When you launch a BILLIONAIRE pet penguin into space

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All right, we're checking out the only game where you can jump so high, do you eventually head butt the moon? It's Learn to Fly 3 Now, Learn to Fly 3 is actually quite similar to Learn to Fly 1. The big difference is instead of flying, you know, left to right, we're flying up and I actually have to fly up. What? Auxiliary rockets, pressurized gas, spin booster. Yeah. Give me all that. Give me give me that. Now upgrade all this too. So I guess we do kind of get to fly a little bit. Oh, yeah. There we go. A little bit to the left and the right. But mostly you're trying to get to the moon. At least I think it's to the moon. It's totally possible that I'll hit the moon and break it. Was I about to run into a plane? I can buy a different penguin body. Trashcan, right. Sure. Let's go ahead and increase our spring here. I'd like to get to the point where the spring either breaks my neck or sends me out of orbit. Ah, I am literally- Oh, wow! Wow! I'm actually breaking part of the whatchamacallit Like the atmosphere, there's all kinds of cool stuff up here. What I was going to say is, if I get T-boned by a plane and I'm an endangered species, is that like a felony or like, who's responsible for that? I'm just gonna keep this going. How do you upgrade your box? It goes faster. Oh, it's a garbage crate. Look at me, Dad. I can fly. I just hit that plane. I totally just murdered whoever was in that plane. I am now. I am. I'm a murderous penguin at this point. I have killed another person or another human being. I don't know. It could have been a penguin flying the plane. at this point, I'm really not sure. More rockets. I love that there's so many penguins ready to die for their country. Let me get high. Hold on, I'm gonna- I'm going to land with my head first. I don't think I've done this yet. Oh, I'm actually so high that it won't let me hit my head on the ground. I can get permanent bonuses, increase the money earned. Yeah, I just noticed my coil has improved taste. Are you ready? 5000 feet in the air? Or is it like 5000 meters? I really don't know how high it is, but it's a lot. Oh, yeah. The money starting to roll in now. I'm gonna sell this and get something better. You get fired out of a gun. Oh, yeah. Sign me up for it. There is no way this is going to end poorly. Are you ready? Oh, yeah. Getting shot out of a gun is amazing. This is the best day of my life. 10.5 thousand. 10.5 thousand, what? Probably 10.5 thousand regrets. I need to upgrade my gun. I need to upgrade my gun as much as humanly possible. All right. I just want to see what the golden one does. Oh, the golden one is really good. 11,000. And I just found Flappy Bird. 12 thousand. 12 five. Yes. Where's Flappy Bird at? I know you're out here somewhere. Okay, I got to get better stages. Lemme sell these. What else we got here? Sonic burst. Like who's sonic? There's a Pulse jet?!? I'll do one of these here with the sonic burst. Oh, I didn't get a good bullet there. Okay. The sonic burst is, like, fairly amazing. Eventually, I'm going to be moving so fast that my penguin's flesh is just going to be, like, peeling away from his head. They even. Right now, I'm already breaking the sound barrier, trying to leave the atmosphere. Oh yeah. Give me another sonic burst. We just got the golden button. Oh, my God. Second one. Okay, 21,000! Okay, so now I need stage three so we can get up to, like, 30 something thousand at this point. I am selling these auxiliary rockets, and I'm buying these ones. I can't imagine anything going wrong here. Oh, these rockets are, uh... Oh, they actually like bust away from the, uh, from- It's not really a vehicle. It's just a garbage trash bin. But they actually bust away- Oh, I wanna kill this bird!!! Come here! Come here! Nooooo!!! Come back! I'm gonna wear this rocket kit from now on, too. Oh, I can get more boosts. Things are becoming, like, so absolutely ridiculous. Like, I can't imagine when I finally hit the red bullet in the gun. Like, how stupid things are going to get. Alright, I still- I should have like another- another chunklet. This is the last chunklet. Ehhhhh about 12- *chuckle* Senpai. I just noticed the cloud. Alright, best air time on that kit. Let me grab more of these. I want the multirockets! All right, we got a gold we got a gold gun there, so that was good. So this is going to get us at least 15,000. Like easy. There: 16,000. I almost just killed the- like, an entire family of four. Oh, come here. Just this one time... Head butt!!!! Brother Duff Bro Penguin out of nowhere with a steel chair. All right, now I can buy the multi rockets there. Yeah, we just got the red one. Oh, wow. Something actually knocked me out of the sky for a second there. I don't know what it was. I have so many multi rockets. This is so good. Come on. 23. 