They Let Me Drive a Cruise Ship And This Happened - Floating Sandbox

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can save Leonardo DiCaprio it's floating sandbox you can't save him but we're not going to the actual entire purpose of the game is to completely obliterate amazing ships in a Sandboxie physic setting but grey why is that cool let me show you damn it and over to the tools area and you got all your different items here there's even more than this but we're just I'm just gonna show you something let's say for a moment that wrong Caribbean pissed you off I don't know maybe they screwed up your ticket prices or something you can go ahead and with the power of you know Jurassic Park or whatever you hold dear lift up the item in question and then send it crashing down to the ground now the entire game simulates all of the particles of the ship so you get to see how everything interacts with each other as physics has its way with Royal Caribbean and causes the white and blue behemoths to take a dirt nap for evermore you can also manipulate basically everything in the game I mean you can manipulate everything like even stuff that really doesn't have any value in the game what's that you want more clouds I'm sure there you go boom that's a friggin boatload of cloud the friggin power goes crazy here and then the the boat fills up with water you ever wonder what would happen if you were inside of a sinking Royal Caribbean ship and then it suddenly hit the bottom of the ocean floor it's actually hitting the bottom of the ocean floor pretty fast that sucks yeah something right about like that at this point I would I think it's safe to say that there's there's no there's no level of survival for anyone left I didn't know this but apparently you can grab the bubbles Hey okay this is almost cooler than playing with the ship it's right now that I'm realizing just like how obnoxious this amount of clouds is tools slice top 10 anime fights 2019 BAM boom never felt they think quite so satisfying as being able to cut different parts of a boat and see how it reacts actually hold on I gotta try something everyone and their brother would you know you would so what we're gonna do here this is for the YouTube monetization right there there we go k1 guess what this is the outline of right there it's a it's a turkey that's that's actually it's actually what it is yeah it could also be like a really really turgid hot dog on a bun like the hot dog itself is very erect alright so all you have to do it's just like when you get bit by a zombie and you just cut off the part of the arm that got bit I'm sure if we cut this part of the boat off it won't get dragged down right there there we go see springing right back to life remote-controlled bomb you don't say oh that's a big-ass bomb okay there's a pretty decent amount of damage one thing I will mention well hold on let's completely overload this because I know everyone would want this to happen you can blow them all up in sequence and what you're left with is the sad broken outline of basically all the dreams of the internet what's funny is there's gonna be someone who it's not about how many people we've killed it's about how much we've littered into the ocean don't worry guys everyone knows that Royal Caribbean ships are all biodegradable how is this light still working stop that there we go what the hell is ultraviolet mode enables or disables the amplification of tool forces yes please bomb blast radius a lot one bomb should probably do the trick here yeah one bomb was plenty you see everyone in this area got lucky because they were vaporized immediately everyone else has to do the slow drown thing I know I know there's probably lifeboats but let's be real here who has been on a cruise before you remember the little training that they give you on how to use the lifeboats I don't either because by that time by the time the training comes around you're usually drunk okay antimatter bomb what does it do I've got to know is this something that like does it do something over time or does it take a minute I mean it sounds impressive and it sounds like the beginning of a Gregorian chant oh it's end to blow it up which makes sense it's for Leone Oh everybody um all right okay oh okay um let's try it without ultraviolet mode oh my god ultraviolet mode is hella violent blast radius let's bring this down to a more modest three hm s Thunder child you've got to get your HMS ass kicked oh it's so adorable I'm sorry oh yeah this is much less violent you can see right now the boat is very powerfully trying to resist the forces of evil unfortunately though as we learned in Spaceballs evil will always triumph because good is dumb this little outline of the ship going flying those aren't pieces of the ship by the way those are human limbs what happens when you swirl oh okay whoops oh wow how fast can this thing go all right we're starting to get a little bit of breakage in the middle here but the ship is still in one piece I don't know if this is realistic I'm not sure if the ship would last this long for sure okay the ship is leaving my line of sight okay there we go now we can move the scene while the ship slowly gets a little a little ventilation thing to unload I'm just aerating the ship I've got to clean it out real quick a lot of dampness inside it's like it's like damp damp X or red X or whatever just works a lot faster there's something just jettisoned off the boat I don't know what the hell that was come on baby give it to me what the hell that's the ship spinal column effectively right there that's all that's left I didn't think I hit it on the ground that hard this was worse than the antimatter bomb hi baby you can do it how far how can you zoom Jesus okay I think I think I may have gone slightly too far I didn't know that it would get quite so high I'm gonna go ahead and let this go this thing needs some help gonna grab it think I just broke the game I think the ship is gone there's not even parts left it's just gone okay so one of the things that you can do is like put pins in which keeps the boat where it is so what I want to do is put a bunch of pins in and then see if we can rip the boat in half through just sheer force here we go I can picture like Magneto right now giving it everything he's got as he tries to pull the cruise ship in half come on baby break