When you eat 9,999,999,999,999 tons of food

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all right we're checking out the only game where the best way to destroy the world is to eat everything in it so everyone else starves to death it's food fighter you can see right here my food fighter with his fantastic haircut and incredible physique our job to nonstop eat food as the food gets more and more ridiculous how ridiculous whenever the food is categorized first off as humans food I get real concerned I love how judge mentally he chews he's like you're really going to make me do this you really going to sit here and make me chew on this egg while there's a ice cream cone called dung next to me God I love Google translate games now remember kids always drink plenty of water like always there's upgrades that you can buy except instead of normal upgrades they're like bite power or critical bite what happens when you chew power critical chew chew speed digest speed mouth size does it hold on I I need to know like does the actual size of the mouth increase it better going increase my bite power as well what happens when your stomach is completely full and your gu is going to die oh you have to like pound your chest in order to digest it got it I love that in order to fart you have to get to level five you can't even do this it's like a level one two three or four human being makes total sense how about dung how how old do I have to beat and go to the bathroom level 10 I love that the speed that which I digest and chew food is completely determined by the table that I'm eating on oh yeah oh I'm learning the ways of the power eating I'm level two all right yeah uh upgrade uh I don't know upgrade The Chew power yeah upgrade the mouth size upgrade the stomach size these are some of the oddest upgrades I think I've ever bought all right so I have to try and beat the eat 10 Eggs challenge all right so I get to was this 30 seconds to eat 10 eggs I don't know I was not even slightly close to being able to complete the challenge you know what this means I need a better haircut all right so I started off with the the D table but we're moving all the way to the a table I love it if you get a wave haircut then you get times 540 by and chew power I also love that when I burp Like a Bird come out of my throat I'm burping out pigeons all right so we've managed to get 74a yeah let's uh let's let's get some critical bite going I love it oh yeah the bite power is getting severe here we are we are almost like one biting eggsit this point yes yeah more more critical Chew Chew speed 35 a second oh my God 35 what more mouth size or stomach size this is so strange all right the boiled egg challenge one two look at this bam pack him in there yes easy my stomach doesn't even look at it it's not even slightly full my guy is insane he's a maniac look at that face that is the face of a killer give me my money all right now I can upgrade to the next humans food which is a choo cookie now can I one bite choco cookies oh I absolutely can wow and they are worth a lot of XP oh my god oh I have gone into saying I have gone Super Saiyan by eating chocolate cookies this is this is great I can't this is what this is what real life is like it if you don't get diabetes I guess from all the sugar okay we need way more upgrades here uh yeah more critical bite probability a lot of that and uh a lot of chew power yeah more critical chew more speed digestion I'm not going to lie my eating habits have gone completely insane I I still haven't gotten to try this yet I don't even think I need it because my stomach won't fill up anymore I don't have to use the bathroom like not at just at all I never have to use it all right that means that we're going to need to do the eat 10 cookies challenge here we go oh yeah I can feel my blood sugar spiking I just ate 10 cookies in like under 2 seconds choco pie all right we are one biting chocolate pie but it does it does take up space in the stomach finally my digestion speed is is now 127 per second 127 what per second no clue chew power level 123 critical I still love that this is called critical chew all right here we go oh yeah oh I eat it it's it's made of solid gold did it did it give me oh my God one B all right we have the S tier haircut which is basically just a ha this's calories it's kind of like calories but slightly more Google trans lady tank top no T-shirt not good enough sports jacket yeah all right we're back to not even getting slightly filled up during our eating habits here so while I'm going Super Saiyan we shall now complete our next journey in order to find out what sort of Unholy Unity asset object I must eat okay choco pie did you notice too that every time I eat a pie the number like the timer resets as almost like I'm going back in time like I'm actually beating the time space continuum or something oh a dut oh so valuable this dut is filled with the entire United States Treasury every single dut in fact we could probably just do the doughnut Challenge in a minute here yeah give me all my free gems I need a brand new chair I love how I basically turned into Ash Ketchum from Pokemon like a a very very gluttonous Ash Ketchum and it's enabled me to basically eat nonstop what an apple what is this health food I this is unacceptable I am not here to eat apples although the apples are worth a lot of money all right let's see here uh we'll go ahead and upgrade our bite power yeah more critical bite glorious yeah some of that big stomach size 200 I can't believe I'm here to eat 10 apples this is so depressing yeah great I can feel my teeth getting cleaner I can feel my blood pressure going down I don't like it all right come on what's next ah here we go a chocolate bar that's more like it I love how every time you upgrade to the new item you gain like seven levels in the course of a minute more critical bite I went ahead and bought some new chairs what do they do allow me to digest quicker obviously Oh yeah double s tier you always know when a game goes plaid that that's the upper tier of what you're allowed I must eat 10 chocolate bars and by eating these 10 chocolate bars I will somehow go back in time and get younger no clue how the time space continuum Works in this game what are we upgrading to now a burger oh it's a mini burger it's not that big we were now into the Seas of money like not like the Seas that you swim in like the alphabetical seeds because that's how that's how values are are are described in this game yeah more chew probability 284 chew speed 277 digest speed I'm trying to get all these numbers close to about 300 or so like I haven't I haven't put up critical Chew in a while so we might as well do that it's great because critical chew wasn't using enough enough money to outpace the money that I'm making from eating burgers non-stop eat 10 mini burgers why can't they put the burgers like somewhere near where I'm supposed to be eating they're just randomly all