"Overlooked Faith" - Evangelist Victor Jackson

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[Music] it out us making loud and Jesus we shout your name Jesus we make a break for [Music] you remember how day [Music] [Music] [Music] it out shut it shouting out and Oh eleven Jesus we shout your name sweet [Music] Oh morning you shouted [Music] you are [Music] Oh you are you are you are [Music] [Music] come on shout the name of Cheers come on somebody shout on the god Oh somebody check your plate and know that the Lord is gonna make a way out of no way to you [Music] you store with my door church and make us whole night transform take us to a place we've never seen before before his estoppel poll expectation no weapon No oh great turn things we know atchoo Oh later things come on shout if you believe the kind of things are from hi Eric aside in the name Oh [Music] be impossible tips will be get that space later date sweet you do it before you're the god of the impossible you do all things well we put our faith not trusting and I hope in you [Music] foundations are shake sis train holds our boy [Music] Oh Oh Oh Raider games window Mooka Turning Stone best Andy Oh when turn beats we know Oh wait two things here I believe it [Music] [Music] you stay [Music] Foundation's harsh shaking hand every curses rage strongholds are falling coming like you belong Oh [Music] Oh Genki and the shake ee Oh go ahead and do what we heard preach this morning you don't know what's going on behind that wall one more hallelujah one more hand clap one more prayer me one more time go again hello let's go again denied foundations are shaking hallelujah yes Genki do you believe it can you receive if you can receive it clap your hands and shout that walls coming down that was coming down [Applause] I don't think I'm gonna say this alone I think I'll have some witnesses with me this morning the Word of God impacted me as much as any sermon that I've heard in a long time and I want to thank God for sending for the victor Jackson DuBose our city thank you Father for the word [Music] what an encouraging word telling us to go again in the book of Acts 19 the Bible said the word of God prevailed mightily and I've always been intrigued by that and not even confident I know exactly what all that encompasses but I do know this I want that message to prevail in my life Jean and I were discussing it at home this evening I'm gonna have to listen to that several more times I mean there were so many good things in there I'm just I want to say it again shake somebody's saying fine to guests tell somebody something the Lord ministered to you today about in that sermon would you do that right now [Music] what a beautiful beautiful atmosphere [Music] [Music] if if you didn't if you didn't have the opportunity here the message this morning it will be up on Facebook live you can listen to that fabulous word from heaven what a word from God we received today thank you all you that supported the rock team they made a they made some money to help them sponsor their Fall Fest coming out for children so god bless you and thank you for all who helped Allen we're going to get our Usher's to come I want to just say brother Colleen told me before church they had two new people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost this morning and our Spanish service we praise God for that and also if you would be interested by the dwayne parker church planter and Gramercy called me yesterday they have some family in their church whose parents on a halfway house and the recent hurricane in Florida just devastated their halfway home and I forget how many people he told me were there they're gonna rebuild it and brother Bill Parker I think it's going to go down and they're gonna buy a load of supplies which are very hard to come by already in Florida and they're gonna deliver them and if you would like to be a part and give an offering you can mark your check tonight accordingly what was the name of that hurricane Michael just put hurricane relief on your check and we'll make sure they get it but to thank your brother Parker for doing that with your son and I know a lot of people have lost everything we need to keep that in our mind I got a text from a friend in Florida several of our sister churches in Florida have just been devastated some he said apparently are going to have to be completely rebuilt and can you imagine I just always try to put myself in those shoes and like what would we do where would we go where would we have church and all that's involved in that so please remember to pray for them praise God thank you Father for the service this morning thank you for this great body of believers who responded to the message we give tonight out of love we give because you've been so good to us we pray you'd bless the offering we give tonight bless it mightily and abundantly and I pray it'll come home it'll come home the seed we're planning in the ground tonight isn't bless amen is blessed and it's gonna bring harvest amen for years to come until your coming we believe it amen and somebody say Amen it's good to have mr. miss Jake poozer home with us this weekend that sounded kind of cool didn't stand up Jake and your wife go ahead it's fine we love them praise God [Music] Jake y'all need to go ahead and get another grandchild in the family at any time would be alright but the Jackson will come after this song and ministered to us again tonight I see some guests here we're delighted to have you aren't we glad to have our guests baby em give them a welcome let's keep worshiping [Applause] [Music] and must fear I [Music] I'm thirsty I need more I need your power Lord I say I feel you I feel you [Music] me I feel you I'll feed you in me [Music] [Music] hi I feel you I'm family more me [Music] [Music] yeah here sunny [Music] me once your staple for his presence that you feel here right now hallelujah thankful for his presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on go ahead and clap and entertain the presence of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah Jesus heal Lord save or Lord hallelujah praise be the name of the Lord what a tremendous presence and atmosphere that has been ushered in this evening it's a great expectation for God's presence in God's Word why don't you open up your Bibles to the book of Genesis chapter 25 remain standing as you make your way back to your seat appreciate this worship team had a great time of fellowship this