24. Ah the wind is starting to fight against me! 26. That's a new personal best. I can customize my penguin. I can give him a hat or a different hue. Body: Penguin, Penguinette, Baby. Take my money. Can I be a pink potato? Oh, you absolutely can. Come here. Yeah. And I want it. I want it, like, really saturated, like a YouTube thumbnail. There it is. Yeah, we're going to save those changes. I kind of want, like urine in green. Oh, there it is. Yeah, right there. Perfect. I'm moving onto a powder cannon. Now, to be fair, I did like my gun, but now I have an entire team. Yeah, just pour the powder in- AHHH!!! One of the penguins fell into it. I feel so bad. Oh, God. My pink potato is horrifying! Ow! All right, 14,000. That's- Considering, like, I murdered one of my best friends to make this happen That's not a bad start right now. We're going to buy the bullet. Oh, it's 25% off. I pour it for it. For it, Eric. Yeah. Or, or, or YEETUS!!!!!! All right. So far, so good. I think it's really heavy. Like, really heavy. Okay, so what it is, is you get another stage by being the bullet, but you lose out on your boosts. Why is there a doge cloud, like, literally on me? Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Right. There it is. That is a great amount of powder right there. Almost a perfect amount, I dare say. All right, now I can finally get another stage here. You get this RPG. Okay, first stage. Second stage. Sorry about that kite there. Third stage. And a little bit of rocket to make it all come together for 15,000. I'm still not out of the atmosphere. I got to at least leave the atmosphere. I got to at least leave the atmosphere. So I went up and just saved enough money to buy the best item you can get here. Now I have access to almost everything. And now you shall see. The true power of Penguinism! Oh my God! Oh, it's so good! Oh, we're going to hit. Like, this is just like the first attempt at doing this one, and we're going to hit 15 and a half thousand. This is going to get so good once I start upgrading all these. It's very heavy, right? MMORPGs. There is so many things going on in this penguin rocket at this point. Like, I have a lot of stuff. Oh, right. I've killed, like, two birds. Hold on. Let me see if I get a third bird. Three birds! Yeah, give me all of the money multipliers. Uh-huh! More! MORE!!! More, more. You can reduce gravity on Earth. Uh, Yeah. I don't know. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Okay. Earth's gravity seems okay so far. 6000, 8000, 9000, 10,000, 13,000. Okay, it's starting to get pretty ridiculous. 16,000, 17,000, 18,000, 18.5 Okay, now we have a pretty good baseline for the rocket. I'm going to upgrade this cannon so much, I wasn't really sure how much the upgraded cannon would do. We already passed 18,000. So it's it's pretty it's pretty useful. We're past 21,000. We're going to get 30,000 on this cannon more. And we are now officially breaking the sound barrier again. That is good. Okay, 18,000. Come on, 19,000. The atmosphere is give it to me. I want to taste that sweet ozone. What is 6000? Okay. All right. That should be good for, like, almost 1000 bucks at this point. Here, watch: $789!!! Alright, keep upgrading the cannon. I think I'm gonna upgrade this next. What does this do more top speed or just more power? Probably just more power. Oh. So anyway, a thousand rather than 24,000 26,000! Get outta the way, Flappy Bird. I don't have time for you. 30,000! 32! 33. Just barely touched it. Total altitude. Over $1,000 a shot. More cannons! Okay. We got the perfect amount of powder. We are already past 30,000. You gain, like, an extra, like 10,000 an upgrade on this thing. It's incredible! 41,000- There's a baloon up there! on. A glider. I'm so sorry. He was playing the first game while he was. $1,435!!! I had a special coin to earn double the money on this next take-off. We're going to earn double the money so that we can keep upgrading things. Oh, my God! For a second there, I thought the game actually froze. Okay. 37,000. 38,000. Come on. We're flying with the wind here. This is perfect. 42,000, 44, 44.5. Hey, it's a new rack guard. That's a lot of money. I do love our powder cannon, but the time has come to buy the nuclear reactor. And then- Of course... *laughter* Why???? Alright, I'm gonna buy- I'm gonna use another one of these. so we can keep earning more and more stupid amounts of money. He's mixing the- Ahhhh!!!! *laughter* Okay. 35, alright. 