When The "Entitled Kid" Got What It Deserves [AskReddit]

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predict what's the time you saw an [ __ ] kid get what they deserve I was working at a Pizza Hut at the time some kid around age 10 or so went into the men's restroom and [ __ ] in the urinal then proceeded to smear it all over the goddamn place we knew it was the kid due to it not being very busy that day and a cow Orca spotted the mess right after the kid left the bathroom we weren't sure what to do but the manager decided to tell the parents the father was pissed he made the boy clean it off he stood over him yelling at him and made him clean at all the boy was crying but you know [ __ ] that kid he was old enough to know you don't do that [ __ ] he wasn't mentally impaired he was just an ass we were all glad the dad stepped up otherwise we would have had to clean it TL DR ten years old brats made his own [ __ ] all over a Pizza Hut his father made him clean it up I was driving a fire truck back from an all-night fire about 7:00 a.m. this trucks diesel mixture was a bit rich so if you sat for a while and gunned it you might get smoked from the exhaust as I approached a highway from the residential street I was on there were were six middle school kids waiting for the school bus on the corner as some kids do they stand or walk in the street and refuse to move four cars as I came to the intersection one little [ __ ] looks at me smugly and does not move causing me to have to go into the oncoming lane at the intersection I patiently waited until I could make my turn onto the highway then gunned the [ __ ] out of the fire trucks diesel engine causing a thick blob of black thick smoke to come out the exhaust which was mid truck pointed right at the kids they were coated in thick oily diesel fumes especially mr. smug [ __ ] and last I saw they were halfway down the block on the sidewalk running with me on the road spewing smoke after them mr. smug looked at me with terror in his little half-developed mind our neighbors have five kids they're all brats but the middle child a boy is the worst he was in front of his house one day while I was outside doing some landscaping in my front yard a shiny new red pickup truck drove by then slammed on the brakes started backing up it stopped in front of the brats house I heard the lady in the passenger seat yell did you just throw a rock at our car of course the boy denied it and started making up some ridiculous excuse like he always does when people catch him making mischief the woman cut him off and told him to go get his mom apparently the woman in the truck was from the neighborhood and was also fed up with their kids and their nonsense the mom finally came out holding the youngest brat and the woman in the truck proceeded to give her the kind of verbal beatdown that the mum should have been giving her own kid all along watching that mom stand there and listen to some stranger rightfully criticize her parenting for 10 minutes straight was gratifying the only thing better was watching the brat squirm the whole time there was a kid in high school that was trying to rob an ice cream truck the driver accidentally ran him over and broke both of his legs I once saw a kid terrorizing a dog at a park the dog was tied to a pole and the kid was chasing the dog around on his bike the owner came back and started yelling at the kid as the kid rode off he popped a wheelie in the front wheel of his bike popped off midair and he did a faceplant in the parking lot I felt pretty bad for laughing but couldn't help it it was so unexpected worked in a pet store when I was in high school and we had a real issue with this particular family letting their kids act like dick bags all over the store one fateful day [ __ ] family walks in and dick bag daughter goes right to the puppy room kids can't hold dogs without a parent and no one picks up a prop unless we are the ones to get them out of their little runs for them whelp little missus wipe reaches in and grabs a pup by the leg and tried to pull it toward the wall of the run so she can lift it out I see this on my CC monitored by the register and run over to stop her from hurting this puppy by the time I get and she has hoisted this dog up by one leg and nearly has him over the wall of the run mom and dad are standing right there not doing [ __ ] when I walk in before I can get a word out shitty daughter sees me and drops the puppy back into the run and turns around like nothing happened I yell at the girl and her parents obviously get defensive and I offer to play back the tape of their daughter holding a puppy up by its leg then dropping it four feet onto a tile floor I tell them they need to go and of course they refuse as I go back up front to inform the manager I notice Little Miss [ __ ] poking her fingers into the feeler ad cage while shaking it the rat in that cage was a jumbo feeder and was separated from the other feeders because she had just had a litter of pups now rat moms and good moms they will protect their babies unlike mice who give zero [ __ ] about their progeny this is important [ __ ] daughter has her finger in the cage and is banging on the opposite side when karma strikes mama rat is not having any of this [ __ ] and runs right up to this girl soft pink finger and bites down hard on the little shits finger all hell breaks loose because mama rat isn't letting go and rat bites blow parents freak manager tries to calm the situation and I get a band-aid