Sons of God, The Earth is Groaning For You - Bianca Baptiste

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[Music] [Music] through the mountains [Music] that's how demons [Music] [Music] gave us power [Music] mercy with your mighty feelings now there's breakthrough now let's freedom in your name there was power is [Music] [Music] made a now there's breakthrough now there's freedom in your name he gave us [Music] foreign is [Music] [Applause] [Music] no other name i know [Music] i know [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign we are here [Music] no other name no other name no other name no other name i know no other name i know i know is [Music] man [Music] is [Music] misery [Music] [Applause] draw me close to you never let me go i laid it all down [Music] no one else wins [Music] help me find my way [Music] bring me back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on can we make this our prayer tonight [Music] [Music] never let me go is is [Applause] [Music] house [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] [Applause] i want more [Applause] i want more i want more [Applause] [Music] i want more i want more [Music] i've ever needed [Music] god help me know help me know you [Music] [Music] can we just entertain the presence of the lord for just a minute hallelujah jesus is that all you want tonight are you hungry for more of the lord tonight hallelujah jesus praise god praise god you know god has so much for us tonight so much is available to us think sometimes we don't understand how close we are to victory how close we are to healing how close we are to deliverance how close we are from being filled with the holy ghost how close we are to receiving everything that god has for us because the presence of god is in this room right now the presence of god we're talking about the king of kings the lord of lords the unchanging god who spoke our world into existence is here tonight that's what we feel that's the presence of god that we feel here tonight god in all of his unlimited power a god who is victorious a god who does not ever meet failure a god that has all power here tonight in this room i think sometimes we don't realize how close we are to receiving exactly what god desires for us god has stuff he wants to impart to us god has stuff he wants to give us and i wonder how close we dance with the victory that we've been needing or the healing that we've been desiring or exactly receiving what god has for us but we just don't quite get there and i promise you it's not because god is not able to give it to us god is absolutely able god's able to heal everybody in this room tonight if he so chose god can break any chain can deliver anybody can raise a dead god god knows no limits god can do whatever he wants but only limited by our hunger our desire our willingness to yield and surrender to him you know receiving what you need from god tonight it it just starts with a step on your part just making that move that little bit of hesitancy you feel that resistance you feel that you want to move forward you want to you want to worship you want to lift up your hands you want to make that move but towards god but you just feel something holding you back a little bit it's just moving beyond that and saying you know what i'm gonna step out in faith and i'm gonna reach just a little bit i'm gonna reach with the ability the strength that i have and i'm gonna start reaching for god some of you don't even know what you're reaching for but you know you feel the presence of god and you just want to respond to that i promise you that's where it all starts it just starts with that step on your part he said draw an eye to me and i will draw nigh unto you he sees you making that effort and pushing past the pride and pushing past the fatigue and pushing past the questions and uncertainty and doubt and saying you know what i'm just going to make a little bit of a move towards god tonight because i feel that god is working that god wants to do something tonight and whatever it is i don't even know but i want it i desire that and god sees that move and god says you know what i'm gonna make a move now now i'm gonna make a move in their direction and the more i feel god moving towards me the more it makes me want to move closer and closer to him the more i feel what i feel in this house tonight the more i want to seek him the more i want to pray the more i want to yield and surrender who i am to him and let him have his way in my life so i encourage you tonight if you feel a little bit of a struggle within you're not sure what it is you feel something you feel the presence of god but you feel a little bit of resistance not sure just start with a step just make a move towards god you lift up those hands and you begin to worship god and you begin to talk to the lord and you begin to yield yourself to god and i promise you you're gonna start to feel the presence of god come upon you more than you're feeling already and you're going to feel god begin to start the more you yield to god the more you're going to feel the presence and the power of god i don't know about you but that's what i want tonight because god knows exactly what i need and if i'll yield and surrender myself to him god will give me exactly what i need tonight i wonder if one more time our choir is going to sing but we're going to pray a prayer of surrender right now just praying that god whatever you want to do in my life tonight god i want it to be done god i don't want to be the roadblock god i don't want to be the hindrance that keeps you from doing what you want in me tonight god i pray that you would help all of us god to be willing to take that step lord to push pride and uncertainty and doubt out of the way god to push distractions and thoughts of tomorrow out of the way and god i want to get caught up in this moment right now god i don't want to worry about anything else but god i want to surrender and yield myself to you and god whatever you have for me god i want to receive it god whatever you want to do with me god i want to allow you god to come in and work and move on my behalf and lord right now i'm making a move in your direction god i'm drawing nigh unto you god i'm drawing closer to you tonight god hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus praise god praise god god bless you you can be seated worship along with the choir as they sing [Music] [Music] he doesn't have to visit us right now we're not worthy of his death we're worthy because he said we're worth it there is nothing we could do to deserve his love yet he loves us anyway there's nothing we could do to deserve his healing and his presence but he gives it to us lord you're so good you're so good lord it's so good oh lord there's not a sickness you can't heal lord not only do we read it in your word we have testimonies across this place of people being healed even today i can tell you of two healings this morning he's so good i can tell you financial miracles in this place i can tell your first torch fan is in this place and even if it's not you even if you're in a hard place right now declare from a hard place that he is good no matter what he does or doesn't do in your life declare he is good that emotions [Music] good you've been better than good i can praise [Music] [Music] [Music] even if i try cars [Music] oh [Music] can [Music] my my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know why you would be so good my [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] [Music] so many times you killed me i don't know why but it always says [Music] he's so very good to us so many times [Music] so many times many times better than first you've been better than good to me [Music] you've been better than good to better than good me me [Music] oh god to me [Applause] [Music] how many times i can count the times you have been better than good to me lord so many many times you'll be better than yours for me you'll be better than good even better than good food oh [Applause] [Music] to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wonder if you lift up your voice and let the lord know how thankful you are for the things that he's done for you for the times that he healed your body the times that he made a way for you hallelujah [Applause] [Music] praise god praise god are you thankful tonight for what the lord has done for you [Music] it's good to go back in your memory and to conjure up all those dealt with you god has moved in your life god has delivered and healed you i don't know about you but i can think of many things that god has done in my life sometimes if you think about it enough you'll realize like wow i forgot that god did that 10 years ago i forgot that god delivered me that god opened up that door that where you're standing right now wouldn't be possible without god having moved on your behalf 10 or 15 years ago praise god praise god it's amazing how god works in our lives you can go back and you can look and you'll pinpoint areas and you're like man i know that god was working then that god was dealing with me back then that god was putting things in place to position me to where he could move on me so that he could save me he could deliver me make a way for me and we serve an awesome awesome god tonight so many testimonies in this room of what god has done and not just material things and i know there's a long list of things that god has done for us in the physical and blessed us with all kinds of stuff but just what he's done for us spiritually what he's done on the inside of us and restoration that has taken place and deliverance uh from things that had us bound for so long and broken thinking and broken people that god has been putting back together and making us whole and restoring us and redeeming us i don't know about you but i'm glad that i know the lord tonight he is the answer to everything this world needs tonight jesus is the answer and i'm glad that i know him tonight praise god god bless you guys you can be seated beautiful presence of the lord here tonight we appreciate you coming with your faith and your worship and giving that to god we also want to say we're very glad to have every single guest here tonight in the building we're glad to have you at the pentecostals of deland we hope you leave encouraged and strengthened and um and just blessed by what you feel and what you hear here tonight so we're so thankful that you chose to be with us and uh also at this time we are asking sister bianca baptiste to come and preach the word of god she's very well respected here locally not just here locally but all over and we're so glad that she's a part of this church and here to preach to us tonight [Applause] praise the lord god is good it is such an honor to be here i'm excited for what the lord is doing just in pre-service prayer the lord's just kind of stirring stuff up so i believe that there's still more to come so let's not disconnect or just kind of i know some of you guys have worshipped and pushed and you're just like i'm tired but if you can stay connected just a little longer i believe that the lord is going to speak to us tonight so if we can just stand and just um i told him i was going to give him a scripture but if you can turn to the person next to you says freely you have received now it's time for you to start giving so if we can just lift our hands and just pray that the lord would have his way tonight jesus right now god i submit myself completely over to you god i pray that your will would be done into in this place god take authority and dominion over every spirit contrary to you over everything that will try to resist what you want to do here tonight god i pray that father your will would be done i pray that father your burden your call would go forth god i pray that you would give us ears to hear god i pray that you would give us eyes to see god i pray that there would be a spirit of revelation released in this place god let there be a hunger for more of you and god i pray that you would help us to go deeper in you than we've ever gone before god let your purpose be established let your kingdom come god have your way in this place lord we worship you we thank you for it god in jesus name just clap your hands as you see as you seated and thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus praise the lord you guys may be seated i don't know how long i'm going to be um but but praise god i do believe that the lord has given me something and i just wanted to share it with you guys marcus did a phenomenal job this morning if you did not hear the message you should really