When you lift the universe itself

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can curl nebulas so that you can eventually arm wrestle the gods it's arm wrestling welcome to arm wrestling I love how in the beginning you're starting with a it was it's like one pound like a one pound weight I am really struggling to curl this thing too now you'll notice that I am basically in the lowest dump there's broken glass for my outdoor Windows I'm like inside of my mom's garage or something a garage she hasn't used in 30 years just doing one single repetition of this tiny weight that came from the My Little Pony weightlifting set it feels like I'm going to lose my eyeballs out of my skull however this is I'm sure a game that doesn't respect normal numbers ah bubble two that doesn't respect normal numbers at all and so I'm sure eventually we will be curling Thor's hammer or small collapsed stars now as you can imagine we can go into the upgrade area and start throwing numbers down such as critical power and critical probability right I guess we'll I don't know start getting our power up it doesn't really go that far from two to three three to four does this jump up the more I use it it better I feel like these numbers are way too rookie number-ish I am not stopping my workouts until hold on I need it I need to know now what does The Challenge do I'm not stopping until the numbers that are attached to my workouts mean absolutely nothing anymore real quick I love how this is televised or something there's like an official ref clocking me while I do this there are flowers on the wall they are taking this way too seriously with a stopwatch I need to get 10 repetitions and then what happens I I don't even know challenge success okay I got like a whole level from that what's the Thought bubble for I mean I guess I'll go ahead and just spend all of this we don't need hit points where we're going we just need more power also how come there's a better way in the background while I'm doing this that I'm not using can I upgrade this oh you can so we were using a 1 kilogram dumbbell and now we have a three kilogram dumbbell does that make me more money oh yeah 30 coins per curl now I think I can see how this game very quickly gets out of hand don't mind me just back over at the dumbbell championships finishing this up one guy lifting three kilograms and they've got just mountains of flowers and professional athletes watching me do this here we go there's the last one for you 600 gold like double my gold reserves on a level from that too all right arm wrestling what do you do oh oh you have to fight people weak man he's just weak ordinary person are the next People Extraordinary do I eventually get to oh wow okay all right well weak man isn't that weak like I am barely putting him down on this Barrel come on go down there we go look at the attendance do you see the people watching us I'm running out of stamina I'm about to lose to this guy this guy hasn't had a decent meal in four years and he's about to defeat me how much strength will I need to achieve in order to do this and why does the entire neighborhood have to come here just to watch me get destroyed by some 48 year old divorcee don't you do it don't you do it I'll never live this down no all right looks like we're gonna need more strength don't mind me I'm just in here collecting gems we're going hard now because if I do 30 repetitions I get 30 gems that I can spend on I have no idea what yet but I'm sure it's something important there we go I've also upgraded to the five kilogram weight got my stamina recovery going up more critical power I don't know what's gonna be stronger my one bicep from lifting this weight or my finger from using the mouse by the way what is the item thing my equipment is my haircut and my tank top oh oh there's like uh it was like Grace to play sunglasses it's like a bunch of Gatorade well how do I get better shirts oh you open boxes to get the shirts and the haircuts okay it's time to upgrade our dumbbell so I can eventually defeat weak man you get a lot of experience now and a lot of gold too right yeah keep on pumping up that critical probability I don't know what it does but it sounds really delicious okay so oh so I get 10 kilogram weights now I do appreciate that I'm at a point where maybe I'm a legitimate curler I'm finally picked up the weight that's just been sitting behind me this whole time see I had two of them but I only wanted to train my right arm my left arm is just going to look like a noodle getting 270 gold per curl now too oh yeah 110. all right weak man I'm putting you down fight uh yeah you may have remembered what you did to me last time oh I am oh my god wow numbers really make the difference okay numbers get on the ground that's right that little child behind you there got to watch you die upgrading to the next dumbbell all right what do we got here now 15 kilograms 810 gold per curl you got it oh yeah oh this takes a lot more input but God it's worth it 800. look at that it's like 10 per my entire bank account for every curl I do I'm stacking the numbers up okay let's buy a new hair this is the same haircut I want another one give me something oh there we go that looks that look what wait a second combined I get 3.6 times more stamina power just for my haircut how many haircuts do you need to combine them all right well how about my costume this is special look at the amount of stamina it's giving me I've got 4 000 stamina I am now getting to the point where the money that I make is in letters that's how they decide my money amounts now 2A yeah this is not a problem at all I'm gonna be able to upgrade this dumbbell not from all my training but because I got a different haircut there you go all right yeah give me another shirt what else can I get oh it's a red shirt great I'm gonna die on Star Trek I mean how much more power does it give me 3.6 times the gold exp acquisition and stamina I look so much stronger