When you swallow a child whole

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all right we're checking out the only game where being good is only slightly better than bad it's Happy Wheels so there's a couple of things here that I noticed one there's multiple challenges and two there's a couple of different ways to win I love how I win the angel wins but for some reason the demon doesn't win I feel like where I'm from demons absolutely win right so obviously we have to win the first challenge here oh there goes my bottle bro is that all you got yes I would have more but my alcoholism ran out oh I unlocked the TF whoa It's a human being why this is odd I don't know if like he counts as something that can be bottle flipped or not oh right let's try this without the random guy oh I'm not there yet at first I thought it said nothing there yet I mean I got nothing from achieving that but still I have no idea what this is even the game doesn't know what this is got a whole lot of nothing oh god of holes give me strength hey I got the mega eater I don't know what it's actually going to do to help me but I'm glad I got it [Music] well that's kind of amazing there we go and I got the god of holes with the same bottle hey all right we got that win now I need to try the sword throw okay so sword throw slide down the Chute here we go are you here click this this ah you lied to me all right let's try and do the sword throw we'll put our hands in the air and maybe we'll there oh God the sword throw is actually a little bit more difficult than I had previously anticipated oh no uh the real challenge in the sore throat is landing in the sword area give me oh about to drink water you should drink more water but I'm thirsty okay I think I'm I think I'm in my slot here click this well that almost murdered me I don't know if that was such a good idea all right broken hobo uh well I almost killed myself there let's try that a second time Karen gutter helicopter guy he's gonna be just fine because I have no oh the sword was coming at my groin just then huh this is actually pretty difficult I love how the final dude is just called die like me die or he die all right click this I still have I left one leg out of here that's okay though oh look at this I'm doing this the uh I'm doing this the humane way see no one's actually dying I just bottle flip two swords on top of another sword that's amazing not really a bottle flip then but still oh God all right your sword throw is a little bit harder than the bottle flip what was the problem this Salisbury steak sitting behind my back is in the way I ended up in a very precarious position here I've got a lot of flexibility I guess but I don't know if I want it wow I took out three people in one shot don't worry the kid's fine he's just sleeping he can still drink his water that sword looks like it's about to go into my skull oh yeah I'm sword on sword violence all right good sir you're the last one the problem is I can't grab any of these swords to actually throw them at you never mind totally can oh oh no I needed to roll off of Karen my wrist is caught this is not good I'm having problems there we are all right listen trust me on this I have a plan look at all my leg oh my plan didn't work okay this is my most perfect fall I don't think really oh oh oh I almost died but I didn't that could have been a lot worse than it was there we go okay now it's just Karen please for YouTube oh oh all the swords oh no oil level one sword left I need to make it couch it did not count okay come on Karen do it for YouTube do it for YouTube yes oh no oh oh ow this sore throat is unbelievably difficult it's the landing that's the hardest you'll notice as you win like how it counts it right over here this little ball has to fall all the way down and the only way it can do it is if you get like passing attacks okay okay that's good so far so good we got the most difficult one there we go I'm sorry about your water kid but we got it this is called bottle run butt cute oh all right I guess I'll wait for a second it's pretty hard though good luck the cubes oh wow okay oh oh I got it I know what to do here oh yeah we're gonna whoa it's like a giant collapsing bridge but in Happy Wheels [Applause] I got so close all right I got the idea now though all right go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh god oh no we're losing it I think you uh all right well forget what I had just said because that was a terrible idea I'm not gonna lie these blocks are very very violent oh there we go that was good speed oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah come on give me more speed okay I'm gonna try this just as if though it were a bottle run and no so you can keep the front wheel pretty close oh yeah here we go here we go here we go and you keep a lot of speed that way you have to do it perfectly though yes yes and yeah yeah don't mind me I'm just doing some neck stretches this is called kill the mob boss find and kill the mob boss for one million dollars okay these are my parts get out of her fool oh really that's right where am I is this the mob boss or was this just a family enjoying a nice dinner well everyone just went off the balcony so I guess man this guy will not dude listen your house is mine man bye oh there's just a random levitating hand oh it's waving at me it's like hey gray all right my boss I I don't know who these people are but if they have any relation to you why is that man have a sword hanging in his pants it's like a tail but it's a sword what are they doing they're just fought each other to the death I wasn't even involved in that fight that was weird oh what the what is going on there's like a there's like a little invisible