When you hit the ground at 9,587,011 mph

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you can literally draw your way out of your own existence. It's Draw Flights. Oh, yes, yes. It's pretty easy. Basically, you can draw whatever your character needs to do to get to the end. Now you'll notice right here we have a yeet. However, the bottom part of the E in the secondary area is pretty low to this, and so he immediately drowns. Obviously the easy thing, right, would just be to go over like this. But then just because I can I'm going to go like this and just see what happens. So if I hit this, will I kind of, like, ricochet and land- All right, I guess I didn't really have to- Whoa! Oh no! I mean, I have to do it just to know what happens. Okay. Can I. Can I actually, like, dance on top of it? If I if I kind of go, like, right here. I've technically made it to the end. I just wasn't alive when I got there. So how far am I allowed to fall and still technically win? Oh, my character's aerodynamics is actually a lot more than I thought it would be. How about there? Oh, yeah, right there. Perfect. Right now, things are actually getting a little bit difficult because I have to go around the death the death spiral in order to get onto the putting green. I can get in a tube. Yeah, sure. I'll spend 50 coins for a new tube. What? I got a bird. Wow. I am actually holding on to the bird's feet. All right, my little woodland friend. Bring me to victory. Yes. Oh, your little tweety thing. Perfect I like how when- when the going gets tough, they just add more of these. No problem. Just need to go around the bladey things. Can I just, like, draw straight out of the game? Like, what if I do? Does it? Oh, all right. So I can draw myself out of the game, but I want to do it, like over here. Maybe I can get enough space. Even if my toe touches it, I die??? Joy, I have an idea what happens if you like curlicue and then flip. Will he? We kind of like gain momentum. Nope. The thing I did was get the saw right up of the butt. That's fine. And now we can do the curlicue and then end up with the- All right, Bird, you're not working with me. I can just draw completely off the side of the screen. That is fantastic. Okay, how about here? That should be good. Lots of speed, lots of momentum. And then my bird betrays me. How about, like, here. Like that. There. Okay. Yes. And I even survived. Is that a- Is that a cannon? Wait, when does it fire? Hold on. Like if I.. If I go here. Will it- Would shoot me while I'm, like, in the middle of it- Oh! Nothing like a face full of cannonball. All right, that's fine. We can just go around it, right? Can I just. Can I, like, rest on it? Oh, all right. Double cannons. But they're both nowhere near where I want to go,. Hellllllp. And then just kind of- Now it kind of looks like Heller. But I just wanted that piece to end with a little bit of a dip so my guy could possibly touch the putting green here. Oh, it sure did shoot at me. He gave the green a high five, and it totally counted. All right, so if I just fall really fast. Ow! Okay, so if I fall a little faster. Faster. Okay. There's no way to do this. You have to go around the back. It's the only way and then land here. How about that? Now my toe way around the back and then up and then let go. How about that? Looking good. Still alive. Lots of cannonballs and flying, but it's no big deal. And my toes touch the water. I'm allergic to water. I'm actually a very terrible human being. I'm not really a Florida man if I'm allergic to water. I love how winning is just touching the end, even if it's for, like, the most minuscule second. Oh, now it's just lava everywhere. All right, so do you burn if you touch the fire? Yup. Do you burn if you touch the lava? Let's find out. I know. This guy's like, "Gray-" Oh, wow. He actually disintegrates. This guy's like, "Do you have to do all of your tests in the most painful way?" Yes, that's the point. It's fine, though, we can actually go around this way and you shouldn't touch the fire. See? And he didn't go into the lava. I saved him. Now, what else can I buy? Oh, this is interesting. And get it like a different draw type. My draw type is footprints. Actually, they're not even footprints. They're like paw prints. So how does- Oh, okay. This makes a lot of sense. It's a bird following what looks like dog prints, whatever. I ended up having to go around this, like, the most obtrusive way possible, but I think it's still going to work. Perfect. I'm burning slowly alive. Huh? Don't get a lot of space here. You need to, like, just barely get shucked out here, and it should work. Okay. Backhanded the wind. What are these, blueberries? Are they, like, violent blueberries? What do they do? They don't do anything. What happens if I touch the violent blueberry? I just sit on it. That's not too bad. I can probably actually fly the rest of the way. No, I can fly the rest of the way. Slightly up here. There it is. Boom. Okay, so you can kind of ricochet off those. What is this? Oh, I'm not allowed to draw here. Right. Is that what this is? I'm guessing. Yep. Okay, so that's where it ends. But other than that, though, I can. I can rip my guys arms out of their sockets. Oh, he is starting to glitch. Okay, hold on. Now that I know that that's possible. I need it. Come on. More, more, more. Okay. Come on. Come on. Come on, flip. I want to see your arms go into different dimensions. Different states of being. Come on, baby. Yeah. Here we go. One of the hands actually started to, like, break off, but then it got back down. Oh, I'm like a gymnast. I'm like a gymnast with no bones. You don't need bones where we're going. Okay. I don't actually remember where the end is here. I hope I ended in the right spot. So he has maybe, like, even the slightest potential