right now this is the this is this man right here it's the body and haircut of a killer I'm gonna do this challenge just so I can get more shirts oh you get you get extra gems just for doing things yeah I got level 13. give me all those upgrading to 25 kilogram dumbbells now I got the Batman dumbbells all right yeah let's get 11 haircuts I want all the oh at level a and a level B haircut so how much how much bonus do those haircuts give you so 50 hold on a second there's like exponential growth 13 15. oh and then 197 how is that fair okay yeah oh my God look at the numbers uh maybe it's just me but I have a feeling we're going to be winning a lot of arm wrestling competitions now all of the critical probabilities my power is now registering in letters as well so what is the gold dumbbell do oh it turns my dumbbell into gold and you just get stacks of cash oh my God this is awesome look at how much money the 266 A's of gold coins I mean yeah let's let's just upgrade our dumbbell I have so much stamina because of my Sweat Band that I'm wearing on my head now that I can't even refill it all give me more gems I just want to buy more shirts and more haircuts get ready because we're opening the haircuts and then uh yeah more shirts too I want a good one okay level C okay a seat here shirt is worth 16 times stamina oh you need five and then they and then they combine and they increase the next level okay we're gonna equip it yeah I gotta combine all of my hair together I don't know where I'm getting all this hair from it's kind of concerning if you think about it it's time to rip the arm off of the next person who is named jobless I love it the entire neighborhood stands oh my that was like instant defeat Stan kids in awe as I destroy this poor homeless guy from across the street keep it rolling keep the power levels rolling it is not going up by one anymore behold I now work out in a real gym I've got a water cooler and everything I also have no idea what it is I'm lifting right now it's kind of just like two chicken nuggets that turn into a dumbbell or something what can I what can I what else can I upgrade yeah 300 and something power no big deal we'll get some more stamina up in there more stamina recovery I gotta get to the next dumbbell level because this thing doesn't weigh anything I could lift this dumbbell with my tongue there you go right there challenge success all the A's give me the free gems as well all of the money 27A per curl at this point I have one b in money hahaha I won't be here oh oh I get an auto clicker now so I can beat otaku he has seven a of strength the otaku is stronger than jobless sure all right how strong is otago oh oh my god oh never mind I thought he was giving me a little bit of trouble I'm ready all right I thought he was gonna give me some trouble I was very very wrong all right let's pick his pocket and take his money so we're at 70 kilograms we're curling at this point how much is it worth 83 a more power more stamina I haven't even touched my stamina recovery in forever I'm gonna go ahead and buy a Fitbit okay what does this do you know what give me another one oh and a grip master I just have a metric ton of clothes that I went for now 217 3 combine all of my shirts and my tank tops together because that makes sense combine all the scalps that I have collected over time oh it gives me minus one percent upgrade cost all right sure I love that I'm wearing the full tracksuit with the headband now I look like a legitimate monster someone that can curl small planetary systems but I want to curl large planetary systems don't even ask you know you don't want to know how many haircuts I'm buying right now oh yeah all the red shirts are getting getting transfused into even more powerful tank tops my shirt now gives me times 3884. all right where does my haircut get me 789 and I've changed out my Sweat Band I'm getting one B of money per curl and I get to raise the roof and look like a psychopath every once in a while who's next High School student he doesn't look like a high school student he looks like he's 40 years old that high school student has been through a lot Diner Auntie so now I have to defeat the lady that makes your tuna melt sandwiches over at Denny's she got dumpstered quickly there you go old man oh it's the guy from squid games you may have survived squid game but you're not gonna survive me oh okay okay he's he put in a little bit of a of a challenge there I I could feel my biceps straining just kidding give me my reward I have now reached even more levels of clothing welcome to the Double S tracksuit or whatever this is okay so now it's a hundred kilograms we're curling I am gaining 25 B of money and we're up to almost 30 critical probability all right puffy [Laughter] I hope you give me a better challenge than Diner antimo I guess not and Squid games guy oh ah nice 75b of experience I love it fist pump into Gambler this guy's nose will cut your throat all right Gambler I'm pretty sure I saw you in an anime that's right the entire neighborhood stands in awe as we blow through all of its competition I have 5 000 views of money we are going to complete this in half a second because lifting this weight takes no effort at all thanks to my shirt because that's how strength Works we're gonna upgrade our dumbbell 150 kilograms now am I going to strain lifting this nope instantaneous lifting 100 B of money you know what let's just upgrade this there's no reason to even use this at all I have now upgraded to a star it's 200 kilograms it's a star on a grip basically and look at the money flowing when you use the money dumbbell it's like a leprechaun blessing my weight lifting this is fantastic all right we'll just blow past the dumbbell Championship which now I understand why people are tuning in to watch this what do we got next oh it's like two meteorites three kilograms what is this thing made out of like dark matter because it's so small I need to know at