afternoon appreciate that so much as godly apostolic fellowship always leave edified and strengthened and refresh from fellowship I appreciate that so much and what an incredible sincerity that is present here just felt such as sincerity this morning such a great hunger for God's presence in God's Word this morning and I just commend you for your response to God's presence the way you did this morning Genesis chapter 25 and verse 5 fill to teach to you tonight preach to you what a lot of people call tricking so I'm gonna do a little bit of tricking here tonight a little bit of teaching and preach it Genesis chapter 25 verse 5 if you have it's amen and Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac but unto the sons of the concubines which Abraham had Abraham gave gifts and sent them away from Isaac his son while he had lived eastward unto the east country and these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived one hundred threescore and fifteen years then Abraham gave up the ghost and died in a good old age an old man and full of years and was gathered to his people and his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in a cave of machpelah in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite which is before Mamre the field which Abraham purchase of the sons of Heth there was Abraham buried and Sarah his wife I draw my thought out of verse 9 where it says and his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him I want to appreciate tonight overlooked faith overlooked faith why don't you lay your Bibles down and why don't we just clap our hands to the Lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you Jesus for your presence and for your word praise God hallelujah hey man my my son my son has already gotten accustomed here he's already had sister being carrying him and holding him during Nora I told you he was spoiled y'all he just he's just settling right on and hanging out with the kids you may be seated in the presence of the Lord overlooked faith the Bible instructs us very clearly that we are to walk in the faith of Abraham that as Abraham had faith we are commanded to imitate his life of faith the Bible even goes as far in a New Testament to call us the children of Abraham if we have the faith that Abraham had the Bible calls us the children the offspring of Abraham were not children of Moses somebody say thank you lord we're not children of the law we're children of faith because the Covenant was in faith before the law was ever instituted and it takes a lot of faith for this man that is raised in Mesopotamia a land filled with idolatry a land filled with false worship false gods false doctrine false deities for him to be raised there for 70 plus years and somehow the word of the Lord pierced through the false doctrine and pierced through the false worship and pierced through the idolatrous gods and the word of the Lord caught the ear of Abraham as Abraham heard the Lord say I want you to leave everything behind and follow me and I'm going to make you a great nation at this time his wife is barren and he's 75 years old no child no one to take his inheritance but God said if you follow me I will make you a father of many nations now it takes a lot of faith here me to not only receive a promise from God but for you to align your steps presently with the promise of the future man I feel like preaching I'm supposed to teach right now but it takes a lot of faith for you to not only receive a promise but for you to align your steps presently with the promise of the future Abraham he was so persuaded of the invisible then he left the visible he was so persuaded over what had not happened then he left everything that had happened he wasn't enough for him to just receive it he had to act on it now and that takes faith it takes faith for you to not only receive a word but for you to allow that word to affect you now oh my word it takes a lot of faith to believe your tomorrow so much that your tomorrow affects today if you're unwilling to allow your promise to affect you today you don't believe it so watch this stop talking about it if you don't allow your promise to affect what you do today because you don't believe it as a matter of fact most scientists and researchers say they say the greatest way to get a goal accomplished is to not tell anybody about it because when you tell someone about it you get immediate satisfaction out of them knowing about it which takes away from the grit and the grind that it takes to get it done you like saying oh I got a promise yeah yeah yeah and they're like and look at you but then Monday morning hits you in the face and you can't get the goal accomplished you don't have the grit in the grind to get the goal of compass because you've already received premature satisfaction if you're not if you don't allow tomorrow to affect today you don't believe you're tomorrow too many of people have been destroyed by something I like to call the someday anointing someday God's gonna use me someday God's gonna open the door someday someday someday but they never allow their someday to affect today and if you never allow your someday to affect today you will never see your someday you have to be so persuaded of the promise that the promise affects the way you pray now that affects your relationships now it affects the way you worship now it has to affect everything about your life right now you don't believe you don't have a promise if you don't allow the promise to wreck your life as you know when God sends a promise he intends for that promise to wreck your life Mary has been preparing her wedding for a year she's got the colors picked out oh yeah yeah this is where we're gonna have a girl oh yeah I got it black and red oh yeah it's gonna be great can you be my bridesmaid oh yeah girl I love you I knew you since you was a small yeah we did get together she already got can you be my maid of honor look we go way back you know I'm gonna be your maid of honor she's been preparing her wedding for a year but all of a sudden an angel shows up with the promise and that promise wrecked her life because she would never have that beautiful wedding that she would envision because everybody thought that she was pregnant with an illegitimate child and that she was worthy to be stoned because they fought and she a committed adultery or fornication huh nobody showed up to Mary's wedding huh it was just her and Josefa and the preacher as she spilled pregnant at the altar