Bishop T. F. Tenney preaching “The Power Of Pain” at Free Chapel

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put your hands together now to movin yesterday the mighty name of Jesus speak it out loud proclaim it over your life refined it all through the world it is the hope of the world the mighty name of Jesus my Jesus for the soil shall be thank you Jesus and father in the name of Jesus we ask you to heal the sick right now you see every person who needs a physical touch in their body stretch forth your hand to heal that at the name of Jesus signs and wonders would be done for your glory and your honor we don't just say that passing we believe as we pray that you're releasing the healing in this room and throughout the world screaming live that miracles are still happening for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever in Jesus name if you believe it put your heads together and give the Lord a great show Oh [Music] oh Jesus Wow praise God look at someone and say it feels good to be in the house of the Lord on Wednesday night I didn't know it was tell somebody I didn't know it was this good on Wednesday night praise God thank you thank you you may be seated I'm delighted tonight without further ado I am delighted tonight to introduce our speaker he is a living legend and he is an anointed anointed man of God I have no person human person that I have more confidence in and believe that you know that they carry the presence the wisdom the anointing of God like this man and he has spoken in this house so many times he's been a pastor to me in Cherise and his precious wife Thetis is here I wish before we leave when you pray or something over us we use will you speak say something can you let can you let her say something before you leave brother Tenny because she's got she's got just his heavy of anointing on her would you would you raise your hand can you get a camera shot of that beautiful woman sitting right there on the front run and there's two of them there's my wife and then there's fetus that's her give me a give me a better shot in that because I won't do I want the world to see fetus there she is right there and we so appreciate you so much being here but you came all the way from Louisiana and to be with us tonight he's still preaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ changing lives just before he comes I'm gonna take a moment and say today is my happy birthday from my mother she is 82 years young mom raise your hand raise your hand obey me raise your hand keep your hand up I need a cameraman to help me out a little bit if we got any cameras anywhere all right we're gonna try this again I want a camera home I want a camera on sister thena see this first what y'all did y'all took him don't took a break on me here what is going on we got a camera right here can you get it that's her all right that's what I was looking for thank you and then mom I want mom on the camera next cuz cuz everybody needs to see that she's still available and looking at 82 all right do you know who my mom is raise your hand mom there's a bunch of women raising their hands what's going on across here that's my mother [Applause] that's right single and available [Music] and no money no honey don't apply if you ain't got no money at this point alright praise God I'm sorry I'm taking up his time which you give the greatest welcome that you can tooth one of the greatest men in the kingdom of God t em teddy I don't know what you came to do the phrase [Applause] Jesus Christ is all I was glad when they said unto me let us go to free chapel [Applause] and to visit with one of my favorite friends and that is of course pastor Franklin you may be seated and sister Kate happy birthday mine this sir pastor love my blessing wife reached her 83rd birthday and her more blessed husband reached his 84th birthday and we're still here preaching playing chicken shop [Music] lift it up Jesus Wow Wow I've said before Wow I feel so good I'm gonna say it backwards wild thank you so much for being here as you know this is a very favorite place of mine I have such deep respect for your pastor and his whole family his sweet wife and his children they may they all be blessed of them now before I like the fella said before I preach I want to say something I guess number one if I don't know that I was gonna live this long I'd have taken better care of myself this past year I have been in the hospital Oh 31 days of six different occasions and I fooled them yeah I knew it I knew I was very sick but the one night pardon me for telling this little family aside but they had sent me home from the hospital a very sick man and the couple had already prepared the family for what was inevitable but I was him they had brought me home I was in bed coming and going and I opened and I looked and all around my bed pasture was all of my children all of my grandchildren and many of my great friends you and my dear wife was laying across my chest and I just was kind of coming and going and I said they think I'm dying and about that time they broke out singing in the sweet by and by I said they do think I'm dying [Applause] declaring Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] but I will warn you that in the last year I've been in firms for