When Redditors Met Their Former Bully Years Later (AskReddit)

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redditors who have been bullied have you ever run into said bully several years later what was the encounter like I was bullied by this massive guy when I was 15 he easily had a foot and 2 to 3 stone on me went on for about a year and then kind of fizzled out nothing too harsh just the occasional bloody nose five years later I wander into a new hairdresser in town to get a standard trim and here's the guy cutting hair he was incredibly apologetic and explained how he'd been so confused and angry because he couldn't admit to himself that a massive tough guy like him could be gay and want to be a hairdresser he had the final laugh though as he offered me free highlights to make up for things and I looked like a tool for the next seven weeks 3rd through 6th grade this punk made my life hell that fat bastard Lenny had a gang even fast forward to just after college making real money for the first time I go to a shop to buy a high-end sound upgrade for my new car and hoda knows their shitty shirt and tie and all salesmen shuffles up to me and I say hey aya Lenny I'm here to buy but not from you I walked over to another source man and requested his assistance instead I spent over twice as much as I intended to sort of my version of both middle fingers in the air the look of hatred on his face as I pulled out the credit card made eight-year-old me very content worth it a girl and her clique bullied me quite badly when I was younger and at the time I resented it a great deal ten years later she added me on Facebook out of the blue and we actually had a really nice conversation about her lives and what we were up to these days she somehow turned into a pretty decent person and the unpleasant past was not mentioned once by either of us I have never really been good at holding grudges and I do believe that people often grow into someone very different than who they once were not to make light of bullying but a lot of the time children have no idea of the damage that they do and other victims of awful parenting such as poor discipline themselves sorry I know you guys would prefer something more juicy than this and I'm sure some people stay our souls for their entire life I saw a bully from Middle School in my local shop right he had a lot of problems his mom had a heart attack and he had a car accident and suffered serious back injuries when I first recognized him I exclaimed I remember you you were such an [ __ ] to me in middle school we laughed and he told me the above he apologized for acting like he did he said something about this stuff happening to him because of how he treated me but I was nice and I denied it was bullied for about ten years five years of those by a guy will call Kenny for now I had switched school and was doing much better and actually had some good friends about four years after I had last seen him there was a volleyball tournament between different schools and his apparently was one of the competing teams as was mine and so it turned out we matched against each other the moment he saw me he shouted oh that's Marissa we are definitely going to win now what he apparently didn't know was that in those four years he hadn't see me I had changed from a small and skinny guy into a six feet to 165 pounds guy with a 124 miles per hour tennis serve the first time I saw his face again all the memories came back to me and for a bit I was scared again until one of my friends told me after I had explained who Kenny was that I was now taller and stronger than him and that it was time for some revenge every time I had the opportunity to smash a ball when standing at the net I would aim for him the 124 miles per hour tennis serve meant that I had an incredibly strong smash as well which terrified him my team ended up winning the match after which I shouted hey Kenny I thought you were so sure you were going to win that one sentence that one time of getting back at him was enough to make him snap he went berserk and stormed for me in a fit of rage bring on that 124 miles per hour serve again and that moment right there was the first person I ever punched someone and also the first time I saw someone go k-o all it took was one hit and it was all over all the fear the years of tormenting they were all over now I would like to say I don't like fighting and haven't punched anyone since said punch but when people say violence is not a solution [ __ ] yes it is it's the only way to let go of all those memories after years of being used as a punching bag simply saying yeah we are okay does not do the job it simply doesn't TL DR revenge for years of tormenting I'm the opposite I was a bully I was a completely different person in middle / high school angry at my parents and such I wasn't a huge stuff you in a locker type of bully I never hit anyone and never made them cough up their lunch money but I did take every opportunity I could to verbally assault some people I realized as I got out into the real world and became a father just how much what I'd said hurt others one of the victims of my diarrhea speech is a good friend of mine now and any others when I see them I go out of my way to take them aside and apologize for the way I treated them so long ago I know it was wrong and I can't take it back but I always tell them that I'm deeply sorry and that I'm nothing like I used to be now mine's kind of sad I was bullied by this kid in high school pretty often I was small he was big and in his mind that was all it took to mean I was worth tormenting I constantly just went with a non reaction technique I avoided most of the problems this way compared to others he bullied simply because no reaction from me meant no fun for him but I watched him do the same to my friends who reacted more strongly and because I was with them I was just kinda on his radar until eventually I transferred schools flash-forward to two years ago it's ten years later I'm successful independent healthy and happy I'm working in my hometown sir now we get a patient found down out in the bushes and I'm asked to see him it's this dude he's looking kinda rough pooped on himself covered in leaves but still huge I don't miss a beat vitals line labs fluids everything you would be given the situation hours later he's sobering our were talking about his situation and he stops and just stares at me mid-sentence oh I remember you now cue me thinking great thought we weren't gonna bring this up but then he went on man I'm so sorry for how I treated you in high school I was a horrible person there is no excuse but I really want you to know I regret who I was and I'm not that person anymore well my jaw basically hit the floor it gave me a lot of hope for people to change I'm glad he had a chance to that his alcohol addiction was probably now covering the same pains that caused him to be such a broken person a decade before three months later he came in again as my patient this time because he choked on his own vomit he never woke up this one guy at my school was a real piece of work he wasn't the brightest that he was big and beefy looking and could easily intimidate you one time he tried to take advantage of my mom on prom night after weeks of hassling her I got my revenge though my dad