take the time to listen to it and two weeks ago he preached as well and it was just a very powerful dynamic on regards to righteousness and peace and joy if you haven't listened to that you should and i'm not just saying that because he's my brother but it was a word from the lord um and another quick note pastor if you're watching this i miss you um you know if you haven't already you should be praying for your pastor and his wife if they're on vacation the lord would strengthen them and they'll come back more on fire than they were before they left but he's already always a fireball but praise god um the first passage of scripture that i just kind of wanted to read is in genesis chapter 3 verse 17 it says and unto adam he said because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and and has eaten of the tree of which i commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it curses the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life i'm not going to get ready to talk about the guys or anything of that nature there's something i just want to point out and i just want to point out in a few other scriptures that i think is very very interesting some of them i'm just going to reference to and not necessarily read or go to them but you find in the beginning genesis it talks about how the earth was without full form and it was void and the spirit of god moved upon the earth and then you find that as god began to god kind of get his hands involved into it that the earth was then restored and it became a place of pretty much paradise and you find that when it comes to genesis as the story progresses that you find that the humanity falls into sin and something interesting happens at the ground is cursed because of it um you find something else that in scripture and i'm not going to dive too deep into this i'm not a theologian but um these are just a few things that the lord was kind of i just began to think about um i find it very interesting in second chronicles it talks about where if certain things would begin to happen in the earth that pestilence would begin to come there'd be famine in the earth and this these different things that the lord then responds and says that if my people which are called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face then i would heal their land and it almost seems as if that when there was um judgment upon the people of god that there would be some sort of curse or tumultuous thing that would take place upon the earth and i can't say that that's always the case but you do find some of these principles throughout scripture and then one of the things that that i'm really going to be focusing on is in romans chapter eight it talks about in romans chapter eight is just another very interesting passage of scripture beginning in verse 19 it says for the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of god for the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now again my main focus is going to be on this passage of scripture in verse 22 where it talks about the earth groaneth and travail and pain together until now um obviously with there's so much going on in the world i do not watch the news but i get to hear about it as i told you guys the last time that i was up here i just also hear about by everybody else and you find that there's these different things going on and sometimes we can become so consumed with what's going on that we don't realize that there is a god behind all of it you know and i'm not getting ready to preach the same thing that i ministered the last time but um with all this being said i was here when um i forget what day it was and i was in prayer and as i began to pray in the holy ghost something that i felt as i began to think about the earthquake that i had that had hit haiti and these different things i was just going on the earth something interesting just kind of consumed my heart and spirit and i was praying in the holy ghost but what came my mind was this plea that the earth is groaning and crying out where is the manifestation of the sons of god so many times we get so distracted and caught up and i don't even remember i don't have notes from the last time that i spoke so if i say stuff that i said the last time it's the holy ghost you know i don't know i praise god but um please forgive me but so many times you can get caught up with the here and now but the reality is when you are baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost if he was done with you he would have killed you at that moment you would have been done but you find that there is a work that needs to be accomplished in the earth that he has chosen for some reason to use humanity to be the source of um the avenue in which that he accomplishes things in the earth you see in the book of acts that there's this man named cornelius you find that the bible says he was devout he was religious and he prayed unto the lord and he was very consistent when it came to his relationship with the lord but even in this topic of salvation that the lord speaks to him and allows him to have an encounter with an angel and even through the angel the lord does not tell him what he needs to do you find that in acts chapter 10 that he begins to pray and seek the lord and the bible says that his prayers had come up as a memorial before god and he sends an angel to him and the angel says to him and i'm not reading this verbatim i'm just paraphrasing it but the angel says to him go and find a man named peter and he's going to tell you what you should do you find that this then replicates this pattern and principle that god uses man to get his will done and so last year again we found that we were in this predicament we were finding this place that um we had moments of self-reflection we had moments of god searching us i know for myself that the lords it was so interesting i was working at liberty mutual at the time and um we had been working you know i had heard things that was going in china i really had no idea no idea that we would ever go completely work from home but i remember two weeks before this i had been talking about moving out i felt like the lord wanted me to i was struggling or whatever my dad wanted me to stay but it was i was 25 i was like i gotta go but um but i remember um literally i was looking