so long till I've only preached about four times so as I feel now you're not gonna need your headlights when you start home in the morning no I'm not going to do you that way I promise you I do have some books you got my books well here they are prayer takes wings is how to bring angels in to assistance in prayer activating angels in prayer and it's written by my life another book she wrote on prayer God can you hear me now heavens wireless connection it never hangs up huh the main things to keep main thing the main thing I wrote this book many years ago and the main thing is to keep the main thing the playing field this is my assistant his name is Derek he's open to any reasonable proposition [Music] yes mr. Tinney I did say that finding victory and defeat is somewhat along the lines that I will preach tonight why doesn't God do something if you have asked question you're in a tight one God do something get this CD it'll help you for anchors the Bible said they cast out four anchors in wish for today you ever been there when all you had was the four anchors and you wished for the day those books are available god bless you thank you Thank You Jerri now into the word of the Lord there's so many things I could say you are honestly some of my favorite people I have preached and been in taught in 115 nations of the world I have been preaching for 67 years I've been married to the same woman for 65 years this may not be what you would call vintage TFT because I've I have been a rather ill and I'm recognizing that and I'm letting the wheels come up rather slowly but thank you pastor for the invitation and so the way you've always stood bias in the book of Genesis the book of Genesis chapter 3 and we are going to read from [Music] verse 16 unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee and then in the book Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and this is what I call God's for be no mores there shall be no more death either no more sorrow no more crying no more pain the third chapter we find our introduction to sorrow and to pain and we find the final victory over in Revelation 21 I want to talk to you a teach or whatever I do treats about the power of pain now ordinarily we think that pain diminishes us it draws from us it tries to totally excavate us in tear us in the things that we'd rather forget but I want to show you from Genesis to Revelation the power that can come out of pain though we don't think of it is that that there's a little town in Louisiana by the name of car via Carville Louisiana south of Baton Rouge and it was an old abandoned sugarcane well recall them factories or whatever and if for a hundred years was renovated and became the hospital that served people that were stricken with leprosy or we now call it Henson's disease it's closed now because that disease has somewhat been wiped out and until his death in 2003 dr. Paul brand the author and doctor was considered probably the foremost authority on the disease as well as a pioneer in its eradication and all of the raise the company preserve this young doctor was that he was the first physician to determine that the root cause of the rotting tissues was not caused by leprosy but was in fact the loss of the sensation of pain and made the sufferers susceptible to injury they just couldn't feel things anymore they lost their sense of feel so if a bone was broken they didn't know it they could put their hand on a hot stove and never know it because they could not feel the pain the dr. brand once said thank God for inventing pain leprosy patients lost their fingers and toes because they lacked the sensation of pain nothing warns them when the waters too hot with a hammer handle is splintered and all the times it's the accidental self-abuse that destroys their body they just lose sight of the power of pain yes wonderful thing Martin Mark Twain said that a cat a cat won't sit over a hot stove but he said the only problem is he won't sit over a cold one either he learns his lesson how can there possibly be power God shows up in pain and pain becomes power and we embrace the pain of the Cross and it becomes the resurrection and God whispers to us and our pleasures and he speaks to us in our consciousness but he shouts in our pain did John stand back but he won't your attention he shouts in our pain it says megaphone megaphone to rouse a deaf world don't have a let the devil define you in your weakest moment you can get down and and the devil will say one two three four five six seven eight nine out but I say no kidding nine eight seven six five four three two one I'm in I'm going to embrace this although I feel that it's destroying me I'm going to leave here with more power than I entered this adversity because there's power in pain God whispers to us in our pleasures and speaks in our conscience but he shouts in our pain don't ever let the devil define you in your weakest moment he'll get you down and then convince you you're down forever it's a lie it's just a learning period it's an empowering period that I'm receiving from this pain and I've got to learn lessons from the sorrow that you've taught me mister Lucifer the existence of suffering in this earth screams to all of us that something's wrong and it makes us consider other