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Alright. We're checking out the only game where you can backhand physics so hard that it will eventually launch you into space. It's Skate 3. So, uh, yeah, Skate 3 is a game that has an entire open world that you can enjoy and you can get points and go through the hall of meat. Rookie numbers, couple of hundred points, a couple of thousand points, not good enough. Today, I will go all throughout this game in an effort to break whatever I can possibly find in it. First things first though, I need to make a character. That looks too realistic. Yeah, let's give him like a gland problem. There we are. Facial presets, huh? Yeah, we gotta customize this. These are terrible, and by terrible I mean, they're actually too good for me to use. Skate 3 has all kinds of different things that you can do, but honestly, all I want to do is somehow get to space. All right. Yeah. Wider, higher. Okay. Now he just looks afraid. Well, actually that's probably good. He should be afraid. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Now, is- can I get more of a unibrow? Uh, well, I can- I can make his head jut out like he has a giant cancerous growth on his skull. That's perfect rotation. A brow rotation. Oh, it just makes him look kind of like regretful or angry. Let's go with regretful and yeah, let's-- I'm giving him basic-- It looks basically like he has a gigantic, swollen forehead. Considering how many times he's going to be smashing the pavement, that makes sense. Yeah. More length for the nose, more width for the nose. All the def-- By definition, all it means it looks like I'm chewing on a gigantic frisbee. All the-- I'm putting all this up. [LAUGHS] God. [LAUGHS] And there we go. Congratulations, we've effectively just made Mr. potato head the skater. Actually, hold on, let me, uh, no. Ah, there we go. Basically, I want him to look like a bowler who instead took up skating. That is- that is hideous, which means it's absolutely perfect. All right. I'm here to break infinite bones and drink Bud Light. And I-I actually still have plenty of Bud Light, which is good. Maybe it'll dull the pain. First things first, [LAUGHS] I had to at least get in there and break the first bone, you know, you have to get that out of the way right off the bat. So the idea is- is the Hall of Meat basically shows you all of the damage that you take and how much points you get by doing dumb sh*t in the game. So my plan is, is we both know there's a way to break this game. There's probably multiple ways to break the game, so I'm here to try and find all of them. I love your pickup truck, I hope you don't mind if I just-- Oh my God, what's the speed limit here. Jesus. [GRUNTS] I think I managed to break all four limbs. That's not too bad. So my very first idea is if I can get an insane amount of speed and maybe get hit by a vehicle or something like that, I may be able to get into at least like to 10,000. See right there, 5,200 points. Not good enough. I just realized too, I'm in the nicest part of town, and I look- I look like I'm the type of person that sells illicit drugs to everyone's teenager. Holly Jesus. Hey, ma'am, have you seen my hypothalamus? I left it. I didn't know that there was like a GTA fighting portion to this game. I'm not really like punching, I think these are supposed to be my little- my little like, yay, I'm so impressive in skating. What are you gonna do? You gonna call the police? You gonna call the police? Huh? She's like, "No, I'm just trying to find a way out of this game." What the hell? Did I just get tased? I didn't know they could tase you in Skate 3. Yeet. Perfect landing right on the skull. Luckily I've got-- Oh, oh. Hey, I didn't know you could flop around like a fish to get extra points. Oh, we're going- we're going way past 50,000. The other problem is, like I said, I-I have to find a way to get to space. Just getting points and taking damage isn't good enough. Usually, there's a way to at least, you know, destroy the realm of physics in these games. Like I said, for some reason, this frigging neighborhood, the speed limit's like 400 miles an hour, so here we-- Come on, baby. Oh, there's no cars coming into-- What the hell? Aw. Okay, we're going for the legit intimate skate park. This might be-- I'm pretty sure I just caught my wiener on that bar. My doctor's gonna be like, "Gray, how sterile, are you?" The answer is yes. Yeet, and look at that land. See, I actually know what I'm-- Mmm. I was gonna say, "I actually know what I'm doing." Yeah, the flopping like a fish definitely works. I just need a bigger hole to land in. That sounded really bad. You know what I mean. I love how all the damage to my physics professor reject stays. This is my new favorite place in the entire game. That is a freaking shark behind me. I'm going to break my spine on his dorsal fin. I love how there's another lady over there, she has the same idea. She's probably like, "Don't you touch that shark." I'm going to paralyze myself upon it. I love how they literally put a perfect ramp just right to the shark. You ready for this? First try, we're breaking all the bones. Here we go, and yeet. Oh, I totally missed. I still managed to break my entire spinal column though. That's good I'm not stopping until I land on that shark's dorsal fin. Come on, baby. Wow, it is harder to hit the shark than I previously anticipated, but you can definitely break a lot of bones. This lady's like, "Oh my God, he's possessed by the devil." Come on, third time's the charm. No, I'm overshooting it. Oh, I landed on the other like rampy thing. God, I love the way pavement tastes. I feel like there should be a ramp going into the shark's mouth. It seems to be like a missed opportunity. All I want for Christmas is to have that shark's fin go right up my ass. Come on. Yes. All it costs me was all of my femurs. Hey. Hey, lady do you like my board? You want a closer look? [LAUGHS] Okay-okay last-last try- last try. I just want to do one more. I was hoping