Girl Goes From White to Black... (Bro Why?)

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have you heard of this guy called michael jackson apparently one of the greatest greatest basketball players of all time that's why they called him mj he sang a song called black or white ironically this dude also turned from black to white it's like how did how did he know he's like a mayan magician right why are you laughing well apparently this michael jackson fellow should have done a sequel called white or black because uh there is a woman who has done exactly that not only her skin color but her whole race she went from white to black hi i'm 16 leo and we are back with another episode of bro why so we're watching youtube we saw this girl who was on a show called hooked on the look instantly i was like wow i just haven't really seen someone who was white and was like um i like being harassed by the cops like today i wanted to just take a look at that video i've only watched this much so most of this is going in blind most of the people watching this are big babies but if you're not and want to become a big babies all you have to do is hit subscribe and i'll smack you on the ass i'm joking i would never do that also while you have time follow me on instagram at 16 leo underscore and that way you can see pictures of my face thank you all right let's go yeah still some people say you will never be black salute i like the contrast between light jewelry and black martina big is no stranger to a spot of controversial body modification maybe i missed over the fact she had two fun bags what the hell those are so big bro if she gets in a car her airbags feel protected this is unbelievable two watermelons ah how do you walk around with it her back must be like broken constantly jesus my first body modification procedures started in spring 2012. i had a renal plastic she really goes high with those i the sound guy must be having that hottest day of his life spring 2012 i want to create a extreme version of barbie and the past it was a blonde barbie with white skin but now it's a extreme exotic vibe but it was her latest tanning injections that acted as the catalyst for her most dramatic change to date what the [ __ ] oh [Music] how do you make acorn look light skin what i i come from africa there is nobody who looks like that that looks like some really really bad 1930s cartoon is what that looks like started i only want to have more sun color like holiday color where did you go for holiday martina the sun why do you look like you got scorched the doctor did three injections in january last year this looks like an unlockable character in mortal kombat is what this looks that's what it is gosh but not only my skin color changed also my eyebrow color changed my eye color self changed my regrowing hair got darker and also now you can see it's growing curly like the african little you telling me she got waves from three injections i i don't believe that though what the only thing that didn't change is the way you talk i was half expecting you to come out like yo what it is my name martina i'm from crenshaw she i'm right here yeah west saeed how stereotypical do you want to get martino ah but that's the thing she's not even trying to be african-american she's trying to be african-african like the hey hey he's trying to be like that i'm just saying you gotta you gotta do a little more than look the pot girl i think i'm changing my race [Music] yes you heard right martina big has not just changed her skin tone she's also now apparently changing her race touched well done actually didn't think she was actually going to take me up on that and go to africa and live amongst the tribal people okay i can admit when i'm wrong damn good one martina i fear that i'm plagued describe myself as african woman proud african woman together i'm just carrying the water to the village she's just in africa carrying water now how did she even find this tribe where where do you google do the tribes have websites now they come visit our tribe where how did she find this place did she just parachute from africa because i don't think she could parachute with those boobs just for the record people from africa i can almost guarantee wouldn't care if they saw her pretty sure she'd be accepted easily if she wants to this is no problem it just looks weird since her latest transformation martine has been on a voyage of discovery to immerse herself into her new and adopted african culture tommy just doesn't look like a sims character like they randomized the sh they went from the scale of so white that you look like a ghost to so black you look like literally someone's shadow oh my god this looks like a cut scene from from saints row or something unbelievable martina's boyfriend michael has been a constant source of support and encouragement i was so fascinated and then latina was the classic plant beautiful barbie this is michael and right now he looks like uncle full rest in peace hey man he loves her and it's kind of cute honestly that this man loves her despite her changing her skin color and pretty much her race it's it shows how much he loves her for the inside and her big boobs apparently one of martina's latest fans is carol i saw her on facebook how she's now black and then i was much interested i would like to ask her why what made her to change the the color to be black because it's it's not normal for a white puzzle person to change the color martina pulled the biggest reverse card that's amazing normally white people they go to africa they study the people they study this that you have to be pretty damn hectic for a person from africa to be like what are you doing oh yeah it's like mine so to the left we have a black woman to the right we have some abomination that has mutated into a dark-skinned german i can't hate on this woman i can't this is a weird situation i don't really like cancer culture personally and normally people get offended for other people but here we have a woman who's being literally accepted by the people she wants to be with she just finessed the game she became so stereotypical that even the race she was trying to be is like come here come on i know you're trying call me can you imagine her traveling from any country and like giving them her passport and they look at it and they're