and alcohol for little [ __ ] so she stops bleeding all over the floor in the end [ __ ] family isn't banned from the store boo but stops coming soon after because it he had mom insists that the giant blue and gold macaw is friendly even though he isn't and gets her a ripped-up a good one in the end rat mom and babies get promoted to pet rats instead of fetus for their brief part in helping exact vengeance of [ __ ] families with demon spawn the blue and gold macaw was also rewarded for his part with many many french fries TL DR rat and the core event their puppy brethren from the bullshitter II that his helicopter parents and their shitty children I once saw a kid run up to a man and kick him square in the balls the man immediately dropped to his knees then pulled a gun from his waist line and aimed it at the kid to scare him off I'm not one to say that anyone deserves one thing or another but I lived in a fairly bad neighborhood at the time so maybe that kid learned a lesson about what might happen if you [ __ ] with someone used to coach youth lacrosse in Georgia volunteer hours through my college team had a kid whose name I should you not was anyways I had the elementary school-aged kids for practice one night with harsh he went through a drill with a weaker kid who ended up costing his team the point they get to the end of the line for the drill and harsh a fifth grader hits this second grader in the helmet with his stick I stopped the practice line all the kids up and make them do 30-yard down and back sprints I make harsh call out every sprint and every kid has to cool out thank you harsh instead of whatever number sprint they were on after ten of them IRA started the practice the other kids beat him to a pulp beat the [ __ ] out of him it was awesome TL DR kid was a dick so I punished his teammates and they in turn beat his ass the little jerk-off that pushed my daughter down and still her pinwheel toy from her at the park completely lifted into the slide running away I chuckled I won't even pretend like I didn't kid was there unsupervised and terrorizing the younger kids I calmly walked up smirking after he was laying there a bit winded and grabbed my daughter's toy back from the ground beside him I was around eight years old on a jumping castle and this random kid bounces over and asks how old I was after telling him he immediately started punching me in the face and I ran away I turned back to see if he had given chase but instead he jumped off awkwardly and had broken his ankle I laughed quite hard I was working the shoe depth at Sears back when I was 18 one day this little [ __ ] kid is in there with his unattentive mother he's running around knocking stuff over making a mess I asked her to keep him in check and she refuses the kid starts running circles around the register well the register was on a little island in the middle of the depth and had a slide-out shelf about waist-high to an average person I'm bringing up an actual customer so I slide out the shelf and said this person's Showbox on the shelf little [ __ ] comes flying around the corner and WHAM 4head connects with the shelf in a loud-ass crack he immediately falls backward blam oh right on the floor and then starts whaling the mother gives me a dirty look and gathers up her brat making her way out of a store the customer and I both watch her go and then just sort of shrug it off I used to work in a shop and we had fake display furniture so the beds we used to display our sheets and pillows were actually just wooden boxes with head boards attached and some kid was annoyingly shouting and running around dropping pastry all over the floor and knocking things over and then he spots one of the fake beds and takes a running jump to land on it the mayor the look on his face when he realized it was wooden was hilarious I felt a bit bad when he started to cry but there was clear sign saying not to touch the displays so I guess he got what he deserved when I was in my mid-teens a little neighbor girl about 5 to 6 years younger than me came to my door she accused me of putting my name in her sidewalk it had recently been done except of course that wasn't my name in the sidewalk that not being enough she then accused me of using a fake name in the sidewalk so I wouldn't get caught I asked her why because that would defeat the purpose to which she came up with this gem I'm going to tell my dad you hit me no such thing had happened then she turns to run off and do just that right face first into the sharp stone slash stucco wall splitting her lips nose and cheek open pretty bad she told her that I did it he came to my door and calmly asked me what happened and I told him yeah that's something she'd do I'm a part of my school's football team and as always there's one kid where his mom pretty much brought him into the program well this kid thinks he's the best [ __ ] since sliced bread let it be known he was possibly one of the worst Linna because I have seen in my life well one day this kid says something a shala shhhht to her offensive lineman about his weight the damn lineman never even talked to this [ __ ] before this point the [ __ ] goes back to his position with a smug ass look and the lineman a guard this will explain how this matters in this situation he is the one on the right obviously pissed goes and gets into position without saying a word well the next play was a run into the whole that the God was in the Lin Ibaka stands back to evaluate the play which was really