Without Offense - Mike Easter

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[Music] my mouth [Music] is [Music] his [Music] i thank god [Music] wandering into the night [Music] finding a place to hide but i just that i was not alone [Music] [Music] he changed my name forever [Music] god [Applause] [Music] i cannot deny what i see i have no choice but to believe my doubts are burning like the ashes in the wind no you ain't welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] i i am i am free i am [Music] he changed my name i think [Music] [Music] get up get up get up get up out of that crate get up get up get up get up out of the crate get up get up get up get up get up get up get outside [Music] gave me a reason to [Applause] oh for the savior god of his victory [Music] [Music] that [Music] get up get up get up get up out of my train get up get up get up get up out of that break get up get up get get up and break get up get up get up get up get up get up go stay here get up get up get up out of that crate [Music] [Music] i thank god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's give the lord jesus a great apostolic hand clap for praise i said an apostolic hand clown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace the lord praise the lord so thankful for the grace and goodness of our god he is ever faithful isn't he praise god i feel the love of god in this place amen and i thank the lord for pastor and sister hires amen i thank god for them praise the lord and uh this wonderful wonderful church yes sir i tell you if i live within 50 miles in here this is where i would go hey man this is a great church great people hallelujah i want to go somewhere where the truth is being preached i don't want to go to church to be entertained you can get that anywhere i mean folks just fill up church sanctuaries just to see the show so many times you know a preacher get up and he'll hum and holler and scream and they're all going to get behind them and then the drum goes and people get to shout until their hair come loose [Music] and after service they'd be walking out the building said man we had church tonight what did the preacher say i don't know but we had church praise god i want to go to a church that's going to challenge me i want to go somewhere i'm going to be convicted somewhere where i'm going to be changed amen and we thank god that that's the kind of church this is let's give the lord some praise for the baptisms here this morning oh hallelujah hallelujah oh my mama it's always a joy to watch souls go down in that water new life amen being born again that's what church is all about we're here to prepare you for heaven we're here to prepare you for eternity and uh thank the lord for those that have been baptized and you know people are getting baptized in the name of jesus all over the place amen that revelation of the name is enlightening so many hearts some i've heard reports for whole denominational churches are getting re-baptized in the name of jesus christ oh that is awesome hallelujah hallelujah and we want anyone and everyone to know tonight if you've not been born again being baptized in the water completely emerged in the water in the name of jesus christ you have an opportunity tonight we got a baptistry that's full of water we got change of clothes already ready we got baptismal gowns one size fit all no so you ain't got no excuse and i tell you there'll be no greater joy than to see somebody turn their life around to the lord tonight and get born again according to the scripture and brothers and sisters we need to live according to the scriptures and tonight we've worshiped we've prayed we feel the presence of the lord here amen there is an innumerable amount of angels hovering in the atmosphere right now there are angels in the building right now encamped around them that fear the lord it's real it's real and they are here right now praise god and so we are standing on the holy ground we have worshiped we have sang we have rejoiced as a matter of fact if we said you're dismissed you can go home you can walk away saying we didn't have church already because you've touched him and he has touched you but i got some medicine for you i got some good holy ghost medicine for you amen and so without any further delay i want to invite you to open up your prescription to the book of philippians the first chapter amen philippians chapter one and we're gonna highlight verse number nine and ten philippians chapter one verse number nine and ten where the apostle paul says and this i pray paul what are you doing i'm praying i'm praying for the pentecostals of the land this i pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment that you may approve things that are excellent that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of christ that's the apostles prayer for us tonight that our love may abound everyone say abound and that we may be sincere and that we may be and this is what i'm a focus on without offense until the day of jesus christ let's pray together holy spirit of the living god i want you to speak to me speak to me lord god i need to hear from you today give us the tools that we need lord in this dark hour lord is crucial it's a time of urgency and father we release your spirit lord god to move upon every ear to hear every heart to receive and father there's anything inside of me that's not right take it out lord don't let nothing get in the way between you and me i must be saved i pray now your perfect will be done in this service in the name of jesus christ in the church say amen amen god bless you you may be seated praise god without offense when i look at the verse of scripture we just read and there's something about the bible we we need to understand the the word of god is not just to inspire us is not just to make us feel good it is our direction it's instruction and from this verse of scripture i find some very important things that paul is praying that we all get a handle on he said this i pray number one that your love may abound it's not enough to just stay where you are in other words saints don't ever get satisfied with the status quo the love that we have for one another paul said let it abound and