thing right there did you see that ah ah why does the mob balls have a crossbow should should he have like a gun or something you found me but you won't kill me I mean I don't think I'll have to try here we go [Music] this is called windmill Launcher 2. use the windmill to launch yourself through the thumbnail hole it's possible I promise thanks for the extra help wasn't sure I needed it all right not an idea it was that was not where I wanted to get launched so wait if you grab the coin you also win or oh guess we won't worry about that right now my arms all right the thumbnail hole is I was gonna say it's a little bit more difficult than you think whoa oh that's nice that's nice all right arms out oh oh god oh you're gonna need a lot of body you weren't kidding okay this looks good this looks good here we go here we go here we go oh it was right there I'm not giving up I'm going to get this I don't care what it is I'm wriggling okay I think the plan is we're gonna use if we can grab on to something which we did not do we need to aim like way more toward the ground oh I was there I made it are you kidding me oh oh I'm in the wall where how what no my arms my non-existent arms were holding me up you guys were my best friends and you betrayed me oh okay oh all right you definitely have to like grab on or something well there goes my foot the fact that my that my pogo stick gets in the way so much is amazing okay okay okay why is that the anti-cheat measure okay you have some time to try and do it you just gotta be really fast you know I don't want this thing anymore I don't want my legs either I don't want my lower half either all right I kind of wanted my lower half jump okay now down [Music] down ah okay oh oh oh you kidding me no joke I can get unreasonably close I can pretty much get to the entrance every this is interesting where does this bring me if I just fall here oh there's another coin there I don't want the coin I want the thumbnail hole okay I can get like my head over there oh how about if I jump off of the windmill oh no oh oh all right so I gotta like I'm just about there I am so close and then like bail oh my god oh let this happen let this happen I love watermelons I'm saving that eat us this is called GSP Pogo fight impossible that wasn't me it says this is impossible because of your worst nightmare can I leave no all right well where's my nightmare at click here to continue what happens if I don't oh I can't I literally can't leave all right well I guess I'll click here pirate who stole all of your watermelons what is he standing on this is like the giant zit of the Earth all right well there we go just your normal neighbor oh I'm not gonna have to injure anyone look at this everyone's fine now this guy is balancing a butcher's Cleaver on his toe which is kind of concerning so I guess I will have to use a little bit of self-defense here which uh like that is the next person could is he holding an entire floor uh I don't know how I'm supposed to beat that we're gonna we're gonna jump and we're gonna Boop him oh God ow oh that worked out really well I can't no oh the boy's trying to crush me man don't you do it oh my pogo stick is stuck inside the floor this is awkward um God this thing is in the way I'm trying to head butt it out of the way but it's so strong floor I need bro I I really need your helper brother out man I'm trying to escape the random bowels of the underworld I say that because there's pitchforks everywhere It's gotta be all right how about if I used my pogo stick as a weapon how about if I go under it how about that no okay this is unbelievably difficult uh wow all right through the pirate out of the way I'm taking your sword with me through the neighbor I love how the hat is following me the pirate hat it was awesome I don't I don't know but it's no okay how am I gonna do this um I have an idea all right we're gonna we're gonna jump and we're gonna tip it there we go there we go there we go perfect yes all right now I just need to make sure that I don't touch it and jump and and jump there we go oh okay it's fine it's fine as long as it doesn't it doesn't Corral me there we go no no no actually I'm kind of just pushing it I mean that works too I guess all right new plan we're gonna go backwards momentarily now we're gonna jump we're gonna land on the Pitchfork that's how you do it check you're worth the boss your worst nightmare it's a bunch of gladiuses do I need to I kind of don't want to touch it can I just go over it I think I can just go over it I lied oh it has a mind of its own okay all right I'm just gonna let that go let's go oh my god oh please don't please don't I gotta run we're running yeah if only escaping work was that easy this is called training for Arya I'm assuming that am I saying that right area Arya hello vaguely Dungeons and dragons-ish name you're not the best at video games so I have designed a course to train you okay can I leave your training no we should have designed a different course all right what do you do oh okay oh good you survived speed speed speed speed you got it whoa [Music] okay all right legitimate course all right can I leave this oh you're not already hold on I want to beat your actual course all right so let me let me try and do your real chorus here okay so down there we go now my leg my other leg through here no oh I've got so much speed I need to stop it all right slow there we go all right over the thing nice and easy lots of patience now for a bit of look I don't have any luck what kind of luck oh uh jet fall lock okay whoa whoa oh I'm a pro gamer yay this is called rope swing it's a rope swing I guess I don't know oh hello hey oh I almost died just then am I supposed to oh it's