this point I want to know what the next dumbbell is I feel like we're eventually going to start getting into the tons the tiny little dumbbells are each going away tons they're going to be small black holes what do you got for me oh it's the skulls of the Dead weighed 500 kilograms uplifting human skull oh yeah oh 2700 B every time I lift it is Gloria that's right raise the roof give the the devil sign because we are the Necromancer of weightlifting at this point more critical probability more shirts I have the r level shirt look at the number 6A I'm just I'm upgrading everything at this point because my power is at level 500 but the other stuff is still so low I literally have to fight a Shaolin monk now what happens after I defeat this man well I have to start moving into the to the Greek pantheon or something like that in order to continue what is the BJ challenge who are you are you like a sponsor for Bose that what's happening you know it's not strong also I get a hundred gems just for beating you yeah you're we may be wearing the same color but only one man can reign supreme here a ton the next dumbbell is the yin yang Shaolin monk dumbbell and it weighs a ton I'm getting 2C of money now per curl because money makes a lot of sense in this game now my haircut is now dreadlocks I will equip it and it gives me 5A and a bunch of thousands of extra times is I spent all my time at the barber because every time I go to the barber for some reason I can lift the entirety of the planet when he's done doing my hair okay so clothing wise I have gone up to Double R 25A of all that stuff the numbers are out of control I'm getting 9C of money per curl there are no survivors you're raycon earbuds can't stop you give me your 100 gems actually who's next right all right but your backwards hat guy huh I think the red hat is gonna make you stronger than me you know how much I have spent on this haircut go down that's right he who gets his hair cut has the last laugh I am now curling Captain America's shield okay now it's just diamonds I can cruel diamonds they're five tons each each curl is 97c using the money pump on this weight is incredible I'm at 3D of money okay we're just going right past into the next dumbbell I need these numbers to continue to get stupider and stupider if we're at five tons right now what's next like 10 tons is it it's 10 tons oh we can move right past this one too like it's nothing all right yeah next dumbbell 50 oh it's the Dragon Balls I'm gonna be curling part of the Dragon Ball Universe I love it well I'm gonna be curling it just long enough to get to my next dumbbell that is okay what do you got for me it is oh it's like the eye of Sora 25 tons okay this now it's starting to get legitimately difficult to curl these so I might finally have to put more points into string oh never mind I got a couple seconds left I think I can do it yeah yeah okay so we get to see the next dumbbell from here a 45 tons like two petrified Tyrannosaurus teeth it's interesting it's like a Megalodon tooth or something okay it is not easy to curl more power lots more power I sat here and I clicked on this until I got a thousand power okay so let's uh let's buff this up with the money the golden the Golden curler oh yeah 8 000 C per curl I have now upgraded to pinwheels okay 70 tons I've got level two fitbits I've got a towel now I've got some glasses drinking Red Bull got power water I'm taking every supplement known to mankind okay so after I beat oh now okay so since I beat Shaolin monk we were moving from ordinary person to Muscle Man okay and the very first muscle man is bodybuilder I love it just normal generic 1970s Sylvester Stallone bodybuilder he did not stand a chance at all you know what let's just keep going oh it's guile US Marine I'm sorry Kyle I love you man I picked you all the time as Street Fighter 2. next we have Hulk Rogan I love the boots I'm going to take those off of your dead body after I beat you in arm wrestling also we have a legitimate stage now for the arm wrestling championship dong pal ma there's a lot of strong men here dong Palma also by the way if you notice real quick in the background it's arm wrestling without the e they just got rid of the E from wrestling sorry man oh he's really trying here at the end he's he's giving me a little bit of a little bit of a struggle but I'm gonna take 260 C's of money so I can go over to fitness trainer we are speed running the championship yep here we go oh speed running the championship arm wrestling competition yes you gotta try you gotta you gotta pump I want to see your veins exploding out of your eyeballs oh come on I'm about to blow my ventricles out of my heart okay so now we have the Terminator it's Arnold I have to be come on Arnold let's finish this up I need to go to the next competitor there we are all right so after Arnold yeah he's uh he's a little tougher than the last few maybe it's the goatee that's doing it it's not gonna light a little difficult getting him to the there we go I am I I want to be done fighting normal humans I need someone else I guess the Terminator isn't really a human but you know what I mean Bruce Lee I don't want to have to beat Bruce Lee these are my stats what do they mean all right Bruce you know I have nothing but respect for you but because I must continue onward in the realm of arm wrestling I have to okay all right well maybe this is a little bit more difficult than I had previously anticipated I have to defeat you before my lungs pop out of my throat go down here we go I love that after all of this work and all this effort all the people that I have steamrolled through they have not yet added the e in in arm wrestling yet they're just gonna leave it out there forever I think I'm gonna lose one to Bruce no oh we're giving the audience something to watch it's one one one right now could go either way Bruce Lee is channeling the fury the inner dragon he's biting his bottom lips so hard he's gonna