not just abound he said yet more and more and more that mean every week we get together we ought to love each other more than we loved each other last week amen and love is more than just saying i love you love is an action praise god amen god so loved the world he gave and and that is paul's desire for us in the end times we need to be closer together now than we've ever been we need to look out for one another more now than we've ever been i need to know you got my back dude you got my back amen do you get my back don't be leaving me up here by myself you got my back i need you i need every one of your prayers and you need me we need each other and paul said let that love let it grow let it abound more and more in knowledge if there's ever a day we need to be learning studying it's now we need to grow in knowledge because the more you know him the more you gonna love him and we need to abound in knowledge learning we need to be students of the scripture we don't just sit back and let the preacher do all the studying we don't need to sit back and let the elders do all the studying you need to study the scriptures yourself a workman that needeth not to be ashamed amen you oh my goodness you need to have a relationship with your bible we must be people of the word why because heaven and earth is going to pass away but the word of god is going to last forever we need that word in our minds we need that word and our spirit amen we need that word in our tongue we need to speak the word and we need to be growing growing more and more in knowledge and in all judgment that we may approve things that are excellent that we may know and understand and comprehend what's going on all around us amen and that we may be absolutely sincere that word sincere comes from a greek word that means no wax no wax nothing artificial about you no faking it amen no going through the motions no pretending like you're a christian being in church acting one way on sunday then being in the world acting somewhere else on monday amen we need to be sincere what you see is what you get you worship in the church you worship out the church you live holy in the church you live holy outside the church it's not a time to be playing games paul said i want you to grow grow grow in sincerity and then he said and without offense until the day jesus comes again amen now this is a prayer for spiritual maturity it's god's will that we be sober minded amen the scripture said be sober man what that mean means that means to be stable to be sure-footed ain't no more time for being babies no more some of y'all been in church too long to be acting the way you acted oh y'all are not going to like me after that slow it's quiet in here now they like i thought he was going to do this and no oh no i told you i'm gonna give you some medicine amen it's time the bible says it's time to be men in other words to be mature it's time for some of us to grow up amen to be stable minded paul praying that that our love and our discerning of the things of the spirit hallelujah that we may grow and be able to tell the difference between what's right and what's wrong we be ought to be able to tell the difference between what's godly and what's ungodly and he prayed for christian character to be formed inside of us that we may rise up and be what god has called us to be these are serious times this is not a time to play games and to play church god means exactly what he says and this scripture is written to give us instruction on how we should dress oh yes it tells us how to think it tells us how to talk there is no part of our everyday life that the scriptures don't cover and god wants us to know what his will is and it's pertinent that it's done in the gospel of saint matthew in the 24th chapter jesus was speaking concerning the times we're living in now and he prophesied about this hour and in verse number 10 to verse number 14 this is what jesus told us somebody say the church this is what he said to the church and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another wait wait a minute lord in the church oh in the church and they shall hate one another oh you sitting there thinking i i don't hate nobody in here i don't hate nobody but i would tell you god is extreme you're extreme you must extremely love your brother or you're going to extremely hate your brother there's no in-between you love him or you hate him i mean you say well i just don't like him well you hate him then amen some of you some of you got as people in this church some of you have not spoken to in six months you just look at them and walk the other way you don't say none so i'm good i'm good no you're not god wants you to love your brother god wants you to love your sister amen i know we all got personalities and we all got our little quirks and things that get on each other's nerves but we are all bought by the blood of jesus and we all need grace and we all need forgiveness and we all need patience we are working we are together in this thing amen and i tell you we need each other we need to look out for each other jesus said and many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax or grow cold but he that endured to the end the same shall be saved you got to have a spirit of endurance you got to put on the full armor of god listen this is warfare this is not a walk through the park this is warfare and now that we're living at the precipice of the sounding of the trumpet and i believe jesus could come any moment now all the signs around the world all the things that's going on the tumult the confusion all of this amen is a signal to us that it's time to look up it's time to look up because our redemption is nearer than what we believe we need to walk holier now than ever we need to purify our motives we need to be walking with god and we need to be looking out for each other there's not a person in this sanctuary i want to see miss the rapture i want us all to make it jesus said this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and that's being done right now this message of acts 238 is being preached on every continent of the world it's crossing denominations people people in in different denominations now talking in tongues people