at apartments uh whatever and i felt like the lord spoke to me and said that this is my will and there's something i need to do in your heart but i have a short like in a short amount of time and i was like okay cool and so with that being said within the next week literally i had signed a lease and i was in a new apartment and then that same week we went completely mandatory work from home i was like you are not playing with me you wanted me by my you know with you alone so that you can do in me what you wanted me to wanted to do and obviously i don't think this was just for me i believe that this was in the church overall there was a lot of things that the lord was doing in us a part of the things that he did too he got us out of this the four walls of the church you know and um and i think there's a lot of healing a lot of restoration and i've said this probably before but there's a shift that's occurring now and one of the things that's happening is that it's we hear it preached constantly continuously jesus is coming jesus is coming there's so many things that are being fulfilled in scripture there's so many promises things that are coming to pass that's pointing to his return but there is something that still has been left undone that he's delegated unto his church and that is the reaching of the lost souls of this world you know so many times we get caught up in and i just began to think about this again this just this cry and just this reality of the fact that there's so many there's 500 000 people within just this county alone there's billions of people in the earth and just the the weight of it is so overwhelming but if the his body would really submit to him and do what he calls him to do the task is able to be accomplished because it's not something that was meant to be done naturally but supernaturally right and so with that being said i um sorry i lost my train of thought i decided to you know i went i heard a man of god say this and it was so cool that god has no obligation to bless something that's not a part of his agenda you know and so many times we get caught up and you know just what we want and living you know in america like just what i'm i'm gonna eat what am i gonna do my job and all these different things and we get caught up and we get in these circumstances that we're like god why are you allowing this to happen why is it that you're doing this and we forget the reality of eternity the fact that this is just a vapor this is just like if you're here today and you're gone tomorrow you know me i'm there's many people here that are older than me i'm just 27 but i know i the older that i get it seems like the quicker that it goes and there's many people that are elders that will tell you that they can remember it was as if yesterday they were in their 20s or in their teenage years this moment is just it's just a fleeting moment and the reality is we're not here for it now right here is just preparation for what's on the other side and it gets so easy to get caught up in our daily life having good church or a good service but as marcus was talking about as brother marcus was talking about in the beginning of pre-service pray he just began to say things of things being stirred in the spirit things happening and so many times we could be carnally minded those words that terminology is so unfamiliar to us when god has meant for it to be familiar you find that in the book of acts just the acts of the apostles when it came to this thing of reaching the loss and being involved with the kingdom again god blesses what's his god blesses his agenda you never find that they were kind of filling their thumb or like not necessarily worried about what to do next but as they remain submitted god would move you find that there was a man phillip that when he responded to the call of god that he was able to see a whole city completely overturned to the lord you find that after that god was unable to say here hey i'm gonna catch you away you're gonna go here and go up to that um that chariot and speak to that man they were completely spirit led and again when you think about when it comes to the loss and how many people are lost it can seem like an overwhelming task but it's not meant for it to be overwhelming um the fact that we have god on our side and all that stuff um makes the task very well easy to accomplish what makes it very difficult and frustrating i believe to god is us being carnally minded and getting caught up in our own lives god is so desperate and hungry to do his will in the earth he's so hungry to reach the loss this concept of jesus saying that he came to seek and to save the lost was not meant for it to just come out of his own lips but he desired that it would be something that we would replicate on a day-to-day basis does that make sense and i just really feel that there is a just something i just i can't explain it to you just as i just the feeling of that just something just happening in the earth the earth itself is just groaning and just waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god of who will finally open their mouth to speak who who will finally cry out we've been in hiding for so long in 2020 the church was as it was hidden it was kind of tucked away as god began to shake us up and stir us up and to begin to challenge us but now god is beginning to call out and say that will you come will you go will you finally do what i've called you to do will you respond to me and as i even that day as i began to pray there were certain people that came to my mind and i felt god as they were not necessarily i knew that they weren't where they needed to be and i just felt that certain people if you will not respond to the call of god or what he specifically called you to do not only with those that you were meant to reach be lost but you yourself will end up being lost you find again and sometimes i feel like we get so caught up in this and having good church and i love the topic of healing i love the topic of having joy i love the topic of having peace but there is also a hell to still be shunned in a heaven to gain and sometimes i feel like we forget and we begin to act like there is there's no hell you know sometimes we begin to think that we begin to take on mentalities and just mindsets that are contrary to what