to survive this. It's still going. I didn't realize- I didn't realize that there's really no limit to how much you could draw. This poor guy. Oh. I mean, literally, I could just go like this. See you don't you don't really have to- Oh. I was going to say, you don't really have to do very much as long as when he lets go. He's kind of in the direction of the flag. So like here we can go around this way and then probably let go like right here. And I think my, my, like my back toe will hit it- Oh. I still want I still want to try this. I feel like I can do this, Man. All right, how about over here? There. That has to be good, right? Come on. Backhand it. Backhand it. I am prepared to sacrifice your body as many times as it takes for this to work. Since you know it's not me. You could go all the way. Yes. Okay. So now the target is above me. I mean, again, all I have to do is just touch it, right? Like I don't even have to, like, exist on it. I just have to be there. There we go. I can buy something new. What is this? A different flag? Is this just literal barbed wire now? So what you do is will actually have him kind of get released over here. I don't want my toes to touch the barbed wire because that spells instant death. Look at that. And he's sitting up. Okay, again, this is fine. Okay. Even though we could get melted down by the toxic waste, we'll just come around the back over here. See? There you are. Don't really know what's holding up this barbed wire. Maybe it's just its own. Its own tenacity. Perfect. Now we're getting barbed wire shapes. See, it's a barbed wire, isosceles triangle. Because why wouldn't it be Come on, little bluebird. Bring me to bring me to victory, okay? Or drop me to my death. Oh, now it's moving. Okay, now I have something- Hold on, I need something new for this. Actually enjoyed my bird, but I'm just curious. What else? Rockets. Okay, go. Go now. Oh, yeah. Ow! I didn't know his wings were quite so sharp. How about this? Got it. I love that it's actual fire just spewing out of my rockets. We're going to go around this. See? We can- Okay... Or we can slowly get our flesh melted off of our body. Guess I'm going to have to go like this. Maybe. Okay, good enough. Oh, you are really starting to give me very few areas to succeed, aren't you? So again, like, he's just going to have to barely touch this thing. So you get to survive, but only for, like, half a second before you melt. Oh. Okay. So you can't even touch the barbed wire underneath. Okay, I'm gonna have him, like, jump a little bit. There. Okay. Perfect. Somehow he managed to live through that, too. This is easy. We're just going to kind of skate close to the barbed wire and through the knees. Kind of the same with the barbed wire just down a little bit here. It's like taking an elevator, but the elevator ends up with you dying. Just going to do this because I can and then end up here. So there we go. It's actually not that fast of a back and forth like it might make him dizzy and cause him to vomit, but. Oh, come on. Well, actually, I'm still allowed to draw through this. Like, my body can go through this. It's just my little rockets can't. So this is still a success. Here we go. Okay, now it's lightning. What else we got for the directional pad? Paw prints to chevrons. Sure. Do I have the space to do this? Like, can I. Can I do it like this? Will my toe hit the bottom? Okay. Luckily, his floppy body, his floppy, boneless body makes this a lot easier than you think. So we'll kind of, you know, skate close to this go. And now he needs to kind of kick his legs up. Otherwise he will fry or I'll we can go up high and then drop it off this way. Now, hopefully it doesn't go too fast, otherwise he'll end up, like cartwheeling through the air and then get electrocuted. Perfect. What am I looking at? What is this? Is this a- Oh, it's like a big piece of concrete. How about if we go up? Ow!!! Okay, we're going to juke it. Okay, we're going to go up. Then we're going to go down. Then we're going to let go. Watch this! Oh! Oh! Heyyyy!!! Okay, more lightning. No big deal. Yeet! Ow. Okay, it was a slight deal. Just got a very violent tan. I mean, I guess I could just, like, lower him down like this there. Perfect. Okay. So now it's the lightning on both sides and a moving concrete pad and the flag is up above me, so I can't go below because then I'll touch the water and die. and I can't just go straight up because then I'll hit this thing and die that way. Oh, actually, hold on. That's- That works out perfectly. In fact, I don't even need to do it that way. I could just go like this. Go around this way, come up here and then land. Or he could let go and just die immediately. I don't know why he did that. Oh, it's touching. Okay, so go up and just, you know, kind of do nothing over here for a little bit, then continue to go up, then go around, touch it. *gibberish* Perfect. Yes. Oh, man. Okay, so now I can't draw over here. Well, go up. Give him whiplash. Okay, then we're to go up here, wrap around and up with the wind. Okay, whiplash. And then up and over and flip and do and perfect. This is easy. We're just going to drop him. This literally looks like the exact same thing, except I start over to the side. Oh, all right. That was slightly tougher. So here, then get rid of the momentum and then drop. Oh, wow. All I did was gain momentum. You know what? We're going to lower him nice and smooth in the ground there. Nice. Hmm. Can you, like, tense up your body just a little bit? I can't believe this is turning out to be, like, the hardest one. Okay. Here. No. Slightly more distance. Perfect. Yeah. Am I missing something, or is this just really simple? Is this. This just looks like you're going up and then you drop off and you win. That was incredibly easy. Okay, things are getting