How People Ruined Their Lives With Just A Couple Of Words (AskReddit)

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reddit what is one way you have seen someone screw up their life with just a couple of words anyone remember the Balloon Boy incidents this happened maybe six to seven years ago a family where the dad was some sort of inventor made a weather balloon that flew off and they panicked because one of the younger boys who was around six at the time was missing they thought he was up in the rogue weather balloon news crews were called it became viral as cameras followed the balloon around even panicking when they saw something fall out of it turns out boy was found safe playing at their attic they still became viral and news outlets want to interview the family and that was more than happy to comply while kids being innocent kids during one major news network interview the sleepy boy said we did it for a show you can see that look in the dad's eyes of I F asterisk CK up revealing that the rogue balloon boy was staged by the dad so that the dad can shop for a reality TV show for his family after that they went under a hailstorm of investigation CPS was caught and they were sued for the hoaxes big mess I don't felt sorry for the dad I feel sorry for his kids going through public scrutiny just back daddy wants his 15 minutes of fame I saw somebody screw up their own life and somebody else's simultaneously a few years ago my 15 year old cousin got pregnant she wanted an abortion my aunt wouldn't let her get one adoption wasn't an option either you're not getting an abortion you made your bed so you line it so my cousin carried the baby to term and had a healthy baby girl she dropped out of school because my aunt wanted nothing to do with the baby so she had to tend to it full-time a week of this goes on and my cousin decides enough is enough and runs away with her 17-year old boyfriend my cousin had straight A's until she was basically forced to drop out she still doesn't have her degree and is still living with her boyfriend somewhere in Washington he has a construction job in my cousin has an Etsy shop they are doing okay but I know my cousin always wanted to go to college my aunt had to raise the baby and is still raising her she is 45 and did not want another kid this is a realist a few years ago I was an avid World of Warcraft player and one of my best friends had finally started playing the game this was great for our friendship because I had moved to another state and it was something we could do that was basically like us getting to hang out we'd log into WoW a few times a week after work and shoot the [ __ ] over Skype at this time he was also dating this girl who also played Wow their relationship had been going strong for about a year and she was starting to get to the point where she wanted to move in with him however he had been dodging that subject and stating he'd never lived with a girl before which he had and wasn't ready to go there just yet one day him and I are on a Skype call doing our wow thing his girlfriend is also in the room with him playing on his sparks off in the background I start talking about my wife or something going into a funny story about living with her which we get a chuckle out of it my friend tries to one-up the story by telling me something he experienced while living with his former girlfriend and he said dude when I lived with Melissa blah blah blah immediately my heart sank I sent him him what he envied awao that simply said you done [ __ ] up dude you just said you lived with your ex and I swear to Christ I heard his balls shoot up from his nutsack to his throat over Skype he replied back in game it's cool bro I don't think she heard she's playing sparks let's just play it off in my mind there's no way she didn't hear that [ __ ] I pictured here picking up that sentence like when Peter Parker went into spider-sense mode during the first spider-man movie and he could hear every little detail around him including a fly buzzing through the air anyway the tone of our Skype conversion went from laughing to awkward silence pretty quick it's funny because I was legit nervous even though it had nothing to do with me my wingman instincts we're in full panic mode we played well for a few more minutes and he DMS me [ __ ] she just got up and left without even saying anything I gotta go that was it he was [ __ ] dead I once watched someone talk themselves out of a job they were giving a presentation to a senior client in which they were providing update information on the last months of work in a particular project stream their presentation consisted of them stating that they didn't know what they were talking about had done no investigation work and had made up their own story yes that is a quote my friend got stopped for a DUI he told me he was sober when we left but when we stopped for the cop he told me he actually had been drinking he managed to pass all the field sobriety tests and even a conversation with the cop for like 15 minutes the cop was going to let him off with a speeding ticket he was speeding and asked my friend to sign the ticket my friend said no ' the cops arrested him and took him to jail where they gave him a breathalyzer discovered he was over the limit and then wrote him up for a DUI a woman in Brazil yelled macaco Portuguese for monkey seen as a wildly offensive slur against black people to the point that you can be prosecuted legally for hate speech at a black soccer player during a game not knowing that she happened to be on the jumbotron at that moment she lost her job due to it and became a complete social pariah destroyed her life