Went to the Gym Once, Got Ripped - Gym Simulator

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alright so we're checking out the only game that uses the Unreal Engine to its full potential this is gym simulator that's right why go out and get fit when you can have a simulated experience doing the exact same thing where have we gone in game development at this point this game is things like 99 cents on the steam store and it has mixed reviews mixed that means it has better reviews than like Just Cause store the purpose of the game is to what's the description here get swole and pick up hot chicks I assume that over here we have our these are our hot chicks your choices consist of ID from Soul Calibur and I don't know it's like a drugged up Kate Winslet I'm really not sure supposedly you can interact with the the creatures in this game all right they don't they don't they don't pull any punches now supposedly this is a this is a totally accurate representation of fitness now I have to mention something there's all these different items that you can utilize to work out this guy's doing cardio this run that he's doing this is like the run that you use when you're trying to run away from the police speaking of which I think this is a Russian game but inside of this gym I don't know if I'm going to get swole or get shot it seems a little dingy whatever I think there's no real tutorial I think maybe you get okay yep that's your tutorial see the toggle camera mode oh this is us it's basically me in real life do we get an opportunity to see ourselves in the mirror no it's kind of like a Slenderman effect you never really get to clearly see what you look like some high def face hair right here so I guess there's a oh here we go choose an exercise and press E oh we have stats such as attractiveness and strength so can you talk to the men too or is it just that I feel kind of weird doing this like right up in this guy's grill but hold on this is why I love these games is it just me or is my character doing something very de monetization worthy in his shorts at the speed of light this is a new world record okay right now we are witnessing a new world record in gaming I have never seen one freaking Tali whacking themselves this speed hold on stop it cannot I can't I can't I can't break free of it my my arm is now love it - it's now in the back of my spine my my palm has fuse to my spinal it's free now okay everything's good can we talk to this guy I'm pretty sure we can here we go e hi get lost weirdo or I'll kick your ass it's good this is you know this is supposed to be the representation of the gym experience in Russia I think I'll just stay where I am it's a little disconcerting up dumbbells Oh fantastic it's a little disconcerting because like there's nothing like there's no sound effects or anything now how do you sure power partials if we want to beat picking up chicks over here we've got to make sure to step wait is that Tom oh my god alright two things real quick first off I I do appreciate that they voice acted the grunting for the workout and second thing is that I'm wearing a pair of plastic flip-flops to his feet that is not safe workout equipment it looks like this guy comes here often what the hell is he wearing he's wearing $2 Walmart plastic flip-flops alright I gotta try another exercise oh there's different ones too it's not just the same groan this right here is the best part about being a developer it's getting to do your own sound effects boys everyone to know what a Russian bear attack sounds like there it is baby I need to know I've got it I want to contact this guy and I want to do the sound effects for this kid hey ivy I just wanted to let you know I loved you in Soul Calibur the best part is you can hear like how far he is from the microphone that go inside of the room and stuff you don't get you can't get this experience from triple-a titles people I'm taking my dumbbells and I'm going home is there any way out of this game no it's possible that this is hell like you're trapped now you you're trapped once you're inside the game you don't leave you can't get out until your maximum strong our strength is going up pretty quick let's do a front raise maybe there's different sound effects for that um hold on were those I think those were similar to the what's it called the the power partials oh you have a body like when you look around you legit have a body hold on does that give you does that give you an even better workout experience hold on let me let me check this out over here so if we go ahead and we're going to do some curls and we look straight down how does it yes this is everything I wanted I will say this guy is fantastic at keeping his back straight and not swaying while doing curls what do you guys think what we think of this form right here that's a 10 out of 10 form look at how rigid his uh his upper arm is while he's curling hi there Kate you come here often still looser huh we'll see how you feel after 20 minutes of me doing bicep curls I think there's other exercises you can do other is there's squats sit-ups and push-ups sure what sort of insanity do you get when you start doing how am I talking to she's like 30 feet away thanks even across the gym this lady's talking trash we're like 6 minutes in and I've broken the game if I talk to anyone now I just talked to the lady out maybe I'm saying hello beauty to this guy alright we're fine I fixed it it's time to do some freaking situps oh yeah okay wait oh what a specimen this is Oh as you start to go up into the jawline the glories of this game become just so evident oh yeah oh it's great who wouldn't want to go out with this guy I'm really curious now like how could you have a better protagonist in any game than this this guy is this guy is better than Solid Snake this is the ryu of 2018 right here push-ups sure do we have to look at ourselves the way his head is shaped it's kind of like watching a squash do a sit-up or like a push-up you notice that he's got a very vegetable shaped head now supposedly there's real time body physics in this game that allow you to see okay I felt like our hand was starting to look like a salmon just kind of like a fillet of fish and it is but supposedly your body shape changes as you do exercises and whatnot in in real time here I don't know ours biceps getting any bigger I can't really tell because I'm too fixated on his massive melon head alright we're about half way now we're about a third of the way to being buff does anyone care now hello beautiful do you want to go to Cafe sorry but I'm helping my auntie today and tomorrow and when is it and probably to the end of the year okay so it's getting better she's not telling us to go piss off anymore at least she's just lying about being with her aunt forever sorry but I have a boy what do we just ask hold on do you want to go to the movies okay I have a boyfriend how about the Bros well the Bros talked to us yet hey man hi you wait I is er I don't know maybe I could help write up a script to this is next big game I can feel it right now how about this guy can you talk to him what's proper treadmill etiquette if there's like if there's like five treadmills open is it okay to pick the one directly next to the guy that's already running even though