values you know things look different from the intensive care of a hospital unity I've heard people saying I've said this is killing me this is killing me good because all God can use is redemptive dead men so God allows things to come into our life not to destroy us but to empower towers God trusts you to weather the storm and he believes you can represent him to a watching world you know in the world of athletics and life champions are the ones who play with the pain and play in the pain play past the pain they just say I'm hanging in here this is not going to destroy me it's going to make me you you don't lift barbells to get strength from them but you get strength before them and God puts adverse situations on us not to destroy us but we come out of it's stronger if we don't look at it as something inevitable by faith Noah rolled a storm into a rainbow Noah level 350 years after the flood Hey he lived long after the flood that before and that tells me there's life after the storm Jeb feel like I've just come to tell you that there's life after the storm just stay with the boat stay with the church whether you can explain it or understand it or not adversity calls us some men to break down and others to break records your threshold of pain determines your capacity for growth it's not a season but it's a seasoning of life pain is a seasoning so I said well I got to know what this season of I understand that what you mean by season of life but there's also seasoning God city needs to be a little more part throw in some Tabasco it tastes a little bland throw in some salt because life is a seasoning and if God sees something lacking in your life he sends some seasoning and it's not to destroy you but it's to make you stronger yes there's life after a stolen in fact the storm can't mark a beginning your threshold of pain is determined your capacity for growth and as I said it's not seasonal but it's seasoning and invest versity causes some men to break down and as I said others to break records preachers I often deal with preachers and I admonish them don't be afraid to address real pain life isn't a sitcom with nice resolutions life as brutal but God is mighty I don't understand my sickness I just lay all night and look at those walls and praying but I can honestly say that maybe not physically as you can see I'm not quite as exuberant but spiritually I decided I was going to turn that pain and when one nurse rushed in and said what is your last wishes about sustaining your life quick I've got to know your monitors gone crazy I said well I said beat me and he shocked me but don't do a lot of that other stuff because I'm ready to go she said that's all I need you know I can beat you in shock here life has a way of doing that to you you know you think well come on making sense to tell you to look at pain as invigorating as power bringing Paul was given a thorn in the flesh the thorn is the same root as Word as state it wasn't a little pinprick it was a state s ta ke Paul said God gave me a stake in my flesh it hurt but he learned something he called it a gift of God and when you can look at pain and say it's a gift of God I'm not gonna run from it I've got to embrace it and say God I'm coming out of this stronger than I've ever been [Music] Paul could identify with the spikes that held Jesus to the cross because of the thorn that he was given himself he knew the feeling of stakes how are we gonna know how to empathize with people if God doesn't trust us enough to let us go through some things and I know we whine and whine but if you whine there's no particle to show up at the devil and if you throw a pity party he's the only one that's gonna come there's nobody else but I've just honest enough to tell you that whatever you're going through right now can alive in you and bring victory to you in fact it's even seeing as terminologies new birth pain comes out of relationship and birth is a relationship but new life comes with a woman embraces the pain of bringing birth John spoke of the new birth as they be painful but it's teaching us summon the three Hebrew children God didn't want them to burn out he watered into burn old and the old king said how many did we throw in there he said well we threw three in but he said I see four let me tell you something about fourth in the fourth man never did come out of that fire you don't find him out of it so if you ever did in the fire Curtis all you gotta do is just wait he's already there he's already there an overcomer waiting for mobile covers and he is fed by our victories you want to nourish God he is nourished by our victories we reproduce in pain and as I said there's no birth without pain there's no bond like the bond of mother and child relationship relationship born in pain sometimes God delivers you from the fire furnace and other times he just makes you fireproof and ladies burn on because he knows you're gonna learn something out of this pain that it's gonna produce power I wanted to preach something else I'd rather preach something else but the Holy Spirit just kept whispering to me the power of pain they've got to get a new attitude toward what pain can do it is not authorised to destroy them it is authorized to make them God is more concerned with our development than he