the book says you find that um jesus constantly talked about hell actually in so many different aspects he the way that he talked about it he talked about if your right hand offends you cut it off if your right eye defends you pluck it out if you're just these different things these extremes of how much we should keep away from help not from hell keep away from sin so that our whole body will not be cast into the to hell he makes mention of just these different things he tells um in the book of luke he talks about just uh these these different people and i can't remember the full story but he goes on to say that do you think that their sins were worse than someone else's he says if you all likewise pretty much do not repent you shall all perish and and there shall be judgment and he just constantly is um bringing this reality of this is not like our living our life is not just for today there is an eternity does that make sense are you guys following me praise god and the title if i and i told them this if there was anything that i would be speaking to you guys in just the title sons of god will you hear the groans of the earth the sun sorry sons of god the earth is groaning for you that's strongly what is what i felt this morning sons of god the earth is groaning for you not just for the person next to you but for you jesus is coming the rapture is soon to come but there is still unfinished business this gospel still needs to be preached it is not meant to be for the person next to you this person that's gifted to do it the bible has instructed all of us to go into all the earth and preach the gospel he did not leave it for just a few and uh there's never been a problem with the harvest the problem has always been with the laborers you find that jesus said that the laborers are few but the harvest is plenteous and if we will get yoked up with god we will see exactly what he's promised us what he's shown us in visions we'll see it finally come to pass and there's been so many times i feel like that we've made excuses that we well bianca i've tried to reach the lost and they just don't want it and that's a lie from the pits of hell that is not true the reality is they are blind and they cannot see i remember specifically and i feel like the lord has allowed me to remember this um so that he just for this time frame of just him being able to use me in prayer and all this different stuff but i remember my brother when he used to try to witness to me and i can remember so clearly first of all i thought i was saved so i was just like you don't know what you're talking about i know what i'm talking about i didn't read the bible at all i would argue the trinity and all the stuff and i did not know what i was talking about and i remember um just not being able to see what he was talking about and i remember there was one night i don't know i guess brother herring was here have no idea but you can tell that he i can tell now that he got back from a hot service and he was just ready to reach the loss and his sister was lost so he needed to reach me and he began to talk to me about the holy ghost and i remember so specifically as he began to say it to me i could not see what he was talking about like i just could not imagine myself speaking in tongues like it was the weirdest thing and my response to him was just like i guess i'm going to hell then like you know just in my flesh he was just trying to tell me how i needed the holy ghost and i was just resisting it but in my spirit i just i couldn't see it like it just didn't make sense to me i just didn't get it and as i sometimes hear people make the statement that if they reject or they just don't want it just you know keep it moving keep it going and i just like to this this week today i began to think about what if he did that to me you know but the reality was is as he began to pray i knew he was praying for me because it would be random nights i would get up in the middle of the night and be like oh jesus comes right now i'm going straight to hell and i'll just have these random like dreams and these random thoughts i would remember i would remember me driving um to just these different things and i would randomly feel the presence of god it'd be so random and then i'd like realize like man i'm not right with god but then it'll lift it'll just go away and i would remember the specific these distinct moments and it got to a place where i finally settled in my spirit like i'm not right with god and i need to get right with god and god allowed me to remember these specific things to realize the process that there is when it comes to a lost soul no one in their right mind wants to be lost you know no one in their right mind wants to be lost does that mean that everybody's going to be saved no but i believe that as his church that we're able to become partners with him through prayer to be able to pray the blindness off of their eyes if we have this mindset that during this end time god just wants us to just barely survive and to hide away and barely wait and just sit here like just you know just you know it's my last meal jesus are you coming now like you know just like a wimp like i can't explain it but i think you guys understand what i'm trying to say that is full that's that's not biblical at all you find in the book of acts when there is persecution the more they grew the more that they they thrived in it the more that they when they were persecuted literally scattered and preached the gospel even more and uh and i don't believe that during this end time that it's god's will for us to just come here sunday morning sunday nights and just to hide away but i believe that it's god's will that we begin to go out and rise up to the task and realize that my life i'm not here just for the sake of being here i'm not here just for myself that i'm here because god there's still a work that you desire to accomplish i'm not here to build my own kingdom i'm here to expand and establish your kingdom does that make sense and i feel like god wants to baptize us with a renewed burden like we've never had for the loss it's going to inconvenience you it's not going to be comfortable it's not there's going to be people that call you in the middle of the night but so be it if you're able to see them for eternity and it's not god's