his way of passing out of making a tackle well the linemen took up him as a block and completely threw him face up onto the ground five ice yards for point 572 meters away and he landed on the ground with a audible clap from his helmet hitting the ground he stayed on the ground for ten minutes and got a moderate concussion and a broken rib needless to say he didn't try out the next year no one misses him TL DR entitled bastard makes a fat joke gets a concussion and broken rib anytime you see a kid hurt themselves doing something their parent or parents just finished telling them not to do watched a kid slam his finger in a door just minutes after his mother told him to quit messing with it and sit down I chuckled a little bit priceless Tim was hit by a car and almost died broken bones brain injury and coma at the age of nine he missed two years of school when he came back he joined my class mentally he what there but not academically he was fine but socially he had a hard time making friends and are almost non-functioning left arm trimmers and a slightly different walk due to his left leg being shattered it made him an easy target one morning before school started Jeff who was one of the primary agitators really let's into him it was almost 30-something years ago and I can't remember what set him off but Tim grabs Jeff's neck with the bat left arm we found out the grip was just fine and took his good write and punched him in the face uninterrupted for a good 60 seconds being two years older gave him a distinct reach advantage I wish this had an effect on everybody and they would leave him alone I remember my fifth grade teacher shutting down class one day and shooing us out about Tim but it did no good it was back to normal the next day [ __ ] junior high there's a reason I don't talk to those [ __ ] anymore back in high school there was this kid Andrew he had Asperger's he was a cool kid though I used to talk Pokemon with him in art class anyway one day after class one of the football kids was being a prick and blocking Andrew from walking down the hall he kept stopping right in front of him and making Andrew slam into his back right as I was about to say something the football kid stopped again and Andrew lurched forward and bit the kid in the neck the football kid screamed and Andrew took off running down the hall I laughed my ass off for days at that one I grew up in a really small town where all of us kids went to school together k12 unless you went to the parochial school all through elementary school this girl who lived down the street from me was a total [ __ ] she was taller than most of the boys and would bully anybody she felt was beneath her one day coming home on the bus she was picking on this boy in my grade we were a year younger than her he wasn't an albino but pretty damn close white hair really pale skin thick glasses and his parents saddled him with the name Clarence kid just couldn't catch a break anyway this girl was leaning over the back of her seat and in his face the whole ride home calling him names making fun of his glasses clothes etc a few of us tried to get her to stop but she was relentless poor parents just sat there his face getting redder and redder the occasional tear sliding down his face when the bus came to his stop he slid to the end of the bench seat calmly stood up and turned to her then faster than anybody could even take a breath he hold off and did a full arm swing and smacked her in the face with his lunchbox his metal lunchbox then he just turned into the island slowly walked off the bus they say when an EOD has a bad day he turns into pink mist her nose had a bad day she spent the next three months with varying degrees of black eyes as a result of the initial injury and subsequent surgeries to repair her nose that was the last time she bullied anyone and the best part of the whole story is that Clarence never got in trouble for it I had an answer to a similar thread that I think works here so I'll just copy paste when I was working as an airsoft field we had parties come in all the time one party the birthday kid was being a total dick to his friends shooting really close not calling hits and yelling that he hit people when he never did sue me and my cow walker had had enough of this kid being a dick so we decided to let the boss son play he's really competitive doesn't really know how to take it easy but on the opposite team we told him to be really tough on the birthday kid for a game or two to teach him a little lesson however the boss son just went nuts after the birthday kid shot him in the back of the head really close typically you tell someone to surrender and they just go back to respawn needless to say the boss son get really pissed and just let the kid up point-blank full-auto the birthday kid started bawling and the party left early my boss just asked if he was being a pound little bastard and when we said yes he just shrugged none of us gave a damn a guy who used to pick on me real mercilessly in high school got busted for selling crack in the high school parking lot senior year far as I know he's still in prison since he was over 18 held back a few times at the time of the arrest right out of high school into prison probably a bit harsh but some would say he got what he deserved
Channel: Humor Studios
Views: 661,816
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Id: TQScQrw9s9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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