is without comfort and I'll sometimes tell leaders that are leaders that is both brutal and beautiful its bleeder ship because if you want people to bleed you've got a hemorrhage first so if you want to be a leader you can look for a little pain but it's not set to destroy you it's set to develop you into what God has in mind for you the psalmist ruling said it was good for me that I have been afflicted Wow because it allowed me to see your statutes or your word this affliction pulse and our other David said put God in a new perspective to me when I was afflicted I was allowed to see God's Word his statutes such as I never saw before and 119th saw me said before I was afflicted I went astray but now I have kept thy word this affliction kept me for going astray the power of pain and I'm is uncomfortable talking to you about this as you are listening but we have to understand the tremendous power that God invests in us what he trusts us with pain and if you're a leader all leadership is a magnet for pain we have a dear sister in our part of the country pastor knows our well her name's Amanda and sister Mangan is 92 years old and still travels the world preaching 92 but she said this business is not for sissies and if you're going to be a leader in the house of God and you're going to move in this ball in your generation look out for pain but it's not going to destroy you it's going to make you and your God's gonna come out to feed you're gonna come out determined you're not gonna come out downcast but you're coming out with an elf lifting you're not coming out of Whaley new within but you're gonna come out with a glory of God in your soul I've come to tell you that there's power in pain and you're all over cover not a I could say this I guess I've heard pastor say some things but we have too many sixty-five little preachers not here but a few places I've been we got some sissified little preachers and preacher it's that are preaching sermonettes to Christian Anson smoking cigarettes and driving Corvette see misuse and video sets and computer sense and TV sets and with the platform dress like majorettes and they're missing the big set they're missing the Vixen do you understand that power comes out of pain this is not a show this is not professionalism this is heaven or hell life or death victory or defeat how do you play games tonight I'm here to tell you that Jesus Christ is he the Lord [Applause] Maxo kato said filter your pain through the brevity of this life in the unending beauty of the next I'm not to have a legend or a scholar but I'm very aware of the fact the pain is necessary to us all I don't want to be a spiritual leper in my own life I think I can honestly say that out of my deepest pain has come my strongest convictions of the presence of God and the love of God oh brother tinny hue and pastor never hurt you you don't know what pain is someone said don't engage in every battle if the battle is not between me you and your destiny it's just a distraction and the enemy will send along distractions every now and then to try to interfere with our destiny but if something can't change you it can't change your destiny if it can't affect your spirit it can't affect your destiny and I'm here to tell you that this church is a church of destiny God is giving a revelation to your pastor and he's sharing it with you and you're seeing things in Jesus you never saw before and you sits and things and the Holy Ghost enough come by to tell you that there's power in pain if you think you've found your destiny without a crisis you better re-examine your destiny I never well I'm certain that I never did grow in grace 1/2 so much as anywhere as I have up on the bed of pain said yourself Charles Spurgeon please give me ear tonight to understand that there's power that you can come out even of this service with greater greater victory God can out bless the devil's pain giving ability if we can look to him you know preacher you don't understand well maybe I don't I I dunno there's a difference between my role in my relationship with God I told a pastor here a while back that was bemoaning the fact that he was retiring and settling back and he said what am I gonna do for the Lord now if I'm not pastor and I said you have mixed up your role with your relationship with God and your role may change but your relationship with God will be the same yesterday and today and forever and you will make a difference cause this power in pain have I ever known pain I don't I don't often talk about it I've heard preachers preach and that's all they ever talked about was how much trouble they had and how much pain they butBut yeah I was born in a country boy I was raised on a farm with 200 head of milk cows and I wasn't I wasn't the most intelligent fellow on the block I'll tell you that I know what rejection is I was always a little heavy and they used to call me fat so at school my haircut was old fat so you know I kind of let that get home to me and totally warped my personality I had a good father but the father had problem with alcohol and I know what it is is a 7 8 9 year old boy to wake up in the night and hear my godly mother praying I mean she rattled the rafters she was a good Southern Baptist woman but she rattled the rafters I could