are turning around and getting baptized in jesus name i heard reports that that baptist are being baptized in jesus name methodists are being baptized in jesus name i even heard that there are catholics speaking in tongues now god in the last days is pouring out his spirit upon all flesh it is happening it is happening right now praise god and jesus told us in the end times not some not a few but many will be offended many shall be deceived many shall allow their love for god to grow cold and i'm gonna tell you something it's happening all over the place i'm talking about people that's in the church people already saved folks are walking away many amen have turned away from the truth and it bothers my mind i mean wonder why why when we are this close to the rapture why would you turn away from god now what is going on then i start to realize it's war war is going on amen we are living in times like we've never seen before and now the war is getting more intense amen the enemy amen is not taking vacations the enemy is not taking slack he is moving in the world in fact the bible tells about the devil the bible says satan knows his time is short he knows what time it is and he is in the world with a vengeance and the devil is having his own end time revival and he's doing he's doing pretty good he's doing so good the scripture says hell have enlarged itself and the devil is taking out everything he can take out he is moving to and fro in the earth as a roaring lion seeking seeking those that he may devour amen every time we come to church one of his demons are in the building they're watching people they're examining people they're looking at people who are the weak ones who are the sleepy ones who are the careless ones and they're snatching people out one by one this is not a time to get sleepy in the church this is not a time to get casual in the church this is not a time to be clean about complaining about oh i bumped my elbow i scratched my leg you better man up this is warfare this is warfare the devil fighting man he's shooting bullets he's firing arrows it's time to put on the helmet of salvation it's time for you to put on the breastplate of righteousness come on it's time to have your loins curd about with the truth it's time to put on defeat the gospel and the preparation it's time to take up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit come on brother come on sister it's time to go to war [Applause] we need to be able to recognize the hour we're living in now that we know now that we know these are the end times so we know that don't we don't we and if we know it's the end times we know the devil is busy don't we so don't be surprised when the enemy gets on the attack amen don't be shocked don't be taken by surprise we know it's war so now is the time to have our antennas up now is the time to be on guard now is the time to be filled with the holy ghost we can't afford to be half a team we can't afford to be caught of a tank we need to be full of the spirit because this is warfare and god is calling on each and everyone to get prepared to get ready to come out of the grandstand and get on the field these are the end times and if we know it's the end times then we should not be ignorant of satan's devices amen offense i'm gonna tell you man offense the definition of offense offense is something that outrages the moral emotional or physical senses the state of being insulted or upset and there is a great spirit of offense that's been released all around the world i don't know of a time when i've seen people so easily offended than now in the church everywhere i look people are looking for reasons to be offended and it's it's it boggles my mind i'm like what is going on what's wrong with this what's wrong with that i'm offended all over the place you see people getting upset about things that he never got upset before i mean ancient mama and your mama and your mama been around a long time but all of a sudden somebody's getting offended they said we don't like the way ash and mama look so they gave her they gave her uh what they call them things where they fix you up ladies you know what i'm talking about a what a makeover yeah they gave ancient mama they gave ancient mama makeover they took that rag off her head and put a wig on her yeah she started looking all modernized but then that wasn't good enough people still offended next thing you know they want to take her off the shelf all together next they're coming up to uncle ben yes yes somebody get get mad uncle ben they're gonna come after uncle ben why can people get offended people get offended and who in the world would think somebody would find something wrong with dr zeus children books people looking for stuff to be offended change the names of national football teams because somebody got offended i'm telling you folks this is happening all over and and they got names for it you know this culture that culture and all but there's a spirit of offense that's moving through the world and and that's why that's why we don't we don't have any heroes anymore we don't have any heroes we don't have any leaders i remember a day we had leaders in our society there were people we could look up to there were people we could inspire to be like but any person that became a leader people have determined to get dirt on them go back into the past go back into their college days go back to elementary school trying to dig up stuff to bring them down and now we don't hardly have any heroes anymore because of this incredible spirit of offense and then what really concerns me is how this evil spirit of division creeps into the church it didn't it didn't happen as much as it's happening now but it's happening it's happening all over the place now and i'm concerned about it you ought to be concerned about it a spirit of offense entering into the church and not just the church at large but i'm talking about the apostolic church the church of the truth and i sit back and i say what in the world how can we allow stuff like this to develop in our spirit you say well brother easter what do you mean offensiveness in the church well let me just share some things with you that i've seen in recent years in the church