saying I do a promise came interact or relationships interact for friendship as a matter of say the promise was so great that God commanded Joseph not to even touch her can you imagine being married to a spouse that is for you're forbidden to touch because the promise that is enter is so great that it cannot be tainted by anything it affected everything affected her marriage it affected her friendship she's ostracized now all of this for a promise and that promise wrecked her life when God I'm afraid when God gives a promise in a prophecy too many people use their promise in their prophecy has an excuse for laziness we like to have our promise but we like to fit our promise in a little box now you get there but don't you mess with my workplace don't mess with my kids don't mess with anything promise you stay there no it won't come to pass so many people use their promise and their prophecy as an excuse for laziness God's called me to be a prayer warrior well are you praying now it's been prophesied God said I'm gonna preach the gospel hello are you reading your Bible now [Laughter] it's prophesied people use their prophecies as an excuse not to do anything a prophecy is the declaration of God's intention it's what God intends to do if you do your part Abraham here's the prophecy here's the promise but the condition is you have to leave everything if you never leave everything then you'll never get the promise huh but if you leave it I guarantee my word will be fulfilled in your life I think about if I was a cart pusher at Walmart which don't judge me I worked that job for three months before my will during this year's holiday imagine if I'm a cart pusher at Walmart and I've been working the job hard and I come to church and all of a sudden the preacher gets up points the finger it says that said Lord the Lord says that he wants you to become the supervisor of that Walmart yeah I receive it Lord I'm the cart push it right now but he said that the Lord said I'm gonna be the supervisor of that Walmart now what would happen if I went back to work and there's carts everywhere there's carts in the ditches there's carts upside down there's cars as hitting vehicles and I'm in the back eating beef Jerky's and skittles on my fourth break taking four or five breaks eating beef jerkies and skittles carts everywhere and I come out and I get mad when somebody else gets to supervisor position and the first thing we say is false prophet God lied to me no you're just lazy if I believe the prophesy when I go back to work I'm gonna be the best card pusher that they ever seen I'm gonna be working overtime I'm gonna be come on somebody why because I am preparing us for what has been spoken over me when you receive a prophecy that is an invitation to preparation prepare for it if you believe it there was a young man that came up to me several years ago he said brother Jackson I'm called to the ministry I did like this really now you know you're in trouble when grandpa puts his glasses like this if the glasses are here just keep talking you're good but if the glasses start getting lower run you're in trouble he said he said I'm called so the minister I said you really he says oh yeah it's been prophesied he's expecting me but it's been prophesized hiding so the middle avert hallelujah I said I said it's been prophesied I goes oh yeah I said well the first thing that you need to do is get out of that ungodly relationship you've been in because who you're connected to does not align with what has been spoken over you do I have to dig or can I move on I got a dig you know I didn't hear it loud enough a man's I got a dig now huh can I tell you who you marry will affect your ministry huh and will affect the prophecies that have been spoken over your life that's why you shouldn't Instagram direct message everybody you shouldn't flirt with everything come on somebody you gotta be cautious about who you connect to as an you need to go through channels of authority huh you need to get permission from your mama your daddy your pastor's wife your pastor because I gotta put that what has been smoking over me and I don't wanna make her own decision can I tell you can I tell you when I saw Louisa and I preached there a year and a half later God spoke to me and I'm not to get married I saw her face God showed me her face I watched her walk with God I went to my pastor I said pastor what do you think he goes huh he goes uh let me pray about it huh he prayed about it and then he called her pastor and he got the whole background check on Louisa social security number where she went to middle school where she went to high school come on somebody he got the whole background check on Louisa huh because God had put a ministry in me and he wanted to ensure that it was protected huh I'll never forget he called me said Victor I feel good about it come on somebody that was one of the happiest days of my life when I got permission to pursue huh from my pastor why because he saw her that it measured up with the prophecy huh it has been spoken over my life you cannot tell you when you're out of the will of God you're out of the will of God if you're in a relationship that's secret that's your red flag if your relationship is secret you need to get out of it because it's because if it was okay you wouldn't be afraid to share with everybody huh but you want to know the sign that you know you're out of the will of God it's when you're hiding it to your parents as when you're hiding it to the leadership come on somebody I come to preach deliverance right now you need to get out of it there has been prophecies a bit too many precious promises are for you to throw away for a temporary motion I feel like preaching in this place I need to move on but if I if I if I if I hit this my message is gonna turn to 45 minutes I'm trying to keep it to 40 do y'all mind if I go 45 one more point then yeah can I tell you Abraham he had a promise and he's about to die but he's about to die but his son isn't married yet his son is 40 and not married there's still hope for you Oh somebody's word for this whole revival hey Isaac is 40 and not married so Abraham says look what I need you to do my most trusted servant I need you to go find my son a wife because if he marries the wrong one if he marries the wrong one then the Covenant the promise the prophecy can be in jeopardy huh I need him to link up with somebody huh it's going the way that he is going huh so he sends his servant on a 550 mile