hear her Oh God set Fred free from this Oh God and yell there was pain but before it was over with there was a victory and he was set free but because of a brave woman that would not let go my dear father made some bad business decisions he was a businessman and he died bankrupt there's no we wouldn't say there's any fun in that but pain is learned teaches us the power of prayer you can be redeemed in your pain see things that you never saw before pain I can remember when I came to God in a spirit-filled movement I was born and raised a Southern Baptist and I thank God for what they taught me they taught me the Bible was the inerrant word of the Living God and at that time it wasn't too wasn't too popular to be in the spirit-filled movement because there was something wrong with you my aristocratic aunt told my mother said you get that young man to a psychiatrist he has lost his mind he went across the railroad track and got in with those spirit and so-called spirit filled people there's something wrong with him no there was something right with me and I had pain but power I made up my mind that I was going to let the power of God and I can remember my sweet pastor's wife I woke up one day to realize she had failed God in a moral sense and something said to me you may as well give up if she can't make it you can't make it but I determined to let that failure be reproductive in my life and I take it and squeeze out of it all I could learn but I was gonna make that failure teaching me not destroy me because I learned that even in that pain of rejection I can remember being made fun of in Sunday School classes by some people that claim to be spirit filled I remember the night that God spoke to me about a church and he said plainly you're to Pastor that church I said alright the Lord I'm ready I'm ready the ballots were cast it was congregational and I didn't get it so I just went sneak it off in my study and I called it to praying and I was telling God how hurt I was and the Lord said there's nothing heard about you but your pride and that needs to be heard but you know what I did hear from God 15 years later I was elected before at that time was a large church to that large church are the same people that had rejected me but I knew I had heard from God so even if you've heard from God things may not go like you'd like for them to go but this power in pain and I think in any sense oh you know anything about don't I've got I've got two oh nine or ten great grandkids grandkids I've got two very sweet and precious members of my family young ladies that are beautiful whose husbands walked off and left them for another woman then another and then another and I've seen them struggle with life try to raise their little family alone but then I've seen them night after night in the house of God seeking God trying to find their new positioning in this different circumstance that they had rather not have but it came one of my pastors that was in my group he told me of a woman that he heard in the altar praying old time altar services sister Kate you know what that is when you get out and get a hold of the horns of the altar y'all ever hear of the horns of the altar well these old timers continued you just held older the powerful and I could hear them praying God help God send the answers answers as we expected it come but strength came and today I hope that they are stronger even by that rejection than they ever were in their life yes I know what it is to hurt but I know what it is to hold on until the Sun shines had the moon rose and you hear the voice of God well done thou good and faithful servant God gives commands not explanations I wish I knew but I don't I'll even understand this present sickness I will talk about myself tonight but did you know that Saul was David's mentor how is that pressure because Saul talk David how not to do things and God will send people in your life that mentor you by teaching you how not to do something how did you react to this in the love of God I'll be through shortly I remember one time a parachurch group i've always been connected in leadership as a way in a parachurch group they asked me to take position very difficult and strenuous time but I said well yeah I'll I'll do it and they called me to meet with the elders you know what that is so I you know called my hair not my Gladrags and I'm going to meet the elders and pastor Jensen those dear men that meant well they stood me up in front of Italy and for two hours they thoroughly raped me over because I had accepted a position they asked me to accept figure it out I came nobody spoke to me between that meeting of the board of elders in my hotel room nobody I felt like I had been forsaken but I made up my mind though I was hurting I went and I fell across the bed and I prayed and I cried what have I done but I made up my mind but that was going to make me a better man not a bit of a in it and I was going to love those in here in such a way do you know that when I retired from that position years long every one of those men they were still alive it begged me they stood up want my please don't leave this position look what's happened they it rares pardon me but they were at my throat the first thing you know years later they're at my knees begging