with just one word I don't know if it was mentioned before in 2011 Alexandra Wallace a rattler student operated a video to yacht at maka nation nutless students the video went viral resulting in numerous videos mocking her and her blatant racist statements she had to leave aqua about a year ago in my job we were doing trial days we were hiring three new people and had five people and for a trial day one person a day Monday to Friday my manager asked me to wear mail her that night to let me know how the girl I had for the trial day got on and if she was worth hiring so everything is going great lovely girl very easy to get along with and adapted very easily so I'm making some conversation and she mentions that she goes from job a lot and gets bored of jobs very easily literally because of this I had to tell my manager not to hire her because we'd only be replacing her soon enough I still don't understand why someone would say what she said during a trial for a job she shot herself in the foot by saying although on side notes the three people we did hire are still working for us a year later so I suppose there's some happy ending my step-uncle recently got married and while super drunkard the reception made a cringe-inducing speech about how he knew a really good divorce lawyer that would guarantee him alimony in the settlements when the smiles turned to gasps he quickly back pedaled and said he wouldn't divorce her right away he would get his money's worth from the wedding being a champion still sticking to his guns to make a laugh he boldly claimed he would murder and kill to make more money than she did so she would be well taken care of everyone at the reception hall was completely dumbfounded while my brother and I who attended with our wives tried to stifle our laughter at the train wreck we just watched in slow motion the bride cried and ran out while my uncle chased after her yelling and I [ __ ] you not what did I say I had a friend in university who was built to be a cop he was an athletic machine he could run for miles and was genuinely passionate about justice sophomore year he started hanging out with stoners and decided that he ain't no cata vanna from Survivor screwed up pretty badly he was about to be voted off the tribe and was making one last plea to let him stay on when he brought up how there is deception in the tribe because one of the tribe members hadn't told everybody that they were transgender he outed the guy on national television was immediately voted off and was fired from his job after the episode aired because of how much haiti got from that qdp he's not exactly ruined but I think it counts he did a video featuring the website Fiverr where you pay five dollars to people to do a lot of stuff he paid five dollars to a couple of guys who would do a silly dance along with any message he requested the message to be death to all Jews as a joke the guys actually did it and they got their account suspended when the video got out and eventually got it back The Wall Street Journal did an article based in many of his Nazi and edgy jokes only that wsj didn't say there were jokes and he lost his second season of scare PewDiePie and other things and now it seems like wsj was running a war against YouTube two days after having my head cracked open I had a really bad day my four-year-old daughter who I love wasn't picked up by her respite care family and they were completely unreachable my first-grade son was running a fever so he was home from school my daughter has anger and aggression issues and she threw three gigantic Tantrums that day a social worker even came to my home and checked on us that day I'll admit I was really mentally [ __ ] up before the car accident but I was just depressed after begging anyone I could think to call to come help because my daughter was trying to rip my staples and stitches out I called the social worker and said someone had to come help or get her because she was downright terrifying the next thing I know the police came and took my children I've never gotten them back I can't fathom how many people and social workers ignored me it makes me sick not even a week into foster placement my daughter was behaving like she did at home and was put into psychiatric hospital she was 4 years old to this day she still has violent behavior with no common trigger she's finally old enough to be medicated but as far as I know it's caused her to gain weight that's it she's just gone and bit a classmate and took out a chunk I'm scared of her and for her how and why I ate because I shouldn't have been left alone after a social worker watched her behavior hours earlier and knew I had a head injury I never was charged with abuse or neglect but my family is destroyed because I asked for help not sure if this screwed up his life but changed it in some way I'm sure this happened at one of my old jobs about 10 years ago there was an opening for a management position my cowl covered sits and the cube behind me applied for it there was actually a number of guys on our team apply so the vp is doing a lunch interview each day with the guys applying two or three guys have already done it one day sitting in my cube spun around so I'm facing my co-workers desk we are talking about what ever vp walks up and says chicken Vaness Kalka how about we go have some lunch my treat my cow looks at him dead in the eye and says oh I don't eat lunch VP oh okay how about we go downstairs and grab a coffee then couple of guys in my hometown were looking for something to steal so they could sell it to buy drugs they come to a house where no one was supposed to be home and one guy gets out of the car and