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the last time you cheated on me when you were in thailand so you really enjoyed the last one it was your favorite your last one [Music] what's up you big babies it's me 16 leo your leader and i'll tell you right now if you're not a big baby subscribe or i might just fist bump you i mean i if you subscribe i will if you don't i'm not gonna fist bump you by the way go ahead make your jokes that my kitchen is so cold shut up i live in a freezer okay what do you want me to say i don't turn the heat on for you guys otherwise the noise will be like can you imagine that while i'm talking what's up guys my name is 16 leo and i cannot wait to show you the video that i have for you by the way please subscribe because i need it i don't get youtube why is this type of content allowed on youtube what can we do and what can't we do the homie idubbbz got racks we're doing a content cop which is a classic but somehow content like this is allowed to be shown it's like a suspicious rollercoaster where is the line i can attest to that fact some of the videos that i do are not suitable for some reason but they were suitable when i uploaded them i don't know what happened if you haven't guessed yet my two favorite teletubbies are back in the spotlight that's right nicocado gaming labo and olin of the same last name i'm back the first video i did on them was them pretending to abuse each other this video they take it one step further and actually do it on camera i have no idea why it's on youtube i have no idea why youtube recommends it and i don't know why people entertain this type of crap but you're with me today so let's take a look at it [Music] together river immortalized out of your mouth what body type is uh nick you know how they have hourglass figures and it's like then you have a nick and it's like a rampant watermelon it's just a lot of different curvatures it's one of the most atrocious things i've seen this guy gives big ed a run for his money i mean a walk for his money because hi i you're a [ __ ] too we're having a good day we have only had a few fights today not much it's we're doing a lot of progress yeah that is how you know it's a good relationship i've only had a couple of fights with him today i've only had like three fights it was uh it was four honey yeah it was three no i counted it was four you know how i said only a couple of fights well there's gonna be more in the last video they did everything off camera it's insinuating something it's not actually showing it this video kinda different and you're gonna see why ah why did you slap me i think you hit me back you're not gonna turn this into [Applause] oh he gave him the haymaker i don't mean to laugh at that but the camera was so close you're not gonna hit me and i'm going to talk about book rowland get the doctor give it to me one other day's ruined i'm putting this here as a shield now oh it smells good oh my cheek is literally on fire we got the staple of orlan coming back to roast his own husband every damn episode orlan and nika like the tag team wrestling duo that could never get along in between beating everyone else up they just suplex each other i'm just ghetto and i will be ghetto if i hot you're white trash i will be white trash i'm about to move to a trailer it's a mushroom burger as with any video of nicocado in orlando the fighting immediately stops once food is presented nick was like i will be white trash i will move into a tray is that a burger do you know how many um okay it'd be like talking about something and like get distracted by his own food like you know the global crisis is crap the sound that he makes sound like they should be in a pono he just stands there at the shop like um uh sir can you calm down or leave also this is a tattoo problem i don't know why are you eating bread outside my store beautiful nick what the [ __ ] is the point of wearing a mask if you could spit that hard i'm so glad nick was in his car because if he did that outside it would have been a world record that's a hell of a spit bro why is my life always so dramatic can you tell me why my life is dramatic i need to know why my life is dramatic because it's your fault before you say it's my thought it's actually not it's the treadmill's fault he got me he got me it's the treadmill probably your inability to maintain a proper healthy relationship without putting it on social media and knowing that you probably won't get the clicks if you don't do something like escalating the situation to a point you have more hate than likes and that's the only way you get views because people are talking about you because any news is good news right i'm just guessing orlin said he's hungry so i said he could join me and if he hits me again it's over it is over over for good and i need it cause it's true now here's the one thing that i probably don't find as funny is the trivialization of nick just saying oh if he hits me one more time that's not okay point blank is very wrong and putting it up on youtube to a fan base of wait what's this audience well they're not old so they must be babies and he's pretty brown so they must be like fat does this audience had babies oh my god do we need to change our name the buttercup babies of any damn size because everyone's accepted here babies but you definitely don't have to put this on camera you could probably get the views without it every day they're either back together or breaking up every single day they posted a video called we're breaking up them one day after why we're back together nick then proceeds to go on a rant cussing out his phone hey siri how many months are 22 weeks hey siri never thought that technology was going to come into it and uh be cussed out but hey with nick ocado banchionato anything is possible he's like the lebron james of eating and sitting down hey siri there you go have you ever seen a grown man throw sauce packets at technology this is something primitive caveman do the [ __ ] bro he loved he learned from the last episode all in through some packets at him he was like let me take these packets and use them to my advantage now she pays attention she's like oh got that little thing of my oh yes um it was like going on a rant and siri's like