over the table there's not a plate or anything I haven't even gotten a pair of utensils the only thing I've gotten doing this is like a judgmental bear looking at me in the background like gray I can't wait for you to die of heart disease thanks buddy now we're eating a yes that right there it's worth a lot of money so I'm going to eat it oh that is delicious we're going straight to level 50 from this all right we're on to the next challenge here now obviously this isn't going to be a big deal for some reason it looks like I feel like I'm eating pencil erasers but whatever oh a d oh the King Dumpling the King Dumpling by combining these microwaves my mouth size is now plus 60% double s tier shirt King Dumpling has been dumpling IED now we're moving to entire bowls of ramen just the am I going to eat the glass too I was hoping I was going to eat the entire bowl that the ramen was in just a whole thing in one bite now this is pretty impressive because I have no clue how the liquid part of the ramen is getting into his mouth it it is just he's he's actually creating a almost black hole like vacuum uh yeah let's do some of that and this and more of that stomach size I kind of want that to you know maybe at least uh 500 all right eat 10 Ramen bowls I am running out of space to put this stuff on my table okay oh it's just a cupcake kind of weird that we moved from a Ramen Bowl to a cupcake is that fruit I see on that cupcake what with this health stuff I haven't had a drink of water in like forever I I I don't really need it I just feel like I should be hydrating it's probably good for me all right I have to move over to my brand new tablecloth because it gives me those numbers like I said 500 stomach size I haven't even had to upgrade my bite power because I nothing takes me more than one bite yet yep 10 strawberry cupcakes I didn't really want to eat them I just didn't have a choice I wanted to get the the fruit out of here there we go nice waffle I don't know if that's po powdered sugar or like butter it kind of just looks like a baked potato but in Waffle format all right critical bite probability is now up to 18% which is good cuz if you notice it's taking me almost three bites to eat a waffle no way there we go now we're moving again all right eat 10 waffles you notice that the waffles are starting to fill up my mouth it's not even my stomach it's my cheeks like I'm some kind of human squirrel or something fried oh it takes me multiple bites oh do I eat the bone too like a jackal yeah I need way more chew speed way more chew speed and way more digest speed I now have the gold tablecloth okay good we're starting to eat entire chicken legs in one bite bone and all that's excellent cuz now we can upgrade to the Double R table I hope you're ready because I'm about to take a shower and put on a new shirt for the first time in forever and it's what whatever this is do I finally get my hair back tired of wearing a hat oh we are way past wearing a hat oh this is a glorious haircut oh we're going right past it we're going right past R Double R now fortunately while I've been doing this I've been getting just epic money so uh yeah we can go ahead and uh start increasing our probability here I love that the critical bike can't outrun the money we're making right now look at it it's not going there it's finally going down all right chicken wing challenge let's do this uh uh oh yeah I don't understand why I don't like double fist the chicken legs and just eat more than one at a time sandwich so boring I mean it is a human food I guess but I got a new haircut I'm not really sure if I want to say it's better than the old haircut the amount of money that my pink table is making per bite of food is so Unholy look at the experience go by don't mind me I'm just destroying the timeline by eating all of these sandwiches no big deal I didn't think this was possible but despite getting bigger and bigger food items I think I'm eating faster you can see I do have to chew I just chew almost instantaneously I wonder if this is like calories like I'm digesting 711 calories per second I'm ingesting an entire 6-in like Subway sandwich every second you know what I need more than that pizza I love that it's only one slice of pizza should be entire pizzas at a time with our tables combined we now have the Double L table I love that the name that they've given this thing is golden fish bread all right The Chew speed and the digest speed both have to get over 800 now yeah 10 slices of pizza in 30 seconds no problem hot dogs I've finally gotten a marble table and now the marble chair 10 hot dogs go I'm getting toward the end of the alphabet here with the amount of money that I can make bite power needs to get over 900 over 1,000% critical bite and critical chew I need to eat 20 hot dogs so it's not just one at a time now it's 20 they're running out of counter space to put these things man the fact that at this point I eat more than a fully developed country is very concerning and also the fact that the time doesn't go down is concerning I can't lose technically we're not eating mini burgers now it's full Burgers I won't be happy until I can digest over 1,000 calories a second I'm eating gold and it hurts in order to eat burgers faster it's obvious what we must do we must get a new haircut one biting burgers and one bite this fish too all right we're almost at a th000 a second first we have to defeat the 10 burger challenge though not going to lie those were pretty difficult burgers that means it's time for the most carbolicious food of all entire plates of spaghetti the spaghetti is serious look at how much there is this is incredible I need to upgrade so much for this so I'm going to upgrade my shirt and you may say to yourself well great what could you possibly wear after this this fantastic un well what do you think it's obviously he-man's uniform oh we're going past He-Man oh we're even pass He-Man He-Man oh we're into Harry Potter or like Dracula yes this means that I can now one bite entire plates of spaghetti that still doesn't get us over a thousand a second though perhaps the Tomahawk Steak the Tomahawk Steak I love the name we're going even past marble tables even black marble tables into yes plaid need to eat all these Tomahawk steaks bone and all there we go 12 billion cows erased off of the planet in just a second say hello to the king broccoli so healthy oh it's killing me but it is getting us a lot of gold okay we're over at ,000 digest speed and now 1,000 choose speed my info this ridiculous number I've eaten that many calories of food oh my god well I got hungry went Super Saiyan and everyone else on planet Earth is going to starve to death hey folks hope this episode of food fighter till next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,162,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ol0GjlsHOls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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