will that any should perish it is the desire and hungry as many as would come but if they do not obey what this book says he can't violate his word and he's not making any exceptions for anyone you know and so many times i feel like we look for god to make exceptions but he's not going to make exceptions and i feel um this is i remember and this is crazy i remember last week about two weeks ago that god helped me understand this principle just with something so random and it was very interesting and i think i shared this with you guys i have no idea i cannot remember um but i remember i was i got up and i began to try to pray and began to talk to the lord and as i began to pray i felt like resistance so i was just like you know i repeat that in jesus name and i start you know trying to rebuke what i was feeling and then i felt like the lord spoke to me and says it's me that's resisting you you know and i was just like well that's weird like you know and the lord corrected me and said that there was some cares that i was hanging on to and there was some pride in my spirit and so he was resisting me and then it dawned on me as like you cannot violate your word i i can't explain it it just dawned on me that he was revealing to me like bianca realign like get back in alignment with with me and as i began to humble myself before the lord that resistance left and there was a connection again and i was like whoa that's crazy and then as i begin to think of just that small verse that talks about the lord resists the proud and gives grace to the humble and how he allowed that to be activated just allow me to feel that and experience that i was like you really can't violate your word like you literally are bound to your word and just with that being said how much more when it comes to this topic of salvation how much more when it comes to these different attributes and aspects of your word these promises that you're so desperate and designed to fulfill and there's things again that the lord wants to do through us and this the message that i have is very short and very simple but the lord is waiting on us and the earth is groaning because it's waiting for the manifestations of the sons of god it's waiting for us to respond to the call of god and he to his call and if you guys could all stand this is very short very simple message very very simple but i believe that if you would begin to pray and seek the lord for yourself that he would be able to relay the burden himself to you he'll be able to speak to you himself and realize how much he's desperate and hungry to flow through you to use you so many of so many sometimes we get in situations and circumstances and we kind of begin to power become we become frustrated and ask god why these things are happening and we're like well god if you don't change it then i'm not going to change if you don't do this and i'm not going to do this and we don't realize that it's actually the mercy of god that puts us in those in those predicaments in those positions because there's something like marcus said this morning that he's trying to do in us sometimes he's trying to get our attention sometimes it's because we've allowed ourselves to kind of go so far in this one direction and it takes a situation that will break us to finally get us to a place to humble ourselves before him sometimes these situations take place because he is so desperate i heard a man of god say that um some people cry and say why did god allow covet and he made the statement is because he is so desperate and he realizes that he wants to see people saved out of his desperation that he allowed it to take place to get our attention and i don't mean to keep going back to covid but i just want to say oh just wake up to what god is doing in this latter time what he's doing in this end time it's not the highlight is not just having good church the highlight is being a fellow labor with god not just sunday and wednesday but monday through monday through sunday um even when it comes to the flow and operation of the gifts of the spirit sometimes we'll pray for that but i don't look yes it is used and it's meant for the edifying of the church but why why for the edifying of the church so that we might do his will not my will it's not meant for someone just so i can just know someone's business and put their stuff out there but that they might be equipped that they might be edified that they might be strengthened to then do the will of god it's not for my own sake but for his sake he freely and so willingly wants to give us the kingdom but we must first let go of our kingdom so we can if we can just lift our hands in jesus name god i pray that father you'd have your way in us lord god i pray that father you would help us to hear god with you here god i pray that you to help us awaken god during this time hour help us to not be asleep help us to not slumber god help us god to awaken god to your hunger and desire lord god there's some things that you will not do on your own but god you're looking for willing and available vessels god god i pray that father you will give us ears to hear god give us eyes to see god deliver us god from our own will our own carnality god on our own agendas and our own kingdom but god i pray that you to help us sort to submit to your kingdom to your will god i pray that you would have your way in us lord god i pray the father what you wanted spoken would have been spoken tonight if in any way god i missed it god i did say the way that you wanted to god i pray that father there will be a release of conviction god that there would be a renewing of a burden god god i pray that you'd awaken us lord god there's so many of us god that you've strived with god you've tried to win that you've been pleading with god that you've been drawing god and we've ignored you god we've tried to push it aside thinking that we'll just have more time but god the timing god has come god for there to be a manifestation of the sons of god and god i pray that we would awaken ourselves god that we would shake ourselves and god i pray that we respond to you
Channel: Pentecostals of DeLand
Views: 127
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6WNsT4cqXQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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