like can someone get the manager i don't am am i color blind i don't know she could have been the greatest criminal ever she could commit a crime uh the last day she was white before she turned into this and people would never know they put up wanted posters they'd be like have you seen this white woman huge boobs people be like no but i've seen a black woman same size boobs but it doesn't look like the same person they have the same voice though same name same boyfriend but she but that one's black so you're very stupid you know that a lot of people say you can't never be black you're really open-hearted and concentrate yourself [Music] not only they look the change also the inner heart like it's beautiful but her own account all she wants to do is be black because it's beautiful nothing wrong with that i i agree but let's hear from her doctors i'm martina vic and i'm back again and now black last time i met doc every time i see those comparison pictures i just oh yeah this looks like top deck but it's one woman she looks like she has a face full of suit and it just never came off such a heavy transformation you couldn't just ease me into that it went from like one of the whitest people you knew to flavor flav in germany i was at the constellation for a butt implant we came off topic about turning and for a long time i wished me tender skin and the doctor gave me three injections in my belly the medicine started getting me tended from the first weeks every two weeks i had to change my makeup because much darker than in the course of time wow it's so fascinating you know what could have stopped this from happening if she had just one person of color as a friend just just a black friend hispanic friend an indian friend anything you know what i'm thinking of being black and her friend will be like hmm let me think about that no no and she'd be like why and you'd be like cuz nobody wanna see that i bought a rick black curly's no she looks like a weird el yankovic had one of the worst ideas in his career i don't want to choke i love the black skin and the black features and so we have to go for lip injections very often to keep up my african style no she didn't just say that she she said i got lip injections to keep up the african style this is not a style not all black people have big lips man oh god i know what has she been watching that made her do this are you okay can you handle this did you really are you this is real this is real there's actually you inject it it stimulates msh melanocyte stimulating hormone to increase melanin production from melanocytes these drugs are very dangerous have you had any side effects no side effects no but i love snoop dogg now side effects hell no but if i needed to go to a doctor it would be dre sometimes i say she instead of [ __ ] is that is that a she i'm sorry it just comes out every now and again i'm sorry my bad this is the most stereotypical thing i've ever seen she saw something somewhere and she stereotyped the hell out of it to get this character that she's she's now becoming but i want to go again because i like it she said she wants to go again she wants to be darker than this how dark could you possibly be actually what happens when you get so dark like you know it's just like eyes the only thing you see is like eyes so whenever she's asleep it's like she's not there oh can you imagine pulling her down and the windows are tinted in your car do you know how freaked out the cop would be excuse me ma'am roll down your windows please and she rolls it down and the guy's like what the [ __ ] where is she and she's been there the whole time she's that dark that the tint and her the same color it's like a comedy gold mine i don't so do you plan on staying this color do you like this you want to be this way for the rest of your life yeah that's why i'm here for changing my nose a little bit right a little bit like this but this is too much my nose is um not really matching to my african look my nose should be look like this african albeit unintentional that is one of the most things i've heard no african people don't all have this that's that's not true at all come on i mean this woman wants to blend in with the crowd which is fine but she's forgetting that she has two airbags in the front of her chest and she wants to make them bigger and i know a word that rhymes with bigger that she still can't say because she's not really black are you guys married no we are still preparing do you guys plan on having children a lot of people because the people are talk will the children white or blackened martina michael let me tell you something no matter what color your skin is right now your dna your chromosomes are not dark that was one of the most profound things you could ever hear a doctor say especially on botched and he didn't even mean it like that he was like no matter what your dna our dna is all the same but your kids are gonna think you are weird have you ever seen a kid adopt black parents no [ __ ] realize i'm mr dr botched watch me on tv every whenever the hell i'm on tv yeah we'll examine your skin will examine your nose and we'll go from there that's a good idea so all of these moles michael they've gotten darker so michael actually also had the injections i'm trying not to make a joke about his rotunda size but i genuinely think that the injections didn't get as far because there's more of him to cover maybe that's why he's not as dark yes okay so they did become darker damn dude it's black bro it just didn't reach his face yeah it's black from the face down except one appendage uh sorry about that let me just take a quick peek septum is straight all right this dude's just shotless while they're doing this he's just gonna stand there shirtless oh she is a very good lady and i like black people and it's a black beauty damn bro you guys you all got gems in this country sorry about that i'm sorry let me get back to your black wife what's interesting is you did have an over again [Music] could they not give him a shot it kind of takes away from this whole scene you got this his nipples are like frowning they just your wife got some boobs done did you wow listen ma'am you have a deep tv oh michael why don't you put a shirt on but now i wanted to see what the news outlets have to say if you think i'm even close to savage these