journey to find Isaac the right wife can I proceed for a little bit huh it is better to wait and marry far huh to marry the right one huh then too since its wrap marry the wrong one huh because you're lonely and they're in a convenient location it's better to wait and travel far to marry the right one than to marry the wrong one because you're lonely in there in a convenient location it's amazing how people become cute when you're lonely you rejected them years ago but you're lonely you're come on you're getting up there in years all of a sudden is he's not that bad he's not that bad no no I understand his nose is crooked but you know it brings out the color of his eyebrows and I understand I understand that he has 30 moles on his on his chin but you know when you look at it really looks like you know God is gonna use that you know people start looking cute when you're lonely look how y'all got the poker face on tonight and he sent someone this 550 mile journey with with and he goes with 10 camels expressing his wealth wealth and all of a sudden the serpent praised this peculiar prayer he says Lord let the person that be the one to marry my Master's son let this be the sign that she's the one let her offer me water and my camels water amen that's a peculiar prayer you pray some peculiar prayers when you're lonely Lord Jesus if she just lifts up her left hand one time in church let that be the one [Applause] well Jesus Union have to come to the altar let her hesitate Lord if she just hesitated if he blinked two times and got on black shoes Lord that's the way yeah that's good that's him that's him and he just got something stuck in his eye like pretty some peculiar crazy pretty peculiar but it was a powerful prayer because it was very common for a woman to offer a stranger water but it was very uncommon for her to offer the camel's water because when you offer a camel water you don't know when that camos gonna be done drinkin and a thirsty camel can drink 30 gallons of water in 15 minutes watch this and he had 10 she drew 300 pounds of water 300 gallons of water out of a well for someone she didn't know 2500 pounds of water hot of a will for someone she didn't know and the Bible says she hates she ran and she did it and the Bible says she gave the camels to drink until they were full she didn't realize the servanthood that she was doing now was tied to her destiny now what the servant was saying I've got to choose I got to choose somebody based off of what they're doing now the worst thing you could do is choose your spouse based off a potential she is a future prayer warrior she loved holiness in the future he'll love the doctrine in the future yell they'll convince you that until they put that ring on your finger until they get you married and now you're locked up to somebody that doesn't believe what you believe because you judge them off a potential he said you have to judge them based off of what they are doing now if they're not worshiping now you better run away if they don't love the word now you better run away if they don't love holiness now you better run away do you have to judge them based off of what they are doing now okay I chased that rabbit I killed it on Tom to my point back to the Bible hallelujah back to my message I tell them you need to get out of that ungodly relationship can you believe he got mad at me like some of y'all out there like been squirming is like he got mad at me and you know what he wanted to marrying that girl he wound up having a child with that girl he works two jobs he never shows up the church but he still believes he's going to preach the gospel that is delusion to believe that God is going to fulfill his word in your life when you're unwillingly you do not allow the word to affect you now it's deluge Moses is on the Mount with God for 40 days and for forty days he's on the Mount and he's in the glory of God the Bible says the glory of the Lord shone round about him he's and the glory for forty days catch this now while Moses is in the glory God gives him the Ten Commandments in the glory once he gets the Ten Commandments he comes down the mountain and he sees the children of Israel sinning and the first thing he does and anger is throws down and breaks the Ten Commandments Moses was the first person to break the Ten Commandments I feel at home yet hardly he breaks the Ten Commandments and he goes and judges the Israelites and when he judges them he goes back to God and prays this peculiar prayer he said lord I beseech you show me your glory Moses you were just in my glory for forty days and now you want glory again you're getting addicted to glory so I say you want to see my glory there is a place beside me and you see that rock I want you to hew out two tablets of stone like the ones I made the first time that she broke cuz I see when i give to you something where you have no responsibility you don't value it huh so why don't you get the hammer out and you get the chisel out huh and you get to work on your destiny huh and we come the church service after church service ah and it's the glory the glory the glory every wednesday every sunday the glory the glory the glory that when's the last time you left church and you got the hammer in the chisel out on monday huh and got to work on what God has entrusted you it come on somebody you gotta take responsibility over your prophecy and do what you are created to do I think about whenever I was called to the ministry I didn't get into church until I was 19 years old I was a college basketball player played for the number-one junior college in the nation and so how that works is you go to junior college and you play there a year or two major Division one universities recruit you out of the junior college to play your junior and senior year and transfer and play for them we were a number one in the nation and we had guys on the bench that didn't ever play and they signed Division one scholarships because we were winners I had offers from LSU offers from Mercer University Utah State and Missouri huh I had letters from Kentucky I was on my way to pursuing her this collegiate thing after but after I finished my junior college years huh and so you gotta understand something about when I play basketball I was consecrated to basketball huh when I was in the world I never drank alcohol I never smoked anything because I was consecrated to that sport when I was in the world I didn't go to parties because I I was always working on my craft I