37. 39. Okay. 41. Now this is only like level two, you understand? Like, we haven't even really upgraded this thing that much. All right, so it's it's like level two upgrade starts us off at 45,000. That's not too bad, considering that's the best altitude we've ever gotten. And I just got 2500 more dollars. Mix it!!! Yes!!! just got 46 almost. of the stars even better. Tons of Bests!!! All right, so now we can upgrade this level two. Make the ridicu- What did he do? Did he just spit it all- All over the wiring. I'm not actually going to use- There we go. I'm going to use my rockets kind of when I start getting close to- yeah here we go. here we go. 49, 50, 51. Out of the way, 52, 54, 55 and a half. Is there someone else in here with me? Do I have a copilot? Who's actually flying with the pink potato? A little bit more money and I can buy a shuttle reactor. I mean, I don't know how good it is, but I'm willing to pay for it. Give me the shuttle reactor. Also. You know what? Yeah. Give me a slightly better space shuttle, why not? More launch power. Secret ingredient. Sure. Yeah, I'll pay for it. I don't care. Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah. And we have lift off! All right. I think- I think we might get a little bit higher than- How many more things do I have to kill on my way up? I was going to say, I think we might get a little bit higher than 50. Well, we're getting higher than 60, too. We might actually go to 70. This thing is still going. That stage is amazing. I need to get three of those. 79, 80, 83, 85!!! 86 almost! Wow. Yeah. Let me just. Am I pooping? That's what caused me to fire out of- -out of the nuclear power plant. Are you kidding me? All right, now the first stage is still going. That's how crazy this is. It's still going. That was a helicopter- OW!!! It's like a military- OUCH!!! So much stuff up here. I didn't expect there to be quite so many. It's very, very crowded up here. $4,200 All right. Sell this. Another shuttle reactor. All right. Are you ready for- Back on the toilet... What will happen with two shuttle reactors? Okay. So they keep keep boosting a little bit here. 33, 34. We're not even we're not even done. We're not even halfway done with the first shuttle reactor. I also have terrible rockets. I've just been spending all of my money on the reactors because they're amazing. So 53, it's going to end up we're going to end up being done with it in a second here. And okay. So now finally, there's the second one. 63, 64, 67, 69, 71. All right. The winds have kind of shifted this way, so we're going to go with them. 77, the winds are shifting this way now. Okay. They're really starting to blow. 83, 84, 86. Winds have stopped. 89. New rocket. There's a banana for some reason. Okay. I'm in a blizzard now. 96, 97. Okay. We're easily going to be able to get over 100 once I do these upgrades. You know what? Let's see what a real rocket booster does. And, just because I can, more reactor. If we can't get over 100,000, I mean, it's like not even worth it- Oh my God!!! Fire the boosts! Oh, it's blood red. It's carnage! More!!! These things are amazing. This thing is incredible. I should have had this boost long ago. Oh, my God. We're not even- Ow!!! I was going to say there's still so much left on this stage, and we're getting very close to 100,000. There it is!!! YESSS!!! The stage is still going... 110... I am not even sure if my penguin is still alive, technically. I mean, there's no oxygen up here, I'm pretty sure. Hopefully the inside of this rocket ship is pressurized. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that we're going to get the best altitude. I put another reactor on there. The reactors are starting to get out of hand, man. Like, we've got a lot of reactors at this point. There is so much nuclear power in this ship, like the area that I just left on the ground. Like nothing's going to be able to survive there. It's just going to be one charred nuclear wasteland. I like how slow and kind of timidly I'm raising up to the 100,000 area just because it's all just these, like, nice, slow stages here. 90,000. Like, it's no big deal. Like, we don't even care at this point. 96,000. Yeah, that's fine. 98? Mhmm. 100. Yeah. 101. Flight time just got beat. That's pretty cool. 106. 107. 