yes and he's like oh like she wasn't there he's like hey siri you are so stupid how you doing he's such a good villain he has that way of talking about him that i like so much i like it i have a question how many months are 22 weeks like five ask and you shall receive you fat ogre hagrid ass looking boy if you don't stop eating they finna bury you in a takeaway bag last time you took a jog the tectonic plate shifted put some respect on my name son i'm siri bianch you are a piece of sh and i don't [ __ ] you you are a piece of [ __ ] you are stupid go back to second grade i stand corrected have you ever seen a grown man spit at his own phone because that is now the most primitive thing i've ever seen in my life nope nope nope it's not nicaragua avocado also took a [ __ ] on his own chair that is the most primitive thing about well he also drank pepto-bismol like it was a goddamn guava juice you know nick is a very primitive man hey siri this will work hey siri huh don't give me that attitude you disgusting can you imagine just walking down the sunny streets of wherever the hell nick cacado lives you just see a blob of life looking at his phone like hey siri what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i ate seven cheeseburgers today you should go back to second grade you know how fast you'd have to move across the street i need to know how many months are 22 weeks you dumb [ __ ] i ain't telling you [ __ ] bro i'll pop a cat in you if you run your mouth again i'm from crenshaw sheep the mailman the mailman hi my name is 16 leo i'm a youtuber from wherever country i'm from in 2020 phone violence has went up one percent it is not okay to abuse your phone call somebody but don't scream at the phone when you call somebody because that's abuse like i couldn't even make the thumbnail without finding a girl always because we're so unhealthy and we're so unhappy can i eat now am i allowed no okay when your partner is confessing some real [ __ ] in your life that really might be true orlan's like listen we've never we haven't been happy for the longest time all we ever do is eat and the food doesn't make us any happier it's only a temporary solution to seemingly an everlasting problem and nick's like milo to eat can i eat now can i eat now am i allowed [Laughter] he looks like reverse hitler what the question is eyes like can i eat now am i allowed do you know how dumb you look bro be a doctor they said i said no no no who's my discount down below 10 percent off with my code down below nikki boy can i ask you a question what sponsorship still accepts you saying this stuff with a mouthful of [ __ ] how do you plug something with a mouth full of nothing no [Music] you save so much money you want you thank you later thank you little honey [Music] one day honey's gonna see that and laugh or cry like i was saying one time we were fighting and he had the knives he was cleaning the knives in the kitchen i was very afraid he'd take one thread at me how dare you what did you just hit me i would never throw a knife at you what how dare you nick i would never throw a knife at you ever also this is what i mean this is one of the first times that i've seen this on camera and i know they're joking because in between takes you can hear a little bit of laughter you get well you just hit me that's different you're slobbering oh i know some youtubers are an extension of their personality but this is too much this is where i draw the line boy if you don't tell me how you did that i never seen a man fart so well on command before maybe after you eat 500 000 mcdonald burger you unlock the secret ability to fart on command that was actually kind of impressive honestly speaking all in didn't even react like what he's like this has happened before you can see him this is a man who knows this has happened before and he's like dude i'm sick and tired of your [ __ ] which i can see on the back of your pants by the way it's also a hell of a face nick made like you really clenched them cheeks into the face that was something i didn't want to see him but now it's embedded in my head i've seen people try to hold it in i've never seen someone be like watch this hey y'all shoddy what's up you wanna see some premium content guys premium content well this is really good at least oops what the [ __ ] yeah look at this of course you [ __ ] did to the french fries once again i love nick trying to play everything off like nothing's wrong yay look at it yay like why are you so wasteful why are you so [ __ ] graceful you're mean i don't really want to be in the same room with you i didn't even want to be in the same room with you you're disgusting you burped on me and your breath smells like farts bellissimo that was perfect is there a better scene to illustrate that they're just two toddlers fighting with each other you're mean i don't even want to be in the same room with you this guy was like you're mean i don't want to be here first of all amazing how you could think that that's what removes a person from a room you just that person is gone then olin does his classic mimicking i don't want to be in the shame which then makes nick angry enough to belcher at him something i can't do on command which i think is a record i've never seen uh one man blow it out of both holes that fast before to which olin gets so angry he loads up some split and shoots it out like it's a goddamn magnum that sounded really lethal like if i heard that on the streets of south africa i'd be like yeah it's amazing that they're still together that is a testimony to how good mcdonald's is um nick drops another chip then starts laughing and uh they proceed to get into a sumo wrestling match after that i just this is so how do you put this on youtube wait food don't waste food and how does it get so many views i mean good for you but like damn it people we're watching this these two teletubbies pinky winky dip [ __ ] listen i am appealing to you to give a real creator some views and you know who that creator is danny gonzalez he's very good he's very good i'm trying to enjoy my last one my last one the last time you cheated on me when you were in thailand i really enjoyed the last one you said you really enjoyed the last one it was your favorite your last one because