I could like really get some crazy numbers on this shark, but I may have to look for something else. We're at 35,000 though. Did somebody say gigantic staircase? Of course. The best way to land-- Oh, the back. The best way to land is always on your forehead. I hope you're ready for an epic Gray grind and by grind I mean I just found out that when you're flying you can actually control your descent. There goes my dental work on the damn railing. Now, you may be asking yourself, "Gray isn't that unsafe what you're doing?" No, not at all. See, if you begin to lose your control, you just need a pedestrian to help you stop. What was that that flew off of her? Was that like her cell mode or something? Ma'am, are you okay? Oh, I think-- Now, that-- I did not knock her over there, by the way. I think she's just been drinking. Okay, that time it was me. Old man skater coming through. I've got a tone of warrants and a lack of conscience. This place here will be my palette. What the hell? Hold on a second. Did you-- What is happening right there? Whoa. [LAUGHS] Okay, I have- I have a goal here, hold on. [LAUGHS] I know there's a better way to do this. Come on. I'm getting really good at having my heel wrap around the back of my head and kick my own teeth out. [GRUNTS] Nothing like having your skateboard go up your ass at light speed. Ah, ye-- Whoa. [LAUGHS] I'm gonna land on the car. Come on. 10 points. Damn it. [LAUGHS] There it is 60,000 points, 86-foot vertical. Oh my god. [LAUGHS] I went to cross it. Yes, finally. [LAUGHS] Okay, I think- [CHUCKLES] I think I can-- Hold on, I need to look at that again. Okay, so where is it? Right there. Okay, so this is our first instance of my pelvis getting vomited out of my ass and right there is the second instance of me like going into some football stadium right about, wait for it, here, is where a man understands that his life is forfeit. What a cursed image too. I love how his body just looks like it's being Auntie Annie pretzeled through the air. And up. I feel like I can get even higher though like that's just-- Lady, I can't do this while you're watching me. This lady's like, "Young man what the hell are you doing?" Oh my God. [LAUGHS] I'm skate break dancing, okay? It's the- it's the newest fad in middle-aged skaters. Don't judge me. I-- Now, I have two old ladies watching me. What is going on? There we go. Yeah. Oh, this is gonna be a sweet landing too, right on the ass. What the hell? I think I just penetrated the earth so hard that it restarted me back at my skateboard because I did not go back to the-- [LAUGHS] God. I did not go back to my original starting position there. Ah, damn it. Freaking hurdle got in the way of my progress. And by progress, I mean torturing my character. I think the best part is, I'm doing this and this young girl is walking over with her skateboard. She's going to watch as I jellify my entire skeletal structure, and she's gonna be like, "You know what? I'm going to pick a different sport. I'm gonna try table tennis." I'm hoping that if I- if I'm moving while I do this, I can get even more distance or something. Come on. Yes. Oh, God. I love painting the entirety of this board with my blood. Hold on, Amazon delivery. [LAUGHS] That's how you get your stuff next day Amazon Prime. I think I managed to break every bone in this dude's body on that one. Hey, young girl, you're still thinking about being a skater? How about now? [LAUGHS] Welcome to the quarry where dreams come true. People have asked, "Gray, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" I wanna be a human torpedo. [LAUGHS] Come on, baby. 66, 70, 80,000, 85,000. Yeah. Did somebody get a boo-boo? Yeah, I just left half of my skin in the quarry. Don't mind me. I just found that you can kick this soccer ball around, and so I've been screwing around for like the last 15 minutes. Ready? Ready? Hold on, here we go. Ready? And God, I suck. And come on. God damn it. It's really hard to kick this thing. Look, when you get to be my age, all right, it's not as easy. And there. Goal. Yay. The high school that canned me is gonna be watching this and be like, "Oh my God, not a moment too soon." All right. Here's the plan. Actually, hold on, let me-- God, this thing's so damn janky. I found that the best way to push this thing is just to run into it. All right. There we go. I practice safe skating. Oh, I actually got like-- It like broke my fall, the netting. Okay. I found a really nice flat area because like I said, I'm not happy until I get to space. I've jumped to the entire board. I've broken basically every bone in this guy's body. What the hell? What the hell? What the hell happened? It's just a black screen. I'm just getting points on a black screen. Infinite points. I went down to 26 feet. That's great. I didn't actually go up. I went to hell. All right, I've gotten to hell. I need to get to space. We don't need ankles where we're going. I'm like the John McLean of skating because the more I skate, the more I get the hell kicked out of me. My entire body, and-- Oh, yes. There it is. To space. We did it. [LAUGHS] That's all I wanted was just to go straight out of the atmosphere. I wanted to show the very moment where a young man trades in his skateboard, hold on, and becomes an astronaut. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Skate 3. I'm going to heaven. Until the next time. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,418,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, impossible moments in sports, impossible moments in sports history, moments sports history, never seen before moments in sports, satisfying moments ins sports, funny fails in sports, funny sports fails, simulator games, funny simulator games, simulation games, funny moments, skater xl, skater xl gameplay, skater xl game, skater xl funny, skating fails, skate 3, skate 3 gameplay, when you, break, bones, in 1 minute
Id: YqJaJw5uaZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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