the rest of them are open let's do this hey man you love cardio - I what the hell where uh where's my right hand I don't what all right it looks pretty bad from this good that's good that's good job game well done well done you were running on the treadmill while massaging the berries what where have we mixed reviews mixed reviews I still have my hand in my shorts it's still there okay thank God I thought it was just going to stay in there the whole time I definitely feel like we're less skinny can you use this oh you can use the bar how do you pump fantastic that's what I'm talking about bar into the chicken simulator 2018 that's what this game needs it needs a 2018 after it I think this is going to be a top-selling title I find it interesting that when you're doing pull-ups you cease to exist like you're not in the mirror anymore your reflection gets destroyed I don't know why this is oh wait I do know why this is because it's gym simulator and it does whatever the hell it wants hello anorexic have you lost your mind Do You Know Who I am write down your address I don't even want to know nope no can I not click on this what I don't deny did we win did I get a hot chick I'm not fully stuffed up yet I think there's more stuff for us to do here can you use this punching bag oh you can this is better than most professional boxing games all those other scumbags that called us a anorexic skinny wimp loser are gonna pay after I beat at this bag for the next 30 minutes tell me you can do this in the third person yes you know they updated this game the developer actually did an update to this game I can't there's games out here that are a thousand times better and don't get updates what the hell I think you added like a new girl and like three new exercises is this a thing like is this legitimately going to be a game that he's going to continue working oh I'm getting so ripped that my my character's muscles are beginning to fuse into the shirt yeah I thought we would do some squats together this will we can gaze into each other's eyes as we both go down and up like this you can't skip leg day actually this girl does not skip leg day this girl's thighs are incredible like compare him to this girl's thighs she looks I'm not gonna lie she looks like like she could use a good meal what's scary is the form in the game isn't that bad he's getting down low baby low back straight head up this dude over here still running from the police okay our arms are turning into mashed potatoes it's so freaky it's look at how they look when you walk I'm sorry I need to get I need to get those glamour muscles going again we I want to hear it yes yeah who's the beefiest now buddy I even wonder if the same stuff that's offensive in the United States is offensive in Russia hello beautiful don't mind my dumbbell sitting inside of my ass cheeks very normal it's a new exercise hell up alright do you want to go to the movies with me let's do it you don't mind if I shove my forearm into your groin do you oh there's collision in the game look at that did you see it right there just a little bit the dumbbell is getting caught on this guy's tally weenus that's focus when you can keep running at this pace while someone is doing was this called again power partials right in front of your nose front raises I'm sorry right in front of your grill I gotta see if I can break this game a little bit more well let me get right up in this dude there we go but this does that do anything for you alright free colonoscopies today if I can get it up in there I'm trying I'm trying to get this thing as close to the to the rectal region as possible what the hell you can kick the kettlebell okay all right what oh I just teleported somewhere I'm pretty sure you can kick the kettlebells around what is that bottle of water floating for why has gravity turned off momentarily what is happening in this game we've gotten so strong that we've defeated gravity come in 2019 Jim simulator the most accurate experience of exercise in a game ever made one of the only experiences of exercise in a game ever made our strength is almost at maximum at this point we have completely busted out of our shirt to the point where it looks like some sort of fire or maybe a skin disease has begun to take over our flesh and meld the cotton material into our epidermal area we've almost done it we're almost the strongest man in the entire gym all we need is a few more I don't know what I want to do to finish this up maybe we'll punch this bag a few times the more I look at our character the more I feel like we're a band member from ZZ Top does everyone know who ZZ Top is y'all better know who ZZ Top is put your favorite ZZ Top song in the dispute in the comments section below we did it we're maxed out and I I think I'd rather just be thin we've traded our arms and for two turkey legs that you get at the theme parks our calves still look like chopsticks and as you get closer to the mirror it kind of appears as if though a bloody potato is approaching you can I leave yet can I please leave the game No hello good sir can I interest you in Ron Popeil new epic mashed potato beater 5000 you're gonna notice right here that my left hand is currently utilizing the epic mashed potato beater five thousand to the point where I'm breaking the speed of sound yes the crack in the air.you here is actually the spoon that I'm wielding cutting through the atmosphere now that I'm the biggest what kind of conversation shall we have but let me take my phone what is this game teaching us as you get bigger you immediately become a robber maybe we're just shaking dice really fast that's what's happening wow you are so handsome do you want to go for a walk only if I can climb at your hills these are some of the best pick-up lines I've ever seen in a game this is handcrafted such so lovingly what sort of in case you're wondering what I'm doing we're erasing the wrong answer on a test see we were filling out a multiple-choice test and unfortunately we meant to fill in b-but we filled in a so you have to erase it you know you can never erase the circle like completely no matter how hard you try well you can now if you do like 400 mountains of blow cane you too can move your eraser at the speed of light we did it we're the swellest most powerful this was the best use of my time in a game I've ever done and also before we leave let me share with you the base of a winner the face of a champion everyone say hello to Olaf bicep of itch all right everyone that's gonna be it for this episode of gym simulator I don't know what I played just now hold on there we go I just wanted my arm to be vibrating so fast that it creates an after image of itself until next time folks stay foxy and much love [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,750,572
Rating: 4.8566513 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, gym simulator, gym simulator steam, gym simulator game, gym simulator gameplay, gym sim, gym sims, workout simulator, workout simulator game, went to the gym, gym simulator 2018, simulator funny moments, body transformation, weight loss, home workout, how to lose weight, how to lose weight in one day
Id: LMuvpuIVG5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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