me don't leave us now this is not look what's happening but I had to be sure that my spirit was right I don't know who I'm pretty due but I planted some bad not to let me your present will never destroy you our people destroy you they just don't understand where you are yeah it hurts guilt and hurt are inevitable but misery is optional I've known of women that in an unfortunate time in their life subjected themselves to abortion and I've counseled the thielemann to this day and you may feel God is holiness against me well I've come to tell you that God doesn't hold grudges give him a hand he got the whole crutches he forgives he accepts he puts it under the bag and whoever the son sets free is free indeed I'm not justified what you've done but I'm telling you there's no power like the power of forgiveness and your God is not gonna halt you and disturb you and Crowl at you and be mean to you he's gonna forgive you and love you and understand you're a child that made a mistake may the Lord be with you I've had things taken out on my kids by people that didn't understand pain is in the life of ever apostle poor job he lost his wife she backslidden his children were all killed and he looked at their graves and he had sore balls that broke out all over him and he was sitting with a potsherd that's a broken piece of pottery in the city dump scratching himself saying if I knew where I might find him if I knew what is he's admitting I can't find God in this but I'll go tell you I've settle something though he slay me yet well I trusted him for I know that my Redeemer [Applause] I know he still lives and he's a forgiving loving God he doesn't sweep it under the rug he sweeps it under the blood hearse hearse pain well I could go on but I think I've said enough I I may have told you this last time heard a fella tell us it was experiencing it Paul said to involved me to repeat this piece of advice a man parking lot loading some stuff in the trunk of his car and a man with a mask all slips up behind him sticks a knife in him and says give me your wallet dude well he didn't get it out quick enough so the man stabbed him and then grabbed his wallet and and ran well they called 9-1-1 here came the ambulance so they took him to the hospital and a man came in with a mask on just like the robber with a mask on and he looked down at him and said let's go and he took him to the operating room and cuddle him and then he walked out and took his money it's the same thing but it's perception it's perception this is not going to destroy me this is going to help me I'm going to come out of this stroller and I'm not going to expect the mask and the knife to get me down that's what's gonna lift me up and make me something that I've never been before if you're understanding what I'm saying say mad so I know a little bit about rejection yes Daniel be faithful you may spend the night with the lines but in the morning you're gonna walk with a king and that's where I want to end up and I thank God for inventing pain for inventing pain don't hurt without a purpose don't throw a pity party even if you don't understand it god gives commands not explanations and be determined that I'm going to make this make me a better man or a better woman and I can't go back and undo it you can't unring a bell it's happened and I can't change it but I know that God has my name in the book of life and the Holy Spirit never nags God's not nagging me every day if I thought I did he's forgiven me everything because of what he did at Calvary so I'll just come by to tell you that there's power in pain some of you came in here tonight hurting some of you almost didn't come I just don't think I'll go I don't know if there's any answers there and hear an old man gets up and tells you that the very thing that you're enduring is empowering you your pastor would you stand now you listen to me you have had Authority and been a shepherd over thousands of people and influenced hundreds of preachers Peter in the first Peter - I believe it is spoke of the shepherd and the bishop a loving shepherd spirit priests ease the authoritarian position of that of a bishop which empowers not just to love but empowers to speak signs and wonders and miracles somehow I feel that the Holy Spirit I know how you loved your father and he left prematurely I wish I'd have known him he's not here tonight but I'm just an an old father in the gospel from this night forward you're not going to cease to be a shepherd but you're going to become a bishop and go to a new level I see it ascending out of you the something burning in your soul you spent nights alone with God asking for revelation of what's coming next keep loving but you're going to move into an authoritative position that's going to affect denominations going to affect local congregations going to affect preachers all over the world and they're going to say what's happened to Jennsen and somebody is going to say it's a new level and he's moved he's not just the shepherd but I feel that governmental authority of the bishop percent the holy ghost the Santa holidays from this night forward new Authority new power they're influenced [Applause] thousands but you're walking in humility and you've tied your pain into power a bellow and I respect it but