when a bullet goes 1,000,000x light speed

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Zyber-officalyoutube 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
All right, we're checking out the only game where the breakfast of champion is lightspeed moving saw blades. Mm, it's Room Smash. So, last time, obviously, we had hacked all of the different weapons, but now we have involved all of the strongest items in here since there are so many and thus we will now be manipulating them to find out the true one-click world-ending weapon. I think the thing that really impresses me about the saw blade is how powerful it is at its base value. Okay, that[chuckles] that was so underwhelming. When it bounces, it's better. Look. [laughs] Actually, hold on. [laughs] Oh, when it ricochets off another one of them it goes ballistic. All this is looking like right now is someone over at Lowe's going postal. Anyway, by taking our saw blades and doing something like, oh, I don't know, say, upping the speed-- What the-- I think they're moving so fast at 10 you can hear it bouncing, but it doesn't-it doesn't-- Wait. [laughs] Look at all that. Do you see how [?] this guy got? Okay, may-may-maybe 10 isn't the right answer. What does it start at a hundred? Okay. So, 100, I guess, is baseline. There we are. So, [chuckles] okay, so we move it to, say, 500, how about now? [laughs] Now it's actually wrecking parts of the train when it hits. That's what I like to see. Okay, hold on. I think we need a room with more stuff to kill. Uh, yes, that moment when you get a D in physics. Perfect. Okay, so 500 is pretty nuts, let's move this up to 1,000 now. Obviously, eventually, this thing's going to be moving lightspeed. Okay, it's already moving pretty fast. I do appreciate that it comes to rest eventually. Whoa. Hey, real quick, what time is it? All right, let me see if I can get the-the computer without blowing him up. Ugh, try it again. Perfect. So, we're already going super fast, we could probably increase the force. All right, force of 10. Pretty bad. Force of 100. Yay. There's really nothing left of the room now. One single shot and everything is just in a pile of sadness [?] the screen. All right, I might as well go for it. Force of 1,000. Ready and go. [chuckles] I think at this point, we're gonna get more value out of the speed than the force. Speed 10,000. Hey, you want a cool science experiment? Here, I'm gonna go ahead and recreate the Big Bang Theory for you. [beep] I cannot believe who made this monitor. Okay, that's what was supposed to happen. Yeah. More. See, when you do the dummy-- Are you kidding me? This is like the John Wick of dummies that got shot like 30 times he's fine. Hey, if you take a saw blade to the knee will you stop being an adventurer? Oh. Oh, he's still going. Okay, you can take a lot of saw blades to the knees. For a moment there, he was just bathing in the saw blades. I love how it was probably the 300th saw blade that ended up causing him to just go into the shadow realm. His chair is chilling out up here in the ceiling too, "Bad night, huh? Yeah, it's better you just keep your head down because I'm about to put nines in here until it stops me." All right, game, go ahead. [laughs] That is one of those-- I love how there was just a vibrating [?] down here. That was one of the instances legitimately got to watch as the liquor shelves did in fact disintegrate. They just got atomized. Okay. I can-- I mean, I can slow it down. I don't really think it's gonna do very much. Go. [bang] Oh, no, you do get to see it completely disintegrate. I mean, that guy's body also disintegrated. Wonder if you can catch where the saw blade ended up at. So, I had this guy with the saw blade moving at like 3,000 at lightspeed, will it kill him or? Yeah. I love how he just tanks it. You-you're gonna get back up, aren't you? Yeah. Look, he's like, "I've got-I've got plates to clean," but if you-if you manage to hit the saw blade with the saw blade, come on, there it is, then this happens. I love how the rag that he uses to clean stuff is still in his hand. He's like, "Even in death, I will not let this go." I think that the saw blade is inside of his ankle. Look at it. Look. It's still pulsating violently. [chuckles] Okay, so there is the saw blade. Okay, do you wanna see something really ridiculous? So, the crossbow, everything down to one. Ready? [laughs] This guy is like, "I mean, what do I do? Do-do I keep cleaning or do I dodge?" And, come on, come on, poop. [chuckles] It didn't really hurt him, it just kind of rested on his forehead. Perhaps if I shoot a beer bottle. Will it even break the beer bottle moving this slow? Now I'm really curious what happens when I bring this crossbow bolt up to, you