KATERINO's Horrible Apology to Call Me Carson (and FITZ)

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okay Torino you would never ever cheat ever he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the sadboys club have you been wronged by someone someone you love shed your feelings with gave you a heart away and then I forgot what I was saying and then had your heart broken time and time again well let me fix you a drink I was lying a fixing me a drink this is a young lean what's up guys I'm sixteen leo and this is a dark timeline we're living in but 1 million for the end of the ghetto you know maybe I don't know subscribe anyway oddly enough sad boys are not the topic of the conversation today today we're gonna talk about call me Carson's ex-girlfriend Katarina not too long ago she did an apology video if you didn't know the story you're not really alone I don't really know what's going on in the outside world usually I do know call me Carson I just didn't know listen he had a girlfriend or so he thought who recently came out and said she had been banging his best friend Fitz or your close friend or whatever not anymore and also four other guys probably so and a lot of drama channels have covered this in its entirety I don't want to go over that too much I just want to look at the apology video because I don't know if it's too good alright let's listen in I'm sorry this took so long to come out I was processing things and thinking things through and this is my first time going through something like this and I wanted to go about it as best as I possibly could and I want to be honest yeah honesty Oh sad boy policy number one be honest if you ain't gonna be honest you're honest because let's go don't play me that definitely is a ring to it better late than never right Oh honesty is the best policy I don't know why you wouldn't start with it but all right carry on my relationship with Carson was very complicated I had a boyfriend at the time waiting at the time boyfriend at the time maybe this is one of them you two are relationships look the thing is as long as he knew about it that's kind of fine and neither Carson nor my boyfriend at the time know about each other [Music] [Music] well now that's that's cheating that's that's what that's what they call that on a test it's pretty bad on a person oh my god can I just say something this is this might be a little tangent but you know what the internet is made for cheating isn't it isn't it you just all you got to do is go and tend to swipe a couple rights you send your dick pics to everyone you know Gloria take a [ __ ] Janice taken a listen nope no no no no no not you it's just the place for it man I guarantee some of you will relate to it go on Instagram go go on your Instagram you scroll down a couple lines you'll see a post from puberty hitting you up with a meme that's so relatable and it's always about either a goal or guy doing it wrong it's like always like the guy side chick or the goal smashes or leaves you on scene or go shoot whatever bro this is just like the norm in 2020 smack people be smashing with a passion that's what I'm trying to say do you know what the thing is that's okay there's nothing wrong with that that's best bollo the problem is when you're not open about it if you're committed in a relationship you shouldn't be smashing other people if you say you're single and you make that clear to everyone around you that's kind of what being single is as far as I know so I'm okay and while I was clear with Carson that Carson and I were not in a relationship I still led him on and ended up hurting Carson and my boyfriend at the time very badly in the process then now seeing a therapist and although I didn't realize it at the time I was dealing a lot with depersonalization nope nope nope no no well it's crazy man you're Hong Kong and you got Africa exactly no if you didn't claim it before don't claim it now this is this is always the bane of an apology I'm not saying she doesn't have depersonalization maybe you do but bringing it up at a time like this is always weird like I talked about depression it's always gonna be there I'm not gonna pull out the stops one day and be like huh it's cuz recently I've been sad it's like no it's been a part of me my whole life and for Katarina to use that as an excuse that is a bad apology that's bad that's Michael Jackson bad but that was good your bad luck O'Neal Shaquille Kazan bad that's bad and I felt like I was two different people living two different lives I feel like a passenger in my own body this kind of reminds me of the Tricia one oh that's not me that's angry Tricia this is the same she just a reworded repackaged that I'm pretty sure he repackaged that she's like ah Carson that wasn't me in your best friend Dawson it was probably a different person it was me but it didn't feel like me in fact you should be sorry for not pleasing both of us come on now come on I call hax cats I called it I ignored very conflicting feelings and dots and it was very lost and confused girl that's just life what do you tell you just explain life lost and confused you don't know what you want nobody knows what they're doing do you think okay well I'll tell you personally good could Katrina Kat Kelly yeah Catrin Katarina I don't know what the hell I'm doing but I'm okay with it at least I let people know I'm now here trying to hustle people you should have been like Carson the same fine dining this is a McDonald's everyone rolls through you know well maybe not the best Tom she had a couple