tear it off well I'm coming back we're rising up rise rise up by giant no no okay I might need to train a little bit more okay 1222 isn't enough we're going nuts I am now working out in a high rise at this point look at this I am surrounded by gigantic skyscrapers I look down upon everyone buying their Starbucks as I lift 75 tons of weight with every passing second okay my haircut is getting even more impressive now we're up to 100 ton bowling balls one of these bowling balls made out of I think they're thanos's bowling balls same color scheme I guess this is what he did as a sport like when he was bored all right Bruce I have so many numbers behind me now there's no way I can lose there so who's after Bruce Lee so it is oh boy all right Denny and then there's one more after him all right Denny is a struggle okay I can just barely win there we come on go I didn't want to have to rip your arm off of your body thanks for the 50 D's of experience okay I'm I'm lifting Buzz saws now they're 150 tons eleven comes after Denny the final muscle man before I go into the next category the sad part is I bought the buzz sauce and I can't lift them I need to achieve all of my free gems here I don't know really what critical power does but I went and bought 500 levels of it my numbers have gone beyond the realm of mortal comprehension I have 55 bees of stamina now no one can stop my progress who and who could be next after are you kidding us to say Beast Man what does that mean like is it like a half man I was a werewolf I'm actually fighting supernatural creatures now I have now upgraded to a Double R haircut the Hat is what gives me my power it's like uh like the Achilles heel except it's on my head which is which is weird but that's kind of what it is I'm ready to go in and steamroll the Werewolf steamroll why is he wearing pants I don't understand why the werewolves wearing like like jeans so now we're on Lion man he's got a full business outfit on he came straight from the office to arm wrestling me only to lose almost immediately now if tiger man in his tanks up he's wearing some some like striped running pants but whatever there you go I feel like it's just someone that decapitated a tiger and is wearing their head so now it's gorilla man okay gorilla oh oh God okay gorilla man is really hard okay I cannot beat gorilla man that's okay I'm just gonna weight lift my buzz saws get 162 D of money per curl no big deal man I've been going ballistic with the upgrades but no joke gorilla man is serious say hello to level 69. I had to buy a brand new piece of property I'm training in Florida now as you can see it's muscle Peach but I own it the whole Beach I've I've been upgrading everything just non-stop my dumbbell is now 200 ton fidget Spinners that I can that I can use to curl if I want oh and I can curl them okay gorilla man I have gone through a lot to get to this point we are not giving up here I curl fidget Spinners so now we have grizzly bear man who's wearing his where's Waldo top oh oh I'm running out of stamina oh no I'm running out of stamina I can now crawl watermelons 300 tons 300 ton watermelons why would you not want to do this grizzly bear man I crawl watermelons I curl watermelons grizzly bear man has been bested okay so that brings us over to hippo man with the gold chains on all right let's fight Oh I thought it was Mr T Chains It's a bandana and he is really strong okay I've upgraded my watermelon it's a 500 ton banana this makes no sense I don't know why bananas would weigh 500 tons I'm not even sure how it would be mathematically possible okay I've lost around I've gotta try and win oh I get so close yes okay I've got one to win against hippo man maybe this is possible yeah I got two ways to get a Zippo man who comes next big fist pump in the air I curl bananas next is shark man I love how his head is just a full shark it's like someone just ripped an entire shark off of Google Images and put it on someone's shoulders one kiloton dice that is what I now curl [Music] okay I think our numbers got so high I crashed my other emulator and I can't get the game down anymore on it so I had to get a whole new emulator because we're not giving up I'm going to beat every single person of the the animal kingdom this is not over yet there's still a few left luckily due to the benevolence of baby Jesus the game saved my progress so I didn't have to do all that all over again but I decided while I was reinstalling and doing this I would go ahead and get a ton of more upgrades before we started back up these are my insane stats all of them are just measured in random alphabets at this point and so we can fight against shark man who immediately bold back for pants also I will say I do love the fact that he's wearing Floridian flip-flops from Shark Man we now go to Rhino man I love how their wardrobe is getting better each time as well Rhino man no chance I think I may have ripped his entire elbow off of his body yeah you won you think from Rhino man we now have a killer whale man all right killer whale man I'm gonna give you an opportunity oh yeah you're doing good you're doing good oh start to come oh I clicked talk twice and I won one click sent him there one click all the way down the final Beast Man the king of all the gold chain wearing elephant man but to be fair at this point I Am Curling entire nebulas you can't even though he wears fantastic gold colored underwear it doesn't matter because well hold on that is my power whatever that is 4C that is what we have achieved and we have defeated all of the non-humans well I got a haircut and now my muscles can divide by zero anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of arm wrestling until next time stay foxy about to love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,991,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lwO2AXc5foU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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