people have found offensiveness toward the recognition of christmas i don't know if you've had that problem here but i've seen it a lot of places people get upset they're all offended you celebrate christmas that's not jesus birthday we know that's not his birthday we know that's not his birthday amen if you if you look at the record amen he was probably born sometime during the harvest season we don't know the date but we do know what the angel said rejoice rejoice because today born in the city of david is a savior look we got every reason to rejoice we got every reason to celebrate we don't need to be offended by a day amen man and these folks man this spirit comes in and they they got this attitude i know some you don't know i know something you don't know christmas is pagan and yes yes there's a lot of paganism with a lot of things around christmas the tree and the balls and all that kind of stuff the lights and all all that's frivolous stuff but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water and one guy come to me man and brother easter i know you studied the word and i really appreciate how you teach but i i know something that you won't teach from your pulpit i said what's that he said this paganism this pagan is pagan and man he's so anti-pagan i said so you don't practice anything pagan do you no no does he ever shake anybody's hand [Music] that's pain amen i said when somebody sneezed you ever say god bless you that's pagan what's today sunday pagan [Laughter] amen it came from the celebration of the sun monday with celebration of the moon you can't get away from it we are in the world but we are not of the world hallelujah we don't have time to be getting all upset about these little insignificant things [Applause] and that's not enough they didn't they didn't come against thanksgiving thanksgiving ain't no need to be celebrating thanksgiving when you really look at what the pilgrims did to the indians and all this i say stop it looking for things looking for things digging up things to be offended by amen but the bible says thank the lord be thankful in all things thanksgiving is something we do 365 days out of the year hallelujah i'm thankful for the food on my table i'm thankful for the house that i'm living in i'm thankful for the car i drive oh hallelujah we give him thanks all the time it's not just one day out of the year people getting offended and then people get offended that's right that's right and then people get offended you might not believe this but there are some folks that find offense at the preaching and teaching of holiness they don't want to hear about holiness they find it offensive i'm thinking why it's the word of god amen there's been a there's been a a spirit out in the church where where we stay away from holiness don't preach holiness don't preach holiness no we got visitors we got visitors if there's anybody ought to know about holiness it ought to be our visitors they need to know why we live the way we live they need to know why we don't cut our hair they need to know why we don't wear those clothes we are a peculiar people we are a holy generation we are not like everybody else hallelujah i'm not offended and preaching holiness holiness without which no man shall see the lord holiness is just as important in acts 2 38. and i'll tell you what i'm i'm just concerned that there's not enough preaching on holiness i've heard anything harley any preaching of holiness he's been relegated to bible studies every year an annual saints meeting and you know what happens when that begins to take place all through the year people gonna move the bar a little further away get closer and closer to the world closer and closer to the world and we wonder how come we having so much trouble in the church with people lining up we don't preach it enough you get what you preach you get what you preach hallelujah we are holy people we are people that can be designated as different from everybody else and i'm not intimidated and i'm not embarrassed i'm glad about it i'm glad about it [Applause] somebody say no offense no offense uh oh no that's not gonna offend me if i think you i feel sorry for you but i love it i embrace it spirit of offense been released out in the world people are getting so heady and high-minded and stubborn and everybody thinks they know everything everybody wants to be a teacher and don't even know what they affirm these are the spirits that have attacked the church in the end times and something else that people have found a fence with and this is one of the things i thought would never happen in an apostolic church but i've seen it happen more than once and that is people who get offended at the name of jesus that's what i said what i thought man you can have all kinds of opinions and you can have all kinds of problems and arguments in the church but when it comes to the name of jesus we stand together because we know there is no other name under heaven hallelujah whereby we must be saved at the name of jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess there's no other name there's no other name like the name of jesus hallelujah but there has been an undercurrent going around through the church world on the internet youtube all these different people feeling like they got a bigger revelation about the name and they call me up and say brother easter i just found out something god gave me a revelation i said what is it the name is not jesus i thought to myself okay you ain't get that from god you didn't get that from god the name is not jesus i was listening to this preacher on youtube say that's your first problem that's where you messed up and he he revealed the greek and and the hebrew and the and all these technical marian stuff and people people people feel like they special when they think they know stuff you know i know the great word for it yeah okay he told me he said you know what they didn't call his name jesus back then i said what you talking about the apostles didn't call him jesus nobody called him jesus that wasn't his name because the letter j wasn't even invented yet and i didn't know that i didn't know that i'm like are you serious for a minute i thought he had something there the