in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God I declare that you have reached for a new level that you've been praying for you've been asking for it you don't feel a mighty surgeon you wonder if I know what I'm talking about but I know what I'm talking about you have been released and I don't use the word politically but you have been released into a doing her it's going to affect thousands and millions of people that believe it you would listen but when you speak they're gonna say there's always been loving his voice but I feel such authority now what is that it's the spirit of the bishop that has come upon him will you accept it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stress forth your hands that pray for your pastor father in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God we declare and decree that out of all of these troubles even that the pastor chips in his head has come a new wave of authority whether it's recognized or not Authority it's appreciated enough Authority this congregation is gonna rise with new Authority this man is seeking revelation and God has given him revelation you're gonna be astounded at what he's gonna preach to you [Music] [Applause] I'm just gonna do what I feel like do it your prior team where's our prayer team come back up stand up here pastor [Music] I want this prayer team to quickly gather around you and lay hands on you and you are ordained from this day forward and you shall are gained many along with your sweet wife your children you're gonna ordain others to the ordination that God is giving you you've shown us how to handle pain now we're going to see how you handle Authority authority over the devil the third deal with sin [Music] we receive as a church the face our garden anybody hurting and you want to leave him without that pain right now while they're praying I will chew the stepfather as a couple what are you shaved up all right prayer team they're coming to the scores break loose and rifle they're comin hurting but they're gonna leave helped the coming burden but they can leave forgiven attended y'all feel something in this building that can revolutionize your life in this church and it's going to revolutionize ginsa Franklin for Christ [Music] don't shoot [Music] pastor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift your hand side thank you Jesus just worship him out of your bank out of your pay worship him joy is coming joy it's coming singing again come on sing it you your name he's been suffering see it Turks declare it tonight your name is [Music] see the reason that we are fasting and praying is for these holy moments we're in the presence of God right now and we need to lay everything aside this is an interruption to church as usual and throw up our hands and stand in the presence of our king I want you to get that other song what a beautiful name it is and get ready to sing it one more time can we just take a few moments and worship Jesus here tonight does anybody feel like you just got to worship Him we saw tonight before our very eyes a demonstration of the scripture where God told Paul my strength is made perfect in your weakness if you knew physically what he had been through even in the last couple of days but insisted on coming and did it and physically weak how many of you know we've never heard greater preaching in our lives than what we heard tonight now you just all you got to do this live a little and you'll understand that miss if you don't understand that message go put it in your medicine cabinet just put it up there somewhere where you put all that stuff and you go to it when you have an issue because it's a matter of time before in life isn't a bad thing you setting the negative thing this is the truth this is the kind of word you got to have in you that says I'm not just some Christian on the mountaintop but sunshine and I'm good but I'm good no matter what comes he'll never leave me he'll never forsake me he's working he's in me he's with me and he's for me and it's gonna be alright and actually I'm gonna come out stronger more like him so can we worship sing it a little bit gotta sing that name [Music] [Music] [Applause] what [Music] if you're let's see if you listen to me right now and you don't know that you're ready to stand before God with full confidence that your sins have been washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ and you want to know that you want peace about that you want confidence about that slip your hand up right where you stand right now and hands hands hands hands hands raise them high on his head raise them high on Ash and keep your hand up keep it up in the air they're all over this ring this is amazing keep your hand up and I want you to look around everybody look around keep your hand up if you see somebody with their hand raised because they're all around you all over this room up in the balcony where wherever you see a hand I want you to just gently walk over and place your hand on their shoulder as an active supporter it's an active agreement pray this prayer say Lord Jesus everybody say Lord Jesus there is no other name that I can call upon where I can find salvation and freedom and forgiveness but the name of Jesus I put all of my faith in Jesus Christ he died he