people are sauvage most of them are like british so why do you want to be so brawn martina for a long time i want to have a crispy frown-tended holiday skin yeah how how pale is your your natural skin i think we've got a picture here let's have a look at uh martina before and after here but do you not like that do you not like that girl yeah i like it but i love to tune my body so what you think you've got better looking yeah she's doing what she likes that's a really underrated thing in this day and age it is really underrated to be like yo i want to be black and have the biggest boobs ever and just do it you know that people are going to come out and say stuff you're just like also my boyfriend is also black he's actually trying to be like uncle phil i gotta give it to her man that's an underrated aspect of her game what size is your bust now this was 32 d yeah now i have 20 ds behind other 32 22 these or super sights as an exercise i say in british size is 32 s and british eyes it's called my golly gosh what big knock does you have hey uncomfortable can you can we stand up right and you can balance there okay everything right oh yes okay high heels you're gonna tip over just hold on to me okay are they implants [Music] this dude just be staring at a booze on national television you know how they say keep your eyes on the ball he did it this whole segment he was like [Music] my wife's got ayles all right i busted a nut you think you look more beautiful yeah do you think the general public thinks you look more beautiful does she care what the general public thinks does she need to my guess is no because she's not really hurting anyone i really don't think she's actually trying to offend anybody's culture unconventional to say the least but she's making a conservative effort to actually learn about culture especially you know african culture food customs traditions she's also not using it to get fame she just happens to have people looking at her like wow this is oddly a triumphant story somehow and how beautiful do you think martinez i like martinez look very much and hi how beautiful do you think martinez yeah that's how they used to look bro that's love when you can literally change your race for a woman find you a man that changes his race for you he he stuck with her through everything and she stuck with him because this man has quadruple doubled in size my god i mean you know he's still a very beautiful lovely guy but they like focus on the outside they just want to be how they are they love each other for the inside you gotta love it i'm i'm rooting for these two people we just want to tell people that martine is white um just in case you think you're looking at a black person she is white we just want to tell you that martina is white just in case you're thinking she's not she's white there's no black person who's looking at this like is she no controversial aspect here because you know we interview people all the time who want to change their appearance people who see their yeah she looks like she's cosplaying as oprah oh my god just tell her to stop hey martina have you ever seen the movie get out which one did you identify as both so after 10 years in several cosmetic surgeries martina transformed her looks into this [Applause] six months ago martina made worldwide headlines [Music] look at this dude he he doesn't even know what's going to happen next his mouth is he's like just wait till maury tells him that she's also black martina now considers herself a black woman here's her story [Applause] her story [Applause] there we go this guy's like oh [ __ ] welcome martina big [Applause] martina i love this crowd man this is what maury does every time he brings out someone so outlandish that black and white people in the crowd unite to hate on whoever the hell he brings out i love it this generally actually in the middle of january i got three injections in the belly and after the first week you can see going darker darker and darker but this dude's mouth is still open he hasn't closed it the whole time this dude got locked jaw open after the show they're gonna interview him he'll be like oh [Music] do you think you're a black person yep [Applause] [Music] you just set her up for that one you knew the crowd was gonna be like oh you knew that [ __ ] i don't want to attack them it's not my intention to attack somebody and it's not it's not a media attention stuff it's um i feel it for myself i do it for myself i only talk to people who want to talk with me about it you know as fun as this crowd is that last thing is fun as it is to have people go oh and stuff there's a very much a big underlying issue with that it's that at the end of this whole thing she explained her intention was never to hurt anybody and believe it or not martina big also changed her name her name is now malika kubwa that no that's her name i went to a youtube channel that's that's her name she changed it this lady is really loving the pot she's not trying to be african-american or bring down the african-american experience she's talking about african african baby uh and that is a whole different experience and as you can see the people from africa are more than accepting offer maybe she didn't mean to be a scapegoat for this whole 2020 cancel culture she's a prime example of other people being offended over her when the people she's really trying to be with are quite accepting she's got a loving husband who literally changed his race for her she went to the motherland to learn about the culture and nobody down there is judging her so maybe we shouldn't either and this was another episode of bro why uh thank you so much for watching the video till the end i really do appreciate it i will be back very soon with another episode until then me and fluffs are out this is 16 leo signing out telling you to get some fake boobs and a tan but don't come crying to me when people say oh we found the newest [Music] alien
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 349,589
Rating: 4.9410977 out of 5
Keywords: cringe, cringey, cringe compilation, cringe girl, cringey woman, hooked on the look, girl changes color, wth, crazy, funny, stupid, sixteenleo, critikal, cody ko, bro why
Id: 2DfN2Flhqz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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