Did You Meet An Old Friend And Were Horrified Of Who They've Become? (AskReddit)

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have you ever recorded with an old friend only to be horrified of who they've became I got a phone call two days ago from someone I've known for 20 years we haven't spoke in 10 he called me to tell me he has prostate cancer and has around 2 weeks left he wanted my shipping address so he could send me his most personal items he refused treatment and isn't telling his family they live across the country I'm the only person he has told so yeah horrifying doesn't even come close to this I had a friend from high school who was pretty chill we would hang out and smoke weed a few times a week after high school I stopped hanging out with him cause he was doing harder drugs and always muttered to himself slash was super paranoid all the time this last January he found me on Facebook and wanted to chill but I declined a few weeks later he murdered his girlfriend's kids an 8 month old and a 2 year olds with a knife and then killed himself the investigator wrote in his report that it the worst crime scene he has ever seen in his 30 plus years as no part of their trailer was not covered in blood during my teenage years my best friend was a guy named Bob Bob and I was skater kids back in the mid 90s which wasn't very common in my area we weren't outcasts or anything we both played sports but we definitely didn't fit the abercrombie mold that most of our peers were in we drifted apart when we graduated he delved deeper into drugs and we just kind of lost contact I'm 31 now and so is Bob my wife and I were feeling all kinds of lazy on a Friday afternoon our kid was with my mom for the night so we decided to change into our pajamas at 6:00 p.m. order food in and basically lounge around doing diddly squat all evening sometimes it's the little things guys anyway I call up my local pizza joint and order a couple medium pies since my wife likes that cardboard thin crust [ __ ] with white sauce and I actually like pizza to each their own except when it comes to pizza we are doing our best sloth impressions on the couch in the living room catching up on Mad Men and Breaking Bad don't spoil them I'm still behind when the doorbell rings my wife restrains the 35 pounds ball of fluff we call a dog and I head to the door with the cash in my hand for the pizza guy I opened the door when lo and behold there's Bob now Bob was always slender but he never looked sickly as a kid when I opened my door I didn't recognize him he had pock marks on his face his hair was long and greasy he looked frail and unhealthy $20 50 right here's $25 all you but I said as I extended my hand for the PI's optical delusions optical delusions last name he chokes out in a gravely voice that shouldn't come out of a thirty-year-old yeah sorry man do I know holy [ __ ] Bob the realization hit me like a bug hitting a windshield this used to be one of my best friends and now he looks like a [ __ ] meth addict yeah man how you been he wheezed each word slowed and sputtered out as if he'd forgotten how to speak his lips barely moving his mouth slightly a gape slack-jawed he picked at one of the pock marks caps while he waited for me to answer ah but I married wife had a daughter in October things a pretty good man how about you I instantly regretted asking but common social courtesy had taken over and I didn't feel like I was talking to a friend but a stranger in a friend's abused deteriorating frame not too bad still living with pop sim citty we grew up in just working in Chile if no his voice was cracking the word seemed forced and completely devoid of emotion as if he was answering the cashier at the grocery asks did you find everything that's cool I swear it took me five minutes to get that sentence out or at least it felt like it hell it felt like five eternities Here I am in my big ol house in the burbs with a pretty wife and an amazing baby girl and two cars in the dark living the snapshot of the American Dream and here is living proof of how life cold turned out if I decided to keep doing coke and X two years after we broke up annex contacted me out of the blue and we decided to hang out while dating we've talked a lot about dropping out of high school and getting our jets so we could go to college early I never did either one and he decided it would be a good plan to drop out but never get his jet he was playing the yu-gi-oh card game pretty much full time this was a while ago and living off of his mom he was living in this [ __ ] apartment full of garbage with a friend his girlfriend and her baby I ran for the hills I had a best friend from seventh grade on we were inseparable had matching tattoos bought a mini School Bus together painted it green she lived with my grandparents for a while in high school because her mom threw her out right before I went to college she started using drugs and naturally I was worried / devastated I was also a pre back then but then again crack is never cool I went to a bar for my 21st birthday in my hometown because I'm born around Christmas and it was winter break unfortunately none of my other friends were 21 at the time so I was just kind of sitting at the bar drinking Bay breezes with my mom I decided to call my old friend up when she showed up she was so burnt out that she could hardly form