a uh it's one of the gear you know what it's called the thingy the flywheels the the turn Styles the murderous instruments oh okay all right you know what I had so much fun I wanted to do it again the conveyor belt that's what it is common name down the Chute and we're gonna slide okay I need a little bit of assistance I hope that you're not lying to me and you actually need to be laying this way and we're gonna fly upward Oh Long rope grab eat did I eat did we win yay I always get really concerned when I don't really know where the end is this is called vehicle Wars I'll remove the muscle car engine FX you got it there we go so what do you do why I guess I just go or oh wow oh this is It's like a holy Joe whoa okay oh this is full contact racing I had no idea really we're gonna do this forever we're just gonna get stuck here while everyone's beating us is that is that how this is working there we go Okay jump off the thing through the tractor you know what we're bringing the tractor with us why not into the you know the yeti area whoa oh my God there's so much going on in here but we didn't come in first we gotta come in first let's do this oh yeah big wheelies big wheelies big jumps tons of full flip didn't want to do it like that but that kind of ended up happening anyway okay no flips no flips we definitely have speed off the line it's probably from you know the ultra devil uh uh scar why would you do this to me we could have been in the lead why oh never mind we're still in the lead big jump with the yeadies oh full flip why is there a random child there there's people everywhere why this is a difficult race decent speed now I need a we need to really get lucky going off of this car and then not land with all the tires in the way yeah well I guess I'll just take this tire with me all right yeah you know what you take the you take the tractor I would appreciate that fantastic excuse me everyone Grace still plays coming through someone fell down the uh holy cow come on all right you know what I'm gonna do this like a I'm gonna do this like a bottle run yeah you know what fine you can ride you can write on top of my vehicle I'm just I'm gonna ask oh it's just a guy it's like a bunch of children trying to kill an amusement park ride why there's someone happy oh wow okay all right sorry kids out of the way I still don't know why this is happening oh we're coming in first no there's a truck there why don't you ruin this for me yay we came in first everyone to exploding including the trophy it's called feed to Karen I assume you have to feed the Karen this is a very healthy plate what happens if I go this way oh you can't all right oh God her her Blank Stare the eyes pouring into my soul am I supposed to am I supposed to make friends with the fro the Flies or am I supposed to murder them oh all right they are they are evil flies got it boom well that fly was a little bit more stalwart if you get stuck in the peas click the right side of the screen Flynn the fly uh-huh okay the Flies had nothing to do with anything or I had to murder them to finally ow get inside of Karen's mouth I guess I don't know where I'm going now that I'm here did I win is is being digested the prize oh you are actually inside of the digestive Trek there's a bunch of [Music] pasta oh whoa okay I love how this guy's just chilling out on a piece of corn he's like why what did I do to get here this guy's fishing for corn inside of the lake of uh stomach acid that's great so now I have to dodge all the Death blades oh no no no no no no no oh no okay all right and I don't have any corn there's tons of corn over to the left man all right so jump and conveyor belt and onto the prickly pears over here there we go that doesn't look very safe I have to click these or what happens now oh you have to break them okay so then break come on break them there we go you need height you need speed you need agility do not touch me glass I know you're very very volatile this glass see that right there right up the butt I knew it the glass will kill a man immediately so I have to dodge this one I think or go on top of it I really don't know [Music] oh come on baby oh oh okay I think I can break it I mean maybe I don't know ah there we go yeah oh M M's oh they're M M's they're deadly M M's that doesn't look safe oh boy this is very very heart palpitating oh god oh if I mess up even slightly God I love M Ms too but I'll never look at them the same I should have just let go of the pogo stick but this pogo stick has been with me my whole life there we go okay what is this oh oh no all right down the peas through the blades over the conveyor belt through the glass I'm getting a lot of height oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh don't you dare Oh no you're not taking Gray's life jump and bam now I stumped my brain oh boy oh that was almost unbelievably bad oh my helmet that ain't good why won't you break okay oh through the M Ms how long is this digestion right down here now you want to make sure that you're like right in the middle I guess kind of oh wow okay straight as an arrow oh oh I'm fine I'm fine everything's fine I don't have a lot of Limbs left but I might not need them yay I didn't need any of my limbs that means we have a winner well I got digested and it was the hardest thing I think I've ever done anything for this episode of Happy Wheels the next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,461,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, indie, impossible happy wheels, hw, best happy wheels moments, eating simulator happy wheels, eating sim happy wheels
Id: d0mcIjjxVT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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