseph didn't understand that the dream that he had several years ago was tied to a whole nation that would die in famine huh if he didn't if he gave up on his dream if Joseph gave up on his dream there would be people in Egypt that whole nation would have died of famine huh as a matter of fact the Bible says that his brothers and his father suffered from the famine and they needed him they needed his dream to come to pass they needed him to not give up on the dream or his daddy would die huh and his brothers would die if Joseph gave up on his dream his dream wasn't about him having a rags to riches story huh it was about him surviving the circumstances necessary to get the dream accomplished why huh because there's a whole nation that's relying on me huh so hold on to my dream and if I give it up the whole nation will die you do not know huh who is relying on you here tonight you do not understand that this nation is relying on you tonight you do not understand that America is relying on what happens in this building tonight I've come to preach to you under the Holy Ghost we need more preachers huh we need more singers huh we need more come on somebody huh more choir leaders huh we need more missionaries huh we need more people that will answer the call to come on somebody if you don't respond nobody will respond huh it's time for you to take out that calling and be everything God's called you to be if you don't respond how many lives will you be responsible for if you don't respond how many lives will you be responsible for are you hearing me right now how many souls are relying on you right now Adolphe Hitler was responsible for sixty million but if you don't respond you could be responsible for twenty thousand you decide if those twenty thousand have an opportunity to see Jesus or they never have an opportunity to see Jesus because of the decision that you made tonight to respond or not to respond I wish in the Holy Ghost we can hear the cries of people begging you to hold on to your call to hold on to your dream to hold on to your destiny I wish we could hear the cry of infants the cry of young people the cry of high schools and middle schools the cry of college campuses the cry of a workplace let's say if you don't make a decision I will never see God close your eyes and lift up your hands where you are right now and ask God to give you a revelation of the weight of the call of God in the destiny of God come on open up your mouth and pray right now Yamashita vivek italia yo mama mama mama mama curry babysat Thalia hello mama Masha come on somebody needs to open up their mouths and pray right now ela ma ma ma ma ma TV bekata open up your mouth and pray right now McConnell ah ba ba Sita he kerala baba baba shot ah come on pray louder than you praying right now acaba bossy TB bachata he literally be babysat above okuni de gente he na ba Baba Sheeta BBB kata he la ba ba ba ba CTV BBB kata he can rob about shitty baby baby ricotta in ah ba ba ba see baby baccata ela ba ba ba ikura baba shalid EBV ricotta acaba synonymy MiraCosta b ba ba ba ba ba holiday baby bekata ba ba ha hila ma ma ma ma ma her she really really Bieber catania ha la la la ba ba ha silly rebel Kashmiri Kataya but then he does not stop Psalm 19 verse one Psalm 19 verse 1 the heavens declare the glory of God he does not stop with what's in the earth he moves to the heavens and one of the greatest symbols he's given us in the heavens is the Sun the s UN explains the s om Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 for our God is a consuming fire what is the Sun it's a ball of fire now watch this where I come from originally Martha's Vineyard they have beautiful beaches and so they have what they call Sun worshipers these are people that go to the beach and lay out before the Sun seemed to be a worshipper even the world understands it they call them Sun worshipers and this is the requirement you must go out from protection and expose yourself to the Sun to worship then you must expose yourself and lay down before the Sun until the Sun changes you you don't have to tell somebody you don't have to ask somebody if you've been in the Sun the same token you can tell somebody when they've had a lot of Sun you can tell them you can specially in the winter months you don't have to wonder if they stayed here in Wisconsin where'd you go because the Sun has transformed their image literally their looks it transform and that's why when your true Sun worshiper you will come out from the protective covering of the world that shield you from the love of God you will begin to peel off your armor and expose yourself to God you will lay down before God until God changes you and a true Sun worshiper doesn't just lay on his back he flips over and lays on his stomach because he wants to change all the way around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints
Views: 10,738
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice), Victor Jackson
Id: tkNRYjKzdog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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