in half you know you want to there it is nice that's pretty slick bad the the pins keep everything right where it is just because oh yeah it all just levitates because of the pins one more time that there we go perfect there's a lot of art to this game you may you may look at it and just say to yourself all you're really doing is destroying things worth you know I don't even know how much money but really it's it's almost like like Photoshop see the ships happy to be a part of the experiment impact bomb sure what kind of impact doesn't need wait a second if the boat falls to the bottom of the ocean hold on technically this would be an impact there we go oh yeah that's the stuff okay here we go yep work just how I thought it would how it's crumpling downward not quite like an accordion didn't crumple as bad as I thought it would these people over here could still be alive there's still some air over here so what happens if you do the antimatter bomb under the water like how about like way down here there we go see what this does just kind of curious because now everything's pretty far away from the center of the of the bomb itself and Happy New Year sorry for everyone who bought the all-you-can-drink package wave height like how ridiculous can it get [Laughter] these aren't waves it just looks like I don't even know it's just like putty or something flopping across the screen doesn't even have any impact on the boat it kind of looks like it does how about air base wind speed but 100 with wind gust amplitudes of times 10 okay the extra wind is like really starting to stress the body of the boat I kind of wonder if just through wind and waves alone the boat will break the boat's filling up with water because what happens if you like let the boat fall onto these waves we're also picking it up with the wind going like a hundred miles an hour or whatever it's doing so I'm just gonna let it fall on these ridiculous waves just to see if anything will really happen that's all right ocean depth not very much oh okay that's a lot less than I thought wait I get four bumpiness what does this do Oh it's inside of the ocean floor ocean floor detail I mean I don't know I guess a lot okay that was a lot more ridiculous than I thought actually you know what we're gonna keep it like this so what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna drag this how high up does this thing go oh my god we're gonna drag this thing away the hell up here if I can all right I wanted to see if I can get it between the goal posts I don't know how many points this is worth but this is my goal right here I don't think we're gonna get it I think it's gonna get skewered on this jutting perturbance right over here it's not gonna be good yep take a little off the top right there never seen a cruise ship get scalped before that was kind of interesting and the rest of it just gets stressed right here on the on the edge of this this Marianas Trench hellhole don't you worry we ended up getting a little bit more damage and plex tape guy would be friggin proud because right now the site of this underwater mountain is using this ship like a bottle opener also what's really cool is the other half of the ship is still just hanging up here on this thing seven hundred meters oh my god okay forget getting it between the goal posts again I want to fall back right in the one of these perfect just because we can there's a couple of impact bombs this thing is so big you can't even see the bomb you know if you just focus on the clouds it's so beautiful and peaceful and serene you wouldn't even think that a submarine is about to get split in half on a giant rock phallus you ain't never seen this before Leo havea maximum penetration I almost thought that it was gonna hold together and somehow it would just stay balancing on this piece over here is it still rock below oh yeah there's no water at all it's still just rock this side actually looks like it's going to get double penetrated this one kind of looks like it's gonna fall into this little V right here this game makes me realize how much I truly love Destruction because I could break this stuff all day long see that right there Gillette okay the best shave a submarine can get I think it's just gonna sit there so down here there goes the prop and hey this is the first time that none of the boat is got well sub in this case is going to get sunk so yeah that's pretty good I'm gonna turn ultraviolent mode on again but I'm gonna keep like the explosion amounts where they are I just want to see how much this changes things you always knew the Titanic was gonna get jacked alright so there's just like a generic smash I feel like that smashed a lot more than I thought it was going to smash would you smash the Titanic survey says sure would that was a pretty good smash I'm not gonna lie so how long did it take the Titanic to sink a long-ass time right at the iceberg I feel like I mean this wasn't really an iceberg we were kind of just evaporating part of the ship so this probably isn't the best comparison that we could have hold on leo is getting pulled under there you go I saved him does it make the swirl more violent yeah I had no idea I had no idea it was quite that violent alright screw that we're just gonna use this swirl here we go there it is there is nothing left of the ship there's a piece way the hell over here somehow from that so is the grab a lot more insane I'm guessing the grab is even worse - I don't really know what to say about that other than I should have known what to expect settling things in real quick just making sure we don't get too much movement right about there perfect hope you boys enjoyed this episode of floating sandbox cuz I sure as hell did anyway until the next time stay foxy and much love [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,105,283
Rating: 4.8600655 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, family friendly, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, sinking simulator, floating sandbox, floating simulator, ship simulator, ship simulator 2019, ship tycoon, sinking ship, cruise ship, cruise ship sinking, drive a cruise ship, cruise ship crash, cruise ship fails, floating sandbox titanic, floating sandbox game
Id: db4im-r3eaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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