had best friends that played football I wouldn't go to their games because I was always giving myself something that cracked and so high that leading me on this college basketball scholarship to Florida and as I'm playing there there's a Bible study on campus they began to talk about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues I they began to talk about being born of the water and of the spirit I went to church that Sunday God filled me with the Holy Ghost huh I obeyed the new birth and after I obeyed the new birth the first the first several weeks when I was in church I was gone the five or six Bible studies a week I was hungry for the word I was calling people to say who was having Bible study who's having Bible study who's having Bible study within eight weeks I was teaching a Bible study on the camp to 15 to 20 people in my dorm room had the church bus going to the college picking up international students and basketball players to come the church had three rows three pews reserved just for people off the bus that would come the church people getting baptized receiving the Holy Ghost I sold out too and I didn't feel called to ministry yet but I sold out teaching all of these Bible studies but eventually a few months later God called me to the Ministry God called me to the Ministry I'm like awesome yeah after I finish college and continue playing professional basketball wherever that may be whether it be overseas or whatever after I'm done playing then I'll respond to the ministry hallelujah God's like that's cute a month after God called me to the Ministry I was praying for basketball players in the altar and and and the Lord spoke to me say Victor give up basketball you're done you're gonna preach my gospel to the nation's I just like keep in mind I never even preached yet and God's telling me to give up an 11-year investment for a prophecy without any evidence you said give it up Victor don't even think about it you're gonna preach my gospel of Nations I'd never even appreciate him he's telling me to give up everything for a word a prophecy without any evidence if I believe the prophecy I have no problem giving it up if there's any doubt I'm holding on to this basketball as long as I can I went up to my coach I said coach God spoke to me to give up basketball he said son your brain cells aren't fully developed that's an exact quote oh I wasn't expecting that went to my family I said family not supposed to give up basketball they said you're the failure of the family to throw your whole career in education away for this Jesus in this prophecy without any evidence my family was so mad at me they shunned me for three years would not speak a word to me because I was the failure of the family to throw away all of this these achievements in this bright future for a prophecy without any evidence when I gave it up two years after I gave it up the universities were still calling me to come and play four years after I gave it up universities were calling me to become an assistant coach of North the world doesn't stop pulling on you so you have to have a made up mind from the beginning so I gave it up in the day after I gave it up I lift my hands swore in heaven and I'm just like Lord pour out thy blessings upon thy servant crickets not only crickets storm clouds not only storm clouds hail storm not only Hill storm lightning and thunder no miracles are wonders cuz now I gotta work a full-time job living paycheck to paycheck barely survived in which I never knew what that felt like I didn't know you had to pay for water I've got a water bill let me check the patient with a car that always brings down Volkswagen Jetta I'm still bitter about it in an apartment that's just like almost like concrete in it just hard tile and there's spiders in it every single day big spider nests I'm right makes it the wood spiders all the time I had five or six spires every single day when I walk in I stopped killing them I just started naming them Jose hey Joseph don't you touch me tonight Isaac weird no no no I convinced myself that they were eating the insects and they were protecting me and I never knew what that felt like to barely survive because in college the school is paying for everything I'm on full scholarship I got the most expensive calculator I said give me the hundred ninety nine dollar calculator schools paying for it I never knew what it felt like to have used books I had a friend that bought use books I'm like bro what's wrong with you I thought it was a preference I know it was a money issue I thought it was a perfect like me he likes you use books I got into class and they're like you got for optional books you don't need this for this class I said give me those books I'm not paying for them it's the school paper but now after I gave it up I met McDonald's they're like that'll be 108 I'm like how much you said again 108 you got a Nickelback they're barely surviving and I'm working on this golf course maintenance folks outside hot Florida humidity there's no sympathy out there it was so hot I was trying to be cool I had long sleeves on pencil trying to be cool wearing the baseball cap while I was working laying sod and all this but but but but then my neck started burning and contrary to popular belief black people do tan my neck started turning charcoal sadly one of the most humiliating things I've ever done I had a han doori in front on the on the golf course I said brow give me a sombrero I got long sleeves on pants on with the sombrero those elders were playing like hey you and this unbearable about Italy I'm like all of this I still hadn't even preached yet and I'm enduring all of this for a prophecy without any evidence I lost 20 pounds on that golf course I look like a skeleton one of my old college buddies saw me working he's like bro what happened to you look at me I was like this church man God's good wanna Bible study he's like if church did that to you I don't want anything to do with your church am i you don't know what you're missing bro these weeds on this golf course we're so they've been there like since the time of Noah I'm talking about these weeds had roots that touch the center of the earth I'm telling you you could not pull out these weeds they were like five foot six foot weeds that are in this Marsh and they would send us to do it and you couldn't pull them out and they said okay we'll use the hedge trimmer so I had to use these these are thick weeds have to use the hedge trimmer and for