know, [?] Yeah, look, it just-- All it did was just stick into the beer bottle and that's it. It barely even knocked it over. This guy didn't even wake up. It wasn't even worth it. Okay, I need to know if I can knock down the glasses. Obviously, we're going to turn this force up to like a billion and then turn the speed up to a billion and see what happens. Yeah, barely able to knock the glasses over. Okay. So, if I keep it super slow but we take the force up to 100, like, will it do any more or is it just speed-related? I might actually hit this glass. I don't know if I'll-- Okay, good. It did get over the glass and [chuckles] into the counter there. Yeah, it's it's nothing. It's like playing depressed darts. Look at this, look at this sadness. They might get under the armpit. Oh, no. That was bullseye, though. Okay, so speed 10. This is probably closer to-- No, not really. [chuckles] I was gonna say maybe this is closer to something that would actually happen. We can actually break glasses now at least. All right, speed 100. There we go. Yeah, now, we're getting some damage done. We can even-- I'm pretty sure he didn't wake up. I love that he is using all of the countertop to protect himself now. There we go. "Hey, it's closing time. Get up, get up." [chuckles] All right, speed 1,000 and go. Okay. Getting some good damage in. [cluttering] Ooh. Oh, yeah. I'm doing a little redecorating. Keep cleaning. Everything's fine. All right, let me clear this out real quick. I need to get his knees showing. I think you know why. All right, Skyrim time. Still adventuring? Yes? Now? He didn't skip knee day. Look at this. Go down. [laughs] Oh, hold on. Max Ammo. Yeah, right. Here. There we are. [percussion] Yeah, I think, 1,000 really isn't even that bad. Well, I say not that bad and, you know, everything is pretty much disintegrated now. You know what? Let's go for a nice mid-mid-value here. We'll go-- I mean, 50,000 lightspeed mid-value. Go. Yeah. There it is. When you're wearing part of the bar, I feel like that's a good opportunity to re-evaluate whether or not you should stay here. All right, let me see if I can get rid of this table but have him stay where he is. Ready? [yelling] Whoops. [chuckles] As your thigh slowly rolls across the scene, let me take a moment to mention I didn't mean for that to happen. You weren't supposed to die. This is-this is a real instance where you gotta-you gotta ask yourself how many guys you can kill with one crossbow bolt. They have to get to ricochet. Not like that. No. Come on now. Oh, there we go, the panels. Okay. [?] I am really impressed. You know what we need? More speed. I'm not gonna go that high. We'll only go 100,000. All right, going for the knee. There it is. Adventuring over. Okay, got a random dude here from that. If I line them up perfectly -. Like, here is three guys right in a row. Oh my God. [laughs] Yeah, I got the-- I got two. Yeah, it's hard to get through the first one into the second one. It's more of just the body parts. It's like a highly pressurized beatdown. All right, I want everyone dead from this. Go. [shudders] No? Okay. It's not even-- It's actually going so fast it's going through this guy. Okay, that time it hit him. Go. Okay. How about if I slowed things down? There it is. Now, you get to see the limbs betraying everyone. Look at what happened to this young man. This guy is trying so hard to die, but he's stuck in the floor. He's like, "I can't just end this." [?] Yeah, yeah, there it is. Okay. Who's left? Who gets-who gets the-the award in the end for surviving this onslaught? [?] random crossbow bolt that just went through the middle of the screen. All right, let's take gravity away. I think this will do some craziness too. Oh my God, getting rid of gravity's amazing. This is the instance where one single crossbow bolt got rid of everyone. It went through every single dummy. They're all gone. I need to try this one more time just to make sure that wasn't a fluke. Go. Yes, removing gravity is amazing. It causes the damage from the crossbow bolt to be a thousand times worse. One bolt, everyone is dead. So, something that we can legitimately use force in is the magnet. See, normally, the magnet happens and it just kinda like does this, even if you have an instance with like a lot of stuff. See. This is honestly not too bad, but if we were to take the force up to, say, 100, see now things start to get a little bit more ridiculous. So, how about then force a 1,000? Eventually, this is going to create its own black hole. Told you. I don't actually know what happened. Let's slow things down. Slow, go. This is what it's like. It's like a hurricane inside of the bar. Oh, it finally happened. I destroyed the table, but this guy is