a little bit more ridiculous now. Uh, okay. It's fine. All we have to do is time it. Wait for it now. Okay. So my legs are allowed to touch this pole. There's just not allowed to touch the head. Perfect. Okay, now I'm actually just doing this through space. Lovely. Now, my toe. My toe in this game contains all of my vital organs. You know what? We're going to go underneath it. How about that? There. Annnnnd whoop! Oh, now I just. I can't, like. I can't draw my way to it. And now I- You know what? It's fine, because we should get enough space there. Okay, now, I can't draw below it, but that's okay. I thought maybe my shoelaces would've touched it. I really want to, like, get a lot of momentum and do a big backflip on to this. Here we go. And that is not a flip at all. Well, he backflipped, but it was after he broke his face. Now you just can't draw anywhere near it. Okay, that's fine. Still plenty of speed to get there. Yup. Now it's three quarters of the board you're not allowed to draw on. Okay. Hold on. I think I need. Oh, I can get a new flag. It's an avocado. I literally have an avocado flag now. You know what? Sure. Okay. We're going with the big jump here, and that was a total miss. All right. One. Two. Three. There was a big twist here. Big twist. Come on, baby. Didn't really twist that much. I think we're going to get it. But it was- Wow, he just lost all of his momentum. So how about if we make it sharp and then long and then sharp and then long and then sharp and then kind of end up here. Uhhhh... That doesn't really do too much either. I mean, it's going to work. He's going to get there. Don't mind me. Just drawing the old Floridian shotgun There it is. I'm probably going to make this. Kind of looks more like a laser gun. But, you know, whatever. And off the trigger! No. I wonder if I can go- I wonder if I can do this backwards... I'm going to I'm going to try and get this backwards. Boop. That was too much. Alright backwards, but release here. There it is. Uhhhh.... Oh, wait. Can I just, like, roll down this hil? Hold on. Or not. Okay, let's roll down the hill. But do it here. Alright, now tumble. Oh my spine! Wow. I can't touch this at all. I mean, I can just go around it, I guess, right? Like, I can go this way. This should work, I think. And, yeah, it works. Guys with guns. Can I kick them? If I kick them what happens? I did not kick them. I just got shot. How about now? Oh, wow. They are very, very stalwart individuals. They just act as literal brick walls. So I have to go underneath them. Do it this way. That should work just fine. Now they're facing both directions. Maybe... Maybe I can make it like this. Don't shoot me in the toe! How- How far- Maybe if I go way out here like this. Maybe he won't know to shoot me. Ohhhh!!! Oh my God! Luckily, the bullets are slow Okay, now there's two slabs of concrete. Can I go over it? Do they move? They don't. Oh, all right. That's not too bad. I have no idea what that is. I'm just going to hit it and see what happens. Ow! Ow! I should have known. All it is is pain. That's fine. I'll go around the back end over here, I guess. Annnnnnnnnnd good. Uhhhhhhhh.... Great. I'm going to get stabbed with sharp blueberry scones. I think. I assume if I touch these, it's not good. Huh. I landed, like, perfectly, too. Okay, now we have blueberry scones and malnourished blueberry scones. It's kind of odd, but whatever. Go my rockets. What is this? It's like a frozen Dorito? Okay. There we go. That should do it. That- That might actually throw me too far. Oh, never mind. I was fortunate enough to die before I could mess up. That's good. All right, so we're going to go right off the board, then we're going to come back down onto the board and land it. So what we're going to do is we're going to come around this way and then it's going to be a big snake because they're going to go back around this way. And then in the end, we will have drawn a peanut. That's- That's my plan. Soooooooo.... whoop! And. Oh, yeah. Full flip. That's nice. This is this is actually a very controlled landing. Watch this. Sticks the landing. The ice is getting smarter now. It's trying to valiantly protect the putting green over here. But luckily, my avocado and I are best friends. I'm going to sleep on my avocado, now. Now, just want to see what would happen. Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Haha! There. Now obviously at some point he's just going to hit the arrow and then later, you know, it will it won't go any further, I assume, like I I'm not allowed to touch it and continue to play the game. I would guess. I'm just trying to see if I can get his arms ripped off of his body. I am valiantly trying. You can see his arms starting to move through the time space continuum over here. They are- They're traveling to a different realm of existence at this point. He is still- His grip is legendary. Like the fact that he is still holding on is incredible. I- I think I actually touched it. Didn't give it to me, though. All right. You know what? After all that agony, I will let him have his putting green, and he can rest his face against the arrow. cannonballs, barbed wire, more, he has drawn his way to eternal slumber. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Draw Flights. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 989,255
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, funny, games, best games, game, draw flights, drawing, drawing puzzle, ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎draw flights drawing puzzle, draw flights drawing puzzle, draw flights game, draw flights gameplay, android games, android game, draw flights drawing puzzle gameplay, puzzle, draw
Id: EfZY2sgB5vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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