a sentence she was really [ __ ] up on something too I remember feeling like someone punched me in the gut I still miss her after going away to college and coming back to my hometown I was horrified to find out that my best friend turned into a neo-nazi / KKK guy this is the same guy that I would have dinner at his house mom and dad loved me and even his nephew he had gone to the extreme by getting Nazi tattoos and even wearing racist shirts he still was very nice to me and invited me over where he was proudly displaying his rebel flag hats Nazi symbols it was hard for me to think this was my friend who would pick me up every day for school and drop me off by the way I'm a black female I still somewhat talked to his sister and parent I found out that an individual whom I played sports with many times giving me rides to practice and games was running a near multiple year-long internet scam they posed as a parent whose child had cancer using pictures they stole from other people and their children around the Internet the scam ended up gaining scores of supporters and went so far as selling personalized wristbands with the child's remember the child is not real name on it they are now under investigation for possible money laundering however it is not proven that they did or did not this scam was so large that there are multiple large news groups that picked up and reported the story which is how I found out my mind is still blown from my discovery I went to a 25 year elementary school reunion where I found out that a guy in my class was now the principal of middle school he was well respected well-liked and doing a great job I was very impressed back in grammar school he was the crazy kid in class who could never sit still was always getting in trouble and was barely passing his classes after ten years on the job while still principal it comes out that he never should have gotten the job as he had no prior experience or training or degree in that even if he had all of the right certifications his arrests convictions and jail time would have made him ineligible this didn't come into play because he forged his fingerprints while applying for the position all of this finally came out because he was arrested for statutory rape seems he had sex with an underage high school student he met online the kid recognized him as his middle school principal and told his friend about it his friend told his parents and the parents went to school officials the kid was 16 and the principal was 44 the case is pending my husband ran into an old friend and invited him over to hang out it had been about five years since he had seen him the old friend shows up with the sketchiest ho-bag you can imagine missing teeth sauce the whole nasty set the chick makes a beeline for my bathroom and spends like 45 minutes and there before bolting to my patio and puking over my balcony I had had enough so I kicked them out as they were leaving they looked around my apartment and said you have really nice things we will be back when I went into my bathroom I found an orange cap from a syringe on the floor TL DR if it has been five plus years since you have seen someone do not invite them to your place when I was younger five to nine years old I had a neighborhood friend who had a very negative view of herself and struggled in school she asked me for help once and we made a habit of going straight from the bus stop into the woods behind her house to go hiking and do our homework this carried on for years and is what I tribute to my love for the outdoors when I was 10 my parents split and I had to move away she told me she was afraid that she wouldn't do well in school anymore and I assured her that she would be fine and that I'd be in touch I didn't keep in touch this was in the 80s and I was too young to understand how important those years can be flash-forward to two years ago and she finds me on Facebook yup she's a stripper and before I get any questions about it yes she's incredibly hot now but I'm very happily married to someone even hotter when I was living out of the country a friend of mine who I had already not seen for years was hit by a car back in the US of A when I got back ten months later he had just gotten out of part and physically was doing very well so we start talking reminiscing on the old times talking about what we had done since we last saw each other turns out that in the years we spent a party became a massive racist card-carrying member of one of the US Nazi Party in the night of one of the many I went to school with this kid let's call him Phil I was never too close with the guy as we were in different majors at our odd school had a few core classes with him we would talk from time to time seemed like the normal nerd type one of the annemun thews iasts that would show up early to play hacky sack with a guy who wore a cape and a girl with a catty headband generally a nice guy ran into him grabbing some food about a year after graduation we were both there alone so I asked him to sit and eat with me to be nice he accepted we spent the next 30 minutes catching up he started acting very strange towards the end of the conversation as if there was something he wanted to tell me but couldn't we parted ways two days later I see his face on the news he had went home that night and stabbed his mother father and sister to death