punched him and I took his wallet I also made him crash his car into a manure truck twice we are better off now though he comes over to wax our cars sometimes I don't think I'll ever be able to forget him calling me a Butthead all those times though in middle school I was absolutely tormented by this girl she spread nasty rumors manipulated other girls against me did the whole cold shoulder refused to acknowledge in distress I steal eventually led to a host of social anxiety and insecurities that took a long time to recover from years later I ran into her at a coffee shop I was the one to approach her not aggressively but it felt amazing to be the one in power I spoke positively and congratulated her on getting into a great school it felt great to be the better person and it was obvious that she was hella uncomfortable and nervous to be around me plus she had developed a wicked unibrow I used to get made fun of in grade school for my clothes and shoes because my parents couldn't afford to buy me anything new there was one guy Magoo who was the worst about it around this time last year I went to a McDonald's and saw him behind the mr. I had just gotten freelance work which could potentially lead to getting hired at a company I really liked he didn't recognize me but I definitely knew it was him especially because of his nametag I didn't confront him or anything because it was years ago and we were kids but I thought it was interesting how different our lives were not too interesting but something I'll never forget this girl I knew in high school never bullied me but she pretty much bullied everyone else including my friends she was really popular and talkative very stuck-up though I remember she had perfect bleach blonde hair and perfect skin she would always wear her cheerleading outfit and she was constantly doing cartwheels and backflips very energetic even though she could be a huge but she had a certain glow about her and she seemed very happy anyways I winded up dropping out of school and completely forget about this girl six years later I'm walking down a bad neighborhood late at night to get some food at the gas station I see her with some scummy looking guy staring at a Redbox machine I stopped for a second when I saw her her hair looked unwashed it was a dull brown her skin looked awful and she was in jeans and an oversized sweater what really struck me was the look on her face she looked miserable and I knew it was her the guy she was with even said her name I was just shocked at how miserable she seemed I kind of feel bad for her it was like her prime years were already over it was just really weird seeing and I think about it sometimes I can't really explain why though edit I just remembered one more this girl bullied meal throughout middle and high school always picking on me and it seemed like it was just me girl was popular and rich always made fun of me for being poor anyways when I was 18 I was going through a rough time living by myself I'd go to the food bank on occasion one day I'm standing in line on this girl who is directly behind me starts talking to me like she knows me I look at her and have no idea who this girl is she starts talking about high school and how she hated that place then it finally dawns on me it's this chick that bullied me for years I have no idea what to say to her she is doing all the talking and I'm just kind of shocked this girl who made fun of me for being poor is standing in line at the food bank and talking to me she winds up leaving with this old looking guy with no teeth in an old beat-up truck it was weird that's for sure I wasn't popular in high school but in college I sort of blossomed and I'm actually attractive not to sound conceited it took some getting used to I was still in the ugly girl men cert visiting my hometown I saw the popular girl from high school that used to tease me about boys not liking me she was in line at the store and looked terrible overweight tired she looked like an adult like a mom but not a happy one I couldn't believe we were the same age I guess I'm an adult technically but I don't really feel like it I checked out her fafsa book turns out she's divorced with two kids from different guys and she works at a paycheck loan place I was scrawny and was picked on an elementary school until 5th grade when I grew way bigger than the kid that always had something to say he didn't leave me alone right away though he tried to push me in the cafeteria one day which resulted in him being thrown over a table with his face breaking his fall never got bullied from anyone after that I had a bully in elementary / middle school he continued to be in my classes until senior year of high school during this time he reined back on the bullying and just turned into your run-of-the-mill [ __ ] last day of senior year he asked me to sign his yearbook which I thought was not given our past I wrote this long diatribe in his yearbook paraphrased something like dear remember when you were my friend and then you turned into my bully in middle school you'll be happy to know that you're not a bully so much as a dick now I can't really stand to be around you have a good life the Florence the kicker is that he went to my college we ran into each other on campus once or twice and it was always super awkward because he was really civil and I can only think about the yearbook and wonder why he's being really civil to me I was bullied by this mean girl through elementary and middle school senior year of high school we had a mutual friend and were sitting at the same lunch table I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two five years and she asked me about it she then told me that I was too good for him and he didn't deserve me it felt really good no animosity towards her ever again there was a kid in high school who wasn't much of a cool kid himself oh my god he was beyond an inert that he had a nasty habit of playfully hitting people me especially one day in biology he hit me in the wrong spot in my stomach causing me to lose my breath and stumble back onto the girl I had a huge crush on when I turned around he was picking up a stool to further screw around so I grabbed the stool and punched him right in the face it was so sudden that nobody even noticed and he just put his head down for the rest of class didn't put his hands on anybody after that and we've been friends since I didn't talk to him much after we graduated and I just learned he's going into the military idk what branch he died of an overdose three months after our class finished secondary school not that he finished on time with us of course he'd already been held back a year then eventually he dropped out altogether I was actually quite sad when he died he was a dick a drug dealer and user obviously and he stole from me but he was also a very troubled and tragic person and as it turns out he did some very good things as well he talked friends out of panic attacks and saved one girl from jumping out a 10-story window when she was drunk all of this I found out after his death [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 51,315
Rating: 4.9278874 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: PcKcV6S2Hic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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