hours I had to get it as low as you can for hours I'm with this hitch Sherman then all of a sudden did this when I was like Lord Jesus please tell me I did not just cut my leg with his hedge trimmer I look at my leg there's blood gushing out everywhere and I was like I'm in any head I got on my golf cart I went up to my suprise I said supervisor you wouldn't believe what just happened to me I just cut myself with the hedge trimmer I'm an idiot he said you listen to me you are not an idiot I was like and he shows me on his pants he has fresh stitches he had also cut himself with the hedge trimmer I'm thinking in the back of my life we're both idiots come to find out 16 people had cut themselves with that hedge trimmer as a hedge trimmer on the loose folks I had to get 16 stitches all of this for a prophecy without any evidence and I'm limping and I go into the Country Club I'm limping with these stitches you know I still got to work I'm living paycheck to paycheck so I'm limping and I go into the Country Club get some water I look at the the TV screen cuz you know that's when Pentecostals look at the TV screen like but at the country clubs and both allowing system I looked at the TV screen and there was my best friend Ricardo Ratliff on ESPN top 10 plays Duncan the basketball and I was just like god bless you everyone knows where you are but here I am on a golf course with the prophecy without any evidence so I say you know what I'm gonna do I went home I changed I went to this store and I bought myself $160 GPS cuz I said I'm gonna need a GPS when I start evangelizing I thought purchase that GPS I went to the post office and I applied for my passport I wanted a question yes is what destination are you hitting I'll go down I don't know but I'm so persuaded over what has been spoken over me that I am preparing myself right you know where one of my first costs to preach was from Canada not just Canada the Yukon up by Alaska and they called the one of my first calls to preach was from there and they call me I said hey I know it's gonna take you a few months for you to get your passport I said no you don't understand I've got my passport for three years I've been waiting on this moment for years how I've been praying in secret for years for this huh I've been fasting come on somebody huh I've been disciplining myself for years huh and I'm not surprised that God finally opened the door you're not hearing me I'm thankful and I'm appreciative but you're not gonna be surprised when God starts opening up a door huh because your preparation it shows a scene of faith into you tomorrow I preached all that to preach this if you haven't heard me yet you need to hear me now this is my whole message right here Abraham begins to align his feet with the promise of the future he starts walking with God believing how God is going to give him a son on the journey he messes up and he has a son named Ishmael with Hagar but he keeps on walking with God and he finally has that son huh named Isaac and that was his promise son huh his promise begins to grow up and God says I want you to put the promise on the altar because I do not want the promise to interfere with my presence I've got to know that you're willing to have me more than what I give you I want to know if the blessing is gonna get in between you and the blesser so put the blessing on the altar huh Abraham puts the blessing on the altar he gets the knife out huh he's about to kill him but no the word of the Lord said now now don't kill him now I know you won't hold anything back from me it's a ram caught in the thicket and Abraham got the revelation of Jehovah Jireh that is the faith that we all talk and preach about the obvious faith of Abraham but what we miss about Abraham's life it's the overlooked safe of Abraham because Isaac and Ishmael buried him he exercised faith with Isaac the promise but he also exercised faith with Ishmael his mistake and they both came to bury that great man of God he actually exercised faith with each somebody exercised faith with him differently with Isaac the promise God wanted him to sacrifice um but God never asked Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael his mistake if God would ask Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael his mistake Abraham would have been somebody give me some fire somebody give me some wood ah but God said no I don't want you to exercise your faith with Ishmael by sacrificing him you're gonna exercise your faith with Ishmael by learning to live with your mistake while still pursuing promise that is the overlooked faith of Abraham to have the audacity to still believe and go after your promise when you have a trill of mess-up some mistakes huh and problems behind you come on somebody it takes a lot of faith for you to come in here on a Sunday night huh still believing that God is able huh whenever you got at relevant adequacy xur and weaknesses huh and mistakes and frailties telling you that you're unworthy but she still have the audacity to lift up your hands and say I still believe with all of my failures with all of my mistakes you're still able to fulfill the word in my life ha most shitty bit kaya it takes a lot of faith for you to still get up on a Sunday and come into God's presence huh but all your mistakes are telling you that you're unworthy and God can ever bless you but you steal you get up and come to those double doors I lifting up your hands believing huh you know what god I know I'm not perfect but because I believe that you're perfect you can do something in me you can't do something in me you can still do something in me Isaac and Ishmael married that great man of God your mistake and your promise can coexist your Mustang does not disqualify you from the promise and they both came to bury that great man of God a bread great man of God it doesn't just have an Isaac in their life every great man of God as an Ishmael but what makes him great is that even after Ishmael even after the mistakes the thrill tease their inadequacies the weaknesses how they still believed and pursued the promise that is what made them great that they wrestled with Isaac with rippers represents divinity huh and Ishmael which represents humanity huh and it is the rest life between the promise and the mistake that produces greatness and a Christian Isaac represents the spirit Ishmael represents the flesh and it is the war the battle the fire and all of that struggle this is greatness huh in the life of an