TL DR saw a kid from high school I hadn't seen simps killed his family later the same night map my best friend from middle school really [ __ ] up his life back then he was a pretty smart guy getting all as and BS in classes he ended up having to move to another state because of family problems and I fell out of touch with the guy at first I saw him a couple times a year but by the time we reached the end of high school the only interaction we had was liking each other's faster book statuses I got bored of Fassa book eventually and had no idea what was going on in his life by the time I was in college he didn't never even crossed my mind anymore fast forward five years I'm out of college with a great job I love living in Nick with the girl of my dreams out of the blue I get a text from an unknown number turns out it was him he was in Nick for a week and wanted to go out for drinks and catch up I of course agreed to go out and we made plans to go to a bar a couple of blocks from my place we get to talking and he reveals how shitty his life had become during freshman year of college I was amazed to hear he went to MIT for mechanical engineering he knocked out the first girl that he had a one-night stand he begged her to get an abortion or at least put it up for adoption but she was a religious nut and refused he was forced to drop out of MIT to get a job working at warm at full time to raise the kid after a few years of living this [ __ ] life and being forced to marry a girl he didn't love he came home one day to find that his wife had killed herself this was less than a year before the day we met up I was shocked to hear that he was now stuck alone broke with a four-year-old daughter named Jennifer I did what anyone would do and offered to help him out he looked at me with the most gracious look I have ever seen on someone's face and said something that I will remember for the rest of my life I'm gonna need about three-fitty it was at that point that I realized my former best friend was a three-story tall crustacean from the Palazzo Akira goddamn Loch Ness monster yet I had a friend in elementary school who moved in fifth grade he didn't move far but this was 1988 so there was no internet his family was too poor to have a phone and we lost touch fast forward to 2002 I was teaching jet classes in the jail in our hometown in my third or fourth month of the job he came into one of my classes as an inmate in a small town this really wasn't uncommon I had tons of former friends and acquaintances from school in on drug charges child support usually relatively minor things like that he was in for murder not on suspicion of murder no ambiguity he literally killed a guy with a switchblade on the street in front of numerous witnesses cut him wide open I don't even remember his reason for doing it but it was something pretty mild like an insult or something similar he had no remorse he tried to talk to me about just stuff and I was civil like I always was with my students I actually made some good friends in jail but he and I just didn't have anything in common anymore I was a college grad working on a high degree keeping clean and out of trouble this wasn't even his first time in jail he had been in before for beating people up numerous drug charges he definitely was not that kid that I traded Garbage Pail Kids with anymore he didn't last long in that Jail he was just there for a few weeks before being sent to prison he wasn't in prison law served his surprisingly short term got out and has been back to prison twice since then not for murder but domestic assault pretty sure he should probably stay in prison now Oh God I had my old best friend from grade school track me down and ask to hang out I was like sure why not I Drive out to his crack-addicted father's trailer where he is staying and it turns out his life went to [ __ ] after moving away and had been in and out of jail since well on his last trip in he found Jesus and was aboard that I'm atheist so we spend the first part of the day talking about how I'm going to hell but as the day goes on we decided to stop drinking and after a bottle of whiskey he asks me if we could go to the woods to commit suicide so we could be happy together forever I nope the [ __ ] out drove 20 minutes drunk as [ __ ] stopped at a Walmart and slept till I was sober first and only time driving drunk I still get txt every now and then asking me to go to church with him I don't know where to start with this one really only one friend comes to mind though we were best friends growing up and when I was about 12 he moved away and I had no contact with him for years we finally started talking to each other on FAFSA book when I was probably around 17 to 18 he was almost exactly the same only he seemed to talk more sexually also I'm a girl anyways it started out small at first so I wasn't too fazed by it examples he'd ask what size my boyfriend was if I ever experimented with BDSM etc the more we talked though it got weird finally after a long conversation where he pretended to be a girlfriend of his talking to me on his account I blocked him
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Keywords: meet an old friend, old friend, horrified, who they've become, become, friend, old, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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