goes to the house to steal a grill a friend of the homie are wanna happen to be there and came out when he stepped onto the porch he tells a friend that he is looking for his dog so the guy walks out into the yard to help look for it the would-be robber panics and pulls out a gun and shoots the man in the back of the head at 21 he started a life sentence for a really stupid murder huffing paint my college buddy was an affable stoner type who liked psychedelics weed and drinking he was broke so he got into huffing paint over the summer he passed out with a plastic bag full of spray paint over his face and ended up depriving his brain of oxygen and is now mentally disabled due to brain damage like drooling slurring can't tie his own shoes or perform basic life tasks level disabled guy from my school went to rubber corner shop at knifepoint he pulled up with his push bike went into the store and threatened the shopkeeper with a knife to give him all the money in the register the shopkeeper refused and the robber was too [ __ ] to do anything so he grabbed a pack of gum and ran out 20 minutes later the robber realized he left his bike behind in his panic so he went back to get it this was at the same time the police were questioning the shopkeeper on the incident they swiftly arrested him there and then think he got two years for stealing gum at knifepoint my half-brother decided it was a good idea to try and rob the restaurant he worked at didn't wear a mask or try to hide his voice in any way at the time he was hopelessly addicted to crack so he obviously wasn't thinking straight when he convinced his dealers gf to help him out she secured a gun him and he was dumb enough or desperate enough not to check it and didn't realize it was a BB gun they did manage to get out of the restaurant with $7,000 but the dealer and his very large friends were waiting for them when they came out they beat the crap out of him took the money and left him unconscious for the police he got seven years in prison for armed robbery and grand larceny he did manage to kick his drug habit in prison dough kid I went to high school with used to break into homes in his neighborhood to steal funds with his younger brother they always did seem to have a couple of screws loose but never thought they were capable of hurting anyone then one night they robbed the wrong house as they were sneaking into the kitchen the owner of the house came in for a late-night glass of water and caught them in the act unlucky for them he also was a former Marine they got into it but one of the kids had a knife and started repeatedly stabbing the dude in the head they ran off after that but the next day they were arrested one is still in juvy five years later the other was sentenced to 30 years in state prison my sister and her husband started doing crack both lost their job they lost their house moved across the country with their kids who hated them for their big fuck-ups sister decides to get sober after getting a DUI husband kicks her out for it she moves back with nothing but the clothes on her back and gets sober kids move out to be with her a year later she gets a life in order and is now in the process of buying a house husband works now just to support a drug and alcohol habit while living in his mom's house so even though she ruined her life pretty bad for a while she managed to get her [ __ ] back together one of my friends ordered crack from the dark web where I'm from it's not something anybody ever really does it's unheard of really anyway fast-forward six months and he's the most vile person you could ever meet he dragged another friend down with him he went from an engineer to stealing and backstabbing in about a month heartbreaking don't to crack a few years back one of the students attending the university I work at got caught trying to sneak a shitload of drugs to a local nightclub the first we found out about it was when some police officers turned up with a warrant to go through his room and I was the lucky person chosen to go let them in so I opened the door and Odie Lord there's drugs everywhere if you've ever seen one of those old to me pick n mix shops with all the sweets in big glass jars imagine that but with pills and wraps of powder instead everything else was all super neat and tidy and it was one of the cleanest student rooms I'd ever been in just that every flat surface had a container full of drugs or some other sort of paraphernalia on it this student was in his fourth year of master's degree and you to finish in three months he ended up being charged with possession with intent to supply and since a lot of the stuff he had in there was class ER is now going to be in prison for a decade or two he was also expelled of course and will still be on the hook for pounds 60 K a student better afterwards friend got married right after HS left for boot camp and deployed soon after her gave his wife power of attorney she destroyed his credit and put in dollar sign 200k in debt in eight months they divorced but his Co advised him to just give her whatever she wants to keep her quiet so now he's also paying alimony it sucks because he only joined the military to pay for college but now he's afraid he won't be able to afford it even with a GI Bill [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 694,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruined their lives, with just a couple of words, words, couple of words, ruined, life ruined, life, lives, lives ruined, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 2e022OZSFIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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