individual because it is after you make a mistake to just cave in and just die and that mistake but it takes somebody greater they just get up again huh go after God with all of the condemnation that comes with their failures Isaac and Ishmael bury that great man of God oh Jesus they both came to bury him the Bible says he gave all that he has to Isaac he even gave gifts to the concubines but he didn't he give one single gift to Ishmael his mistake and the greatest gift that you can give to your mistake is to stop pursuing promise because your mistake is alive when you stop pursuing who God has created you to be because you made a mistake you get from your destiny and you hand it to your mistake and you tell your mistake you have power over me but you know what Abraham did he put Ishmael on the backside of Beersheba and he put Isaac on the forefront you have to learn to put your mistake on the back of your mind and the promise on the front of your mind and make your present decisions based off of the prom and not based off of your mistake this is why God said Abraham take thy son thine only son I don't even remember your mistake and I defy you by the promise I do not define you by your weakest moment it takes overlook faith to continue Abraham's coming into the house of God holding little Ishmael the evidence of his mistake but you know what he still lives up the other hand believing for Isaac he's carrying the evidence of everything wrong with him yet he still believes you carried mistakes into this house tonight I can see them all throughout this congregation and some of y'all your mistake has stolen your zeal your mistake is holding your joy your mistake has stolen your worship because you're carrying with you everywhere that you go but God is just looking for somebody to still lift up and believing that he's still able to do it even though you made a mistake can I tell you when you read the text it's really like a funeral setting imagine with me the casket of Abraham laid before the altar and Isaac gets up looking really nice well put-together he grabs the mic and he begins to preach the eulogy over his father in the casket the congregation claps and shouts as he preaches Isaac says you know guys dad was crazy he tried to offer me as a sacrifice to prove his relationship to God he puts the mic down everyone thinks the service is over he that's off the platform he goes and sits down the congregation begins to reach for their belongings they think that the funeral is over but all of a sudden they hear the back door swing open and they look and they begin to see a shadowy rugged figure walk down the center ha ha ha they begin the whisper who is that who is that who is that this shadowy figure let's hop to the platform they begin the whisper that's his mail that's Ishmael that's it spell comes up and he takes the mic and he says you know that exercise faith with me too because he learned to live with me while still pursuing promise and that's what made him great that he never gave up even though I was there telling him everything that was wrong with him but he just got up and went after God anyway and that takes overlooked fan many of you you've had so many failures it's a miracle that you're even here today because your mistakes been telling you you're not perfect you're not like anybody else there you just need to stay home you didn't even really you thought you didn't have anything but God said you've had overlooked van because in spite of all of your failures despite all your inadequacies despite everything wrong with you you still had the courage to show because you still believe that I'm able I'm preaching that somebody and the Holy Ghost right now oh she's lift up your hands for a moment and close your eyes and somebody speaking tongues right now acaba city de la Bahia holy ba-ba-ba-ba Catarina hiya hatta Syria condo Ramirez sattaiah Shariat Imam Imam okay baby Sita hiya hey baby baby besito reveille ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba kya haal ah ba ba ba says hey baby ba ba ba ba ba sorry baby kya Horeb abashiri reba mcentire baba said uh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh Cote maybe higher hallo mama she didn't a Baba Baba kind I want everyone to stand on your feet right now I'm ministering to you and the Holy Ghost because there are Isaac's that are in you that you've given up on because you had Ishmael first do you think you're defined by that mistake can I tell you one of the greatest mistakes in the Old Testament one of the greatest mistakes those when Abraham whenever God delivered the children from Egypt and the first thing Aaron did was make a golden calf and offer sacrifices to their calf and calls all of the congregation to sin after that amazing miracle Aaron makes one of the greatest mistakes and he fetches a cold and calf and causes everybody to sin but when God was looking for one person that was qualified enough to enter into his presence once a year God said go get me Aaron that mistake ridden boy I want him to be my high priest the one that messed up in front of everybody I want him to be the only person that's privileged enough to come unto the holiest of holies once a year in Moses I'm not promising you anything to your sons but for Aaron and his sons it's going to be a priesthood to an everlasting generation and the Bible says that Moses brought all of Aaron and his sons up to the front of the congregation and the Bible says that Moses poured the anointing oil on Aaron and his sons in front of the congregation you can just hear in the congregation people murmuring but what God was saying was his ministry there's gonna outweigh his mistake and they anoint it's going outweigh his mistake Aaron felt so unqualified can you imagine with me the first time Aaron enters into the tabernacle how unworthy he felt because he's the one person that is most disqualified to do what he's doing he goes into the tabernacle watch it now he goes beyond the altar beyond the Laver into the holy place he sees the table of shewbread the altar of incense catch it now and the seven golden candlesticks there was a lot of gold in that tabernacle each time Aaron saw gold he was reminded of his mistake his time he saw gold he began to have a vision of him fashioning the golden calf he looks around at all but gold and he feels qualified I'm the one that messed up I shouldn't be doing this I'm unworthy I'm I'm a failure but you know what he does he just keeps on serving he just keeps on