letter j the letter j wasn't even in the alphabet so they couldn't have called him jesus i said well let me let me check this out and so i did a little research and it was true that was there was no letter j in the alphabet and man it was a y sound it was yeshua and you know and they they gave them you know and they spoke in aramaic and and in hebrew and they gave in his name hallelujah was was differently pronounced back then amen but see somebody had a little wisdom and they took the greek and they took the hebrew and they had it translated into english and that's where we get the king james version of the scripture because you don't have to learn hebrew and you don't have to learn latin and you don't have to learn greek to know the awesome truth of the word of god god did it god had it planted out where you can understand it and you can understand it and you can understand it hallelujah so so i don't know what they called him back then but the scripture says in that day what day in the end times in the end times they're gonna call upon his name in that day his name shall be one hallelujah and as i look back over history and i saw how god amen amen communicated to the world based upon the language of the world amen back in back in the days of jesus rome ruled the world and everything was in latin and everything was in greek amen but here in 2021 the number one language of all the world no matter what country you live in no matter what occupation you have is english it's english it's english and god knew in the end times the language of the world will be english and his name his name his name will be jesus jesus hallelujah i will never compromise the name of jesus lord [Applause] i'm not offended by that name i'm not ashamed of that name if there's any name you need to hold on to it's the name of jesus the bible says whatsoever you do whether it's in word or whether it's indeed do everything do everything do everything in the name of jesus christ don't get offended don't let that spirit get ahold of you because it's got a hold of some people they left the church following some false prophet people getting offended there are two types of offense two types number one those who actually have been mistreated yes we live in a fallen world and they're gonna be times people gonna hurt your feelings they're gonna be times people gonna lie on you they're gonna be times people gonna betray you when things absolutely wrong happen to you you have a legitimate reason to feel upset amen you have a legitimate reason to be offended and then the second type of offense is those who feel they've been offended and they haven't been offended at all they just feel offended hey man we got a bunch of them upset for no reason just just carrying their their emotions on their shoulders some people you can't even look at them straight without them getting offended some sister sitting on the pew and the devil sit next to her speaking of ears say look to the left she looked to the left of another sister on the other side of the church she's talking about you and you said they go she got some nerves even just imagining stuff just imagine as the pastor be up preaching under the anointing of the holy ghost and he is he is really bringing some things home and you feel like you're the only one the church he's talking to he up there talking about me i know he talking about me putting my business out just telling everything amen and then you know you've been there you've been you know people like that they sit there and they look you looking at me the whole service [Applause] amen so you don't forget what the scripture said the scripture said he that has an ear to hear let them hear what the what the spirit is saying it's not the pastor that's taught you it's the holy ghost that's talking to you you're not comfortable because the holy ghost ain't gonna let you be comfortable in the state of sin that you're living in don't get offended get straight my goodness gracious boy people get offended over the littlest things proverbs chapter 18 verse number 19. look at this proverbs 18 and verse 19 a brother offended is harder to be one than a strong city amen their contentions are like the bars of a castle when that spirit of offense get a hold of you you better be careful because you get so so steadfast in your offense can't nobody change you can't nobody cause you to come down off of your pride you you're worse than a bar of a castle you can't be bent you can't be broken you can't be changed it's easier to take a city with an army then it gets you under control protect yourself don't let that spirit get ahold of you psalms 55 starting at verse number 12 david david knew what it was like to be offended he knew what it was like to have his feelings hurt david said it wasn't an enemy it wasn't an enemy that reproached me then i could have borne it neither was it he that hated me that didn't magnify himself against me then i would have hid myself from him but it was you it was you a man of my own equal my guide my acquaintance my brother in the lord we took sweet counsel together we walked into the house of god in company you sat beside me and yet you hurt me it seems it seems to feel the hurt is greater when it's somebody close to you amen but we cannot allow these feelings to overcome us because offense comes for one reason to cut off relationships and to separate us from one another it's a trick of the devil the devil want to bring division to the church he want he wants people to be at odds with one another upset with one another amen jesus said you ought to forgive as you are forgiven praise god ain't nobody in here perfect we all struggle we all got problems we all got some situations going on and that's why we all brothers and sisters we need each other hallelujah praise god so protect yourself from being offended because offense comes with a price amen mark chapter six verse number one offense will cause you or cost you a miracle you can miss a blessing by your nasty attitude look mark chapter six beginning at verse one jesus went out from this came into his own country and his disciples following him and when on the sabbath day was come jesus began to teach in the synagogue many hearing him were