still fine. Look, I mean, I'll get rid of him now. Okay, so how about if we take off gravity? Because that has a tendency to make things just get worse. Yeah. It's real bad. You know it's you know it's overpowered when it starts to take the direction of the camera that you see through in the game and move it like way down here. Grocery store. Oh, no, the watermelons. These watermelons are like, "Great, I thought you loved us. How could you do this?" It's far science. [laughs] All right, force 50,000. I'm actually really surprised at the-- Oh, no, you don't even get to see things anymore. It changed the force so much that it turned our character perception like 180. Look at it. [laughs] I love how you look away and when you look back everything is gone. It's like, "Hey, what's that behind you?" You're like, "Oh, I don't know, there there's really nothing there." It's just kind of a brown wall, and then you look back, give it a second, [laughs] and this is what you see. All right, here. We'll-we'll turn the gravity off. We're inside of the dance floor. Go ahead and click it real quick and when we get back-- Oh, it wasn't that bad? I mean, I say it wasn't that bad. This guy would probably be a differ since he's, you know, slowly melding into the ceiling. So, something I haven't done yet is violently overpower the-the tornado. So, this is kinda like your base level tornado. All right. Yeah. Throw some guys around, they're-they're slightly inconvenient. You can see they get back up. Actually, it looks more fun than anything else. See. So, what happens if you increase the speed of a tornado? Like if I turn this to 1,000, does it actually -. Man, I think this isn't so much a speed thing as a force thing. So, if we take force and we bring this up to 1,000. Okay, now it gets really bad. You can see, look at it. [laughs] No. Oh, what an amalgamation of horror. And are they gonna come back down? There we go. Hold on. Let me just-just increase them Max Ammo and increase the max instances. [laughs] Just because I wanna do this. There. All right. Let's see if anything is left. It's like a beautiful watercolor painting. You can hear the six-billion mile an hour wind speeds. All right, who's left? I think everyone's still-- Well, actually everyone except for this guy. I think most of the- most of the dance party's still live. All right, train contained whirlwind. Oh, yeah. Come on, rip those doors off the hinges. I wanna see that door come out. One of the doors came off. And look at how there's still three people riding to work. All right, we're doing it. All the force of the tornado. All right, super slow-mo. You know what? Hold on. Turn off gravity, go. Yes. Oh, God. [laughs] You guys get enough iron in your diet? Would you like a nice infusion of the train that you're riding on injected directly into your bloodstream? When this gets done, if-if everybody just stands back up, it's gonna blow my mind. All right. Yeah, look. I'm pretty sure this guy would stand back up if there was no-- You know, if there was gravity. All right. Radius, all of it. Go. I think the radius is so high right now that it's affecting things outside of the screen. Oh, never mind. Oh, God. [laughs] There it is. Look at it coming, I'm like, "It's so large that you can't even see anything." It's a tornado that's basically the size of the entire planet. [laughs] I turned off super slow-mo and now it is breaking the game. FPS simulator go. When they're done, you watch, there's still going to be some guy that just stands back up. Well, except for that dude because I'm pretty sure he got thrown outside of the train. His leg is still keeping him attached, though. He really doesn't want to leave. He's like-he's like, "I paid for this ticket. I'm not leaving." Look at how insane this is, there's still three guys inside the train and one body part outside the window. And now to finish things off, enjoy the twister from the underworld. And there you go, suddenly the world has a population of zero. So strange. Anyway folks, hope you like this episode of Room Smash. Until next time, [laughs] stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 985,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, ways the world could end, greystillplays, city smash, city smash game, city smash gameplay, and this happened, simulator, simulator games, mobile games, solar smash, room smash, room smash game, room smash gameplay, simulation games, simulator funny moments, funny moments, smash room, room, smash, graystillplays solar smash, mobile games 2021, room smash update, when a, speed of light, light speed, video game, video games
Id: p73g3WbU8W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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