customers I didn't know what I wanted or what was important to me this was when I got involved Fitz and I handled it very similarly to how I handled previous things I depersonalized a lot and was very lost and confused and didn't know what I wanted and made a lot of bad decisions because of that if I don't know if you can do that I don't know if you can say that if you can then I depersonalized out of every relationship then oh I'm sorry girl it's thought that I wasn't listening to you I just depersonalized back to GTA hey I'm not trying to make light of that at all I'm just saying that's a that's such an out for a horrible thing if you did it once I might have even believed you five guys that's the restaurant isn't it you did a whole restaurant also also please not trying to slut-shame this person at all cuz she's going through a hard time don't don't be doing that she's obviously got a couple issues that she needs to deal with in it who doesn't hurt both him and Carson and their friendship as well yeah that's the worst part isn't that's where the classic same comes from bros before Homo Sapien life goal forms of life goal my uncle used to say that I reckon I remember a story back in high school my friend and my other friend were both trying to get this girl to prom and one of them asked and she said no to one of them and the other one wanted to take her and instead of just asking her out which he completely had the right to he went and asked my friend is it okay if I try they were like yeah and they adapt each other up and he got through it was great I mean that's how friendship is you know you never hit up your friend's goal I'm not even talking to : Klondike Club Katarina it's not a hot name I'm just stupid I'm not even talking about who I'm talking about it's cuz she put the offer on the table and your boy foots he was like yes I'll have some of that again another story some of my I'm friends with a lot of my guy friends girlfriends they're cool there is not a chance in bloody hell that I would ever ever make a move on him even even if they did and they would never do that it's not even a question it doesn't even cross your mind if you're like real friends with someone that's the problem with the Internet you don't make real friends off the time you make people who probably cross you up later on that's the issue I wish we can find more genuine people where are they I don't know Danny's sad thing now is that this whole dynamic between Carson and flits which dates predates ho it's kind of now ruined all because of someone who she might have done this for the club I'm not saying she did but I'm saying it's kind of looking that way in the future I want to be better I'm working through my depersonalization and I want to live my life more openly and honestly do you think that's true when people say this stuff cuz I believe J station he was like yo man guys guys I'm sorry man I'm gonna um I never don't know when I'm coming back to YouTube a week later he's like guys um J I know that's not you're probably not J station you seem to have hair on your head that's a big difference I don't know whether to believe you or not like I don't know if this is you saying you're sorry for being sorry I'm sorry that you got caught because by all accounts it sounds like you're just saying sorry I got caught I'm still seeing my therapist which person do you feel like when you're at the therapist I mean sorry I'm just calling like I see a girl and more than anything I want to be honest with myself which is something that I've struggled with a lot okay all right no that's that's a fair point it's not easy to come to terms with your vices in your your problems being a compulsive liar is a thing and being the alcohol being the stat that's a thing it's everyone's got their problems and I guess hers might be the fact that she she lies about things or she's afraid to commit or something there's something in there but yes I mean if you want to walk on it and you want to get better by all means take time and get better you in a way you've soiled your reputation I'm not saying you compal the back there's always Redemption and I believe in that you know how they say that saying they're like once a cheater always a cheater I don't believe that I genuinely don't and this is coming from someone who very possibly cheated on so I don't think that's true I think people can change and I believe in them as much as everyone's hating on the skull I you got to give everyone that sload of hope so you know hopefully she makes it and turns into a better person I'm sure we'd all support that and I'm sorry to everyone I'm sorry to my community and anyone that I've disappointed or let down I'm sorry to Carson's community I'm sorry a Fitz's community and anyone else's community was affected by this be sorry to caution not his community what Paul intensive purposes in this relationship we don't exist which is coming in now to explain that what you did is wrong this is not between Carson's community in you it's between you and him this is just standing up for the homies is what they're doing if you treated him right nobody would have a problem so don't apologize to us apologize to him he's the one you thought sorry to tempo I'm sorry to Fitz for hurting his image and his friendship with Carson you don't have to be sorry to him he should be sorry to everyone else he has his own problem he back stabs friends you gotta learn to not to do that and I'll tell you why Fitz I will tell you why there's simple reason you won't have any friends at the