just astonished saying for which have this man these things what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even mighty works are wrought by his hands this guy is awesome then there were some in the congregation is not this the carpenter the son of mary isn't this the brother of james and joseph and judah and simon and and and are not his sisters with us who does this dude think he is and they were offended at him the bible says jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor but in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house and the scripture said he could do there no mighty work lay hands on a few sick folk and heal him people didn't get miracles because they got offended if you see your brother amen being recognized in the church don't you get mad if you see somebody get some kind of award amen for somebody vacuum the carpet and pastor get up here on a sunday night and said church i came in here early i came here by the hour earlier and i saw sister jones down there just vacuuming the cop and bless her a little bit of heart let's all give her a hand and you sit there saying i back him all the time ain't nobody said nothing to me i'll tell you what no no no don't do that don't be that way and it's so easy to be that way praise god when somebody is being elevated celebrate with them hallelujah don't let a spirit offense again on you and this is one of my favorite ones matthew chapter 15 beginning at verse number 22. matthew 15 starting at verse 22 behold a woman of canaan came out of the same coast cried unto jesus saying have mercy on me o lord thou son of david my daughter is grieving as he vexed with the devil but look what jesus did y'all he answered her not a word didn't say nothing to her and she was pleading she was even worshipping thou son of david everybody didn't call him that she recognized who he was but jesus answered not a word oh man some of y'all man y'all be you're so hot and upset and mad i can't believe he ain't saying nothing i'm down here worshiping and praying and i go to him he answered me not a word some of y'all be ready to backslide right there getting offended she came after the disciples the disciples came came to jesus send her away send her away what if you heard that you got a great need pastor i need prayer i ain't got time for you run to the elders i need prayer till pastor pray get away from us send her away oh my goodness some of y'all have a nervous breakdown but watch this she went to disciples sent her away she cries after us and then when jesus did say something when jesus did say something he answered and said i'm not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel i mean it just keep getting worse first she didn't say none to her send her away i'm not here for your kind of people oh it's like that i'll tell you the next time i come to this church oh yeah oh yeah but what did she do she she came and she what what she did what can you believe that this woman was not going to let a fence get a hold of her she needed a miracle she needed an answer and with all that rejection with all them nasty words being said to her it didn't stop her from worshiping hallelujah listen you need to have a made-up mind come hell or hot water nothing's gonna keep me from worshiping god he don't have to answer my prayer the way i want him to but i'm gonna still praise him if he don't give me a miracle i must still praise him if i don't get healed i'ma still praise him if i don't get out of this situation i'm gonna still praise the lord i'm not gonna question him get mad at him turn my back on him and then you think after she worship things were changed jesus she said lord help me and he said it is not neat to take the children's bread and give it to dogs okay that's it that's it i will never come to this church again you're a bunch of hypocrites racists that's what you would have done he called her a dog but that didn't stop her she said but master even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table whoa hallelujah she had her mind made up you ain't gonna hurt my feelings you're not gonna get a hold of me i don't care who you are i'm gonna get my miracle i'm gonna get my answer i'm in this oh glory that god hallelujah i'm not gonna move i'm not gonna bend i'm not gonna break i will not be offended praise god somebody say no offense no offense i'm telling you there's a spirit that's released in the world and it's in the church we need to be on guard folks the devil is busy about offending people getting people offended one last example matthew 11. man when i started looking this up i'm thinking i didn't know all this was in here matthew chapter 11 beginning at verse number one and it came to pass when jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities somebody said jesus was having revival my my now now when john john the baptist had heard where was john at where was he at and what was jesus doing having revival john was locked up and jesus was having revival when john heard in the prison the works of christ he sent two of his disciples yes sir he said man blind eyes are being open crippled people walking people being raised from the dead and here i am in prison and i'm his cousin i mean i'm the one that prepared a way for him i'm the one that introduced him to the world behold the lamb of god and i'm in prison he said you two guys come here come here i want y'all to do something i want y'all to go find jesus and i want you to ask him a question art thou he that should come or do we look for another oh john was upset john was mad john was offended he said i thought you supposed to be the messiah i thought you supposed to be the one to fix everybody's problems are you really the one or do we have to look for somebody else um jesus answered watch this jesus answer said to them go and show john what's that next word yeah yeah yeah yeah this ain't the first time this ain't the first time john complained go and show john again those things which you do hear and see the blind receive the sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the death here the dead are raised and the poor is having the gospel preached to him oh and by the way and tell him blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended go tell him again hallelujah it don't have to work out the way you want it to work out it don't have to be the way you think it ought to be but you need to say lord thy will be done whatever you want however you want it i'm satisfied shut up hallelujah i'm not gonna be offended [Applause] i'm not gonna be offended i gotta protect my spirit you gotta protect your spirit this is warfare and the devil's intent is to bring offense and division to the church in the hour we're living in the atmosphere we're living in there's the current of offensiveness people get upset they get upset over the littlest things they get upset the devil magnifies things things that shouldn't be magnified if you are successful to that he will cause you to see stuff and make it blown out of proportion and you come to church with attitudes angry at your brother over practically nothing offended how come you don't have on a mask i'm offended wow i felt that man amen wear masks don't wear a mask if you wear a mask i'm offended if you don't wear one i'm offended you vaccinated i'm offended if you don't get vaccinated i'm offended people all upset about things of the world things of the world things of the world we ought to keep our eyes on jesus mask or no mass fascination of no vaccination look up your redemption is coming look up jesus is coming don't let this stuff get in your spirit no offense and then i'm gonna say one more thing and i've i've i've had people talk to me after church and try to lay me out for what i about to say they try to lay me out you know why they got offended we are the church of the living god washed in his blood in the body of christ there's no white there's no black there's no greek there's no gentile we're all part of the body of jesus christ hallelujah we all have one father who is above all and in you all and have called you all hallelujah we don't go by the world system we are not of this world and let me tell y'all something this this is what got me in trouble which i don't care george floyd i had never seen such towmote in the church in the church we had been celebrating the uniqueness of our togetherness there was no other organization that was as unified as we we used to look at other organizations say look at us this is what heaven looks like we love one another we got people that's affluent we got people from the projects we got people there's different colors it don't matter what your culture is we come in here and we are melting pot of pure holy ghost love you need to come to our church you need to see how we do it and then that summer came and the devil because he knew that some of you had gotten away from scripture and started getting tuned in to your feelings coming to church everything emotion emotions and then some name bring bibles to church some of y'all quit bringing bibles to church if i have people stand up right now that don't have a problem it'd be amazing amen and when people get away from the word they get into their feelings and service is all based on feelings how was church today it was great man i felt good let me tell you something anytime we gather in god's house it's great whether you feel good or not it's not about how you feel amen praise god and when we got this virus thing came and churches were closed down and and we were forced to be home and looking at it online i believe god was trying to get what we had in the church back in our homes we wouldn't do it on our own so maybe this would get us to pray at home maybe this would get us the worship at home maybe this will get us to read our bibles at home all things i won't say all things all things working together working together for our good there's something good in all of this amen but some folks couldn't see it because they were too carnal they were too emotional and the devil saw it he said ah they are ready now i got him where i want him i'm gonna go push this button and i saw the devil take one of his in fact he took two of his put him in a certain area had one execute the other live and in living color videoed oh the devil said i'm gonna pick the button and push it way up i want this video i want everybody to see it it was traumatizing it was upsetting and now you able to watch it over and over and over and over and over and people did they kept going back to it looking at it over and over and over and getting more and more emotional and then folks coming to church like this black that pastor you need to understand what i've been through you need we need to have a counsel we need to sit down and talk about this preaching you need to preach on this pastor you need if you if you don't say anything you condone it you heard them didn't you speak up say something from the from out there not from up there and i said wait a minute this is not this is not god people offended upset demanding the pulpit address the problem the pulpit is not obligated to you the pulpit is obligated to him hallelujah what he says i'm going to preach what he says i'm going to do people all upset and mad and throwing guilt feelings back and forth across one another you see y'all just don't know what i've been through what my people been through boy that made me so mad and folks got mad at me brother easter where you stand i stand on the lord's side i stand on the lower side what do we need to do how should we address it open up the book of ephesians open up the book of colossians open up the book of galatians it's already in the book how we need to address each and every situation that come our way we don't need a new way of dealing with it god has already said it in the book we need to follow his way follow his terms preach his word preach the word and i'm i've seen people get so offended coming to church looking at people their brothers sideways you don't understand what i've been through listen we've all been through every last one of us have been through some stuff if we stopped to have a testimony service you'd be shocked at some of the things your brothers and sisters had to go through ain't nobody here special cause they went through hard times jesus said in this world you're gonna have tribulation and he was talking to all of us but he said be of good he said cheer