rose again he's coming back again and my faith is completely in Jesus Christ and what he has done I am forgiven I am saved say this real bold I am free in Jesus name now give him the biggest shout of the night [Applause] you're the greatest church in the world and thank you for there's hardly nobody moving can we take an extra offering and bless the tinnies tonight after 65 years was it 65 married or 65 preaching 67 preaching everybody gives $67 they can it's one dollar a year all right I'm serious everybody gives 67 dollars that can I want to believe here place I want them to leave here I don't know what their needs are they had a tornado go through Alexandria not too long ago tore the roof all kinds of stuff let's just bless them let's bless them crazy then let's bless them crazy tonight how many of you believe we could bless them in a crazy way I'm gonna do something special you just asked God what he would have you do take an envelope or if you want to give it how are you here uh sure for um my lectures are ready to go right we're ready just begin to just begin to pass it and why are you doing that why are you doing that you need to get to your purse ladies get to you verse here's what we're gonna do next starting Sunday I'm going to I'm gonna start Sunday the second week of the fast special times of calling prayer meetings and I'll come Sunday with with what I feel like we need to do but many of them as a matter of fact most of them are gonna happen in the new chapter say well how we're gonna do that we can't get everybody in there well we'll figure it out but we'll use this building as overflow but we're gonna go in the new chapel and we're gonna start praying the second week of this fast how many of you huh are you still fasting and praying how many of you still fasting and prayer isn't this glorious see I never take what happened here this this was not a normal night I've lived long enough I've been in this long enough when when that stuff happens just look out just look out and and if it's happening to the pastor it's gonna hit the Sheep and in the way God intends it to and it's been a it's been an amazing week I was I want him to pass the plate while I'm talking but you know we really have touched the world this week already I was I went and did I went to a Morello and spoke for Jimmy Evans at his conference there and then flew over to Dallas and was on Daystar and talk to the world about fasting and prayer whatever things God had laid on my life that gave me the whole show and then I taped a program that'll be released I think either later this week or next week on the Joni show and we did the whole show on fasting and prayer we got the the nation fasted in prayer then spoke last night at Gateway Church for pastor Robert Morrison Dallas to their great conference and it was broadcast live on Daystar and now TBN we take something in Los Angeles a few weeks ago they wanted to do right people right place right plan and they're gonna show it about 18 times open over the next three weeks that shows that we take on the book right people right place right plant will preach into the nations boat tomorrow morn and pray for me I'm gonna preach in the morning to the leadership of a major denomination and they're called their international all of their international leaders and national leaders are coming in and I'm speaking in the morning to that group and it is a large large denomination that I'm gonna be preaching to I'm just doing what God's called us to do and wherever I go you go and your prayers and your fasting are going and and we'll be right back here Sunday and again I'm what I'm doing is all next week I'm here because I want to leave in these prayer meetings and it's going to be powerful I know what God's gonna do already sense it in my heart and let's keep praying let's keep fasting you ready for the blessing you're the greatest people in the world thank you so much for for receiving this man and his wife now we got to do one more thing get your hand up ready everybody say happy birthday and Bieber [Music] happy birthday Kady happy we sure do love you sure do honor you I cannot imagine not having you the in disturb she going nowhere for a long long long long time if if that woman he preached about the night could go and still be preaching and she just came back from India mom at 92 you need to pick your pace up a little bit get to work I mean really come in in the morning I gave you off this afternoon amen all right may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance Funt you give you peace all of you streaming we love you guys god bless you we'll see you Sunday expect miracles be blessed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 11,393
Rating: 4.9749217 out of 5
Keywords: Pentecostal preaching, Lee Stoneking, Jeff Arnold preaching, Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal people, upci preaching, apostolic doctrine, prayer and fasting, anthony mangun, BOTT preaching, Because of the times 2015, UPCI, United Pentecostal Church, Apostolic Preaching, Jentezen Franklin, t. f. tenney, free chapel
Id: lHluirlqt-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 28sec (4588 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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