end of the day and I can guarantee you on my life no amount of money will buy you friends there's and I promise you that money does not buy friends so you might want to change that attitude dude dude I just done it's a country like halfway through every video I like the voice that's why I'm sorry to my ex-boyfriend for handling our relationship so poorly he's very much a victim in this and Carson who was also a victim in this and deserved a lot better I don't expect anyone to forgive me but I hope that this at least can provide some understanding good good good good nobody's forgiving you good but what you said is important you you're not right now you shouldn't even seek forgiveness seek help get it turn into a better person people will learn to forgive over time once you do something you can never immediately ask for someone's forgiveness you have to prove to them that you deserve it and this is your Redemption now you you gotta go and walk yourself out and in twenty twenty people are not always eager to get into relationships I think it's fine to go around and banging and smash whoever you want as long as you let them know you gotta let them know the circumstance this this is how Drake song start this goal is how Drake song stop kind of racist so thank you no no no well what I mean to say is that it's people like that fit Drake's things about when he's all he's a sad boy when he gets into a sad boy motion and he's in Marvin's Room singing about [ __ ] on my old phone that's what this is it's people who have done you wrong when you when you didn't deserve it and that is the Internet's issue with this goal call me cos and I know means deserve this and you happen to give it to him and not only that with his best friend so that's that's a dead salt to the wounds that's a so young type wound okay like I said I I think Cara Catalina is your name got a Reno if you're watching this by some miracle you know I do support that get help and you build your road back up to redemption you you can do it you can do it yeah people make mistakes in life not ideal mistake to make it's also not the end of the world as I just watched a video today of call me Carson he's back he he'll be back and better than ever he's every all of his fans know he's the man he's the men Fitz I don't really know much about him he he's probably doing fine as well people will get back to their lives and so will you as long as you learn to change your ways because at the end of the day is not about us you're gonna ruin every relationship you ever have if you if this keeps up and I don't think you want that I don't think anyone does so best of luck to you actually I hope you find the help you need I just thought I'd take the liberty of actually checking out one of these twitch thingies because I'm I'm not I'm not very well versed with twitch I'll be honest with you I just wanted to see what it is she does because I don't I don't know I'm moving I'm moving in like two minutes this is what touches you bend down and scream I could do that I'm so sorry one boob not to there's only one I watch you because you have one uniboob Kate thank you found it yep alright I thought so it's the guys huh The Simpsons huh what in the Lord's name is going on what a nick Crompton's name is going on seriously what is this huh this is pg-13 ripped off I don't know what that was I don't want to see it again in my life stop holy Sh I'm watching it okay oh my god watch this you get money for that do you get money what you doing twitch what you doing twitch I could I could somersault I don't even get paid to do that I just do that what you need what you need you want me to scream while I've been in my head I do that in the shower everyday what do you want what do you want just tell me what you want I'll do it for the money up to it this girl said watch this and did a somersault onto the bed Jesus has left the chat something fatty yeah well the point is you think it's your hamster but then it turns out it's your brother it's her brother so brother one of the five people mm-hmm-hmm sounds like a plan I don't know about this my bad mother I fully stopped it at the wrong point my bad my bad my bad sorry my bad keep my desk is a mess yeah you said it I don't want to be a sad boy anymore that should have happened that should have definitely torn off the first time I don't want to be a sad boy anymore I want to be a happy man I'm gonna find my love another Drake song anyway that was a real quick video on the situation please let me know in the comments if you like this I think in between the big segments I'll be posting shorter ones every now and again so that you guys have enough content you guys a hungry big fat babies man every time I make a video like the next day you like when's the next one I got you I got you so I hope you do like this I hope you guys are keeping safe colino bubble I hope you're keeping safe too please take care of yourselves guys and I will see you very very soon thoughts on cheating if you have a beautiful face then it's like great you also some beautiful tits guys [Music]
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 254,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call me carson, callmecarson, callmecarsonlive, callmecarsonstream, callmecarson katerino, callmecarson fitz, callmecarson drama, katerino, stream, twitch, katerino an update, katerino exposed, katerino lied, scarce, kavos, drama alert, optimus
Id: GXGdb9120v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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