up cheer up you don't have to be crumbling with your lip dragging the ground and all mad and upset acting like the world you want to protest you want to march you want to do all this stuff somebody came to me and said brother easter why aren't you fighting i said if my kingdom was of this world then i would fight but my kingdom is not of this world hallelujah i'm just a visitor here i'm just an ambassador here i got a home up in the city i'm not going to be distracted i'm not going to be offended [Applause] oh glory glory i heard one young man standing in the hallway and he's standing there with all these young people talking about yeah i know about rachel profiling i know this dude all his life first time he ever said nothing like that you were racially profiled oh yeah i get regularly profiled a lot i said i want to hear this tell me about you being racist profile with just two weeks ago cop pulled me over gave me a ticket i said what for speed i said that's why you got stopped [Applause] but all those other people i said you got caught people looking for stuff looking for stuff reasons to be offended jesus said be careful there's a spirit released in the world and the apostle paul is telling us tonight love your brother love your sister not just at a distance but let it abound let it grow if anybody would know you his disciple is because you're loving one another church don't ever lose that don't ever let go of that fight for that i'm not going to hear no garbage about you and i want you to hear me no garbage about me don't be looking in my past it's under the blood hallelujah hallelujah we're all trying to get to the same place i love you i need you i'm going to pray for you somebody say no offense the world is going to do what the world is going to do but you and i we are not of the world we are new creatures in christ jesus that's either right or wrong you either believe it or you don't but every last one of us born again are new creatures we don't have no ties to the world we are not about civil rights we are about the rights to the tree of life that's the rights we about praise god so somebody here may be offended i don't i care care i want to go to heaven how about you i want to go to heaven how about you how many want to go to heaven stand to your feet i want to go to heaven i want to be right with god i don't want to have nothing in my spirit hallelujah i want to love my brother with the love of jesus hallelujah musicians would you come one more verse hebrews chapter 12. one more verse amen this is so powerful starting at verse number 14. hebrews 12 starting at verse 14. the writer of the scripture says follow what follow peace follow peace amen reach after peace follow peace with who even the ones that get on your nerves amen even the ones that don't look like you follow peace with who that's a commandment that's not a suggestion follow peace with all men and holiness follow after it embrace it yearn for it learn more about it be changed be conformed to his image without which no man shall see the lord you gotta have peace and you've gotta have holiness in order to see the lord amen and the devil knows that so two things the devil's going to want to do he's going to want to bring division and carnality to the church because he knows you need holiness and peace to see god that's just as important as acts chapter 2 and verse 38 i want to see god so lord protect my heart protect my mind if there's anything in me that i have ought against my brother god take it out of my spirit and there gonna be sometimes you're gonna feel so hurt it's not easy you don't understand what they did to me they abuse me mentally physically verbally it hurt and even when i think about it it still hurt and sometimes it's that way and it's hard to let go of the pain in your own strength but if you begin to pray lord i forgive [Music] them in jesus name i can't do it in my own power i don't want this but it hurts and i forgive him in jesus name let your spirit rise up in me and be looking looking things look look diligently check yourself examine yourself unless any of you fail you can fail of the grace of god lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and you thereby being defiled oh god i want to be clean so if they hurt me they hurt you and if they crucify me they crucified you they talk bad about me they talk bad about you so lord let there be no bitterness in me let there be no offense in me help me to protect myself the devil is on the march and he's bringing deceitfulness to the church know the truth believe the truth study the truth tell the truth and protect your heart and from this moment on to the sounding of the trumpet love you brother love your sister the one you hardly ever talk to you need to go over and talk to them you need to let them know you care if there's somebody that you've been on and had feelings or whatever whatever it is you don't have to tell them you just just go and be nice to him just share the love of jesus hallelujah and if you don't want to shake hands with them just kind of wait six feet apart just wait but we need to love one another and it needs to grow it needs to grow every week every time we get together there'll be more love more love why jesus is coming jesus is coming jesus is coming would you bow your heads right now oh dear jesus all you want for us is the best all you want for us is to do it your way not our way your way your way is the best these things come to make us strong they come to teach us to cause us to grow and father i want to be pleasing to you more than anything in this world we know that time is near and it's getting closer and as the world get more confused we need to be more in love help us to love our brothers and help us to love you lord because every time i see my brother my sister i'm looking at you i'm looking at you i love you jesus i love you jesus take it out of my spirit i release it right now every bitterness i release
Channel: Pentecostals of DeLand
Views: 239
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cqo5JxnVJA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 49sec (4669 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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