doing the work of the Lord he just keeps on being right for her and finally once a year huh he goes into the holiest of Holies huh he offers the sacrifice does what he needs to do with the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant when he lets up after he's done he begins to feel huh that never not gonna begin to shake he begins to think God's about to kill me I knew I was unworthy I shouldn't be doing this comes down and honors his sacrifice because he had the faith to just keep on going up and continuing her to believe that God was able when his mistake was haunting him every time he came into the sanctuary I am preaching to you and the Holy Ghost right now every time you come into the sanctuary you get a glimpse of all of your mistakes huh but God said I'm just looking for somebody that will just lift up their hands up despite what's in their mind I believe that I may die I know you feel unworthy but just clap anyway I know that you feel like a failure but just can you shout anyway hell I mama say that can't have a higher whatever that you can somebody just worship in the midst of your failure can somebody just worship huh and the midst of your struggle huh can somebody just worship huh and the mr. doe adequacy you know ba ba ba ba ba ba Kataya hustle a baby baby kata ba ba ha ha God said every time you feel unworthy I want you to take a look at my lineage I want you to know that rehab that prostitute huh she's in my lineage huh cuz she just learned to have overlooked faith huh Bathsheba that great adulteress ha she's in the lineage of Jesus Christ tamer all of these people huh they're in the lineage of Jesus Christ when you really want to look at it huh ruth the moabite she descended from incest she's in the lineage of Jesus cried a lot love the one we all preach down on he is in the lineage of Jesus Christ because Ruth was a Moabite so God said every time he feel like you're unperfect don't you ever think perfection can't still come out of your imperfection he says something perfect came out of all of their failures can i apprec thats where you get perfected praise when you in your imperfection i still lift up your voice to God God comes down and turns that is perfection it's a perfection if you have the courage to pursue this spite of your failures my mama said everybody back I yeah II love about somebody speaking tongues right now I'm a cabbie Michelle Obama Buckeye hill above us sitting above abortion ETA VBB kya hai Lima come on somebody speak in tongues louder huh I feel deliverance in this place ha ha beset him Arabic ayah he kebab I said hey baby Katya another said Henery me because I was [Applause] shocked i hi mama kya heal a Mississippi here partially vvvvvv kya haal amma mama kebab ah hiya Jorge baby she taya ha ba ba say baby Katya poor a ha ha ha ha ha ba ba so yeah my momma Cory baby she didn't even care Osama Macondo buh buh buh Cory hyah hyah now Marco CB Khatana bhai Messiah God's telling you right now you still have a destiny huh there's still an anointing on your life he's just gotta align your steps again with the promise and I will fulfill every word I don't care how much they've been backslidden I don't care how much you feel like a failure he said just align your feet and believe again and I will do the rest above us a bit about kaya I feel the Holy Ghost right now your mistake would normally leave you to the Pew right now but I want you to show you a mistake that you have faith here tonight huh it step out of your Pew every person huh every person step out of your puing come to the front and lift up those hands and you let your mistake know you don't have power over me anymore normally you keep me strapped to my pubic tonight I've come to lift up my hands believing her that God is still able huh God is still able to come up above she BBK aha you're still able I still pursue huh I'm very aware of my problems huh I'm very aware that I'm not perfect but God I still pursue you anyway huh I still believe you anyway huh I still believe that you're able how am I my boat could be there she'd never hire my mama kaya I feel the Holy Ghost in this place I feel the Holy Ghost in this place my mama she D be a coat aha oh mama mama hallelujah that's it I want you to pray with the person next to you right now you grab their hands you put your arm around their shoulders huh and you let them know that God's not done with them huh that God is still able come on you got to pray for them like you would pray for yourself this is the Ministry of the saints this is the body strengthening the body huh we need you yes even the feeble members are necessary huh yes even the feeble members are necessary huh you may feel weak you may feel unworthy huh but you're necessary to the move of God and he's wanting to bring in his in time he'll have a son I'm a Buckeye [Music] [Music] come on let's hit keep going after him keep going after him God's giving you a fresh glimpse of your promise go after it go after it go after it come on that's it that's it pursue it that's it pursue it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's it I want some elders I want some older people I want you to gather around these young people right now and I want you to come in lay your hands on them and link up with them that's it that's it congregation I need you to move in and come and pray for some of these young people [Music] because if you're here to this long and and all the imperfections and you kept coming you're letting them know that they can make it to huh that God's not looking for perfection he's just looking for faithfulness I said I need some elders to gather around some of these young people huh and I want you to lay your hands on them huh when they see that you're able to endure and keep coming huh they see that they can get back up again he levels Scimitar higher that's it lay your hands on these young people right now some of you parents need to come find your daughter some of your parents need to come find your son huh and join up with them he'll ever saya and tell them that God is still able huh in the midst of their inadequacies and the mists of their pay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 1,999
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, evangelist victor jackson, victor jackson preaching
Id: uEvmvKmV9-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 51sec (6291 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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