108. I'm pretty sure that guy was going to heal all of the other people that I've murdered. I feel kind of bad about that. 117.5 118. Sorry, had to get that last little bit. There's no there's no gravity here. Wow. All right. I mean, you knew you knew this was coming, right? Oh, yeah. All right. We're dropping in an actual ride of nuclear power at this point. That's pretty hot. All right. Let me start to use the the boosters here. We definitely need them. Okay, ummm... Kind of losing speed a little bit here. That's all right, though. We've managed to dodge all of the bird's eye. Okay. Except for that bird. That bird did indeed get murdered. So, um, I still have two stages left. And we're passing 93,000, like, right now. Yeah, 110,000 114,000. The stage still isn't over yet. Oh, my God. 123. Okay, now we're passing literal fighter jets. I'm not really sure what that was next to me. There's a giant blimp. Oh, we're leaving the atmosphere. We're starting to breach it. Okay, this is happening. I told you we weren't going to stop until we left the atmosphere. Come on, baby. Come on. 150. How is your still snow up here? There should be no snow here. Okay. The actual sky is starting to turn into, like, night. So we're getting there. We just need a little bit more power. More! More. And we have Penguin Death in 3 to 1. And we have Penguin Death in 3, 2, 1. Okay. The peng- The penguin took off a lot faster than I actually previously considered. Okay. The peng- The penguin took off a lot faster than I actually previously considered. Okay. Like I said, we're we're kind of in this for the long haul now. It's like the tortoise and the hare. Like I can use my rockets here, but the real benefit is these nice, long stages. All right? We're not, even though we're the first stage and we're at 71,000. Okay, so stage two happens 75,000, 77. I'm gonna try and point up, like, as best as possible here, despite all of the winds and stuff, not actually even going to fly into the winds. I'm just going to fly upward perfectly. Okay. I just killed someone else trying to do what I'm doing. Only difference is, is his rockets weren't quite as new age is mine, I guess. His funding was a little- AHHH!!! Sorry! His funding was a little lacking. 134. 138. We're now past 140 and we still have another stage. We're gonna get- We might even get to like 200 or something like that. I don't know if we'll get that high- I gotta- Sorry, I gotta dodge all these fighter jets just chilling out up here. Is that an asteroid?!? Ahhhh!!! Was that, like, a VHS player? I kind of missed it. Because I'm not sure what it was. It could have been it could have been the antagonist to that one, Superman, like just chilling out in the random mirror that is there a prison for all eternity. More! MORE!!!! Better space shuttle. Better space shuttle. Drop in the rod because we're going hot. First shot out of the nuclear reactor. It was, I think, 50,000. That is absurd. We're at 154,000. And I still have this entire other stage left. We are 100% going to break. 200,000. That was a spaceship. I am I am in the middle of the aliens at this point. I am in deep space. Another alien. I kind of don't want to hit him, because I want to go as high as possible. Okay. Reaching space. 10,000, 9000, 9.8 Okay. We can do this. More! Yeah! One more and I can get the next boost. I mean, we're going to get it. We're going to get to space. But I guess it's one of those things where we can get to space even more-er. All right. So at this point, first stage isn't even done yet and we're almost at 100,000. Second- Oh, sorry about that, banana plane. Second stage kicks in 110,000. A third stage finally kicking it at 130. I love that it's still snowing up here like I'm passing the Saturn at this point. There's some space debris. And for some reason, it was still snowing up here. Okay, ready? Space. 13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Comet! 4, 3, 2, 1! YESSSS!!!! *laughter* And we've reached penguin in space! Now he's going to explode like a baked potato because of the pressure out here. Well, folks, I literally took a potato to space. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this episode of Learn to Fly 3. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,395,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, learn to fly, flash games, learn to fly speedrun, penguin, speedrun, learn to fly 3, funny, flash, learn to fly flash game, learn to fly gameplay, learn to fly flash, learn to fly 2, gameplay, learn to fly world record, pc, eazyspeezy, flash game speedrun, when you, launch your pet penguin, into space, launch a BILLIONAIRE pet penguin, launch a BILLIONAIRE pet penguin into space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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