it was stop hitting me not hitting you yeah you're a [ __ ] pig pumbaa god damn it now i'm never gonna look at the lion king the same again this man simultaneously dissed his husband and pumbaa at the same time nick being the spiteful man he is instigated this he definitely started it this really does remind me of the jake paul fight with that other dude those forearm chops must really be the fact that they cut two or three times means that they weren't fighting it means that they were fighting for the camera because if you really fought someone you wouldn't stop the camera wait wait wait wait don't punch me i want to get a better angle please get my good side nobody does that nick and olin bank on the fact that their broken relationship gets them views and it does it absolutely does comments there aren't for them it's just to see the drama unfold everybody likes good drama but i don't like how it's being packaged and put out wow all right those look like really good support shoes as well also i don't know if you notice i just pause on the clip that is so scary that orlan's eye is like popping out of his head like that what the hell it's nice to finally see that mick foley's moves are getting love uh on a mukbang channel off all things sure why not i'm out of breath where's my hat and that's my shoe shortly after that the fight is over and these two are out of breath and they can no longer fight [Music] jokes olin still has fight left in him what are you kidding me this dude gave him a tomahawk chop to his forearm once again the most effective place to hit somebody judging by next reaction you'd have thought olin did a tomahawk chop straight into the man's heart spine and ass simultaneously that's why i'm leaving three days you guys three more days that i'm out like i said they're banking on the will they won't they situation and it's not will they won't they get together it's a whole day or won't they leave youtube i love you but i don't get you sometimes i did it because this costs 97 and i work really hard every day oh oh exactly stop stop you don't be mad at me can you be mad at me please please look at you putting up an act i'm you're a little victim that was for the gas i paid for the food i paid for the food it doesn't matte no i paid for it i paid for the food i paid for the food i really hope that my next relationship is as beautiful as nick and allen where we could both sit together and fight over who paid for the food i love that this is the most chivalrous thing when you can look at a girl and be like i paid and she'll be like no i paid and you'd be like no no no i paid and then she'll be like and you can just both cry over it it's always good to do that with someone instead of doing that alone because if you do that without someone you're certifiably insane i'm leaving i'm leaving i'm gonna go club the toilet again yeah whatever you want whatever joke you wanna crack right now crack it crack it crack it go ahead and keep cracking jokes like you crack the chair um really we could keep cracking jokes okay uh i don't really have any jokes but you cheat yourself twice bro that's not a joke that's just a damn shame and now every underwear company doesn't want to work with you or potentially you may have a new sponsor depends nicardo gabadabo says it all depends on what i eat today because i shat myself twice you know if you fall on your back have you ever seen a turtle on his back when it falls to work that'll can you please be quiet i just want to eat no one's no one likes your jokes anymore well and i still like them they're pretty good i'm turning this off bye but nick you should make one somewhere back at all and so there's a even playing field it's always been funny that olin always makes these jokes and they seem to be the same size it's like a short person looking at another short person be like oh okay michael jordan why don't you dunk that it's like you're five one what the hell [Music] and that is how the video ends never seen that before where you take the camera away from him and your partner's like thug life what a video that was i would say that was trailer trash but that would be offensive to anyone living in a trailer there's two things that i know that are going to happen with the situation the first one is that nick and olin will never be happy continuously pumping out content like this the second thing will be that the audience will grow tired if they keep doing the same thing and all in the nick are smart enough to know that so they have to keep escalating the situation that's why it keeps growing and growing and growing so that they can get more views and people can still sustain that shock value once it's gone it's over i don't want this for these two people so i wish and i do hope that they can find content that they love without compromising their situation commentary channels stating their opinion no no nicocado avocado doing a jean-claude van damme on his husband orlan good job you know what they say once you throw dignity out the window you can do anything but hey that's what we're here for anyway that's the video you guys one of the things i like to do is be somewhat honest i had a very very tough week dealing with anxiety and sometimes i get scared that what i'm doing is not good enough to be on the platform i just wanted to say that get it out in the open i feel better now and i remember why i love doing this [ __ ] every time i turn the camera on it reminds me of why i love doing what i do so i just thank you guys once again subscribe if you're new here lead us out i just pooped i pooped i just pooped oh my god you know i'm playing trying to get past all of my temptations i
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 257,390
Rating: 4.9697614 out of 5
Keywords: nikocado avocado, nikocado, nikocado meltdown, nikocado mukbang, nikocado orlin, nikocado fighting with his boyfriend compilation, nikocado fight, nikocado avocado breakdown, nikocado breaking up, nikocado cringe, nick and orlin, nick and orlin fight compilation, nick and orlin before and after, mukbang, mukbang cringe, mukbang asmr, cringe, funny, satire, commentary, sixteenleo
Id: GIAtlnLq0TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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